


巴迪节拍英语 篇1

01动物宝贝Fly, Fly, The Butterfly

Fly, fly, the butterfly

In the meadow is flying high In the garden is flying low Fly, fly, the butterflyElephant

Elephant,elephant.Why is your nose very very long? Because Mom’s nose is very very long


Who do you like? Who do you hate? Let me see.I think I like Mom.I think I hate rat.Swan

Swan,swan, over the sea

Swim, swan, swim

Swan, swan, back again Well swum, swan!Two Little Funny Birds

Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter,the other named Paul Fly away, Peter!fly away, paul!Come back, Peter!come back, paul!Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter,the other named PaulA Little turtle

There was a little turtleWho lived in a box

He swam in the puddles And climbed on the rocks

巴迪节拍英语-六光盘Old Mother Goose

Old mother goose

When she wanted to wander Would ride through the air On a very fine ganderFive Little Piggy

This little piggy went to market This little piggy stayed at home This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none And this little piggy cried

Wee-wee-wee-wee-wee,all the way homeBow-wow Says The Dog

Bow-wow says the dog.Meow,meow, says the cat.Grunt,grunt, goes the hog.And squeak goes the rat.Tu-whoo says the owl.Caw,caw, says the crow.Quack,quack, says the duck.And what the cuckoos say.you know?Baa,Baa Black Sheep

Baa,baa, black sheep Have you any wool?

Yes,sir.Yes sir.Three bags full.One for my master.And one for his dame.And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.Five Little Dogs

Five little dogs,all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little horses, ,all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little monkeys, ,all in a row Each one wondering where to go?



1.Round And Round The


Round and round the garden

Like a teddy bear One step,two step

Tickle you under thereRoses Are Red

Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are youGood Night

Good night,sleep tight Wake up bright In the morning light To do what’s right With all your mightHello!Hello!

Hello!Hello!How are you?

I’m fine.I’m fine,thank you!Hello!Hello!How do you do? I’m glad to meet you too!Johnny Johnny

Johnny,JohnnyYes,Papa Eating sugar?No,Papa Telling lies?No,Papa

Open your mouth!Oh,Ha!Ha!Ha!I’m Only A Baby


I’m only a baby As you can see

I can laugh!Ha-ha-ha I can cry!Hoo-hoo-Hoo I know so did you

When you were a baby too!Big Head

Big head,big head

No worry on a rainy day

When others need an umbrella My head will block the wayMabel Set The Table

Mabel,Mabel,set the table

Just as fast as your are able Don’t forget the salt!Don’t forget the sugar!Don’t forget the vinegar!Don’t forget the mustard!Or red-hot pepper!Apple Round

Apple round ,apple red Apple juicy,apple sweet Apple ,apple I love you Apple sweet I love to eatCobbler Cobbler Mend My shoe

Cobbler,cobbler mend my shoe Get it done by half past two Stitch it up and stitch it down And I’ll give you half a crown

03神奇世界Out Goes The Rat

Out goes the rat Out goes the cat Out goes the lady

With the big green hatDown By The Ocean

Down by the ocean Down by the sea

Johnny broke a bottleAnd blamed it on meChip-Chop Joe

Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe

Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe

One big blow, Touch my toe!

Chip-chop Joe,cuts wood just soHickory Dickouy Dock

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one And down he ran

Hickory dickory dockRain rain Go Away

Rain, rain, go away

Come back again another day Little baby wants to play Rain, rain, go awayPeas Porridge Hot

Peas Porridge hot,peas porridge



Peas Porridge in the pot nine days old

Some like it hot,some like it cold Some like it in the pot nine days oldGeorgie Porgie

Georgie porgie, pudding and pie Kissed the girls and made them cry When the boys came out to play Georgie porgie ran awayTo Market

To market, to market,to buy a fat pig

Home again, home again.Jiggely jig

To market, to market,to buy a fat hog Home again,home again.Jiggely jogPat A Cake

Pat-a-cake,pat-a-cake,baker’s man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and Prick it

And mark it with a ‘B’

Put it in the oven for baby and meYankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on a pony

He stuck a feather in his hat And called it Macaroni

04生活魔方Baby Sleep

Good night,Mom!Good night,Dad!I am a big boy I can sleep

Have a good dream,Mom!Have a good dream,Dad!

Ah,I’ll have a good dream,too!Do Cleaning

Clean the window Clean the table Sweep the floor

And tidy up my toysKnitting Knitting One Tow Three

Knitting, knitting, 1,2,3.I knit the scarves for you and me I love honey and I love tea Knitting,knitting,1,2,3.Baby’s Love

Mummy and Daddy care for me.Mummy and Daddy love me.And I car for Mummy and Daddy.As much as they care for me.And I love my Mummy and Daddy.As much as they love me!Make Friends

Hello!Hello!How do yo do?

What’s your name? What’s your name?

My name’s Mark.My name’s Mark.And what’s your name?

My name’s Buddy.My name’s Buddy.Let’s make friends.Let’s go to play.Rain On The Green Grass


Rain on the green grass And rain on the tree Rain on the house-top But not on meBrush My Teeth

Teeth,teeth,teethI brush my teeth

After getting upI brush my teeth

After eating a mealI brush my teeth

Before going to bedI brush my teeth

Teeth,teeth,teethI always

brush my teeth!Have A Bath

Here’s some water

For you to wet your face!Here’s some soap

For you to clean your body!Here’s a towel

For you to dry yourself!Wash wash here!Wash wash there!

Make sure that you wash everywhere!Shoe On The Foot

The shoe goes on the foot The foot goes in the shoe We tie the laces in a bow

And then we’re ready to go,go,go!Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Diddle diddle dumpling My son,John!

Went to bed with trousers on One shoe off and one shoe on!Diddle diddle dumpling My son,John!

05数字精灵One Potato

One potato,two potato Three potato,four

Five potato,six potato Seven potato,moreOne Little Flower

One little flower One little bee

One little blue bird High in the tree

One little brown deer Smiling at me

One is the number I like You see!Let’s Do It Today

One,two,tell me!Three,four,you say!

Five,six,that’s ok!

Seven,eight,let’s do it today!Ten Little Fingers

Ten little fingers and ten little toes Two little arms and one little nose One little mouth and two little ears Two little eyes for smiles and tearsOne For Sorrow

One for sorrowTwo for joy Three for a girlFour for a boy Five for silverSix for gold Seven for a secret Not to be toldOne Two Three Play With Me

One,two,three,play with me


Four,five,six,pick up sticks Seven,eight,nine,walk on a line Ten,eleven,twelve,help yourselfOne Two Pick Up The Stool


Pick up the stool One,two,three

Stand around the tree One,two,three,four

Stand up and go to the door One,two,three,four,five Put down the book

And bring back the knifeCinderella

Cinderella dressed in yellow

Went downstairs to kiss her fellow How many kisses did she give? One,two,three,four,five…One Two How Do You Do

One,twoHow do you do? Three,fourOpen the door Five,sixPick up sticks Seven,eight Sit up straight Nine,tenSay it againOne Two Three Four Five

One,two,three,four,five I caught a fish alive Six,seven,eight,nine,ten I let him go again Why did I let him go

Because he bit my finger so

06游戏童年Jack Be Nimble

Jack be nimble Jack be quick

Jack jump over the candlestick!Red Light What Do You Say

Red light,red light!What do you say?

I say stop,stop,stop!

Yellow light,yellow light What do you say? I say wait,wait,wait!Green light,green light What do you say? I say go,go,go!See-saw Marjorie Daw

See-saw, Marjorie Daw Sold her bed

And lay upon strawSwing Swing

Low,high Here I fly

Like a bird through the sky Free,free Over the lea

Over the mountain Over the seaEenie Meenie Minie Moe

Eenie meenie minie moe Catch a tiger by his toe If he hollers,let him go Eenie meeie minie moeTwo Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap

Two little hands go clap, clap, clap Two little feet go tap,tap,tap Two little eyes are open wide


One little head goes from side to sideSally!Go Around The Sun

Sally!Go around the sun Sally!Go around the moon

Sally!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoon Kitty!Go around the sun Kitty!Go around the moon

Kitty!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoonHop ALittle

Hop a little Jump a little One,two,three Run a little Skip a little Tap one knee Bend a little Stretch a little Nod your head Yawn a little Sleep a little In your bedHumpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horses And all the king’s men Couldn’t put humpty Together againYou Have OneI Have One

You have oneI have one

Two little children see a big man You have twoI have two

Four little children go to school You have threeI have three Six little children plant a tree You have fourI have four

Eight little children stand at the door

巴迪节拍英语 篇2

怎样才能让我们倾心英语呢?我们首先要明白英语在如今国际上的地位, 作为一种世界性语言, 它对我们的生活越来越重要。

作为把英语作为外语的学习者时, 我们, 并没有特别优异的英语学习环境, 国内很少有人会因为只是学习一门语言而出国去耳濡目染, 但是我们却可以自己为自己创造一种氛围。

首先, 学习英语一定要注重“读”。有一句名言叫“书读百遍, 其意自见”。阅读的时候, 就好像在跟人进行交流一样, 但读的时候一定要用心, 不为阅读而阅读, 读的前提是明白要读语篇的意义, 要有目的地去阅读, 这样不仅可以培养语感, 还可以增添学习英语的兴趣。读的升华就是背诵, 许多语法方面的东西在你背诵的时候, 就已经把它记了下来, 在实践演练过程中, 会把所背诵的东西加深印象。在句子中用读和背的方法去记忆语法, 对我们来说不失是一种好的手段。

其次, 认识和了解单词也是英语比较重要的基础, 简单易懂的单词, 对我们来说都不是难题, 然而一些较为复杂的单词记忆可就没有这么容易了。当遇到这些单词时, 首先要稳住自己, 然后根据音标去记忆, 把较长的单词分成若干个部分。或者从词形上来下工夫, 看它到底是由什么词根构成的, 由词根去联想这些生词。当然, 各人情况不同, 学习方法不一样, 一定要找到适合自己的方法, 才能学习的更加顺利, 背诵单词很容易遗忘, 这是一个再正常不过的问题了, 所以学习单词不能怕遗忘, 这就在于记忆单词的时候要经常复习。单词对英语学习者来讲是非常重要的, 在没有语言的环境下, 我们只有不断扩大自己的词汇量, 来让学习英语更加顺意。当然, 学习单词不能把语境隔开去学习, 只有学以致用, 才能更加深刻地了解和记忆所学单词的意思, 以及所学单词的具体用法。

最后, 作为语言, 英语的语法也是相当灵活的, 无时不在变化之中, 而且随着时代的进步, 语言也在发展。英语中有些东西要自己去领悟, 很多时候老师去讲, 同学也讨论, 但仍然一知半解, 这种情况就需要一个人去静静地思考、领悟和分析了。英语和汉语有很多相同的地方。所以有时候学习英语可以借鉴汉语的文化去理解, 作为语言总有很多相通的地方。但语法学习对大部分同学来说是一个难点。究其原因, 语法是英语基础知识的抽象总结。长久而集中地去注意抽象的东西总会让人心生疲惫。所以, 英语语法学习也是不能独立去研究的, 要努力结合当前所学内容进行归纳总结。

高中英语教师要跟上新课程的节拍 篇3



1 具有全面的知识

1.1 提高专业知识。现在的英语教材更多地借用国外原版的内容,语言更加地道,同时也更加灵活,跳跃性强。语言是文化的一部分,语言与文化相互影响,理解语言必须了解文化,所以英语教师必须:(1)要有坚实的英语基础——准确流利的语音、语凋,全面的语法知识;(2)掌握灵活多样的教学方法;(3)不断地充实自己,更多地了解相关的社会文化,提高自己的专业水平。教师只有具备了广博而精深的专业知识、社会知识才能在日益发展的现代化教育中游刃有余。

1.2 掌握必要的现代化教育技术。其表现之一即是教学手段的现代化。收音机、投影、电视、录像、电脑、网络等多媒体技术的出现,是对教师传统教学手段“一张嘴巴,黑板加粉笔”的挑战。现代化教学技术的出现可以使教学内容更形象、生动,丰富多彩,使教学手段多样化,提高课堂效率,加大教学容量,更充分调动学生学习积极性,促使学生主动学习。因此,教师要加强现代化教学技术的学习,提高各种电教媒体的应用能力,并在教学中积极尝试、实践.以突出数学重点、突破数学难点,实现学科教学的优化和学科教学效果的提高。

2 更新观念

2.1 教师角色的变化。我国教育学者认为:要改变一个教师的教学行为必须通过调查其教学意识来实现。长期以来,在传统教学过程中,教师是主动的恩赐者,学生是被动的接受者,师生之间是“你授我受”的关系,而新课程标准的理念之一就是以学生为主体,所以,教师要明确从以“知识教育为本”向以“学生发展为本”的转变。因此教师应迅速转变教育观念,把自己看作是-个教育实际工作的研究者,而不是教书匠。

2.2 师生关系的变化。教师的教是为学生的学服务的,广大教师应在实施素质教育的过程中摆正自己的位置,自觉增强服务意识,充分发挥学生的主体作用,必须改变原有的教师与学生间“权威——依存”的关系,确立“-切为了学生,为了学生的一切”的新型的平等的师生关系,不仅做学生的良师,更应成为学生的益友。所以教师还必须具有良好的沟通能力,与学生建立融洽的关系;教师要尊重学生,保护他们的自尊心和积极性;要关心学生,和学生谈心,了解他们的学习和生活困难,并及时给予帮助,缩短师生间的距离,只有这样,师生之间才容易沟通思想和情感,让“情商”在教学中发挥良好的作用。

3 改变课堂教学模式

3.1 培养运用能力。英语新课程要求要以学生为本,能力为中心,活动为重点。审视我们长期以来填鸭式的“满堂灌”,势必使学生错过发展机遇。所以,我们现在的英语教师必须把课堂的主角地位让给学生,教师从“幕前”到“幕后”,学生则由听众变为实践参与者。所以,课堂上,教师要避免采用教师讲解语法知识、学生死记硬背的传授知识的方法,而应采用多种方法,通过多种途径,引导、激励全体学生主动参与,要善于创设英语生活情境,营造宽松、民主和谐的教学氛围,组织生动活泼的课堂教学活动。比如,根据一定的教学内容,设计适量的灵活性较大的思考题,让学生进行讨论、辩论,这样既能调动学生积极运用已学语言材料组织新的语言内容,又训练了他们从同一信息中探求不同答案的求异思维能力。这样,很大地激发了学生的英语学习兴趣,同时学生在运用知识中掌握知识,从而提高了学生综合运用英语的能力。

3.2 培养自学能力。“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”,学生需要获得能够继续获得知识和能力的科学方法。良好的学习方法,使学生能更好地发挥天赋能力。所以,教师应注重培养学生独立学习的能力,让他们更好地自主学习,给他们独立思维的时间和空间,让学生在学习中学会如何获得知识的方法,激励学生主动把握基础知识的学习。这样,可以为学生进行更高层次的语言学习创造条件。

4 改变评价方式







