


矿产专业英文简历 篇1




Birthday:February 16,1973 Sex:Male

Educational background:Undergraduate course

ID card:

Nation :Han nationality

Pad birthplace :Gansu province Gangu county

Registered permanent residence location :Yunnan province Kaiyuan city

Situation :Fine

Show address :Yunnan province Kaiyuan city Dongxing Road 232 OR Guizhou province


Occupation being engaged in now :Mining gold protogenesis ore.

Post :Mining engineer Occupation situation now :Be on the job

Occupation lenth of servise :12 years

Being just going to be engaged in post :Mining engineer

Expect pay :Monthly pay 10000 yuan of RMB.

Unit character :No limitation Area demands :No limitation

Mechanics :sole duty

zheng feng county zi jin mining industry merwry hole gold ore

Phone :

E-mail :***rong@yahoo.com.cn

Universities and colleges who graduates :Kunming technical University

Date graduating :July ,1996

Certificate number graduating :00011588

Special field :Mining engineering

Maxinal degree :BA

Title for technical personnel :Mining engineer

Foreign language :English Grade :CET—4

Driver’s license :B1

Computer level :Skilled(CAD and Microsoft office soft ware)

Speciality :Open mining design under the ground and the opencut mining detonates

design,and safety administration.

Achievement working :Mining hosting three phases of projects during Ltd.

of mining industry in Zijin county designs and now has to two phases of projects the

stope mining method optimization.

Study experience :September ,1992 to July ,1996:in Kunming university of science and

engineering mining engineering special field study. July ,2005 to October ,2005,in Yunnan

province detonates an association and Kunming university of science and engineering

study,have Middle rank detnates the safe school assignment ceertijicate.

Working history :July,1996 toJune,2000,In Yunnan coper job,the conglomerate works,

assume a post of an assislant engineer.June,2000 to June 2005 ,in tyanpuil yunnan

province chemical plant kaiyuan city branch factory works .June,2005 to March 2008,

in guizhou privence zijin Ltd.of mining industry mercury hole gold ore mining , March 2008

so far ,GanSuLongjin Mining Resoures Co.Ltd.in the factory works,assume a post of a mining

矿产专业英文简历 篇2

制作英文简历有以下几个步骤: (1) 收集个人信息、确认应聘职位; (2) 组织信息; (3) 选择简历格式; (4) 增加个人风格; (5) 校对。


写简历时首先收集有关自己的信息, 例如从事过的工作、工作中的职责及表现、教育程度、具有的技能和参加过的社会活动等。这些内容构成简历的原材料。在收集信息的过程中你也能够对职业目标加以考虑, 思索过去所从事的工作中哪个 (些) 是你喜欢的, 以及喜欢它 (们) 的理由。

收集好这些信息后, 要研究你所感兴趣的职位并且确认岗位职责, 以及应聘者所要具备的资格和技能。

针对不同职位来筛选个人经历、专长, 最好能写不同的简历, 使每一份简历只强调与一个职位相关的信息。切记:尽管你不具备专业的技术技能, 但大部分的职位都需要应聘者具有诸如可信赖、团队合作, 以及良好的沟通能力等品质。而这对于初入职场的人而言尤为重要。接下来就是将你收集到的个人信息组织起来。



1. 联系方式 (Contactinformation)

其内容包括姓名、常住地址和学校地址 (如果还在上学并且学校地址和常住地址不同) 、电话号码, 以及电子邮箱。将姓名置于简历的最上端, 在姓名的下方写联系方式。这样安排比较醒目, 也便于招聘人员查找信息。

2. 资力概述 (Qualifications summary) /求职目标 (objectives tatement)

这项内容是可选项, 置于联系方式的下方。资历概述是应聘者列出与职位相关的最佳资历向招聘者阐明“为什么你要雇佣我。”对于经历丰富的应聘者而言, 资历概述是一项极为有用的内容, 它可以在细节的论述中突出重要信息。

求职目标可以让招聘者轻易地掌握到应聘者是否为其所需。每一份简历最好只针对一个求职目标。在界定求职目标时避免太狭隘, 以免丧失机会。如果应聘者求职范围广泛, 而且兴趣不固定, 最好省略此项, 以免受限而失去其他面试机会。

3. 教育背景 (Education)

这部分内容要列出所接受过的相关培训、教育, 以及所获得的证书。采用倒叙的方式, 从最近的时间往前填。列出学校的名称、地点、所获得的学历、证书、学位, 以及相应的时间、专业或研究领域、所获荣誉。如果还未获得学位, 要在毕业日期前使用“expected”。如果不知道何时毕业, 要在未结束的学位前加上“in progress”。

对于新近毕业的学生来说, 教育背景尤为重要。如果有帮助的话, 在这部分中还可以包括所有课程的平均成绩, 或者是专业平均成绩, 或班级排名。学生也可以考虑将大学阶段与应聘职位相关的4~8门课程单独列出来说明你已具备工作中需要的一些知识。

4. 工作经历 (Workexperience)

要注明所服务机构的名称和地点、服务的起止时间、岗位名称、岗位职责和工作业绩。如果带薪的工作经历比较少, 这部分内容还可以包括相关的义务活动、实习经历, 以及学校中所从事的项目研究工作。

在描述岗位职责时, 要强调你在该岗位所取得的成绩, 以及你在工作中的表现。要明确岗位职责的范围, 例如, 每天要接多少个电话、所处理的问题类型、或者所监管的人员数量。如果你同他人同时参与一个项目, 应该在岗位描述中说明所取得的成绩是团队合作的结果。同时, 也要提及被提拔或职责增加的情况。

具体说明所取得的成绩会给人留下深刻的印象。例如说明你在工作中做出的改进、节省的时间或资金, 以及解决过的任何问题。要将所取得的成绩量化, 例如销售额增加了15%, 成绩为优秀的学生人数增加了20%。

5. 社会活动和团体任职 (Activities and associations)

对于没有丰富工作经验的学生来说, 参与各种各样的社会活动是积累经验的绝好选择。因此, 学生们可以在此项中列出所参与的学校或课外活动, 向未来的雇主展示你们的能力。

这些活动可以包括所参加的团体组织, 学生机构, 或者社区活动。尤其要列出和应聘的职位相关的活动或是可以展现应聘者的勤奋和领导才能的活动。

6. 特殊技能 (Special skills)

如果你拥有专业的计算机, 外语, 或者技术技能, 可以考虑单独列一项来突出这些技能, 尽管有时这些技能和你所要申请的职位没有直接的联系。

7. 荣誉与获奖 (Awards and honors)

这部分包括所获得的正式认可, 例如专业或学术奖励。这部分内容可以放在经历或教育背景中, 也可以置于简历末端。

8. 推荐人 (Reference)

这项内容是可选项。应聘单位没有要求时, 不须主动附上, 但可以在简历末端注明“References available upon request.”。

无论在简历中是否提及推荐人, 应聘者都需要单独准备一份推荐文档在需要时呈现, 并且面试时应随身携带。文档上要给出了解你能力的3~5名推荐者的姓名, 职衔, 办公地址和电话号码。当然, 应该确信这些人同意推荐你。在文档的上部, 写上你的姓名和联系方式, 格式如同简历。


最常见的简历格式有时序式 (chronological) 和功能式 (functional) 。两种格式各有利弊, 应聘者应该选择一种能够充分突出个人所长的格式。

1. 时序式

这是最普遍的一种格式。根据所担任的不同工作来组织安排你的经历。对于有连贯的工作历史或者先前所从事的工作和求职目标密切相关的人来说, 这种格式是最佳的选择。

时序式的简历中列出所从事的职位, 并按时间倒叙排列。每一个职位要注明工作职衔, 单位名称, 工作起止年。接下来描述岗位职责, 以及所取得的成绩。在描述时, 使用短语而不是句子。省略“I”是约定俗成的用法。例如, 应该是“Managed a fund ra is ing c a mp a ig n.”而不是“I ma na g e d a fund ra is ing c a mp a ig n.”每一个短语都使用强有力的动词开始。

在描述工作时要具体但切忌过于详细。雇主们认为每项工作用3~5个短语通常就足够了, 不需要用多于四行的信息描述, 因为大段的文字不便于阅读。如果必须占用更多的空间, 可以将信息分类表达。

简历中最重要的职位占用的空间最多。如果之前所从事的工作和要应聘的岗位不相关, 可以考虑将经历分为两部分:相关工作经历 (relevant experience) 和其他工作经历 (other experie nc e) 。充分地描述相关的工作, 简要地提及其他工作。如果从事过很多工作, 可能不需要提到最早的或是最不重要的工作。

由于时序式强调日期和工作职衔, 对于跳槽者、具有不连续工作经历的应聘者, 或是初聘者而言, 这种格式不是最佳选择。对这些人而言, 功能式是更好的选择。

2. 功能式

功能式简历围绕技能而不是工作职衔来组织经历。这种格式对于有一些工作经历但是所从事过的工作与所要应聘的工作不直接相关的学生而言是理想的选择。按照技能来组织经历能够将所从事的不太相关的工作和求职资质联系起来。例如, 一项收拾餐桌的工作可以与其他职责合起来说明你具有组织和为顾客服务的技能。

采用功能式简历, 需要确定3~4个和求职岗位相关的技能。每一种技能, 用3~5个具体例子加以说明。同样, 在完成这部分内容时要使用动作短语而不是完整的句子。

按照重要性来排列你的技能。你的技能和雇主的需要越接近, 就意味着你越有资格。

功能式的最后一部分是工作经历的简要描述。这部分只需要写工作岗位、公司名字, 以及工作起止时间。如果工作经历中有空缺, 则可以通过求职信来解释, 或者可以填入义务工作、社区服务或者是家庭职责。


如果你的简历引人入胜且易于阅读, 你会给招聘者留下极好的印象。引人入胜的风格会将招聘者的目光吸引到你的资质上。如果你能善待招聘者的眼睛, 他们可能会花更多的时间阅读你的简历, 并且记忆更久。

简历要便于阅读和复印, 用质量好的白色或浅色纸打印。鲜艳的色彩能够引人注意, 但是会给人以不专业的印象。此外, 使用激光打印机, 并且字号大于10。招聘人员不需要费劲的读你的文字。

1. 设计

好的作者能够策略地运用设计元素。黑体、大写字母、居中或者水平线条可以让各级标题醒目。着重号或者斜体可以突出重要成绩。一英寸的页边距, 以及每一部分之间的空白行会让信息更便于阅读。

简历风格要前后保持一致。每一部分的设计元素也要保持一致。例如, 教育背景的标题是粗体、居中, 其他的标题也应该是粗体、居中。同样, 全篇应选择一种字体如Arial或Times New Roma n。

简历制作完成后, 要仔细地检查。确信简历易于阅读, 并且信息均匀地分布在纸张上。可以尝试几种不同的风格, 然后决定最终的选择。

2. 长度

冗长的简历不利于招聘者的阅读和记忆。并且, 鉴于每天能收到大量的简历, 招聘者常常忽略冗长的简历。对于刚毕业的学生而言, 简历通常1页纸;其他有工作经历的人的简历可以1~2页长, 经历非常丰富的人可以是2~3页长。如果你的简历不符合这些规定, 很可能你的简历中有多余的内容和不相关的信息。要删除掉无法证明你能胜任该岗位的信息。


应该花时间来准备一份精美的简历。或许你不是胜任每份工作的最佳人选, 但是你的简历会让你在竞争中获得优势。最常见的错误是格式和拼写错误。计算机不能纠正错误使用但拼写正确的词汇。例如“of”还是“on”, “their”还是“there”。希望你的简历能够引人注目, 但是绝不是因为错误。可以让不同的人帮你校对简历, 这样可以很好的避免错误。

在递交简历前, 要了解职位要求。用职位描述中的语言来点缀你的简历, 如果简历中有资历介绍, 一定要对这部分内容予以格外关注。


[1]Crosby, Olivia.Résumés, applications, and cover letters.Occupational Outlook Quarterly?Summer2009, 18-29

高效英文简历模板 篇3


Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述




2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM

2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective:

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.

美术专业英文简历 篇4

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Inner size: 178 cm ? 78 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 52 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Legal Culture and Education categories: art teacher Design / Advertising Other category art teacher art teacher

Work Experience: 30 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou

Personal experience: After graduating from secondary school has qualified, secondary education and the teaching of art for the National Academy of Fine Arts major training and delivery of a large number of outstanding artistic talent, a great influence in the arts, in Inner Mongolia in 1985 made a special television reports has aroused the concern of the social sector.

Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1987 to study after graduation has been engaged in technical secondary school, the University of Art before attending the basis of teaching and training, at the same time a number of works held in the country large-scale arts and cultural activities in the award-winning, representative works are: painting <>,<< students>>and so on.

Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangzhou, - competent work of art education and art design, and has been rated as outstanding teachers.

Work in because of the Qinghai Academy of Fine Arts was invited to teach at the same time drawing and painting works in Qinghai Province held its eleventh “Qinghai U.S.” won the Gold Award in the Arts Exhibition, and conferred the honorary title of outstanding teachers.

Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in - matriculation classes and teachers as a bishop in charge of art based on the teaching and test training, in teaching by students and parents welcomed the students for college entrance and lay a solid foundation.

Educational background

Graduate institutions: the Inner Mongolia Normal

Highest level of education: college graduates - 1978-07-01

Studies by One: Art of the Science II:

By education and training experience: in 1978 graduated from the Inner Mongolia Normal School (Fine Arts)

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of ordinary Chinese: General

The ability to work and other expertise

In order to highlight the art of teaching, I fear cold heat走南闯北from each other and enrich their teaching career.

I have a strong ability to work, professionalism, and lectures lively and interesting, has always been the case in accordance with the different students, their aptitude for the work of a very meticulous, conscientious, hard working, teaching is very flexible, good at exploration, innovation, will certainly Art was a vigorous education and training more and better quality art talent, we will bring you honor, and bring wealth.

Detailed personal autobiography

Monthly requirements: 3500-5000 yuan

会计专业英文简历 篇5


456 College Hall 123 Main Street

Normal, IL 67890 Anytown, NY 12345

(111) 222-3333(777) 888-9999

OBJECTIVE: Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Chicago area.

SUMMARY: · More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience.

· Auditor internship with Ernst & Young in New York City.

· Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting.

· Proficient with MS Office, Windows 2000/XP, and the Internet.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 2003

Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois

Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale

Courses taken included:

Managerial Accounting Corporate Audit and Reconciliation

Intermediate Accounting I & II Financial Management

Accounting I & IIInternal Audit

Accounting for Not-For-Profits Managerial Economics

EXPERIENCE:Auditor Internship, May to August 2002

Ernst & Young, New York, New York

· Participated in the annual audit of Omega Megalithic Holdings, including

development of the final certification report.

· Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including

identification and correction of over twenty major accounting errors.

· Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing

entry time and automatically cross-referencing for errors.

· Received Employee of the Month award twice--first intern ever to win the


Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 2000 to Present

Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown, New York

· Assisted (via remote) with payroll, tax, and account processing.

· Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system.

· Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers.

ACTIVITIES: · Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 2002-2003

· Treasurer, Beta Gamma Sigma honors society, -

机械专业英文简历 篇6

The 27-year-old hunan man

Education: junior college

Working life: within 1 year

Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - panyu

Job objective: other positions

Work experience

(working 4 months, doing 1 job)

Zhongshan yong microrefrigeration accessories co., LTD

Working hours: December to April [4 months]

Job title: instructor - directs the production and quality supervision of the entire line

To guide the processing technology of the whole line, including the processing and quality supervision of regular drilling machine and nc lathe for CNC milling machine

Education experience

In January 2013, the mechanical and electrical integration of the 2nd technician college in shaoguan city

Language skill

Mandarin: general


数控专业英文简历 篇7

He is 22 years old

Education: junior college

Years of work: students

Expected salary: $3,000 - $5,000

Work place: hangzhou - xiaoshan - no limit

Job intention: mechanical cartographer | other mechanical position, | lathe operator | pusher/apprentice

Strong ability to learn and strong ability to learn, strong affinity, integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, integrity, good sense of responsibility, bright and cheerful network

Education experience

June , xiaoshan district technical school CNC machining technology

So far, zhejiang radio and TV university xiaoshan college mechanical and electrical integration

Certificate award

Certificate name: CAD draftsman 4 certificate issue date: April 2015 authority: xiaoshan human resources and social security bureau

Certificate name: computer 4 certificate issue date: November authority: xiaoshan human resources and social security bureau

Certificate name: CNC lathe 4 certificate issue date: November authority: xiaoshan human resources and social security bureau

专业英文简历模版 篇8

名拼音(首字母大写) 姓拼音(姓全大写)(中 文)

Room   ,       Rd                ,      Zip Code

(fixed)+86-10-        +86-138





Sep.2001 – July.2005           University                                             location

Degree     in major:                        Department

RANK:   /    GPA:   /

Main Courses:           3 relevant and high-scored courses at most

Sep.2002 – July.2005           University                                            location

Degree     in major:                        Department

RANK:   /    GPA:   /

Main Courses:           3 relevant and high-scored courses at most


Start date – Present    Name of the Organization                        Location

 Description of company (if necessary)

 Position

 Work and responsibility  (Verb: Simple Present Tense)

 Result and responsibility

 Quality gained from the work

Start date – End Date  Name of the Organization                       Location

 Description of company (if necessary)

 Position

 Work and responsibility  (Verb: Simple Past Tense)

 Result and responsibility

 Quality gained from the work

Start date – End Date  Name of the Organization                       Location

 Description of company (if necessary)

 Position

 Work and responsibility(Verb: Simple Past Tense)

 Result and responsibility

 Quality/experience/skills gained from the work


Award Date         Title of the honor         (Awarded to    % students)       Times

Award Date         Title of the honor         (Awarded to    % students)       Times



Personal hobbies



名拼音(首字母大写) 姓拼音(姓全大写)(中 文)

Room   ,       Rd                ,      Zip Code

(fixed)+86-10-        +86-138





Sep.2001 – July.2005             University                                             location

Degree     in major:                        Department

RANK:   /    GPA:   /

Main Courses:           3 relevant and high-scored courses at most

Sep.2002 – July.2005             University                                            location

Degree     in major:                        Department

RANK:   /    GPA:   /

Main Courses:           3 relevant and high-scored courses at most


Start date – Present    Name of the Organization                        Location

n            Description of company (if necessary)

n            Position

n            Work and responsibility  (Verb: Simple Present Tense)

n            Result and responsibility

n            Quality gained from the work

Start date – End Date  Name of the Organization                       Location

n            Description of company (if necessary)推荐:求职简历

n            Position

n            Work and responsibility  (Verb: Simple Past Tense)

n            Result and responsibility

n            Quality gained from the work

Start date – End Date  Name of the Organization                       Location

n           Description of company (if necessary)

n            Position

n            Work and responsibility(Verb: Simple Past Tense)

n            Result and responsibility

n            Quality/experience/skills gained from the work


Award Date         Title of the honor         (Awarded to    % students)       Times

Award Date         Title of the honor         (Awarded to    % students)       Times



会计专业英文求职简历 篇9


2014-2-14 9:00类别:英语口语来源:enguo责编:meten Name



Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Chicago area.SUMMARY:

• More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience.• Auditor internship with Ernst & Young in New York City.• Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting.• Proficient with MS Office, Windows 2000/XP, and the Internet.EDUCATION:

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 2006

Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois

Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale

Courses taken included:

Managerial Accounting Corporate Audit and Reconciliation

Intermediate Accounting I & II Financial Management

Accounting I & II Internal Audit

Accounting for Not-For-Profits Managerial Economics

英语面试 英文简历 英语面试-美联英语 EXPERIENCE:

Auditor Internship, May 2005 to August 2005

Ernst & Young, New York, New York

• Participated in the annual audit of Omega Megalithic Holdings, including development of the final certification report.• Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including identification and correction of over twenty major accounting errors.• Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and automatically cross-referencing for errors.• Received Employee of the Month award twice--first intern ever to win the award.Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 2003 to Present

Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown, New York

• Assisted(via remote)with payroll, tax, and account processing.• Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system.• Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers.ACTIVITIES:

• Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 2005-2006

• Treasurer, Beta Gamma Sigma honors society, 2005-2006

金融管理专业英文简历 篇10

·comprehensive knowledge of defined contribution 401(k) pension concepts and regulations.

·effective leadership and team -buildng.

·extremely well organized.

·proven customer service skills.

·excellent pc skills and defined contribution 401(k)daily processing ,stock ,and mutual fund system logic.


name: stella ligender:female date of birth:august 23th,1973

martial status:married email address:

tel:(010)67183945-7869 mobile phone:139112167


1990- retirement & investment services plan analyst

·processed all contributions, loan repayments,benefit disbursements,fund transfers,and nonfinancial changes for daily/periodic 401(k) pension record-keeping transactions, including cash,mutual fund ,stock,and guaranteed investment contract money movements.

·resolved client questions and problems.

·interfaced productively with team ,department,field ,and sales personnel.

·completed,verified,and mailed all required client reports.

·plan year packages,and auditors#39;#39;#39;#39; requests.

·processed adps/acps and correction of year-end participant tax information.

—promoted four times in four years

—consistently met or exceeded all established standards for timing and accuracy

—selected as one of first two people to participate in changeover to daily 401(k) processing environment from a monthly processing enviroment ,and quickly adapted to new system

—chosen to train new hires and other plan analysts transitioning to the daily processing environment

—served as technical liaison with systems personnel in identifying, communicating, and resolving processing problems with the new system

—served effectively as team leader and account manager for new pilot team concept while maintain own book of business


college bachelor of science, business administration
