


博士分子生物学试题 篇1



同工酶 染色体 染色质 核基质 转化 密码子的偏嗜性 基因簇














博士分子生物学试题 篇2

以生物学史为素材编制试题评价学生, 是生物高考命题常用的一种方法。在历年教育部考试中心颁布的高考《考试大纲》中对生物学史的考查都有明确的规定。如2012年高考《考试大纲 (理科·课程标准实验版) 》指出考生要“关注对科学、技术和社会发展有重大影响和意义的生物学新进展, 以及生物科学发展史上的重要事件”。在近年的高考试卷中, 也有考查这方面内容的试题, 如2011年高考生物 (海南卷) 的第18题。事实上, 生物学史的内容不但在考试中受到关注, 而且在教育部颁布的《普通高中生物课程标准》, 以及教师和学生等使用的《普通高中课程标准实验教科书 (生物) 》中都有相关的内容。如2003年《普通高中生物课程标准 (实验) 》指出“学习生物科学史能使学生沿着科学家探索生物世界的道路, 理解科学的本质和科学研究的方法, 学习科学家献身的精神”, 并建议教师在教学实践中要注重对生物科学史实的引用, 因此生物学史方面的内容无论是对提高学生的科学素养, 还是对评价和选拔人才都是非常有价值的。下面是对生物学高考中几道考查生物学史试题的分析。


[例1] (2011年广东理综卷-2) 艾弗里和同事用R型和S型肺炎双球菌进行实验, 结果如下表。从表可知 ()

A. (1) 不能证明S型菌的蛋白质不是转化因子

B. (2) 说明S型菌的荚膜多糖有酶活性

C. (3) 和 (4) 说明S型菌的DNA是转化因子

D. (1) ~ (4) 说明DNA是主要的遗传物质

[分析]在遗传物质的研究历史上, 英国科学家格里菲思的肺炎双球菌转化实验和美国科学家艾弗里证明DNA是遗传物质的实验都是非常有名的, 本题是以“艾弗里的实验”为素材进行设计的。回答本题考生可以根据科学家所做实验的结果进行判断, 也可以运用DNA是遗传物质的原理进行判断。选项C描述的情况符合实验设计的一般原则, 体现了对照实验的思想, 因此是符合题意的选项。

这类试题对考生的推理能力要求较高, 因为从表中的数据看, 总体上说 (1) 可以证明S型菌的蛋白质不是转化因子, 原因是细菌的类型仍然是R型, (2) 中的荚膜多糖不应该有酶活性, 因为酶的化学本质通常是蛋白质或RNA, 而不是多糖。选项D描述的情况无法说明DNA是主要的遗传物质, 因为通常说的“DNA是主要的遗传物质”是针对不含有DNA而含有RNA的病毒如烟草花叶病毒来说的, 艾弗里的实验没有涉及RNA, 而且关于RNA也是遗传物质的研究是在艾弗里的实验之后进行的。

从上述分析过程可以认为, 考生在平时的学习过程中, 如果能对遗传物质的研究过程有所了解, 尤其是能够理清科学家对问题不断深入探究和认识的过程, 那么对理解生物学的基本知识和科学研究的方法, 以及参加考试都是非常有益的。通常认为在遗传物质的研究中有如下几个重要的实验值得关注, 即1928年格里菲思的肺炎双球菌转化实验, 1944年艾弗里证明DNA是遗传物质的实验, 1952年赫尔希和蔡斯的T2噬菌体侵染大肠杆菌的实验, 以及后来从烟草花叶病毒中提取的蛋白质不能而提取的RNA却能使烟草感染病毒的研究。


[例2] (2004年新课标全国卷-4) 肺炎双球菌中的S型具有多糖类荚膜, R型则不具有。下列叙述错误的是 ()

A.培养R型活细菌时加S型细菌的多糖类物质, 能产生一些具荚膜的细菌

B.培养R型活细菌时加S型细菌DNA的完全水解产物, 不能产生具荚膜的细菌

C.培养R型活细菌时加S型细菌的DNA, 能产生具荚膜的细菌

D.培养R型活细菌时加S型细菌的蛋白质, 不能产生具荚膜的细菌

[分析]本题与例1类似, 也是以证明DNA是遗传物质的著名实验为素材设计的。回答本题考生可以根据科学家所做实验的结果进行判断, 也可以运用DNA是遗传物质的原理对实验结果进行判断。培养R型活细菌时, 只有加入S型细菌的DNA, 才能产生具有荚膜的细菌。这是因为DNA是遗传物质, 可以把R型活细菌转化成S型细菌。记住了这一点, 就可以知道多糖类物质、蛋白质、DNA的完全水解产物都不能把R型活细菌转化成S型细菌。所以选项A符合题意。


[例3] (2000年广东卷-45) 目前有关国家正在联合实施一项“人类基因组计划”。这项计划的目标是绘制四张图, 每张图均涉及人类一个染色体组的常染色体和性染色体, 具体情况如下:两张图的染色体上都标明人类全部的大约10万个基因的位置 (其中一张用遗传单位表示基因间的距离, 另一张用核苷酸数目表示基因间的距离) ;一张图显示染色体上全部DNA约30亿个碱基对的排列顺序;还有一张图是基因转录图。参加这项计划的有美、英、日、法、德、和中国的科学家, 他们在2000年5月完成计划的90%, 2003年将该计划全部完成。

参加这项计划的英国科学家不久前宣布, 已经在第32号染色体上定位679个基因, 其中55%是新发现的。这些基因主要与人类的先天性心脏病、免疫功能低下和多种恶性肿瘤等有关。此外, 还发现第32号染色体上有160个基因与鼠的基因具有相似的碱基顺序。

参加这项计划的中国科学家宣布, 在完成基因组计划之后, 将重点转向研究中国人的基因, 特别是与疾病相关的基因;同时还将应用人类基因组大规模测定碱基顺序的技术, 测定猪、牛等哺乳动物基因组的全部碱基顺序。


(1) “人类基因组计划”需要测定人类的24条染色体的基因和碱基顺序, 试指出是哪24条染色体?为什么不是测定23条染色体?

(2) 在上述24条染色体中, 估计基因的碱基对数目不超过全部DNA碱基对的10%, 试问平均每个基因最多含多少个碱基对?

(3) 你认为完成“人类基因组计划”有哪些意义?

[分析]本题当时的编制意图是要考查学生是否能够关注生物学的新进展, 本文则是将其当作考查生物学史类的题目进行分析。

本大题的设问 (1) 以科学家在测定工作中的实际做法为素材进行设计, 主要考查了学生应用遗传学基本知识对科学家的工作思路进行分析的能力。这些基本知识主要为“人体细胞中一个染色体组中的22条常染色体和X、Y两条性染色体之间具有不相同的基因和碱基顺序”。科学家的工作思路是测定24条染色体而不是23条, 显然工作思路的提出依赖生物学基本知识, 后者是前者的基础。

应该说, 本题的素材在今天看来, 可以将其归类为生命科学发展的最新成就, 也可以归类为生物学史实, 但我们认为无论采用哪种分类方法, 题目实际上考查学生的还是生物学的基本知识。从本大题的设问 (2) 和 (3) 来看, 有时候回答某些问题还需要利用题干提供的信息, 如回答设问 (2) 需要利用题干中提到的“两张图的染色体上都标明人类全部的大约10万个基因的位置, 一张图显示染色体上全部DNA约30亿个碱基对的排列顺序”方面的信息。考生需要借助于“10万个基因”、“30亿个碱基对”以及“10%”等进行计算得出答案。回答设问 (3) 也需要题干中提供的信息, 如“已经在第32号染色体上定位679个基因。这些基因主要与人类的先天性心脏病等有关。此外, 还发现第32号染色体上有160个基因与鼠的基因具有相似的碱基顺序”。从这些信息中可以推出“人类基因组计划”完成后, 其对疾病的诊断和治疗以及人与鼠进化关系的研究是有帮助的。

[答案] (1) 是22条常染色体和X、Y两条性染色体, 因为X、Y染色体之间具有不相同的基因和碱基顺序, 所以一共测定24条染色体。 (2) 3000。 (3) 有利于疾病的诊断和治疗;有利于研究生物进化;有利于培育优良的高等动植物品种;有利于研究基因表达的调控机制。 (以上4条答出3条即得满分。)


[例4] (2010年海南卷-13) 某同学分离纯化了甲、乙两种噬菌体的蛋白质和DNA, 重新组合为“杂合”噬菌体, 然后分别感染大肠杆菌, 并对子代噬菌体的表现型作出预测, 见表。其中预测正确的是 ()

A.1、3 B.1、4

C.2、3 D.2、4

[分析]本题是根据证明DNA是遗传物质的经典实验改编的, 旨在考查考生运用生物学的基本知识对实验结果进行分析和判断的能力。

根据题意, 需要对实验结果做出合理预测。根据DNA是遗传物质的原则, “杂合”噬菌体感染大肠杆菌后其产生子代的表现型应该由噬菌体中的DNA决定, 而不是由其中的蛋白质决定。蛋白质外壳只是在感染时起作用。所以, 凡是含有甲种DNA的“杂合”噬菌体, 其子代应该表现出甲的性状, 即“与甲种一致”;凡是含有乙种DNA的“杂合”噬菌体, 其子代应该表现出乙的性状, 即“与乙种一致”。这样, 4个预期结果中应有2个是正确的。据此可知4个预期结果中, 1、4是正确的, 即选项B为正确选项。事实上, 回答本题考生也可以根据经典实验的原理进行判断。


[例5] (2011年海南卷-18) 孟德尔对于遗传学的重要贡献之一是利用设计巧妙的实验否定了融合遗传方式。为了验证孟德尔遗传方式的正确性, 有人用一株开红花的烟草和一株开白花的烟草作为亲本进行实验。在下列预期结果中, 支持孟德尔遗传方式而否定融合遗传方式的是 ()




D.红花亲本自交, 子代全为红花;白花亲本自交, 子代全为白花

[分析]本题是参照孟德尔的豌豆杂交实验, 以及融合遗传的观点设计的, 主要考查学生运用孟德尔的分离定律, 以及融合遗传的观点进行分析和判断的能力。题目中4个选项所描述的情况在实际杂交实验中都有可能出现, 但是, 并非所有的情况都既能够支持孟德尔遗传方式而同时又能够否定融合遗传方式。

按照题目要求, 正确选项必须支持孟德尔遗传方式同时否定融合遗传方式。选项A、B、D都能够支持孟德尔遗传方式, 但都不能否定融合遗传方式, 也就是说:即使按照融合遗传方式“红花基因与白花基因在子代中发生了融合”, 也能够解释这些杂交结果。而按照融合遗传方式解释时, 后代中不会产生性状的分离。所以, 只有选项C符合题意。


以生物学史为素材编制试题评价学生, 在高考生物学科中已经受到关注, 以往的试题或对科学家的研究工作本身如实验思路等进行考查, 或将科学家的实验进行改编来考查学生。从对上述试题的分析我们可以看出, 无论是哪种类型的试题, 我们认为其考查的都是学生应用生物学基本知识进行分析、判断和推理的能力, 以及学生对科学家工作的理解能力。

此外, 我们认为在编制考查生物学史类的试题时, 要注意向学生传递科学的观点, 如关于遗传方式的问题, 历史上曾经有过融合遗传的说法, 后来被实践证明是错误的。这就要求在编制相关的试题时能够做到从肯定“孟德尔的遗传方式”, 而否定“融合遗传”的角度进行构思和设计, 而不是相反或模棱两可。

一位生物学博士的太极梦 篇3








































博士分子生物学试题 篇4



先套用华盛顿大学的官网对这个项目的介绍吧。The University of Washington(UW)and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center(FHCRC), located in Seattle, Washington, USA, collaborate to offer a program of graduate studies leading to a Ph.D.degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology.The program uses the extensive research facilities of individual departments on the UW campus, University of Washington Medical Center, South Lake Union Campus and the nearby Lake Union campus of the FHCRC.Affiliate laboratories are located at the Institute for Systems Biology and the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute.Ph.D.degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology(简称MCB)这个项目是UW和FHCRC联合培养的,因此申请的难度很大,但也有一个巨大的好处,经费还是很充足的,毕竟两者都是世界上牛牛的研究机构了。

我们这位学生小李的背景也是相当地impressive,清华大学生物系本科,GPA 3.5,托福105,GRE 1320,第一年通过某留学公司申请失败,因此留在国内又跟着国内一个很知名的教授做研究,以第二作者的身份发表了几篇文章,文章都是关于分子生物学研究方向的,因此和这个MCB项目很matching的,我们也将MCB列为了首选申请目标。

接下来我们按部就班地完成申请细节就不赘述,文书是一个哥伦比亚大学生物系博士指导完成的,申请资料也递交的很早,一切顺风顺水;可是在提交推荐信的当口,出了一个小小的插曲。小李其中有一个推荐信由英国某大学教授出具,英国人做事情比较刻板,该教授表示推荐将通过邮寄的方式递送给目标大学。临到了申请截止日期之前,英国教授还没有寄推荐信,小李就着急了,连着几天给教授打电话,教授才勉强地答应通过邮箱提交推荐信,最后拖拖拉拉地在11月中旬才提交了推荐信。要知道,MCB项目的申请截止日期是11月1日,华大对申请截止日期的要求非常严格,一般过了申请截止日期就不审理的。这下真是得不偿失,似乎一切工作都白费了。幸好金东方有海外顾问就读于华大的某博士项目,拿着小李的资料找到了项目Director,希望能够给予录取审理的机会,毕竟这是推荐人延迟提交推荐信,但小李的工作一直非常认真及时完成的。经过据理力争,Director同意将申请put under review,这样第一阶段的工作基本就完成了。

华大这个项目确实非常热门,申请者众多,因此录取委员会也很挑剔,喜欢和学生面对面交流以近距离观察学生的素质和能力,具体操作的方式是邀请中意的学生参加一个recruitment visit,顺便做一个现场面试。这个recruitment visit一般在1-2月份发出邀请函;让我们担忧的是,小李到了二月中旬也没有获得recruitment visit的邀请函;我们又主动向大学发邮件争取,对方的回复非常官方,这种邀请是选择式的,名额有限。到了二月底,还没有任何动静。由于学生也将华大的MCB视为最理想的求学目标,为了达成所愿,我们又请华大的海外顾问给小李申请了一个campus visit的机会,直接以校园游的身份前往美国。由于之前就和Director有过接触,小李到了华大之后,直接去了Director 办公室,一方面表示感谢,当然重点还是强调对MCB项目的兴趣,以及对教授研究方向和成果的热情参与。

由于小李毕业之后一直在诚诚恳恳地做试验,确实也有一些成果,因此与Director交流还是挺成功的,Director又安排了小李与几个教授面试。这一番经历着实算得上是硕果累累,给对方留下了很深刻的印象。录取结果三月份出来,联想到之前campus visit的经历,我们对申请结果充满了期待,满以为是水到渠成的事情了。收到华大发过来Admissions Decision的邮件时,还是小小激动了一把,打开一看,心却凉了半截,小李还是无情地被拒了,拒信是千遍一律的,received a high volume of applicants, but we can only accept a very limited of highly qualified candidates.事情到这里算是告一段落,可是小李由于前段时间与华大的亲密接触,被其教授甚至校园的魅力深深吸引,表示只要有入读的机会,可以自费入读。于是我们又联系了Director 那边,希望能够重新考虑小李的申请,如果实在没有名额,可以转申请对方的硕士,而且不要求奖学金;Director被小李这种锲而不舍的精神感动了,之前对他的印象确实也不错,答应可以重新审理他的材料,于是第二轮硕士申请就此拉开帷幕。

让人惊喜的是,这次还真获得了硕士的录取,看来美国的硕士比博士申请难度还是要小一些。就在小李欣喜若狂地打算回复华大入读决定的时候,竟然获得了有一个惊喜,美国的另一公立名校威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin Madison)也向小李抛出了橄榄枝,而且还是生物学博士全奖。双重惊喜反而让小李陷入了苦恼之中,一边是梦想中的华大,一遍是高额奖学金的威斯康星大学,何去何从呢?经过与小李的沟通,我们感觉到小李还是希望入读华大,但因为有威斯康星大学的全额奖学金,就无法取舍了。

根据这种情况,我们从两方面展开了华大奖学金申请的工作,首先联系Director 希望能够重新考虑博士申请的事情,对于威斯康星大学的生物学博士全额奖学金录取也如实说了,从心底还是希望入读华大的,又重点强调了下小李个人的科研能力;另一方面,根据小李的研究背景和学习兴趣,重点联系了几个相关专业方向的教授,希望能够进入其实验室做研究助理。Director倒是很客气,首先恭喜小李获得了威斯康星大学的生物学博士全额奖学金,同时表示希望小李能够选择华大,并且承诺只要小李能够找到PhD research mentor(博士生导师),可以调整录取通知书,完成硕士学业以后,可以无条件继续攻读华大的博士学位。这时候我们也帮助小李顺利联系上了一个教授,他对小李的研究背景和实验室技能表示赞赏,恰好也有招收一个研究助理的打算,加上Director的这个邮件,该教授表示愿意担任小李的博导,由于经费比较充足,也愿意承担小李在美国就读期间的所有花费。终于,Director 重新签发一份录取通知书,学校不但全免学费,还给了一年2万1千美金的stipend(助学金),用以小李的日常生活开销。至此,华盛顿大学西雅图分校分子与细胞生物学博士全奖案例就这样产生了。


博士分子生物学试题 篇5

D.Scrape 6.How about a glass of orange juice to________ your thirst.A.quash B.quell C.quench D.quieten 7.Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she is always ___________ her place.A.missing B.slipping C.bothering D.losing 8.She was putting on her watch when the _________ broke and it fell to the ground.A.belt B.string C.tie D.strap 9.I washed this dress and the color_________.A.flowed B.escaped C.ran D.removed 10.The recent economic crisis has brought about a _________ in world trade.A.sag B.tilt C.droop D.slump 11.Although we decorated the room only six months ago, the paint on the ceiling is already _________ because of the damp.A.crumbling B.flaking C.disintegrating D.splintering 12.The false banknotes fooled many people, but they did not _________ to close examination.A.put up B.keep up C.stand up D.look up 13.They were making enough noise at the party to wake the ___________.A.dead B.living C.lunatic D.crippled 14.If you would like to send a donation, you can ________a cheque to the organization Feed the Children.A.make up B.make for C.make out D.make off 15.The students visited the museum and spent several hours with the________, who was very helpful.A.curator B.bursar C.commissioner D.steward 16.The accused man was able to prove his innocence at the trial and was __________.A.absolved B.acquitted C.pardoned D.executed 17.Mary was extremely lucky: when her great-uncle died, she __________ a fortune.A.came by B.came over C.came into D.came through 18.The drunken couple did nothing to keep the flat clean and tidy and lived in the utmost __________.A.decay B.contamination C.squalor D.confinement 19.Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but _________ slightly in the afternoon.A.recovered B.recuperated C.retrieved D.regained 20.He tries to __________ himself with everyone by paying them compliments.A.please B.ingratiate C.placate

D.remunerate 21.I was afraid to open the door lest the beggar _________ me.A.followed B.were to follow C.follow D.would follow 22.By the end of the day the flood water which had covered most of the town had __________.A.reversed B.retired C.returned D.receded 23.Educational policies made _________ the hoof by successive secretaries of state are the main reason for low teacher morale.A.in B.on C.by D.along 24.It was obvious that he had been drinking far too much from the way he came_________ down the street.A.toddling B.hobbling C.loping D.staggering 25.He was a generous friend but as a businessman he __________ a hard bargain.A.dealt B.contracted C.drove D.faked 26.My friend‟s son, who is a soldier, was delighted when he was __________ only a few miles from home.A.placed B.stationed C.deported D.exorcized 27.In a coal-mining area, the land tends to __________causing damage to roads and buildings.A.subside B.diminish C.confiscate D.cede 28.As the cat lay asleep, dreaming, whiskers __________.A.twitched B.twisted C.jerked D.jogged 29.The total __________ from last month‟s charity dance were far more than expected.A.earnings B.acquisitions C.proceeds D.subsidies

30.The new manager had many difficulties to overcome but he __________them all in his stride.A.overlooked B.obtained C.tackled D.took

Part II Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.(1)

Resale Price Maintenance is the name used when a retailer is compelled to sell at a price fixed by the manufacturer instead of choosing for himself how much to add on to the wholesale price he pays for his supplies.This practice is associated with the sale of “branded” goods, which now form a very considerable proportion of consumers‟ purchases, and it has led to a great deal of controversy.Generally such articles are packed and advertised by the manufacturers, who try to create a special „image‟ in the minds of possible purchasers—an image made up of the look of the article, its use, its price, and everything else which might lead purchasers to ask for that brand rather than any other.If a retailer is allowed to charge any price he likes he may find it worthwhile to sell one brand at „cut‟ prices even though this involves a loss, because he hopes to attract customers to the shop, where they may be persuaded to buy many other types of goods at higher prices.The manufacturer of the brand that has been „cut‟ fears that the retailer may be tempted to reduce the services on this article;but, even if he does not there is a danger that the customer becomes unsettled, and is unwilling to pay the „standard‟ price of the article because he feels that he is being „done‟.This may, and indeed often does, affect the reputation of the manufacturer and lose him his market in the long run.It is sometimes said also that the housewife—who is the principal buyer of most of these goods—prefers a fixed price because she knows where she is and is saved the bother of going from shop to shop in search of lower prices.If one shop cut all the prices of its branded goods she would undoubtedly have an advantage in shopping there.But this does not happen.A store usually lowers the price of one or two of its articles which act as a decoy and makes up its losses on others, and changes the cut-price articles from week to week so as to attract different groups of customers.And so the housewife may feel rather guilty if she does not spend time tracking down the cheaper goods.How far this is true is a matter of temperament and it is impossible to estimate what proportion of purchasers prefer a price that they can rely on wherever they choose to buy and what proportion enjoy the challenge involved in finding the store that offers them a bargain.Those who oppose Resale Price Maintenance on the other hand, point out that there are now a great many different channels of distribution—chain stores, department stores, co-operative stores, independent or unit shops, supermarkets, mail-order houses, and so on.It would be absurd to assume that all of them have exactly the same costs to meet in stocking and selling their goods, so why should they all sell at the same price? If they were allowed to choose for themselves, the more efficient retailers would sell at lower prices and consumers would benefit.As it is, the retail price must be sufficient to cover the costs of the less efficient avenues of distribution and this means the others make a bigger profit than necessary at the expense of the public.The supporters of the fixed price argue that this is only half the story.The efficient trader can still compete without lowering his prices.He can offer better service—long credit, or quick delivery or a pleasant shop decor or helpful assistants—and can do this without imperiling the long-term interests of the manufacturer.31.Manufactures oppose retailers cutting prices on their goods mainly because they think __________.A.retailers may eventually stop selling their products B.it may reduce customers‟ confidence in their products C.customers may feel uneasy when prices vary D.it may sometimes lead to poor service 32 Supporters of the fixed price hold that an efficient trader can still make money without lowering prices by __________.A.allowing customers time to pay B.hiring assistants for long hours and low wages C.advertising much more effectively D.establishing long-term relations with manufactures 33.By saying “He feels that he is being „done‟”, the author means that customer thinks__________.A.someone is despising him B.someone is maltreating him C.someone is blackmailing him D.someone is cheating him 34.“Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage? A.Good service other than price is important in attracting customers.B.An article without a brand name is not subject to Resale Price Maintenance.C.Manufactures attempt to influence possible purchasers by making their products easy to identify.D.Housewives prefer fixed prices because fixed prices are much less likely to fluctuate 35.The sentence “She knows where she is” in the third paragraph can be paraphrased as “__________”.A.She knows her place B.She knows her stuff C.She feels secure D.She feels intoxicated


He built a hut on a piece of rough land near a rock fall.In the wet season there was a plentiful stream, and over the years he encouraged the dry forest to surround him with a thick screen.The greener it became the easier it was to forget the outside.In time Melio(not without some terrible mistakes)learnt how to live in spite of the difficulties up on that mountain shelf.His only neighbors were a family group of Parakana Indians who, for reasons known only to themselves, took a liking to Melio.Their Chief never looked closely at Melio and said to himself that this white man was as mad as a snake which chews off its own tail.The parakanas taught Melio to catch fish with the help of a wild plant which made them senseless in the stream.It gave off a powerful drug when shaken violently through the water.They showed him how to bunt by laying traps and digging.In time Melio‟s piece of land became a regular farm.He had wild birds, fat long-legged ones and thin nearly featherless chickens, and his corn and salted fish was enough to keep him stocked up through the wet season.The Parakanas were always around him.He‟d never admit it but he could feel that the trees were like the bars of a prison;they were watching him.It was as if he was there by courtesy of the Chief.When they came to him, the Indians never entered his house, with its steeply sloping roof of dried grass and leaves.They had a delicate way of behaving.They showed themselves by standing in the shade of the trees at the clearing‟s edge.He was expected to cross the chicken strip towards them.Then they had a curious but charming habit of taking a pace back from him, just one odd step backwards into their green corridors.Melio never could persuade them to come any closer.The group guessed at Melio‟s hatred for his civilized brothers in the towns far away.They knew Melio would never invite any more white men up here.This pleased the Parakanas.It meant that traders looking for robber and jewels would never reach them.Their Melio would see to that.They were safe with this man and his hatred.36.It is known from the passage that Melio wanted the forest around him to become thick because the dense leaves __________.A.reminded him of his house in the town far away

B.prevented the Parakanas from watching him C.helped him to forget the world he hated D.protected him from being intruded by the white men in the town 37.The Chief‟s comparison of Melio to a snake is intended to show that __________.A.he did not trust Melio B.it was unwise to go too close to Melio C.he believed Melio hated the Parakanas D.he thought Melio was out of his mind 38.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Melio stayed on his farm for a number of years.B.Melio felt like a prisoner because he couldn‟t escape being watched.C.Melio kept himself alive, during the rainy season by eating what he had in store.D.The Parakanas thought Melio lived there because he was looking for rubber and jewels.39.To Melio, the Parakana Indians seemed __________.A.odd but hateful B.strange but attractive C.unhealthy but friendly D.cowardly but sociable 40.It can be concluded from the passage that the place described by the author was __________.A.far removed from civilization B.impossible to cultivate C.the home of Melio‟s Indian relatives D.wet all the year round


When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore, he floated on the warm surface and looked for his mother.There she was, a little yellow dot under an umbrella that looked like a piece of orange-skin.He swam back to shore, relieved at being sure she was there, but all at once very lonely.On the other side of the bay was a loose scattering of rocks.Above them, some boys were stripping off their clothes.They came running, their bodies bare, down to the rocks.Jerry swam towards them, and kept his distance a little way off.They were off that coast, all of them burned smooth dark brown, and speaking a language he did not understand.To be with them, of them, was a feeling that filled his whole body.He swam a little closer;they turned and watched him with narrowed, attentive dark eyes.Then one smiled and waved.It was enough.In a minute he had swum in and was on the rocks beside them, smiling with extreme nervousness.They shouted cheerful greetings at him, and then, as he preserved his nervous, puzzled smile, they understood that he was a foreigner who had wandered from his own part of the sands, and they promptly forgot him.But he was happy.He was with them.They began diving again and again from a high point into a well of blue sea between rough, pointed rocks.After they had dived and come up, they swam round, pulled themselves up, and waited their turn to dive again.They were big boys-men to Jerry.He dived, and they watched him, and when he swam round to take his place, they made way for him.He felt he was accepted and he dived again carefully proud of himself.Soon the biggest of the boys balanced himself, shot down into the water, and did not come up.The others stood about watching.Jerry, after waiting for the smooth brown head to appear, let out a cry of warning;they looked at him idly and turned their eyes back towards the water.After a long time, the boy came up on the other side of a big dark rock, letting the air escape suddenly from his lungs with much coughing and spitting, and giving a shout of satisfaction, immediately, the rest of them dived in.One moment the morning seemed full of boys as noisy as a crowd of monkeys;the next, the air and the surface of the water were empty.But through the heavy blue, dark shapes could be seen moving and searching.Jerry dived, shot past the school of underwater swimmers, saw a black wall of rock towering over him, touched it, and shop up at once to the surface, where the rock formed a low wall he could see across.There was no one in sight;under him, in the water, the shadowy shapes of the swimmers had disappeared.Then one and then another of the boys came up on the far side of the wall of rock, and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it.He dived down again.He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the solid rock.When he came up, the boys were all on the diving rock, preparing to attempt the trick again.And now, overcome with a sense of failure, he shouted up in English: “Look at me!Look!” and he began splashing and kicking in the water like a foolish dog.41.It can be concluded from the passage that __________.A.Jerry was not a good swimmer B.Jerry failed to gain acceptance by the other boys C.Jerry was on holiday abroad D.Jerry was not on good terms with his mother 42.The word “bare” in Paragraph 2 means__________.A.in disguise C.in the gutter B.in the limelight D.in the raw 43.At the beginning, Jerry was swimming__________.A.into the little bay B.too far out to see his mother C.near to the group of boys D.further out to see than the rock 44.What happened to the biggest boy? A.He had been trying to stay under water as long as possible.B.He had swum through a hole in the rock under the water.C.He had been trying to do the highest dive.D.He had played a trick on Jerry.45.Jerry splashed and kicked in the water because_________.A.he was pretending to be drowning B.he wanted to amuse all the other boys C.he hadn‟t been able to do what the other boys had done D.he wanted the other boys to listen to what he was saying


Peter Sellers wouldn‟t be allowed his career today.All those funny racial stereotypes—the caricatured frogs, wops, yids and goodness-gracious-me Pakis—are in clear breach of the codes of political correctness.His lewd disguises and overdone accents belong with black-and-white minstrel shows and clog-dancing—it‟s the comedy of yesteryear.Have you tried listening to The Goon Show lately? It is a reworking of The Gang Show, excruciatingly bad and dated, and full of explosions, gunfire and jokes about Hitler and the War.Nonetheless, Sellers continue to obsess people.He‟s already been the subject of biographies galore, including, back in 1994, a 1,200-page magnum opus by myself, which is now being turned into a biopic starring Geoffrey Rush.The appeal lies in the mythic dimensions of Sellers‟ story.He had everything and it wasn‟t enough.He was a comedian with a tragic inability to enjoy life.He was world-famous and desperately lonely.At the weight of his fame, as Inspector Clouseau, his eccentricity tipped over the edge into genuine insanity.He was a basket case.This is irresistible material.Sellers‟ subversive and immoderate behaviour puts him in a class of his own.Picture my disappointment with Ed Sikov‟s tome, therefore.Here‟s a thick book that tells us nothing new.For newcomers to Sellers, however, Mr.Strangelove is a perfect digest of the man‟s life and work, briskly told.Sellers was descended from a family of bare-knuckle East End prize-fighters, although his parents were music hall entertainers.His clinging whining mother, Peg, was a quick-change artiste and his father, Bill, was a ukulele player and soft-shoe-shuffle merchant.The young Peter was raised in the ghostly, twilight world of shabby theatres and end-of-the-pier revues: dog acts, acrobatic midgets, incompetent conjurors and gypsy violinists.To go from these origins and become as big as The Beatles, as he was in the Sixties, is an amazing feat.Sellers spent the Second World War in the Air Force, impersonating officers and playing the drums to entertain the troops.When he was demobbed he worked in holiday camps and began getting spots on radio, culminating in The Goon Show.He dubbed the voices of Churchill and Humphrey Bogart on film soundtracks, and it was while hanging about the studios that he was offered walk-on roles.His breakthrough came with the part of a teddy boy in The Ladykillers, a film that improves with each viewing.This led to the role of Fred Kite, the shaven-headed, belligerent shop steward in I‟m All Right, Jack which won him a British Academy Best Actor statuette.When Peter Ustinov dropped out of The Pink Panther on a Friday, Sellers flew to the set in Rome on Monday to replace him.The rest is history.Or notoriety.Sellers‟ descent into madness was swift.He got rid of his wife and children and chased after Britt Ekland, whom he pounced on in The Dorchester and married ten days later.He took drugs to enhance his potency, and this precipitated a heart attack.Having worked on Dr Strangelove during the day, each evening he locked himself in the bathroom and threatened to commit suicide.Bryan Forbes and Nanette Newman had to come over and talk to him trough the door.He then decided he wanted to marry Nanette.He also wanted to marry Sophia Loren, Princess Margaret and Liza Minnelli.His misbehavior and unprofessionalism cost film studios millions of dollars.Sets had to be repainted and costumes remade if they were purple or green-colors of which he was morbidly superstitious.He enjoyed messing about during filming and blowing his lines;he pulled guns on people.He walked off Casino Royale and was discovered in Britt Ekland‟s mother‟s house in Sweden.Meanwhile, Orson Welles and the rest of the cast were in full make-up and on full pay back at Pinewood, waiting for him to reappear.Sellers was happy only in the company of his gadgets, cameras and fast cars, which he‟d replace or abandon with manic frequency.At one of his weddings, the maids of honor were the bride‟s dogs.He was also selfish in the extreme: when his relationships broke up, he‟d send his henchmen round to retrieve his gifts.46.People are still obsessed with Peter Sellers because___________.A.he was a genius

B.he was as big as The Beatles

C.his life was full of drama and contradiction

D.he led a very austere life 47.By saying “He was a basket case”, the author means that Peter Sellers was___________.A.handicapped B.deranged C.impetuous D.callous 48.According to the passage, Peter Sellers took drugs to improve___________.A.his theatrical performance

B.his breathtaking performance

C.his walk-on roles on the stage

D.his performance sexually 49.The “galore” in paragraph 4 means ___________.A.numerous B.anecdotal

C.critical D.unauthorized 50.Peter Sellers can be described as__________.A.unpredictable but generous B.talented but unstable C.sane but selfish D.eccentric but reliable

Paper Two

Part Ⅲ Cloze(10%)Directions: Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word to complete the meaning of the passage.Write your answer on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.One of the major differences between man and his closest living relative is, of course, that the chimpanzee has not developed the power of speech.Even the most intensive efforts to teach young chimps to talk have met with 51

no success.Verbal language represents a truly gigantic step forward in man‟s 52.Chimpanzees do have a wide range of calls, and these certainly serve to convey some types of information.When a chimp finds good food he utters loud barks;other chimps 53

the vicinity instantly become aware of the food source and hurry to join in.An attacked chimpanzee screams and this may alert his mother or a friend, either of 54

may hurry to his aid.A chimpanzee confronted with an alarming and potentially dangerous situation utters his spine-chilling wraaaa-again, other chimps may hurry to the spot to see what is happening.A male chimpanzee, about to enter a valley or charge toward a food source, utters his pant-hoots and other individuals realize that another member of the group is arriving and can identify 55

one.To our human 56

each chimpanzee is characterized more by his pant-hoots than by any other type of call.This is significant since the pant-hoot in particular is the call that serves to maintain contact, between the separated groups of the community.Yet the chimps 57

can certainly recognize individuals by other calls;for instance a mother knows the scream of her offspring.Probably a chimpanzee can recognize the calls of most of his acquaintances.While chimpanzee calls 58

serve to convey basic information about some situations and individuals, they cannot for the most part be compared 59

a spoken language.Man by means of words can communicate abstract ideas;he can benefit from the experiences of others 60

having to be present at the time;he can make intelligent cooperative plans.Part Ⅳ

Translation(20%)Directions: Put the following passage into English.人类是一个不断的自然的进化过程的产物,其中包括无数次的遗传转化:这一不可阻挡的过程自45亿年前地球形成以来一直未曾间断过。这一进化过程,受环境因素的影响,经过随机突变,形成了更具适应性的系统,从而保证了其连续性。在动物世界,这导致了更高级物种的进化,并在人类身上达到了极致,因为人类已经获得了创新思维的能力。我认为这标志着进化进入了一个非常重要的阶段,使一个物种首次有能力掌握了自身命运。


Part V Writing(15%)Directions: There is a picture below.Look at it carefully and write a composition of about 250 words based on what it conveys.参考答案及解析

Part I Vocabulary and Structure(15%)1.B 句意:虽然只是一个小买卖,但营业额却高的惊人。turn-over营业额。turn-up完全出人意料的结果。turn-about转向,倒转。turn-out聚集的人群,出席者,产量。2.C 句意:不幸的是,并不是所有的人都能得到自己应得的。desert(常用复数)应得的赏或罚。demand要求,需求,要求物。gain(常用复数)收益,利润;利益(的增加);报酬,奖金。win(常用复数)赢得物,收益。3.A 句意:上个月我们有分歧的那份合同现在已通过了。go through(法律、方案等)被通过。go down被接受,受欢迎。go over(美国口语)大受欢迎,被接受。go around到处走动,传播。4.D 句意:结果证明维护两套房子是如此巨大的经济负担,他们不得不卖掉一套。upkeep(建筑物、设备等的)维护,维修费。upsurge急剧上升。upshot结果,结局。upturn情况好转。5.B 句意:在阁楼上搜寻一下,看能否找到什么东西到旧货市场上去卖。rummage翻找,搜寻。leash缚住,束缚。flutter摆动,烦扰。scrape刮,擦,削。jumble sale废旧杂货廉价拍卖。6.C 句意:来一杯橘子汁解渴。quench使缓和,满足。quash取消。quell用武力平息,镇压;使平静,安静。quieten安静,抚慰。7.D 句意:每当她看书的时候,孩子老是打扰她,所以她总是找不到自己读到哪个地方了。lose one’s place意为读书时“找不到读到哪儿”。8.D strap表带。belt腰带,带状物。string线,一串,字串。tie领带,鞋带,领结。9.C run褪色。flow流动,飘扬。escape逃跑,溜走。remove除去,迁移,开除。10.A sag(物价等的)下跌,经济萧条。tilt倾斜。droop(由于虚弱、疲乏或失去支持的)下垂,消沉。slump猛然落下,衰落。11.B flake使成片剥落。crumble破碎,崩溃,消失。disintegrate粉碎,分解,解体。splinter裂成碎片,分裂。12.C 句意:虽然假币愚弄了许多人,但是他们经不起仔细的检查。stand up to经得住。put up to告知,指点。keep up不低落,维持继续。look up to尊敬,敬仰。13.A wake the dead震耳欲聋。14.C make out开出(支票,账单等)。make up构成,编造,补偿,化妆。make for有助于。make off离开,逃走。15.A curator(博物馆、美术馆、图书馆的)馆长。bursar(大学、寺院等的)财务主管。commissioner委员,行政长官。steward乘务员,(饭店、俱乐部等的)管理人。16.B acquit宣判(某人)无罪,无罪释放,指因缺乏充分的证据或未构成犯罪事实而免于对某人起诉或指控。absolve赦免,指依据法律程序免除有罪者的责任或惩罚。pardon赦免,免于治罪。execute处以极刑。17.C come into继承,获得,尤指遗产。come by得到,获得。come over过来,抓住。come through经历,脱险。18.C squalor肮脏,邋遢。decay腐烂,腐朽,衰退。contamination污染,玷污。confinement限制,监禁。19.D regain上涨(VOA经济报导中用语)。recover恢复,复原,痊愈。recuperate恢复健康,挽回损失。retrieve(打猎)找回猎物。20.B ingratiate oneself with sb.讨好某人。placate抚慰,使和解。remunerate给予报酬,赔偿。21.C 在lest引导的状语从句中,谓语动词多用虚拟语气should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。22.D recede退,后退。reverse颠倒,逆转,倒退。retire退休,撤退。return返回。23.B 句意:教育政策都是历届政府官员临时制定的,这是师德低下的主要原因。on the hoof即兴的,临时凑成的,毫无准备的。24.D 句意:他踉踉跄跄地沿着街道走来,很明显喝多了。stagger(因负重、虚弱、醉酒等)蹒跚,摇晃。hobble跛行,蹒跚。toddle(老人或小孩走路时)蹒跚。lope(人)迈着大步走。25.C 句意:作为朋友,他很慷慨;但作为商人,却很苛刻。drive a hard bargain(在某事上极力讨价还价),坚持苛刻的条件。26.B station驻扎,派驻。place放置,安置。deport驱逐,流放。exorcize驱逐,去除(坏念头等)。27.A 句意:在煤矿区,土地易于下陷,给道路和建筑带来损坏。subside下陷。diminish减少,变小。confiscate没收,征用。cede放弃(权利),割让,移交。28.A 句意:当猫卧着睡着了做着梦的时候,它的胡须在抽动。twitch抽动。twist扭曲,扭动。jerk颠簸,抽搐,猛推。jog颠簸着移动,慢跑。29.C 上个月慈善舞会的收入远远超过了我们的期待。proceeds(从事某种买卖、贸易等的)收入。acquisitions获得,所获之物。earnings工资,报酬。subsidy补助金,津贴。30.D 句意:虽然新上任的经理有很多困难要克服,但是他却轻易地应付了。take sth.in one’s stride轻而易举地解决某事,从容处理。tackle应付(难事等)。overlook忽略,监督。obtain获得,得到。Part II Reading Comprehension(40%)


31.B 第二段倒数第二句The manufacturer of the brand that has been ‘cut’ fears that„because he feels that he is being ‘done’。制造商害怕零售商降低对减价商品提供的服务,即使这种情况不会发生,也存在另一风险:顾客将变的犹豫不决,不乐意为商品支付正常的价格,因为总感觉自己买贵了。文章并未提及选项A。选项C指出,当价格变化时,顾客可能感到不安。选项D指出,这有时候会导致劣质的服务,但这不是主要原因。32.A 根据文章最后一段最后一句可知,效率高的商人可以通过提供更好的服务,包括长期信用证„。

33.D 由文章第二段倒数第二句可知,因为零售商有时候会减价,所以顾客不愿意支付正常的价格,担心买贵或上当受骗。despise轻视,蔑视。maltreat虐待。blackmail向„敲诈,威胁。34.D 根据倒数第二段最后一句,这里指出无法确定有多少家庭主妇喜欢购买固定价格的商品,又有多少家庭主妇喜欢一家一家地寻找最低价格,所以选项D的说法片面。35.C know one’s place知道自己的地位。know one’s stuff精通自己的业务。intoxicated喝醉的,极其兴奋的。这里说的是,因为价格都是固定的,所以家庭主妇省去了一家一家比较价格的麻烦,这样购买某件商品时就不会有担心买贵的忧虑。


36.C 从文章第一段第三句The greener it became the easier it was to forget the outside森林越茂密,他就越容易忘记外面的世界,可见答案为选项C。选项A正好与Melio的意图相反。选项D文章并未提及,只在结尾处提到Melio从不邀请白人去他那儿。37.B 文章第二段第二句提到the Chief never looked closely at Melio,所以答案为选项B。文中并未提及他不信任Melio,以及他认为Melio讨厌Parakanas,他以为Melio精神错乱。38.D 文章最后一段第四句提到traders looking for robber and jewels would never reach them,并没有提及Melio寻找rubber和jewels。选项A参见第二段的倒数第二句。选项B参见第三段的第二句。选项C参见第二段的倒数第一句。39.B 从文章第三段倒数第二句they had a curious but charming„,可知答案为选项B。文中并没有提到他们是可恨的、不健康的或是胆小的。40.A 文章第二段结尾提到Melio的土地成了一个农场,他还种植了玉米,所以选项B错误。另外文章并没有提及Melio的印度亲戚,那些人只是他的邻居。根据文章第二段结尾his corn and salted fish was enough to keep him stocked up through the wet season,我们可以看出这个地方不是终年潮湿。


41.B 从后面跳水时那些男孩跟他搞恶作剧可以看出他们并没有接受他,所以答案为选项B。选项A,文章开始提到他游到了足够远的地方,可见他游泳并不差。文中并未提及Jerry在度假以及他与母亲之间的关系。42.D 第二段第二句some boys were stripping off their clothes一些男孩脱了衣服,说明他们是裸体的,所以答案为选项D,in the raw处于自然状态的,裸体的。in disguise伪装,乔装。in the gutter醉倒在水沟里,沉溺于淫秽生活中,名誉扫地。in the limelight处于显要地位。43.D 文章开头提到When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay“当他游到足够远的地方,回头望时不仅看到了那小小的海湾,而不是他游向小海湾”,所以选项A错误。第一段同样提到he floated on the warm surface and looked for his mother.There she was„可见他还是可以看到他的母亲,只是很小很小而已,从而排除选项B。第二段开头提到On the other side of the bay„some boys were stripping off their clothes那群男孩在海湾的另一边,可以排除选项C。44.B 文章最后一段中间部分提到and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it“他明白了他们是从一个沟或洞里游过去的”。45.B 通过文章内容可知,Jerry很想融入到那群小男孩之中,在被戏弄之后,最后一段结尾部分提到Jerry overcome with a sense of failure“他沉浸在失败的惶恐之中”,然后“他开始在水中连拍带踢,就像一条笨狗一样”,由此我们推断Jerry这样做是为了取悦于那群孩子,引起他们的注意,故B项为正确答案。


46.C 文章第五段第一句The appeal lies in the mythic dimensions of Sellers’ story.魅力就在于Sellers的故事童话般的维度。选项B在第六段的结尾提到过,但这不是人们仍然着迷于Peter的原因。虽然文章后面提到他的生长环境,他的成就十分惊人,但并没有说这是今天人们仍然迷恋他的原因。文章倒数第三段一开始提到his misbehavior品行不端,所以可以排除选项D。47.B 文中该句前面提到his eccentricity tipped over the edge into genuine insanity他的古怪使他精神错乱了。deranged疯狂的,精神错乱的。handicapped残疾的。impetuous鲁莽的。callous无情的,坚硬的。48.D 文章倒数第四段提到He took drugs to enhance his potency,potency(男子的)性交能力。49.A 文中第四段提到人们仍然很为Sellers所着迷。他已经成了自传的题材,早在1994年,就已包括1200页的杰作。numerous为数众多的。anecdotal轶事的,趣闻的。critical决定性的,挑剔的。unauthorized未经授权的。50.B 文章最后一段结尾处提到,一段关系结束之后,他会派心腹去索要礼物,可以看出他并不慷慨,所以可以排除选项A。第五段结尾处提到他精神错乱genuine insanity,可以排除选项C。倒数第四段提到他抛妻弃子,追随其他女人,并且不止一个,可以看出他不是一个可靠的人,从而排除选项D。

Paper Two

Part Ⅲ Cloze(10%)51.almost 这里需要一个表示程度的副词。一些科学家曾成功地训练黑猩猩使用复杂的手势或辅助工具交流信息,但无论怎样训练,这些人类的远亲始终只能发出少数单词的音,可见并不是完全不成功。52.evolution 进化。语言在人类的进化过程中是一个巨大的进步。53.in in the vicinity在附近。当一只猩猩找到食物时,它会大叫,附近的其他猩猩马上就会意识到有食物而加入它。54.whom whom引导非限制性定语从句,这里指它的母亲或朋友,其中之一很快会去帮助它。55.which 当一个雄猩猩要进入一个峡谷或迈向某个食物来源时,它会发出一种声音,其它个体就会意识到群体的另一个成员也来了,并能辨别出是哪个成员。56.ears 这里提到的都是猩猩发出的声音,因而是针对人类的耳朵说的。57.themselves 猩猩它们自己当然可以通过其他呼声辨别出单个个体。58.do 这里do起了强调的作用,虽然猩猩的呼声的确可以传递基本的信息,绝大多数情况下它们都不能跟口语相提并论。59.to be compared to比作。60.without 前面提到人类可以用语言传递抽象的思想观念,可以在别人不在场的时候受益于他的经历。Part Ⅳ Translation(20%)Mankind is a product of constant and natural evolutionary processes including innumerable genetic transformations.This irresistible process has never stopped since the Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago.Subjected to the influence of the environmental factors, this evolutionary process has become a more adaptable system through random mutations and consequently guarantees its continuity.In the animal world, this has brought about the evolution of the more advanced species and reached the acme in the human being because mankind has acquired the ability of originative thinking.I think this marks that evolution has stepped into a crucial phase in which a species is capable of mastering his own destiny for the first time.The acquisition of the ability of originative thinking has tremendously expedited the courses of natural evolution.It has given rise to the great progress in many aspects of human civilization such as art, literature, medicine and technology, in particular in the science of human wisdom widening front.However, it is exactly those progresses that make mankind acquire the ability of self-destruction, leading to the development of tools killing mankind.Part V Writing(15%)

Which is heavier, 59 points or 99 points?

博士分子生物学试题 篇6



















4、有一个四肽,被胰蛋白酶水解后形成两个二肽,其中一个在280nm处有强的光吸收,并且与plauly试剂反应阳性,并证明有呱基存在,另一个二肽在以HBr处理后可释放一个与印三同反应后为黄色的氨基酸 推测改四肽结构

5、以知一种组织中含有某种蛋白,但含量低 无法纯化,但知改蛋白分子量,并有他的抗体,用一种方法确定改组织中确实含有该蛋白
