


我的世界英文演讲 篇1

篇一:英文演讲稿-----为自由而战 a word that change the world at the bottom of your heart, cry out freedom about 4700 years ago,our ancestor huangdi created a new nation, in eastern asia, from the qin unification to the revolution led by sun yat-sen in 1911,it has appeared a total of 83 chinese dynasties。1949, i think it is a special year that the people could never forget。japan and germany have announced failure to the world.so i have questions.but in 5,000 years, what makes china change, in1945、what made the fascist fail in the long time of the war,what supported the people to fight the dark。i think the answer is a belief,a power which named freedom,freedom is a spiritual called hope, is a free spirit called resistance.but today,i want to know what the meaning it is for our young people? eighty years ago, someone taught young: sacrificing your personal freedom is to seek free for your country!but then,a person mr hu shih had told them : fighting your personal freedom is the national freedom struggle!, fighting for your free personality, is the free for the country!but today, we have forget it。when we play basketball in the school yard,when we see a film at home, what do you think?, or“we are still young?”there is have more time if so,we have given up the chance to fight freedom for yourself。a film 《a brave heart》

as we are young,i think the world is a big stage,we take the stage,we must try our best to show us no matter what happened。yes, everyone will die, but not everyone really lives.do you really live, or youwill die alone in the end of your life.so now, please don’t wait, please don’t waste the valuable time.please fight for your dream, please order your ideals, and from the bottom of your heart , please cry out freedom.中文翻译: 一个字,改变世界



在很长一段时间的战争,支持的人打暗。我认为答案应该是一种信念,一种力量,它命名为自由,自由是一种精神叫做希望的,是一个叫做电阻的自由精神。但是今天,我想知道是什么意思为我们的年轻人吗? 80年前,有人教年轻人:“牺牲你个人的自由是寻求免费为你的国家!”但是,然后,一个人问胡适曾告诉他们:“打你的个人自由是国家的自由而奋斗,争取你的自由个性,是自由的国家!”,但今天,我们忘了,当我们打篮球在学校的操场,当我们在家里看电影,你觉得呢?,或“我们都还年轻吗?”“有是有更多的时间”,如果这样,我们有加文up the的机会为自己争取自由。一部电影“勇敢的心” 威廉·华莱士说:“战斗,你可能会死,运行,你会生活。至少有一段时间。多年后死在床上,你会愿意交易从现在开始,所有的日子,去换一个机会,就一个机会回到这里,告诉你的敌人,他们可以夺走我们的生命,但他们永远不会走我们的自由!





at a more practical level, i realized knowing what you are going to say and how you are going to say it are equally important.to take the original ideas out of your head and transplant them, so to speak, to that of others, you need to have an organized mind.this ability improves with training.above all, the single most important thing i learnt was that as a public speaker, you need to pay attention, first and foremost, to the content of your speech.and second, the structure of your speech: how one idea relates and progresses to another.some contestants failed to address their questions head on.some were able to, but did not knowswheresto stop—the dragging on betrayed their lack of confidence.the root cause was that they did not listen attentively to the questions.or they were thinking of what they had prepared.and the following is the final version of my speech: globalization: opportunities and challenges for chinas younger generation for china, still more challenges exist.how are we going to ensure a smooth transition from the planned economy to a market-based one? how to construct a legal system that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dynamic society? how to maintain our cultural identity in an increasingly homogeneous world? and how to define greatness in our rise as a peace-loving nation? globalization entails questions that concern us all.and then i went to harvard business school.i graduated from harvard business school, and because my family was in business.i decided to go into banking, to get some experience in banking.i didn’t understand so much about what banking was all about, but i learned.i worked for citi group, and when i was in the middle of working in citi group for 4 years, i had an opportunity to work at the white house because citi group had a special program.they selected outstanding performers within the bank and then gave them opportunity to support them for an intern in the government.i was selected as a white house fellow.i worked at the white house for one year.it was a difficult time, not easy, but i was so excited.it was so interesting because there was no chinese, no asian at the white house at that time, so i felt i was blazing a new trail for other asian americans.and i was learning a lot to be a better leader in the future.i worked for the white house for a year.and then in 1992, more than 20 years ago, such a long time ago, president bush lost his re-election.when he loses re-election, what happened to america is that everybody who was with him goes.so i joined united way of america.united way of america was the no.1 charity in america.i was there for 4 years.i can tell you a lesson that if you face a disappointment, no.1, you must always think of a long term, so even though it can be a disappointment, don’t be discouraged.if you handle the disappointment well, there will be lots of other opportunities.so indeed, i was originally not offered, but i was indicated that secretary of labor was a position that they wanted for me.i wasn’t very familiar with labor as much as i was familiar with transportation.so i was hoping to be appointed to transportation.when it did not happen, i was very calm and i thanked the president and his team for considering me.i wish them well in their new administration, thinking that i will not be going to be a part of it.2 weeks afterwith, the president nominate for the secretary of labor position encountered difficulties in confirmation hearing.in united states, the president proposes a secretary, and then the congress, the senate approves.so the original choice for the secretary of labor encountered difficulties in her confirmation process, and she had to drop out(退出).so the white house, the president had to find a new secretary of labor, someone they trusted, someone they know, can clear and gain the approval of the senate, who had no blemish on their records, so they can go through the confirmation process very easily.they approached me again and asked me whether i would be interested in accepting the position of the secretary of labor, so that was how i became the secretary of labor.i wasn’t the first choice because my world at that time was so small that there were so few asian americans in the government at that time.there was no guide, no one to tell me what to expect, but what i did find helpful was what my parents were talking, you have to have courage, interest and curiosity.i think one thing my parents talked to me a great deal of is curiosity.you have to have interest, you have to have curiosity, and if you are curious, you will go on and seek more doors and more opened and these doors opened for you, if you have persistence, planned ahead, and if you have the will to persist.the world is changing so rapidly, so you have the same opportunities for you.i can’t tell you what the opportunities are, but if you have interest, and have the will, and you have the confidence, you will have a lot of opportunities.

我的梦想英文演讲稿 篇2


Dreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean.? Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. Dreams are the armor for our fragile hearts. Martin Luther King had a dream — it was to have justice for all people. Lincoln had a dream — it was to set the slaves free. They sought their dreams and ultimately made them come true. When I was young, I saw a dog one day. I threw a stone at it just for fun. Then it fell down and looked very weak. At that moment, I was surprised to notice it was pregnant. I can’t remember what happened next, but there’s one thing I know: that I felt guilty. It was the first time that I found life could so easily pass away. At that time, I had a dream, which was to help those people who needed help. There are too many wars and disasters. About 16,000 people have died in the Iraq War and one child dies every eight seconds in Africa because of starvation.? I have dreams, you have dreams and they have dreams too. We should help them. We should save their lives so that they can pursue their own dreams. Just like the lyric of a song says, “We are the ones who make a brighter day so let’s start giving.” Well, that’s my dream, a simple but meaningful one.

我的世界英文演讲 篇3

Ladies and gentlemen,My name is Yang Zihan, from class 791.It’s my great honor to be here and share my dream with you.My dream is to speak perfect English.When I was a little boy, about 3 years old , my father began to teach me to count numbers, like one,two,three and other simple numbers in English.Of course, it’s just a game and I could only babble[ˈbæbəl].One day, while going upstairs, my father held me by my hands , saying “one ,two ,three ”as usual.Suddenly, something occurred to him, and stopped.“Four”

I said suddenly.My word surprised my father very much.“It’s unbelievable!” He shouted happily.From then on, I have been on my journey to English..At the age of nine , I started to watch a series of programs called HELLO,TEDDY!The characters in it , like Teddy, Puppy, Nicky became part of my life.After that, I began to learn English by watching English movies.They were so interesting!I could not only learn English , but also enjoy the exciting movies.At present(目前), I’m studying in this wonderful school.With Ms Wang’s help, I ’m making more and more progress in

我的世界英文演讲 篇4

Good morning,my dear classmates and teacher,I’m glad here to give a speech about my travel.When I was a little child, I had many dreams,to be rich,to be successful......But now, I realize that there is no point in that,so my dream seems to be better and more realistic.I planned this travel long time ago.I’m going to Sanya this summer vacation.It was just something I have always wanted to do.As we all know Sanya is a tourist attraction,because it has beautiful beaches and warm weather all year round.I’m going to get there by train,then I could better enjoy the scenery along the road.I’d like to live in a local log cabin than a holiday village.It can be primitive,but it must near the sea.Sanya’s sea is the most beautiful one in mine mind Barefoot on the fine white sand beach, feel the body temperature of the Sanya.Loads of shells are all over the place.What a beautiful scene!I’m going to spent most of mine time swimming,sunbathing,playing on the beach,and taking fresh air.I will fall in love with it,I bet.Finally,I want to use a famous advertisement to end the speech:”Life can be considered as a journey, what is important is not the destination,but the scenery on the way and the mood when enjoying it.taking your mind go on a journey.”

希望世界和平英文作文 篇5

In August 21, 1937, the train station in Shanghai was crowded and crowded. Suddenly, four planes passed over the south station and threw down four heavy bombs. I saw a flash of light, then came the four loud sound, the train station immediately razed, smoke, fire, pungent smell floating in the air, railway becomes like twist, houses collapsed, bridges collapsed, parents do not see, brother disappeared, brick tiles under there a lot of people, some have no arms, no legs, some of them had blood.

The railway side sat a small boy, his hair was burned, face Xunde black, dripping blood, clothes in shreds and patches was coming out, even the calf. He cried, as if calling, “I want dad, I want mom.” Where are you, mom and dad? “

The living man fled to fear the bombing, and the dead were buried in the ruins. After the enemy went away, people came out carefully, tidy up the dead and cure the wounded.

世界杯英文介绍作文 篇6


The men's World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe―the final game of the tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament.

The women's World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the tournament―one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women's sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.

悲惨世界英文读后感 篇7

reflecting the tragic life and destiny of the human in the middle of nineteen century in France.The original

indication of the name of this novel was “people who’re suffering from great difficulty”, it attaches importance on the tragedy and position of the impoverished people, by doing this, Hugo was able to stress on the main idea of the novel, which is most exciting and attentive aspect, leading all of the readers to deep thinking.We notice that in the preface, Hugo pointed out “As long as the social restrictions caused by laws and customs still exist, the human society would be turned to be a hell and people will suffer from inevitable disasters.If we

couldn’t get rid of the following three issues existing in this century – men are getting down because of poorness, women are turning to be degenerate because of starving, children are becoming weak and helpless because of

pervasive darkness of the world.In a boarder sense, if there are still foolish and impoverish in this world, the books with the character similar to this book will be conductive.“In the society of Hugo’s book, the labour are living the miserable life and exploited by the

factories, the conscience of the human are disappearing because of the poverty, and people’s body and soul are distorted and afflicted by the prison.The misfortune of Valjean and Fantine is just the condensation of the destiny of the poor.The Miserable World reveals the sin and villainy of the vice aspects of capitalism institution by telling the stories of the tragic life of Valjean and Fantine who were

persecuted by the cruel world.The story strongly tells us the fact that the tragedy people are suffering is exactly the tragedy of the whole society.At the same time, Hugo putted a lot of emphasis on displaying the strong will and hardship of the individual through describing the internal agony and obsession of the main characters.The underlying reason why and how the whole miserable world take place is complicated and it needs fundamental analysis which given by Hugo on the basis of a democracy and humanism.He came up with the view that the country was out of rule of law, and the empty and hypocritical law, social injustice and inequity are the criminal result in the miserable life of the people as well as the whole society.Hugo went to great length to disclose the darkness, to protest the violence

and injustice, to pursue the human right and democracy, the book shows great concern about the people and love.This novel is outstanding and valuable because it has surpass the history and reality, people in modern society can be influenced by it under theme of crucial issue of human life, people in our age will get sustainable progress in seeking our completion, perfect and harmony.Victor Hugo , as a humanist , pays the most attention to the combat of human natures , not the struggle of classes in Les Misérables.He describes the changing of the hero from human to devil and then to angel , expressing his expectation of good human nature and progress in

我的世界英文演讲 篇8








大大世界英文版歌词歌曲欣赏 篇9

Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

I can see the first leaf falling

Its all yellow and nice

Its so very cold outside

Like the way Im feeling inside

Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

Outside its now raining

And tears are falling from my eyes

Why did it have to happen

Why did it all have to end

Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

I have your arms around me ooooh like fire

But when I open my eyes

Youre gone.

Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

Im a big big girl

In a big big world

Its not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do feel I will miss you much

世界急救日:急救知识的英文作文 篇10

We took a bus to our destination. First of all, the volunteers of the Municipal Red Cross Society explained to us the origin, functions and components of the Red Cross movement.

From his introduction, I know that may 8 is the World Red Cross Day every year. The bright red red cross represents the spirit of humanity, fraternity and dedication. Then, we started the practical operation. The first one was cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Volunteers introduced the operation process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and simulated first aid.

Secondly, volunteers also teach us four skills of trauma rescue: hemostasis, dressing, fixation and handling. When learning hemostatic bandage, volunteers showed us triangular towel head bandage, stirring rod bandage, etc. Finally, we carry out practical operation.

Under the careful guidance of volunteers, we studied very hard, and everyone mastered these first-aid skills.
