


面试英文词汇 篇1






1.education 2.major 3.minor 4.rewards 5.scholarship

6.excellent leader 7.semester term 8.pass 9.degree

10.maeter 11.bachelor 12.student

面试英文词汇 篇2


词汇附带习得这一概念最早是由Nagy, Herman和Anderson在研究儿童母语词汇习得的基础上提出的。研究者普遍认为, 词汇附带习得是相对于词汇的有意学习而言的。有意学习指学习者刻意的背记单词, 例如通过背词汇表或做词汇练习来记单词;而词汇附带习得是指学习者在完成其他任务时, 如阅读文章、听听力材料时, 注意力集中在语言的其他方面, 尤其是语言所传递的信息上的间接的词汇学习[1]。与刻意的词汇学习相比, 词汇附带习得具有下列优势:“一是词汇习得是在语境中进行的, 能够使学习者对词汇的用法和意义理解得更深刻;二是词汇习得效率会更高;三是词汇学习个性化, 因为习得的词汇取决于学习者所选择的语言材料。”[2]近年来, 随着多媒体和网络技术在语言教学中的广泛应用, 英文影视教学逐渐受到人们的重视, 并被认为是促进词汇学习的一种新途径。


1. 对语言形式的注意

注意是对输入信息进行加工存储的前提条件, 只有被注意到的信息才有可能被进一步加工, 进而存储到短时及长时记忆里。注意具有以下基本特性:注意是受限制的, 即注意力的有限性;注意是选择性的, 注意的选择性是其有限性的必然结果, 即人类有限的注意必须有选择性地分配给相关信息;注意在一定程度上受人的主观能动性的控制[3]。就语言输入而言, 学习者需要给予语言形式一定的注意才能成功地习得该语言形式。众所周知, 影视教学是通过观看欣赏影视作品进行的一种学习活动。影视作品生动形象, 融知识性、趣味性和娱乐性为一体, 涉及声音、图像、文字和动画等多种模态的调用, 能够向学生呈现真实的语境和语言交际活动。观看影视作品一方面能够吸引学习者的注意力, 增加语言输入被注意、理解和内化的机会, 有助于学习;但是另一方面, 一些学习者也可能仅仅关注影片的故事情节而忽略语言学习这一目的。如果学习者注意不到生词, 或者采取忽略策略, 他们就很难习得生词。

2. 词汇量

学习者的词汇量是影响词汇附带习得的另一个关键因素。要附带地习得生词, 学习者往往需要根据语境来猜测出生词词义, 而准确的猜测是以一定的词汇量为基础的。要在不借助词典等的帮助下真正听懂和理解电影, 学习者需要认识6000~7000个词族[4]。在我国, 大部分学生的词汇量约为2000个单词左右, 远低于基本完成交际任务所需的词汇临界水平 (约为3000个词族, 相当于5000个词汇项) 。如果观看影片过程中没有中英文字幕, 学习者要理解真实语料并且成功习得其中的生词必然会存在很大的困难。

3. 听力理解能力

听力理解能力是由一系列复杂的语言和认知等技能构成的听觉信息加工能力。学习者的语言水平、听音辨音能力、对所听语言材料背景知识的了解以及听力技能等都会影响听力理解的好坏。此外, 影片中主人公讲话语速如果太快也会导致学生理解速度跟不上。一般来讲, 听力水平高的学生从影视欣赏中附带习得的词汇会比听力水平低的学生多。

4. 任务投入量

对于不同的学习任务和目的, 学习者付出的努力是不一样的, 可用“投入量”来表示。记忆生词在很大程度上受到加工生词时的投入量的影响, 投入量可以从三个心理过程进行量化, 即“需要”、“搜寻”和“评估”[1]。“需要”是指为了意义理解去弄懂词义的需求;“搜寻”是指通过词典或教师查找不认识的单词的意思或者为表达某个概念而试着找到对应的二语单词;“评估”则包括对所给的单词和其他词的比较, 一个单词的具体词义和其他意义的比较, 或者把一个词与其他词结合判定该词是否符合语境等。研究表明, 学习者在任务中的投入量越大, 词汇附带习得效果会越好。


1. 选择合适的影视材料

英文影视作品作为一门艺术, 是基于生活或以现实生活为原型的再创造。观看英文影视剧对学生了解西方国家的政治、经济、历史、文化以及人们社会生活的各个方面能够起到积极的作用。电影中的台词对白中常常出现英语为本族语者日常生活中经常使用的句型、词汇以及新的流行语, 所以往往比现成的教科书更能够及时、准确地传播以英语为母语的人群的表达习惯, 在一定程度上弥补了教材时效相对滞后和表达生硬的缺点。学习者在欣赏影视作品的同时, 自然而然地接触到比较地道、鲜活、简单实用的表达方式, 从而有助于他们记忆和掌握, 有助于他们在遇到类似的交际时直接提取和应用。但是, 影视作品中也不乏一些内容粗俗低劣不适宜用作语言学习材料的。因此, 要促进词汇附带习得的发生, 教师应根据学生的实际情况, 选择发音较为清晰、语言难度适中、符合学生学习兴趣和教学要求的影视作品。

2. 扩大学生的词汇量

英语词汇数量众多, 词汇文化内涵丰富, 一词多义现象普遍, 而且词汇搭配灵活多样。要理解和掌握英语词汇的意义和用法需要学习者注意词汇在不同场合的运用, 同时需要学习者付出很大的努力。在平时的词汇学习中, 学生必须把重点放在需要重点掌握的词汇上, 特别是高频词的牢固掌握上。这是因为高频词所占的数量很少, 大约为2000~3000个词族。但高频词的复现率高, 构成日常会话和书面语篇的80%, 在语篇中有较强的搭配和联结能力, 而且常常可以用来定义或替换其他词, 是语言理解和表达所需的最基本的词汇, 同时也是加快附带习得其他词汇效率的前提和基础。为了提高从影视教学中习得词汇的效率, 教师在播放影片前可对一些较难的以及比较重要的词汇和口语表达法进行讲解, 这样有利于学生在观看影片时把精力集中在内容的理解和文化认知上, 并在欣赏影片情节的同时激活这些词汇, 从而更好地掌握和巩固词汇。此外, 教师也要鼓励学生多听、多记, 并且采取多种方式, 如归类法、情境法、理解记忆法、联想记忆法, 以及利用构词知识来扩大自己的词汇量, 从而增强语言理解和记忆能力。

3. 设计多种形式的输出任务

词汇学习是逐步积累的长期过程, 多次的接触对词汇的成功习得非常重要。一个单词要在不同的语境下出现5~16次, 学习者才有可能记住[5]。但是语言的掌握不仅仅在于能够看懂和听懂语言信息所表达的意义, 还在于能够准确流利地输出, 即熟练地运用语言来表达自己的思想和情感。输出能够使学习者意识到自己所能表达的与需要表达的之间的差距, 能够提高学习者二语的流利程度和准确性, 对交际能力的发展作用不可低估。为了提高学生在影视教学中的词汇学习效果, 教师可根据影视材料构建问题情境, 并且设计多种形式的活动, 如观看完影片片段后, 教师可列出其中出现的关键词组和口语表达, 让学生根据词语提示来复述影片内容, 或者多次观看同一片段后进行对白模仿或者背诵。这样既可以提高学生对视听材料的理解能力, 也能锻炼学生的口语表达能力。教师还可采用翻译、搭配、填空、对话以及角色扮演等来帮助学生巩固所学词汇。

英文影视教学能够创建真实的语言学习环境, 对促进学生词汇学习兴趣和学习效果有着积极的作用。但是, 教师和学生也要充分认识到, 从观看英文影视作品中成功习得词汇需要一定的词汇量为前提, 需要学习者有意识的注意, 需要多次的接触和语言实践活动。


[1]Laufer, B.and Hulstijn, J.2001.Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language:the construct of task-induced involvement.Applied Linguistics, 22 (1) .

[2]Huckin, T.and J.Coady.Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language:A review[J].Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1999 (21) .

[3]Schmidt, R.Attention[A].Peter Robinson (Ed.) Cognition and Second Language Instruction[C].World Publishing Corporation, 2007.

[4]Nation, I.S.P.How large a vocabulary is needed for reading and listening?[J].The Canadian Modern Language Review, 2006 (63) .

面试英文词汇 篇3

如果信件不是邮寄,而是托人转交,可在信封的左下角写上Kindness of...(受托人的姓名)或By courtesy of...(受托人的姓名)或By favour of...(受托人的姓名)。以上这些字样都等于中文的“敬烦某某转交”。

如果是介绍信,由被介绍人面交,可在信封左上角写上Introducing Mr. (Mrs., Miss, etc.)(姓名)或To introduce...(姓名)或Recommending...(姓名)。以上这些字样等于中文中的“兹介绍某人……”。

在信封的左下角可以写上信件的性质,如Personal或Confidential或Private,这些字样等于中文的“亲启”或“绝密”。如果需要还可以注明Immediate或 Urgent或Rush,这些字样等于中文的“急件”。视需要也可以注明Attention of... ,等于中文的“请某人拆阅”或“请某人处理”。


写在信封左上角 “A”的位置的字样,如:

→If undelivered, please return to(无法投递,退回原处)

→After 10 days, please return to(十天后请寄回)

→Return Postage Guaranteed(回信邮资已付)

→Via San Francisco(经由旧金山)

→By airmail to San Francisco, by train to Hong Kong.



→Printed Matter(印刷品) →Sample(样品)

→Sample of No Value(无价值的样品)

→With Compliments(赠品)

→Photo Only(内有像片,请勿折叠)


→Via Airmail; By Airmail; Par Avion(航空)


→Introducing Mr...(兹介绍……先生)

→Kindness of Mr...(敬烦……先生转交)

→Per favor of Mr...(敬烦……先生转交)

→Private(亲启) →Personal(私函)


→Registered (Reg., Regd.)(挂号)

→Urgent(急件) →Immediate(急件)


→Care of (c/o)(请……转交)

四化Four Modernizations

中国电信China Telecom

中国移动China Mobile

希望工程Project Hope

扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project

外出打工人员migrant workers

外资企业overseas-funded enterprises

下岗职工laid-off workers

素质教育education for all-round development

应试教育exam-oriented education

义务教育compulsory education

豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects

西部大开发Development of the West Regions, Go-West Campaign

新新人类New Human Being, X Generation

充电recharge one's batteries; update one's knowledge

早恋puppy love

网吧Internet bar

网民netizen, net citizen

网恋online love affair

网友net friend

网上冲浪surf the Internet

菜鸟,新手green hand

摇钱树cash cow

大专生junior college student

面试英文词汇 篇4

【英国留学生就业前景】英文面试自我介绍 英文面试自我介绍范文



I’m very glad to join in the interviw.First,let me introduce myself to you.My name is xxx,I’m 20 years old,I come from Zhe Jiang,and I’m an outgoing girl,I like philosophy and sport.Oh yes,I hope that I can do something for the Beijing Olympics.If you give me the great chance,I won’t let you disappoint.Ok,that’s all.I hope that you are satisfied with me,thank you!各位领导,给位招聘官,大家好!很高兴能参加这次面试,首先让我做个自我介绍,我叫xxx,今年20岁,来自浙江,曾经做过网管的工作,学到了很多东西。我是一个很活泼开朗的女孩,喜欢哲学和运动。这次北京举办奥运会,我很希望能做点什么,如果贵公司给我这个机会,我想我不会让你失望的。简单介绍到这,希望能我今天的表现能令您满意,谢谢!


How are you, I call XX.This year is 22 years old.Graduate from XXXX college.The profession is a calculator multimedia.I am one is bright, optimism, there is the person of responsibility.A fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, 海归求职网()-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

etc..Thankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!你好,我叫XX。今年22岁。毕业于XXXX学院。专业是计算机多媒体。我是一个开朗,乐观,有责任心的人。爱好打篮球,电脑,听音乐,等。感谢贵公司给我这次面试的机会!


Hello!I ’m XX ,I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.I’m 22 years old and in good health.After graduation from XXXXa middle school, I have studied IT for many years.I am a better man.Do well in personal responsibility ,I am good at both operating a PC,I like palying basketball.computer and listening to the music.I’m interested in the position.I want very much to be accepted by your company.I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company.面试英文自我介绍范文四:很高兴做自我介绍,我出生在辽宁,专业是国际贸易,毕业于南开大学,我的兴趣是音乐,读书,尤其是经济类的书。很荣幸应聘贵公司,希望能在贵公司实现我的梦想,希望能给我一次机会,谢谢。


I am very happy to introduce myself here.I was born in Liaoning Province.I graduated from Nankai University and majored in International Trade.I like music and reaing books,especially economical books.It is my honor to apply this job.I 海归求职网()-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

hope I can realise my dream in our company.Please give me a chance.Thank you very much.我很高兴在这里做自我介绍,我是辽宁省出生的,毕业于南开大学,主修国际贸易。我喜欢音乐和读书,尤其是经济类的书。申请这项工作是我的荣幸。我希望我能在我们公司实现我的梦想,请给我一次机会,谢谢。

看过以上的 英文面试自我介绍范文 之后,大家赶紧学起来吧。

检具英文词汇总结 篇5

线切割 Wire cutters 磨床 grinder 铣床 milling machine 车床 lathe 钻床 drill press 刨床 planer 锯床 saw 三坐标测量机


零件: 销

pin 销子

dowel 插销

stab pin 止通规

Go/no Go pins 夹钳

clamp 衬套





metallic clip 百分表

dial indicator

= comparator = caliber 打表点

dial point 磁铁 magnet


feeler 吊环

lift rings


handle / grip/hand knobs 垫片

shim 螺钉 screw 螺纹 screw thread 导轨

guide rail 滑块slide block 小车 movable table /cart

热处理Heat treatment:

调质 aging

发黑nigrescence blackening 阳极氧化 anodic oxidation





math data 3围

dimension(3 D)

淬火quench 镀铬 chromeplate




定位面 net pads/ support surface/ locating surface 定位点 RPS points 模拟块

mask / module block 平齐面

Flushness 支撑面

support surface 检测块: Checking block 坐标系

coordinate system 校准

calibrate 孔位 position of pins 法线

normal 观察孔

sight hole 倒角


chamfering 斜角 chamfer angle 马蹄形



conflictive /interference 菱形

diamond / lozenge 锥形

taper /

圆锥形的conical 椭圆形

ellipse /

长方形 oblong 环境件 Neighboring parts 插入 insert into

车内部零件 径

rip 板金



instrument panel(IP)


lid 副仪表板

console 门板

door panel(DP)白车身

body in white(BIW)C 柱

C Pillar 发动机罩



Top Cover foamed


milled CHO(injection substrate)整车测量样架

whole vehicle inspection frame samples 车顶饰顶decoration roof 天窗clerestory 挡风玻璃 windshield 仪表板骨架 framework of instrument panel 自动油管

automatic vitta 油箱oil box 车灯light of automobile 轮毂wheel /hub 仪表盘meter tray 保险防撞杆

collision bumper 仪表盘上饰板plaque in meter tray 焊接板筋Blackstraps jointing 衣帽架coatrack 导航饰框 decoration frame for navigation 方向盘steering wheel 测试工装 test accessorial tools 地毯carpet 各类管道conduit of every sort and kind 饰条decoration strip 脚踏板pedal 仪表台装饰板plaque in meter platform 气囊门铰链

airbag door gemel 外测出风口总成outer vent assembly 中间出风口总成mid vent assembly 气囊门支架

airbag door support 驾驶侧下挡板本体

drive side baffle(lower)boarding /carrier(载体)仪表盒骨架测量支架

instrument box CCB measurement support 手套箱总成 glove box assembly 转向柱上护盖

column cover upper 转向柱下护盖

column cover lower 挡风板检具

weather panel


decoration strip boarding /carrier(载体)前围后上板总成—左驾检具 cowl panel assembly rear—left drive 后门框饰条

doorframe decoration strip rear 驾驶侧端

drive side 骨架

armature / CCB 内饰、外饰零件

Exterior and interior parts 出风口

vent 杯托拉门

Tambour Door 臂托Armrest 控制开关面板 Switch Bezel 把手盖板 Grab Handle Bezel 检具出货

英文简历必须词汇 篇6

。 minor副修educationalhighlights课程重点部分curriculumincluded课程包括specializedcourses专门课程coursestaken所学课程coursescompleted所学课程specialtraining特别练习socialpractice社会实践part-timejobs业余工作summerjobs暑期工作vacationjobs假期工作refreshercourse进修课程extracurricularactivities课外活动physicalactivities体育活动recreationalactivities娱乐活动academicactivities学术活动socialactivities社会活动rewards奖励scholarship奖学金

面试英文词汇 篇7

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to reduplication words

Language is like a mirror which reflects all kinds of changes in society.In the whole language system, any change is obviously reflected from words.With the rapid development of new things, new word-formations are also springing up.Words that are formed by the way of overlapping are called reduplications.Li Qing explains in his research paper that reduplications are new words formed by two or more than two components whose meanings and forms are similar[1].A more specific definition is that reduplication is a pattern where the double or multiple occurrence of a sound string, syllable, morpheme, or word exists within a larger syntagmatic unit[2].As for English reduplication, Wang Xiaotao and Guo Jinghong hold that English reduplications are compound words in which all the parts are same or similar in meaning and form[3].

Here are some basic types of Chinese reduplication words:exact reduplications, partial reduplications, rhyming reduplications.Fundamental types of English reduplications are exact reduplications, partial reduplications, lliterative reduplications, rhyming reduplications, female rime reduplications.The differences between these categories result from different vocabulary features between English and Chinese.

2 Contrast between English and Chinese Vocabulary

2.1 Word-formation

Chen Fang illustrates that English words are mainly derived from sound-changing, conversion, affixation, composition, shortening, blending, back-formation, and reduplication;while Chinese wordformation includes sound-changing, conversion, affixation, compounding, abbreviation, and reduplication[4].

2.1.1 Common word-formation

It is easy to find that English and Chinese have five common word-formations which are sounding-changing, conversion, affixation, compounding, abbreviation and reduplication.

Sound-changing is a way to form new words by changing words’pronunciation.Both English and Chinese can make new words by changing consonant and vowel.For example, “长”in the phrase“长短”is an adjective which means long, whereas“长”in“长大”is a verb which means to grow.In English, when the word“perfect”is pronounced as['pə:fikt], it is an adjective meaning excellent[5].When it is pronounced as[pə'fekt], it is a verb meaning to make something as good as you can.

Yang Xinzhang states, “A word can be converted from one word class into another without any morphological change[6].This method of word-formation is called conversion or zero derivation.”In English, taking the word“elbow”as an example:

He elbowed his way through the crowd.In this sentence, “elbow”is a verb whose meaning is to push someone with your elbow[7].

She jabbed him with her elbow.In this sentence, “elbow”is a noun that implies the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle.

Chinese word class being not as strictly restricted as that of English, Chinese conversion is more flexible.For instance, Chen Fang use four sentences to illustrate Chinese conversion.

不准违章驾驶。 (Here, “准”is a verb signifying“allow”.)

他枪打得很准。 (Here, “准”is an adjective signifying“accurate”.)

他准能完成任务。 (Here, “准”is an adverb signifying“definitely”.)

准此办理。 (Here, “准”is a preposition signifying“according to”.)

Affixation is a way in which new words are formed by the combination of roots and affixes.Both English and Chinese have prefixes and suffixes.For example, “mis-”in“misunderstand”and“第”in“第二”are both prefixes;“-tive”in“creative”and“子”in“儿子”are both suffixes.

Compounding refers to the process of conjoining two or more free morphemes to form a new word.Compounding is one of the oldest ways of word-formation.For example, “fifteen”, “Sunday”, and“Monday”are respectively the compounds of“five”+“teen”and“moon”+“day”.As for Chinese, compounding is the major way to form new words.For instance, “目睹”and“拼命”are respectively the compounds of“目”+“睹”, “拼”+“命”.

Another common way of making a word is to abbreviate, or shorten, a longer word without changing its meaning.For example, UN is short for the United Nations and“流感”is short for“流行性感冒”.

The last common way of making a word is reduplication.As is introduced in part two, English and Chinese both have reduplication words, but English reduplication words are more diversified in terms of rhyme, while Chinese reduplication words are more various in terms of form and quantity.For example, Chinese words can be reduplicated like this:“楚楚动人”, “考虑考虑”, “写一写”and so on, yet English words cannot be reduplicated as the same as Chinese words.

2.1.2 Unique English word-formation

There are two ways of word-formation that are owned merely by English.They are blending and back-formation.These two ways are opposite to each other.A blend is a combination of parts of two words to form a third word which contains some of the meaning of each part.For example, “smog”is the blend of“smoke”and“fog”.On the contrary, back-formation refers to the removal of an affix from an existing word to form a new word.

2.2 Morpheme

2.2.1 Boundaries between words and morphemes

The conceptions of words and morphemes are very clear, at least in English.Because, to a large extent, the structures of words and morphemes are distinguishing.As Yang Xinzhang explains, a morpheme is the smallest linguistic unit that carries grammatical andor semantic meaning.And morphemes include free morpheme, bound morpheme, inflectional morpheme and derivative morpheme.Though there are prefixes like over-, super-, and suffixes likeship, -able, we know clearly whether they are words or morphemes once they appear in sentences.

Diversely, in Chinese, morphemes are Chinese characters.In ancient Chinese, “Almost every Chinese character can be used independently and freely.That is to say, every character amounts to nowadays word”[8].It is not until the appearance of bisyllablization of modern Chinese vocabulary that the boundary between word and morpheme becomes obvious.As a matter of fact, all common Chinese words can be treated as morphemes to make a word.Functional morphemes can be used independently, let alone notional morphemes.It is difficult to identify whether it is a morpheme or a word from the perspective of spelling.For example, who can tell if“家, 者, 子”are morphemes or words.Only when they are put into particular context or background, can people differentiate them.For instance, in the reduplication phrase“家家户户”, “家”in this phrase is a morpheme.However, in the sentence“我家在漳浦”, “家”is a word.

2.2.2 Location of morphemes

There is a huge disparity between English and Chinese words in terms of the location of morphemes.“By comparison, the locations of English morphemes are fixed, whereas those of Chinese morphemes are flexible.English prefixes and suffixes, just as their name implies, can only be placed before or after the stems.Even if a word is composed of roots, position of morphemes should not be exchanged”.As for exact reduplication words, there is no such a problem, because compositions are exactly the same.For example, the exchange of morphemes will not affect anything of“so-so”and“cha-cha-cha”.Nonetheless, as for partial reduplication words like“walkie-talkie”and“sooner-or-later”, the positions of“walkie”and“talkie”cannot be exchanged, so it is with“sooner-or-later”.The reason is that it is not quite idiomatic if they are“talkiewalkie”and“later-or-sooner”.

Dissimilarly, the positions of many Chinese morphemes can be changed without changing the meaning of the word.For example, as to the partial reduplication word“互惠互利”, it can be used as“互利互惠”.But for some words, changing the positions of morphemes will create a new word.For instance, “牛奶”and“奶牛”.

2.3 Affix

Zhang Jisheng elaborates that according to Western linguistic theories, affix is a kind of bound morpheme, including prefix, infix, suffix.Through the comparison between Chinese and English reduplication words, difference exists between English and Chinese have already been realized[9].Below is an expatiation about Chinese and English words from the perspective of affix.

2.3.1 The category

“There are two categories of English affix:derivational affix, inflectional affix.Derivational affix is a kind of bound morpheme which will change the characteristic or the meaning of a word when combined with a root”.For example, “-ly”changes the characteristic of a word and“dis-”changes the meaning of a word.Inflectional affix is a kind of bound morpheme that will change neither the characteristic of a word nor the meaning of a word.It only has grammatical function.So it is also called functional affix.For example, “-ing”behind the present progressive form of verbs and“-s”behind plural nouns are both inflectional affixes.

Apart from this, it is well-known that English chiefly comprises prefix and suffix.Up to know, whether there are infixes in English is still controversial.Some scholars insist that English indeed has infix.But most scholars negate that infix exists in English.

In contrast to English, as Chinese is unconstrained to the grammar rules such as subject and verb agreement or dominance relationship, there are no inflectional affixes in Chinese and generally speaking, Chinese affixes are derivational.

2.3.2 The nature

“The major function of English affix is to make a word.Many affixes, especially prefixes, have not only the grammatical function of symbolizing the characteristics of words but also have certain lexical meanings”[10].For example, “un-”means negative.When it is put before a word, the meaning of the word changes completely.The meanings of“happy”and“unhappy”are opposite.But the characteristic of the new word“unhappy”does not change.It is still an adjective.

As the meaning of suffix is not as clear as that of prefix, it only plays the role of symbolizing characteristic of a word.Generally speaking, suffix changes not only the meaning of a word but also the characteristic of a word.For example, “-ment”transforms the verb“move”into the noun“movement”and meanwhile the meaning is also transformed from“to change position”to“an act of moving something”.

By contrast, Zhang Yu says that Chinese affix has only grammatical meaning which is to symbolize a word and to indicate the characteristic of a word.Here is a typical example:some reduplicated suffixes such as“乎乎, 溜溜”just play the role of expressing emotions.“圆乎乎, 灰溜溜”all have such kind of suffixes.In addition to suffix, it is the same case with prefix and infix.For example, the prefix“老”in“老鹰”, “老师”, and“老公”has nothing to do with the meaning“old”.It only signifies that these words are nouns.

All in all, in terms of nature, English affix possesses the feature of showing meaning because English is a language that strongly reflects logic thinking;whereas Chinese affix possesses the feature of modifying a word because Chinese is a language that strongly reflects imaginal thinking.

3 Conclusion

Different languages, especially those belong to different language families have various word-formations.English and Chinese words are different in word-formations, morphemes and affixes.A contrastive study of English and Chinese vocabulary helps people recognize and find a variety of features of these two languages, which is beneficial to English teaching, student learning and other bilingual activities.


[1]李清.英汉重叠词对比研究[J].大连大学学报, 2004 (1) :46-48.

[2]连江.汉英叠词对比及翻译研究[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报, 2004 (11) :13-17.

[3]王晓涛, 郭京红.英语重叠词与汉语联绵词修辞对比研究[J].晋中学院学报, 2009 (6) :107-109.

[4]陈芳.英汉构词法比较[J].郧阳师范高等专科学校学报, 2007 (4) :129-131.

[5]Hornby A S.Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2004.

[6]Yang Xinzhang.An Introduction to Linguistics[M].Beijing:Higher Education Press, 2005.

[7]Pyles T, Algeo J.The Origins and Development of the English Language[M].New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.

[8]张维友.英汉语重叠词对比研究[J].湖北大学学报:哲学社会科学版, 2007 (1) :57.

[9]张吉生.英汉词缀对比分析[J].外语教学, 2001 (2) :53-56.

面试英文词汇 篇8




Because we didn't know much about fire drills, our teacher showed us what we should do when the fire happened before the fire drill began.


1. “动词”是语言的核心和灵魂。例如“我喜欢你”和“我爱你”这两句话,“喜欢”与“爱”一词之差,表达的情感程度截然不同。因此,我们应该首先提升的就是句子中的动词,即上面例子中的know、showed、do和happened。

2. 相对来说,利用英文来直接提升英文词汇比较难。例如,我们要替换掉know,势必要先想出know的近义词。有些同学可能会想到understand或acknowledge,但这两个词用在这里并不合适。笔者的建议就是,提升词汇也要从中文入手,先找出中文的近义词,改变中文的表达法,再译成英文。例如“保护环境是至关重要的”中“重要的”一词,相信大家首先想到的一定是important。英文基础好的同学可能会想到of overriding importance的说法。但如果想不到比important更好的表达又该怎么办呢?此时我们就可以从中文入手,将“重要的”替换为其近义词“必要的”,这样大家就会想到necessary,进而有人会想到essential这个词。





【英文提升】We have no experience in fire drills./We are not expert at fire drills./We know next to nothing about fire drills.




【英文提升】Our teacher gave us some instructions on .../Our teacher instructed us on ...




【英文提升】How to deal with it/What measures we should take/How to react


思路:除了用take place和occur替换happen,还有什么办法?在这里给大家讲个小技巧:我们可以通过转换主语来换动词。动作发出者不同,谓语动词必然不同,比如“公园要不要收门票”可以转换成“游客要不要交钱”来达到换词目的。这句话中“发生火灾”就可以转换为“我们遭受火灾”“我们面临火灾”等。


【英文提升】When we suffer fire/When we are faced with fire

动词换完了,我们还可以对其他一些词进行替换,如将because替换为due to或since等。所有词替换完之后就可以把整个句子写成:Since we didn't have much experience in fire drills, our teacher gave us some instructions on how to react when we came across a fire before the fire drill began.

现在,我们试着将这个方法应用在高考英语真题上。2012年北京卷情景作文中,根据图画内容需要写这样一句话:当我看到公交车离开时,我感到很开心,因为我帮助了别人。大家写出来的句子可能会是这样的:When I saw the bus leaving, I felt very happy because I had helped others. 现在我们一起来处理几个关键动词:

①“离开”还可以表达为“消失在远方(disappear into the distance)”;

②“感到开心”可以表达为“觉得满足(satisfied或content)”,还可以把主语“我”转换成“开心”,表达为delight filled my heart;

③“帮助了别人”可以表达为“为别人提供了便利(do sb. a favor)”或“对需要的人伸出援手(offer others in need a helping hand)”。

经过处理后这句话就可以写成:When I saw the bus disappearing into the distance, a sense of delight filled my heart because I had offered others in need a helping hand.



张钦,北京新东方学校优能中学优秀教师,主要教授写作等高中课程及港大面试课程。毕业于澳大利亚悉尼大学,获媒体实务硕士学位;曾担任青岛新闻台《English Today》主播、澳大利亚电视台出镜记者及大型活动双语主持;2003年起从事英语教学,2006年加入北京新东方学校,教学经验丰富。
