


父亲节英文作文 篇1

After days of heavy rain, the south a piece of luck, Mizusawa, housing, water street clothes tide, even the mood in the water bubble moldy, finally it doesnt rain today, but still no sunshine, breeze, a refreshing.Its a fine day, in such a good weather, we should clean up the moldy mood, happy.Wake up fathers, do you find a small card around you?Its a fine day is a good day, today is fathers day.Yes!Its fathers day.

My father is two words with deep love, a heavy responsibility, said father a stalwart.Yes, my father is a pillar of the family, is one family spirit protector and patron.There have been many years, not the two words to say it, also can not remember, father, is a kind of feeling, but peace and happiness is forever engraved in the heart, the passage of time, the taste is deep freeze, no retreat.In the twinkling of an eye I can not remember what you look like, but I can not forget your kind words.Today, when the unfortunate night, all the way down, hit the crying children, also have all grown up, some of their own has become a father, I do not think, if you can see all of this will be how to comfort and joy, but must be happy!

Remember to see the “echoes of the rainbow”, my tears, helpless reality, never abandon the precarious one family.Luo Jin twos grandmother said, one day she is going to leave, small into two, do not understand grandma said “leave” what does it mean, as if I had no acceptance, you leave is the same.However, he is happier than me, because my grandmother told him “if it is too miss, the one who left the family, the most love oneself this lifetime things keep up, and then thrown into the sea, the ocean was filled in, will be able to see the family.”Although, when the elder brother left, the small into two, his life accumulation of treasure, are thrown into the sea, all cant change back to brother, but at least he can stay for leave what to do.And I, at that time, in addition to the dream in the past, looking forward to your home, really nothing can do.Although this time the thief stole so much of our time, but someday that Wang deep sea will be filled, one day lost loved ones can still meet.

父亲节英文作文 篇2


习语的产生与人们的劳动和生活密切相关.英国是一个岛国,历史上航海业曾一度领先世界;而汉民族在亚洲大陆生活繁衍,人们的生活离不开土地.比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚,英语是spend money like water,而汉语是“挥金如土”.英语中有许多关于船和水的习语,在汉语中没有完全相同的对应习语,如to rest on one's oars (暂时歇一歇),to keep one's head above water (奋力图存)等.

英汉习俗差异是多方面的,最典型的莫过于在对狗这种动物的态度上.狗在汉语中是一种卑微的动物,汉语中与狗有关的习语大都含有贬意:“狐朋狗友”、“狗急跳墙”、“狼心狗肺”、“狗腿子”等.而在西方英语国家,狗被认为是人类最忠诚的朋友.英语中有关狗的习语除了一部分因受其他语言的影响而含有贬义外,大部分都没有贬义.在英语习语中,常以狗的形象来比喻人的行为.如You are a lucky dog (你是一个幸运儿),Every dog has his day (凡人皆有得意日)等.与此相反,中国人十分喜爱猫,用“馋猫”比喻人贪嘴,常有亲呢的成分,而在西方文化中,“猫”被用来比喻“包藏祸心的女人”.与宗教信仰有关的习语也大量地出在英汉语言中.佛教传入中国已有一千多年的历史,很多人信奉有“佛主”,因此与“佛”有关的习语很多,如“借花献佛”、“临时抱佛脚”等.在西方许多国家,特别是在英美,人们信奉基督教,相关的习语如God helps those who help themselves (天道酬勤).

汉民族自古善长形象思维,从造字、构词到写诗、作文无不体现形象性.在初高中作文中,学生也应尝试这类活泼、生动的表达.例如,“把钱花在刀刃上”(Maintain expenditures in some areas while reducing them in others,and spend our money where it counts the most),走后门”(backdoor deals),“菜篮子”(vegetable basket,non-staple food supply)等,这些具有浓郁中国特色的词汇极大地增强了阅读效果.但写作的时候也着实为学生带来了困难,若只照字面意思直译,不对原词形象所指称的实际意义做出正确的解读,写出的作文就会使读者不知所云,甚至产生误解.对于这类词汇的处理,必须剖析其实际意义,灵活地在译语中选择词汇,才能为读者呈现出符合英语习惯、表现中国特色的佳作.

例1“半拉子”工程(the project stopped midway)”.


例2我们发挥投资“四两拨千斤”的作用(We…by means of well-leveraged investment).



“情人眼里出西施”(Beauty lies in the lover's eyes);

“不到黄河心不死”(not stop until one reaches one's goal);

“拆东墙补西墙”(rob Peter to pay Paul);

“功夫不负有心人”(Everything comes to him who waits).






有些成语照字面翻译会使作文晦涩难懂,难以阅读.例如,曾有学生将“have a bamboo in his stomach”写在作文中,闹了场笑话.这条成语出自苏轼原语,即“胸有成竹”,意思是说画家在画竹之前,必须先在脑子里产生竹的形象,比喻在做事之前心中已有了全面的考虑.只要理解了原意,就不难翻译出它的比喻意义,应该是“have a well-thought-out plan before doing sth”.再看下面的例子:

“粗枝大叶”(be crude and careless);

“暗送秋波”(make secret overture to sb);

“灯红酒绿”(dissipated and luxurious);

“不眠之夜”(white night);

“扬眉吐气”(feel proud and elated);

“开门见山”(come straight to the point);

“一败涂地”(meet one's waterloo).



“井底之蛙”(be like a frog at the bottom of a well);

“口蜜腹剑”(be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted);

“声东击西”(shout in the east and strike in the west);

“史无前例”(be without precedent in history);

“爱屋及乌”(Love me,love my dog);

“国泰民安”(The country flourishes and people live in peace);

“和气生财”(Harmony brings wealth).



“杯弓蛇影”(afraid of one's shadow);

“黄粱美梦”(vanished dream/a fool's paradise);

“叶公好龙”(professed love of what one really fears);

“初出茅庐”(just have first experience in).



[1]王倩.英汉成语比较与翻译[C]. //译学词与译学理论文集.山东大学出版杜,2002

[2]金惠康.跨文化交际翻译[M]北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2002

巧用英文谚语,斩获高分作文 篇3

1. Happiness takes no account of time.



As the saying goes, happiness takes no account of time. After 3 hours' work, talk and laugh, a gorgeous sunset reminded us that it's time to return. Exhausted as we were, we felt our time and effort extremely worthwhile, for ... (此处写上活动的意义,如“we devoted the whole afternoon to environmental protection.”)




2. Time and tide wait for no man.



Time and tide wait for no man. What a truth it is! If the tide has receded, how can a stranded ship start its voyage from shore? If the time has gone, how can we enrich our life journey?



1. 为了增强感染力,这里用了两个结构完全一样的反问句,形成了颇为严格的排比。

2. 这句话的译文同样精彩,值得玩味,因为在翻译过程中,笔者使用了汉语写作中的一个重量级技巧:形容词用作动词,把enrich our life journey译成了“灿烂生命的旅程”。这种写作技巧能让你的表达充满诗情。

3. Small gains bring great wealth.


【解释】这句话可用于“积累”“积少成多”等话题的作文。这个话题跟刚才的“珍惜时间”一样,都属于“人生智慧”类话题。这类话题都可以套用相似的写作模式:谚语+ What a truth it is! +反问句1 +反问句2。例如:

Small gains bring great wealth. What a truth it is! How can one bite make a man fat? How can you get high marks in exams with only one-night effort?




4. Sweet discourse makes short

days and nights.



Sweet discourse makes short days and nights. What a truth it is! More often than not, it is because of a friendly talk that our life seems more enjoyable.



此处依然套用了上面提到的写作模式:谚语+ What a truth it is! +反问句1 +反问句2。只不过后面的两个反问句被换成了一个强调句,用来对谚语进行解释。记住,活学活用才是真理。

5. Laugh at your ills, and save

doctors' bills.



Laugh at your ills, and save doctors' bills. What a truth it is! More often than not, it is because of an optimistic smile that our life seems more enjoyable.






我的父亲英文作文 篇4

Father mingku!Also have personality!

Three years after he was born, the Japanese army invaded China in large quantities.

Grandma and grandpa passed away in the father when young, five aunts are married, young aunt with him.He didnt want to depend on others, from a teenager alone in out.In doing good air force, had no money, just a full stomach, father is very satisfied.

When the father in their twenties, there are busybodies to match his, has introduced four or five without success.Either his father is ugly, nor is his character bad.A lot of girls see fathers interest first, but to him at home when he was listless, because he had no family, only a light brush people.A girl willing to marry him and under the tree?A lot of girls then away tears.

The father understood one thing: to have a family, one must have a place to live.He felt a man wandering old Akira is not a thing, with a bucket of Sorghum in chicken eggs do not drink six to three home village to build a hut.

The thatched house was built, several aunt cant wait to get together with her father was a commonplace talk of an old scholar said daughter-in-law.Two aunt lived in low mountain, the father mother as if it were raining flowers into the hut, and every winter, the mother walked all day long tramp over mountains and through ravines.The empty thatched cottage, only borrowed a few chairs, the mother dispirited and discouraged, ready to return the night.The father magically took out a brand-new water bottle.Mother and make eyes bright, shining in the dark hut in the open bottle is so loud, my mother finally decided to stay.

Afterwards, every family said, “from the one who opened the water bottle, he proved that the future son-in-law was a council member.”.“I dont think so. Whats a good thing about a bottle of water?Yao Gu mother hated to tell me: ”then opened the water bottle is equivalent to now 200 inches of color TV.“!”200 inches?I have not seen, aunt has not seen, she just let me understand the value of the bottle at that time.Later, father and mother quarrel finally ending is always saying: “you are a man, then nothing more than to see up a bottle of my!”At this time, the mother said nothing but smiled.Father, this sentence can not be verified, I have asked mother and aunt, they are only laughing.On one occasion, my aunt was annoyed and threw down a thousand words, “better than a thousand, better than a good man”, which is the final answer to me.

父亲节英文诗歌 篇5

The majesty of a tree,

The warmth of a summer sun,

The calm of a quiet sea,

The generous soul of nature,

The comforting arm of night,

The wisdom of the ages,

The power of the eagles in flight,

The joy of a morning in spring,

The faith of a mustard seed,

The patience of eternity,

The depth of a family need,

Then God combined these qualities,

And there was nothing more to add,

He knew his masterpiece was complete,

父亲节英文祝福语 篇6

Fathers Day is coming. Say to Dad: Hard work, I wish you a happy holiday!


Fathers Day, a blessing to you silently dedicated to your home, my dear father! Happy holidays!


Wish dad never worry, every day is beautiful, happy Fathers Day!


Father, you are the hardest gardener in my life garden, give me warm love.


Dear father, may you always be healthy and happy forever!


On Fathers Day, I wish my father health and happiness, everything is at his disposal.


Blessings like the breeze to pursue you, bring you a beautiful mood, Fathers Day wishes a happy family!


Fathers Day is coming. I salute your father! I hope he will live a long and healthy life!


Fathers Day is coming. I would like to be the bridge, song and sky in my fathers life, and give him endless love.


There are all kinds of emotions in the world. Fathers love is the most true and pure, and fathers love is the greatest!
