


小人物作文介绍 篇1

Jay Chou: My belief

Jay Chou is my belief all the time, I think.As everybody knows, Jay Chou is an outstanding musician in the world.Not only because he is good at singing, but also because he can write a lot of excellent songs.His songs spread widely, many Chinese can sing somewhat.As time goes by, Jay Chou becomes the more and the more popular, many teenagers consider him as idol, but few people really understand him.Firstly, Jay Chou is a completist.If he decided to do something, he bound to do his best to finish it.He works hard and devotes himself to the career.That it is to say, improving and perfecting each detail in his masterpieces and concerts is exactly what he wants.In fact, this quality is the most important reason why I love him so much.Secondly, Jay Chou is quite enthusiastic to his friends.He always lends a hand to friends when they are at the nadir of the career.Though now he is a super star, he has hundreds of friends who are from different places.It is all because he is really approachable.His friends all think highly of Jay Chou.Last but not the least, Jay Chou is very filial.Despite he is in a single-parent family, Jay Chou always do what he can to make his mother and grandmother happy.In his eye, mother is his forever lover.He loves her so much that he even used her mother’s name to name his album.These are the reasons why I love Jay Chou for seven years.Not only he is talented , but also because of his quality.I love him deeply but not crazy or blind.He has already become my belief, and will continue to be it forever.

小人物作文介绍 篇2

田冬, 1970年11月出生, 中共党员、中学高级教师、东北师范大学访问学者、辽宁省特级教师, 现任沈阳市沈河区文艺二小学校长, 先后被评为全国优秀教师、省优秀教师、省首批推进素质教育拔尖人才、省支教扶贫十佳志愿者、市优秀专家、市学科带头人、市模范教师、市优秀校长。作为学校发展的带头人, 在沈河区文化路小学工作的9年中, 他审时度势, 深刻分析学校自身情况, 举纲张目, 催生了学校的特色发展。2006年9月, 田冬调任文艺二校后, 深挖学校内涵, 狠抓四个“不放松”, 即狠抓教师凝聚不放松;狠抓学校特色不放松;狠抓学业质量不放松;狠抓校园文化提升不放松, 从而带领学校走上了“以德奠基, 以质取胜, 以特色求发展”的成功之路。多年来, 田冬在省外各大城市作经验报告会20余场, 《中国教育报》等各大媒体多次对田冬校长的事迹进行报道。

封面人物介绍 篇3



近年来,秦文琛接受了包括柏林交响乐团、德国巴伐利亚广播电台、波恩贝多芬国际音乐节等众多国际音乐机构的委托创作。七十多个国内外知名乐团在世界范围广泛上演他的作品,其中包括德国Recherche现代乐团、法国L'Ememble Itineraire、意大利Antidogma欧洲室内乐团、日本东京都交响乐团、德国卡塞尔歌剧院管弦乐团、荷兰新乐团、斯图加特室内乐团、奥地利的Ememble on Line、瑞士凤凰室内乐团、上海交响乐团、北京交响乐团等等。很多重要的国际音乐机构,如德国北部电台(NDR.)、德国西部电台(WDK)、法国国家电台(Radio France)、瑞士电台、柏林电台(RBB)、德国巴伐利亚广播电台(BR.)、德国之声电台(Deutsche Welle)、奥地利国家电台以及许多国际音乐节都安排了秦文琛的作品上演。

秦文琛是国际著名的音乐出版公司SikorskiMusik Verlag的签约作曲家,该公司出版、代理他的作品并向国际宣传推广。他也是北京京文唱片公司的签约作曲家。

人物介绍的作文 篇4











介绍人物的作文 篇5





介绍人物初中英语作文 篇6

In his eighties he decided to study law and then he got his master’s degree in when he was the oldest one, setting a world record. In he received his fourth degree by means of e-learning. He was always good at arranging hid reasonable time of learning, and therefore his teachers appreciated him very much.

He firmly holds his views that he will challenge himself and never too late.



封面人物介绍 篇7

姜绍强, 1967年出生, 中共党员, 1992年毕业于东北师大地理系, 北京师范大学教育管理专业研究生, 现任沈阳市第六十一中学校长, 兼任辽宁省经济与文化促进会常务理事、辽宁省市场经济学会常务理事、中国西部教育顾问、中国教育学会理事会理事、中国教育行政管理学术委员会理事, 发表教育文章多篇, 著有《一所学校的教育思考》《学校教育漫话》《现代学校管理制度》《现代学校治校方略》《现代学校文化修炼》等多本专著。在工作中, 姜绍强用人格的力量感召人, 用智慧的力量带动人, 用情感的力量团结人, 赢得了群众的信赖和支持。其事迹被《沈阳日报》《沈阳教育》《辽宁工作》《辽宁经济与文化》《中国教师报》等多家媒体报道。

小人物作文介绍 篇8

一、 专门人物介绍文写作注意点





As we all know,Liu Xiang is a famous player in our country. He was born in Shanghai,China on July 13,1983. In his childhood,he loved sports very much and was good at running and jumping. However,because of his general height,his parents once advised him to give up practising. Luckily,he stuck to his sports dream.

He trains hard and always believes in himself. In recent years,he has won great honor for our country. In 2003,he won a bronze at the world indoor track and field championships. In 2004,at the Athens Olympic Games,he won a gold medal. In 2005,he was awarded Laureus World Newcomer. In 2006,he broke the world record of 110m hurdles. On August 18,2008,Liu Xiang dropped out of the competition of the 110m hurdles of the 2008 Olympic Games becauseof the injuries in his feet. However,Liu Xiang didn’t give up his sports dream.

Such is Liu Xiang,a diligent and confident player. We have every reason to believe he will win more gold medals for our country.




开头简要介绍人物可使用概括性语言... is a famous ...;

人物介绍结束后可使用总结性语言Such is ...,a ... and ... player/writer;

介绍人物出生可用... was born in;

介绍人物年龄可使用... years old,at the age of ...,when ... was + number;

介绍人物获金牌可使用win a gold medal,win the first place;

介绍人物为祖国获得荣誉可用win great honor for his/her country。

本文参考答案中的Liu Xiang is a famous player in our country. He was born in .... In recent years,he has won great honor for our country. Such is Liu Xiang,a diligent and confident player. We have every reason to believe he will win more gold medals for our country.等句型为人物介绍文规律性用语,有很广阔的使用空间。


介绍人物成长足迹时应着重用好表示时间的过渡性词汇,如first/at first/in the beginning,then,at last/finally/in the end;

介绍人物众多业绩可用besides,what’s more,at the same time,in the meanwhile等过渡性词汇;

介绍人物努力工作后获取成功可用as a result,as a result of,therefore,so,thanks to等过渡性词汇。本文参考答案贴切使用了As we all know,However,Luckily等过渡性词汇,增加了文章的连贯性和逻辑性。

二、 记叙型人物介绍文写作注意点




One day a young PLA man was walking along a path. Suddenly he heard someone crying “Help! Help!” He quickly ran to see what was happening. On his arrival there,he saw three boys struggling in the river and they were in great danger. He jumped into the river without any hesitation and soon pulled two boys onto the bank. Just at this time,the third boy was washed away. The soldier jumped into the river again in spite of great danger. He managed to catch the boy and pulled him back. Finally,thanks to his timely help,the three boys were saved. He was very happy and was cheered as a hero.




因记叙型人物介绍文以时间发生的前后为顺序交待文意,因此写作时应用好表示时间的过渡性词汇,如one day/morning/afternoon/evening/night,suddenly,first,then,just at that time,finally/at last/in the end。强调人物经过努力达到的良好结果可用thanks to,as a result,as a result of等过渡性词汇。本文参考答案用One day,Suddenly,Just at this time,Finally等表示时间的过渡性词汇,使文章语句更通顺,行文更连贯,逻辑更严密。

三、 求职信中的人物介绍写作注意点



Dear Manager,

I have learned from the newspaper that your company wants to hire a few people to be English interpreters. I’m interested in this position very much,and want to apply for it. I think I have a few advantages. Now,I’d like to introduce something about myself to you. I’m Li Fang,a 28-year-old woman and I’m tall,slim and beautiful. Besides,I’m kind and polite to others and can get along well with others. Also,I’m good at expressing myself and I like to make friends with others. I graduated from the English department of Shandong University in 1999 and then I worked as an English teacher in a middle school for eight years. As a result,I have much work experience. If I’m accepted,I’ll work harder to make much progress. If you agree with me,please phone me. My telephone number is 0513-87654328.

Yours truly,

Li Fang


介绍人物外貌可用 ... is tall,slim and beautiful,... is tall and strong;

介绍人物健康状况可用 ... is healthy/in good health;

介绍人物业余爱好可用 ... likes/is fond of/enjoys ... in his/her spare/free time,... has many hobbies,such as ...,... and ...;

介绍人物热爱工作时可用 ...loves his/her work very much and works very hard;

介绍人物经验丰富可用 ...has much work experience;

介绍人物与人相处融洽可用 ...is kind/friendly to others ...,likes to make friends with others,... can get along/on well with others ...,is ready/willing to help others;

介绍人物严于律己可用 ...is strict with himself/herself,... is strict in his/her work;

介绍人物获奖状况可用 ... is often elected a model...,... has been elected a model ... many times;

介绍人物受尊敬情况可用 ...is deeply respected and loved by others,...all respect and love ...;

介绍人物变换工作地点可使用go to,come to,move to。

本文参考答案使用I’m tall,slim and beautiful. I’m kind and polite to others and can get along well with others. I like to make friends with others. I have much work experience.等求职信中人物介绍的规律性语言,提高了语言的规范度。


写求职信介绍人物背景信息时还应贴切使用过渡性词汇。介绍人物的不同优秀品质可用besides,what’s more,at the same time,in the meanwhile,also,too等表示并列关系的过渡性词汇。介绍人物简历时的过渡性词汇与专门人物介绍文中个人简历过渡性词汇相似。
