


MBA专业英文推荐信 篇1

英文mba推荐信翻译模板 dear addimissions officer: i am writing this letter to support the admission of wenli lee to the harvard business school.i was mr.lee‘s teacher and advisor for several years between 1993 and 1995.we have met and talked several times since.finally, lee plays with americans.he does not hide out in chinatown or the chinese cultural center.he rock climbs and sails.he can tell hip from hoopla.lee is smart.but more important he has acquired wisdom in the culture of both china and the u.s.he wants to expand his considerable fund of wisdom and use it to provide cultural sincerely, david smiths professor of abc university篇二:大学mba推荐信范文-推荐信









您认为,事情人是否周详地考虑过他的攻读mba的计划 作为哈尔滨工业大学的优秀毕业生,卢先生在不及他的许多同学纷纷考上研究生后,并没有急于在能够反映他学习潜能的考研路上表现自己,而是安心工作,认真学习,努力提高实际工作能力。这样的一个稳重、朴实的人,在mba已经不稀罕的年代,认真地选择了贵校的mba,你们觉得他对攻读mba的计划是否会周详地考虑过?






您认为申请人的主要优点体现在哪些方面? 您认为申请人在哪些领域有能力进一步提高?







推 荐 信

尊敬的xxx学院(中山大学岭南学院、暨南大学商学院): 您好,我是,现任xxxx公司的。得知我单位xx同志想要报名贵校工商管理硕士,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。









年 月 日篇四:mba-marketing专业英语推荐信 mba-marketing专业英语推荐信 to whom it may concern, xx took an internship at lorxxl(china)from july xxxx to april xxxx, during which she began to perform the role as trade marketing assistant from the start of last general, she was proved to be an outstanding asset to our marketing team.while working with colleagues at loxxxl(china), provided great deal of assistance in the planning, preparation and execution of trade marketing events.during her time in loxxxl the tasks i gave her were far beyond what an intern should undertake.under so much pressure, she did never flinch and even volunteered to work overtime on holidays and weekends.she is strongly self-motivated.on many occasions, xxx solved problems efficiently, which required a great level of intelligence and initiative.throughout the ten months at loxxxl china, she study.we have been fortunate to have her work with us and sincerely wish her the very best in her future endeavours.kind regards, loxxxl(china)group limited xxxx xx national trade marketing manager email: xxx篇五:大学mba推荐信范文












MBA专业英文推荐信 篇2

自从中国加入WTO, 中国经济的对外开放力度不断加大, 与世界各个方面融合得更加紧密。作为全球贸易大国, 中国的各种国际贸易活动十分活跃, 急需一大批高素质的复合型国际经贸人才来作为人力智力支撑, 而这种复合型国际经贸人才意味着必须至少拥有良好的语言沟通能力和扎实的专业技术功底, 否则, 就无法参与全球激烈的商业竞争。这对传统的经贸人才培养模式提出了挑战。作为目前国内培育经贸人才的主要专业, 国际经济与贸易专业也急需要随之迈开国际化的步伐, 不断根据实际情况调整培养模式, 研究教学改革, 提升教学效果。

国际经贸专业属于应用经济学学科范畴, 国际经贸专业的课程一般由三大部分组成:第一, 经济类基础课程, 如宏微观经济学、计量经济学等;第二, 专业核心课程, 如国际贸易理论与实务、国际经济学、国际货物运输与保险、国际商法等;第三, 专业选修课程, 如国际商务谈判、外贸函电等。多数国际经贸专业的课程都具有较强的国际共通性, 多数经济贸易理论 (如亚当斯密的绝对优势理论、大卫李嘉图的比较优势理论, 赫克歇尔-俄林理论、里昂惕夫悖论等) 、贸易规则 (如UCP600、URC522、Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932等) 、贸易术语 (FOB、CFR、CIF等) 等都是直接从英语翻译而来, 而指导国际贸易实践的世界贸易组织等国际贸易组织更是用英语作为官方语言, 采用全英文教学能够最大限度地挖掘相关论著的内涵, 比中文教学更细致地向学生展现国际经济学知识, 也有利于增强教学内容的准确性。国际贸易实务的各环节, 如报盘、还盘等多用英文表述;合同、提单、发票等文件也多以英文书写, 开展全英文教学有利于增强教学的实用性。

在过去若干年的高等教育改革中, 为了让学生兼具专业能力和语言能力, 不少高校推出了针对专业课进行双语教学的模式, 然后实践下来的效果并不理想。因为在双语教学中, 教师既可使用中文, 又可使用英文, 英文和中文授课的比例没有严格规定, 在教材上, 不少学校采用英文教材, 中文授课, 也有学校采用双语教材, 中英文混合授课, 相对比较混乱。在授课过程中, 大多数情况下, 有的教师为了让学生能够充分接受, 有的教师为了自己的意思更明确地被表达, 课堂上多用中文, 或者用英文的比例极少, 这样一来, 学生的语言能力还是得不到提高。而全英文教学抛开了中英文比例问题, 在课程讲授、教材使用、课件制作、考核流程等环节全部采用英文, 避免了两种完全不同的语言冲突, 反而让学生省去转换语感的过程, 能更好地促进学生用英语来理解、思考和表述与该专业相关的知识。

总之, 教师全英文讲授相关课程, 不使用任何中文, 尽量让学生接受与欧美发达国家学生相似的教学内容, 能更好地提高和巩固学生的运用英语学习专业知识的能力, 这是培养国际化人才, 增强学科国际影响力的重要途径。


1. 授课师资缺乏。

国际经贸易专业是一个实践性很强的专业, 既需要学生懂得扎实的专业技能, 又要求英语语言能力可以达到熟练运用的水平, 因此, 专业素质与英语素质的“双高”是该课程授课教师的基本素质要求。如果没有合格的全英文授课教师, 全英文课程建设就无从谈起。我校属于国内知名外语院校, 已聘有不少拥有海外留学和工作经验的双语教师, 但是他们要么缺乏相关专业的实践经验, 要么依然存在熟练应用英语进行授课的问题。总体来说, 目前为止我国兼具高专业水平和强英语能力的教师依然还是少数, 大部分教师都不能够胜任真正的全英文教学工作。

2. 学生的语言能力还需提高。

要实现国际经贸的全英文教学, 对于学生的语言素质也提出了较高的要求。在传统教学模式的影响下, 我国学生在专业水平方面可能没有太大问题, 但是在外语语言能力方面却达不到相关要求。目前来看, 学生英语能力整体水平不够, 尤其是听说能力不尽如人意, 专业词汇不足, 也对学生使用原版教材, 跟上老师授课步骤, 尤其积极参与课堂教学, 都造成了一定的障碍。虽然大学生已经学习外语有些年份, 但是大部分是为了应付高考, 没能在日常生活中运用, 并且, 学生的水平参差不齐, 有些外语水平实在太差, 不能跟上其他同学的脚步。从很多双语课程的实践来看, 学生受到汉语的影响很大, 课堂互动环节和完成作业等都习惯性地将汉语翻译成英语, 无法完全融入英语教学的情景。

3. 教材选用较混乱。

目前国际经贸课程使用的教材比较混乱, 有的使用双语教材, 有的使用外文原版教材, 有的使用中文教材但是教师用英语讲授, 没有系统, 多依靠教师个人的选择。就双语教学而言, 教育部规定学校须使用原版教材, 全英文教学更需要使用全英文教材, 但是任课教师的信息渠道并不一定畅通, 原版教材价格一般也比较贵, 因此真正使用最新最好的原版教材的课程并不多。此外, 不少学校在出一些自己教师撰写的全英文教材, 可惜大多数情况, 这样的全英文教材质量有待考究, 不少编写者的目的是为了评职称等, 审核方面也不够严格, 在使用的时候尤其需要谨慎。

4. 教学方法缺乏创新。

受传统教学模式的影响, 很多专业课教学在一定程度上还是以教师为中心的“灌输式”教学, 国际经贸专业也是如此, 国际经贸专业课程本身便是理论与实践必须紧密结合的课程体系, 该专业不仅要培养学生对相关理论知识的理解能力, 更要培养学生灵活运用知识进行实际操作的应变能力。然而, 现状是学生课堂参与度不高, 习惯于对知识点的死记硬背;教师也不善于引导学生充分参与, 无法培养学生的独立自主学习能力和应变技能。加上专业课本身内容抽象、枯燥, 如果授课语言再表述不清晰, 容易使学生对教师所授内容无法掌握, 学不到东西, 进而产业厌学感, 严重影响其积极性和主动性。


1. 理解全英文教学的真正目的。

在已有的双语或全英语教学的实践中, 不少政策制定者和教师们对专业课全英语或双语教学的目的仍存在模糊的认识, 没有能够准确地把握专业课全英语教学的真正内涵, 认为专业课全英语教学或双语教学主要是提高学生的专业外语能力。实际上, 全英文教学不能仅仅理解成简单的英语语言教育, 也不能理解成一般意义上的专业教育, 其目的主要有两个:一是对专业知识与技能的传授, 一是最大可能地让学生提高英语运用能力, 增强其国际竞争能力。所以, 学生专业知识与技能的掌握才是专业课全英文教学的最根本目的, 英语只是实现这个目的的语言工具。如果教师在教学过程中侧重语言教学, 是一种本末倒置的行为。对于国际经贸专业的学生而言, 最重要的也是掌握国际经济贸易的相关理论与实践技能, 譬如, 如何进行商务沟通与谈判拿到一笔国际贸易订单, 如何签署相关买卖、运输和保险等合同, 应该了解哪些国内国外的法律法规相关基础知识, 如何履行进口和出口的实际程序, 等等。当然, 没有经历全英文教育培养的该专业的学生一样可以掌握这些知识与技能, 但接受了全英文教育的学生却可以直接用英文完成所有任务, 效率会大大提高, 也更容易获得外国客户的理解与信任, 其竞争力将大大提高。因此, 在全英文的教学过程中, 直接运用英语传授和学习专业知识和技能, 两者必须同时进行, 但落脚点应是专业知识与技能的理解和掌握。

2. 建立培训与激励机制, 打造合格的师资队伍。

全英文教学对于教师的要求很高, 作为从事国际经贸专业课全英文教学的教师, 有两方面的基本功必须扎实, 一是专业知识, 二是英语能力。专业知识是专业课教师的立足之本, 要求教师对所教授的专业既要研究得比较透彻, 又要对所有相关领域有一定的了解, 兼具深度与广度, 如国际贸易理论与政策这一门课程, 教师就必须对国际贸易的相关理论发展和政策变迁有相当深入的研究, 还要了解各个国家对于国际贸易实践的规定以及法律方面的常识, 并且对宏微观经济学的基本内容也都十分娴熟。此外, 教师还必须能够紧密联系实际, 随时跟踪国内外热点问题, 才可能在授课过程中深入浅出, 生动有趣, 让学生容易接受和理解。关于英语能力, 包括英语的听说读写, 教师都必须精通, 教师从挑选教材、制作课件、讲授课堂、交流互动, 到命题考核、点评等各个环节全部要以英文形式完成, 这要求教师有大量的专业材料阅读量和足够流利的口头表达能力。

然而目前我国高校教师兼具这两种能力的并不是太多, 随着更多的高校希望改革全英文教学并提升教学质量, 对于高水准教师的需求越来越大, 不少高校寄希望于聘请外籍教师来实现目标, 但在以往的教学中发现, 纯粹的外教讲授专业课, 其效果并不一定令人满意, 一是聘请外教费用相对昂贵, 学校经费所限, 不能全部由外教来进行教学;二是外教不熟悉中国学生的学习背景、文化习惯等, 导致学生理解和接受受到很大限制;三是大部分来中国的外教任职时间不够长, 不能稳定, 也影响教学的连续性。因此, 那些专业知识扎实、外语水平高且认真负责的中国教师会更受学生欢迎, 尤其是那些有海外学习背景, 或在国外有过教学经历的中国教师, 是目前专业课全英语教学的最佳人选。可惜, 这样的中国教师也纷纷被一些具备雄厚资金实力的高校聘请, 大多数普通高校依然面临优秀师资的严重缺乏。因此, 对于各个高校已经拥有的部分师资, 需要挑选出具备一定潜力的教师, 这些教师多具备较好的专业知识水平和一定的英语能力, 并且愿意投身于全英文教学的改革实践, 对他们进行培训, 鼓励他们参与国际交流和访问, 进一步提升他们的专业能力和语言能力, 将是大多数高校更加现实的一种选择。为了鼓励具备潜力的教师们接受培训, 可以考虑采用一定的激励机制, 譬如在课时费用、科研奖励、职称评聘等方面给予特别待遇, 为其教学配备助理, 帮助他们处理烦琐的非核心工作, 以集中精力进行教学, 等等。关键要营造一种氛围, 使得那些英语基础较好的、有培养前途的教师感到从事专业课全英语教学是一种荣誉, 是提升自己职业生涯的一种途径, 这是一种精神上的激励。

可以说, 师资队伍的优劣与否, 能够最大程度地决定全英文教学的成败。在合理的激励机制下, 优秀的教师会秉着认真负责的态度, 耐心了解学生的需求, 为学生提供最合适的全英文教材与参考阅读材料, 精心准备每一节课, 根据学生需求不断提高教学效率, 创新教学方式, 让学生愉快地掌握原本枯燥的专业知识, 真正实现教学相长。

3. 学生筛选与分类。

教与学相辅相成, 全英文教学对于学生也有一定的要求, 如果学生不能或者不愿配合教师的教学, 教学效果依然不能够达到理想的程度。因此, 为了能够获得良好的教学效果, 并优化配置相对稀缺的教学资源, 对授课学生必须进行筛选与分类。

学校在开始筛选专业课全英语教学对象时, 必须首先让学生充分认识这种教学方式的意义和作用, 包括这种教学方式可能带给学生的压力和负担, 尤其是对学生未来职业生涯的影响。因此, 学校进行书面材料审核和面试完全是有必要的。对于那些勤奋好学、英语基础好, 并且愿意接受全英文教学的学生, 可以作为优先考虑对象;对于那些上进心强, 但外语基础较差的学生, 应该帮助他们先通过其他途径提高英语水平, 如单独的英语培训班、国际交流的机会等, 然后再进入专业课全英语教学的系列;而对于那些学习目的不够明确、不够勤奋, 同时外语基础很差的学生, 可以暂时不招收进入专业课全英语教学系列。总之, 学校应该根据学生实际情况进行帅选分类, 将最优质的教学资源用到最需要的地方, 以最大程度地提高教学效果。

学校各个层面都需要参与进来, 对学生进行引导, 端正其学习态度, 培育良好的学习风气并适时地提高其外语基础, 通过宣传、激励以及相关的奖惩措施建立一种良好的学习氛围, 为专业课全英语教学的顺利推广创造条件。


在全球化的浪潮下, 我国对于高素质外贸人才的需求越来越大, 在国际经贸专业开设全英文课程对培养具备国际竞争力的外贸经济类人才至关重要, 如何提升国际经贸专业的全英文教学质量也是急需要解决的问题。上至国家教育政策, 下至学校具体方案, 乃至每一个位于教学前线的教师, 都应该首先统一推行全英文教学改革的目标, 理顺思路, 充分整合教学资源, 合力打造高素质的教师队伍, 正确引导学生配合教师的教学, 才能使全英文教学达到培养新世纪国际化复合型专业人才的效果。


[1]马吉平.专业课全英文教学探讨[J].湖北第二师范学院学报, 2014, (3) :120-122.

[2]李文娟.专业课全英文教学面临的问题与建议[J].外语研究, 2013, (8) :349-359.

[3]南晓莉, 孙晓.“全英+实践”的国际结算课程教学模式创新探索[J].教育教学论坛, 2014, (3) :43-44.

MBA推荐信范例 篇3

I am writing this letter to support the admission of Wenli Lee to the Harvard Business School. I was Mr. Lee抯 teacher and advisor for years between 1993 and 1995. We have met and talked several times since.

Mr. Lee抯 academic credentials are truly exceptional. He not only knows how to reason with numbers, but how to render incisive and imaginative arguments in English. Unlike most of the students I have taught from China(about 60 over the past 20 years) Lee immersed himself in American culture. He composed a joke as part of his first presentation analyzing a local plan. It worked. His classmates laughed and I was witness to masterful culture spanning. Lee came to us a confident individualist uniquely suited to cultural cross fertilization. He earned straight A grades in all my classes. Whether rendering a spread sheet analysis, crafting a graphic or writing a report, Lee always demonstrated uncanny mastery combined with critical wit. While many of the Chinese I have taught performed excellently in class, Lee alone has composed essays and talks that met the sensibilities and tastes of American classmates. Even more importantly he offered new ideas which they (and myself) could comprehend and even assimilate.

Lee has a deep reservoir of talent and ambition. He has already accomplished a great deal in the face of considerable challenge. He has worked hard bridging the cultural gulf separating the Chinese and American ways of life, and produced an impressive record for one who has enjoyed no special privilege. Lee possesses and uses an easygoing manner and spirited conviviality to put people at ease. He can make small talk, but quickly moves conversation toward more challenging and interesting topics. Lee抯 group leadership combines small democracy, intelligent judgment and gentle persistence. He learned early on the painful lessons of coercive collectivism, and has learned how to anticipate and even tame adversarial relations. I have every confidence that he will use these considerable skills to tackle organizational problems on a larger scale.

While a student in our graduate program, Lee took a job helping recovering drug addicts in the suburban community of Harvey. Harvey, an aging industrial suburb with an impoverished African American population, does not usually attract the interest and attention of foreign students from Asia. Lee swam against the strong currents of racism and fear associated with minority neighborhoods. Furthermore, he did so in a manner that added value to the community. Lee has labored for the ABC Authority, a large public bureaucracy, and currently works as a private marketing and research firm. This diversity of experience represents a crucial resource for Lee. He does not simply take jobs, but weaves these experiences together into a framework for understanding American institutions from the inside out. Finally, Lee plays with Americans. He does not hide out in Chinatown or the Chinese cultural center. He rock climbs and sails. He can tell hip from hoopla.

Lee is smart. But more important he has acquired wisdom in the culture of both China and the U.S. He wants to expand his considerable fund of wisdom and use it to provide cultural scaffolding for commercial ties between the U.S. and China. Lee抯 ambitions and abilities are in sync. He is poised and prepared to take this next step in an exciting journey. Not only will faculty and students thank you for admitting such a fine candidate, but so too will those employees, customers and citizens who will benefit from his future employ.


David Smiths

会计专业英文自荐信 篇4

dear in charge of recruitment:

i jilin university school of economics and management management information systems, a professional undergraduate students.before graduation, i hope to be able to find a suitable for your own work.according to my existing knowledge and capacity, i am prepared to candidates of your company mis knowledge or the need for knowledge of computer programming jobs.compulsory subjects in the study courses, i have always been interested in computer programming , foreign language learning and e-learning and

the computer, i passed the computer two national and provincial secondary addition, i am in the application of c + + builder software development of a large number of practical, in-depth practical experience in programming, and has been不辍-depth study and improve their level of a foreign language, i started high school attaches great importance to the practical application of the capacity of the university, i have co-organized the association of foreign language in english speaking engagements and seminars to invite foreign teachers addition, i take a second outside the japanese, the japanese have a certain the network, i too repair gate network technology, network information resources, e-commerce the same time, i specializing in the internet than to collect

交通专业英文自荐信 篇5


XX I XX University College Campus XX Automotive Engineering XX-class use of a student, now graduate about to face, to work!

Since the school day into the University, I determined on the dark, we must cherish the four years of university life, to take advantage of opportunities to improve and better themselves, and never wasted time per inch, so that the full development of their own!

In order to achieve their goals in learning, I never after, hard work, positive thinking, year after year receive scholarships;in extra-curricular time, I actively participated in various cultural activities and useful social practice.For example: xxxxxxxxxx are often participate in the activities of their own, as a result of their performance in every respect relatively prominent, and therefore the College has been repeatedly commended!

法学专业英文自荐信 篇6

forge ahead, never to be complacent is my motto. i am not satisfied with the economic law in their own professional majors and a minor trade for two years undergraduate english majors. the second professional has given me a wealth of management, international trade, anglo-american culture, knowledge, and english listening, speaking, reading and writing ability with a relatively high level. in addition, enterprise management, application writing, be good at marketing. a solid academic and psychological maturity so i am confident that integration into the highly competitive society.

theory and practice is equally important for me. i actively participated in school club activities during the period, exercise capacity and coordination of the organization, after school hours for part-time tutor, marketing, and strive for self-improvement, self-reliance. in the winter, during the summer vacation, i went to the courts, prosecutors, law firm practice and the practice of writing reports and papers, so the theory with practice. in short, i cherish every opportunity for practical work, and accumulated a certain amount of social experience.

i am a honest loyal, diligent and realistic, and the constant pursuit of personal self-improvement, i am optimistic about the character of self-confidence, modest, cheerful, generous and stable, so i harmonious interpersonal relationships, ability to adapt to the environment. i have a wide range of interests and hobbies, music and art inspired by my creativity and imagination, volleyball and dance culture of sports has been my sense of teamwork and collaboration.

in short, full-minded, good health and abundant energy is the wealth i will. please be assured that your vision and my strength, give me a give full play to their talent, the opportunity to contribute!

i wish the cause of development and bright future!


矿山测量专业英文自荐信 篇7

Dear Human Resources Leadership:

Hello!Heartfelt thank you for your busy schedule to read this material I.My name is Song辉耀, M, 21 years old, from Lanzhou, Gansu.In June XX and graduated from vocational and technical resources and the environment, Lanzhou Institute of Mine Surveying Professional.I February XX to April XX the company name during the period: copper silver Samwon limited liability company, the main catalog to mine geology, core identification, CAD and the production of ore processing, as well as the geological survey and mine surveying.Is what I learn in school applications;a variety of practice in schools, but also made me more careful thinking and more to endure hardship and accept the challenge;the scene of the construction management team I have great management capabilities to improve.In the catalog as mine geology, geological surveying and mine surveying, we must practice a large number of the field in order to ensure the quality of work, schools are set up for us such a platform.Schools in the core identification, catalog mine geology, geological surveying and mine surveying abnormal attention, every student should master these basic skills.We have learned the professional courses are: general geology, minerals, petrology, measurement science,paleontology, and history of stratigraphy, structural geology, mine geology, sedimentary rocks and sedimentary facies, hydrogeology, environmental geology, mineral deposit geology as well as the mine plan and so on.With relevant practical experience, can adapt quickly to complex, boring work.Internship experience, as I am not going to just step out of the ivory tower of the students work for their own illusions.On the contrary, I would be more satisfied with their duties to carry out a relatively complicated and boring day-to-day work.Minco Mining distinguished workers(China)Limited for the

leadership of your organization in the recruitment information to see, I would very much hope that this post can be.But I also know that I am currently in school or in his capacity as may be the biggest obstacle to stop me, this is only my desire to just a good.In any case, be able to receive your appointments, I will be very excited and look forward to your good news!
