英语四级作文经典句型 篇1
1.As far as...is concerned 2.It goes without saying that...3.It can be said with certainty that...4.As the proverb says 5.It has to be noticed that...6.It`s generally recognized that...7.It`s likely that 8.It`s hardly that...It`s hardly too much to say that...What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是 There`s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 Nothing is more important than the fact that...what`s far more important is that...二,衔接句型
A case in point is...As is often the case...As stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述 But the problem is not so simple.Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以„„ But it`s a pity that...For all that...In spite of the fact that...Further, we hold opinion that...However , the difficult lies in...Similarly, we should pay attention to...not(that)...but(that)...不是,而是
In view of the present situation.鉴于目前形势 As has been mentioned above...In this respect, we many as well(say)从这个角度上我们可以说 However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 三,结尾句型
I will conclude by saying...Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...All things considered,总而言之 It may be safely said that...Therefore, in my opinion, it`s more advisable...It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论
From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来„„也许更好 四。万能句型
Let`s take...to illustrate this.试举例以兹证明
eg:let`s take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.It`s remains to be further studied...There`s question is how...so that,so...that...正式的英文写作.切忌不要使用“I”“You”“We”等等主观的称谓!
英语四级作文经典句型 篇2
英语写作是衡量学生综合水平和应用能力的一个重要指标。高考书面表达总体考查学生的语言应用能力, 30分钟内完成一篇120词左右的短文, 分值25分, 占卷面总分的16%, 其分值之大不容小觑。因此, 提高学生的写作水平尤为重要。但是不少学生在写作时总是一筹莫展, 不知如何下手。就算写成文了, 也是问题百出, 尤其在句子方面, 句型结构简单、单一, 没有给分点。本文针对学生在句型运用方面的不足, 提出一些高端、洋气句型的写作技巧, 提高学生的写作水平, 帮助学生在高考英语写作中取得高分, 为日后用英语交际打下良好的基础。
二、运用多样化的句子结构, 彰显语言功力
高考评分标准强调使用语法结构的数量和复杂性, 鼓励考生尽量使用较复杂的句子结构, 并且对由此产生的错误采取了宽容的态度。如果恰当运用倒装句、强调句、非谓语动词等句型, 就可使文章化平淡为生动, 加强语气, 使文章更具吸引力, 让阅卷老师眼前一亮。
1. 倒装句
倒装句式是最简单易行地使句子呈现亮点的方法。在高中阶段只需掌握倒装的四种形式, 足以应对书面表达, 分别是否定词、方位介词或副词、Only+状语、形容词+as/so+主语+系动词位于句首。按照人们的阅读习惯, 最先映入眼帘的是句子开头部分;按照人们的记忆规律, 最先最快记住的也是句子开头的部分。所以, 倒转句可以凸显位于句首的倒转部分, 使意义表达得更强烈, 更有感情色彩。
(1) 否定词
I shall never forget you.
→Never shall I forget you.
I understood little what he said to me at that time.
→Little did I understand what he said to me at that time.
(2) 方位介词或副词
An old man lived there.
→There lived an old man.
A boy sat under the trees.
→Under the tree sat a boy.
(3) Only+状语
Internet Bars be well used by people only in this way.
→Only in this way can Internet Bars be well used by people
(4) 形容词+as/so+主语+系动词
Although it may be, throwing waste about is surely a selfish behavior.
→Convenient as it may be, throwing waste about is surely a selfish behavior.
He worked so hard that he finally won the fame.
→So hard did he work that he finally won the fame.
2. 强调句
“It is/was+被强调的部分+who/that”句型是最常见的强调句式。利用这种句型可以强调除谓语动词外的大多数句子成分, 所强调的可以是单词、短语, 也可以是从句, 但结构必须完整。在助动词前面加“do/did/does”也能表强调, 被强调的是谓语成分。这种句式除了强调句子中的某个成分外, 还能加强语气, 使句子更有渲染力。如:
Internet Bars be well used by people only in this way.
→Itisonlyinthiswaythat Internet Barsbewellusedbypeople.
To sum up, I think quality is more important than quantity.
→To sum up, it is quality rather than quantity that is of greater importance.
Write to me when you get there.
→Do write to me when you get there.
3. 非谓语动词
运用非谓语动词可以增强被描绘内容的生动性和情感性, 使文章读起来更简洁明了, 也能彰显作者的英语语言运用能力。如果句子中含有多个动词, 就可以选择其中一个做谓语, 其他用相应的非谓语动词形式, 能避免啰唆和句型单一, 使句子看起来更高端。“with”复合结构也有这样的功效。阅卷老师看到这类句子时会眼前一亮, 分值会“扶摇直上”。如:
Guo Jing is a man.He is not very clever.He married high IQHuan Rong.Huang is the daughter of the president of TaoHuaDao Group.
→Guo Jing, a not very ingellient man, married a girl with an extremely high IQ named Huang Rong who is the daugher of the president of THD Group.
I covered my ears and tried to keep the noise out.But I failed.
→I covered my ears, trying to keep the noise out, but failed.
I couldn’t go on studying because there was so much noise troubling me.
→I couldn’t go on studying with so much noise troubling me.
4. 从句
可以运用从句的形式, 如定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句, 使句式多样化, 语言更生动, 文章更精美。如:
In recent years, Nanchang has been advancing very fast.It makes people’s lives convenient and pleasant.
→In recent years, Nanchang has been advancing very fast, which makes people’s life convenient and pleasant.
What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet.The In ternet enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like.
→What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet, which enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like.
总之, 高考英语作文时间短, 要求高, 写出高质量的作文, 并非一日之功, 需要学习者平时用心多观察、多模仿、多练习, 才能在写完作文后获得一种“如释重负”的感觉。
摘要:很多高中生对书面表达望而生畏, 问题百出, 尤其在句子方面, 写出的句子结构简单、单一。本文针对学生在句型运用方面的不足, 提出一些多样化、洋气句型的写作技巧, 提高学生的写作水平, 帮助学生在高考英语写作中取得高分。
[1]程静英.英语写作教学分析[J].外语教学与研究, 1994, (2) :12-18.
[2]丁往道, 吴冰.英语写作手册[M].北京:北京外语教学与研究出版社, 1994.
[3]胡美华.大学英语写作教学之不足与可行对策[J].外语界, (1) :24-28.
英语写作经典句型荟萃 篇3
1. it作形式主语。
In fact, it is certain that we would not be able to understand it if we heard it today.
【句型分析】该句子中的第一个it是形式主语,that引导主语从句。当句子的主语由动词不定式、动名词或从句担任,且较长时,可将主语调至句末,而原来主语的位置用it替代。另外,当no good,no use, useless, a waste of等作表语时,用动名词作主语比较符合习惯。当谓语是seem, appear, be said, be reported, be hoped, be believed等时,应该用从句做主语。
(1) 课后经常锻炼身体对我们来说是非常重要的。
(2) 与他争吵是没有用的。
(3) 她撒谎似乎是为了获得这份工作。
2. it作形式宾语
His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.
【句型分析】该句子中的it是形式宾语,possible是宾语补足语,for...by side才是真正的宾语。当动词不定式、动名词、从句作宾语,且后面跟有宾语补足语时,宾语必须要放在宾语补足语之后。当宾语补足语是no good, no use, useless, a waste of等时,宾语用动名词。
(4) 他们觉得在这么短的时间完成工作非常困难。
(5) 我认为又阅读而不理解是没有用的。
(6) 我认为我们队必胜。
Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.
【句型分析】 当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致且从句的谓语含be动词时,从句的主语和be动词可以省略。如果从句的谓语是实义动词的主动形式,该动词则可以改为现在分词的主动形式。
(7) 小的时候,玛丽与奶奶住在一起。
(8) 在北京逗留期间,我拜望了好几位知名教授。
I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.
【句型分析】 what I used to get在该句子中作由as引导的比较状语从句中的主语,其意思相当于the homework that I used to get。what可以引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句等,其意思为“什么”或“……的”。如:
I don’t know what has happened. 我不知道发生了什么事情。
What he says is often not the same as what he does. 他经常表里不一(他所说的经常和他所做的不一样)。
(9) 你需要的东西在教室里。
(10) 我看不清黑板上所写的东西。
We will not give up until we find convincing evidence.
【句型分析】 否定形式的动词与until/till连用表示“直到……(动作)才(开始)”,肯定形式的动词与until/till连用表示“直到……(动作结束)”。
(11) 你不会知道你可以做什么,直到你尝试了。
(12) 他们一直谈到凌晨四点。
After the Norman Conquest, upper class people spoke French while common people spoke English.
【句型分析】 当我们在书面表达中需要对两个句子所表达的内容加以对比时,要用到上句中的while。此处的while表示“而”,可以连接两个句子。
(13) 我喜欢音乐而他喜欢运动。
(14) 有些人浪费食品而有些人不够吃。
Not all ads play tricks on us though.
【句型分析】当all, both, each, always, every及其复合词等与否定词not, never连用时表示部分否定。
(15) 并非我们每个人都为考试做好了准备。
(16) 他并非总是第一个到校。
Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer, but also...
【句型分析】 否定词never, not, hardly, seldom, little, neither, nor, not until, not only, no sooner放在句首时句子要部分倒装。
(17) 以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。
(18) 如果汤姆不去,那么他的妹妹也不去。
He found several important ones. Inside the tombs, he found jewels, gold and the preserved bodies of dead kings.
【句型分析】 inside the tombs在第二个句子中作地点状语。一般来说,地点、时间状语等应该置于句子末尾。但如果为了强调或出于使上下句连接得更加紧密的目的,可以将其调到句首。
(19) 我看到一棵大树。一些年轻人正在树下读书。
(20) 他找到了那所房子。然后他走了进去。
However, police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11 p.m..
【句型分析】该句子原来的形式为:However, police found that Justin in fact returned home on Friday night at about 11 p.m.. 为了加强谓语动词的语气,在该句子谓语动词之前加了助动词did。一般现在时、一般过去时的肯定陈述句和肯定形式的祈使句均可以通过加助动词do, does, did的方法来加强谓语动词的语气。
(21) 她的确经常帮助同学学习英语。
(22) 上课时务必将老师的话记下来。
Follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better in no time at all!
【句型分析】 该句子原来的形式为:If you follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better in no time at all!当if引导肯定形式的条件句,主从句主语均为第二人称,且当主从句谓语动词都表示将要发生的动作时,可以更换为:祈使句+and+陈述句。如果其他条件不变,只是if引导否定形式的条件句时,可以更换为:祈使句+or/or else+陈述句。
(23) 这些单词如果你多读几遍,就可以把它们记住了。
(24) 不要迟到,否则会受到惩罚。
1. It’s important for us to do/that we do some exercise after class regularly.
2. It’s useless/no use arguing with him.
3. It seems/appears that she told a lie in order to get this job.
4. They found it very difficult to finish the work in such a short time.
5. I think it useless/no use reading without understanding.
6. I think it certain that our team will win.
7. When (she was) young, Mary lived with her grandma.
8. While(I was) staying in Beijing, I visited several famous professors.
9. What you need is in the classroom.
10. I can’t see clearly what was written on the blackboard.
11. You never know what you can do until you try.
12. They talked on and on until four o’clock in the morning.
13. I like music while he likes sports.
14. Some people waste food while others have not enough to eat.
15. Not every one of us is ready for the exams.
16. He is not always the first to get to school.
17. Never before have we seen such a sight.
18. If Tom doesn’t go, neither/nor will his sister.
19. I saw a big tree. Under it, some young men were reading.
20. He found that house. Then, he went in.
21. She does often help her classmates with their English.
22. Do write down what the teacher says in class.
23. Read these words more times, and you will keep them in mind.
24. Don’t be late, or (else) you will be punished.
小笼包 Juicy Steamed Buns生煎锅贴 Pot Stickers
素锅贴 Vegetable Pot Stickers春卷 Spring Rolls
糖烤子鱼 Honey Glazed Phoenix Tail Fish红油抄手 Spicy Won Ton
麻辣豆鱼 Spicy Vegetarian Fish酸辣汤 Hot and Sour Soup
黄鱼羹 King Fish Chowder三鲜锅巴汤 Seafood Sizzling Rice Soup
火腿冬瓜汤 Winter Melon aand Ham Soup馄吞汤 Won Ton Soup
西湖牛肉羹 West Lake Chowder鸡丝鱼翅羹 Chicken Shark’s Fin Soup
蟹肉鱼翅羹 Crabmeat Shark’s Fin Soup什锦砂锅 Seafood & Meat Clay Pot
狮子头砂锅 Lion’s Head Clay Pot白菜豆腐砂锅 Cabbage Clay Pot
葱爆牛/羊肉 Scallion Beef or Lamb姜葱牛/羊肉 Ginger Beef or Lamb
蒙古牛/羊肉 Mongolian Beef or Lamb上海粗炒面 Shanghai Chow Mein
六级英语作文经典句型 篇4
1. In general, I don’t aGREe with
2. In my opinion, this point of view doesn’t hold water.
3. the chief reason why… is that…
4.there is no true that…
5. It is not true that…
6. It can be easily denied than…
7. We have no reason to believe that…
8. What is more serious is that…
9. But it is pity that…
10. Besides, we should not neglect that…
11. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore…
12. Others may find this to be true, but I believer that…
13. Perhaps I was question why…
14. there is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to…
15. Though we are in basic aGREement with…,but
16. What seems to be the trouble is…
17. Yet differences will be found, that’s why I feel that…
18. It would be reasonable to take the view that …, but it would be foolish to claim that…
19. there is in fact on reason for us so believe that…
20. What these people fail to consider is that…
21. It is one thing to insist that… , it is quite another to show that …
22. Wonderful as A is , however, it has its own disadvantages too.
23. the advantages of B are much GREater than A.
24. A’s advantage sounds ridiculous when B’s advantages are taken into consideration.
1. It has increased by three times as compared with that of 1998.
2. there is an increase of 20% in total this year.
3. It has been increased by a factor of 4since 1995.
4. It would be expected to increase 5 times.
5. the table shows a three times increase over that of last year.
6. It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996.
7. the total number was lowered by 10%.
8. It rose from 10-15 percent of the total this year.
9. Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent
10. the number is 5 times as much as that of 1995.
11. It has decreased almost two and half times, compared with…
1.Everybody knows that…
2.It can be easily proved that…
3. It is true that…
4. No one can deny that
5. One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is…
6. the chief reason is that…
7. We must recognize that…
8. there is on doubt that…
9. I am of the opinion that…
10. This can be expressed as follows
11. To take …for an example…
12. We have reason to believe that
13. Now that we know that…
14. Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned…
15. the change in …largely results from the fact that
16. there are several causes for this significant growth in…,first …,second …,finally…
17. A number of factors could account for the development in…
18. Perhaps the primary reason is…
19. It is chiefly responsible of…
20. the reasons for…are complicated, And probably they are found in the fact…
21. Here are several possible reasons, excerpt that…
22. Somebody believes/argues/holds/insists/thinks that…
23. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon…
24. Different people observes it in different ways.
1. As the proverb says…
2. It goes without saying tan
3. Generally speaking…
4. It is quite clear than because…
5. It is often said that …
6. Many people often ask such question:“…?”
7. More and more people have come to realize…
8. there is no doubt that…
9. Some people believe that…
10. these days we are often told that, but is this really the case?
11. One GREat man said that…
12. Recently the issue of… has been brought to public attention.
13. In the past several years there has been…
14. Now it is commonly held that… but I doubt whether…
15. Currently there is a widespread concern that
16. Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…
17. there is a general discussion today about the issue of …
18. Faced with…, quite a few people argue that…, but other people conceive differently.
1. from this point of view…
2. in a word…
3. in conclusion…
4. on account of this we can find that…
5. the result is dependent on…
6. therefore, these findings reveal the following information:
7. thus, this is the reason why we must…
8. to sum up …
9. as far as…be concerned, I believe that
10. It is obvious that…
11. there is little doubt that…
12. there is no immediate solution to the problem of …, but …might be helpful
13. None of the solutions is quite satisfactory. The problem should be examined in a new way.
14. It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on…
15. Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclustion that…
1. As it is described that…
2. It has been illustrated that…
3. It provides a good example of…
4. We may cite another instance of…
5. History man provides us with the examples of…
6. A number of further facts may be added
7. the situation is not unique, it is typical of dozens I have heard.
8. A recent investigation indicate that…
9. According to the statistics provided …
10. According to a latest study, it can be predicted…
11. there is no sufficient evidence to show that…
12. All available evidence points to the fact that…
13. Examples given leads me to conclude that…
14. It reveals the unquestionable fact that…
15. the idea may be proved by facts…
16. All the facts suggest that…
17. No one can deny the fact that…
高考英语经典作文开头句型 篇5
2. It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为…… Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……
3. With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……
4. A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为…… 引出不同观点: People’s views on … vary from person to person. Some hold that …. However, others believe that….人们对……的观点因人而异.有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为……
5. People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解. Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.
12月英语六级作文经典句型 篇6
1.more than…can 简直不,无法,难以…
2.beyond description 无法描述
3.There is no point(use) in doing… …是没有任何意义的.
4.The first nut for us to crack is … 我们首先要解决的问题是…
5.short-sighted policy 眼光短浅的政策
6.while ……with one hand, …with the other. 当(我们)一方面…,而另一方面…
7.far from 远离,远远不,非但不
eg. Far from taking exception(take exception:反对), no one is even mildly surprised.
8.(or) vice-versa 反之亦然
9.sth. be measured in terms of … sth.用…来衡量
10.(现象)…, upon which views vary from person to person.
11.A be more essential to B. 对B来说,A是尤为关键重要的.
1.My suggestion to deal with/solve/relieve the problem are as follows. In the first place,…. Secondly,…. Finally,… [常见句型]
2.If we let the situation go as it is, …. By that time, …. 如果让这种情况继续发展下去,那么…… 到那个时候…[比较好的句型]
3.More and more people are realizing the importance of…[进行时态,more and more比many好]
4.Great efforts/More measures/Due attention must be taken/paid to do …[被动语态,due attention 和be paid to 搭配]
5.If……, will there be anything that can make me even happier? 如果(我们怎么怎么做),那将没有比这令我更高兴的了。[条件句,反问句]
6.It is important/necessary/urgent/desirable(希望)/advisable(明智)for sb. to do sth. [It is …for …to do…句型]
7.enhance the awareness of people that…
8.The first nut for us to crack is… 我们首先要解决的是……。[比The first thing we should do is…句型 高级的多,精彩的多,生动的多]
9.sth. be of the utmost importance [ be of n. 结构,比sth. be much important好]
1.(结果), owing to(原因)[owing to 为分词结构]
2.(结果), attributable to(原因)[attributable to为形容词短语]
3.(结果)lie in the fact that(原因)[ 同位语从句 ]
4.(结果)result from(原因)[句型一般]
5.It is precisely because (原因)…that(导致结果)…[强调结构]
6.…, as a result, ...(导致结果)…[as a result做插入语]
7.(原因)be responsible for(结果)[常见句型]
8.(原因), which in turn(结果)
eg.They give rise to unfair competition, which in turn throws original businesses into a commercial panic.
1.(Just) as …, so… 正如… [ 比较句型 ]
eg.Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the most important of gases.
2.in much the same way/manner that… 正如…,和…一样
eg.The Americans spend Christmas Day in much the same way that the Europeans do.
1.now that … 既然…… [让步从句]
eg.Now that the decision has been made, we must try our best to carry it out.
2.unless…not… [ 让步从句]
eg.It is a vicious cycle and unless you consider these social, economic and environmental problems in one context, you are not serious about meeting the challenges.
英语“强调句型”高考命题分析 篇7
强调句型的基本结构为:“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分”。注意: (1) 当被强调部分为人且在句中作主语时, 既可用that, 也可用who, 其他情况只能用that。 (2) 当强调主语时, that后的谓语动词必须与被强调的主语在人称和数上保持一致。
强调句型除不强调谓语以外, 其他成分均可以强调。
1. 强调主语
It was the ability to do the job___ matters not where you come from or what you are. (2002)
A、One B、that C、what D、it
分析:被强调部分the ability to do the job为matters的主语, 故选B。
2. 强调宾语
I finished my homework 3 hours ago.
It was my homework that I finished 3 hours ago.
3. 强调状语
强调句型在强调状语时, 必须注意:
第一, 强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时, 要用that, 不能用when、where、why或者how。例:
It was about 600 years ago___ the first clock with a face and an hour hard was made. (1997)
A、that B、until C、before D、after
第二, 当使用强调句型对状语进行强调时, 有必要将其与下列句型区别开。 (比较下列句子)
It was at 8∶00 o’clock that he arrived in Beijing. (强调句型)
It was 8∶00 o’clock when he arrived in Beijing. (it表示时间)
It is for 3 hours that he has waited for you. (强调句型)
It will be 3 hours before he comes back. (it指时间)
It is 18 years since I joined the army. (it指时间)
It is for 18 years that I have been a soldier. (强调句型)
It was snowing when she arrived. (时间状语从句)
It is true that he was doctor 3 years ago. (强调句型)
4. 对“not…until…”结构的强调, 要用it is/was not until…that…这一句型
(注意:由于主句否定已转移, that之后的句子要用肯定形式) 。答案为C。
5. 当强调句型强调含有定语从句的主语、宾语和状语时, 要确定好强调标志“that”的位置
He spent his childhood at the school which was named after a hero.
It was at the school which was named after a hero that he spent his childhood.
The girl whose mother works abroad is my girlfriend.
It is the girl whose mother works abroad that is my girlfriend.
1. 强调句的一般疑问句形式
Was it during the second world war___ he died? (NME88)
A、that B、which C、in which D、then
分析:此句的强调句型为一般疑问句, 所以选A。
2. 强调句的特殊疑问句形式
如:Who___ helped you work out the physics problem?
A、was it B、it was who C、was it that D、it was
分析:此句为强调句型的特殊疑问句, 故选C。
Where was it that she found the lost bicycle?
When was it that she gratuated from Beijing university?
注:强调句的特殊疑问句结构为:疑问句+is/was it that…?
盘点高考英语作文经典提分句型 篇8
衔接句型 A case in point is ... As is often the case... As stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述 But the problem is not so simple. Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以 But it s a pity that... Fo
A case in point is ...
As is often the case...
As stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述
But the problem is not so simple. Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以……
But it’s a pity that...
For all that...In spite of the fact that...
Further, we hold opinion that...
However , the difficulty lies in...
Similarly, we should pay attention to...
In view of the present station.鉴于目前形势
As has been mentioned above...
In this respect, we may as well (say)从这个角度上我们可以说
高考英语写作经典句型 篇9
1) 主语从句
It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.
It is well-known that…
It is self-evident/ conceivable / obvious / apparent that…
It goes without saying that…
It is universally acknowledged that…
It is / that
We cannot understand why he was so cruel to his roommates.
The problem is not who will go, but who will stay.
As is shown/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ depicted/ described…in the cartoon/ picture/ graph/ table…,
There are many reasons why I want to study in your university.
It is estimated that tens of billions of pounds is spent on cigarettes every year in our country, which is a huge waste.
When the man is enjoying the cigarette, the smoke becomes a monster (怪物) which will devour him.
Whatever the reason, there are still some problems with student use of computers.
Prof. Kang came to our university, giving us a lecture on how to acquire English better.
Only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.
Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.
Some measures should be taken to deal with the problem.
He is said to have accomplished a lot of great deeds.
Many people believe that…(It is believed that…
Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?
1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.
3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...
4.It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that...
5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.
6.Like anything else, it has its faults.
7.A and B has several points in common.
8.A bears some resemblances to B.
9.However, the same is not applicable to B.
10. A and B differ in several ways.
11. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.
12. People used to think ..., but things are different now.
13. The same is true of B.
14. Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks.
15. It is true that A ... , but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ...
1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.
A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem).
2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.
3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...
4. The factors that contribute to this situation include...
5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...
6. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...
7. Part of the explanations for it is that ...
8. One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...
9. Another contributing factor (cause ) is ...
10. Perhaps the primary factor is that ...
11. But the fundamental cause is that ...
1. It may give rise to a host of problems.