


致应届毕业生第一份工作教会我们的7件事美文 篇1

1 求职阶段:在这个时候,你首先就要想好,自己喜欢什么样的工作,想做一份什么样的职业,是踏踏实实找一份工作努力的做下去,还是自己创业,因为刚刚走出校园的第一份工作是很重要的,关系到你以后的职业发展。

2 工作阶段:当你找到自己努力的方向,找到一份自己满意的工作后,那么就得勤勤恳恳的工作了,先把自己分内的事情做好,并且要仔仔细细的做,有不懂的要及时请教有文章的前辈,同时要主动地做一些自己力所能及的团队里的其他事情,并且要有一些自己正确、积极的想法。这样通过一两年的时间你会快速成长,也会有很大的会把。

3 跳槽、离职阶段:当你工作了一段时间后,有时候会忽然发现,工作原来不是自己想象的那样了,总归是缺少点激情,也觉得缺少发展的机会,这时候你就要警惕了,因为工作毕竟不可能十全十美的,肯定会有不如意的地方,可能过了半年、一年的,你觉得没有发展,但是要知道,在这一年的时间内你都是在学习东西,学习如何处理人际关系,如何做好工作。如果你盲目的去辞职、跳槽,那么你同样是重头开始,永远比别人要慢一点,还不如在一家公司坚持个两年到三年时间,摸清楚一个岗位的所有职责和如何处理事情而来得好。

第一份工作教会我们的七件事 篇2

The thing is, our first jobs, no matter how ridiculous, are going to stay with us; they’re going to teach us things we would never learn elsewhere, and to a certain extent, shape the person we’ll become later in our professional lives.

Here are seven important lessons you’ll learn from your first job.




People Skills are 90 Percent of Any Job


The other 10 percent consists of the actual skills you learned at college or otherwise acquired along the way. The problem is, we don’t exist in a bubble; we’ll have to deal with other people pretty regularly.

Knowing how to communicate effectively, as well as being personable, is going to be (for some of us) the hardest part of the job. Even if you work from home as an independent contractor, you still answer to (and will have to interact with) real people.



You Need to Stay Two Steps Ahead


Our success at our jobs—no matter how the job is—is less about any given moment, day or project, and more about the next. Anticipation is a thing we’ll learn early, whether it’s anticipating what a customer will want before they know how to ask for it, or anticipating the next demand our boss will make.

If our first jobs teach us anything, it’s that one of the quickest ways to distinguish ourselves in the workplace is to take initiative. Don’t wait around to be told what to do; don’t make any assumptions, either, but if you’re given a chance to jump on the next thing that needs doing, without being instructed to do so, you’ll probably be rewarded.



Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes


Conventional wisdom tells us that human beings learn from our mistakes. Science tells us that we may learn better from our triumphs.

When it comes to tackling a job, you’re almost guaranteed to slip up once in a while. That’s what the “learning curve” is all about: it’s an understanding between you and your boss that you’re still getting used to how things work. The thing is, learning is a lifelong process. You’re going to make mistakes. Dreading them, or walking on eggshells all day to avoid them is no way to live.



Get Used to Monotony


With very few exceptions, most jobs out there are almost painfully dull. There may be slight variations along the way, but for the most part, our jobs will largely consist of the same activities and tasks on a daily basis.

Learning to make the most of a predictable life is important; you’ll have to find your own ways to change things up from time to time and inject a little bit of variety into your working hours.



You’re Going to Work With People You Don’t Like


This might be the most important takeaway from our first jobs. It’s tempting to think that after you accept a job, you’ll find yourself among like-minded individuals who have everything in common with you. In fact, on occasion, you may end up feeling like you should take some animal repellant to work with you.


Accept Any Job That Can Be Risky


Getting hired is, for most of us, a cause for celebration, and for good reason. It’s a culmination of a potentially months-long process of drawn-out interviews and waiting and worrying. Unfortunately, what comes next is anything but certain.

Unless you’re the CEO’s daughter, your continued employment is far from assured. Neither is your financial stability. Learning not to take anything for granted is one of the most important life lessons you’ll ever learn.



Getting Hired is Only the Beginning


So you’ve successfully landed a job. That’s great, but you’re still far from knowing everything you need to know about performing the job and, more importantly, immersing yourself in the culture of your new workplace.

There are people’s names to learn and organizational procedures to memorize. Just because you work there now doesn’t mean you’re on even footing with your new co-workers; it’s going to take time and effort to make yourself a truly valuable piece of the puzzle. Find your strengths in the workplace and what kind of skills you offer that others can’t to make yourself truly valuable.


第一份工作美文摘抄 篇3



