


双城记人物分析英文 篇1


Charles Dickens is one of the most outstanding novelists in the 19th century,and he is the greatest representative of English critical realism ,and he also is a humanist.He is a prolific writer with a lot of works and many his works make a great difference.Most of his works reflect the darkness and cruel of the society under the oppression of the bourgeoisie.He expresses his anger and hated to the noble bourgeoisie and his sympathy to the lower class with the help of his novels.This kind of love and hate exactly give expression to his humanitarianism thoughts.A Tale of Two Cities is one of his masterpieces among his numerous writings with the theme of humanitarianism.Its characters and main plots are under the real background of the French Revolution.It tells a story about how the nobility oppress and exploit people and how the peoplecontend with the feudal aristocracy.In this novel, Dickens successfully created four kinds of sharply different images.The first one is the ideal positive characters.It takes Dr.Manette ,his daughter Lucie Manette and his son-in-law Charles Darnay as representatives.They are righteous,virtuous and humane which are the embodiments of the humanitarianism that Dickens actively advocates.The second one is the self-sacrifice image.It takes Sydney Carton as a representative.He sacrifice his life in order to make Lucie live happily with her husband and her father.He is the embodiment of the humanitarian spirit of altruism.The third type is the revolutionary.It takes Defarge couple as representatives.They suffer oppression and exploitation from the feudal aristocracy and they fight against the feudal aristocracy and aim ta overturning the aristocratic rule.The fourth type is the nobility and bourgeois baddy.It takes marquis Evremonde family as representative.They abuse the privilege and treat people with violence.This intensifies the contradiction between people and the nobility and finally the French Revolution breaks out in time.In A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens uses his sharply words to criticize the cruel of the bourgeoisie and shows his sympathy to the normal people for their miserable sufferings.This paper will focus on analyzing the main characters and researching the humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities.After the research,we can have a good knowledge of A Tale of Two Cities and have a better understanding of the French Revolution and the humanitarianism embodies in the novel.Key Words:Charles Dickens;A Tale of Two Cities;character analysis;humanitarianism;

双城记人物分析英文 篇2


《双城记》发表于1859年, 是英国蜚声海内外的作家狄更斯所著的一部大时代长篇历史小说, 以发生于十八世纪末期的法国大革命为背景, 以曼内特医生的经历为主线索, 把冤狱、爱情与复仇三个互相独立而又互相关联的故事交织在一起。18-19世纪的欧洲大陆是典型的父权制社会, 父权制模式的前提和所推崇的信条就是女性这个群体天生就是劣于男性的。因此, 在父权制模式下, 妇女在政治、经济、心理等各个领域都饱受压迫, 妇女地位被边缘化, 在生活中处于劣势地位。《双城记》是父权制模式下的产物, 不可避免地体现了父权制思想, 本文将从女性主义的角度对此小说进行论述分析, 从而揭示文中所包含的父权制思想。


小说中出现了林林总总的男性人物, 性格各异, 个性鲜明, 人物形象跃然于纸上。无论是坚持良心含冤入狱而妻离女散最终精神崩溃的曼内特医生, 还是置自己的安危于不顾而毅然决然地返回危险混乱的法国去营救自己昔日仆人的查尔斯, 亦或是看似玩世不恭却才华洋溢最终为了自己所爱之人的而勇敢地代其丈夫走上断头台引颈就戮的卡尔顿, 又或是忠心耿耿长期以来一直倾力帮助曼内特医生一家最终把财产也馈赠给曼内特小姐的罗瑞先生, 其事迹都感心动耳、荡气回肠, 读来令人赞叹不已。突出地表现了展现男性智慧、权力和秩序的世界。相比之下, 小说中出现的女性人物则少得可怜, 主要出现的女性人物包括露西——即曼内特医生的女儿查尔斯的妻子, 自幼便对露西承担起抚养任务的普洛丝小姐, 出生于被侮辱迫害的农家最后在革命中疯狂报复的德伐日太太。如果说小说中的男性人物是整个故事情节的主要推动者的话, 这些女性人物则基本上处于从属地位, 他们只是在客观上或多或少地帮助推动了故事情节的发展。而且跟男性人物的塑造比起来, 这些女性人物所用笔墨少, 性格单薄得多, 远没有男性人物饱满和立体, 故此我们可以说《双城记》是一部以男性为主体的小说, 整部书可以看作是一部对男性的赞歌, 女性人物处于被扁平化、边缘化的境地。


“美国学者吉尔伯特和古芭在其女权主义名著《阁楼上的疯女人》一书中把男性文学中的女性形象分为两种类型——天使和妖妇, 在男作家笔下, 女人要么是美丽、温顺、贞节、无知、无私并具有奉献精神的‘天使’形象, 要么就是丑陋、凶狠、风骚淫荡、自私自利的‘妖妇’形象。” (冀明俊:6) 在屈指可数的女性人物中, 我们不难发现曼内特小姐露西就是小说中的“天使”。

在此部书中, 狄更斯唯一极尽笔墨赞扬的女性就只有露西, 她赢得了所有人的喜爱。查尔斯和卡尔顿臣服于她的魅力, 就连名声不甚佳的律师斯特莱佛先生也一度欲取她为妻。她的父亲, 当然是清醒的时候, 对她呵护备至, 罗瑞先生对露西而言不是父亲却胜似父亲。而露西之所以赢得了如此多的赞美和爱护的原因就是因为她满足了父权制社会对女性的全部要求。

首先, 形象上, 她符合父权统治下社会所推崇的女性模式, 她的身上体现了以下几种基本品质:美丽、贞洁、顺从和持家, 她成功地扮演了父权制社会所规定的女儿、妻子和母亲角色。文中, 她对于父亲异常孝顺, 在父亲心智失常时照顾得更是尽心;对于丈夫和孩子是无微不至地关怀, “她的丈夫曾多次告诉她, 家务的烦恼与责任似乎并没有分散她对他的爱和帮助, 并且问到:‘你对我们几个人都照顾得那么周到, 放佛我们只有一个人, 却既不显得太忙, 也不觉得太累。亲爱的, 你有什么魔术一样的诀窍?’” (狄更斯:204) 由此我们还可以看出, 她根本没有自己的需要, 她的生活就是为了满足他人的需要。

其次, 她生活的全部中心和重心就是她的家庭。父权制的模式将彼时的社会分为公共领域和私人领域, 公共领域是属于男性的, 男性承担起外出挣钱养家的重任;妇女的位置则属于家庭。最终, 妇女将持家教子的观念内在化, 将自身置于管理仆人、教育孩子和休闲活动中, 她们被孤立被排斥在公共领域之外, 禁锢于家庭之中, 以便扮演父权制社会所规定的女儿、妻子和母亲的角色, 安居于男性建立起秩序的家庭。二十世纪女权运动先驱西蒙·波娃曾经指出:“无论她 (妇女) 具有多么非凡的天赋, 她不得不将自己奉献给丈夫, 并且将养育孩子作为她职责和命运的安排。”在小说中, 曼内特医生恢复理智之后, 通过自己的医术赚取生活费用, “曼内特医生在这应诊, 他的科学知识和他进行创新的手术实验时的机警和技巧也给他带来了一定数量的病家。因此他能得到他所需要的收入。” (狄更斯:88) 她的丈夫查尔斯通过做私人教师赚取生活费。由此可见, 露西家庭中的男性承担起了赚钱的任务, 露西则全身心地经营她的家庭, 履行父权制模式赋予她的义务和责任。

如果说露西是“天使”的话, 德伐日太太则是小说中的“妖妇”。作者形容德伐日太太为“母老虎”, 她冷酷无情, “她是绝对没有怜惜之情的, 即使曾有过也早已泯灭了。” (狄更斯:346) 对她而言, 成功判决无辜的查尔斯死刑是远远不够的, 她还要“斩草树根”, 杀掉跟整个事件毫无关联的露西和其女儿也是她的目标。在攻占巴士底狱的过程中, 她扭曲的人性充分地展现了出来, 她不仅杀人, 而且几乎变态地残害尸体。她在老军官死去之后残忍地用刀把他的脑袋割了下来, 之后又把另一具尸体砍作几块。可以说, 德伐日太太是整部书所有角色中最无情最残忍最扭曲的人物。

德伐日太太没有接受传统父权模式赋予她的角色定位, 显而易见的是, 她的形象并不满足父权制模式下的女性标准。她对于家庭中的男性——丈夫——并不顺从, 更甚的是, 她似乎比丈夫更坚定果敢, 在和丈夫的关系中, 是德伐日太太而不是德伐日先生占据了主导地位。在德伐日夸赞妻子勇敢的场景中, “ (他) 微低着头, 双手背在身后, 像个站在教理问答老师面前的小学生似的回答道。” (狄更斯:170) , 这句描写深刻地刻画了她和丈夫之间的关系, 她是领导丈夫的老师, 是家庭的决策者。同时, 她不安于自己的私人领域——家庭, 小说中从未出现过她照顾家庭的话语或是描写。相反, 她却投身于父权制模式下男性的领域——社会, 革命爆发之前, 德伐日太太终日为革命做准备, 编织她想在革命中杀掉的人员名单;革命全面爆发之后, 她展示了前所未有的热情, 热衷于复仇, 享受杀人带来的快感。

露西和德伐日太太的形象截然不同, 但是还是不难找到她们之间的共同点, 即她们都很情感化, 不够理智。父权制模式下, 两性之间的关系呈二元等级对立——男性优于女性, 并由此导致了两极分化的男女性别情感对立, 表现为一系列的子等级二元:智力和美貌、理智和情感、逻辑和直觉、实际和幻想、文化和自然等等, 分别与男性和女性这一基本等级二元对应, 突出强调两性之间的等级差别。从这一系列子等级二元对立不难看出, 在父权思想下, 女性是情感化的产物。小说中, 露西、德伐日太太或是普洛丝小姐均充分地展示了这一点。在遇到令人震惊或者棘手的问题时, 露西小姐缺乏理智, 不能冷静地提出解决问题的建议或是方法。相反, 她的情感占据了上风, 她数次几乎晕倒或是晕倒, 最终问题将由男性英雄们冷静理智地处理掉;德伐日太太在革命过程中表现出的狂热、对杀人变态的热爱和对无辜者的残害正是她过于情感化的表现, 感情和个人的好恶已经冲破了理智的堤坝, 占据了她的大脑;普洛丝小姐的情感化则表现为她性格的不稳定性, 她时而易怒, 脾气仿佛随时会爆发, 时而又容易感伤落泪。在露西晕倒的时候, 她“满面怒容”地冲过去, 冲着别人大叫, “怒气冲冲”地质问罗瑞先生;而露西结婚的时候, 她又表现得异常多愁善感, 罗瑞先生送的礼品盒里的每一件东西都让她流泪不止, 普洛丝小姐自叙:“我哭得眼睛都看不见东西了。” (狄更斯:183)

由此, 我们可以看出狄更斯跟众多十九世纪的男性作家一样, 终究没有摆脱父权制思想的影响, 父权制思想的核心理论男性优于女性的观念在《双城记》中得到了充分的展现。


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《双城记》的人道主义分析 篇3

【关键词】《双城记》 人道主义 狄更斯












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[3]曹友义. 以《双城记》为例探析狄更斯人道主义的多重性[J]. 作家,2010,10:60-61.

双城记英文读后感 篇4

My Opinions About A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens, who was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812.As the second of eight children, Dickens had to go to work at the age of twelve to support his poor family, and he lived a difficult childhood.This troublesome time scarred him deeply and provided him with substantial material for such stories as Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Great Expectations.Though just accepted only little education, Dickens became a famous writer through his struggling self-learning and extremely hard work, and he was the representative writer of realism in the 19th century.Charles Dickens lived in the period of transition between feudalism and capitalism, when the industrial revolution originated in England swept through Europe.As large numbers of workers invaded into urban centers to earn a living, the bourgeois took advantages of the surplus of labor by keeping wages low.The poor thus remained poor, and often lived in a narrow and filthy environment.Dickens’ writing depicted various directions about this society, and provided a keen, sympathetic chronicle of the plight of the urban poor.A Tale of Two Cities mainly about the great atrocities of French aristocrats compelled the poor citizens to resist violently.Doctor Manette spent eighteen years as a prisoner in Bastille because he intended to expose the atrocity after learning that

Marquis Evrémonde killed a beautiful farmwife and her younger brother because of his brother’s lust.After Doctor Manette was free again, his daughter Lucie got married with Charles Darnay, Marquis Evrémonde’s nephew, but chose to live in England because he could not accept the cruel injustices of the French social system and the snobbish and cruel values of his uncle.However, Marquis Evrémonde continued his atrocities.After his crazy carriage crushed over a farmer’s little baby as if nothing happen, he was killed at night.A revolutionary storm was brewing.Mr.and Mrs.Defarge were the revolutionaries in the poor Saint Antoine section of Paris.They wanted to kill all French aristocrats, including Charles Darnay.Mr.Defarge used to be Doctor Manette’s servant, so he was kind to Manettes, while his wife’s heart burned with longing for revenge.At last, Charles Darnay was judged to death, But Sydney Carton, a lawyer who loved Lucie deeply, willing to die instead of Darnay, as they had similar appearance.From my personal point of view, the person A Tale of Two Cities described astounded me very much.Some of them were cruel, crazy and reasonless, while some of them were kind, moral and had own mind.Sydney Carton was the person I thought the most.He was a smart attorney, without his help, Mr.Stryver could not solve any cases.But he was lazy, alcoholic, and cared nothing and nobody, he even could not find any interests in his own life, it seems that he lived just for wasting life.But he loved Lucie deeply.Finally, he

became a hero, because he sacrificed his life to save Darnay.I didn’t know why the author spent so many words to form such a strange guy at frist, he used his life to love Lucie, after all.But now, I caught it.Perhaps the terrible Carton symbolized the terrible old France, and his change in the end shown that everything could change, including the old France, a new and fine society would replace the violence.Then, Charles Darnay.He was worthy of esteem or respect.He displayed great virtue in his rejection of his uncle, Marquis Evrémonde.Money and power meant nothing to him, if they came from exploitation and oppression.Even though he had to inherit his uncle’s bequest, he left them to the poor and lived in London throught his own effort.When he realized that he must go back to Paris to help Gabelle, one of his servants, and make right the wrong his uncle had done, he acted without hesitation because he knew that was his duty.He even refused Carton’s help after he was judged to death.I thought, Charles Darnay was a shiny diamond in that cruel and violent society, and he was a hope, the hope of equality and peace.Third, Mrs.Defarge.How crazy this woman was.Nobody could stop her steps toward revenge, except the death.Although it said that wherever there is oppression, there is resistance, I didn’t agree with Mrs.Defarge totally.Her resistance was inhumane, insensible and endless.For just as the aristocracy’s oppression had made an oppressor Mrs.Defarge herself, so will her oppression, in turn, make oppressors her victims.In the end of the novel, her death by a bullet from her own gun.It shown the

author’s belief that inordinate retaliated lust would destroy one own self.On the whole, A Tale of Two Cities is a successful novel.It shows us oppression and resistance, violence and terror, revolution and vengeance, love and friendship.I am lucky enough to live in the 21st century, when peace and development are pursued all along.Nowadays, there also are many problems and dissensions among this world, but violence does not the best way problems are solved.Violence just creates more problems, something every sensible person knows.What we need are talks and communication.The time A Tale of Two Cities mentions has gone, we should do enough preparation to adapt the coming age.篇二:双城记英文读后感

The report of the A Tale of Two Cities

Recently, I read a tale of two cities.I think that it’s a good novel.First, I want to introduce the author of this book.His name is Charles Dickens, he is an outstanding writer.He is one of the greatest writers in the 19 century.However, he had a painful childhood.He was arrested when he was 10 years old due to household debt.He had only a few years of learning.So, in his early years, his works are more about the painful children.He criticized the black of capitalism and had the sympathy for the poor.Now, let me introduce this novel.The background of this book is the French revolution.Before the revolution, the young doctor.Manette witnessed the guilty of the French marquis.So he was arrested in the Bastille by the marquis.After two years, his wife died.His daughter Lucie was send to London by his friends Lorry and adopted by the Miss Pross who is a maidservant.After 18 years, he was released from the Bastille and was taken care by his old servant Defarge.His daughter wanted to take his father to London.In the travel, she met the son of the marquis Charles Darnay who hated the guilty of his father and uncle.Then they loved each other.And now, Charles Dannay’s father had died, so manette wanted to forget the painful memory and hoped his daughter happy.So he agreed with them.In 1789, France break the revolution.All of the marquises was send to the guillotine.Because the Darnay was a marquis.So the Defarge read the report which was written by the doctor.Then Dannay was sentenced to death.Now Carton who always hidden loved Lucie went to the prison and he pretended Dannay.So Dannay escaped the prison.And carton was killed.However Madame Defarge still not gave up.She wanted to killed Dannay’s wife Lucie and their young child;finally she was burned by the pross.After read this novel, let me know about the French revolution.I think the people who lived in that period were not lucky.The poor were very sad.They were too blindness.And I was moved the carton, he died for his love, and I like him very much.姓名: 张喜华


The Book Report of

A Tale of Two Cities




It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way

Charles Dickens(1812~1870),one of the greatest novelist in England.I have read his A tale of two cities.And this is the beginning of the book.“A Tale of Two Cities”, one of Dickens’ works, is a well-known long story.And it has a great influence on the society at that time.When I saw the title at first, I thought it might tell something about the developing process of two cities, which might be no fun.However, after reading it , I found I had been wrong.It portrays a brutal, bloody and revengeful society as well as love and friendship.It happened before and after the Revolution in France.The ruthless and cruel landowners and noblemen exploited the miserable people who owned nothing, but these poor people worked for others day and night.Noblemen had the power that one word would doubtlessly send others to prison.As time passed by, the noise of the coming-up revolution storm in Paris was growing louder and louder.At last, it was on the fourteenth of July, 1789 that the revolution broke out.“The Bastille and its officers were in the hands of people, and the people wanted revenge and blood.” The true Freedom of France came.“The Guillotine, the new machine of death, cut off the heads of many, many people—not only the powerful and the cruel, but also the beautiful, the innocent, and the good.” Among the good, there was a man called Darney.Even though his father, wife and friends knew he was innocent, the people thought he was the enemy and would go to the Guillotine.In spite of a shadow of fear and hate here and there, we can also see the great and kind persons.I think the greatest person is Mr.Manette who had been a prisoner in the Bastille for eighteen years.What he suffered was difficult to imagine, but he was still kind and loved his daughter.He did his best to save his son-in-law, whose father and uncle were the men that had ever sent him to prison.Another great man is the lawyer, Sydney Carton, a friend of Darney.Before Darney went to Guillotine, Mr.Carton changed places with him and he said, “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done;it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever know.” Besides, the story is full of love, including the love between father and daughter, the love between husband and wife, the love among friends and so on.In short, only if you have love in your heart, the life is meaningful.At the same time, the revenge will run away with you, freedom and happiness will be around you.There is no doubt that Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers

in English.From this book, I see some true lives and moving stories from the old ages.I think you must feel the same as me that we don’t want to live in that condition.To be frank, we all look forward to living in a peaceful and love situation.Though the present life has improved a lot, there are still wars in some places.All that we need is to solve the problems in peaceful ways instead of by force.So let’s work hard together in order to make our life much more meaningful and happier, make our society more harmonious.篇四:A TALE OF TWO CITIES双城记 读后感哦

“A tale of two cities” is one of Dickens’s most important representative works。The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes。The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people’s great strength。

The novel has portrayed many different people。Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually,Lucie is beautiful and gentle,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest,Sydney is semblance of indifferent,innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister…The complex hatred is hard to solve,the cruel revenge has made more hatreds,loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price。

双城记经典句子英文版 篇5

1.It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way―in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of com#parison only.


2.It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.


3.Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


4.To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


5.Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.


6.Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.


7.Don‘t try so hard, the best things com#e when you least expect them to.


8.Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.


9.Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


10.If you love someone, let it be and set him/her free,if he/she com#es back to you,it“s meant to be.


11.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


12.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.


13.The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.


双城记人物分析英文 篇6

The French revolution was a mark of blood in human history. In that chaotic era, full of uncertainty; In such a state of disorder, all human nature is revealed. A tale of two cities by the French revolution as the background, through to race hatred between civilians and conflict, the author want to convey the dickens -- - unable to wash away hatred, blood cannot replace love -- - more aristocratic tyranny to civilians caused pain will not heal, because blood civilians to hatred cannot replace love for lost relatives. In the story, Dr Menet was freed from prison to live with his daughter in London.

Five years later, they testified in court for the French youth, Charles Darnay, who married darnay in love. In 1792, the French revolution broke out and the scene moved to France. Darnay, who had been arrested and sentenced to death for being a descendant of the aristocracy, had been in love with Lucys English youth, Sidney, at the critical moment. Carton took the guillotine for him. Carden is one of the most attractive and complex characters in the book. Decadent, negative, at school, he only writes homework for classmates; After society, even with all the talent, it still chose to work for another lawyer. But beneath his cold exterior, there was a deep tenderness.

双城记人物分析英文 篇7

1 材料和方法

1.1 标本来源

标本来源于既往人群血清学监测的血清, 低温 (-20℃) 冻存;在2005年双城市采集的血清标本中选取166份标本, 其中0~2岁年龄组31人, 3~6岁年龄组26人, 7~14岁年龄组30人, 15~24岁年龄组27人, 25~34岁年龄组28人, 35岁以上年龄组24人;在2002年五常市采集的血清标本中选取139份标本, 其中3~4岁年龄组27人, 5~6岁年龄组27人, 7~8岁年龄组27人, 9~10岁年龄组28人, 成人组30人。

1.2 检测方法

采用乙型脑炎病毒IgG抗体酶联免疫 (ELISA) 检测试剂盒 (订购于上海贝西生物科技有限公司) , 在有效期内, 按照说明书操作使用。

2 结果

2.1 乙脑抗体阳性率

双城市166份血清, 乙脑抗体阳性140份, 乙脑抗体阳性率为84.3% (表1) ;五常市139份血清, 乙脑抗体阳性88份, 乙脑抗体阳性率为63.3% (表2) 。

2.2 不同年龄组人群乙脑抗体阳性率

双城市各年龄组人群乙脑抗体阳性率不同, 25~34岁年龄组抗体阳性率组最高, 为100.0%;其他年龄组的抗体阳性率在69.2%~96.3%之间, 各年龄组抗体阳性率差异有统计学意义 (χ2=20.55, P=0.001) 。五常市各年龄组人群乙脑抗体阳性率不同, 成人组最高为93.3%, 其他年龄组的抗体阳性率在46.4%~70.4%之间, 各年龄组抗体阳性率差异有统计学意义 (χ2=18.71, P=0.001) 。

2.3 不同性别人群乙脑抗体阳性率

双城市男性89人, 抗体阳性率为80.9%;女性77人, 抗体阳性率为88.3%, 男女乙脑抗体阳性率差异无统计学意义 (χ2=1.72, P=0.19) 。五常市男性66人, 抗体阳性率为62.1%;女性73人, 抗体阳性率为64.4%;男女乙脑抗体阳性率差异无统计学意义 (χ2=0.08, P=0.78) (表3) 。

3 讨论

自然人群抗体水平是评价人群免疫状况的一个重要指标, 是免疫规划最常用的指标之一[3]。本次调查结果显示, 在双城市选取的166份血清标本中, 阳性率为84.3%, 25~34岁年龄组抗体阳性率最高, 为100.0%, 3~6岁组抗体阳性率最低为69.2%。在五常市选取的139份血清标本中, 阳性率为63.3%, 成人组最高为93.3%, 9~10岁年龄组抗体阳性率最低为46.4%。从实验结果可以看出, 在我省的健康人群中乙脑抗体的阳性率比较高, 随着年龄的增长, 抗体的阳性率有增长的趋势, 说明目前我省部分地区存在乙脑病毒自然循环的条件, 人群普遍易感, 存在着隐性感染。成人乙脑抗体水平比较高, 主要是由于成人随着年龄的增长, 不断被蚊虫叮咬的机会也增多, 因此通过不断的感染刺激机体而使免疫水平提高[4]。各年龄组阳性率比较, 统计学处理有显著性差异, 在不同的性别之间抗体的阳性率的差异不大。

乙脑属于虫媒病毒性传染病, 携带乙脑病毒的蚊虫叮咬人后引起发病, 其流行强度与气候、地理条件 (蚊密度、气温、降雨量) 及人群暴露等因素有关, 表现出地区性、季节性、周期性及儿童多发等流行病学特征[5]。我省是农业大省, 部分地区以种植水稻为主, 农户家中一般都饲养猪、牛和羊等家畜, 而且居民生活住所与牲畜房以及稻田地紧邻, 这种生活方式增加了居民被蚊虫叮咬的几率。

我省虽然属于乙脑低流行区, 且2007年本省无病例报告, 但是我省的部分地区仍然存在乙脑病毒自然循环的条件, 文献报道从黑龙江省松花江北太阳岛等地采集的蚊虫标本中分离到乙脑病毒, 对我们也起到了一定的预警作用。因此, 开展卫生宣传和健康教育活动, 提高自我防护意识, 采取灭蚊、防蚊措施, 大力开展环境卫生整治运动, 消除蚊子孳生地、降低蚊媒密度, 切断传播途径, 减少人群感染的机会等活动是非常有必要的。另外, 我们还应不断加强疫情的监测工作, 积极开展健康人群抗体水平监测、蚊子带毒状况调查以及对乙脑的病毒宿主猪的感染率监测工作, 为我省的乙型脑炎的预防和控制积累理论数据, 并采取综合措施, 加强防治工作, 切实保护广大群众的身体健康。


[1]王德焕, 徐永庭, 王耀明.传染病监测[M].哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社, 1997.248-259.

[2]王环宇, 付士红, 王俊文, 等.黑龙江省部分地区虫媒病毒调查[J].中华实验和临床病毒学杂志, 2005, 19 (4) :307-311.

[3]刘光中.流行病学及传染病学[M].南京:江苏科技出版社, 1993.135.

[4]沈冰, 丁玎, 徐瑞芳, 等.上海市部分人群流行性乙型脑炎抗体水平的血清学监测[J].中国计划免疫, 2001, 7 (4) :215-217.

从“双城记”到“双城计” 篇8






















那是他们结婚的第三年, 徐楠生了儿子。小家伙给家里带来了无数快乐,却也拖住了徐楠回老家过年的脚步。那已经是12月了。徐楠的母亲知道她生了,从哈尔滨赶过来看她,一进门放下东西,就给徐楠熬了小米粥,还做了一锅小鸡炖蘑菇。






















