推免申请个人陈述 篇1
——哈尔滨工程大学 XXX 学生XXX,女,22岁,中共党员,籍贯河北XX,2011年就读于哈尔滨工程大学 XXXXXXX专业。现将个人情况汇报如下:
二、科研经历 1、2012年10月,我参加了“全国大学生数学竞赛”,取得了预赛国家二等奖的成绩。这次竞赛让我巩固了所学的知识,锻炼了数学运用能力,还学到了课本上没学到的知识,对《微积分》、《线性代数》等有了进一步的认识。2、2014年2月,我以第一作者的身份,参加了“全美数学建模竞赛”,取得了三等奖的成绩。在这次比赛过程中,我协调另外两名组员,从确定选题、查找资料、到确定解题思路和方法,再到撰写、提交论文,我熟悉了整个参赛流程,锻炼了团结协作,组织协调,和突击解决问题的能力。通过这次比赛,让我对“用数学方法解决实际问题”这句话有了更深刻的体会。3、2014年3月,我以项目负责人的身份参加了“全国大学生创新创业立项”,我的题目是“紫外吸收光谱分析法实现水质测量方法的研究”,通过参加这次立项,我学习了有关紫外光谱的知识,熟悉了项目申请的流程,结题书的撰写方法等。
推免申请个人陈述 篇2
Looking back into my college years, I have made innumerable choices on my own. But a decision I would never feel regretful is to become a volunteer teacher for five vacations. Though the experience only composes two lines on my three-page CV, it has defined who I am.
In February 2015, I was surprised to receive a special phone call while taking my quantitative training in Brazil. It was from one of my students in the Boxue County, a small village in China’s Hainan Province. He dialed my number using his mom’s mobile phone: he did not say I miss you; instead he just asked me, in the purest tone of a child, “Will you come back next year”. My eyes turned moist in a flash.
It was the first winter vacation in my college years that I did not go to Boxue County as a volunteer teacher. Before that, I was there for three consecutive vacations. I love those kids and they are waiting for me as well. It is maybe my love to those kids that has planted the seed of NGO dream in my heart. My long-term career objective is to create an NGO that empowers the rural students and other marginalized groups in my late thirties.
After my graduation, I intend to stay in the private sphere for about five years, then jump to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to get prepared for my NGO dream.
If my story ends here, it would miss a critical aspect: my academic aspiration. It may be tempting to frame my research under the grand narrative of my NGO dream; but from its very outset, my queries in social media diplomacy have been purely academic.
Social media diplomacy is the marriage of two emerging fields: social media and public diplomacy. Just like any curious researcher, I was instantly mesmerized by this unchartered territory. It comes with a price to opt for the road less traveled by other scholars. I have few existing literatures to draw from. And the interdisciplinary nature of my research drove me to consult with three professors at the same time: one for quantitative methods, one for Internet insights, and one for public diplomacy. Still, I often felt like a lone expeditor. Therefore, the moment when I came across the MSc in Social Science and the Internet, I was literally shaking out of sheer excitement. I knew it is the place for me. Apart from the advanced statistic course, what intrigues me most is the course Accessing Research Data from the Social Web in the Hilary term. I am now using third-party software like Nvivo to extract my raw data. If I can master Python, the quality of my database would be greatly improved.
Though driven by my academic curiosity, I hold faith in the interconnected nature of knowledge. Just as Steve Jobs’ Calligraphy interests inadvertently effected the typography revolution in the computer world, my seemingly unrelated experiences in academic research, I believe, will come back to me one day when I start my NGO. Indeed in my mind, founding an NGO is the hard mode of doing research; they share the characteristic of solving concrete problems, but real-world problems are way more complex.
留学申请个人陈述 篇3
Personal Statement
For nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work.When I got home every day after ten o’clock in the night, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and professors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning.My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America.And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater pressure.Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technology Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulate considerable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true.I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulness while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas.However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed.That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation.I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program.In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field.Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit.I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests.But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University.Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university.Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software.Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated.I have a good habit in learning and working.No matter how great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work.And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks-An Engineering Approach and reviewed(Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts)twice.In addition, I am very creative.I could solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent
Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University
国外大学申请个人陈述 篇4
Personal Statement for MSc in Human Resource Management at the University of Salford.I am writing to support my application for a postgraduate place and, in this short letter, I intend to give an outline of those aspects my academic and personal background that have given me the confidence to apply.I shall also mention my character, and motivation and my career ambitions to show why I believe that I can succeed and do well on this course if I am accepted.It is easy to see the professional and academic benefits of having completed a course of advanced study in a modern well-equipped university where the highest standards are demanded, I think there are other benefits and these attract me strongly too.I think that I shall also return with the ability to see my subject in new ways and to see research and development in a new light that will enable me to adapt easily to new social, environmental and economic conditions in my rapidly changing country.I will also come back with experience of working and co-operating with others from a range of different backgrounds and with many different outlooks on the subject, and on life, and I think this will be almost as much of an education for me as my work as a post-graduate.That is why I want to say something about my background, my preparation and my ambitions in this statement to show that I can benefit from all the opportunities and not only the academic ones.I found the web-pages, for the university and the course, helpful and informative, so I am confident about my choice.I have some background in the subject: we study it in depth, historical development and modern theories, on the PMP.Also, at my university, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, I was able to take relevant options as a minor and these included management, accounting, economics and HRM.The balance between specialist skills and more general approaches to the subject of management, with an emphasis on the management of people in organisations, is an attractive feature of the course and I think this combination of broad skills and specialist knowledge will be very helpful as a foundation when I return and begin my career in HRM.I think that Salford’s emphasis on the importance of reflection and keeping up to date, with the “close association” with the Management & Management Sciences Research Institute and the Institute for Social, Cultural and Policy Research is important as successful managers need to study new ideas throughout their careers and this is a good habit to encourage.Wide knowledge and a clear understanding of theory and good practice will be an advantage in a rapidly changing business environment and the focus on critical and analytical skills means that knowledge will be accompanied by understanding and the ability to evaluate different approaches in different real-life situations.My interest in business in general, and management in particular, began when I was younger.My father is a general manager in one of the largest construction companies in China, so I grew up listening to discussions of a range of subjects and, of course, the company kept expanding so the range of topics also grew and became increasingly interesting and, as the workforce grew, and companies competed for labour, HRM was a frequent subject.As I became more knowledgeable myself, I was able to join the discussions and learn more about subjects that really interested me.This was where my ambition to work one day in a multi-national or large joint-venture began.I have been lucky enough to have regular work experience in the field, working in the HR/Personnel department of my father’s company every summer since 2003, which is about a year and a half now, added together.I’ve enjoyed this and learned a lot about organisation, responsibility and teamwork and how important good HRM is.I have even dabbled in the free market, leading a group of my friends to set up a net service company(w.net)in 2006.So far we have gained 170 thousand registered users by now and we average 60 thousands visits per day.Overseas study, at an advanced level in English will be a challenge – and, of course, I want it to be demanding – and I knew that my interest, background and career ambitions were important but probably not enough to ensure a good start and success in my studies.That is why I entered the one-year full-time Pre-Master’s Programme, so that I would be occupied with academic English every day, learning and developing all the necessary skills.The PMP is not just about learning facts and theories, of course.It is also teaching me how to study and learn in new ways.It adds to my confidence and motivation.Over the year we also do an intensive course in Management, International Business and the UK Economy so I expect to be well prepared not only for the language, but also for the subject content.Finally, I think Research Methods will be valuable: hard work and endless patience mastering skills such as referencing;but at the end I will have written an original, properly referenced 5,000 word dissertation.In conclusion, I believe I have the academic foundation, the high level of motivation, and the clear focus on my career plans to ensure that I will do well at Salford if accepted for the master’s course in HRM.
英国留学申请个人陈述怎么写 篇5
据教育优选介绍,Personal Statement 在英国留学申请中很重要,因为很多英国大学都不需要面试申请人,网上的申请资料就是他们认识你的地方。
资料来源:教育优选 http:///
资料来源:教育优选 http:///
Q1: PS是否有字数限制?
Q3: 招生办老师们都在寻找怎样的学生?
A3: 请仔细看学校网站对专业的招生要求,那里都会有非常仔细的描述。
资料来源:教育优选 http:///
Q5: 如果我要申请两个不同的专业怎么办?
A5: 一封PS来申请两门不同的专业是很难的。如果这两个专业很相似,比如数学和统计、会计和商科你就可以只写一封general一些的PS去分别申请两门专业。如果两门专业是完全不相关的,用一封PS申请就是完全不可能的了。取而代之地,你需要选择一封PS能够让你最大程度并录取的。比如说,如果你申请了四个不同学校的同一门课程,以及另外两个学校的另外一个课程,你可能只需要写一封你最想要申请的那门专业的PS,其他两个学校的那门课程你甚至都可以完全不要去想,或者最好申请其他那两个学校的同类型的课程。同时你还需要仔细看清楚你所申请的学校的入学成绩标准,看看自己是否符合才做决定。如果你还想申请两个不同学校的三门完全不同的课程,那就奉劝你最好不要这么做,就算你这么做了,你最后还只是学习一门课程,因此尽量缩小你的选择范围在类似的课程上是比较明智的做法。
申请美国大学个人陈述书怎么写 篇6
时间:2009-10-11 12:45 作者:Slang Freak 点击: 558次
*个人陈述书常见的问题:过于笼统 *
*勿抄袭和复制 针对不同学校撰写*
英国留学申请文书之个人陈述PS 篇7
网址:Personal statement(会计学)模版
A Master’s student of accounting at Xiamen University, the best higher-learning institution in China’s strategically important Province of Fujian, across the Straits from Taiwan, I would like to pursue Ph.D.studies in your distinguished program so that I can be assured a teaching career in my motherland.My education so far is characterized by indisputable excellence.During the four years of my undergraduate studies, my GPA was consistently the highest in my class of 135 students.As you can see from the transcripts of my academic record, I received straight A’s for all the courses except for first-year Physical Education.My graduation was rated “Outstanding”, the highest rating possible.An in-depth analysis of the ethical standards of Chinese auditors, the paper was later published in a quality professional journal as a seminal study of a rarely studied topic in China.As the unquestionably best student in my year, I was accepted into graduate studies by the university without the normally mandatory entrance examinations.In recognition of my academic performance and other strengths, I was decorated with many honors and accolades during my undergraduate studies.I was elected the monitor of the class and the Vice President of the university’s Student Union, making me the most important female student leader on campus.Among the financial awards I won was the Jiageng Scholarship, the university’s most prestigious award named after its founder Chen Jiageng, one of the best known patriotic Chinese in the first half of this century.The Jiageng /scholarship is offered to only ten students each year, and the offer is usually presented to the recipients by the university’s president in person in a grand ceremony, as it was in 1996, when I got it.In my undergraduate studies, I had broad academic interests, although I majored in accounting.I regularly read academic journals, both Chinese and international, to keep me abreast of the latest developments in accounting and other related fields.I devoted considerable time to learning such subjects as law and economics.My extensive knowledge provided me solid grounding as I narrowed down my research interest to professional ethics of accountants.In a country that has only an inchoate legal regime governing professional practice.Enforcing high ethical standards is both difficult and critical.But studies have been scant and haphazard so far.I am glad that I have made quite some contribution to the country’s discourse in this area.My undergraduate studies were greatly enriched with a most rewarding internship program.As a CPA assistant working for the Accounting Firm affiliated to the university, I took part in the auditing of several major corporations.In the process, I learned not only to put my book knowledge in practice but also acquired first-hand knowledge of how Chinese accountants, operating under inadequate laws and regulations, handled difficult issues.Such knowledge has constituted an important part of the basis for my research on the ethical questions of Chinese accountants and auditors.本文来自作文地带团队写作QQ: 578691213 In my graduate studies, I have broadened my intellectual horizon and refined my accounting expertise.The courses I took related to both theories and methodologies of accounting and auditing.But the more significant part of my learning is to be found perhaps not in the courses 作文地带-有翻译、写作团队的英语作文网站
网址:but in the research projects that I have taken part in together with my professors.I have, for example, helped my professors in compiling and editing a major textbook for the continuing education program of the ALL-China Association of Certified Accountants.The book, Cases of Auditing, has just been published and is expected to substantiate the curriculum of the continuing education program.In my Ph.D.studies, I wish to focus my studies and research on auditing, particularly in relation to audit risk, auditor’s decision-making, ethics of auditing.I am also interested in accounting theories.I heard of Penn State University while I was still an undergraduate student, and I know that its accounting program is marked by selectivity and excellence.I hope that, by studying in your program, I will be able to build on my academic record so far for a promising career as a teacher in China a few years down the road.更多内容请访问:http:///