雅思口语库part2话题之:教授亲朋 篇1
Ok right then, well the English lesson I‘m gonna talk about is the one I had during my primary school, which I guess must have been about ten or eleven years ago by now.
It was the first time that I was given a class by a foreign teacher. At that time,our English teacher introduced an American young guy to us. Out of curiosity, most of us swarmed around him. Then, he had a free talk with us in simple but humorous English. He spoke quite slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well. Meanwhile,he would repeat just in time what students did not understand. Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in asking him questions and interacting with him.So the atmosphere was quite alive during the whole class. And... I have to say that through this lesson, we all improve our oral English and the courage to speak another language other than our mother tongue.
When comparing this to most of the classes we had at that time, where we basically just went through the textbook and took notes, it was a thousand times more interesting, and of course, meaningful. Actually, from this lesson, I came to the conclusion that it is not so difficult to learn English if we talk more in it And L also learned that English can act as an interesting and useful tool in communications with foreigners if we’re good at it.
地道用词:Out of curiosity
高分句型:When comparing this to most of the classes we had at that time, where we basically just went through the textbook and took notes, it was a thousand times more interesting, and of course, meaningful.
Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in asking him questions and interacting with him.
雅思口语库Part2话题参考范文汇总之:一节英语课(an English lesson that you have taken)
You should say:
What the activity is
When and where you usually do it
how you do it
and explain why it can keep you fit
雅思口语话题part2参考 篇2
When and where you had the dinner
Who you ate the dinner with
What you ate
And explain how you felt with this dinner
雅思口语part2常见话题 篇3
P.S: the topic with the sign of means it might be a topic in the category, or it might be included in another category.
1. A place (outdoor or indoor) that (is suitable for) you to study.
2. A place where you would like to travel.
3. A beautiful city you’ve visited.
4. One of the most interesting places in China.
5. A faraway place you’d like to go.
6. An ideal house.[New]
7. A public place. [New]
雅思口语话题part2参考 篇4
It was a mixed feeling. In fact, for past couple of weeks, I had not been concentrating on my academic activities. I used to move around and bunk the college classes. Moreover, I got a couple of friends who were also similar to me and with their company, I failed to focus on my academic activities. So, when I saw the dream, I started feeling guilty. It was my subconscious mind that was telling me to improve my academic career.
Actually, the dream was a kind of symbolic instruction to me. I saw that I was missing a train as I was late to reach the station. I tried to catch the train, ran for a while but could not get into that for a few seconds. It could have been interpreted in several ways. But I discovered that it was my subconscious mind which was worried about me. Through the dream, it was warning me to come back on the track. If I do not follow the usual rules, I may experience some detrimental impacts.
雅思口语库part2话题之:教授亲朋 篇5
for natural scenery, is the largest state in United States by area. It is situated in the northwest extremity of North America. The temperature there mostly remains below zero degree Celsius, which leads to the fact that the majority parts of state are usually covered by snow. I wish I can travel to Alaska during the future Winter break even though it would be the coldest period in a year, because to see a real aurora will be one of the best moments in my life.
In order to accomplish this trip, it is necessary to have enough preparations, especially for self-protection, like preparing enough clothes to stay warm and learning self-salvation when accidents happened. The best partner I can think of would be my girlfriend. It would be a fantastic experience to memorize for both of us. Imaging that together we traveled such North to see such magnificent
landscapes with our lovers, nothing can be better than this.
Every time I saw aurora was either pictures in magazines or geographic channels on TV, I long for seeing and standing in front of polar light once for telling myself “oh my god, I see it for real”. It is something that human cannot create and normal people cannot see often. It is magic that nature performs. On the other hand, Alaska is a perfect place to enjoy the winter, the snow, the mountains, the forest, and everything together become the wonderful landscapes.
A perfect holiday you would like to have
Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.
You should say:
When and where you would like to go
Who you would like to go with
What you would like to do there
And explain why you would like to go there
How do Chinese people spend their holidays?
Do Chinese people prefer to spend holidays in or outside of China?
Do people like expensive trips or economical trips?
What kind of vocation do people in your country like to have?
雅思口语库part2话题之:教授亲朋 篇6
You should say:
What it was
When you learned it
Why you learned it
And how you felt about it
雅思口语库part2话题之:教授亲朋 篇7
you should say:
what this piece of news was
when and where you received it
How you reacted after receiving this piece of news
and explain why you think this was a good piece of news
The exciting news that I heard over the phone was the birth news of my nephew. My mother called me on my cell phone when I was away from my hometown and that’s one of the most exciting news I have ever got in my life. I was in the second year in my university and because of that I was away from home. One day my mother called and gave me this happy news. I had an exam ahead of me and after getting the news I was so happy and thrilled that I forgot everything and came to my hometown at that very night to see the newborn baby. I have two sisters and I am the youngest son of my parents. My sisters got married and soon she was pregnant and would have a baby.
雅思口语库part2话题之:教授亲朋 篇8
Do you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?
当然可以。雅思口语考试的四个评分标准中,并没有Task Response任务反应情况,所以即使你没有talk about the question,而是talk around the question,那么也不会因为这个而被扣分。
Part2中所有题目的第一个词,也是关键词,就是Describe,例如Describe an unforgettable dinner you had等。
The reason why I went for a pretty light one is that I need to bring my laptop to work every day, so I desperately need a portable one.
很多同学在拿到抽象题的时候没得说,例如Describe a success. 在这里,同学们存在的问题是如何去定义success.
所以拿到抽象题,完全可以把抽象变具体,具体到successfully did sth.
雅思口语库part2话题之:教授亲朋 篇9
在教学的过程中,当问到学生雅思口语三个部分的考试哪个部分最难以对付时,大多数情况下学生会认为Part 2是最令人头痛的部分。现在Part 2 的话题越来越细化、刁钻,虽然有1分钟的准备时间,但在紧张的考试环境下,大部分学生都称“脑子是空白的”,以导致不充分的准备让1-2分钟的描述变得非常的惨白,无奈收尾,给考官的感觉始终印象不深刻,无法达到通过细致的描述想亲自尝试的意愿。
通过分析学生Part 2的回答范例,发现不少同学要么仅将话题卡中给的问题提示作以简单回答,要么使用较为明显的模板回答方式---也就是我们常说的无关紧要的话,来填塞内容上的空白。如 ”If I really have to choose a place to describe, I’d like to tell you that …. is such the place。” 这也是中国学生雅思口语在40个国家和地区垫底的原因之一。在这篇文章中,本文将总结出四种Part 2描述题的拓展策略。
当考生在面对话题无从下手时,可以利用 ”WH Questions”来引导思路的拓展,包括 “what, when, where, who(whom), why, how (how exactly, how often, how long, how much, how many)”。
例如,Describe a restaurant or cafe you like. 首先须明确what(the Bookworm),when(some five years ago), where (down the south of Chengdu),who(foreigners for most of time);其次是整个描述的重点why(comfortable, pleasant, intimate ),how exactly (detailed description of being comfortable, pleasant, and intimate),how often(once a month…),how much(30-40 yuan on average per person),how many(3 in Whole China)。
Sample answer:The Bookworm is my favorite cafe in this city, which is about 15 minutes drive from the Tianfu Square down the south, and unlike other fancy cafes in the downtown, it sits in a quiet surrounding. The Bookworm was born 5 years ago with the help of a journalist, who soon became the business partner and co-owner of Chengdu Bookworm. During these years, it’s been popular and welcomed by almost every foreigner in Chengdu. I guess it’s probably because the cafe is really the place that can make them feel at home, ranging from the food, coffee, inside decoration, and those books written and published from their country。
The Bookworm creates a warm and intimate atmosphere, offering its customers home style food and drink. When you get annoyed from a trouble in study or at work, having a rest at Bookworm will be the very pleasant thing to chill out. The greatest part is the live music every Friday night at which you can enjoy the best jazz and blues. There are three Bookworms in China, Beijing has the first, and Chengdu and Suzhou follow the step, therefore if you‘re taking a trip to Beijing or Suzhou, you can still have the opportunity to enjoy the nice little cafe. I like the cafe, for it’s the place where I can relax, eat, drink, read and enjoy music。
在Part 2话题描述中,如果仅有描述,仍会让整个陈述略显有些平淡,建议考生在描述的同时加上相应的例子,这样可以大大增加描述内容的丰富性和生动性。但是, 在Part 2里例子,并不一定要非常正式的举例,如“For example”;口语化的一些表达方式会更自然一些,如“such as,like”。比如,”Describe a special shop”,除了描述这个shop里有一些special goods外,若再具体举例说明有哪些特殊商品可以更能增强生动性。In the shop, you can always find some special and interesting stuff, such as hand-made floating lantern, photo books, tiny china pot, and Nepali jewelries and things like that。
Part 2话题属于细节描述题,在适当的时候如果能够使用数据来进一步支撑描述,可以增强话题描述的真实性和说服力。但是,建议考生在使用数据的时候不要太过夸张数字,而且频率不应过多,使用一次数据就可以了。另外,与雅思写作有别的是,在写作中引用数据时最好有个出处或来源,但在回答口语Part 2问题时,这个出处可以省略,否则会导致回答内容是背诵的嫌疑,降低真实性,这就与我们的初衷背道相驰了。
比如“Describe a concert hall”,我们可以通过数据的支撑来这样描述“The Civil Concert Hall holds about 50 to 60 shows on an average each year, receiving almost 30,000 audiences, and part of them come to this hall simply because of its comfortable seats and great sound and lighting effects. ”有了数据的支撑,可以使我们对音乐厅的规模和条件有个更直观的了解,而不是简单地描述“the concert hall is very popular and well-equipped。”
1-2分钟的描述中,除了单方面地进行描述外,可以通过描述同类事物进行比较的方式来使内容更加全面细致。但是,这个部分毕竟是口语考试,所以选用的比较类的词语应为口语化的连接词,“unlike,similar,like,be different from”等。
例如“Describe a magazine”,我们这样来描述:The magazine I’ve been reading recently is O2 (Oxygen Magazine), which mainly covers good books, movies, music, and life design as well as eco protection are the key topics throughout the whole magazine. Unlike the normal magazines, you cannot find any company’s advertisement on it. Another thing makes it different from the ordinary ones is that it uses recycled paper, and that’s what it’s aimed since it was born. 通过对比的方式,可以令考官加深对描述的印象,也丰富了枯燥话题的陈述内容。
在雅思备考中 雅思口语考试要怎么准备
A. 既要多角度,又要全面
B. 有逻辑地“秀”一下
A. 好“反向”、“迂回”思维
B. 学说谚语再幽默点
C. 带入个人理解
雅思口语范文:An English Class
The English lesson that left me a deep impression( 让我印象深刻)was taught by my junior high-school teacher, Miss Wang. One day she came into the class with a bag of things in her hand. I was curious about what they were and Miss wang said “it’s a surprise!” That really made me more interested. Later she told the class that we were going to learn how to order meals in English. First she showed pictures of tasty food and played a video of a person ordering steak. From the video, I learned lots of natural expressions (自然的表达), and even better, I got to know some western table manners, like you have to put your napkin on your lap before you eat the steak, and place fork in your left hand and hold the knife in your right hand. The best part was that we had a role-playing game. My teacher Miss wang first divided the class into pairs, gave us some food as realia (课堂教具), and provided some sentences and dialogues for us to practice. Everything went on smoothly and effectively. It was definitely one of the best English lessons I’ve ever had.
I have had many English lessons throughout my academic years, and the most impressive one was taught by my junior high-school English teacher, _. It was a Friday morning; she came into the class, holding her teaching materials and carrying a huge bag of things. When wondering what they were, I was told that it’s gonna be a surprise for the class. That really held my attention (让我兴致盎然).
Shortly afterwards, she said to the class“today, we are going to learn how to order a menu in english” On hearing that,I was like “wow, is she going to treat us to some delicacies(请我们吃美味佳肴)? That would be amazing!” Then basically, she showed some pictures of tantalizing food on her power-point, and engaged students to discuss what they prefer to eat and why. Every one looked so intrigued and was eager to talk. In a while she played a video of a person ordering a menu in a steak house. Through watching that clip(片段), not only did I learn some authentic restaurant vocabulary and expressions (地道的用餐词汇和表达), but also I got aware ofwesterndining etiquette(西方用餐礼仪). I have to say that lesson was really well-planned(精心设计的). But that’s not all. What fascinated me most was the food she brought to the class. Believe it or not, those things in the bag were mini steaks! Hardly can you imagine how much she must have spent on them. The final activity was a role-playing game: students working in pairs, one plays the role of a waiter and the other a customer. I was lucky enough to the customer and try the steak.It was like a taste of heaven(太美味了!), so tender and fresh.
All in all, this lesson was definitely something unforgettable. It was about English, but also about culture and communication. Totally student-focused(以学生为中心)!
雅思口语Part2新题 篇10
Mr Moe Myaing is passing his retired life now. He lives with his family in the opposite apartment of us in Yangon. He has been living in this apartment even before we started living here. He got his retirement in the early part of the year from the Myanmar Army as a colonel. Now he loves to recall the memories of his olden days. I find interest in talking with him. He owns a tall figure with a height of six feet and two inches. Besides, he looks strong even in his 70. And he is smart with an adventurer look. He loves to pass times in physical exercise and sports. In fact, he loves to take part in different sports in the local sporting club.
I first saw him in the corridor of the apartment block. He was having some sort of physical exercise. I knew that there is a retired colonel living in this apartment but did not have idea that he would be the man. In fact, I thought the colonel would be someone less old than him. Actually, I did not have idea that he is a bit older than I thought. But later, I discovered that he is an interesting man and knows how to attract people. Often he visits my dad at our home and we also are invited to his apartment in many occasions. Now, the relationship with him and his family with mine is excellent. Sometimes, I pass my leisure hours with him and listen to his heroic activities while he served in military.
First of all, I like to appreciate his outspoken nature. He loves to speak straight. Besides, he tries to keep his promises and commitments. When he makes any promise, he is sure that he would be successful in keeping the promise. In fact, this is not his nature that without being confirmed, he makes any commitments. He is also brave and knows how to deal with difficult situations. I also like his spirit to continue physical activities in such an age. He can run faster than anyone else, takes part in sports like badminton and football. He also loves to swim. Mr Myaing took me to his swimming club and I was amazed at his performance of swimming. Further, he is a humble man and never behaves rudely with anyone. Controlling the anger is the other quality I see in him.
I admire Mr Myaing for some particular reasons. He is a highly educated and trained person. Despite being an army, he knows how to deal with the civilians while a majority of the army personnel are unable to deal with the ordinary citizens. They have some ideas that they are someone superior and to be worshipped. But there are no such arrogances in this person. He is a nice guy and loves to gossip over a wide number of issues. He loves to meet with newer people and particularly with kids. I also have learnt many aspects from him which are really effective in my real-life situations. He has taught me the matters with great enthusiasm. For all such reasons, I admire him most.
Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study
Where is it
how it looks like
When do you study there
What you study there
Who you go with
Why do you like to study in this place
how much time you spend in this room
how an ideal study room should be