高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk


高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk(精选9篇)

高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk 篇1

高三年级英语作文_An Interesting Debate-英语

Today is Sunday. After supper, father, mother and I went to the pardk. I sat on the back of father’s bike. After a while, father said, Girl, you should lose weight. Motheragreed with father. But I thought it wasn’t bad for me. So I said, No, I don’t want to. I like to be myself. Do you know the famous actress named Fei Fei in Hong Kong? She is very fat but very popular with the audience. But few fat people can become famous, father didn’t agree with me. And mother continued, You know, a lot of illnesses are caused by obesity, such as heart disease, hypertension and so on.

It seemed I had two opponents. I should try my best to defeat them. So I quibbled, There’s nothing to be worried about. Anyway, the medical technology has been developed so advanced. And then I directed the spearhead at mother, You are also so fat. Why don’t you want to lose weight’? Mother sighed, I dowant to. But it’s not good for me to do so. I’min my forties while you are so young. If you can do more exercises and control your diet, you’ll easily lose weight. No, you’re rong. I said loudly. Some experts say that exercises can’t help people lose weight because they will eat more after the exercise.

Father and mother looked at each other and didn’t know’ what to say. I won the debate! I stopped laughing when I heard father saying, Fat daughter, please get off my bike. Oh, no!

高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk 篇2


















2 ) 划分小组,互补优势。讲评的最终目的是“授之以渔”,学生自主程度越大,收获就越多。根据埃德加·戴尔提出的学习金字塔理论,教学活动的设计不能仅限于讲授(lecture)、阅读(reading)等低效的形式,而应该大量引进小组讨论(discussion group)、实践练习(practice by doing)、运用或教授他人(teach others/immediate use of learning)这些高效形式。根据不同教学目标,教师可依据学习成绩、学习特长、性格特点等不同标准将学生分组,设计相应的教学活动,均能取得不同的效果。以学习成绩为依据进行分组,可促组内互助;按学习兴趣分组,让每个小组负责讲解各自感兴趣的体裁或题材的题目,可激发学生的学习动力;按学习特长分组,让学生从不同的角度解释同一道题目,可培养思维的多样性。任务的分解一方面可以减轻学生的负担,有助其更深入地研究自己负责的部分,又能通过信息差让学生资源共享,互惠互利,将学习的主动权交还给学生,锻炼其自主学习的能力,让他们获得成就感。









高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk 篇3









高三年级一班英语作文 篇4

I’m more than delighted to know you are curious about the club activities of our school and want to join one next term. I’d like to recommend Peking opera club to you, which I believe you will enjoy a lot from.

I recommend this club to you for the following reasons. First, Peking opera is like a pearl in Chinese traditional art. Joining this club can give you a taste of Chinese traditional art forms and even have a hands-on experience. Besides, the club will regularly organize various activities, such as inviting famous actors to perform, and drawing Peking opera make-ups. Considering your interest in Chinese history, I believe getting close to Peking opera will also be a good way of learning more about it.

When it comes to preparation, you can watch some famous Peking opera videos on the Internet or read some relevant materials, which will definitely be beneficial for you.

Hope my suggestions can be of help. If you want to learn anything more, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes.


高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk 篇5

If there is a fire: Be Safe 1. Get out fast! When you hear the loud beep of the smoke alarm, get out of the house. Never hide or take time to grab your belongings or pets. 2. Follow your escape plan. After all, youve been practicing! 3. Feel a door before you open it. If it is hot, there may be fire on the other side. Try to get out another way. 4. Stay low to the floor. Since smoke rises, the safest air for breathing is down low. 5. Call 9-1-1 or the fire department. Be sure to do this after you get out of the house. Remember: Only call 9-1-1 if there is a real emergency. 6. Stay out! Once youre out, stay out. Dont go back for anything! And remember. Stop, Drop, and Roll. If your clothing catches fire, remember to stop where you are and drop to the ground. Cover your face and mouth with your hands, and roll over and over until the flames are out. I got most of this stuff from the United States Fire Administrations Kids Page, and some from the National Fire Protection Association Web site. You can talk to your parents or teachers about fire safety, too. I also learned a lot from some third graders who interviewed four of their local firefighters. They even sent me some great pictures. Check them out!

高三年级英语词语辨析 篇6

(1)trip一般指短距离的旅行;journey一般指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行。在现代英语中,trip和journey常可通用,和trip,journey搭配的动词有make,take和go on。如:

make/take/go on a trip/journey to europe到欧洲旅行

on a/one’s trip/journey;on a short/long pleasant trip/journey

have a pleasant trip.


the journey to the seaside will take not more than two days.


i at once began making preparations for a trip home.



e.g.a book of travels/travel books 游记

travel service 旅行社

he came back home after years of foreign travel.


i made a few foreign friends during my travels.



e.g.he is fond of travelling.


he is travelling in africa.


she planned to travel round the world.


he has travelled(over)the whole world.



e.g.only a few men survived the voyage.


he got seasick during the voyage.



our american friends are making a tour of shanghai.





e.g.where are you going for your holiday/vacation?


colleges and universities usually have two vacation:the summer one and the winter one.


the student asked his teacher for leave.


(三)instead,instead of



e.g.if you are busy,you may come another day instead.


he didn’t go to the cinema.instead he went swimming.


(2)instead of是介词短语,其后要接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。用instead of时,of后面的事情是被“舍”的,即不去做的。

e.g.parents should give their children more advice instead of money.


she wanted to go to see a film instead of staying at home.


instead of还可作并列连词,后可接形容词、副词、介词短语。

e.g.i’ll go there on foot instead of by bus.


this book is dull instead of interesting.


(四)get close to,be closed,close to

get close to “靠近”强调动作;be close to“离……很近”,表示状态;close to“接近于”,可作定语。

e.g.please get close to me so that you may hear me clearly.


my home is close to our school.


the houses close to the school are on fire.

2014年高三年级英语词汇总结 篇7

1.have/again/win an advantage over

2.take advantage of

3.to one’s advantage/disadvantage

4.all at once=all of a sudden=suddenly

5.all the same

6.amount to(=add up to/come to/total to/come up to)

7.answer for=be responsible for

8.anything but—definitely not

9.nothing but—only

10.apologize to sb.=make an apology to sb.11.apologize/excuse/forgive/pardon(v.)

12.appeal to(=interest,attract,please)

13.aapply for—make a formal request for

14.apply to—make practical use of sth.15.apply oneself to—concentrate one’s thought and energy(on a task)

16.as a result(of)

17.as far as

18.as good as

19.as it is(=in reality=already)

20.as to/as regards sth.---with regard to sth;regarding sth.21.according to

22.at all costs

23.at the cost of sth.24.at case(=without worries or problems)

25.at hand—close to you in time or distance

26.at first sight

27.at the sight/thought of

28.at peace

29.at war

30.at stake(=at risk)

31.at the mercy of—in the power of sb./sth.32.under the control of sb./sth.33.achieve one’s goal

34.acheve fame/success

35.make great achievement

36.act as—perform the role or function of sb/sth.37.act on—produce an effect on

38.add…to…add to(=increase)

39.add up(=be reasonable;make sense)

40.add up to(=be equivalent to sth./indicate sth.)

41.after all

42.agree toagree with

43.agree on

44.in agreement with

45.reach/come to an agreement with sb.46.aim to do sth./aim at doing sth.—intend or try to do sth.47.be aimed at

48.apart from(besides;in addition to)

49.admit(to)sth./doing sth.50.be admitted to—be allowed to enter the room etc.where sb.(esp.sb.important)is

51.ahead of

52.announce sth.to sb.=announce to sb.sth.(to不能省略)

53.make an announcement

54.appreciate sth./doing sth.55.argue with sb.About/*over sth.56.agrue(talk/reason/persuade)sb.Into/out of doing sth.57.around the corner

58.(a)waste of time/money

59.as firm as rock

60.as easy as ABC

61.as busy as a bee

62.as white as snow

63.as strong as a horse

64.as…as possible=as…as sb.can

65.as wellas well as

66.set/put aside

67.at sb.’s expense

68.at the expense of

69.at(the)most=noy more than

70.at(the)=no less than

71.attend to

72.attend(on/upon)sb.(=wait on/serve/look after sb.)

73.bargain with sb.About/over/for sth.74.a bargain price

75.bargain for/in on—to count on;expect

76.base A on B/A be based on B

77.on the basis of—because of a particular fact or situation

78.sb.Be based in=place sb.in(a place from which to work and travel)

79.be absent from

80.in the absence of

81.be about to do sth.(=be on the point of doing sth.)

82.be accepted/recongnized as

83.be anxious for(about)

84.be anxious for sth.(=be eager for;long for)

85.be view/seen/looked on/thought of/referred to/regarded as

86.be against

87.be for(be in favor of)

88.be afraid of(doing)sth.89.be afraid to do sth.(=don’t dare to do sth.)

90.by accident=by chance

91.on purpose=intentionally

92.be angry at(about)sth.93.be angry with sb.94.be busy(in)doing sth.=be busy with/at/over/about sth.95.be kept busy(in)doing sth.96.be equal tobe equal to(doing)

97.equal sb.in

98.be familiar with sth.99.be familiar to sb.100.be fond of


101.be proud of—take pride in

102.be bathed in

103.be made up of=consist of=be composed of

104.be made of

105.be made from

106.be used/accustomed to sth./doing sth.107.blame sth.on

108.take the blame

109.be to blame

110.be to let

111.be rich in

112.be poor in

113.be certain/sure of

114.be sertain/sure to do sth.115.make certain/sure of/that

116.be active in

117.be addicted to

118.be after

119.ba aware/conscious of

120.be crazy about(=be mad/enthusiastic about=be keen about/on)121.like crazy

122.be determined to do sth.123.keep an eye on(upon)—take care of/look after

124.keep an eye out for sb./sth.—watch/look out for,be cautious of 125.be fed up with

126.be tireed of/be bored with

127.be hard on sb.(=be strict with sb.)

128.be generous/mean with

高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk 篇8

英 语 试 卷 参 考 答 案

第一部分 听力





第二部分 阅读理解





第三部分 英语知识运用 第一节 完形填空

41-45.BDABC 46-50.ADCBD 51-55.ADBAC 56-60.CADCB

第二节 语法填空









69.more enjoyable


第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错









第九处:become改为became 第十处:What改为How

第二节 书面表达参考答案: Dear teachers and fellow students, In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school.How time flies!Gone will be our senior high school days when we are full of dreams and efforts.Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words.The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full or laughter and tears.To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart.Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, have done for us.It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly.But it is not the end.It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey.Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers.Thank you!



21.D.细节理解题。根据第一部分第一段中的some couples are still carrying out the “Pyebaek”—a Korean wedding custom.可知,尽管西式婚礼在韩国受到推崇,但传统的韩式婚礼习俗依旧在实行,故选D。注意选项中的observe表示“遵循;遵守”。


23.D.细节理解题。根据第三部分第二段中的These are tiny sweet cakes with a condensed milk filling that are meant to bring good luck to the new couples.可知,在巴西,人们制作这些糕点是为了向新人表示祝福。




25.B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的„Ms.Brown got to the area, the sign was lying on the floor.And shortly thereafter, so was she.Her foot got caught in the sign, in a bad way, and she fell可知,Brown女士被警示牌绊倒了。

26.C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的not allowing Brown’s case to proceed及Georgia’s Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the store可推断,AMC提到这一案例的目的是为了强调自己对该事故不应承担法律责任。

27.A。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的it did conclude that Brown’s case could continue to a jury





29.B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的Most experts recommend early evaluation and treatment可知,如果小孩子开始口吃,最好马上就医。

30.C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段末的Many people who have taken stuttering treatment programs are able to make positive changes in their speech skills and communication abilities so they can communicate freely可知,这些治疗口吃的方法都取得了积极的效果。



本文是议论文。作者认为旅行之所以吸引人是因为它可以让人们探索未知,但是我们并不一定非得去旅行才能达到这个目的。正如Alan Watts所建议的,我们应该关注当下,因为我们看似平淡无奇的日常生活同样可以很精彩。

32.D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的what a waste it seemed to be, spending our time inside in front of a computer all day long.I ended up leaving my job, and so did Dusty.Neither one of us are sitting in an office all day 可知,作者和Dusty都不喜欢每天呆在室内,坐在电脑前,所以他们都辞掉了工作。

33.A。段落大意题。第二段中的exciting, experience new things, be a slightly different version of ourselves, a sense of excitement for the unknown, a sense of wonder及Not thinking about yesterday or tomorrow, and just about whatever’s right in front you都是旅行之所以诱人的原因。因此本段主要介绍了是什么让旅行如此吸引人。

34.A。词义猜测题。第二段主要介绍了旅行的迷人之处,而本段开头的However„表明了作者对旅行有不同的看法,即:我们不需要”到处走,到处逛”就能让我们的日子像旅行一样精彩。35.B。标题归纳题。通读全文可知,作者认为我们不一定非得去旅行才能探索未知,发现新的自我。只要我们关注当下,看似平淡无奇的日子也可以同样精彩。B项Adventures in our own backyard可以翻译成“自家庭院的探险;家门口的旅行”,非常符合作者的这一看法。



38.D.根据主题词Memorize和本空后面的文意可知,此处应谈及的是记忆问题,D项中的After motivating yourself也提示此句的起承转合作用。





42.D.按照下文提示,此处选manage,意为“经营”,指Jack以前自己经营一家餐馆。43.A.毫无疑问,Jack在获得the Center Lovell Inn的所有权之前自己经营一家餐馆。








53.B.这道题目可以用排除法做,keep up意为“保持”,apply for意为“申请”,cast down意为“使沮丧”,明显都不合适,只能选B,narrow down意为“把……缩小到;缩小范围”。54.A.由上文可知,两位匿名的裁判将最终决定餐馆新的“主人”是谁。

55.C.两位匿名的裁判决定谁是获胜者之后,Jack将在五月一日“宣布”继任者。56.C.通过上文可以看出,Jack信心满满,认为作文比赛一定能够达到选拔继任者的目的。57.A.他相信和上次一样,通过作文比赛将会选择新的合适的所有者。此处pick out意为“挑出;选出”。



60.B.联系上文,Jack相信比赛的结果一定会“证明”自己是对的。turn out意为“结果是;被证明是”。听力材料: Text 1 W: How much will it cost my daughter and me to go to Beijing by bus? M: It’s 90 yuan for you and half of the ticket price for your daughter as she is under l.2 meters.Text 2 M: Honey, you’ve been on the phone for a couple of hours.Who are you talking with? W: It’s Sally, daddy.She always knows the latest news from school, and she couldn’t wait to tell me.Text 3 W: Listen!What’s that noise? M: Look out of the window and you’ll see.The cat is out in the backyard playing with a piece of vase I broke yesterday.Text 4 M: What’s your lunch special? W: All our specials are listed on the menu.Text 5 W: There will be a close basketball match between Class One and our class on the playground this afternoon.M: How I wish I could have time to watch it.Text 6 W: Concert Choice, may I help you? M: Yes, I’d like two tickets for the Mississippi Blues Festival in April.W: Could you please hold while I check on tickets? Hello, sir? I’m afraid it’s almost sold out.There are only a few seats left.M: Uh oh.Where are they? W: They’re some on the first floor for $55 and some on the second floor for $45.M: I see.W: The seats on the first floor are beside the stage, and the seats on the second floor are on the side.Which would you prefer? M: Sorry? Did you say beside the stage? W: Yes, sir.That’s right.M: Great!I’ll take them.Text 7 W: Well, that’s a bit strange.M: What? W: That telephone call.I don’t know who it was.He was talking about something I couldn’t understand, and then just broke off in midsentence and hung up.M: Maybe he realized he had mistaken you for someone else.W: I know something simple lies behind it.But isn’t it strange that it’s not the first time this week that it’s happened? M: Was it the same voice? W: I’m not quite sure.I only recognized it was a man’s voice.M: Next time the same thing happens, record what he says.Maybe it’s funny.W: A fourth time? But I do hope it won’t happen again.Text 8 W: Have you heard that the boss of the law office where Rick works wants him to fly to Brazil to do a month’s work there? M: That’s nice.He’ll love it because everything will be paid for, such as air travel, meals, hotel and this is his first time to get out of the states.W: Indeed, you won’t believe how much he is looking forward to it and how much his little sister admires him.He is going to enjoy lying on the beaches when work is done, and he promised to buy his sister gifts.M: Who else is going besides him? W: He’s going alone.M: When will he be leaving? W: He was told about it three days ago.And I think he will leave in a week.Text 9 W: I would like to know how to make out this check.M: Right.Em...do you want to draw out some money? W: Yes.£200.M: 200.OK.Well, the first thing you need to do is write today’s date in the top right-hand corner where you see the line, at the top you write just today’s date… and the year.You must put the year in.And if you want to draw out money after it says pay...can you see over on the left-hand side? W: The first...line? M: That’s it.On the first line it says PAY and you write CASH afterwards.W: In letters? M: Yes.CASH, you write CASH, OK? Then below that, right below that, you have to write the amount of money you want.So just two hundred pounds and then you write ONLY at the end in words.Then at the end of that line where you can see the box, see over on the right-hand side, you have to write the amount you want in numbers.And then below the box, the last thing you have to do in the bottom right-hand corner is just write your signature.W: OK.Thank you very much.Text 10

高三年级英语作文:A Glass of Milk 篇9


1.abuse n.滥用;虐待;辱骂vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂

It’s easy to abuse one?s power.

I won’t abuse your trust.

a much abused wife一位备爱虐待的妻子

the dangers of drug abuse滥用药物的危险

2.to make things worse更糟的是

To make things worse, he refused to apologize.

You are only making things worse.

同义词组有:what’s worse, worse still, even worse

类似结构有:to tell the truth说实话;to be exact确切说来;to be honest说实话;to be fran坦率地讲等

3.lay off解雇;不理会,使下岗

During the recession they laid ten of us off for three months.

The doctor told me to lay off for a week

4.consult vt.&vi.向……咨询,查阅

to consult a dictionary/a lawyer/a doctor

consult with与……交换意见,与……协商

Before I make up my mind I?d better consult with my parents.

5.make ends meet使收支相抵

Being out of work and having two young children, the couple found it impossible to make ends meet.

6.furnish vt.为……提供家具;用家具布置

furnish A with B为某人(物)提供某事物(=furnish B to A)

furnish sth. with sth.为某物提供家具,用家具布置某地

furnish a village with supplies (furnish supplies to a village)

furnish a house (a room, an office)

7.take pride in感到自豪

(1)take pride in以……为荣,对……感到自豪

She took great pride in being a member of the club.

(2)be proud of以……自豪

He was proud of his school record.

(3)be proud to do因做……而自豪

I’m very proud to call you my friend.

8.do up打扮;梳妆;固定,扣上,系上;修理;装修

This skirt does up at the back.

He never bothers to do his jacket up.

If we decide to buy the cottage, we’ll have to do it up.

do onself up梳妆打扮,化妆

9.let down使某人失望,不帮助

Tom will never let you down, you can always depend on him to help you.

let alone更别提;不打扰;不惊动

let off放过,宽恕;开(枪),放(炮);排放

let out放走,释放;泄漏,放出

10.fix sth on/upon sb全神贯注于;凝视

fix one’s eyes on sb.凝视某人

fix one’s thoughts/attention on what one is doing.

Her eyes were fixed on the gun.


1.result, effect与influence



One of the effects of bad wether is a poor crop.



Don’t let me influence your decision.不要让我影响了你的决定。

2.take part in, join, join in与attend

(1)take part in表示参加某种活动,也可表示参加会议,并在活动中起积极作用。


He joined the Party at the age of 20.他20岁入了党。


We?ll attend a meeting at 2∶00 p.m.下午两点我们要参加会议。

(4)join in参加某一群人的活动。如:

After school, he joined us in cleaning.放学后,他和我们一起打扫卫生。


1.They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick, nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet.


“neither /nor+倒装句”,即“neither/nor+系动词/情态动词/助动词+主语”表示与前面所陈述的动作或情况有着相同的否定概念。


I won’t go to the party, nor/neither will she.



I can’ t speak French, nor do I understand it.


either 表达“也不……”时,用在一个否定句的句末,此句从形式到意义都否定,即在该句中有否定意义的词,


no, nobody, none, no one, not never.


提点迷津:“neither+倒装句”只能用于两个主语或两种情形的“后者同前者一样不……” ;“nor+倒装句”可以用于两者,也可以用于三者及以上情形或主语。

2.If low瞚ncome families cannot afford to purchase medical insurance, as was the case with Wang Lin, other measures to reduce poverty will not succeed.


As was the case with Wang Lin 像王林那样的情况,作families的定语。

in this/that case倘若这/那样的话

in any case 假使;免得,以防万一

in no case 决不 in the case of 就……来说;至于……

3.Many happy hours had she spent, planning for something nice for him.


此句正常语序为:She had spent many happy hours planning for something nice for him.

spend time/money on sth ./(in)doing sth .花费时间(金钱)干某事。

How much have you spent on this book?

He spends all day writing




在“It is important( strange, natural, necessary) that…”这类句型里,that所引导的主语从句中的谓语动词常用“should+动词原形”结构,表示某事是“重要”、“奇怪”、“自然”、“必要”等意义。


It is important that every member(should)inform himself of these rules.重要的是每个成员知道这些规则。

It is necessary that he(should) be set there at once.有必要马上派他到那里去。

It is decided (has been decided) that the meeting (should) be postponed till tomorrow.已决定会议延期到明天。

It is very strange that she (should) have left without saying goodbye.她不辞而别。真让人奇怪。






I wish I knew the answer to the question.我希望知道这个问题的答案。(可惜不知道)

I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year round.但愿北京全年是秋天。(只是愿望。实际根本不可能实现。)

She wishes she were still living with her grandmother.她希望仍和祖母住在一起。(实际不住在 起)



I wish (wished) I hadn?t spent so much money.我后悔不该花那么多钱。(实际上已经花掉)

He wishes (wished) he had not lost the chance.他真希望没有失去机会。(事实上机会已失去了,他感到惋惜。)



I wish it would stop raining.但愿雨能停止。

I wish you would come soon.但愿你立刻来。

suggest(建议), demand, order, propose, insist(坚持), command, request, desire等动词后的宾语从句中



I suggest that we (should) set off at once.我建议我们马上动身。

I demand that he (should) answer me immediately.我要求他立刻答复我。

The students insisted that they (should) have more English classes.



①在带有even if/even though引导的让步状语从句的主从复合句中



Even if Lin Tao were here,I should say the same thing. 即使林涛在这儿,我也要这样说。

Even though he had been ill,he would have gone to his office.即使生了病,他仍去办公室。



This gave rue some faint hopes of relief, although I were (was) not able to imagine how it could be brought out.这给了我一丝解救的希望,但我想像不出如何实现。

②由as if或as though引导的状语从句表示比较或方式时



He treats me as if I were a stranger.他那样对待我,好像我是陌生人似的。

She talked about the film as if she had really seen it.



③在in order that或so that引导的目的状语从句中



Mr. Green spoke slowly so that his students could/might hear clearly.


They are climbing higher in order that they might/could get a better view.


在in case,for fear(that),lest等引导的从句中,谓语动词用“should+动词原形”。


She took her raincoat with her in case/for fear that/lest she (should) be caught in the rain.她带了雨衣,以免遭雨淋。

【考点透视 考例精析】

[考例1] He got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk _______ the good opportunity.

A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost

[解析] B 考查惯用法的掌握,risk后接动名词作宾语。

[考例2] I don’t want like ______ I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.

A.to sound B.to be sounded C. sounding D.to have sounded

[解析] A 题意为“我不想让别人听起来像在说别人的坏话,但经理的计划太不公平。”want接不定式作宾语,且sound like和主语之间是一种逻辑上的主谓关系。

[考例3] ---- How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?

----- That ______ me fine.

A.fits B.meets C.satisfies D.suits

[解析] D suit作vt.有“适合(某人)之意”的意思,与题干的意思吻合。fit指“尺寸大小”的合适;meet是“迎接”;satisfy somebody表示“满足某人欲望”。

[考例4] Look at the trouble I am in. If only I ______ your advice.

A.followed B.would follow C.had followed D.should follow

[本题] C 考查虚拟语气用法,if only“要是……就好了。”题意为“看看我现在的困境!要是我早听你的劝告就好了。”表示与过去事实相反的假设,用过去完成时态。



1.When her husband died, she received $ 20,000 i____ __.

2.Half of our i___ ___ goes on rent.

3.He only agreed to leave the country under p____ __.

4.Nothing could p___ __ him (from) going there.

5.She is u__ ____ in having a bad husband.

6.The beggar wore a s___ ___ old hat.

7.What was the o___ ___ of your investigation?

8.Are you being a___ __ to?

9.The small company is heavily b__ ____ with taxation.

10.While talking to children, remember to s___ ___ your explanation for them.


1.The store had to _______ a number of clerks because sales were down.

A.lay out B.lay off C. lay aside D. lay down

2.In recent years there has been a ______ increase in teacher’s salary.

A.violent B. wide C. significant D. cautious

3. Remember to _______ with your brother before you decide.

A.consume B. consult C. pretend D. experiment

4.Since the policy of being open to the outside world was put into practice, a ______ change has taken place in China.

A.fundamental B.essential C.elementary D. basic

5.----How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?

----That ______ me fine.

A.fits B.meets C.satifies D.suits

6.When John was arrested for drunken driving, he expected to lose his driving licence, but he was ______ with a fine.

A.let through B.let down C. let off D.let out

7.Mr Bally approved ______ the conference.

A.me to attend B. for my attending

C.of me to attend D. of my attending

8.The effect of the drug will ______ affter four hours or so.

A.fall through B.wind up C.end up D. wear off

9.This room is partly _______ with a few old armchairs.

A.offered B.given C. afforded D. furnished

10. ______ the bus arrived, forty minutes late.

A.At length B. In the first place

C.As a consequence D. In detail



We had been told in the village that the road over the mountains was under construction and that it would be impossible to cross the frontier by car. We intended to disbelieve these 1 , since thirty miles of the road bad heen 2 effortlessly and we had come to within sight of the mountain pass. It was then that our confidence was 3 : the road began to get from bad to worse rapidly.

Henry stopped the car and we decided to climb as 4 as the pass on foot to see exactly how bad things were. We found that the track 5 for a couple of miles only; and then the road 6 again. We did not regard a little mud as a serious obstacle (障碍) and considered that the crossing would be quite 7 if we went on carefully. The first five hundred yards or so were sheletred by pieces of rock. We walked along 8 but surely, pleased with ourselves at having proved the villagers 9 . Just as we turned a corner, Henry caught sight of a large stone in his path and tried to 10 it. The car slid to one side and the rear wheels became 11 fast in mud. I got out to lighten the 12 , but the more Henry accelerated (加速), the deeper the wheels 13 into the soil. There was no choice but to dig down to the level of the wheels with our bare 14 . And we were soon covered in mud from head to foot. When the level was 15 , we filled the hole, with loose 16 and I watched anxiously as Henry started up the engine. Stones went 17 everywhere, but the wheels remained 18 in place. I fetched two planks and we put them 19 the wheels and the track. The wheels turned wildly before they gripped (咬紧) the dry planks. After a mometnt the car 20 itself out of the rut (车辙), and came to a stop.

1. A.notes B.warnings C.dangers D.jokes

2. A.covered B.run C.gone D.driven

3. A.taken up B.torn down C.got off D.broken down

4. A.long B.soon C.possible D.far

5. A.ended B.turned C.extended D.lasted

6. A.continued B.disappeared C.was good D.remained

7. A.comfortable B.pleasant C.easy D.enjoyable

8. A.quickly B.slowly C.bravely D.hurriedly

9. A.fight B.stupid C.helpful D.wrong

10.A.hit B.miss C.avoid D.push

11.A.stuck B.flowing C.stricken D.flying

12.A.wheels B.lights C.road D.engine

13.A.dropped B.fell C.drowned D.sank

14.A.feet B.hands C.arms D.backs

15.A.reached B.raised C.reduced D.supported

16.A.wood B.stones C.sand D.trees

17. A.crashing B.splashing C.sinking D.flying

18. A.still B.loose C.firm D.direct

19. A.between B.among C.in D.outside

20. A.pushed B.pulled C.dragged D.drew



Units 9~10 (B3)


一、1.insurance 2.income 3.pressure 4.prevent 5.unfortunate 6.shabby

7.outcome 8.attended 9. burdened 10.simplify

二、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.A



1-5 BADDC 6-10 ACBDC 11-15 DCDBA 16-20 BDCAB

1.B 我们本打算不想想这些提醒。

2.A 既然我们没费多大力气走了三十里路,而且已经看到山隘了。

3.D break down崩溃,瓦解,垮掉。就在这个时候,我们的自信心没有了;因为路况变糟了。

4.D as far as直到……之外为止,远达。我们决定步行爬山到山口去看看情况到底有多糟。

5.C 小路延伸有二三里。

6.A 然后又是大道。

7.C 如果我们小心前行的话,交叉路口应该较容易通过。

8.B 由上文“if we went on carefully”推测。

9.D 此时,在作者看来,路况并不是非常差,所以认为村民的提醒是错的。

10.C (车)想避开大石头。

11.D 后轮在泥里打滑,所以飞转。

12.C 照亮路。

13.D 根据常识推测车越加速,轮子就越陷进泥里。

14.B 别无他法,只好用手挖(泥土),直到车轮底。

15.A (挖)到车轮底。

16.B 由下文“Stones went flying everywhere.”推测,是用松散小石子填坑。

17.D 马达启动,车轮转动,小石子四处飞溅。

18.C 车轮还是牢牢地在原地。in place在原来的地方。

19.A 把木板放在车轮和车辙之间。

上一篇:创新激励机制 激活干部活力下一篇:军训成果个人总结