常用句型 篇1
1.You should do sth.意为“你应该做某事。”如:
You should try to practice English.
You should eat less before going to bed.
2.Would you like/love to do sth.?意为“你愿意做某事吗?”如:
Would you like to come upstairs with us?
3.Shall I/we…?意为“我 (们) ……好吗?”如:
Shall we go out for a drink?
4.Let’s do sth.意为“让我们做某事吧。”该句型后常带附加问句shall we?使语气更加委婉。如:
Let’s try something different this time, shall we?
5.You had better (not) do sth.意为“你最好 (不要) 做某事”如:
You’d better tell us why you’re asking these questions.
6.Why not...?或Why don’t you/we...?意为“为什么不……呢?”如:
Why not go for a picnic this weekend?
Why don’t we do that until 3:00 o’clock?
7.Will/Would/Could you please do sth.?意为“请你做某事好吗?”如:
Will you please join me for a drink?
8.What/How about doing sth.?意为“……怎么样?”如:
What about meeting outside the school gate?
9.If I were you, I would do sth.意为“如果我是你, 我就……”, 这是虚拟语气, 用来委婉地表达建议。如:
If I were you, I would go to see him at once.
10.I hope you can…意为“我希望你能……”如:
I hope you can come to my birthday party this evening.
() 1.—Ben, would you like to go out for a walk with us after supper?
—________But I must fi nish my homework fi rst.
A.Of course not.B.That’s all right.C.Yes, I do.D.I’d love to.
() 2.—Why not go camping this weekend?—________
A.You are right.B.Good idea!C.With pleasure.D.Never mind.
() 3.—The room is so dirty.________we clean it?—OK.Let’s get started right now.
A.Will B.Would C.Do D.Shall
() 4.—________having something to drink?—Good idea.I’m very thirsty.
A.What about B.Shall we C.Would you D.Why not
() 5.Be careful!The water is too hot.You’d better________it right now
A.do not drink B.not to drink C.not drink D.not drinking
常用句型 篇2
You are recommended to us by New York Chamber of Commerce and we are interested very much in your Crocodile Brand Leather Handbags.纽约商会向我们推荐了贵公司,我们对贵公司的鳄鱼牌手提包非常感兴趣。
It would be appreciated if you would send us at your earliest convenience samples of various sizes of your leather boots together with the lowest prices.若贵公司能从速寄来各种规格的皮靴样品及最低价格,则甚为荣幸。报价函件常用典型语句
We are very pleased to make you an offer/a quotation for our product.我方很高兴就我们的产品向贵方报盘/报价。As this product is in great demand and the supply limited, we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.该产品市场需求量极大,供货有限,宜从速接受该报价为好。还盘(又叫还价)函件常用典型语句
Unfortunately, we cannot accept your offer, because another supplier offered us a similar article at a price about 6% lower.很遗憾,我方不能接受贵方的报盘,另一家供货商对同类产品报出的价格比贵方低大约6%。We regret to say that there is no possibility of our cutting the price to the extent you required, i.e.6%.非常抱歉,很难按贵方要求的减价幅度减价6%。订货函件常用典型语句
We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory to our clients and are pleased to enclose our official Order Sheet No.33 for 6,000 cotton pillowcases.我方用户对贵方的价格和质量均非常满意,遂很高兴随函附寄我方33号正式订单,向贵方订购6000套纯棉枕套。The articles should conform to those described in your brochure and to the sample sent to us.If this first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will follow.商品的质量须同贵方简介手册所描述的以及寄给我方的样品相符。此第一笔订单的执行情况如能令人满意我方将会经常订购。
We are ready to place an order with you, but only on condition that the goods are confined to Switzerland.我方准备向贵方订货,唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给瑞士的公司。付款函常用典型语句
In view of the amount of the transaction being small, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight(or at 60 days’ sight)for the value of the goods shipped.鉴于此笔交易金额很小,我们准备同意以即期(或见票60天后)付款交单方式支付货款。
Please open the L/C 15 to 20 days before the date of delivery, and it should be valid until the 15th day after shipment so that we can get all the shipping documents ready for presentation and negotiation.请用信用证付款,由贵方在交货前15天到20天期间开出,其有效期到货物装船后15天截至,以便我方准备好所有装运单据提交银行议付。催款函常用典型语句
We should request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once and let us know what has become of the letter of credit, otherwise the shipment will be delayed a great deal.请立即与开证银行联系此事,让我们知道信用证的情况。否则,我们将长期延迟装运。
Having made repeated application for payment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we will take out a summons for recovery of the sum.经过多次催促贵方支付这笔帐款无效,我方郑重通知贵方我方将发出法庭传票以收回这笔款项。装运函常用典型语句
We wish to advise you that your Order No.109 has been shipped today.贵方109号订单下的货物今日已装运,特此通知。
The duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading, invoice, packing list and inspection certificate will be sent to you today.装运单据副本,包括提货单、发票、集装单和检验证书,今日将寄给贵方。We are sure the goods will reach you in good order and give you full satisfication.我方确信货物将安然抵达,令贵方完全满意。保险函常用典型语句
We’d like to cover the consignment against All Risks from our warehouse to the port of Amsterdam.我方愿意为该批寄售货物投保从我方仓库至阿姆斯特丹港的全险。
We should like to know if you can undertake insurance of these goods Against All Risks(A.A.R.)请告知,贵公司可否承办这批货物的全险。
We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 100% of the invoice value against All Risks.我方已经将100公吨羊毛按照发票金额的100%投保一切险。
The goods are to be insured against Leakage.此货需要保渗透险。
Please insure the goods against All risks and War Risk.请将此货投保一切险及战争险。索赔函常用典型语句
We regret very much to find that, upon examination, 60 of the cases of your shipment arrived in a badly damaged condition.检验时,我们非常遗憾地发现,贵方所装运的货物抵达时,其中的60箱破损严重。
In support of our claim, we are sending you a survey report issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau(CCIB).兹寄去中国商品检验局检验报告一份作为我方索赔的依据。
We hope you will promptly settle the case and bring it to a satisfactory close.我们希望贵公司立即解决此事,给出一个令人满意的结果。理赔函常用典型语句
To compensate you for your loss, we agree to allow you a reduction of 15% off the total invoice value.为弥补贵方损失,我们同意从总发票金额中扣除15%。
常用句型 篇3
1 现有外贸函电教材的研究中存在的不足
外贸函电的教学目的除了要求学生掌握国际贸易的基本原理、基本知识和技能外, 更重要的是要掌握商务英语信函的写作原则和用英语处理进出口业务的能力。它们是影响学生实际工作能力的重要方面。目前, 函电教材对这些方面的研究存在两个方面的不足。
1.1 礼貌原则的不足
商务信函写作原则是商务信函要遵循的普遍准则, 尤其是其中的礼貌原则, 秦延梅认为“正确地掌握英美外贸函电的基本礼貌原则是外贸工作人员必须具备的专业技能之一”。但是在外贸函电的教材中, 这一点只在概述部分写作原则的介绍中有讲解, 却很少能在样信中体现出来, 而且样信一般都没有场景的解释, 学生很难单单从样信中体会到应该采取什么样的语气来表达信函写作的态度, 更不知道用什么样的句型来表达这种态度, 这不利于学生在实际工作中对礼貌原则的准确把握和清晰表达。
1.2 对学生英语水平差的解决办法的不足
现今高职学生英语水平差是不争的事实, 即使在商务英语专业内也存在着英语水平参差不齐的现象。怎样在较短的时间内让学生掌握英语函电的常用表达并在实际的工作中灵活应用, 是每个商务函电教师需要思考和研究的问题。现有函电教材中有的英语表达太过复杂, 水平较差的学生学起来很吃力;有的教材虽然在样信和练习中用到了一些常用句型, 但却没有专门进行比较和总结, 知识点很散, 学生也很难掌握。
这两个方面的不足将会影响到学生学习的结果, 进而影响到将来实际工作的效果, 需要在教学中给予足够的重视。因此, 需要首先在教材中解决这些问题。
2 构建常用句型模块
在函电中人们大多是通过敬语和一些常用句子表示感激和尊重的。如果把这些常用礼貌句型集中罗列出来, 在教材中建立一个专门的模块, 就能方便学生进行选择和反复使用, 从而使学生能较快地掌握这些常用句型。
2.1 选作常用句型的依据
首先, 应该本着“实用为主, 够用为度”的原则, 选择实际外贸活动中最常用的、最简洁易学的表达作为常用句型, 避免晦涩的长难句。教材选材是否简洁实用, 直接关系到学生学习的质量, 从而也影响学生未来就业的质量。
其次, 要遵循礼貌原则, 选择礼貌程度不同的表达作为常用句型。礼貌的表达是要依据不同的场景和情况的, 有由衷的感激之情, 也会有出于客套的礼仪。区别礼貌程度不同的表达才能让学生准确表达不同情形下的情感, 有助于学生在实际工作中的操作。
2.2 常用句型模块的构建
常用句型可按礼貌程度和信息类型进行分类。在英语表达上越是长、难的句子意思上就越委婉、越客气。在构建模块时, 可按由短到长, 由易到难, 由随便到委婉的顺序排列。
赵璐把信息分为四大类:肯定信息, 中性信息, 负面信息和说服信息。前三种其实是同属于告知的三种类别。说服信息往往是用委婉的词语提出来的建议和请求。外贸函电作为商务洽谈中维持双方友好协作关系和谈判的工具, 需要用礼貌的语言表达出对现实情况的确认和对买卖双方下一步运作的建议。因此, 我们可以把信息划分为告知类和恳请类。
(1) 告知类:所告知的信息可能是好消息, 也有可能是进展不顺的信息。告知好消息时, 我们可以用表示感谢的句型:Thank you for your L/C…/We are pleased to tell you that…/We take pleasure in…/We acknowledge with thanksreceipt of your letter of June 11, enquiring about…
告知不好的消息时, 可以说:We are sorry to tell you that…/We are afraid…/We are regretted to find that…We presume that there must be some reason for your…等表示遗憾的句型。
(2) 恳请类:恳请类可以用一些疑问句、条件句、虚拟句来表达:
Could you…?
Would you please…?
We would like to…
We wish you would…
We should be thankful if you would…
We should be grateful if you would…
We shall be appreciate it if you can…
We are wondering if you can…
常用句型模块可以放在函电概述之后, 与礼貌原则、简洁原则等写作原则相对应, 为后面各个交易环节的函电写作做准备。
2.3 常用句型模块的应用
函电的结构一般包括起承转合四个部分。起:确认交易已进行到哪一步。通常用告知句型来说明已收到对方某月某日的来信、银行信用证或货运公司的装船通知等。承:对贸易现状表示感激或遗憾。转:对对方下一步的工作提出请求, 或对己方下一步的工作提出想法。合:期待对方的回复或行动。
在起承转合四个部分中, 几乎每个部分都要用到告知或恳请类的句型, 学生可以根据函电结构把这两类常用句型与贸易各环节相关的常用表达结合起来。提出己方意见时注意对方的需求, 拒绝对方要求和条件时注意语气委婉。提醒学生注意什么场合运用什么语气、使用什么人称。使他们知道如何站在适合的角度, 运用简洁、恰当的表达, 技巧性地进行业务洽谈。并且, 通过这样的反复应用, 学生能较快地掌握这些常用句型, 做到结构清晰、礼貌得体, 真正掌握好函电这门工具。
摘要:现有高职外贸函电教材中对礼貌原则的具体体现方面存在的不足, 妨碍了对外贸易函电课程的学习。因此, 应该从礼貌程度和信息类型两个维度来构建常用句型模块, 以利于学生真正掌握好函电写作。从常用句型选择的依据、模块构建和模块的应用等方面进行了论述。
[1]秦延梅.英美外贸函电中的礼貌原则[J].中国市场, 2006, (4) .
[2]赵璐.外贸函电中合作原则与礼貌原则的运用研究[J].长沙大学学报, 2012, (7) .
职场常用英语句型 篇4
2. I would like to talk with you regarding your qualification for this in-terview.
3. We would like to ask you to come here for an interview.
4. Just relax, and let’s have a chat, shall we?
5. Did you have any trouble finding our office?
6. Why don’t we start by talking about you?
7. Let’s get started. First, I’d like to know which position you’re ap-plying for.
8. Do you have any preference for what kind of work you’d like to do?
9. I have come at your invitation for an interview.
10. It’s a great pleasure for me to take this interview.
11.Good morning, sir. I’ m Rose. I’ve come for an interview as appointed.
上午好,先生。我是罗斯, 是应你们之约前来面试的。
12.Nice to see you. I’m expecting your coming. Take a seat.
看到你真高兴。 我在等候你的光临,请坐。
13.Yes. I’ve come to apply for the position as a secretary.
14.I’m Li Ping, the clerk of Human Resources Department. Can I have your name?
我是人力资源部职员李平。 你叫什么名字?
15.Glad to meet you, Miss Yuan. We have received your letter in answer to our advertisement. Iwould like to talk with you regarding your qualification for this interview.
很高兴认识你,袁小姐。 我们已经收到了你的应聘信, 我想和你谈谈。
16.I’m very happy that I am qualified for this interview.