


德恒律师事务所笔试题 篇1





2.B公司将该笔重大借款作为股权出资注入C公司,成为C 公司的注册资本金。除B公司








Intellectual Property Infringement Indemnification

1.1 A shall defend, indemnify and hold B and its Affiliates(“Indemnified Party”)harmless from

and against damages awarded against B or its Affiliates or amounts settled by A, and B’s reasonable attorney fees and courts costs, which are solely attributable o third party claims that the Software or Documentation licensed by B under an Order Form infringes on such third party’s intellectual property rights.1.2 As a pr-requisite to receiving the benefit of the indemnity described in Section 1.1, the

Indemnified Party must provide A with:(a)prompt written notice of each claim received;(b)sole control over the defense and settlement of each such claim;and(c)full information and reasonable assistance to enable A to settle or defend any such claim.B and its Affiliates shall be entitled to participate in the defense of any such claim at its own expense.1.3 In the event that B is enjoined against, or is otherwise prohibited from, using an Software or

Documentation(or any part thereof)as a result of a claim of the type described in Section

1.1, A shall, at its sole expense, do one of the following:(a)procure for Licensees the right to continue to use the Software or Documentation;(b)modify the Software or Documentation so that it becomes non-infringing;or(c)replace the Software or Documentation with software and documentation that are non-infringing without materially diminishing features and functionality.In the event that A cannot perform one of the remedies set forth in Section

1.3(a)-(c), despite its commercially reasonable efforts to do so, either party may terminate any or all Order Forms and Statement(s)of Work governing the infringing Program(s)and upon such termination, A shall promptly refund to Licensees any pre-paid(unearned)License Fee attributable to the infringing Program and compensate the damages of Licensee(s)arising herein without the limitation of liability in Article 12.3.
