雅思优质服务口语话题 篇1
对于第一部分的雅思口语话题,问题比较浅,只要回答是什么,为什么,怎么呢 就可以。
比如你觉得骑自行车好吗? 可以回答好,对自身身体好。很多人把每天骑自行车作为自己健身方式,比如老年人。
不需要回答的太多,以免1 让考官认为这是自己提前准备好背诵的,2 以后遇到话题深入时没有话说了。
一般来说,第一部分会围绕2个大方向(比如家乡 爱好 搜集 假日 运动 邻居 花园 鸟等)各问3个问题。
比如描述一条法律。要提到是什么法律、何时颁布、内容及对社会的影响。拿到卡片 可以准备30到60秒期间可以做笔记。之后进行2分钟的演讲。演讲后考官会根据内容选择性的问一个问题。
比如,准备一个堵车的话题,可以用再交通、一次散步、想买的交通工具、迟到、有噪音的地方、一个新闻等众多卡片。只要将自己准备的内容根据实际要求 微调内容即可。
这种方法大量学生都有在使用。优点在于减少备考的时间,而相比较缺点是考官也会明白这点,于是往往难以拿高分。于是想冲刺6.5以上的学生,记得要在其中加入针对自己卡片 尽可能说出 有深度的观点。
雅思口语新话题卡解析 篇2
Describe a car or vehicle you would like to
have in the future. You should say:
•which you will choose
•what it will look like
•how much it will cost and explain why
you’d like to buy it.
Which will you choose? 你会选择什么代步工具?
要买代步工具的话,你会选择哪一种?针对这个问题,大家最容易想到、也最方便说的就是汽车了。考生可以从汽车的品牌说起,比如Alfa Romeo (阿尔法·罗密欧)、Aston Martin (阿斯顿·马丁)、Rolls-Royce (劳斯莱斯)等。这些牌子大家再熟悉不过了,可顺手拈来。然后再从性能等方面给出理由即可。
In the future I would like to have a BMW. I think BMW makes the slickest car on the road. First, I would choose a car rather than a motorbike or truck because cars are a nice mix between maneuverability and versatility. A big rig like a truck wastes a lot of gas. A motorcycle can get good mileage, but does not work well in snowstorms. (以后我要买一辆宝马汽车。我觉得宝马能制造出道路上最酷的汽车。首先,我选汽车而不是摩托车或卡车,是因为汽车是操控性和功能性的完美结合。像卡车那样的大型车太费油。摩托车省油,但是遇上暴风雪的天气就没法开了。)
slickest = coolest 最酷的
例句:That is a really slick boat. Where did you buy it? 这艘船真酷,你在哪儿买的?
nice mix = good combination 很好的结合
例句:Internet café is a nice mix between work and fun. 网吧是一个将工作和娱乐很好地结合在一起的地方。
mileage = fuel efficiency 油耗
例句:This car gets really poor mileage.
What will it look like? 这辆车会是什么样子呢?
针对这一点,大家可以选择的素材其实很多,无论是motorcycle (摩托车)、taxi (出租车)、coach (旅游大巴)、lorry (货车)、jeep (吉普车)还是van (厢式货车)都可以。请看下面的例文:
I would want to buy a red, mid-sized BMW. I would pick red because it is a color that stands out in a crowd. I would keep it washed and spruced-up all the time so that it would turn the girls’ heads. It is difficult to wow someone with your car if the inside looks like a pigsty. (我想要买一辆红色的中等大小的宝马车。我要选择红色的,因为红色很醒目。我会让它保持清洁干净,这样就可以引起所有女孩子的注意了。如果车里像个猪圈一样,就很难给人留下深刻的印象。)
stand out in a crowd = be noticeable
例句:The tall man really stood out in the crowd.
spruced-up = clean, looking nice 干净的,清洁的
例句:I always keep my room spruced-up.
turn people’s heads = capture people’s attention
例句:The fancy watch turned everyone’s heads.
wow = impress 给……留下深刻的印象
例句:Tom wowed his boss with his presentation. Tom的演讲让他的老板留下了深刻的印象。
pigsty = 猪圈,猪窝
例句:Wow, did you see Rob’s house? It was a pigsty! 喔,你看到Rob的房子了吗?简直是个猪窝!
How much will it cost? 这辆车会花费多少钱?
在这辆车上花多少钱取决于每个人的预算。有些人是汽车迷,买了车之后还会花费很多钱去改装,变成改装车(hot rod);有些人不会在汽车上花费太多,认为这仅仅是个交通工具(transportation tool)。
The car will cost a pretty penny. BMWs are not a poor man’s car. Most people who drive them are really loaded. In light of this, it will probably take some time before I can shell out the money to buy one. (这车会很贵。宝马不是便宜车。很多开宝马的人都很富有。考虑到这一点,要花钱买辆宝马车的话,我还得等一段时间呢。)
pretty penny = expensive〈口〉一大笔钱
例句:Buying a new house costs a pretty penny; it’s expensive.
poor man’s = inexpensive 便宜的,穷人的
例句:It’s a poor man’s beer, but it is my favorite beer. 这是穷人啤酒,但却是我的最爱。
loaded = wealthy 有钱的,富有的
例句:Kim is loaded; she is very rich.
in light of = acknowledging… 考虑到……
例句:In light of gas prices, I suggest we walk.
shell out = spend 花费
例句:I don’t want to shell out 10 dollars for a hamburger.
Explain why you’d like to buy it.
有些人买车是为了方便(convenience),有些人买车是为了配合自己现在的职位(position)或地位(status),多数是用作商业目的(business purpose)。当然,不排除一部分人买车纯粹是为了炫耀一番(show off)。
I would like to buy a BMW because a good car is a mark of pride in China. Not all cars are the same. I really like cars and tend to dote on them. I love the feeling of driving on the open road. I like driving with the pedal to the metal, going as fast as the car will go. I love to go joy riding at night without the lights. It is a heart-stopping experience. I guess I really want the car as a trophy to show off to my coworkers. If I owned a BMW I would be the envy of the whole office. (我要买宝马车是因为在中国,一辆好车是身份的象征。并不是所有车都是一样的。我真的非常喜欢车,愿意把热情倾注在车上面。我喜欢在大路上开车的感觉。我还喜欢把油门踩到最大,全速前进,能开多快就开多快。我喜欢在漆黑的晚上开车去兜风。那是非常刺激的感觉。我想我还希望把这辆车当做战利品去向同事们炫耀。如果能拥有一辆宝马汽车的话,我会是全办公室羡慕的对象。)
mark of pride = an important symbol or respect
例句:Having a good watch is a mark of pride in some European countries.
dote on… = give all attention to…
例句:Kyle loves his children—he is always doting on them and spoiling them.
pedal to the metal = go as fast as possible
例句:Sue puts the petal to the metal when she drives long distances.
joy ride = tool around 开车兜风
例句:Shall we go for a joy ride?
heart-stopping = thrilling, very frightening
例句:Watching the boy fall off the cliff was a heart-stopping experience.
envy of the whole… = the entire…would be envious
例句:He’s the envy of the whole street.
雅思口语话题 篇3
vulnerable in strange places
not used to the climate, the food and the local environment
tight budget
Well, it’s hard to say why some people don’t like it, because there are various reasons. Firstly, I suppose safety is what they’ve concerned most about. Travelers are more likely to be targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks, etc., because they appear more vulnerable in strange places. Especially during high season, in some hot tourist spots, cases about travelers being stolen, mugged or attacked become quite common. And the other reason is that may be some people couldn’t get used to the climate, the food and the local environment of a new place, they feel more comfortable staying at home. Moreover, perhaps a tight budget deters them from starting a vacation, after all, traveling means spending.
雅思口语话题 篇4
Give a fresh start
Enrich one’s life experiences
Expand one’s vision/ broaden one’s horizon
suppose traveling helps to relieve my stress from work, especially after a whole busy year, a nice trip really works miracles. It gives me a fresh start. Besides, during traveling, I have a chance to meet new people whose life experiences and stories could definitely expand my vision.
雅思口语话题之花 篇5
I love Corsage Orchid – the national flower of Brazil. Importantly, the flower grows in every condition but needs warmer temperature. I have a pot containing the flower at my room and they are growing very well. I keep the flowers in my room for their fragrance. They make a vibrant smell in the room. Often people term the flower as orchid queen for extraordinary features.
The plant requires ample light and air to grow. A moderate temperature is a must for the plant to bloom. The temperature needs to be relatively warm and should remain between 50 – 70 degree Fahrenheit both in day and night time for its smooth growth. But the growers are mindful to protect leaves from burning. Better if someone can manage an open area to grow the plant. Due to its easy growing method, the flower is popular among everyone including the professional and amateur gardeners.
Brazil is located in eastern part of South America. The climatic condition of the country supports the growth of such flower plants. Consequently, the flowers are available in plenty in Brazil. The history of Corsage Orchid to get the national flower status is interesting. Someone discovered this strange flower from some random leaves in Brazil and a few years later, the flower bloomed and enchanted everyone.
雅思口语话题题库答案 篇6
1, Do you like wearing sunglasses? Why or why not?
A:Surely, I like wearing sunglasses very much. You know, for me, a pair of sunglasses is the perfect ornament, which can help me look like a super star. Wearing sunglasses, I feel more comfortable and confident.
B: Not really. The only occasion when I have to wear sunglasses is when I am taking a sunbath on the beach somewhere. I really need sunglasses to protect my eyes, since the sun always glares.
2, Is wearing sunglasses popular in your country?
A: I think so. Most of my friends like wearing sunglasses especially while taking some selfies. And by the way, I have to say they do spend money on sunglasses, because sometimes a pair of sunglasses can cost over 10 thousand RMB.
B: From my perspective, wearing sunglasses is not a fashionable or popular thing in my country. As far as I know, drivers in my country like sunglasses pretty much, and of course as I mentioned, people spending their spare time on the beach like to wear that. For average people, a pair of sunglasses is not on the list of our daily necessities.
3, Where can people buy some sunglasses?
A: In fact, there are quite a few places for people to buy some sunglasses. However, the only place I buy sunglasses is the tax-free shops in airports. The reason is that the price is relatively reasonable and acceptable, which means I can use limited budget to buy a pair of sunglasses with a famous brand.
B: I am not quite familiar with any shop or store where people can buy sunglasses. In my mind, most people tend to choose this kind of products online due to the low price. If I need one, I will choose to buy it on line.
4, Have you ever bought any sunglasses as gifts for others?
A: Yes. Since I am a big fan of sunglasses, I like to choose some sunglasses as gifts for my parents or my friends. For instance, on the last Father’s Day, I spent all my saving buying a pair of sunglasses for my father. Wearing that, my father looks like Tom Cruise.
B: No, I have not, and by the way, I will not. In my opinion, sunglasses are not that popular. The majority of people do not wear sunglasses all the time, and therefore, if possible I like to choose something else.
5, Is there any disadvantage of wearing sunglasses?
A: I have to say there was. A few years ago, almost all sunglasses in my country were not prescription ones. This is to say, if I wanted to wear sunglasses, I was in fact wearing two pairs of glasses. But now, it is easy for us to buy some prescription sunglasses, and I think it is the greatest news for nearsighted people who like sunglasses very much.
B: I think yes there is. People have to take the sunglasses off many times a day. In my culture, people wearing sunglasses are very impolite if they have a talk with someone, because others do not know whether they are looking at them, or whether they are listening or not. Sunglasses make other people unable to see their eyes.
一:先说说雅思口语评分标准,分为四大部分,分别为:f,v,g,p。 f者,fluency也,即流畅。 v者,vocabulary也,即词汇。 g者,grammar也,即语法。 p者,pronunciation也,即发音。
如果你考口语时,f得6分,v得6分,g得5分,p得6分,总分23,那么恭喜你,你口语成绩为6分。如果你考口语时,f得5分,v得6分,g得5分,p得6分,总分22,那么很遗憾,你口语成绩只有5分。如果你考口语时,f得7分,v得6分,g得4分,p得6分,总分23,那么恭喜你,你口语成绩为6分。由此可见,只有四项总分至少为23分,那么你才可以得6分的口语成绩,否则,22分也才得5分的成绩。 (可能会有人有疑问,22/4=5.5,四舍五入,应该6分的啊,但是,人家考口语,就是要你的尾数大于0.5分才给你加上去的,即23/4=5.75,才有6分。而22分的,就是5分。)
考官跟我们说,如果你不知道如何回答问题的话,可以用一些间接回答法来回答,例如说: i don’t know, but my brother think that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。) i don’t know, but my father think that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。) i don’t know, but my friends thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。) (因为这些都是第三者的观点,你就可以乱吹水吧,只要不离题就行了。)
另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,(这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?)如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i’m sorry, do you want me to talk about __x? 总结:反正在f这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿(停下来》·5秒),那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。
例如说:“我认为...”,你可以用: i think that .... i figure that .... 虽然两个都有“我认为”的意思,但后者的figure明显比前先的think要深奥,且不常用。你不要认为figure会比think的效果要好得多,其实并不然。在英语中,think直接明瞭,是很formal的(正式的)。而figure却是informal(不正式的),而且还是very informal(非常不正式的)。英国的雅思老师说,最好不要使用figure为“认为”,无论在任何场合,因为是very informal的! 所以如果象这样用错了词汇,你就肯定在这部分被扣分了。总结:词汇一定用你熟悉的,简单也无所谓,只要没用错,你肯定在这部分至少有6分。
3000词汇当然除了基本的在国内小学,初中学习的词汇外,还主要包含两个方面:1. 口语常用表达:比如说for what is worth; totally;pretty much等;2. 专业的话题词汇。 首先,第一类的词汇可以简单的称之为万能词汇,具有以下特点:1。在外国人的对话里会经常的用到。这些词汇可能考生早已熟知,但是并没有有意识的去应用;所以,如果想要雅思考7,考生们需要通过与外教的交流或者是看一些国外的剧来积累至少50-70个这样的口语高频词组。而且这些词组非常地道,能够让考官眼前一亮。2。所谓的专业词汇,并不是多么的难。这些词汇主要指的是雅思具体的某个话题下所需要考生掌握的一些词汇。比如说,环境话题下,考生就必须知道释放二氧化碳怎么说,生物可降解塑料袋怎么用英文表达等。这些词汇数量比不多,只要考生稍加掌握即可。
再比如,雅思考试的一道口语真题“a member of your family you like most”,北京外国语大学高考保送生考试的一道真题“Which of your teachers do you like most? Why?”这些题目看似是考题,实则是口语练习的绝好素材,说白了就是用英语描述一个人。而多数同学也只会用“beautiful”、“handsome”、“kind”这样的词进行空洞地描述,素不知像“bushy eyebrows”(浓眉)、“reliable”(可靠)、“oversensitive”(敏感)这样的词语会让口语更加精准、真实和生动。毕竟好的口语并不是滔滔不绝,而是能够准确表达自我真实感受。
托福一道口语真题“Some people prefer having meals at home while others prefer eating out in places like restaurants. Which do you prefer and explain why.”则是一个典型的思辨式口语话题。在表明观点时,许多同学会说“I think”或“in my opinion”。但有更好的说法如“Frankly I think…”、“I mean…”等。表明肯定和否定未必就只有“yes”和“no”,还可以用“I’m with you on that.”、“I’m not so sure really.”来更好地表达。
雅思口语话题总结之地点 篇7
describe a place you visited before makes you learn about past(when you went there, why you went there, what you did)
What do you learn about the history of the places you visited?
Why you think it is attractive?
Questions about historical sites.Where, and through what ways can we learn history?
Is history important for people?
How do children learn about history?
Do you think history is important to children today?
Why people forget what they learn in history class?
Do you think what we have learnt from books is important?
Do you think museum is important? Do you think it should be free of charge?
How do old people and young people relax themselves in cities?
describe a place where you had lunch(where it was, what it looked like,who ate with you,what kind of food it provided)
Where do Chinese people like to have lunch? What about dinner?
What about people in other countries?
Do you like to eat at home or outside?
When do they like to eat outside?
What do people like to have when they eat outside?
What kind of food is healthy?
How do the restaurants attract customers?
Are there popular restaurant in China?
How do you think of junk food?
Which food you think is healthy and why you choose that?
What kind of food would you like best and can you cook it?
Describe a place full of noise
What is the cause of noise?
Why it is harmful?
Why should we reduce noises?
Are all noises harmful?
How can we reduce noises?
Do you think there are more noises than before? Why?
How can we control the noises?
Many people are keeping dogs as pets, do you think the dog barking is noise?
Have they realized the dog barking is also noise?
雅思口语话题思路及:梦想 篇8
Public servant
Mayor/prime minister/premier
President/director/managing director
BD manager(business development
Managing director (MD)
总起:my ideal job is working in …position,…company…city,….country.
1.actually, it might sound a bit too ambitious/unusual, but I am really keen on becoming a/an……
2.the main reason why I think it is …to be a/an … is that it can contribute to ……
3.not only because of my major which is …
but also I aim to ……
1.in my observation, I mean,I reckon, being a/an …means you have to deal with/cope with……,
(namely, your basic responsibility/task/duty/daily work is to do……)
2. In the short term/the long run…
3. To be more precise, for instance, it is more likely that I’ll be required to do ……
1.another point worth mentioning is the working environment which physically and mentally affect your productivity most of the time, I hope it could be …. (highrises/skyscrapers, CBD, Loft, Bungalow on the beach, on top of the hill)
2. The atmosphere, particularly the IR, would be ……
3. According to my own experience, serving in the ….is very pleasant/refreshing.
Well, I guess the last but most convincing reason would probably be….
As you may be aware of that….. ?That’s why I think what a fantastic thing it
is to do…… .
总结:for me, it would definitely be a challenge, but I will spare no effort to achieve it……(going abroad, learning English well)
Describe an ideal house
Describe an ideal house
You should say:
What it is like
Where it is
When you want to live there
What some special features it has And explain why it is ideal to you
石库门是中国上海特有的一种建筑类型,我理想的石库门是位于上海繁华的市区里,希望40多岁的时候 可以住到这样的房子里,用砖垒成,最外面又有大门,我甚至希望能在阁楼上开一到两个天窗,这可能是 我这套房子最典型的特点。如果能住进这么有历史感的房子里,一定是我很期待的一件事情。