


2022加拿大留学申请书【完整版】 篇1














荷兰简洁留学申请书【完整版】 篇2

Dear _,

I am applying for acceptance into your graduate program for a Doctor’s degree in statistics. I plan to begin my studies in the fall of . Nature is full of mysteries, one of which seems to be its apparent readiness to conform with mathematical principles. Such mysteries have fascinated me since my childhood, prompting me to avidly read scientific writings by Hua Lougeng, China’s most celebrated mathematician in the modern era, even while I was still in primary school. Unable to fully understand Hua’s books as I must have been, I learned that mathematics was itself wrapped with mysteries.

My intense interest, coupled with my hard work, in mathematics paid off. During my third year in senior middle school, I took part in the National Mathematics Contest for students in secondary education, and succeeded in winning the tenth spot in a lineup of some two hundred thousand selected participants. It was at that time that I made up my mind to pursue a career in mathematics. In 1985, I entered into the East China Normal University to major in mathematics. The mandatory courses ware concentrated mainly in two areas: statistics and application technologies. There were also many elective courses. In addition to courses of statistics and mathematics, I spent a lot of time and energy learning such practical skills as computer programming and the application of some new software systems in statistics. After graduation in 1990, I taught statistics for four years at another university until I decided that I had to satisfy my curiosity further and learn more. In 1994, I joined a graduate program at the Beijing Polytechnic University, where I concentrated my studies in the area of artificial intelligence.

Never a bookworm, I presided over a sampling survey of the middle schools in Shanghai, and published my findings in the ECNU journal. The topic for my graduation paper, the problem of slow server, was actually culled from an article published in pursuing more advanced studies in a technologically more advanced country such as the United States. These journals provided me the necessary quality and amount of reference materials t keep me informed of the cutting edge of the field. The new method that I used in my research and my smooth answers at my defense of the paper could all trace their origin back to the journals that I had read. On the basis of my strong defense, the supervising committee decided unanimously t grant me an unequivocal A for my graduation paper. During the period of my graduate studies, I learned more about the realization technology (not sure what you are trying to say) by using computer programming. In image processing, I used the multianalysis and category theory in statistics, and I helped to institute a recognition system for major fingerprint characteristics. I have been working as a lecturer at the Beijing Polytechnic University since I obtained my Master’s degree. Besides teaching, I have been conducting market analysis as part of several research teams.

I have basically two main reasons to wish for further studies abroad. First, the rapid development of the statistical science fascinates me, and I would like to stand firmly on the cutting edge of the field by having myself grounded in more advanced theories. Second, the market research that I am now involved in is pushing me to master newer and better methodologies, I believe that graduate studies with your department is one of the best ways for me to attain both purposes.

I am convinced that the academic foundation I have laid in both theoretical frameworks and practical skills will help me make a competent student in my proposed studies. I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to China with a Doctor’s degree to make more contribution to the development of the science of statistics in this country.

Yours sincerely,




























德国简洁留学申请书完整版 篇3

A lot of people assume that to be successful within the dramatic and creative industries, you have to be multi-talented. Walk up on stage with your legs behind your head, singing “I Feel Pretty” whilst somehow managing to tap dance with your remaining limbs and automatically you’re suited for a job in theatre, the lead role in Les Miserables or the perfect person for that new musical that everyone’s talking about. Equally, many people truly believe that to be a famous critic featuring in every literary magazine in Britain you have to have a brain like a thesaurus and to have read everything from Roald Dahl to Nietzsche.

In my eyes, these are positive achievements that will aid you, definitely; but to really achieve something within any industry, creative or otherwise, you need to work at it with everything you’ve got. You don’t have to be a walking dictionary or a ballet dancing prima donna to be what you want to be; you have to be dedicated. That was how I decided to do Expressive Arts at GCSE and Drama and Theatre Studies at A2 Level; I knew that if I kept it at hobby level and took a relaxed attitude towards it, I would never get anywhere. I worked hard and got the best grades that I could: no one could ask more of me, and I didn’t expect them to. My hobbies consisted of singing, tap dancing, acting, creative writing and generally anything that could be construed as creative. It was never enough however, hence why the subjects were perfect for me. I liked seeing results for my passions, and I still feel that way now.

I’ve been doing tap dancing for a year now, and I get a huge satisfaction out of it; whenever I feel any strong emotion that I think will overwhelm me, I just walk into a little practice room and tap dance to my hearts content. It’s incredibly important for me to have an outlet, and tap dancing is just that. I’m not the stereotypical dancer, I don’t eat all the right food and I’m certainly not the shape of a dancer, but I work extremely hard to keep up. I love acting; transforming into someone else simply because I can, and most importantly because I want to is amazing, predominantly because of the variation. I often find myself doing this around the house or walking home; I begin creating a character in my mind, thinking of their given circumstances, how I can transform them into a three-dimensional character in front of me. It makes me feel safe yet exhilarated to know that I have that much control over myself to be able to do that, and then return to being myself two minutes later. Joining the Medway Little Theatre in January will allow me to develop and hone it to become a skill.

Singing is another enthusiasm of mine; it always creates a smile, no matter what. I’ve been part of the Kent Choirs for 6 years; I left last year so that I could concentrate on my A2 Levels fully, though I do wish to return once I’ve settled down at University. It’s always nice to have somewhere familiar to go back to amongst so many new changes. My love for creative writing also began with my love for singing, writing lyrics and music for myself – this soon grew, and I have found that my writing has improved heavily over the years through fiction, auto-biography and poetry, and now want to take this even further, whether academically or within my own spare time.

I took a year out of studying so that I could decipher what I really wanted out of my life; once I had left Sixth Form, I imagined that I would be happy making money and drifting calmly through life… and have come to realise how very wrong I was! I miss the vigour and excitement of learning something new, of reading new literature and drowning quite happily in debates about Shakespeare. It is now that I long to return to what I once loved and worked hard at, and it is now that I’m grasping my opportunities with both hands. Challenges, variation, passion, hard work and dedication are all things that are clamouring to be back into my vocabulary; this is where it starts.

Yours sincerely,

新西兰简洁留学申请书【完整版】 篇4


Dear _,

Whenever I have set a goal in life, my mind has always drifted to the example set by Lester Wunderman. Growing up poor amidst the Great Depression, he went on to become a marketing mastermind, responsible for innovative direct media techniques such as the insert card and ‘Gold Box’.

Wunderman was never content to accept setbacks. When faced with a struggle, I have always sought to emulate him by emerging from obstacles - not with a sense of defeat - but with a renewed sense of determination and greater problem-solving skills. While at school, I underwent a two-day hospital procedure that caused me to miss a considerable amount of class; as a result, I fell behind in my studies and faced extensive makeup work. I quickly made a vow, however, not to allow my schoolwork to suffer. By spending many hours on my academics even while rebuilding my physical health, I continued to excel in school, achieving high grades in my GCSE’s.

After graduation, I decided to gain exposure to the insurance field, taking a position at Norwich Union Insurance. As a sales advisor, I primarily generated insurance quotes. After one year, I craved greater challenge, deciding to look for new opportunities. Transferring to the travel section, I assumed the position of Travel Executive, during which I performed many customer service tasks and managed the distribution of insurance certificates.Yet, I still yearned for more challenge, more risk and more opportunity. After two years of service at Norwich Union, I decided to enter the perpetually stimulating field of business. However, I wanted to pursue a business career after gaining a thorough mastery of the subject matter; therefore, I needed a university degree.

During 200 , I immersed myself in thorough preparations for business school, learning to write business plans, model businesses and carry out statistical tests. Through my self-directed study and experience in the Management position, I’m thoroughly familiar with the concepts behind strategy, marketing.

While an academic record can reveal much about a person’s character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achieved.

Throughout my life, I have always sought greater intellectual stimulation, and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of and operations. I now wish to expand my proficiency in these areas on the MBA program.

While an academic record can reveal much about a person’s character, illustrating traits such as discipline, determination, and responsibility, it does not provide the complete picture. Namely, grades and scores cannot detail lessons learned, challenges met and victories achieved. Throughout my life, I have always sought greater intellectual stimulation, and this search has typically entailed abandonment of the familiar to pursue the unknown. In my business pursuits, I will continue to adopt this risk-taking approach and will not rest until I reach my maximum level of accomplishment. By adopting the constructive, determined approach of business wizards such as Wunderman, I have a much better chance of getting there.

Yours sincerely,
























2022加拿大留学申请书【完整版】 篇5

Dear _,

As the Asian financial crisis continues unabated in its second year, I , an economics major trained at one of China’s best cradles of economists, feel duty-bound to pursue advanced studies. Only by so doing can I hope to make a significant contribution to the discourse on China’s economic development strategy as the country endeavors to dodge the economic debacle that has befallen its neighbors. I must help decipher the puzzle of how the Asian economic miracle has busted. It is my strong belief that my country can draw vitally important lessons from the failures of other Asian economies.

Most of my education to date is characterized by preeminence. a graduate from the Beijing No.4 Senior High School, one of the country’s very best high schools, I did my undergraduate university studies at the University of Inter national Business and Economics, a most respected institution that specializes in training economists and entrepreneurs. At this university, I received extensive training that was both rigorous and vigorous in economics. Exercising diligence and creativity, I achieved an academic record that was the envy of many of my schoolmates. Such education should provide solid grounding for me as I seek to vault into higher intellectual domains.

Upon graduation in , I have been working for China National Chemical Supply and Sales Corporation, one of the country’s key state-owned companies. I obtained the position on the strength of my outstanding academic records as well as the excellent performance I exhibited during my internship there. The job is satisfying in terms of both remuneration and prestige, but it does not give me a big enough stage to realize my ambition of making myself a prominent Chinese economist.

I understand that, in today’s world, the power of a nation lies in its economic strength. This is particularly so for China, which has to support almost a quarter of the humankind with only a fraction of the world’s resources and wealth. While the development of economy is essential to every country, no other country in the world has to shoulder the kind of responsibility that China does. With an economy the size of Canada’s, China has a population that increases by a Canadian population every two years, even while it is enforcing a strict family planning rules. That means that, to just maintain the existing living standards of its citizens, China has come up with a enough jobs every two years for what amounts to the employment of every Canadian, young or old, healthy or sick. This is a daunting task that no country has ever faced. The fulfillment of this task, no doubt, calls for ingenuity.

I am glad to see that China is following a path that it has chosen, first and foremost, in response to the realities within its own borders, even though it has not shunned from integrating its economy with that of the developed world. With almost 20 years of vigorous economic reforms, the Chinese seem to have struck the right balance between answering the call of accelerating globalization and defending its national interests. This balance has paid off in many ways. The country’s average economic growth rate of nearly 10 per cent for almost 20 years makes its economy the fastest growing among all major economies. The economic strength it has thus accumulated is helping it to stave off the financial meltdown that has ravaged the tiger economies. I want to know what China has done right that the other countries have done wrong and how China can build upon its impressive record so far for sustained growth in the future. Sophisticated answers to these questions require sophisticated training, which I hope I can achieve in your distinguished program.

My undergraduate studies, though far from enough for my long-term purpose, have adequately prepared me for advanced research.. I am now solidly grounded in mathematics, statistics and basic theories of economics, all fundamental subjects in learning economics. I have been particularly interested in Game Theory and Money & Banking. To broaden vision, I have audited, by special arrangement for the gifted students, graduate courses like Futures & Securities Investment and International Marketing, taught by overseas professors. Through these courses, I have learned the concepts and theories of Western economics. All this has added to my intellectual depth.

With the vigorous training I received in my undergraduate studies, I have arrived at some basic understanding of the Asian economy, on which I would like to focus my graduate studies. I believe that, in spite of the breakneck growth in the 1970s and 80s of the tiger economies that gave rise to the “East Asian Miracle”, the East Asian countries failed to build up sound economic structures. Their economic growths were powered more by the injection of tremendous investments than anything else, which led to what has come to be called the bubble economies. In their rush to achieve grandiose growths targets, they set up only rudimentary systems of control over their financial industries. As a result, too many loans were allowed to be secured on overpriced real estate and stocks. Such a situation would result in grave consequences if either the real estate or stock market collapsed. When both of these markets crashed last year in one after another Southeast Asian country, their banks’ bad loans multiplied, setting off domino effects across whole economies throughout the region. The devastation was such that, more than a year after the crisis began, few people in Asia can see any light at the end of the tunnel today.

The big question in the Asian crisis is now on China. In the face of the Asian crisis, China has demonstrated remarkable strength and courage. Unlike in most other East Asian countries, the economy in China is still growing, and the Chinese currency is still stable. The difference is spelt, I believe, by the measures that China has taken in preventing the occurrence of a bubble economy. The Chinese government has not rushed to bless run-away speculation on the stock market, as some other Asian governments seemed to have done. Foreign investments, of which China has received more than any other country except the US, have been carefully channeled into infrastructure projects and industrial production. This, along with the inconvertibility of the Chinese currency on the capital accounts, has prevented the kind of capital flight that has undermined the financial systems in other Asian countries. Amazingly, China has become a powerful stabilizing force in Asian economies, although the country has been faulted by some in the West for not having embraced the free market concept as readily as other developing countries did. I think the stark contrast between the success of a somewhat more controlled economy and the failures of the free market economies begs for many questions.

The story on China is of course not over yet, nor will it be anytime soon. With the deepening Asian financial crisis mounting more and more pressure on China, the Chinese government and businesses are desperately trying to maintain economic growths while continuing the country’s structural reforms. We do not yet know whether China will in the end be able to tough out the current crisis that keeps knocking on its doors. Even if China can survive this round of crisis unscathed, it will have to continue integrating its economy further with that of other countries, thereby exposing itself more and more to the capricious forces of the international financial markets. In the process, Chinese economists will have to meet the challenge of answering difficult questions, questions that may not have been asked anywhere else. I would like to be one of those meeting this challenge.

In applying for acceptance into your program, I hope that, more than learning the staid concepts and theories of economics, I can sharpen my insights when treading on unmapped territories. I am attracted to your wide range of course offerings and the varied backgrounds of your faculty members. I am confident that, under your seasoned guidance, I will give full play to my intellectual potential in academic research. It should come as no surprise to you if I become one of the foremost authorities on the Chinese economy a few years after I graduate from your school.

Yours sincerely,


























2022年婚礼主持词完整版 篇6




学费代偿申请表完整版 篇7


























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2022加拿大留学申请书【完整版】 篇8












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