2024小升初英语模拟试题 篇1
1. We heard the girl _____ over there just now.
A. sings B. singing C. to sing D. sang
2. Help _____ to some bananas, children.
A. you B. yourself C. yours D. yourselves
3. The doctors are trying their best to save the _____ boy.
A. dead B. dying C. died D. diing
4. ---How many times _____you ______to Xi‘an this year?
---Three times.
A. have; been
B. had; been
C. have; gone
D. had; gone
5. He likes to play _______the guitar ______the piano.
A.not; or
B.not only; but also
C.both; or
D.either; and
surprise woman amaze danger allow read difficult sandwich wait fall
1. One of my ___________ was eaten by a dog yesterday.
2. Don’t touch the machine. It‘s ________________ .
3. Hurry up, don’t keep your friends _____________ for you.
4. The ball struck him so hard that he nearly ____________ into the water.
5. Tom was very _____________ when he heard the news.
6. I enjoy ______________ Shakespeare‘s plays.
7. March 8th is _____________ Day. I will buy something nice for my mother.
8. The new aircraft was able to fly over the endless plains without any ______________ .
9. He has an ______________ talent (天赋) for music.
10. Mr. Gilbert asked the doctor when he would ________________ to leave the hospital and go home.
1.B 解析:感官动词用法,hear sb doing强调的是正在进行的状态,句末有Just now 可以看出本句要强调的是我们听到那个女孩正在唱歌。
2.D 解析:help oneself to sth表示汉语中自便的意思,经常在招呼客人的时候用,是固定用法,注意后面提到children,应该用复数yourselves。
3.B 解析:dying是形容词,意思是将死的`,奄奄一息的。
4.A 解析:本题考查两点,1,句末有this year不需要用过去时态,BD排除。2,has been to和has gone to的区别。Has been to表示去过了,现在也回来了。Has gone to表示已经去了,说话的时候还没回来。
5.B 解析:本题中只有B是正确的搭配。
1.sandwiches 解析:sandwich是可数名词
2.dangerous 解析:danger的形容词,意思是:危险地
3.waiting 解析:用法与题一中的感官动词类似
4.fell 解析:从前文中的struck推断出应该用过去时态。
5.surprised 解析:注意surprised 跟surprising的区别
6.reading 解析:enjoy doing
7.Women’s 解析:表示妇女节,固定用法
9.amazing 解析:注意amazing 跟amazed 的区别
10.be allowed 解析:Mr. Gilbert应该是被允许离开医院,用被动态。情态动词后用动词原形,所以用be allowed.
2024小升初英语模拟试题 篇2
1. 教学任务不同
小学阶段, 英语学习主要以简单的词汇以及日常对话为主, 侧重于听、说, 教学目标是让学生初步掌握一些常见的词汇和句型, 并能够进行简单的模仿练习, 对学生的英语能力要求不高。同时, 小学英语教材的趣味性较强, 教学内容紧扣学生的兴趣点, 如, 小学教师通常会通过教学生唱“Weather song”这首歌, 帮助他们掌握“sunny, cloudy, windy, foggy”等表示天气的单词。因此, 学生学习英语的积极性与主动性较强。此外, 小学英语课程相对比较简单, 这就给教师提供了较为宽裕的时间, 帮助学生巩固某一知识点, 使学生的英语学习更加轻松。
2. 教学内容不同
进入初中以后, 英语教材的内容发生了巨大的变化, 对词汇量的要求大大提高了, 语法教学变得更加复杂, 教材中阅读材料的篇幅也明显加长了, 而且, 阅读材料的趣味性降低, 导致学生学习英语的兴趣减弱。
另外, 初中阶段英语的教学任务相对较重, 对学生听、说、读、写的能力都提出了更高的要求, 而且教学内容比较繁杂, 这往往导致学生进入初中后, 在英语学习中, 出现了种种不适应的现象, 使得英语学习效率降低, 英语水平参差不齐。
3. 测评内容不同
进入初中以后, 英语的测评内容也相应地发生了改变。小学阶段的英语测评方式为“现学现考”, 且测评的内容较为简单, 教师会针对这些考点, 指导学生反复训练。因此, 学生轻轻松松就能获得较为理想的成绩。进入初中以后, 测评的范围不断拓展, 测评时, 虽然仍以教材内容为基础, 但对词汇量的要求大大提高了, 生词的出现频率较高, 阅读材料涉及的话题也更加广泛。同时, 在英语教学中, 多数学校为了实现与中考接轨, 在初一年级就引入中考题型, 因此, 学生要想取得较好的成绩, 必须在全面掌握教材知识的基础上, 积累大量的课外知识, 并有效地整合这些知识, 力求能够灵活运用。然而, 这对刚进入初中的学生而言, 无疑是一项巨大的挑战。
基于以上分析, 不难看出, 小学与初中英语的教学任务、教学内容和测评内容等方面存在较大的差异, 这是造成小升初英语教学脱节的重要原因。因此, 教师应根据学生的具体学情和心理特点, 采取有效措施, 在小学和初中英语之间搭建一级阶梯, 帮助学生顺利实现小升初的过渡教学。
1. 顾及各个层次的学生, 激发学生的学习兴趣
美国著名心理学家鲁纳说:“最好的学习动力是对所学的材料有兴趣。”可见, 兴趣是最好的老师。在教学中, 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣, 相当于为学生提供了一把打开学习殿堂之门的钥匙, 这种兴趣越浓厚, 学生对英语学习的欲望也就越强烈。然而, 笔者做过一些问卷调查:有的学生反映初中老师上课呆板, 课堂成为语法教学课, 不够生动活泼, 缺乏课内活动, 比如, 对话、表演等。究其原因, 是因为在小学阶段的英语课堂上, 教师往往采用寓教于乐的教学方式, 带领他们在玩中学, 在轻松的课堂气氛中, 在你一言, 我一语的对话交流中, 学会英语。那么, 初中英语课堂真的就那么呆板无趣吗?其实不然, 我们不妨在设计教学活动时, 大胆地做一些改进, 提高学习活动的趣味性。以新人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit7 It’s raining!为例, 从标题可以看出, 本单元与天气相关, 因此, 教师在教授词汇时, 可以用直观形象的图片展示各种天气情况, 具体方式如下:
T:Here I have some pictures for you, can you use some adjectives to describe the pictures.
因为学生在小学阶段就学过一些表示天气的单词, 因此, 他们不难说出以下词汇:sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy等。以词汇为基础, 我们可以对句型进行延伸, 让学生根据当天的天气情况, 回答以下问题。
T:What’s the weather like today?
S:It’s cloudy/windy.
当学生进一步熟悉该句型后, 教师可以设置以下教学活动:
T:Now you are a host/hostess from CCTV, please give us a weather report with the given picture.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!Here is the weather forecast!Today is Wednesday.
Beijing is sunny.Boston is raining.Moscow is snowing.And it is cold.Shanghai is cloudy...
2. 给学生传授正确的学习方法, 培养良好的学习习惯
浓厚的兴趣加上有效的方法, 无疑会使学生学得更加轻松愉快。在日常学习中, 教师应注重引导学生养成良好的学习习惯, 掌握正确的学习方法, 帮助他们在英语学习中不断获得成就感, 体验成功的乐趣。
(1) 帮助学生养成及时订正的习惯
升入初中后, 很多学生没有养成良好的订正习惯。面对单词听写本、家庭作业本上的红叉, 他们常常视而不见。这样一来, 原来会做的题目, 现在依然懂, 原来出错的题目, 现在依然不懂, 练习就形同虚设, 效果差强人意。所以, 初一学生一进校, 笔者就对他们提出要求, 无论任何作业, 都必须订正。这样一来, 不仅有助于学生及时发现错误, 而且能够帮助他们加深对所学知识的印象。笔者还让学生每人准备一本错题本, 记录单元检测中的错题及错因, 以备随时浏览, 反复巩固, 尽量避免多次犯同样的错误。
(2) 帮助学生养成认真做笔记的习惯
十八世纪著名作家塞缪尔·约翰逊称做笔记为“必要的痛苦”。因为笔记是一种永久性的、系统性的记录, 对于复习已学过的知识非常重要。做笔记的过程就是对信息进行筛选、浓缩的过程, 有利于锻炼思维、提高学生捕捉重要信息的能力, 提高他们浓缩信息并进行加工的能力。要做好笔记, 学生必须抛开与听课无关的杂念, 全神贯注, 与教师的思维进度保持一致。做笔记时, 要着重记录课堂教学的重点、难点、疑点和新观点, 但不必逐字逐句地记录教师的原话, 可自己组织语言, 用关键词和线索性语句, 提纲挈领地记录。做完笔记后, 学生可以在四人小组内交换阅读, 按数量和准确度评分, 评价课堂笔记的质量。
(3) 培养学生背诵的习惯
背诵是英语学习中非常重要的环节, 一个连单词、句型和课文都背不熟的学生, 很难想象如何能学好英语。我们要坚持培养学生背诵的习惯, 教师可根据课堂学习的内容, 选择恰当的背诵素材, 可以是单词、句子, 也可以是对话、短文。在这个过程中, 我们要加强方法上的指导, 如, 教师可以引导学生利用图片和思维导图辅助记忆, 以新人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit 5 Section B 2b为例, 对初一的学生来说, 如果教师要求全文背诵, 这无疑会增加学生学习的困难, 挫伤他们的积极性。鉴于这种情况, 为了降低背诵的难度, 提高学生背诵的兴趣, 我们可以借助图片, 用看图说话的方式引导学生复述课文内容, 具体操作如下:
此外, 对于已经背诵过的内容, 教师要提醒学生经常复习, 不断强化, 最好能达到脱口而出的程度。
(4) 培养学生利用零散的时间学习英语的习惯
利用零散的时间学习英语比利用整段时间, 比如, 一节课, 几个小时学习英语的效果好得多。尤其是记忆单词。短时间内记忆的单词遗忘率高。而靠平时积累的单词在大脑中的印象会更深。笔者让学生准备一本可以随身携带的小本子。每天抄几个单词, 课间、上学路上、睡觉前, 都可以背一遍。因为单词少, 花的时间只有几分钟, 既不会觉得疲惫, 又不会产生厌倦感, 但是, 却可以收到事半功倍的效果。
3. 改进教学方法, 实现师生间的良性互动和情感交流
在小学阶段, 大多采用直观法开展英语教学活动, 引导学生在感知语言材料的过程中, 完成学习任务。进入初中以后, 英语的学习, 既包括对语言材料的感知, 又要求学生能够运用理性思维, 完成英语的学习任务。因此, 在初中英语教学活动中, 教师要充分发挥自身的主导作用, 重视学生的主体地位, 改变单向传输语言知识的教学方式, 充分调动学生的积极性, 加强与学生之间的互动与情感交流, 让学生积极参与到英语的学习过程中, 并充分发挥其能动性, 运用理性思维, 从多角度出发进行英语学习。教师不但要讲解语言知识点, 而且还要利用文本内容, 培养学生的思维能力和质疑精神。
此外, 我们不可否认, 情感在教学中具有举足轻重的作用, 所谓“亲其师, 信其道”。小学生对教师的依赖性较强, 因此, 进入初中后, 教师要承载学生情感的寄托。在刚入学时, 教师应该坦诚地和学生交流, 谈自己的兴趣爱好、教学方法及教学要求, 真诚耐心地对待学生, 创造轻松的课堂学习氛围, 用爱心感化学生, 激发学生的学习热情。
4. 采取恰当的评价方式, 保持学生的学习动力和信心
针对初一学生, 英语教学评价要适当照顾学生的学习习惯和适应过程, 英语考试和检测既不能太简单, 又不能太难, 要努力做到难易适中, 既要能够帮助学生回顾小学阶段所学知识, 保持学习的动力与信心, 又要兼顾当前所学的新知识, 让学生能够在原有基础上, 掌握新知识, 体验学习的成就感, 进而增强学习的积极性。科学、适度的检测, 有助于教师充分了解学生的学习状况, 为下一步的教学提供真实、客观的依据, 以便教师不断修改、调整教学计划, 提高教学的针对性和教学效率。适度的考试检测, 能让学生及时发现自己的不足, 正确认识自己存在的问题, 科学地调整学习计划, 改正不足。初一英语的检测考试, 既要注重基础知识的考查, 又要着眼于能力的培养, 还要同时兼顾小学和初中阶段的知识, 做到知识与能力并重。
另外, 教学评价要转变唯分数观, 采取多元评价的方式。对于基础较差的学生, 教师应多给予一些有感染力的、积极的、甚至是夸张的评价, 让孩子们感受到教师对他们的关注, 体验成功的喜悦, 减少焦虑情绪。对于基础较好的学生, 教师应根据他们已有的学习基础, 设计针对性较强的教学方案, 教学评价要做到褒贬相济。
地狱级小升初模拟卷曝光 篇3
2024小升初英语模拟试题 篇4
1.---What _____your mum______last night?
---She was doing some housework.A.did;doB.does;doC.was;doingD.were;doing
2.The children were_____ and____in the garden yesterday afternoo n.A.singing;dancedB.sang;danced
3.That white rabbit was_______ in a tree and it was _______.A.sitting;smilingB.sat;smiled
4.He likes to play _______the guitar ______the piano.A.not;orB.not only;but also C.both;or D.either;and
5.Mr Green has never been to Japan, _______?
A.hasn’ t heB.doesn’t heC.have theyD.has he
6.This piece of music is _______popular than that old one.A.much moreB.muchC.a littleD.many more
7.Xian Xinghai is_______ the song The Yellow River.A.proud forB.famous ofC.famous forD.famous at
8.--How long have you _______the dictionary?
--For two years.A.buyB.boughtC.hadD.keep
9.--_______may I keep this book?
--For two weeks.A.How oftenB.How soon C.How longD.How far
10.--Have you reached the moon__________?
A.I’ve never heard it.B.It’s my favourite book.C.These two books are famous novels all over the world.D.Is it by Mark Twain?
E.What kind of book do your parents like?
F.When did you buy it?
G.Is it a lovely day?
W: Hi, Jack.Have you ever read the story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?
M: Yes.____1____ I have read it several times.What about you? Do you like it, Jenny?
W: No, I don’t like it.I like the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.M: ____2_____
W: Yes, it is.M: ___3______
W: My mother likes Jane Eyre.And my father likes Romeo and Juliet.M: ___4_____
W: Yeah.As for my brother, he likes Treasure Island。
M: Sorry._____5_____
1.C 解析:本题应该根据答句反推出答案,问句中使用了过去完成时,答句应该也用过去完成时。
2.C 解析:本题为过去进行时,两个都用想在分词,选择C。
3.A 解析:注意sit的现在分词应该是双写辅音加-ing的。
4.B 解析:本题中只有B是正确的连词
5.D 解析:本题中has是助动词,变反义疑问句时助词直接用has,由于前面有否定词never根据前否后肯,应该是has he.6.A 解析:popular的比较级应该是more popular,同时,能修饰比较级的有much, a little, far等
7.C 解析:be famous for因—而出名
8.C 解析:How long表示多长时间,后面动词应该用延续性动词,所以用C而不用bought.9.C 解析:how long表示时间长度,how often表频率,how soon表示多快,how long表示多长时间,how far表示多远。
10.A 解析:already常用于肯定句中,yet可用于否定句和疑问句中。
小升初英语模拟试题及答案 篇5
1. pleasure 2. Wednesday 3. breakfast 4 .everyday 5. February
1. like 2. from 3. for 4. on 5. in front of 6. at 7. at 8. at 9. for 10. to
1. swimmer 2. longer 3. better 4. His 5. Thanks
6. ninth 7. had 8. sitting 9. more carefully 10. read
1. What does John do at school every day?
2. Lingling is getting up now.
3. I don’t like the small apple.
4. Which man is Mr White?
5. What time did you go to school?
6. What’s the weather like in Shanghai?
7. How often do you read English?
8. How can Mr Black speak Chinese?
A: T F F T F
B: 1. A piece of meat. 2. Breakfast. 3. No, she doesn’t
4. Because she wants to sing a song for the fox. 5. The fox.
小升初英语试题精选 篇6
( )1. A. what B. where C. when
( )2. A. train B. subway C. plane
( )3. A. get to B. go to C. go home
( )4. A. newspaper B. magazine C. dictionary
( )5. A. this morning B. this afternoon C. this evening
( ) 6. A. stop B. story C. store
( ) 7. A. north B. south C. mouth
( ) 8.A. Traffic light B. Traffic rules C. Traffic lights
( ) 9.A. hospital B. post office C. library
( )10.A.
( )1. A. I’m going to buy a book. B. I go to school on foot.
( )2. A. By bus. B. No, I don’t.
( )3. A. It’s near the hospital. B. This afternoon.
( )4. A. Yes, here they are. B. Yes, it is.
( ) 5. A. It’s east of the cinema. B. On foot.
三、听录音, 给下列句子排序。(10分)
( )1. There are always three lights.
( )2. Alice goes to school on foot.
( )3. Red light means “Stop”.
( )4. How do you go to work every day?
( )5. Where is my ruler?
A: What are you going to do school?
B: I want to ______a book . ___ ___ is the bookstore?
A: It’s ____ __ _ the shoe store.
B: How can I _______ to the shoe store?
A: You can go by the No. 15 bus. Get off at the cinema. Then walk _______ for _ minutes.
The shoe store is on the ______.
1. subway, train 2. post office, library
3. look, take 4. north, south
5. magazine, dictionary
( )1. Where are you going ? A. You are welcome.
( )2. Thank you very much. B. By bus.
( )3. What are you going to buy? C. I’m going to the library.
( )4. How can I get to the hospital? D. Yes, they can
( )5. Can they climb trees? E. I’m going to buy a magazine.
( ) 1. Stop ____ a red light.
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 2. I _____ go to school by bike. But sometimes I go by bus.
A. sometimes B. usually C. today
( ) 3. I go to the park ____ foot.
A. by B. on C. in
( ) 4. Is it far ____ here?
A. in B. on C. from
( ) 5. Walk straight ____ three minutes.
A. for B. on C. in
( ) 6. The park is in front our school.
A. on B. of C. to
( ) 7. I’m going to the supermarket my sister.
A. of B. with C. and
( ) 8. ― are you going?
―This afternoon.
A. How B. What C. When
( ) 9. ―What are you going to ?
―A comic book..
A. buy B. do C. be
( ) 10. ―What are you going to be when you grow up?
― .
A. I’m a teacher. B. I’m a writer.
C. I’m going to be a doctor.
1、 do, to, park, how, the, you, go (?)(连词成句)
2、It’s not far. (同义句)
3、The bank is next to the hospital. (对划线部分提问)
the bank?
4、What are you going to do on the weekend? (根据实际情况回答问题)
5、Do you go to school by bus? (作否定回答)
Hello! My name is Mike. I am an American boy. I’m 12 years old. I study in Youyi School in Beijing. My home is near. I usually go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bus. My father and my mother are teachers. They work in a middle school. It’s very far. They go to work by subway. They work very hard. I love them. My grandparents are in the USA. We visit them by plane every year.
( )1. How old is Mike?
A. He is eleven. B. He is twelve. C. He is ten.
( )2. Is Mike an English boy?
A. Yes, he is. B. I don’t know. C. No, he isn’t
( )3. How does he usually go to school?
A. He usually goes to school on foot.. B. He usually goes to school by bus.
C. He usually goes to school by car.
( )4. Do his parents go to work by bus?
A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.. C. Yes, he does.
( )5. How do they go to America? X k b 1 . c o m
A. They go to America by plane. B. They go to America by subway.
C. They go to America by train.
Everyone in Mr Brown’s family is busy this weekend. Mr Brown is going to the bank in the morning. Mrs Brown is going to buy some food. Their daughter, Ann is going to finish her homework. Ann’s brother, Tom is going to play computer games. And then, they’re going to visit Ann and Tom’s grandparents in the afternoon. They’re going to go by subway because the Brown’s house is far from theirs.
1. Is Mr Brown busy on the weekend?
2. What’s Mrs Brown going to do?
3. Is Tom going to play football?
4. What are they going to do in the afternoon?
5. How are they going to visit Ann’s grandparents?
以“My busy weekend”为题写一篇小文章。
My busy weekend
I’m going to have a busy weekend.
一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容(两遍)(10分)
1、where 2、plane 3、get to 4、newspaper 5、this afternoon
6、stop 7、south 8、Traffic rules 9、hospital 10、Turn right
1、What are you going to do this afternoon?
2、How do you go to the zoo?
3、When are you going to the cinema?
4、Is it far from here?
5、Where is the hospital?
三、听录音, 给下列句子排序。(两遍)(10分)
1. Alice goes to school on foot.
2. Where is my ruler?
3. Red light means “Stop”.
4. There are always three lights.
5. How do you go to work every day?
四、听录音,完成句子。(三遍) (10分)
A: What are you going to do after school?
B: I want to _buy_ a book . _Where_ is the bookstore?
A: It’s _next_ _to_ the shoe store.
B: How can I _get_ to the shoe store?
A: You can go by the No. 15 bus. Get off at the cinema. Then walk _straight_ for _ 5 minutes.
英语小升初考试试题 篇7
1 ( )A cold B dog C hot D not
2 ( ) A food B balloon C look D room
3 ( ) A walk B fall C ball D wake
4 ( ) A cent B enjoy C mess D every
5 ( ) A lunch B chalk C Chemistry D March
6 ( ) A ride B milk C smile D nice
7 ( ) A read B bread C meat D tea
8 ( ) A map B have Csame D cap
9 ( ) A says B play C day D today
10 ( ) A left B letter C be D mess
1. buy( 过去式) 2.swim( 现在分词) 3.children(单数) 4.hour (同音词) 5.fly(过去式) 6.noisy(名词) 7.am/is(过去式) 8.son(同音词) 9.we (宾格) 10.America(形容词)
1.middle school 2.make a mistake 3.all over the world 4.ride a bike 5.fly away 6.举行野餐
7.小心 8.棒球帽 9.说汉语
1 It’s easy ( ) make mistakes with English . A for B in C to
2 Lots of children( ) English now.
A learn B are learning C learning
3 They are playing football, ( ) it’s raining. A But B And C Or
4 He’s going to go to school( ) bus.. A by B in C on
5 Yang Liwei went in a spaceship( ) made a video..
A so B and C but
6 We are going to ( ) Geography.
A studied Bstudy C to study
7 ( ) the matter?
A Who’s BWhat’s C Where’s
8 My parents often tell me( ) your family..
A for Babout C from
9 ( ) was he born?He was born in China
A Where B When C What
10 There is a letter( ) you。A for Bwith C to
11 This cap ( ) good. A look B looks C looking
12 Why are you( ) ?.A laugh Blaughing C to laugh
13 Piease take the cake out( ) three thirty.. A on B in C at 14 I hope you are( ) a good time. A have Bhaving C has
15 His grandma live to( )90. A is Bwas C be
16 Can I help you? .. .
A .I’m ill B.I lost my dog C. I want a hot dog.
17( ) is it?It’s 5 yuan. . A How many Bhow much C How old
18 My uncle can ( ) Chinese. . A speak B say C tell
19 He ‘s starting to cross,( ) a car is coming..
A and Bbut C or
20( )are you wearing a coat? Because it’s going to rain., . A. Why B. What C . How
1 She was born in .(划线提问)
2 The shoes are under the bed。.(划线提问)
3 They played basketball last week.(划线提问)
4 The coat is 25 yuan.(划线提问)
5 I am going to study English. (划线提问)
6 He bought a book for his father.(一般疑问句)
7 That is a tree。(变为复数句)
8 snow,is going to, in Shenyang,it (连词成句)
9 I can give her my pencil.(同意句)
10 She wrote a book about herself.(变成否定句)
1 ( )What do you want to drink? A Thank you.
2 ( )What is the weather like today? B A cola,please
3 ( )What is the time ? C Yes,he can.
4 ( )What dis the matter? D I had a cold.
5 ( )Why are you wearing a raincoat? E It’s twelve.
6 ( )What are yougoingto study?v F Sorry ,I can’t
7 ( )Who can help me? G It’s three yuan.
8 ( )How much is it? H I’m going to study English
9 ( )Enjoy your meal I It’s cloud.
10( )Can he speak English? J Because it’s going to snow.
1 My mother (not do)houseworkyesterday.
2 She watches TV every evening.But she (not watch)TV last night.
3 your father (go)to work every day last year?
4 What time you (get)to Beijing yesterday?
5 What (make)himcry just now?
Daming is having a birthday.Simon is making a birthday card for him.Simon’s mother is buying things for Daming.Daming is playing the trumpet.Amy isplaying the flute,andSam is playing the drums.He is having a great birthday.
)Who is having a birthday party? A Simon B Daming C Amy ( )What is Simon doing? A Making a card B Playing the trumpet C Playing the flute
)Who is Simon’s mother buying things for?
A Simon B Daming C Amy
小升初英语练习试题及答案 篇8
1. Walk ________ the bridge, then turn fight at the second crossing.
A. cross B. across C. crossing D. and across
2. They do eye exercises twice a day, so ________ of them ________ glasses.
A. few; put on B. few; wear
C. a few; put on D. a few; wear
3. Tom tried to make his parents ________ by making faces.
A. pleased B. pleasing C. please D. to please
4. ________ vegetables will keep you ________.
A. Eating; healthy B. Eating; health
C. To eat; health D. Eat; healthy
5. Our teacher has given us some good ________ English learning. It’s very useful.
A. advice to B. advices to C. advice on D. advices on
Many people of my generation say that there is no hope for the future because of the way that young people behave today.
Their first argument is that when we were 1 we used to look after the older people in our community and help them. They also say that young people today don’t care about anything or anyone. 2 , I think the reason why we looked after older people was that we had no 3 . People had to live with their parents and grandparents because they had no money. Young people today earn more and have more freedom to live where they want. 4 this, I think that they are still interested in older people. For example, young people often 5 to help me when I get on and off the bus with heavy shopping.
Their second argument is that in our day we didn’t expect to be given jobs ― and that young people now don’t look for jobs, but just complain about unemployment. On the other hand, things were easier in the past and it was always easy to get a job if you had friends and contacts. It is really harder today. Young people complain about unemployment and I think they have 6 reason to complain.
In conclusion I think there is 7 for the future. This generation, like generations before them, has new 8 as well as old problems. If they learn from our mistakes the world will be a better place in future.
( ) 1. A. ignorant B. young C. childish D. innocent
( ) 2. A. Moreover B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. However
( ) 3. A. trouble B. concept C. choice D. method
( ) 4. A. In addition to B. In spite of C. Due to D. As for
( ) 5. A. offer B. hesitate C. refuse D. mean
( ) 6. A. every B. no C. this D. another
( ) 7. A. possibility B. feasibility C. hope D. result
( ) 8. A. events B. questions C. hobbies D. opportunities
1.作为‘横穿,越过’的意思时,A. cross是动词 B. across 是副词,修饰动词。这个题主要选择修饰动词Walk 的词就可以,选B. across。
因为A. cross动词,两个动词不能紧挨 C. crossing动名词 D. and across要去掉and.
第二个空,戴眼镜用的是wear ,所以答案为B. few; wear。
3.这是make的一个用法,句型是make sb. +adj.,译为使某人怎么样,例如,
make me happy ,让我高兴;make her popular 使她很受欢迎等。所以这题要选个形容词,
在AB中选,注意A. pleased意思是(人)高兴的,修饰人 B. pleasing (物)令人高兴,修饰物。所
以答案定为A. pleased。
4.第二空:让你保持健康,词组为keep you healthy,从AD中选择,
eat ,动词,不能直接作主语,要变换为相应形式,如动名词才能做主语,选A. Eating; healthy
5.advice 不可数名词,不可以加s,排除B. advices to D. advices on,
选C. advice on,这个介词on这里的意思是“关于”。
1.要注意这里的we ,指的是与作者年龄相当的人。选B. young。意思为当我们年轻时我们时常照顾老
2.前一句 They also say that young people today don’t care about anything or anyone.这是别人的说法,
但是作者认为the reason why we looked after older people was・・・・・・,所以这里是个转折关系,选D. However。
3. ・・・・・・we had no choice ,本题选C. choice。固定搭配,have no choice ---别无选择。
A. In addition to除・・外B. In spite of尽管 C. Due to 由于 D. As for 至于
从上下文语意选择,选B. In spite of尽管。
5.作者上句说,现在年轻人还是关心老人的.,比如说,看到老人提重东西上下公交车时,会提供帮助的。答案很明显就是 A. offer 提供。
6.作者整篇文章都是以理解的态度来为年轻人说话,所以这里提到 Young people complain about
unemployment 时,作者认为他们是有理由抱怨的,所以选A. every
,选C. hope 。
8.年轻一代既有新的机会也有老问题,选D. opportunities
六年级小升初英语复习试题 篇9
一、听录音,判断图片与录音内容是(√)否(× )相符。(5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. Yes, we did. B. No, we did. C. No, we don’t.
( ) 2. A. She has a cold. B. I had a fever. C. He hurts his leg.
( ) 3. A. Today is sunny. B. Today is happy. C. Today is Sunday.
( ) 4. A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. Last weekend.
( ) 5. A. I am sad. B. I am happy. C. I am bored.
1. He is my classmate. He is very ______________.
2. I went ___________ with my friends yesterday.
3.Her father is an ________.
4. I am going to have a ________ class tomorrow.
5. Sarah usually___________ clothes after dinner.
四、听读短文,判断下列句子正(√ )误(× )。(10分)
( ) 1. Sarah is 15 years old.
( ) 2. Sarah is 2 years older than Betty.
( ) 3. There are 3 girls in Sarah’s family.
( ) 4.There are 5 people a in Sarah’s family.
( ) 5. Sarah’s mother is a nurse.
( )1、How _____ he go to the park ?
A. is B. does C. do
( )2、 Frist,____ the seeds in the soil.
A.go B. put C. get
( )3、Who_____a birthday in November?
A. have B. has C. is
( )4、December is the ______month in a year.
A. eleven B. twelve C. twelfth
( )5、Walk straight _______ 3 minutes.
A. for B. at C. with
( )6、Where does the ____come from ? It comes from the clouds.
A. rain B. sun C. cloud
( )7、What _____ she like to do?
A. do B. does C. is
( )8、Chen Jie likes ____ a bike.
A. ride B. riding C. rides
( )9、Amy is a teacher, she _____ English.
A. teach B. teaches C. teacher
( )10、An actor is usually a _____.
A. man B. woman C. police
1、left ,Beijing,February,we,1st,on(.)
2.on,are,you,where,going ,your,holiday(?)
3.father,day,does,your,every,newspapers,read (?)
5.sister,a,one,wants,my,to,teacher,day,be ,science(.)
1. A:Where is the post office? B:_____________________________
2. A:What’s the matter with John? B:____________________________
3. A: How does Mike go to school? B:____________________________
4. A:How tall is your brother? B:_____________________________
5. A:What does your sister do? B:___________________________
1、His father ____________(watch)TV every evening.
2 .Amy likes______________(make) kites.
3. John___________________(buy) some post cards yesterday.
4. I _____________________(be) an engineer one day.
5. Tom is _______________(heavy)than Peter.
( ) 1.What’s the date today? A. No,it isn’t
( ) 2.Why do you like summer? B.You can take the NO.10 bus.
( ) 3.What did you do last weekend? C.. I read books.
( ) 4.How can I get to the library? D.Because I can swim.
( ) 5.Is your birthday in May? E.It’s July 2nd.
Hello, I’m Mike. I went to Hainan with my parents in the winter holiday. Everyone asked us to bring some T-shirts to Hainan, because it was very hot in Hainan. So we took many T-shirts and shorts with us. This winter, it was so strange(奇怪的), the weather was not fine. It was always cloudy and rainy, it was very cold. But we only had T-shirts and shorts. We didn’t take one coat or sweater. So we stayed in the restaurant. We went back four days later. We didn’t visit any places in Hainan. It was really a terrible trip.
( ) 1. Mike had a bad trip in Hainanin.
( ) 2.The weather was fine in Hainan.
( ) 3. It was very hot in this winter in Hainan.
( ) 4.They didn’t take any coats or sweaters to Hainan.
( ) 5. They visited many places in Hainan.
请以“A Happy Day ”为题,写一篇小短文,(如:植树活动、生日聚会、节日活动等)。
要求: 1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。 2、60个单词左右。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
一、 听录音,判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的括号内打“ √”,不相符的打“ ×”。(5分)
1. My Dad is an English teacher.
2. There is a lake and a river in the nature park.
3. Amy has a cake for her 9th birthday.
4.Chen Jie can cook meals. She is very helpful.
5.Please turn left here.
1. Did you go shopping yesterday?
2. What’s the matter with him?
3. What day is it today?
4. When did you go to the park?
5.How do you feel when you failed the math test?
1.He is my classmate. He is very active.
2. I went swimming with my friends yesterday.
3. Her father is an artist.
4. I am going to have a Chinese class tomorrow.
5. Sarah usually washes clothes after dinner.
四、听读短文,判断下列句子的正(√ )误(× )。(10分)
Sarah is fifteen years old. She has a big family. She has three other sisters, Betty, Alice and Amy. Betty is 14 years old. Alice is 13 years old, and her younger sister is 7 years old. Sarah’s mother is a nurse. Her father ia a doctor.
一、× √ × √ × 二、 A C C C A
三、1. active 2. swimming 3. artist 4. Chinese 5. washes
四、√ × × × √
五、1—5.B B B C A 6—10. A B B B A
六、1、We left Beijing on February 1st.
2.Where are you going on your holiday?
3.Does your father read newspapers every day?
4.An elephant is much bigger than a panda.
5.My sister wants to be a science teacher one day.
七、1.It is next to the cinema.
2.He has a headache.
3.He goes to school by bike.
4.He’s 130 cm tall.
5.She is a TV reporter.
八、1.watches. 2.making. 3.bought.4.am going to be. 5 .heavier.
九、 E D C B A 十、TFFTF 十一、(略)。