抗旱在行动 篇1
截至2月16日,全国作物受旱面积9 972万亩(1亩=1/15hm2)(比15日减少471万亩,比2月7日高峰时1.61亿亩少6 114万亩,减少面积大于1/3),重旱2 936万亩,干枯421万亩,有466万人、250万头大牲畜因旱发生饮水困难。
河北、山西、江苏、安徽、河南、山东、陕西和甘肃冬麦区8省新增浇灌面积251万亩,旱情继续缓和,作物受旱面积总计8 371万亩(比15日减少471万亩,比2月7日受旱高峰时减少6 961万亩,减少面积近1/2),其中重旱2 680万亩。
2月15日,河南南部、湖北、安徽大部、江苏中北部等地出现小雨或雨夹雪,其中河南东南部、湖北北部、安徽中部、江苏中部雨量10~19 mm,北方冬麦旱区出现4~6℃降温。沿黄旱区河南和山东继续加大引水流量,河南引黄流量281 m3/s,山东引黄流量461 m3/s。自1月6日以来,河南累计引黄水量4.13亿m3,山东累计引黄水量5.96亿m3,小浪底水库累计下泄水量19.43亿m3。
旱区各地继续加大抗旱工作力度。2月15日,河南省政府部门及驻军共出动6 670人,投入设备499台(套)。截至2月15日,河南省军区和武警部队累计出动兵力1.9万人次,组织民兵预备役91万人次,运送生活用水4.1万m3,浇灌麦田598万亩,疏通沟渠506 km;2月15日,全省石山口、板桥等12座大型水库下泄水量1 190万m3,日浇灌面积118万亩。安徽省2月1日以来,累计新打井3.4万眼,维修泵站4 748座,新挖沟渠40 km,清淤228 km,水利技术人员现场服务累计达9 111人次,合肥以北9市自1月下旬春灌以来,累计提水量12亿m3,完成浇灌面积2 858万亩,3 307万亩次。陕西省驻军积极参与抗旱工作,截至2月15日,累计出动现役和预备役人员4 685人,机械122台(套),完成浇灌面积1.81万亩。
2月15日,北方冬麦区8省日最高投入抗旱人数1 275万人、开动机电井130万眼、泵站1.90万处、抗旱机动设备232万台(套),出动机动运水车辆17万辆,2008年12月下旬以来累计投入抗旱资金39亿元,累计完成抗旱浇灌面积1.96亿亩次,其中浇灌冬小麦1.86亿亩次,临时解决了176万人、54万头大牲畜的因旱饮水困难。
Since the beginning of winter in 2008,a serious drought happened and has continued in the main winter wheat producing areas of China,so the summer grain productionis facing an extremely rare severe challenge.All the leaders at all levels,covering the Party Central Committee,the State Council,the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT),etc.,attach great importance to the development of the current drought situation and drought control work.And,all the government sectors at all levels are required to increase their support to the drought control work of drought-stricken areas,to help them to overcome difficulties and strive for a good grain harvest for this summer,and even for the whole year of 2009,and to lay a solid foundation for maintaining a stable and rapid economic growth in 2009.
It is learned by our reporter from the MIIT,China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers(CAAMM)and their affiliates that,agricultural machinery enterprises and their products have played an extremely important role in the process of drought control and disaster relief;and,a large number of agricultural products and enterprises plunged into drought control and relief do not only show the agricultural products’playing an enormous role in combating natural disasters but also reflect the united cohesion and patriotism of such enterprises in case of difficulties encountered.
It is said by the heads of relevant departments of the Ministries of Information and Industry that,in accordance with the instructions of the leadership of the State Council,they will take a series of measures on the deployment of the current drought control work recently.They did not only coordinate and arrange the current drought control and relief and also get CAAMM to call on agricultural machinery enterprises to make full preparations for drought control in the winter and spring,and its Drainage and Irrigation Branch to contact part of enterprises specializing in production of machinery for drought control and relief.Recently,they will arrange a batch of materials necessary for drought control to support the drought control work of heavily-stricken areas.
It is introduced by Hong Xianguo,Secretary-General of CAAMM that the Party Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to the current drought since the emergency of drought.In order to give fully play to the agricultural products in the fight against natural disasters,CAAMM positively responded the Party's and the Central Government's call,timely held an emergency meeting to mobilize a number of enterprises involved in irrigation and drainage machinery to plunge their pumping machinery,etc.into the drought control and relief.It has issued the initiative,hoping agricultural machinery enterprises to act quickly,to think and worry about what the people of the stricken areas think and worry about,and to work faithfully for the good of the people,in particular hoping all agricultural machinery enterprises,relevant units and agencies to actively donate muchneeded water pumps,irrigators and other tools for the drought control and relief,to make efforts to reduce the loss caused by drought to a minimum,and strive for a good summer grain harvest.
A few days ago,led by CAAMM,after the Drainage and Irrigation Branch contacted it,Zhejiang LEO Co.,Ltd.donated pump products for¥1million to the MIIT,which were sent to the Yellow River Flood Control Headquarters in the most droughtstricken area-Henan Province on Feb 12,accompanied by technical and after sales service personnel.
As of Feb.16,the total drought-affected crop area has reached99.72 million hectares,with a reduce of 4.71 million hectares than that on Feb.15,and a reduce of 61.14 million hectares than the peak of 161 million hectares on Feb.7,totally reducing more than1/3;the heavily-stricken area has reached 29.36 million hectares,and the dry-rot area has amounted to 4.21 million hectares;and,4.66million people and 2.50 million heads of livestock have fallen into shortage of drinking water.
The newly irrigated winter wheat area of 8 provinces,such as Hebei,Shanxi,Jiangsu,Anhui,Henan,Shandong,Shanxi and Gansu has increased to 2.51 million hectares,the drought continues to ease,and the area of stricken crops totally reaches 83.71 million hectares(with a reduction of 4.71 million hectares than that on Feb.15,and a reduction of 69.61 million hectares than the peak on Feb.7,totally reducing almost 1/2),of which the heavily stricken area is26.80 million hectares.
On Feb.15,a light rain or sleet was falling in southern Henan,Hubei,major part of Anhui,middle and northern of Jiangsu and some other places,with the rainfall of southeast of Henan,northern of Hubei,central of Anhui and central of Jiangsu up to 10~19mm;and,the temperature of northern winter wheat areas dropped by 4~6℃.The flow directed to irrigate the drought-stricken area along the Yellow River in Henan and Shandong continues to increase,of which 281 m3/s is directed to Henan and 461 m3/s is directed to Shandong.Since January 6,the flow accumulatively directed into Henan from the Yellow River has reached 413 million m3,and that accumulatively directed into Shandong has amounted to 596 million m3;and,the accumulative let-down flow rate from Xiaolangdi reservoir has been up to 1.943 billion m3.
Every drought stricken area continues to strengthen its drought control work.As of Feb.15,all the provincial government departments and garrisons in Henan province have sent out 6 670person-times,and have plunged 499 sets/suits of equipment into the drought control and relief.As of February 15,Henan Military Region and all armed police force troops there have accumulatively dispatched a total of 19 000 person-times,have organized 0.91million militia and reserve forces,have sent 41 000 m3 water for life,have irrigated 5.98 million hectares of wheat crops,and have dredged 506 km channels.Till Feb.15,the total water discharged from all the reservoirs of Henan Province,including Shishankou,Banqiao,etc.,has reached 11.90 million m3,the irrigated area per day has been up to 1.18 million hectares.Since Feb.1,the total number of the newly-dug wells in Anhui Province has been up to34 000,with 4 748 service stations,40km newly-dug channels,228km ditches dredged and an accumulatively water-site services and technical personnel up to 9 111 person-times;and,since the spring irrigation in the late January,9 cities in north of Hefei have accumulatively directed water of 1.2 billion m3,and have completed the irrigation of 2.858 million hectares,and 3.307million hectare-times.All the garrisons in Shanxi Province have actively participated in the drought control and relief;and,as of Feb.15,they have accumulatively dispatched active services and reserves up to 4 685 persons,have plunged 122 sets/suits of machines,and have complete the irrigation of 18 thousand hectares.
As of February 15,the peak number of persons participating into drought control and relief in the northern winter wheat area covering 8 provinces per day has been up to 12.75 million,starting 1.30million electricity powered wells,19 000 pump stations,2.32 million sets/suits of drought control machines and 0.17 million vehicles to transport water.Since the late December in 2008,the total investment in the drought control has amounted to¥3.9 billion,and the completely irrigated area has been 196 million Mu-times,of which the irrigated winter wheat area is 186 million Mu-times.In addition,the problem of the drinking water for 1.76 million people and0.54 million heads of livestock has been temporarily solved.
Although the monster of drought is not swollen with arrogance,with great efforts of all people and in a favorable environment with a light rain and sleet falling in drought-stricken areas,the drought control and relief still continues,and it is still an arduous job to complete the irrigation as well as pest prevention and control in spring.Hope agricultural enterprises,agricultural machinery industries,as well as all the people all over the country to reach out to those unfortunate people affected by drought under
抗旱在行动 篇2
抗旱先锋行动先进党组织材料 篇3