


英文求职信模版 篇1


April 13,2000

p.O.Box 36

BIIT University

Beijing,China 100000

Dear Sir/Madam:

Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies.In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm.Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company‘s Information Industry Division.Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects.The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.Sincerely,Gu Bin

英文求职信模版 篇2





不同的学者给予了情态不同的定义,但最为人们所普遍认可的则是Halliday所给的定义。Halliday(1994)认为,情态体现是介于否定和肯定两极之间的意义领域,体现了意义表达中的归一度。在情态的类型上,Thompson (1996)将情态分为情态及意态。情态涉及“信息”的“频率”和“概率”,意态涉及“物品或服务”的“义务”和“意愿”。在情态的表达方式上,在系统功能语言学中Halliday等人认为情态意义包括三个方面:情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻。关于语篇情态表达的分析也就是对语篇中情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻这三类表达的分析。情态意义的体现是由情态的取向来决定的,在情态系统中,情态表达的值有低、中、高三种量值,情态助动词,情态附加语和情态隐喻都有值的划分。



1.情态助动词。通过整理和分析,在情态助动词使用方面,在信件中使用较多的是will,would,can,may,should和could这六个助动词,占助动词总数的95%以上。其中使用频率最高的为will,共出现64次,可表将来,也可以表示个人意愿。如:My qualifications will meet your requirements for this position with your company;另一个出现频率很高的助动词为would,共出现了52次,如:I wouldenjoy discussing my experience and qualifications in a personal interview,此句中would十分委婉并且礼貌的表达了求职者的意愿倾向。C a n是在求职信中出现频率第三高的助动词,共计3 0次,可表示能力和允许。如:I am open to relocating anywhere,in the United States or internationally,and can begin full-time employment with one month’s notice,此句中can表达了求职者能够开始全职工作的时间。May,should和could这三个助动词在信件中出现并不多,分别为12次,9次和7次。从情态助动词的值来看,低值情态动词,may,can,could,might共计51次;中值情态动词will,would,shall,should共计128次,而高值情态动词must和can’t只出现了两次。可看出求职信中、低值的情态动词占绝大多数。

2.情态附加语。情态附加语也是情态表达的一种重要形式,包括语气附加成分和评论附加成分,可表达情态当中的频率,概率,义务,意愿等。求职信中出现次数最多的是表达恳求的评论附加成分,表达程度和频率的语气附加成分。主要出现的附加语有please,always,no,quite,fully,fairly,greatly,surely等等。其中出现次数最多的是please,共计21次,其次是always共出现了7次。如:This educational background and my experience certainly equip me to be an excellent teacher中的certainly强烈地表达了求职者对职位的自信;又如:Would you please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss further about my qualifications?中的please表达了求职者期望得到面试机会的诚恳。从情态附加语的值来看,高值情态的附加语共计34个,中值的出现23个,而低值的只有7个。可看出中、高值的情态附加语占大多数。

3 . 情态隐喻。除了助动词和附加语,情态还可以通过一些小句,短语和名词来实现,这就是情态隐喻。比如“I think it is going to rain.”就是一个隐喻,因为它是“it’s probably going to rain.”的变体,还有“I believe”,“it is obvious that”,“it is foolish to deny that”等等,都属于情态隐喻(Halliday,2000)。通过对求职信的分析,发现这些情态隐喻在求职信中的使用频率也很高,以小句形式出现的有51个,如:I believe that,I hope that等;以短语形式出现的有54个,如:look forward to,be glad to,be willing to等;以名词形式出现的有14个,如:interest,desire等。其中出现次数最多的是look forward to,共计18次,如:I look forward to hearing from you表达求职者对收到回信的期待;其次是I believe that,共计16次,如:I believe that my background qualifications and work experience are very compatible with the requirements of this position you listed in your advertisement表达求职者对自身能力的信心;I hope/wish that出现11次,如:I hope thatwe will have the opportunity to discuss my experience and qualifications further during a personal meeting表达对同用人单位之间的进一步交流的期待。从情态隐喻的量值来看,高值表达有18个,中值表达有71个,低值表达有30个。其中中、低值的情态隐喻占绝大多数。


英文求职信中的情态研究 篇3

【关键词】英文求职信 情态表达 情态量值 情态助动词




不同的学者给予了情态不同的定义,但最为人们所普遍认可的则是Halliday所给的定义。Halliday(1994)认为,情态体现是介于否定和肯定两极之间的意义领域,体现了意义表达中的归一度。在情态的类型上,Thompson (1996)将情态分为情态及意态。情态涉及“信息”的“频率”和“概率”,意态涉及“物品或服务”的“义务”和“意愿”。在情态的表达方式上,在系统功能语言学中Halliday等人认为情态意义包括三个方面:情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻。关于语篇情态表达的分析也就是对语篇中情态助动词、情态附加语和情态隐喻这三类表达的分析。情态意义的体现是由情态的取向来决定的,在情态系统中,情态表达的值有低、中、高三种量值,情态助动词,情态附加语和情态隐喻都有值的划分。



1.情态助动词。通过整理和分析,在情态助动词使用方面,在信件中使用较多的是will,would,can,may,should和could这六个助动词,占助动词总数的95%以上。其中使用频率最高的为will,共出现64次,可表将来,也可以表示个人意愿。如:My qualifications will meet your requirements for this position with your company;另一个出现频率很高的助动词为would,共出现了52次,如:I wouldenjoy discussing my experience and qualifications in a personal interview,此句中would十分委婉并且礼貌的表达了求职者的意愿倾向。Can是在求职信中出现频率第三高的助动词,共计30次,可表示能力和允许。如:I am open to relocating anywhere,in the United States or internationally,and can begin full-time employment with one month’s notice,此句中can 表达了求职者能够开始全职工作的时间。May,should和could 这三个助动词在信件中出现并不多,分别为12次,9次和7次。从情态助动词的值来看,低值情态动词,may,can,could,might 共计51次;中值情态动词will,would,shall,should共计128次,而高值情态动词must和can’t只出现了两次。可看出求职信中、低值的情态动词占绝大多数。

2.情态附加语。情态附加语也是情态表达的一种重要形式,包括语气附加成分和评论附加成分,可表达情态当中的频率,概率,义务,意愿等。求职信中出现次数最多的是表达恳求的评论附加成分,表达程度和频率的语气附加成分。主要出现的附加语有please,always,no,quite,fully,fairly,greatly,surely等等。其中出现次数最多的是please,共计 21次,其次是always共出现了7次。如:This educational background and my experience certainly equip me to be an excellent teacher中的certainly强烈地表达了求职者对职位的自信;又如:Would you please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss further about my qualifications?中的please表达了求职者期望得到面试机会的诚恳。从情态附加语的值来看,高值情态的附加语共计34个,中值的出现23个,而低值的只有7个。可看出中、高值的情态附加语占大多数。

3.情态隐喻。除了助动词和附加语,情态还可以通过一些小句,短语和名词来实现,这就是情态隐喻。比如“I think it is going to rain.”就是一个隐喻,因为它是“it’s probably going to rain.”的变体,还有“I believe”,“it is obvious that”,“it is foolish to deny that”等等,都属于情态隐喻(Halliday,2000)。通过对求职信的分析,发现这些情态隐喻在求职信中的使用频率也很高,以小句形式出现的有51个,如:I believe that,I hope that 等;以短语形式出现的有54个,如:look forward to,be glad to,be willing to 等;以名词形式出现的有14个,如:interest,desire等。其中出现次数最多的是look forward to,共计18次,如:I look forward to hearing from you表达求职者对收到回信的期待;其次是I believe that,共计16次,如:I believe that my background qualifications and work experience are very compatible with the requirements of this position you listed in your advertisement表达求职者对自身能力的信心;I hope/wish that 出现11次,如:I hope thatwe will have the opportunity to discuss my experience and qualifications further during a personal meeting表达对同用人单位之间的进一步交流的期待。从情态隐喻的量值来看,高值表达有18个,中值表达有71个,低值表达有30个。其中中、低值的情态隐喻占绝大多数。





[1]Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Edward Arnold,2000.

[2]Thompson,G.Introducing Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1996.




[6]Alan Bond.英文商务信函模板通[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2010.




英文记者英文求职信 篇4

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the position advertised on the newspaper—part-time English reporter.

I am a student from Xinhua Middle School, aged 17.I think Im qualified for the job .First of all, as a student, Ive read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. Im enthusiastic about English and do well not only in speaking but also in writing. Besides, Im easy to get along with an enjoy working together with others. Last but not least, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So Im sure I can do the job well if I get the position.

I would appreciate it if you could allow me an interview.Im looking forward to your reply. ??? Chinese is one of the worlds major language. It is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, more than 1 billion, most of whom live in China. there are about 50,000 characters in written Chinese, about 20,000 of which are? known to most people. There are 8 main varieties of Chinese, which are different from each other in pronunciation. Putonghua, closely similar to the language spoken Beijing, has been developed since the late 1950s.

英文简历和英文求职信常见问题 篇5

Hook (noun)     Device to get the attention of the reader


Initiative (noun)    Power to begin something


Specifically (adv)    Particularly


Database (noun)    Collection of data or records


Transferable skills (noun) Acquired skills relevant to a new situation


[en]Accomplishments (noun) Achievements, triumphs


英文求职信 篇6








英文求职信 篇7





英文求职信 篇8

Please find enclosed a copy of my Curriculum Vitae in response for a Community Development Worker (ref 1P97) as advertised in the Limerick Post on 6 February 20xx. I am currently a final year Cultural Studies student at the University of Limerick and I will be graduating in June 20xx.

My interest in Community Work has developed over several years, specifically through my membership of a local community centre, where I have been able to see at first hand the range of activities that a Community Worker is involved in. My final year project is based on local Community Development Initiatives in the inner city of Limerick.

As you can see from my CV, my academic and leisure activities have given me the capacity and confidence to work with people from a variety of social backgrounds. My ability to work under pressure has been illustrated by my handling of the requirement to study and to juggle domestic responsibilities efficiently. I believe that through the research for my dissertation I have shown myself to be capable of organising my time effectively and using my initiative to come up with original ideas.

I am available for interview at any time and should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

老师英文求职信 篇9


Dear Dr.Anderson,Mr.Li Quanzhi who has just returned to China from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a Chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the Chinese language.I am very much interested in such a position.I have been teaching Chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980.In the past three years, I have worked in summer programs, teaching the Chinese language and culture to students from English-speaking courtries.As a result,I got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.With years of intensive English training, I have no difficulty conducting classes in English and feel queit comfortable working with American students.I will be available after February 1998.please fell free to contact me if you wish more information.Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,xx

外企英文求职信 篇10

Respect leadership:

First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you!In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day!

英文求职信(共) 篇11

As an experienced purchasing agent with a record of success in Supply Chain, I am interested in the

supply chain leader you advertised recently.A review of your requirements suggests a good fit with my experience and skills.My resume provides more details,but some highlights of my experience include the following: #Managed more than 20 suppliers and 30

products, including vender sourcing, on-time deliver, and the return of

unqualified products and so on #Annual cost down averaging 5.6%,saving money over 495,000 RMB

#2 years of experience in purchasing

department(retail and trade industries)

#Bachelor degree(bachelor degree in economics), level of

English(CET-6)and a basketball enthusiast

Characterized by others as passionate,intuitive, flexible, and curious, I believe my strongest value is my operational and

business perspective.The opportunity that you are offering with Supply Chain Leader has tremendous potential and unlimited

opportunities – thus my interest inmeeting with you to further discuss the position, you needs, and my capabilities.Thank you.Sincerely


Enclosed: resume



英文求职信例子 篇12

It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding.During the three –year college study,I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge,and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself;I have mastered English listening,speaking,writing and reading skills.Moreover,I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory,public relationship of secretary.Meanwhile,in order to enlarge my knowledge,I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade,and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time.At the same time,I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation,and now I’m familiar with Office 2000.It is my three –year college life that makes me form my life attitude.Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge,and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude.Honesty,Trust,Diligence is principle of how to be a man.As a college graduate,I believe “where there is a will,there is a way”,and I will try my best to do a good job in my business.So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in your company so that I can serve for the company in the future.
