


三到六年级词语盘点 篇1



Pig 猪fox 狐狸am 是cat 猫dog 狗good morning 早上好are 是you 你a 一个Boy 男孩yes 是的girl 女孩meet too my is goo dbye your please sit down what new me how old sorry not know ten bear duck this letter thank bird it that fish frog hen monkey look room bag in cap hat colour blue and red can ball black white fine mum dad glad banan a for an apple baby chick pear find sad big fat yellow quick miss Mrs hi hello I no nice name bye excuse nine bee he she see


1、Greetings.Hi!Hello!Good morning.Nice to meet you.How are you ? How do you do ?

2、Personal in for mation及What、How引导的特殊疑问句:

What’s your name ?、How old are you ?、What’s this /that?、What colour is it ?

3、一般疑问句:Is this …

三年级下册词汇:again me bad at English help dress but short then let us make blouse nice vest like on ship so many animal no elephant there where my doll bed box with fine day fun the sun play game run race line up two hungry hut little open door who grandma wait we him table plate of cake has bun chips hot she brother sis ter he name three kite fly bike cool ride why toy white cold go home still nose close thanks Coke birthday her thing get happy count candle four five six seven eight nine sing great Mr Mrs


1、Back to sp.2、It’s too +adj.…

3、Where引导的特殊疑问句:Where is …?

4、Let引导的祈使句 :Let’s …

5、Who引导的特殊疑问句 :Who is …?

6、Doing引导句型 :Visiting sb.…

四年级上册词汇:little friend swim bend hill what desk cup guess clock sorry one look book good pencil box pen panda family mother sister brother happy read please see green tree many three sheep meet morning ball hurt doctor horse cook bird worker nur se tall school who teacher are pupil ask class four two sleep room time eight all right seven late again Sunday today play day find where near here car there un der chair dear cow say to her may town now know old joke our how your bus English jeep plane boy girl you work want plant wheat myself cut too cold bread eat


1、I can …

2、What 引导的特殊疑问句:

What can you see ?、What’s on the desk ?、What’s the time ?、What’s this in English ?

3、Let 引导的祈使句:Let’s say hello to sb.…、Let’s play school.4、关于第一人称、第二人称的一般疑问句:Are you a doctor ?、Is this your sth.…?四年级下册词汇:new classroom grade way glasses they table behind from America about teacher s chool hospital son daughter their eleven only family beautiful think dance fish Tib et climb together there those tiger shop buy them egg twelve thirteen fifteen eig hteen twenty farm any farmer has every well today back f ast watch whose his v ery much mother weather photo for building sport ground flower friend Chinese st udy busy clothes colour blue sock yellow shoe brown nut apple skirt banana ora nge coat free shopping Monday stay call idea father walk parrot market talk miss ed seat be tomorrow park spit grass little asleep touch after fall down cry hungr y something rat over lunch rabbit small away goat1

deer catch


1、一般疑问句:Are you in Grade …? Are you from sp.? Are these…(animals)?

2、Go to your seat , please.3、Where、What、Whose、How引导的特殊疑问句:Where are you from ?、What are there ?、What colour is … ?、Whose sth.is/are …?、How many …can you see?

4、Let 引导的祈使句:Let’s …

五年级上册词汇:ruler short long use certainly show outside inside computer keyboard mouse tall mouth hand write letter E-mail clever draw just or mom matter either playground football Sunday centre often ping-pang horse basketball player grandpa pool water wash cook clean homework slow supper slowly house sleep out carrot face food better stamp collect chess sometimes when week listen music cartoon own drink would bottle milk ice-cream waiter restaurant man chicken sir friend moment fat f orget left right potato tomato could else cinema ticket half film eye anything mea t pound money remember paper until thief knock door open into really believe w ill police share river


1、一般疑问句:Do you have …?Are you washing clothes ? Do you like …?

2、What、How many 引导的特殊疑问句:

What are you doing ?、What would you like ?

How many sth.do you want ?

3、虚拟疑问句:Could I have some sth.?

4、A computer has a keyboard.5、I like doing sth...五年级下册词汇:speak message question tell number pizza learn roll pull spread bake job must str eet light cross wait silly hit tours mine theirs ours its breakfast carry front mount ain forest village child sick send other zoo end London office station next turn pl ace Friday same woman ready spaceship off space star valley shine land sand thir ty forty fifty doctor marry was husband twice American people throw around can useful pick put bin different wife hard hour lesson o’clock Tuesday Thursday Saturd ay party invitation telephone present plane evening afternoon interesting policeman manager choose cleaner kind ring answer which machine wonderful fridge wall thin picture someone chat net each mobile sky Wednesday Mars


1、表虚拟的一般疑问句:May I speak to…?

2、一般疑问句:Is this …yours ? Is there sp.…+ 表方位名词?

3、I can see + number + n..-s.4、How、What 引导的特殊疑问句:How many …is/are there ? What day is today ?

5、There is … It is + time.6、有实义动词的否定句:We mustn’t cross the street.六年级上册词汇:always usually rice early sunlight wake exercise kitchen anyone wrong before afraid suddenly begin bark bite Washington typist age type pay dollar month start weekday year factory by far Pa ris travel train worried safe last agree window ant rise east world high higher th an cloud hide bright traveler earth night never stop tired pea beef soup pass se ntence word another young hair aunt pretty ugly laugh hotel cheap happily guard leave hear quickly jump onto worry came heavy giraffe strong lift stone even reac h leaf easily meal merry Christmas mask Halloween lantern dress ghost candy driv e bridge through apartment elevator eighteenth more bedroom south metre tallest China west famous

2Asia city visit



Do you always do sth at + time.Does she/he always do sth ?

2、Where、When、How 引导的特殊疑问句:

Where do you live ?

When do you usually get up ?

How do you go to school ?

3、Which + 比较级?Which sth is +形容词比较级?

4、Give me some …, please.5、选择疑问句:Is she tall or short ?

6、涉及比较级陈述句:The giraffe is taller than the deer.7、Greetings Merry Christmas!

六年级下册词汇:runner、middle、shirt、T-shirt、first、ear、if、farther、shout、reading room、third floor fifth、second、along、road、donkey、spring、winter、snow、summer、autumn、blow、El Nino、bring fire、rain、drought、sea、become、warm、change、wind、Australia、dry、lake、full、grow、build、parents、teach、student、driver、large、singer、song、date、March、join、important、air、without、life、keep、flow、sand、wich、protect、country、Toronto、Canada、holiday、trip、capital、France、Rome、Italy、Russia、seaside、Sydney、term、June、yesterday、were、did、had、meeting、April、fool、succeed、trick、test、told、news、review、came、surprise、sure、himself、born、September、because、few、ago、bought、February、May、once king garden s aid flew try hop went northeast clearly rare wild got wonder saw koala across sa t Australian took dully dull umbrella began ran wet centimetre die dinosaur flood whale between thousand hamburger Africa made wide ate boat Norway Chic ago soldier


1、Who does+ 最高级 +介词短语?

2、It’s on the + ordinal numbers +floor.3、表陈述的简单未来式 It will be …

4、What引导的简单未来时及有时间限定的句式 What will you do….? What will you do when …

5、一般过去式的一般疑问句 Was it Children’s Day yesterday ? Did you do …(+ 表过去时间段)?

6、一般过去式的特殊疑问句 What did you do +表过去时间段的短语? When were you born ?

三到六年级词语盘点 篇2

【词条1. alone】

例句:I don’t like living alone.



Her parents were dead and she was alone. 她父母死了,她单独一个人。

The old man lives alone.



Was there someone else on this lonely island? 在这个荒岛上还有别的人吗?

I’m alone, but I don’t feel lonely.


【词条2. able】

例句:At the weekends, I’ll be able to dress more casually. 周末的时候我会穿得更随意一些。

点拨:able是形容词,意为“能;能够”,常用于be able to 结构。例如:

She is able to dance. 她会跳舞。

I shall be able to speak English well.


拓展:can和be able to二者都可以表示“能”、“会”,当表示现在和过去“力所能及”时,一般可以相互换用。例如:

I can/am able to speak a little English now. 我现在会说一些英语。

He was able to/could swim when he was eight years old. 他八岁就会游泳。


1)be able to的过去时还可以表示一种“经过努力做到了”的意思,can的过去时则没有这种意义。例如:

He started late, but he was able to catch the eight o’clock train. 他出发晚了,但他努了一把力,还是赶上了八点钟的火车。

2)can通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时,而be able to可用于各种时态。例如:

You will be able to learn another foreign language in two years. 两年后你将能够学会另一门外语。

He hasn’t been able to go to office for a month. 他已经一个月没能上班了。

3)be able to可用于不定式的后面,而can则不行。例如:

I hope to be able to go fishing with you.


4)在表示猜测时,只能用can, 而不能用be able to。例如:

Mr. Green can’t be at home now.


【词条3. dress】

例句:She washed, dressed and went out.



My daughter is old enough to dress herself. 我的女儿长大了,可以自己穿衣服了。

Could you dress the child for me?



She always dresses in red.


He dresses well. 他穿得体面。

拓展:与dress意义相近的还有:put on,wear和in。三者均有“穿、戴”之意,但用法不同:

put on意为“穿上、戴上”,指穿戴的动作,强调从没穿戴到穿上、戴上这一动作的转变。例如:

This is your new shirt. Put it on, please.



She is wearing a red coat today.


in是介词,也可以用来表示“穿着、戴着”,be in 相当于be wearing。“in+表示颜色的词”可以用来表示穿某种颜色的衣服。例如:

The girl in the hat is Lucy.


She is in white today.


【词条4. such】

例句:People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. 人类不喜欢这样的工作,而且很容易觉得乏味。


Don’t be in such a hurry. 不要如此匆忙。

It was such a hot day. 这么热的一天。

拓展:与such意义相近的词是so, 但so是副词,用来修饰形容词和副词。例如:

She is so young. 她这么年轻。

He works so hard. 他工作那么努力。

She is such a good girl. 她真是个好女孩。


名前such,形、副so①,多多少少(many, much, few, little)仍用so②。


He sings so well. 他唱歌唱得那么好。

They are such good teachers.



I have never seen such an interesting film. 我从未看过这么有趣的电影。

②如名词前有 many, much, few, little修饰,应用so,不用such。例如:

She has so many books. 她有这么多书。

There is so little time that we can’t finish the work on time. 时间那么少,我们不能按时完成那项工作。


They are such little children that they can’t do anything. 他们是小孩子,什么也不能做。

另外;“such a/an+形容词+单数名词”可以转换成:“so+形容词+a/an+单数名词”。例如:

This is such an interesting story that we all want to listen to it.=This is so interesting a story that we all want to listen to it.

请注意:so可用作代词,用在诸如:I hope so.(我希望如此。);I don’t think so.(我不这样想。)等等这类句型中。such不能用于此类句型中。例如:

——Will it be fine tomorrow?


——I hope so. 我希望如此。


[alone, lonely, can, be able to, dress, put on, wear, in, so, such]

1.Don’t leave the baby ____ at home.

2.When his wife and two little children left him, he was very ____.

3. My little brother ____ ride a bike when he was only six years old.

4. I hope to ____ go to the movies with you.

5. It’s much too cold today. Please ____ your new coat.

6. The boy is old enough to ____ himself.

7. What size shoes do you ____?

8. Do you know the girl ____ red?

9. Where can we get ____ much money to buy the color TV set?

10. Don’t swim in ____ cold weather.

[Key:1.alone 2.lonely 3.could/was able to 4.be able to 5.put on 6.dress 7.wear 8.in 9.so 10.such]

Unit 2

【词条1. either】

例句:I don’t like swimming, either.



You don’t know him. I don’t, either.


If you don’t go there, I won’t, either.


拓展:与either意义相近的还有also, too和as well。三者都有“也”的意思,但用法有所不同:


He is also a teacher. 他也是教师。

She also likes football. 她也喜欢足球。

We would also like to go to the movies.



They are middle school students, too.


as well 在口语中用得很多,用法和too完全一样,可以互换,通常位于句末。例如:

She not only sings, she plays the piano as well. 她不但会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。

I can do it as well. 这事我也能做。

Tom is the captain of the football team, and is on baseball team as well. 汤姆是足球队长,同时也是棒球队员。

【词条2. except】

例句:We all went to the park except Li Ming last Sunday. 上星期天,除了李明外,我们都去公园了。

点拨:except意为“除……外”,“不再有……”,“不包括”,相当于without或minus(减), 表示一种排除关系。例如:

We go to school every day except weekends. 除周末外我们每天上学。

拓展:与except意义相近的还有besides和except for,两者都有“除外”的含义,但其用法有较大区别

besides 意为“除……外,还有……”,“包括”,相当于with或plus(加), 表示一种累加关系。例如:

There are three more visitors besides me. 除了我以外,还有三名参观者。

except for与except的用法有所不同,except主要用来谈论同类东西,而except for则用来谈论不同类东西,在说明情况后在细节上加以修正。例如:

We go there every day except Sunday.

除星期天外我们每天都去那儿。(every day 和Sunday都表示时间)

We had a pleasant time, except for the weather. 我们玩得很痛快,只是天气不太好。(time表示时间,而weather表示天气)

【词条3. until】

例句:I didn’t go to bed until eleven o’clock last night. 昨晚我直到十一点才上床睡觉。

点拨:until 既是介词,又是连词,意为“到……为止”。例如:

She didn’t leave until ten o’clock.


We’ll wait until he comes back.



1)用于句首时只能用until, 不能用till。例如:

Until you told me I had no idea of it.


2)在以not开头的短语或从句里只能用until, 而不能用till。例如:

Not until eleven o’clock did we get home.


Not until a few days ago did I know her name. 直到几天前我才知道她的名字。



误:He walked on and on until the end .of the road.

正:He walked on and on until he got .to the end of the road.

正:He walked on and on to the end of .the road.

【词条4. fit】

例句:This sweater fits you well.



This coat doesn’t fit me.


The key doesn’t fit the lock.


I’m going to be fitted for my wedding dress today. 今天我要去试穿结婚礼服。

特别提醒:fit也可用作形容词,意为“健康的;适合的,恰当的”。常用短语有:keep fit 保持健康/be fit for sth.或be fit to do sth.适宜做某事。例如:

I’m not feeling very fit this morning.


The man is not fit for the position.



二者都用作动词,可指衣服“合适”或“适合”的意思。fit 指大小、尺寸合体,suit指颜色,花样或款式适合。例如:

The coat fits me well.


These shoes don’t fit me. Have you got a large size?


The color of the cloth suits a woman at my wife’s age.


Red and black are colours that suit me well. 黑红两色是很适合我的颜色。

【词条5. send】

例句:We sent him to buy a computer.



Did your parents send you to all kinds of classes?


I’ll send Ann a gift for her birthday.


拓展:send out, send away, send for 和send up都含有动词send,但意思有所不同。

send out 意为“发出、派遣、长出(树叶等)”。例如:

The sun sends out light and heat.


The trees send out new leaves in spring.


send away意为“开除、解雇、赶走、把……送往远处”。例如:

Why did the boy’s teacher send him away from school?


He sent his son away to school in Germany. 他把儿子送到德国念书。

send for 意为“派人去叫、派人去拿”。例如:

We must send for a man to repair the TV set. 我们必须叫人来修理电视机。

Please keep the box until I send for it.


send up意为“发射、发出、提出、使上升”。例如:

Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.


The plant sent up two new shoots.



[either, too, also, as well, except, besides, except for, until, till, fit, suit, send out, send away, send for, send up]

1.My mother, ____, is a doctor.

2. He ____ likes swimming in summer.

3.My father didn’t go to the park, and I didn’t go, ____.

4.The little boy can play basketball, and football ____.

5. Did he give you anything else ____ the book?

6. We have classes every day ____ Sunday.

7. He is a polite student ____ his bad grades.

8. I think this color doesn’t ____ me.

9. This shirt ____ me well.

10. His mother was seriously ill. They ____ a doctor at once.

11. When did Edison’s teacher ____ him ____ from school?

12. It’s not easy to ____ a satellite into space.

13. In many countries, laws have been passed to stop factories from ____ poisonous gases.

14. ____ he told me I knew nothing about it.

15. The little girl didn’t go to school ____ she was eight years old.

《三到六岁儿童发展指南》读后感 篇3









五年级下册词语盘点 篇4

2) 奄奄一息:形容气息微弱。

3) 咆哮:形容水流的奔腾轰鸣,也形容人的暴怒喊叫。课文是指洪水来势凶猛,奔腾呼啸。

4) 狂奔:迅猛地奔跑。本课是形容洪水奔流而下、势不可当。

5) 狞笑:凶恶地笑。本课是形容洪水的凶猛、可憎。

6) 拥戴:拥护推戴。

7) 放肆:(言行)轻率任意,毫无顾忌。

8) 呻吟:指人因痛苦而发出声音。本课是指木桥在洪水的冲击下发出的响声。

9) 祭奠:为死去的人举行仪式,表示追念。

10) 势不可当:来势迅猛,不可阻挡。

11) 跌跌撞撞:形容走路不稳。

12) 下旬:每月二十一日到该月最后一天的日子。

13) 募捐:广泛征集捐款或物品。

14) 水泵:泵,是吸入和排出液体的机械,能把液体抽出或压入容器,也能把液体提送到高处。水泵就是指用来抽水或压水的泵。

15) 筹齐:筹集齐全。本课是指瑞恩筹集到了可以打一口井的钱。

16) 颠簸:上下震荡。

17) 羞涩:难为情,态度不自然。

18) 无价之宝:形容物品特别珍贵,用多少钱也买不到。

19) 理屈:理亏。
