


布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇1

摘要:随着中国综合国力和国际地位的不断提升, 由此产生的对于汉语的需求呈现出逐年上升的态势, 中国政府为了给世界各国人民提供一个学习汉语和了解中国文化的平台, 在海外以不同的组建模式建立了一所又一所的孔子学院。中国西南大学于2006年8月与泰国孔敬大学合作成立了泰国第一所孔子学院。笔者有幸作为一名汉语教师志愿者进行了为期两年的服务, 见证了孔子学院所取得的成就, 也发现了存在的问题, 拟就存在的问题提出一些合理化建议, 希望孔子学院这张中国“名片”越做越好。



随着中国综合国力和国际地位的不断提升, 世界各国掀起了“汉语热”, 在这种形势的推动下, 作为汉语及中国文化推广机构的孔子学院应运而生。孔子学院秉承“和为贵”“和而不同”的思想, 必将在推动建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界以及维护世界文化多样性等方面做出自己的贡献。与此同时, 孔子学院的建立也有利于提升中国的“文化软实力”, 让世界摒除对中国的误解, 帮助中国在国际上树立一个积极正面的国际形象。

作为与中国毗邻的泰国, 随着两国在经济、政治、文化等方面的交流越来越密切, 泰国的各行各业也掀起了学习汉语的热潮。正是在这种形势的感召下, 中国西南大学以其与泰国多所高校长期保持着的交流与合作优势, 于2006年8月与泰国孔敬大学合作成立了泰国第一所孔子学院。


学院在国家汉办、两所合作高校的大力支持与帮助下, 逐渐探索出一种能够促进自身发展壮大并带有推广性的运行模式, 为孔子学院在泰国乃至全球的发展都提供了一份可供参考的范例。2007年学院荣获国家汉办“全球先进孔子学院”称号。学院在八年的发展过程中取得的工作成效如下:

1. 领先全球的办学模式

学院为孔敬大学学生开设了课型齐全、满足各种学习需求的汉语选修课, 课程已正式纳入孔敬大学的教育体系, 学生可通过修习汉语课程获得学分, 优秀学员还将获得到中国参加“秋令营”的奖学金, 这一模式正在向泰国乃至全球其他孔子学院推广。

孔子学院与西南大学开办了“1+2+1”商贸汉语合作办学项目, 真正实现了汉语教学的学历化和正规化。

2. 卓有成效的师资培训

学院自2007年10月受泰国教育部基础教育委员会委托开展第一届泰国汉语教师培训至今, 先后组织泰国东北部、中部地区大中小学从事汉语教学的本土教师进行包括汉语语言文化知识及汉语教学方法等方面的培训。学院还从每期参加培训的教师中选拔一批优秀教师前往中国高校参加汉语提高课程培训, 这一项目的拓展极大地激发了泰国汉语教师不断提高汉语水平、改进教学方法的热情, 使得本土教师的师资力量得到了显著的提升。

3. 形式多样的文化推广

( 1) 学院每学期都会根据中国传统节日推出一系列文化推广活动。已形成在中国传统佳节给孔敬大学师生赠送特别定制的中式礼物的传统; 还会在每年一度的“国际食品文化节”上从国内邀请知名厨师到现场表演制作中国美食, 展现中国博大精深的饮食文化。

( 2) 学院定期开设“太极拳”“书法”“剪纸”“中国音乐鉴赏”“中国概况”等课程供全校师生以及社会人士前来学习, 感受中国文化。

4. 理念创新的教学模式

学院努力探索新的汉语教学模式, 已经推出广播汉语、电视汉语, 并借助网络和手机等高科技手段实现了学生单机或联网学习的教学模式。在具体的教学过程中, 汉语教师实行集体备课、集中讨论、课后及时反馈的教学思路, 同时还组成了汉语教学研讨小组, 定时定期召开教学研讨会, 针对在教学过程中所出现的问题进行集体讨论, 开展反思性教学, 加强理论知识和研究方法的学习。

5. 范围广泛的国际交流合作

为中泰两国的教育、文化和经济交流活动穿针引线: 促成了孔敬大学及孔敬府中小学教师和学生与国内教育机构的相互交流和交换, 促成孔敬及重庆两地多次的商务考察和互访, 促成两所合作院校在桑蚕生物技术、农学和兽医等多个领域的技术交流。


1. 缺乏统一的管理规范

学院自2006年成立至今在管理理念、管理方式上很难做到规范化、持续化, 制定的长短期发展规划常常因为学院领导的更换而不能持续贯彻下去; 欠缺基本的规章制度, 如教职工管理条例、图书管理条例、教学设施设备管理条例等。

2. 师资力量缺乏及不稳定

随着孔子学院承担的教学任务的多样化、学生学习层次的提高, 需要更高水平、更富有对外汉语教学经验的对外汉语教学师资力量。但目前由于国内合作大学专门从事对外汉语教学师资力量的缺乏, 派出的汉语教师和志愿者由于学科专业背景不强已难以满足教学需求。而且公派汉语教师和志愿者频繁的更换导致学院师资力量极不稳定, 极大地影响了教学的持续性。

3. 缺乏教学监管和评估、激励机制

学院教师和志愿者的教学工作缺乏监管, 教师只能凭借自己的职业道德和专业素养进行教学。另外, 学院欠缺评估和激励机制。汉语教师教学效果的好与差, 工作人员工作认真与否, 都没有一个比较明确合理的评估及激励制度, 这不利于提高大家的工作热情和积极性, 长此以往, 必将极大地影响学院的可持续发展。

4. 影响范围较窄

学院办学本身依托着中国和泰国综合实力都较强的两所高校, 本可将学院的工作范围和影响力拓展到整个孔敬及周边地区, 甚至应该成为整个泰东北地区的汉语教学、文化推广及教育科研的典范, 从而达到推进整个泰国汉语教学及文化推广工作的目标。但目前, 孔子学院除了在孔敬大学两个学院、两所附属中学以及孔敬府内四所公立中学设立教学点外, 没有在其他地区增设教学点, 这使得孔子学院的工作范围相对较窄, 影响力相对较弱。


1. 树立团队形象的品牌效应

( 1) 打造一支高素质的合作团队。学院教职员工应该努力地在自己的工作岗位上踏实做事, 真诚待人, 树立一种积极向上、团结合作的精神风貌。作为学院的最高领导者, 中方院长在整个学院的发展过程中扮演着重要的角色, 这就要求中方院长必须严格执行国家对外文化政策, 自觉为国服务, 要跟国家汉办、中国使领馆、泰方合作院校、所在地区政府部门、学校机构等方面建立畅通的联系渠道并加强沟通。

另外, 孔子学院的品牌归根到底要靠高质量的教学成效支撑, 而汉语教师和志愿者正是其重要保证。因此, 应该大力加强汉语教师队伍建设, 选拔教师的时候必须要求教师的专业背景与汉语教学有关; 对学历层次应该有所要求, 以应对学生专业水平不断提升的形势。

( 2) 建章立制, 明确分工。为改善学院缺乏统一的管理规范及教学监督和评估机制的问题, 学院可制定行政和教学管理规章, 明确职责分工, 让每位教师和员工都能各司其职、各尽其责。另外, 可参照国内或合作院校的规章制度建立相应的教学监督及评估机制, 以进一步促进学院的高效运行。

2. 汉语教学的扩充及提升

( 1) 提高汉语教学的定位。充分利用孔敬大学作为整个泰东北地区教育中心的优势, 努力将孔子学院打造成泰东北汉语教学、中国文化推广、汉语教学研究以及中泰交流的平台, 应加强与整个泰东北地区设有汉语教学点的中小学校的交流与合作, 在时机发展成熟的情况下, 可建立起向其提供优秀师资力量、优质教学资源及开展语言项目合作、本土师资培训等方面的合作。

( 2) 开发远程汉语教学模式。在高科技及网络技术迅速普及的情况下, 学院也应紧跟世界潮流, 充分运用广播、电视、网络等现代科技手段为语言教学服务, 增强汉语学习的趣味性和覆盖面。学生可通过网络等媒介进行单机版或者网络版的汉语学习, 让学生体会到网络学习的便利性及高效性, 也为解决学院因师资匮乏而越来越不能满足学生学习需求、扩大汉语教学范围的问题提供了一条明路。

( 3) 提升学历教育的层次。可充分利用国内合作院校———西南大学的语言类学科优势大力提升孔子学院学历教育的层次, 如可招收商贸汉语的研究生、博士生, 使汉语教学朝着高层次发展。

3. 扩充传播渠道

( 1) 依靠“人”扩大影响范围。孔子学院, 作为中国政府在当地设立的官方组织, 同时依托着孔敬大学这所在当地享有盛誉的名校, 因此可利用这一优势, 跟当地政府和中小学等教育机构的官员建立良好关系, 通过组织他们到中国参观访问、邀请他们到孔子学院参加重大活动等方式, 增强他们对于中国的认同感, 从而通过他们的力量去扩大孔子学院的影响力。另外, 鉴于华人在泰国的影响势力, 孔子学院也可以和当地华人社团保持长期合作关系, 通过他们自身所携带的“中国印记”以及对于孔子学院的了解在当地给孔子学院“打广告”。

( 2) 依靠传播媒介做好宣传。充分利用当地电台、报纸、杂志、广告等媒介来宣传孔子学院及相关的一些政策、活动, 希望能让更多的人了解孔子学院, 参与到孔子学院的汉语学习及文化推广活动中来。


综上所述, 一方面, 我们可以看出, 泰国孔敬大学孔子学院历经八年的努力奋斗, 创造性地摸索出了适宜于自身发展的道路, 取得了很多领先于全球孔子学院的发展经验, 同时也为全世界孔子学院的发展建设提供了范例。其取得的成就是让人欣喜的。但另一方面, 作为一种新生事物, 在其探索过程中也会不可避免地出现不可预见的困难和问题, 在孔子学院已经向世界人民推出、没有退路的情况下, 唯有迎难而上, 集思广益, 不断地总结经验和教训, 发挥中国人的创造性和实干精神, 坚定地在这条文化传播之路上走下去。


[1]北京汉语国际推广中心, 北京师范大学汉语文化学院.国际汉语教育人才培养论丛[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2008.

[2]陈桐生.提升孔子学院办学的若干对策[J].广东外语外贸大学学报, 2007 (09) .

[3]李春雷, 王云泉.文化传播策略:孔子学院与路加事件的对比研究[J].新闻知识, 2011 (03) .

[4]张西平.汉语国际推广中的两个重要问题[J].长江学术, 2008 (01) .

[5]张西平.简论孔子学院的软实力功能[J].世界汉语教学, 2007 (03) .

[6]王蕊.论孔子学院建设的时代背景与时代意义[J].沈阳师范大学学报, 2010 (02) .

布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇2

Over the past three decades, Chinese economy is booming. The world is watching China and many foreigners have realized the importance of seeking cooperation, so they want to do business with Chinese people and learning our language works better. Confucius institute provides the place to learn mandarin.

As the world is crazy about Chinese, more and more foreigners have interest in our language and culture. With the purpose of promoting our language and culture, Confucius institute program was set up in Korea in 20xx, now the Confucius institute is all around the world. The foreigners practise Chinese so hard. They learn how to pronounce and write, even use the chopsticks.

The Confucius institute program works well. There is a biggest competition for the foreigner to show their Chinese. When we watch the show, we will realize they can speak Chinese so well and admire them so much, because it is so hard to learn. Some foreigners not only speak mandarin well, but also know much about Chinese culture.

The Confucius institute program works to promote Chinese language and culture and the achievement is great. Today, the world is learning Chinese.





布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇3















4月6日,里卡多帕尔玛大学孔子学院邀请利马san Marcos大学MG.Migue Polo教授做了一场关于“孔子教育思想及其对中国产生的深远影响”的学术报告。这是里卡多帕尔玛大学孔子学院本学期中国传统文化系列活动的首场讲座。




4月11日下午,爱尔兰科克市北蒙纳斯特里小学(North Monastery PrimarySchool)举行200周年校庆。爱尔兰总统玛丽·麦卡利斯(Mary Mc Aleese)应邀参加校庆活动。科克大学孔子学院中方院长朱焱炜博士向玛丽·麦卡利斯总统赠送礼物并向她介绍了孔子学院在该小学进行中文教学的情况。




布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇4








University:What do you think attracts students most to liberal arts colleges?

President Rosenberg:I always tell students who are looking for a college that there is no one right place for every student—and the most important thing is to find the college that’s right for you.The answer to that question is not the same for every student.It’s crucial for us to provide an accurate and honest representation of Macalester,so students can decide if it’s the right place for them.

For the students who are drawn to Macalester,there are several factors.Students who are interested in liberal arts colleges want small classes and lots of interaction with faculty members.They want a different environment than a large university.

But at Macalester in particular,there are additional factors that are very important to the students who choose us.One is our location:we are a small college in a large city,and there are very few liberal arts colleges that offer that combination.The Twins Cities aren’t large like Beijing,but there are about three million people.That’s one reason that students are attracted to Macalester.

The other big piece is that we are so internationally focused.Many students enroll because of that.They like the fact that we have students from almost 90 countries.They like that we have so many different internationally focused programs.If you are going to thrive in the 21st century,it’s good to have an understanding of the global community,not just your local community or the American community.We provide that at a pretty unique level for a small college.

That’s what I tell students about Macalester:it’s liberal arts,it’s urban,and it’s international.I tell students that if you want a small liberal arts college,if you want to be in a city,if you want a global focus,this could be a great match.If those things are not interesting to you,then our students probably don’t agree that it’s a good match.It’s important to be honest with students,because no one would be happy if students enroll at a college without knowing what’s behind their choice.




University:Every college is unique.What’s the mission of liberal arts colleges?

President Rosenberg:At Macalester,we talk about our mission in terms of four pillars:academic excellence,internationalism,multiculturalism,and civic engagement.Academic excellence is first and foremost—without academic excellence,nothing else really matters.Internationalism emphasizes the global focus;multiculturalism means bringing together people from many different cultures and backgrounds.civic engagement means service for society.

We believe deeply in these values.When I talk to our students about our mission and what it means,I tell them that the kind of education you get at Macalester is a great privilege.Most people in the world don’t have opportunities for that kind of education.This opportunity is a great privilege,but it’s also a responsibility—a responsibility to give back.Our students must recognize that they’re fortunate,and they need to help others who aren’t as fortunate.That’s part of the spirit of Macalester College.We want students to be successful in their own right,but we also want them to help others to be successful.I love to say that Macalester graduates are not only very successful in their fields but also find ways to give back in their communities to others in need.That is the spirit of this school.





University:What do liberal arts colleges’students do after graduation?

President Rosenberg:They do everything.At Macalester,we have some disciplines where students go immediately into careers.Right now majors like mathematics and computer science are very popular.Economics is very popular.Many of those students go directly into jobs in finance and technology.My own major was English.If you major in English or history or philosophy,the career paths may not be as obvious.But our goal is to help every student develop the skills to be successful in their careers.

And it’s important to remember that jobs change.Many of the most important jobs today didn’t even exist20 years ago,so our goal is not just to train students for their first job,it’s to train them for their last job,and that means they’ll have the skills to adapt to change.The average person in the United States will change job four to six times during a career.We want to make sure that our graduates are prepared for all of the jobs they don’t even know about yet.

The first job is important,but so is the second and third and fourth,and we think that liberal arts college graduates are particularly well-suited to adapt.If you go to a school to be,let’s say,a technology engineer,you’ll be trained to do that one thing.But if you go to a school where you learn how to write well and to think critically and to use quantities of reasoning and to work in teams,all of these things can be adapted to many different jobs.






University:It is said that liberal arts colleges are a kind of secret club for the middle class.How do you think about this?

President Rosenberg:I think there can be some truth to that,when you look at the 16-or 17-year-olds thinking about college,and particularly those who are below the middle class socioeconomically and have little knowledge of liberal arts colleges.Many of those students don’t have an opportunity to learn about this kind of college when they’re in high school,and liberal arts colleges aren’t as visible as big research universities.For some of those students,liberal arts colleges are a mystery.That’s a challenge for us.

We’d like more of those students to know about us—and the benefits from the kind of education that we provide—so we try to visit as many high schools as we can.But there’s only so much a small college can do.We don’t have hundreds of people doing admissions work for us;we have a very small group.Liberal arts colleges can benefit students from all different backgrounds,not just middle or upper class.We want to make sure that students know that.

The cost of college depends on each school,and at a place like Macalester,we provide extensive financial aid.About 80 percent of Macalester students pay less than the full price.When we admit students,we provide enough financial aid to meet their full demonstrated economic need,so they can attend college.If you can only afford to pay 20 percent of our cost,we will provide enough financial aid to cover the remaining 80 percent.

That means that sometimes,for students who don’t have a lot of resources,we are actually less expensive than public colleges because we provide so much financial aid.That’s a story that a lot of families don’t know.It’s important for us to be able to tell that story,so they can realize that this kind of education is an option for them.Some families look at it like going to a store,looking at a price on a label,and saying,“I can’t afford that.”But the story is more complicated,because it is a price on a label,but we also put it on sale.We say that if you can’t afford to pay that price,we’ll charge you less,so you can have access to this.That’s difficult to understand,and it’s a complicated message.At Macalester,everyone pays a different price based on ability to pay.






University:There are some small residential colleges created within many big universities.Is that a kind of threat to liberal arts colleges?

President Rosenberg:Some large universities have created small liberal arts divisions,too.In some ways,that’s recognizing that liberal arts colleges provide the best education,because they’re recreating what we do,just in a different institutional setting.

Some of those larger universities do it very well,but the difference is that a liberal arts college like Macalester is focused on one thing:providing undergraduates with the best possible education in the world.Research universities are focused on many things,with many different missions.They have the mission of producing original knowledge.In many cases,there are universities with 50,000 students as well as a hospital,medical school,law school,business school,and engineering school.They’re doing many things,and my view is that the best way to be excellent is to have a clear focus on one thing—and then do that very well.When you’re focused on 10 things,it’s harder to be excellent in all of them.

That’s the difference between a liberal arts college and a large university:a larger university is doing liberal arts as part of their work,but they don’t devote—in my view—as much of their energy and attention to that work as we do.At Macalester,it’s all we think about.

I know the president of the University of Minnesota,and I have a very high regard for him.He has to think about a hospital;he has to think about politics.All I think about is teaching undergraduates.



University:But at the same time,students have more choices since the universities are bigger and there are more faculty members,more curriculum and more resources.

President Rosenberg:They do have more choices.The fact is,an institution with 50,000 students is able to offer more options than one with 2,000 students.But a lot of students are drowning in that.The ratio of students to faculty is much smaller at liberal arts colleges.At Macalester College,for every 10 students,we have one fulltime faculty member.At a large university,that number is much bigger.Even though they have more width,I think we have more depth.We can focus on smaller classes and our faculty can work more closely with students.I was a student at two Ivy League universities.I went to Cornell University as an undergraduate and studied at Columbia University for my Ph D,and in places like those,a lot of classes are very large and taught by graduate students.In my view,the education in that environment is not as good.At Macalester College,classes are smaller,and all of them are taught by professional faculty members.I’d rather be taught by a professor than by another student.In a larger research university you’re often taught by another student,in a room with 200 or 300 or 400 or 500 other students.You learn in a very different way when you’re in a room with 10 or 15 students and one professor.





University:Well,then what’s the disadvantage for liberal arts colleges compared with those big universities?

President Rosenberg:First,the economics are more challenging.There are certain economies of scale when an institution is bigger,and running a small institution is more challenging.

Second,liberal arts colleges are not as visible as the research universities.It’s true even in China,where everyone has heard of the Ivy League schools.People know these schools because they’re so big.But when you’re small,it’s much harder to have that visibility.That creates more challenges for small schools in attracting students.

Third,not every professor wants to be at a small school.We have to get people who are dedicated to teaching.Some Ph Ds would rather focus on research,and for those people,a research university environment might be more attractive.Sometimes it’s a little bit harder for us to compete to attract the best faculty,because there’s more teaching in liberal arts colleges.That’s a challenge,but if we can find the right faculty—the ones who really want to teach—then we think the results are outstanding.





University:What’s the difference between a liberal arts education and general education?

President Rosenberg:It’s a very good question,because I think the term“liberal arts”is one of most difficult to understand and most widely and variously used in American education,because they are used in different ways.Some colleges prefer to use the phrase“general education,”which provides you with an introduction to many different fields.That’s a part of the liberal arts.

There is a difference between general education,in my view,and the liberal arts education.The liberal arts college includes general education as a part of its mission and work.The idea of general education is not just education in a particular field,but a much broader education.But that’s not all we are.Other essential characteristics such as a small size and residential,so you can have close interactions between students and faculty,are very important.

American liberal arts colleges are small,residential and provide that broad education.Some universities have a college of liberal arts,but that’s not a liberal arts college because it’s large and there are lots of students on campus—it has the general education component,but not the rest.For example,the residential component:we provide students not just with an education for four years—not just the classroom experience—but basically a home,a living experience.The students learn not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom.They learn from their classmates and their residential experience,through their student activities and their volunteer work,through their clubs and sports.





University:“Residential”is one of the typical characteristics of a liberal arts college.How does the residential experience make a difference?

President Rosenberg:There are 24 hours in a day,and students are in classes for five or six of those hours(and maybe even less).What about the rest of the hours?How do those contribute to their education?We spend a lot of time thinking about that.You can’t just put students in a building and expect them to have an educational experience.You are always learning things from living with people.But there has to be a purpose for programming outside the classroom.We don’t just have students live together.

We have a department called Student Life that’s focused essentially on everything that goes on in the students’lives outside the academic areas.The people who work in these areas all think about their education,and they do a tremendous amount of the programming.They try to provide another kind of education for students that they can’t get in the academic classroom:things like interacting with people who are different from you or what kind of service can help others.Some of these things are hard to do in class,so we help students outside the classroom think about those things.

Every year we organize educational programs outside the classroom for students.We bring in speakers,and we have over a hundred different student organizations.We try to organize—partially,not totally—their lives outside the classroom.That also contributes to their learning and supports the mission of the college.Some of it’s international,some is cultural,some is service.So it’s not just living,it is actually programming—it’s creating an educational living environment.




University:So outside class experience is as important as classroom experience,even more important.Therefore,the administrators and the staff are also supposed to be educators in the college.Is that true?

President Rosenberg:Yes,we tried to create a sense that everyone at Macalester is all working toward the same aim and to the same goal,which is to provide the best possible education to the students.In my view,everyone working at Macalester College is an educator.Everyone is contributing in their own way to the educational experience of all students.

If the technology doesn't work,for example,then other things don’t work.The people who take care of computers,the people who take care of the residential resources,the people who take care of the grounds:they are all contributing in their own way.I want everyone to be that part of work.





University:Liberal arts colleges are always focused on undergraduate education.What do you think of the relationship between teaching and research?

President Rosenberg:It’s always a work in progress,but I think the balance largely is good.I think most of our faculty members would say that they really like the way teaching and research are balanced.Both pieces are necessary;one is helping the other.Neither is seen as being ideal by itself,and if faculty members think that one can exist completely without the other,they should probably be at a different kind of institution—either research universities with the focus almost entirely on research or maybe community colleges with their emphasis almost entirely on teaching.The liberal arts college is what they come together.

Macalester professors are very good at teaching.But it’s not enough to be good in either teaching or research.You need to be good at both.If you are very good at research but your teaching is not very good,you cannot get the promotion.That’s why faculty always feel pressure—that’s really difficult,and that’s a problem.



University:How is teaching evaluated in liberal arts colleges?

President Rosenberg:We look at students who are taking their classes,and we ask what they think of the class.We have a large body of evidence from students and a professor’s colleagues,as well as a professor’s syllabi and their own reflections about their teaching.We evaluate people for tenure after six years,so we have six years of evidence.Then the review process takes a few months.You can be reviewed by your own department,then by an elected committee of the faculty called the faculty personnel committee.





University:Some faculty think that the research load at liberal arts colleges is too heavy since they are supposed to be great teachers.What do you think about this phenomenon as a president?

President Rosenberg:I think it’s a very heavy load.In some ways,the demands on the faculty at liberal arts colleges are the hardest of all,because they’re expected to be great teachers and great researchers,and to provide service to the community.At a research university,where teaching is less important,you’ll get tenure(or not get tenure)on the basis of your research.But at a place like Macalester College,you have to be good at everything,and I think that creates a lot of work and a lot of pressure on young faculty.

We try to do what we can to relieve that pressure.We provide faculty with mentoring,with funding for their research,with time to do their research.They get a sabbatical tenure to do the research.We try to provide them with training all along the way.The result is that most faculty members get tenure:I would say 80 to 90 percent of faculty members who stand for tenure at Macalester get it.It's hard,but if you provide professors with the right support,then it is very possible for them to find success.Most of them are successful.If you don’t provide them with right support,you will get a different result.

We have something called Center for Scholarship and Teaching,and we have many sessions where we talk with faculty about how to teach,research issues,what means to be at a liberal arts college.Every year I meet with all of the new faculty.We provide them with a lot of continuing education and how to be successful at a place like Macalester.You need good support from your department and your colleagues to help you understand how to be successful.So you need all of those things together.It’s a communal effort to make sure the professors are successful.





University:Some people say that for the professors in liberal arts colleges,their research discontinues when they get the tenure,is that true?

President Rosenberg:No,I don’t think it is.I am part of the tenure committee,so I review every faculty member.When we review faculty for the tenure,we look at three categories of work:teaching,research,and service.I would say that teaching is the most important,but right behind teaching is research.We expect faculty at liberal arts colleges to be teacher-scholars,and that’s the model.We believe that they need to be great teachers but also active in discipline.If you are going to teach chemistry,you need to know what’s going on in the field and the best way to do that is to be an active researcher yourself.We expect both.

When you get tenure,certainly it is easier if you choose to stop doing research,because the central tenure guarantees your position for the rest of your career.But my experience has been that most faculty members continue their research,because they love it.That’s why they choose their profession.As a chemist,a psychologist,or a mathematician,most people don’t want to stop.They want to continue doing it.

So most do and most of them,certainly in the sciences,involve student in their research,which is another advantage of the liberal arts college.If you are a chemistry student at big research university,you will not have the opportunity to do research with the best faculty—the graduate students do.If you are a chemistry student at Macalester,you will have the opportunity to work directly in research with faculty members.They are all undergraduates and so very often our faculty or our students will co-author papers and co-offer presentations at professional conferences.It’s an opportunity to do research at a very high level at very early point in an academic career,which gives you an advantage when you go on to graduate school,because you have more experience of doing that.And it’s liberal arts colleges that send the highest percentage of students to graduate school on sciences,much higher than big universities.And I think it is because they have the opportunities to do research as undergraduates.




University:What plays the important role in keeping the balance of research and teaching for faculty members besides funding and time for research in liberal arts coueges?

President Rosenberg:For me,the most important thing is hiring the right people.For every job,the challenge is to find a person who really embraces the nature of that job.You need to love your work and then you’ll do it very well.Our job is to find people who would love this work and that is a process of looking at those two or three hundred applicants before hiring someone.It’s more than looking at a transcript or looking at recommendations.It’s really asking who will love this work and thrive with this work,someone who wants this kind of environment.

The same environment is not ideal for every faculty member.It’s about making the right match,just as we emphasize students looking for a college.It’s like that some people love living in a city and some love living in the country.You could have the same environment,and different people would be happy or not happy depending upon what’s important to them.



University:How do liberal arts colleges hire the right people?

President Rosenberg:It's a very exhaustive process.Typically,in a field like history,when we advertise for a faculty position,we might have two or three hundred people apply for one position.And so we have a committee,that reviews all of our applications and narrow them down.Then people are interviewed and then typically the final step means bringing three or four to campus.It's a very time-consuming and careful process.Typically the people who get through of all of that will be outstanding.



University:What do you think is the most attractive for those people,and how do you attract the right people?

President Rosenberg:I think the best thing we have to offer is our students.Our students at Macalester College are extraordinarily strong.If you are a teacher,there’s nothing as rewarding as having great students.The best recruiting tool we have at Macalester is our students because they are so good.People come in and meet our students and they say,“I want to teach them,because they are so smart and they are so motivated,”and that helps us recruit.Other things are important—as I mentioned earlier,the support we provide such as the sabbatical time and research funding—but at the end of the day,whether people want to be at a college depends on whether they have a chance to teach great students.That’s our best recruiting tool.








University:As you said,academic excellence is the most important thing.How do you define the quality of a liberal arts college?

President Rosenberg:That is a great question.One of the hardest challenges for colleges is to define what quality means and measure outcomes.We’ve gotten better at it,but we are still not very good at it.Part of it is that our product is people.If you are producing automobiles or phones,it’s much easier to measure the quality.You know the phone works;you know the car works.When what you are producing is educated people,how do you measure that?It’s hard to measure,so colleges have never been very good at that.But that shouldn’t let us off the hook.

How do we know how well we are doing?What we do at Macalester College is not so unique.We do a pretty careful assessment of students’ability.We test students’writing ability when they arrive,and then we test their writing ability on the way out.Are they writing better?And the answer is yes,they are.We have set the general education requirements,and there are writing,quantity reasoning,and language requirements.And then there is an internationalism and multicultural requirement.In each of these areas,we try to develop assessment tools to determine whether these requirements actually help students.

That’s one way of determining whether we are,in fact,providing academic excellence.We also try to measure it by looking at our graduation rate.How many students graduated on time?At Macalester,it’s 90percent.That is very high.Across the United States,a very,very high percentage of students don’t graduate from college.That’s a big problem in the US,and there are numerous wastes of money and human resources,time and opportunities.

We also survey students to see if they are satisfied with the guidance from Macalester,and overwhelmingly we see they are.For science students,we look how many of them go to graduate school.What school do they get into?How many of them get into medical school?How many get into the school they want?We look at those outcomes,too.There is no one measure that by itself can define academic excellence.But we try to collect a variety of measures,some of which are quantifiable,some of which are not.

Are we getting the results we want?My view is that the answer should always be that we are not good enough.I think we should always strive to be better tomorrow than we are today.We should take satisfaction and pleasure in the things you do well,and we should also aspire.I used to be an English professor,and one of my favorite poets in English is Robert Browning.There is a line in one of his poems that says,“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.”I like the notion that you should always reach for something that is beyond what you can grasp because that means you are trying to be better.And I think every business should have that attitude—and colleges should have the attitude.If you get complacent,you’ll probably get worse.







University:What kinds of assessment tools are used to evaluate the quality of liberal arts colleges?

President Rosenberg:There are various assessments developed by different institutions.There are assessments by the federal government,there are accreditation agencies to assess the colleges,and the colleges themselves develop some assessment tools.

The federal government in the US is developing some tools.They now have created what they called College Scorecard and you can find it on the Department of Education website.For every college or university in the US,you can see the percentage of students that graduate and the average income level after graduation for those students.

But I think those tools are of limited use.They don’t really tell you how much students learned;they tell you how much money students are making.How much money you make is more determined by what you study:if you study engineering,you’re generally going to earn more than if you study English.We don’t need a lot of tools to tell us that.Some students want to study English and be an English teacher—that does not mean they are not successful.Students working at Apple simply have a different profession.Financial tools are not the only way to measure success in a profession.

Every college in the US has to be accredited by the accreditation agencies.They look at different measures to see if you are doing what you claim to be doing.We pass that assessment and the accreditation processes,which happen every ten years.

We also develop important tools ourselves to determine whether students are doing things like learning how to write,learning how to use numbers,and learning critical thinking skills.




University:According to the satisfaction survey in your college,at what aspect you are not very good till now?

President Rosenberg:Where we think our students are doing best,particularly relative to students from other colleges,is in areas that consistent with our mission.Macalester students said they developed greater understanding of other cultures.They have developed a better ability to interact with people who are different from them,and they have developed a stronger commitment to service to others.

Maybe Macalester students are generally not as financially motivated as students from other schools.Sometimes,if we ask them what’s most important to them,you have to push them to realize that it’s okay to be financially successful.You can be financially successful and still be committed to making the world a better place—they’re not mutually exclusive.In the last few years since the great recession,though,students have become more aware of the importance of financial security.The job market got so difficult because of the economic disruption,so students became more aware of the fact that financial security is something we need to think about.The parents think about it,but students sometimes do and sometimes not as much.





University:How do you make people in different departments work together for the same goal of the college?

President Rosenberg:First of all,I try to set an example of showing respect for all of those people in all of those areas.Second,I also think it’s important to have times when you bring everybody together.Several times each semester,we will have an event to bring everybody together and to celebrate what we do at Macalester.For instance,we have a faculty and staff appreciation lunch when we will bring everybody together.We do the same thing in the spring.We have a holiday party.Several times during the year we try to bring everybody together so that everyone feels part of the same community.

Though we are not a large college,you still have to work to try to break down barriers.It’s not easy,but I think having those events for everybody to come together,and making sure that everybody understands the mission is really important.We are small enough so we can get everybody together at once.If you are in a place that has 20,000 or 30,000 employees,you can’t do that.



University:Is it easier to build a sense of community in small colleges?

President Rosenberg:I think generally small liberal arts colleges try very hard to take advantage of their smallness and create a sense of community.Some can do that better than others,and I’d like to think that Macalester does that particularly well,creating the thought that we’re all in this together.For some places like universities it’s impossible,because they’re just too big.That’s like the difference between working at a very large company and at a small company:it’s much easier in a small company for everybody to know everyone else and for people to feel like they’re part of the same work.When an organization is larger,it’s harder—maybe not impossible,but harder.




University:Do you try to create the sense of community as part of the culture of liberal arts colleges?

President Rosenberg:I think so.From the time that colleges were first created,one of the goals was to create a living and learning community.I think that remains particularly true of these small colleges.One of the ways that you can tell is that the alumni tend to be more deeply connected than at big places:they feel like they’re part of something—a club and a family.It’s easier to generate that feeling when a college is small than when it’s very,very big.At place like University of Michigan,where my son went,they probably have 350,000 alumni.We have 30,000.It’s easier to create a sense of being part of a family when it’s 30,000 instead of 350,000.

One of the advantages of being at a small college is that a faculty member would be much more likely to interact with people outside the department.At a large university where there might be 50 people in the English department,you might spend almost all of your time just interacting with other English professors.At Macalester,where there might be 10 people in the English department,you’re much more likely to interact with people in other departments—not just in your academic work,but also in social settings.We encourage team-teaching,with faculty from two different departments can teach together.That’s easier to do at a small place.I think most faculty will tell you that one of the things they’d like about an environment like Macalester’s is that they do get to interact with people whose disciplines are very different from their own.It helps create a sense of community and also helps intellectually to interact with people from a range of disciplines.I think you tend to see a more interdisciplinary curriculum at small places than at big places.




University:You have been president of Macalester College for more than 13 years since 2007.In the 13years what’s the biggest change at Macalester College?What aspect do you pay a lot of effort into?

President Rosenberg:I think we’ve developed a much stronger culture of being one community.I think it’s more a sense of community now than there was 13 years ago.Sometimes people ask me what keeps me up at night,what I worry about the most.It’s the financial model;it’s balancing the quality of what we do with the access to financial aid—how we make sure we are providing a world-class education to an economically diverse group of students.That’s the hardest thing I do.



University:We know that in the past,liberal arts colleges were dominant:most of the colleges were liberal arts colleges,but now they only account for about 6 percent.What do you think about their status in the American higher education system?

President Rosenberg:I think that liberal arts colleges now face a number of quite significant challenges.First of all,the economic circumstances of small colleges now are more and more difficult.Most of these colleges are private,unlike in China and really in most of the world,where most colleges are public and financed by the government.Most liberal arts colleges are private and they finance themselves and they're very expensive.And so the number of people who are really able to pay what it costs to get an education at a small private liberal arts college is shrinking relatively quickly.You have seen overnight a number of these colleges go away.You see a lot of them change into different kinds of colleges.There’s a small group of liberal arts colleges that are very strong and that are well-resourced,so they have enough money to be successful.But that number is not large.I think it's still the best kind of education we provide in the United States,but you probably see fewer rather than more liberal arts colleges.I think the number in ten years will be smaller than it is now,not larger.



University:How to cope with the challenges?

President Rosenberg:Part of it is delivering the message to people that a liberal arts education has a great deal of value.I think people need to be convinced that the investment on an expensive education is worth it and will pay them back.Part of it is making sure that we provide the liberal arts’high level of value to the students who enroll in our schools.And part of it is controlling our costs.We have to make sure we are not losing our excellence and that we are as efficient as possible as we educate our students.It’s a matter of message,it’s a matter of providing value,and it’s a matter of being efficient ourselves.They are all things that are crucial right now.




University:How do you convince people of the value of liberal arts education provided by this kind of college?

President Rosenberg:We have to provide evidence that shows that this kind of education will provide value for the investment.Some of the challenges is that some of the value that we provide is not easily measured.Liberal arts education is designed in part to prepare for your job.But it's also designed to prepare you to live a richer or more thoughtful life,and to be an engaged citizen,and those things are very difficult to measure.

The job part is the easiest to measure.What we can show,for instance,is that at a place like Macalester College,about 70 percent of our students go on and get an advanced degree.The percentage of our students who get jobs when they leave college is about twice the average for students graduating from US colleges.Typically by the time alumni are in their mid-thirties,they will gain extra income from graduating from a place like Macalester College that will pay back the cost of attending,so everything after that is a gain.

For a lot of people,it’s really important that we demonstrate the economic value that we will provide.There are many things in our lives that we can spend money on.The difference for education is that it provides the highest return on our investment.When you buy a car,or when you buy a house,you know the value of the car will go down as soon as it’s not new.You don’t know what’s going to happen to the house:the value may go up or the value may go down.You can be pretty sure when you invest in education that you’re going to get a positive return on it.For all the things you can spend money on,in my view,as a parent,as a student,education is by far the most important.It’s the key to everything else.





University:Have you ever thought of making the college bigger?Would you like to develop it into a research university if possible?Why or why not?

President Rosenberg:No.I don't see evolving from a liberal arts college to a research university as something that would be better.It would make us different and I think that I would prefer not to be different.I’ll prefer to keep focused on the mission that is at the heart of what we do,which is educating undergraduates.I would rather keep doing what we are doing well than try to be something else.A liberal arts college is not a research university.It is a whole different organization,a different institution.

I think that the work is important and the outcomes are really good.I still think,even with all the technology that has been created,that nothing can really substitute for the closer interaction between students and faculty,and closer interaction among students.It’s all about human beings interacting with other human beings.I think this particular environment allows that to happen in a very fruitful way.So why change it?I don’t want to change it.If circumstances force it to change,then we will,but if they don’t,then I think we will not.If these kinds of places ever go away,something extremely valuable will have been lost.

Bigger is better.That’s true,not just in colleges,but when you think about business.For more and more businesses,it’s hard to be small and survive.Education is not unique.And the notion that the economic model of a very large business works better—there may be some truth to that in education.That is why some of these institutions are struggling.It’s hard to do these things small.But I would rather be small and outstanding than larger.


布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇5

自国际在线报道 津巴布韦大学孔子学院成立五周年庆祝活动于近日举行。作为非洲成立较早的一所孔子学院,津大孔子学院取得了丰硕成果,目前,每年有近千名当地人在这里学习汉语,成为促进中津友好的文化使者。


中文热 津巴布韦姑娘留学中国竟用汉语逛街砍价




汉语热 做中文老师出国教老外学汉语 有前景!


布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇6





为更好地弘扬中国文化,提高孔子学院在泰国的影响力,8月24日,曼松德昭帕亚皇家师范大学孔子学院与《亚洲日报》签订了合作协议。曼松德孔子学院泰方院长苏迪鹏博士(SUTIPPORN CHOTRATANASAK)出席了此次签字仪式。





本次活动由法国前总理、现参议院副议长拉法兰先生主持的“展望与创新”基金会主办。300多名具有国际影响力的知名人士与会,其中包括联合国副秘书长AlainLe Roy、世界银行副行长James W.Adams等。孔子学院是本次高层论坛上惟一设立专门展台的机构。













布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇7

本刊讯2014年5月5日上午, 李克强总理夫人程虹在埃塞俄比亚总理夫人罗曼·塔斯法耶的陪同下, 访问了天津职业技术师范大学在埃塞俄比亚承办的第二所孔子学院———亚的斯亚贝巴大学孔子学院。该孔子学院成立于2013年11月, 由天津职业技术师范大学与亚的斯亚贝巴大学合作设立。

程虹教授来到亚的斯亚贝巴大学肯尼迪图书馆, 首先观看了孔子学院汉语教师王婷婷讲授的观摩课及学生们的中国文化才艺表演, 并与他们亲切交谈。随后程虹教授观看了孔子学院学员的书画作品, 对他们的汉语水平及对中国文化的热爱予以高度赞扬, 鼓励学员们继续努力学习汉语, 将来到中国留学, 为中埃两国友谊做出贡献。最后, 程虹教授向亚的斯亚贝巴大学校长阿德玛苏赠送了图书及电脑设备, 并表示:“知识是力量, 文化是纽带, 希望中埃两国友谊源远流长。”历时30分钟的访问活动在亲切友好的气氛中结束, 亚的斯亚贝巴大学孔子学院全体教师及志愿者精心筹备并参与了上述活动, 圆满完成了接待任务。

此外, 天津职业技术师范大学在埃首家孔子学院———亚的斯亚贝巴孔子学院院长申丽及汉语教师李阔于5月6日应邀参加中非经贸人文座谈会。在详细听取了汉语教师代表的发言后, 李克强总理对孔子学院将汉语教学与职业技术培训紧密结合的办学特色给予极大的肯定, 并表达了对孔子学院全体教师及志愿者的感谢和慰问。

布莱恩特大学孔子学院论文 篇8













