


英文版求职信及其译文 篇1










附译文的英文自我介绍 篇2


Good morning, everyone! My Name is Lu Xin. I am so happy to stand in front of you to introduce myself. I am thirteen years old. I graduated from the No.1 Primary School of our city. I like reading books and playing badminton. I hope we can take exercises after class. Besides, I like watching movies and listening to pop music. I am sure there are some classmates have the common interests with me. Therefore, we can communicate with each other. In primary school, I did well in Chinese but math is not so good. I hope I can make progress in middle school. I am very excited to be a classmate of you 初中生物 and I hope we can make progress and have good days together.


英文版求职信及其译文 篇3

The Nature Preservation Zone of Xianghai 向海自然保护区

Hello everyone 大家好

Welcome to Tonghua, Xianghai national nature preservation zone.欢迎来到通化向海自然保护区。I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Vera.or Miss Zhan , and on my left hand is our driver Mrs.Zhang he has more than 20 years driving experiences, he will keep our safe.我是中国旅行社的导游,你们可以叫我Vera或Miss Zhan,我的左手边是我们的司机张师傅,他驾龄超过20年,会保证我们的安全。

Before we reach The Nature Preserve I want to give you a brief introduction about Xianghai.在我们到达保护区之前我香味你们简单介绍一下向海。

Xianghai national nature preservation zone which is also called Xianghai nature

preserve is located in songliao plain of Tongyu county in the west of Jilin Province,It connects the Knorchin prairie of the the Inner Mongolian Autonomous region in the west.向海国家级自然保护区,也称为向海自然保护区,地处吉林省西部松辽平原通榆县,西面与内蒙古民族自治区的科尔沁草原相连。The total area is 1055 square kilometers.总面积1055平方公里。Xianghai nature preserve is a world –famous preservation zone of the Wetland ecosystem, which has more than 600 species of wild plants and 293 species of rare birds and animal.向海自然保护区是一个世界闻名的湿地生态保护区,拥有超过600种的野生植物、293种稀有鸟类和动物。There are six kinds of cranes which is categorized as “the typical animals of the wetland”, which is significant for the ecological environment protection.这有六种被归类为“湿地标志性动物”——鹤,这对与生态环境保护意义重大。At present there are 1,500 red-crowned cranes which are the first –class protected birds live in the world among which 60 live here.目前一级保护鸟类丹顶鹤全世界共有1500只,其中有60只生活在这里。

The charm of Xianghai lies in its nature scenery and primeval beauty.向海的魅力在于它的自然景色和原始美丽。there is said to be “four crowns ”of Xianghai 据说向海有四个桂冠:the national-class nature preservation zone of the forest and wilds life by the state council;国务院授予的森林和野生动物国家级自然保护区;A-standerd nature preserve of international significance approved by world wildlife foundation;世界野生动物基金会认证的国际意义的A级自然保护区;being inscribed on the international important wetland list and being added into the Human and Wildlife Protection Net of China by National Man and Biosphere Committee.被记入国际重要湿地名单,并被国家人类生物委员会加入中国人类和野生动物保护网。

We often say that we have Changbai Mountain in the east and Xianghai west.我们常说“东有长白,西有向海”。Xianghai has already become an important travel site in Jilin province.向海已成为吉林省的重要旅行景点。there are three

inter-connected river systems in the preservation zone : 保护区内有三个内在联系的河流系统:Huolin River in the south;南面的霍林河;Ermutail River in the west and Taoer river system in the north西面的额穆泰河和北面的洮儿河 ,therefore the two larger reed and marshland areas of Xianghai reservoir and Xianghai hill reservoir are formed.furthermore ,because of the various kinds of ecological

environment ,many different biological species live together harmoniously.因此向海


The perfect natural resources create the beautiful and peaceful wetland scenery with red-crowned cranes as its typical birds ,the expansive reed and the Mongolian yellow elm forest as its typical of wild plants ,and also the ancient temple as its historical heritage 完美的自然资源创造了美丽宁静的湿地景色,丹顶鹤是它代表性鸟类,广大的芦苇和蒙古黄榆树林是它典型植物,古庙是它的历史遗址。

Xianghai is called “the heaven of birds” in which numerous kinds of birds attract your attention and the red-crowned crane is the most attractive one, 向海也被称为鸟的天堂,种类繁多的鸟类吸引你的注意,其中丹顶鹤是最吸引人的,the one bought except black feather on the first part of the two wings of the red crested are white.它们除了两个翅膀前段是黑色的羽毛,冠毛为红色,通体白色。They have loud voice ,they eat shrimps and fishes in shallow water ,they have long mouth lone neck ,它们嗓音响亮,吃浅水的小虾和小鱼,有长嘴长脖子。Xianghai is the kingdom of plant and above all the plants , 向海是植物的王国,除了植物以外,the grand of Mongolian yellow elms and the fragrance of apricot forest are the most precious

resources.广阔的蒙古黄榆林和芬芳的杏林是最宝贵的资源。Moreover ,Xianghai is the” kingdom of animals “.不仅如此,向海也是动物的王国。The harmonious relation between human being and nature is best shown here.人与自然的和谐关系在此完美展示。In this world ,the loveliest and most beautiful song is rehearsed once and again.世界上最动听优美的歌在这里重复上演。

The tower for sightseeing 观光塔

This 32-meter tower is built in the center of tourist area.这个高32米的塔建于观光区中心。when we are standing on and looking into the distance ,the scenery will

attract you much more.当我们站在上面远眺时,景色会更吸引人。we can even get a panoramic view of Xianghai.我们甚至能够看到向海的全景。

The Museum 博物馆

It seems that you are staying in a natural wildlife zoo as soon as you step into the

museum.一踏入博物馆,你就会以为身处自然野生动物公园。more than 200species of rare birds and animals such as wolves ,hawks and hares are vividly posed and it’s really a magic world.200。多种稀有鸟类和动物,比如狼,鹰和野兔栩栩如生地展示着,这真是一个魔法的世界。

Xianghai Temple 香海寺

Ladies and gentlmen.女士们先生们,do you happen to know how “xianghai” gets its name.你们知道向海的名字由来吗?In Chinese,”Xiang” Xianghai is read at the falling tone ,but when we read it at the flat tone ,it gets the meaning of

fragrance.Today ,the temple from which Xianghai gets its name called” the temple of fragrant sea ”在汉语中,“向海”的“向”读作降调,但是我们平声读时,意思就是“香”。现在,向海命名由来的庙就叫做“香海寺”

In the year 1664,under the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty a temple was built, named Qinghai Temple.1644年,清朝康熙在位时建立了一个寺庙,命名为青海寺。Whereas when Emperor Qianlong and some officers visited the temple in 1784,he ordered to change the name into “Fuxing Temple” which means the

temple brings happiness and prosperity.但在1784年当乾隆和官员游览这个庙时,他下令改为福兴寺,意思是会带来幸福和繁荣。Afterwards in the year of 1928 when the Tibetan Banchen E Er De Ni came to explain sutra here, many follower came to listen and burn joss sticks, hence it get the name of “the temple of fragrance”.后来在1928年,西藏**额尔德尼来此讲佛经时,很多追随者来听并燃香,因此这就有了“香海寺”的名字。

During the war of resistance against Japan ,抗日战争期间,the temple became a military camp and after that ,because the name is superstitious,its was converted to be Xianghai temple ,as we can see nowadays.寺庙成了军营,之后由于名字的迷信色彩,被变为向海寺。Unfortunately the temple was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.不幸的是,这座寺庙在文化大革命中被毁坏。in 1994, this historical heritage was re –built and Zhao Puchu, the passed away chairman of chinese

Buddhism Association bname it again as “the temple of fragrance” 1994年,历史遗址被重建,已逝中国佛教协会主席赵朴初再一次命名它为“香海寺”。The nest for birds 鸟巢

If you want to see the birds activity you should go to the nest of birds,where you will find thousands of swallow which are even smaller than sparrows wheeling and

singing in the air.如果想看鸟的活动,你就应该去鸟巢,在那里你能发现比麻雀还小的燕子在空中盘旋歌唱。Only at that time we can truly feel the unity of man and environment, the beautiful feeling of being a part of nature.只有在那一刻我们才能真正感受到人与自然的融合,成为自然一部分的美妙感受。

The island of cranes 鹤岛

The island of cranes situates four kilometers away from the southwest of the administrative committee of the preservation zone, three sides of the island are

surrounded by water, with the other side facing a hill.鹤岛位于保护区管理委员会西南4公里处,三面环水一面环山。There are many kinds of plants on the island, and many kinds of animals as well, such as oriental white cranes and cinereous vultures.岛上有很多种植物和动物,比如东方白鹤和秃鹫。Of course the most valuable chance is to take a look at the tamed and trained red-crested cranes;in a word , the island of cranes is just like heaven of peace.当然,最难得的机会是去看看被驯养和训练的丹顶鹤;总之,鹤岛是宁静的天堂。

英文版求职信 篇4

dear emesto and stasi,

i happened to have read your advertisement and decide to apply for the job.

yours sincerely,

li hua


i happened to have read your advertisement and have decided to apply for the job.the following is my self-introduction.by acting as a translator for you, unpaid as it is, not only will it eich mylife, but also be of great benefit to me in the long run. apart from gaining theopportunity to practise my spoken english, i can accumulate some valuable jobexperience.i’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. lookingforward to your early reply!yours


li hua


1. serve v.服务 service n.服务

2. warm-hearted,easy-going, outgoing,optimistic,

3. do well in, be good at

4. be equal to/be fit for

5. serve as/act as充当

6. in my spare time, i often do some exercise and take part in many activities,which builds up mystrength.

7. being an active person, i’m easy to get along with and always ready to helpothers in trouble.

8. what’s more, being an active young person, i like sports andoutdoor activities, so i’m healthy.

9. i used to do a part-time job in a restaurant,so i am rich in experience in service work/i have accumulated much experience of service work.

10. besides, being an outgoing player, i’m healthy and active, which is of greatimportance to servicework.

英文版CV及求职信 篇5

folk: han

height: 160cm

weight: 50kg

marital status: married

health: excellent

clan: the communist youth league

birthday: sep.14, 1976

language skills: cet-4

computer skills: perfect

education school: dalian railway university

major: electronic automatic

max.degree: undergraduate course、bachelor's degreegraduate time: july 1998

home phone: 022-84264858

cell phone:

e-mail: [email]hankw_china@163.com[/email]

resident: hedong, tianjin, china

technical skills: electronic、mcu、computer、network、englisheducation experience: aug.1994-aug.1998 dalian ranlway universitywork experience:

oct.1998-jan.2001 tianjin sent hi-tech company electronic engineerjan.2001-feb.2002 electricity company of ghana technic in publicfeb.2002-feb.2005 tianjin sent hi-tech company project directormember in family: wife jinghua zhang

rewards events:dalian bangchuidao high-math competition first class 19952 china college math-modeling competition

second class 1996china college electronic-design competition third class 19974 dalian railway university excellent student 1995dalian railway university first class bursary 1994-1998dalian railway university excellent communist youth league 1995work projects:(sent hi-tech company)three phase meter for expose ghana 1999three phase meter for tianjin 19993 in 1 read/write machine 1999single phase electronic meter 2000simple multi charge meter 2000technic service and train for ghana 2001three phase electronic meter for tianjin 2002limited energy meter for ghana 2002distrib

ute energy and inspect machine(gsm/gprs)2003all type of three phase electronic multi charge meter 2003gprs street lamp inspect communication module 2003single phase multi charge meter 2004single phase electronic meter carrier wave in power line 2004high class three phase electronic div-payment meter 2004rs485 collect control system 2004

participant projects:(sent hi-tech company)infrared multi charge meter 2000three phase actor-reactor time meter 2002single phase time meter 2002logic encrypt smart card project 2003gprs three phase multi function meter 2004pre-payment money system 2004

position wanted:

project director mcu engineer electronic engineer



i have active idea, high responsible and aggressive, working steady, stated abilityof organizing managing cooperating, careful and creative in working.self-confidence,self-respect, self-strive!

application letter:

honorific leader:

thanks for checking and approving my self-application letter in your valued time!your valuable several minutes will bring on my lucky road!

i graduated from dalian railway university in july 1998, learning electronic

automatic for four years and have gotten the undergraduate course and bachelor'sdegree.over the past four years of extensive electronic and computer experienceversed in both digital and analog electronics, with specific emphasis on computer

hardware and software special expertise in system and component evaluation networksupervisor responsible for installing and maintaining and designing electronic

hardware system or computer lan system.proficient in assembly and some c programminglanguages.excellent communication skills including written, verbal and interpersonal.and then, i worked for six years in electronic industry.responsible for the

characterization and evaluation of, and approved vendors list for power suppliesoscillators crystals and programmable logic used in desktop and laptop computers.evaluated and recommended quality components that increased product profitability.created and developed power supply test plan used for evaluating third party powersupplies.interacted with vendors to resolve problems associated with components

qualification.technical advi

sor for purchasing promoted to engineer.performed

extensive hardware evaluation ion prototype computers, tested prototype units fortiming violation using the latest state-of-the-art test equipment, digital oscilloscopesand logic analyzers.performed environmental, esd and acoustic testing.designedand built a power-up test used to test prototype computers during cold boot.furthermore, i designed many project of electronic system(mention above), gotespecially experience in mcu system and other circuit board include analog-digital,emi and emc system.my work experience and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly divpared me foremployment in a firm that specializes in various segments of electronic system.i write some article of electronic and what i have learned or any experience career,memoranda in corporate, and i draft many project designed scheme.i also activelyparticipate in many active working in clients' suits.in addition, i have excellentproblem-solving skills and feel that, if given the opportunity, i would be an

immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm.and i deep know ”job descriptionsemphasize candidate's accomplishments.work history is stated in reverse chronologicalorder, with most recent employment listed first.”

i feel that a personal meeting would give us the opportunity to discuss your

shout-and long-term objectives and my ability to direct your organization towardssuccessfully achieving those goals.i should be glad to have a personal interview,and can&;nbs

p;furnish references if desired.i can make an immediate contribution to anycorporation.i would apdivciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss yourrequirements.thank you for your consideration.best wishes for you!

kewei han

英文版求职信及其译文 篇6



英文辞职信范例 sample 1


i am offering my resignation as operations manager of the xxx plant, effective may 15.as of now, i’m not quite sure where i’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.frankly, vernon, i was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company.through years of

excellent performance appraisals, i was led to believe i was in line for that position.under the circumstances, i think you’ll understand my decision to resign.i do appreciate the management training i’ve been given here;it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career i decide to pursue.my best wishes for the company’s continued growth.sincerely,英文辞职信范文 sample 2

dear mr.please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the gert institute.i plan to leave my job here on september 30, 19–, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date.as you know, my primary interest has been in the oil and gas industry.therefore, i’ve accepted a position with fury refining, inc., that should put me back

in touch with my “first love.”

although i’m eager to accept the challenges in this new position, i regret leaving the institute.you and the organization as a whole have treated me very well over the past three years.i won’t forget the friendship and professional growth i’ve experienced as an employee here.best wishes to all of you for years of expansion here.sincerely,英文辞职信范例sample 3


after months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, i see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with hhh(company).needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.please make my resignation

effective january 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation.i will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.i look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard.my association with hhh has been a valued part of my life.good luck to you in the years to come.sincerely,本文地址:








英文求职信 篇7

Dear Sir/Ma’am,I am writing to you about the Online Sales Manager opening on Linkedin.I am very interested in the job.I also believe that I have the chance to be the best person your team is looking for.I consider myself worthy of your time because:I have host a bilingual radio show on campus for two years, and have conducted English classes in Korea for one year.I gained public speaking skills with those experiences.-My whole academic focus is on intercultural communication and communication itself.I love working in a multicultural environment.I have uploaded my resume in English and Korean.If you have any question, please feel free to send me emails, or call me at 010-6323-7952 Looking forward to your response.Best Regards, Eileen Xie

英文求职信 篇8

Number: 20120201111

Homework Week 3

October 28, 2013

Apartment 301

East of Diamantine Street






Yuhuai junior middle school


Dear Sir,I am a graduate of South China Normal University which is the best normal university in Guangdong Province.Currently, I am seeking a job as a middle school’s English teacher.And I have learned about that your school is just in need of an English teacher.I major in English education.I have got a high mark in TEM4 as well as TEM8, in particular I am good at listening and speaking.Because of this, I think having the excellent professional knowledge is one of the reasons why I can competent this job.Furthermore, during my four academic years, I had accepted the professional training of teaching skill as well as teaching accomplishment.And according to the students characteristics, I can always choose the proper way to make the students understand and accept the knowledge easily so that they can make great progress after listening to my lessons.During my internship in LvYin primary school, I found that the students at that age were hard to stay focused, they were playful and carefree.It is difficult for them to accept the new knowledge by the boring traditional teaching methods.So I made some change of the way of teaching.I created some interesting games and playing with them in the class, which can not only make the students enjoy the class better but also accept the knowledge unconsciously during the play time.The students all loved this kind of teaching method, they really enjoyed the classes and found the entertaining of study.The most important thing was that they all made the progress to varying degrees in their final exam.So I think having the excellent professional teaching skills is the another important reason why I can competent this job.Please find a copy of my resume and professional qualification certifications enclosed.I look forward to your response.Yours faithfully

