驻华大使 篇1
自1972年斯德哥尔摩第一次国际环保大会以来, 这种议题的国际会议如2009年哥本哈根第15届缔约国大会签发联合国气候变化框架公约, 2011年德班第17届缔约国大会, 去年里约热内卢世界环保大会, 展望里约20年后…, 生态与环境问题已确立了作为反思全球化领域的基本议题。我们生活的世界每一天, 保护环境已成为主要话题。所有部门各以自己的方式整合, 合法关注他们的动态, 以应对未来的挑战。科学家探索、分析和扫描我们的星球, 在其所有边角, 采用更先进的仪器, 计算机辅助。
(1) 生物圈; (2) 空间; (3) 从地狱到深渊, 到世界的最高峰; (4) 从土壤、水、海洋到沙漠; (5) 动物到菌群; (6) 从大气层到降雨等。
在这种世界性的活动中暴露了我们的混乱, 到自我毁灭的严重后果。中国的科研人员并没有怯步, 通过他们的杰出贡献和宝贵的启示, 让我们了解人类赖以生存星球状况, 交付给我们的每一天, 新的观念总吸引我们提问题。
来自四面八方, 拉警报的证据, 威胁和危险, 人类的未来因为环境恶化不断加剧。欣慰的是地方的举措, 区域和国际社会的努力, 或多或少的成功激励他们采取更多的措施, 应该予以鼓励。
支持组织执行更大的决定, 不论是官方还是民间的, 要发动集体参与。
(1) 大陆; (2) 海洋; (3) 空气; (4) 竹鹏; (5) 国际组织。
今天, 在这个大厅里, 我们提出建设智能生态城市的倡议, 在研究替代方案, 在同一工作区里同行, 更好地利用资源。办公自动化杂志是今天会议的组织者, 希望通过论坛, 引起大家反思, 分享经验, 提出建议, 以减少废弃物, 实现自动化办公, 使能源消耗更加合理化。然而, 我以为, 所有这些值得赞赏的举措, 面对环境的变化的挑战, 依然是有限的。事实上, 耐药性问题, 改变我们的习惯, 变成我们的第二天性, 改变我们的生活方式仍然是非常难以解决的。一个富于的社会, 一个消费社会, 从灵魂或者精神上没有对未来如何的思想准备。完全征服速度, 直接控制和“此时此地”的协同与老鼠比赛。
因为人类历史ICT前所未有的技术进步和基础设施建设而引发的暴食症, 生殖周期的破坏, 浪费, 污染和滋扰问题???????
今天动员人民, 启迪人们的良知。
生产的过剩和过渡剥削制度的基础, 是我们这个世纪的祸根, 是基于单一的思想, 称之为“现代社会所有人享受”口号下唱三部曲的合唱, 无国界和语言的障碍的增长、发展、繁荣。
我要在这个庄严大会上提出一个思路, 以唤发和提高大家的全球意识, 通过对所有年龄段人士、对各行各业人士进行长期的培训教育。可参照联合国系统为此设计、实施和传播的教材 (有书、DVD和BD) 将其强制纳入所有国家的教育内容。这是必须要付出的代价, 以拯救在进行中的蒸汽机车的自我灭绝。因为, 女生们、先生们, 要急剧改变思考、感觉、认识和行动, 不是一件易事, 我们深深植根于近一个世纪的工业社会的消费模式和生活模式。
驻华大使 篇2
Ambassador Locke’s Statement on Serving as U.S.Ambassador to China 骆家辉辞职声明:担任驻华大使是其一生荣耀 Wednesday,20 November,2013 2013年11月20日 星期三
Serving as the U.S.Ambassador to China has been the honor of a lifetime.I am profoundly grateful to President Obama for providing me the opportunity to serve as his representative in Beijing these past two and a half years – and to be the first Chinese-American to hold this position.Helping manage one of the most vitally important bilateral relationships for the United States,with so many critical American interests at stake,has been an immense and rewarding challenge.And living in China while representing the United States has truly been an exciting privilege for our entire family.担任驻华大使是我一生的荣耀,我非常感谢总统奥巴马给予我到北京履职的机会。在过去的两年半时间里,我是第一个担任此职位的华裔。为美国帮助管理世界上最重要的双边关系之一是一个巨大的、有回报的挑战。代表美国在中国居住对我的家庭也是令人激动的特权。When I met with President Obama earlier this month,I informed him of my decision to step down as Ambassador in early 2014 to rejoin my family in Seattle.当我在本月初见到奥巴马时,我告知他决定2014年年初卸任,回到西雅图与家人团聚。I am extremely proud of the work of our staff at the U.S.Embassy and Consulates in China and what we have been able to accomplish together on behalf of the American people and for U.S.-China relations.我对美国大使馆和领事馆的人员在中国的工作感到非常骄傲。我们在一起代表美国人民共事,为中美关系作出贡献。
Our efforts have focused on job creation in America by increasing exports to China,opening more markets for American companies,and promoting Chinese investment in the U.S.We have significantly increased Chinese business and tourism travel to the U.S.by dramatically reducing wait times for a visa to 3-5 days from historical highs of 70-100 days.And we have advanced American values by meeting with religious leaders and human rights lawyers,and visiting Tibetan and Uighur ethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang.我们致力于通过提高美国对华出口来增加美国国内的就业机会,为美国企业打开更多的市场,增加中国在美投资。通过将签证获取的等待时间从历史最高的70至100天降至3到5天,我们得以大幅度提高了中国到美国的商务和观光旅行的数量。[略]
对话澳驻华大使芮捷锐 篇3
芮捷锐(GeoffKaby)1953年9月出生于澳大利亚墨尔本,在进入政府部门之前,他是拉筹伯大学(La Trobe University)的高级经济学讲师。拥有拉筹伯大学的经济学博士学位。
驻华大使 篇4
(1) 生物圈; (2) 空间; (3) 从地狱到深渊, 到世界的最高峰; (4) 从土壤、水、海洋到沙漠; (5) 动物到菌群; (6) 从大气层到降雨等。
在这种世界性的活动中暴露了我们的混乱, 到自我毁灭的严重后果。中国的科研人员并没有怯步, 通过他们的杰出贡献和宝贵的启示, 让我们了解人类赖以生存星球状况, 交付给我们的每一天, 新的观念总吸引我们提问题。
来自四面八方, 拉警报的证据, 威胁和危险, 人类的未来因为环境恶化不断加剧。欣慰的是地方的举措, 区域和国际社会的努力, 或多或少的成功激励他们采取更多的措施, 应该予以鼓励。
支持组织执行更大的决定, 不论是官方还是民间的, 要发动集体参与。
(1) 大陆; (2) 海洋; (3) 空气; (4) 竹鹏; (5) 国际组织。
今天, 在这个大厅里, 我们提出建设智能生态城市的倡议, 在研究替代方案, 在同一工作区里同行, 更好地利用资源。办公自动化杂志是今天会议的组织者, 希望通过论坛, 引起大家反思, 分享经验, 提出建议, 以减少废弃物, 实现自动化办公, 使能源消耗更加合理化。然而, 我以为, 所有这些值得赞赏的举措, 面对环境的变化的挑战, 依然是有限的。事实上, 耐药性问题, 改变我们的习惯, 变成我们的第二天性, 改变我们的生活方式仍然是非常难以解决的。一个富于的社会, 一个消费社会, 从灵魂或者精神上没有对未来如何的思想准备。完全征服速度, 直接控制和“此时此地”的协同与老鼠比赛。
因为人类历史ICT前所未有的技术进步和基础设施建设而引发的暴食症, 生殖周期的破坏, 浪费, 污染和滋扰问题???????
今天动员人民, 启迪人们的良知。
生产的过剩和过渡剥削制度的基础, 是我们这个世纪的祸根, 是基于单一的思想, 称之为“现代社会所有人享受”口号下唱三部曲的合唱, 无国界和语言的障碍的增长、发展、繁荣。
驻华大使 篇5
Dajia hao!
President Chen, faculty and students of Beijing Foreign Studies University:
Thank you for inviting me here today.It is truly an honor to be here, and I congratulate you on celebrating your 70th anniversary.The start of a school year marks a new beginning for students.And so it’s fitting that I’m here to talk about a new beginning of my own.感谢你们今天邀请我来这里。非常荣幸来到这里,并祝贺你们70周年校庆。新学年的开始,对学生们来说标志着一个新起点,所以也正适合我在这儿谈谈我自己的新起点。
I want to say how grateful I am for the warm welcome that my family and I have received from the Chinese people.As you know, my ancestral home is in Taishan in Guangdong province.Since our arrival, the people of China have made my entire family feel, simply put: at home — And we are grateful.我要说,我非常感谢中国人民对我家人和我的热情欢迎。正如你们所知,我的祖籍在广东省台山。从自我们抵达以后,中国人民就让我们全家人感觉,简单地说,像在家里一样——我们很感谢。
I know that there are very high expectations for my tenure as ambassador.I understand why: I am the first Chinese-American to hold this post.And I do have a proven record:
•As a governor;
•As Commerce Secretary;and
•As a man who has mastered the art of buying his own coffee AND carrying his own luggage!
I will do the best I can as U.S.Ambassador.And although there is much work ahead to strengthen and expand U.S.-China cooperation — and to manage our differences when we don’t see eye-to-eye — I begin my ambassadorship with confidence that the overall state of our relationship is strong.作为美国大使,我会尽自己最大努力。尽管还要做很多工作来加强和扩大美中合作,并且要在我们意见不一时处理好我们的分歧,但在上任之际,我坚信我们的整体关系是强劲有力的。
One thing I do know is that the people in this room will have a lot of influence in the future of the U.S.-China relationship.For 70 years, Beijing Foreign Studies University has been a training ground for hundreds of China’s top leaders, including my friend and YOUR ambassador to the U.S., Zhang Yesui.Whatever your careers, in the years ahead, you will be the international face of China, and your choices will determine the steps China takes in confronting its own — and the world’s — challenges.我所确知的一点是,这里在座的人将来会对美中关系有很大的影响力。70年来,北京外国语大学一直是数以百计的中国高层领导人的培训基地,包括我的朋友及你们的驻美大使张业遂。在未来岁月中,无论你们从事什么职业,你们将是中国的国际形象,你们的选择将决定中国在面对自己及世界的挑战时采取什么样的步骤。
But today, I’d like to discuss the steps I believe we must all take in strengthening the US-China relationship.To understand where the U.S.-China relationship is going, it’s helpful to remember just how far it has come already.When I first attended college in 1968, a gathering like this would not have been possible — because America did not even have an ambassador in Beijing.Contrast that with today, when it could be argued that the U.S.-China bond is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world.For 40 years, our two countries have been increasing our cooperation and interconnectedness for a very simple reason: It is in our mutual interest.不过,今天我想讨论我相信在加强美中关系中我们所有人都必须采取的步骤。要了解中美关系的走向,回顾一下它已经走过了多远的历程是有益的。当我在1968年刚上大学时,这样的聚会是不可能的——因为美国甚至还没有驻北京的大使。与之相比,可以说,今天的美中纽带是世界上最重要的双边关系之一。40年来,我们两国一直在增强我们的合作和相互联系,原因很简单:这是我们的共同利益。
Millions of jobs are sustained in China and the United States by the trade we do with one another.American consumers benefit from the goods made in China and daily the Chinese people rely on high quality U.S.products and services.And, as our companies make investments in each other’s countries, we are creating jobs for our peoples.Every year, the comprehensive Strategic and Economic Dialogue brings together policymakers from across both governments to discuss topics ranging from breaking down trade barriers to economic cooperation to collaborating on pressing regional and global issues.To meet the challenge of global climate change, the U.S.and China can build on a legacy of over 30 years of cooperation on Science and Technology issues.我们彼此的贸易支撑着中国和美国数百万份工作。美国消费者受益于中国制造的商品,而中国人民每天都依赖于美国高质量的产品和服务。而且,当我们在对方国家投资的时候,我们为我们的人民创造工作机会。每年,全面的―战略与经济对话‖将两国政府各部门的决策者汇聚到一起,商讨从打破贸易壁垒、到经济合作、到就紧迫的区域和全球事务展开协作等一系列问题。为了应对全球气候变化的挑战,美国和中国可以继续发展我们在科技领域30多年的合作传统。
Similarly, the United States and China share an interest in maintaining peace and prosperity around the world.Our defense ties extend back to World War II, when our soldiers fought and sacrificed together.Today, our defense interactions take place at the most senior levels, with the PLA Chief of the General Staff and the U.S.Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff working to improve lines of communication and strengthen the U.S.-China military to military relationship.Perhaps our greatest security challenge is the existential threat posed by the proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials, in particular from North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.China has been a vital partner as chair of the Six-Party Talks, with a unique role because of its historic relationship with, and influence on, North Korea.The United States and China share the common goals of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and North Korea’s complete and verifiable denuclearization in a peaceful manner.Our countries must also continue to work together to address the Iranian nuclear program.We have coordinated an effective dual-track approach — leveraging international diplomacy and sanctions — with the other Permanent UN Security Council members as well as Germany to send a clear message from the international community to the Iranian regime that it must live up to its international obligations.And the examples of shared security interests go on: from Afghanistan to Sudan.同样,美国和中国在维护世界各地和平与繁荣上有着共同利益。我们的防务关系可以追溯到第二次世界大战,我们的军人那时曾一起作战牺牲。今天,我们有最高层的防务互动,人民解放军总参谋长和美国参谋长联席会议主席在努力改善沟通渠道,加强美中军方对军方关系。也许我们最大的安全挑战是核武器和核材料扩散所构成的生存威胁,特别是北韩的核计划和导弹计划。中国作为六方会谈的主席一直是重要的合作伙伴,并因之与北韩的历史关系和对其的影响力而发挥着独特作用。朝鲜半岛的和平与繁荣以及北韩以和平方式实现全面和可核查的无核化是美国和中国的共同目标。我们两国也必须继续在处理伊朗核计划上共同努力。我们已经与联合国安理会常任理事国的其他成员以及德国协调采取了有效的双轨方式——利用国际外交和制裁——向伊朗政权发出了国际社会的明确信息,即它必须履行自己的国际义务。关于共同安全利益的例子还有很多:从阿富汗到苏丹。
We may not always initially agree on exactly how best to achieve our shared objectives.But when we successfully work together we often find mutually beneficial outcomes that serve the interests of all parties.Think broadly about the contributions our nations have made to civilization.I recently visited the Diaoyutai guest house where four wood panels illustrate the Chinese contributions that defined the world for centuries: the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and the printing press.And in the United States, we take great pride in our contributions — such as the light bulb, the television, the personal computer, and the Internet, which has changed all of our lives so profoundly.From the flash of gunpowder to the light of electricity, from the printed page to a webpage, from navigating the waters of the globe to navigating the Internet, our two nations have contributed so much to the world of today.我们也许不是总能够在一开始就对如何最好达到我们的共同目标取得完全一致,但当我们成功地一起努力时,我们经常能够取得满足各方利益的互利的结果。畅想一下我们两国对文明所作出的贡献。最近我访问了钓鱼台国宾馆,那里有四幅木板画,展现中国对世界数百年发展所作的贡献:指南针、火药、造纸和印刷术。在美国,我们为我们的贡献而倍感自豪——如电灯,电视,个人电脑,以及如此深刻地改变了我们生活方方面面的互联网。从火药引爆的闪光到电力带来的灯光,从印刷纸页到网页,从漫游世界水域到漫游互联网,我们两个国家对今天的世界贡献良多。
Think about what we can do, in partnership, to improve the world of tomorrow.So many problems in the world today — from climate change, to poverty and disease — simply will not be solved without strong U.S.-China cooperation.That’s why I’d like to state unequivocally that the United States welcomes the rise of a prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.I reject the notion that China and the United States are engaged in a zero-sum competition, where one side must fall for the other to rise.We can and must achieve security and prosperity together.思考一下,通过合作,我们能为改善明天的世界做些什么。今天世界上有这么多问题——从气候变化,到贫困和疾病——没有强大的美中合作,根本无法得到解决。正因为如此,我要明确地说,美国欢迎一个繁荣和成功中国的崛起并在世界事务中发挥更大作用。我不同意这样的说法,即中国和美国是在进行一场零和竞争,一方崛起,另一方就要衰落。我们可以,而且我们必须共同实现安全和繁荣。
Certainly, we will have our disagreements.That’s to be expected from two large and complex nations with different histories and different political systems.As an example, let me take a moment to speak about the issue of human rights, which is an essential element of U.S.global policy.In discussing this issue, with China or any other country, we start from the premise that all people are entitled to the protections contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.These are universal standards, and they include the right to due process of law, to be able to speak freely, to associate openly, to pray in the manner one chooses and to enjoy the benefits of a free press.We believe that societies that respect human rights and address the aspirations of their people are more prosperous, successful and stable.4
And, of course, we will compete economically — as we should, because healthy, fair competition prompts companies to be more efficient with lower cost goods and helps spur new innovations and products.But competition and disagreements can’t obscure the fact that we are moving ever closer together.The important thing is that we have mechanisms to broaden our areas of cooperation while managing our differences.We have worked hard over the last few years to lay this foundation:
•Through launching the Strategic and Economic Dialogue;
•Through a rapid pace of meetings between our most senior leaders;
•Through expanding our cooperation between our states, provinces, and cities;
•And, through increasing the number of exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples。
All of these mechanisms will help us increase mutual understanding and trust, which will be crucial to advancing our relationship in the 21st century.当然,我们将在经济上竞争——我们应该这样,因为健康、公平的竞争促使企业的效率更高,商品的成本更低,而且有助于激发新的创新和产品。但竞争和分歧无法掩盖这样的事实,即我们比以往日益更加紧密。重要的是,我们拥有扩大合作领域并同时处理分歧的机制。过去几年来,我们在努力打好这个基础:
This reality was confirmed earlier this year when President Obama and President Hu pledged to expand bilateral cooperation on a range of issues and when Vice President Biden spoke about this cooperation during his recent trip to China.As Ambassador, I will 5 continue to support our two countries’ efforts to work together.I will seek to further the economic and commercial ties between the U.S.and China by building our trade relationship in a mutually beneficial manner that reduces barriers to trade and increases jobs in both our countries.As President Obama told the United States Congress in a speech this morning, the highest priority of the United States today is to create jobs for Americans and revitalize our economy.Given our economic interdependence, a stronger American economy is in the economic self-interest of the Chinese people.And, my top priority here in China is to carry out the policies that will support this effort:
•Helping to double our exports — creating jobs in the U.S.and providing high quality American products and services which are in high demand in China;
•Increasing Chinese investment in the U.S.which will help Chinese companies prosper while at the same time creating jobs in America;
•And ensuring that U.S.companies can compete on a level playing field in China and be able to operate in the same open and fair environment that Chinese companies enjoy in the U.S.今年早些时候奥巴马总统和胡主席共同承诺的在一系列问题上扩大双边合作以及副总统拜登在他最近的中国之行中谈及的这种合作,便是上述现实的证明。作为大使,我将继续支持我们两国共同合作的努力。我将寻求以减少贸易壁垒并在两国创造就业机会的互惠互利的方式建立我们的贸易关系,进一步增进美国和中国之间的经济和商业纽带。正如奥巴马总统今早在美国国会发表演讲时所说的,美国现在的首要任务是为美国人民增加就业和振兴经济。鉴于我们经济的相互依存性,一个更强大的美国经济符合中国人民的经济利益。我在中国的首要任务,是贯彻执行支持这一努力的政策:
In the coming weeks, I will talk more about our economic and commercial ties at an event with the business community here in Beijing.At the same time, I will work to further our two countries’ dialogue on human rights, religious freedom and civil society on the basis of mutual respect.I will also listen carefully to your views to understand your perspective.And I will do everything in my power to increase the essential people–to–people interactions and cultural exchanges that do so much to build genuine understanding and cooperation.The American and Chinese people want to work, live and learn together.The numbers tell the story.Last year, over 800,000 Chinese and two million Americans traveled between our countries to live, work and study together.And, more than 130,000 Chinese students attended American universities last year.In the last decade, the number of visitors from China to the United States increased by more than 200 percent.Your fellow citizens are traveling to the United States at an unprecedented rate, and China-wide demand for visas to the U.S is at an all-time high.We have made great strides toward meeting this demand, and we will be doing even more to reduce the amount of time Chinese students, business people and tourists must wait to obtain a visa.The ultimate strength of our partnership and the degree to which we build mutual trust will depend on the investment, support and active engagement of the American and Chinese peoples.That’s why President Obama launched the 100,000 Strong Initiative to bring American students to live and study in China, and why we welcome even more Chinese students to the U.S., to experience American culture and society.在未来的几周,我将在北京的一个与商界的活动中,更多地谈到我们的经济和商业纽带。与此同时,我将努力在互相尊重的基础上推进我们两国在人权、宗教自由和公民社会方面的对话。我也将仔细聆听你们的观点,了解你们的想法。我将尽我一切所能,增加必不可少的人与人之间的互动和文化交流,这些互动和文化交流为建立真正的理解和合作做出了巨大贡献。美国和中国人民想要一起工作、生活和学习。数字可以说明这一点。去年,超过800,000名中国人和2百万美国人往返于我们两国之间,一起生活、工作和学习。去年还有超过130,000名中国学生在美国大学留学。在过去十年中,从中国去美国的访问人数增长了200%以上。你们的同胞们前往美国的人数之多前所未有,中国全国范围内对赴美签证的需求居高不下。在满足这一需求方面,我们已经取得了长足进步,我们将做出更多努力,缩短中国学生、商业人士和游客为获取签证必须要等待的时间。我们伙伴关系的最终力量,以及我们所建立的相互信任的程度,将有赖于美国和中国人民的投入、支持和积极参与。这就是为什么奥巴马总统启动了十万人留学中国计划,把美国学生送到中国生活和学习,以及为什么我们欢迎更多的中国学生到美国,体验美国文化和美国社会。
And of course, there are millions more Chinese — like my family — who have experienced America as immigrants.In the 1890s, my grandfather first left his ancestral village near Jiangmen City for America.He arrived in Olympia, Washington to work as a houseboy in exchange for English lessons.A hundred years later, I was elected the Governor of Washington State, becoming the first Asian-American governor on the U.S.mainland.And I moved into the Governor’s mansion just one mile from the house where my grandfather washed dishes and swept floors.I’ve sometimes asked myself: How did the Locke family go in just two generations from living in a small rural village in China to the governor’s mansion?
当然,还有数以百万计的中国人作为移民体验了美国,就像我的家庭一样。在19世纪90年代,我的祖父首先离开了在江门附近乡下的老家,来到美国。他到达了华盛顿奥林匹亚,以做仆人为交换,换取上英语课的机会。一百年后,我被选为华盛顿州州长,成为美国大陆上第一位亚裔州长。我搬 7 进了州长官邸,它距离我祖父曾在里面洗碗扫地的房子仅一英里之遥。我有时问我自己:骆家是如何在仅仅两代人的时间里,从住在中国的一个小乡村到迁入州长官邸的呢?
The answer is American openness — building and sustaining an open economy and an open society.America was open to my grandfather and millions of other immigrants like him, coming to its shores to pursue a better life.America was open to my father staking his small claim to the American dream, a small grocery store that he and my mother worked in seven days a week, 365 days a year to support our family.And the America I was raised in was open to new ideas, where I was allowed to think what I wanted to think and say what I wanted to say…to join organizations that could question or challenge American government policy.Our family’s story is the story of America.答案就是美国的开放性——建立并保持一个开放的经济以及开放的社会。美国向我的祖父以及数以百万计的像他一样来到美国口岸、寻求更好生活的移民开放。美国曾向我的父亲开放,实现美国梦的小小诉求,开一家小杂货店,我的父亲和母亲一年365天、一周7天都在杂货店工作,以供养我们的家庭。养育我的美国对新想法开放,我可以在这里想我所想,畅所欲言……加入可能质疑或挑战美国政府政策的组织。我们家的故事就是美国的故事。
Tens of millions of American families have travelled the same path as ours.They’ve found success through their own hard work and initiative, but it was only possible because:
•they lived in an open, vibrant society that rewarded individual initiative;
•allowed dissent and disagreement;
•and enabled anyone, anywhere to fully participate in our economy.数以千万计的美国家庭走过了与我们相同的路。他们通过自己的辛勤劳动和积极主动已经取得了成功,但这只有在以下条件下才有可能:他们生活在一个开放的、充满活力的社会,这个社会鼓励个人的积极性,允许异议和分歧,使任何人在任何地方都能充分参与到我们的经济中来。
While the direction China chooses is solely for it and its people to decide, we believe these values are independent of any particular political system.They are universal, and universally beneficial to societal advance.Increasing openness is already transforming Chinese society.As it has around the world, the Internet has provided a platform for millions of Chinese citizens to make their voices heard about the issues affecting their daily lives and has provided them with unprecedented access to their leaders.From property rights, to food safety to environmental protection, Chinese citizens are increasingly engaging in a national dialogue that has led to meaningful advances improving the lives of all the people of this country.虽然中国选择的方向完全由它和它的人民来决定,但我们相信这些价值观是独立于任何特定的政治制度的。它们是普世价值观,普遍有利于社会进步。日益增加的开放性正在改变着中国社会。与 世界各地的情况一样,互联网已经为数以百万计的中国公民提供了一个平台,使他们关于他们日常生活问题的意见能够被听到,使他们能以前所未有的程度接近他们的领导人。从产权、食品安全到环保问题,中国公民越来越多地参与到全国性的对话中,带来有意义的进步,改善这个国家所有人民的生活。
I speak of openness because it is the reason I am privileged to stand on this stage today.I speak of openness because I believe the economic and cultural opening that began with Deng Xiaoping has led to a China that is fairer, freer, and more prosperous, respected, and successful.I hope this opening will continue and accelerate.Because China’s own recent history proves that when it unlocks the full potential of its people, great things are possible.I hope the opening will continue in other realms of Chinese life as well.Think for a moment about the people who invent new technologies and build new companies, who write books and music and create art.These are the people who grow our economies and enrich our culture.What these people have in common is that they think differently.They ask questions.They’re willing to suggest new ideas.These are the people the world needs if we’re going to:
•Find a cure for AIDS or other diseases;
•Find cleaner, cheaper sources of energy to protect our climate;or
•Revitalize the global economy.And that’s why it’s so important for societies to be open, to accommodate new thinking that can help us solve old problems.我谈到开放,因为它是我今天很荣幸地站在这个讲台上的原因。我谈到开放,因为我相信邓小平所开创的经济和文化的开放带来了一个更公平、更自由、更受尊重和更成功的中国。我希望这种开放将继续发展并加快速度,因为中国本国的近代史证明,当中国人民所有的潜力得以释放时,伟大的事情便可能发生。我希望这种开放也将继续出现在中国人生活的其他领域。想一想那些发明新技术和创建新公司的人,那些著书、作曲和创作艺术的人,他们都是促进我们经济发展和丰富我们文化的人。这些人的共同点是他们以不同的方式思维。他们提出问题。他们愿意提出新的思路。这些是世界所需要的人,如果我们希望:找到治愈艾滋病或其它疾病的办法;找到更清洁、更廉价的能源保护我们的气候;振兴全球经济。这就是为什么社会开放、容纳可以帮助我们解决老问题的新思想,是如此重要。
There’s plenty of new thinking occurring everyday here at Beijing Foreign Studies University.By the very nature of your study of different languages and cultures, you’re opening your minds to a world of possibilities.In the years ahead, as you become the leaders and entrepreneurs and artists who shape China, I hope you will stay open, and encourage the same sensibility among your countrymen and women.We know that a more open China will lead to a stronger China and a more prosperous China.And more transparency in the U.S.-China relationship will help us further increase U.S.-China cooperation, improve mutual understanding, and deepen our relationship.I look forward 9 to working with you, China’s leaders and the Chinese people on finding new ways to cooperate and continuing to advance our relationship to meet the challenges not only of today, but of tomorrow as well.每天在北京外国语大学都有大量的新思想产生。你们学习不同语言和不同文化,其性质本身就是你们在向一个充满各种可能性的世界开放自己。在未来的岁月中,当你们成为影响中国的领导人、企业家和艺术家时,我希望你们将保持开放,并鼓励你们的男女同胞运用同样的感受力。我们知道,一个更加开放的中国将使中国更加强大和繁荣。美中关系更加透明将有助于我们进一步增加美国与中国的合作,增进相互了解,加深我们之间的关系。我期待着与你们、中国领导人和中国人民合作,寻找新的合作途径,并继续推进我们的关系,以迎接不仅仅今天还有未来的挑战。
美国驻华大使仕途路线图 篇6
驻华大使 篇7
“意大利的建筑古迹在数量上超过了一万, 向世界展示了意大利建筑全景的丰富性和复杂性。”记者:意大利是一个充满艺术气息, 具有神秘色彩的国家, 到过意大利的人们总是对那里流连忘返。请大使先生为我们介绍一下意大利具有代表性的建筑以及它的设计理念。白达宁:意大利有悠久的建筑历史。我们在不同的地区建造大小不一的建筑, 这些建筑不仅可以按照时期划分, 而且可以按地区划分。很多世纪以来, 这些地区代表着不同的政洽势力。当然, 你在意大利可以发现一些非常美丽的建筑古迹。根据联合国教科文组织的统计, 意大利拥有世界上60%的文化遗产。我们国家很多美丽的建筑, 比如众所周知的罗马斗兽场、米兰大教堂、佛罗伦萨大教堂等, 人人都能感受到它们的魅力并且意识到其重要性。整体来看, 意大利的建筑古迹在数量上超过了一万, 向世界展示了意大利建筑全景的丰富性和复杂性。“对于我们来讲, 重点是建设可持续发展的都会和城市, 能够提供给这些流动的人口最完美的服务和最适合人类居住的城市。’记者:深远的历史传承赋予了意大利鲜明的文化特征, 而传统建筑更是—1^国家发展的历史见证。那么, 意大利政府是如何将历史传统建筑与现代建筑相协调的?白达宁:谢谢。意大利的城市和乡村不仅美丽, 而且还体现了一种思想, 一种参考性的完美人类群居模式。因为生活的组织方式是经济生活、社会生活、服务和人群的移动等各个方面的整合, 因此这些城市不仅重视历史, 还考虑很多其它因素。如今, 很多国家在把更多居民从乡村迁入城市的时候面临一些困难, 中国也是如此。对于我们来讲, 重点是建设可持续发展的都会和城市, 能够提供给这些流动的人口最完美的服务和最适合人类居住的城市。因此, 我建议这种完美的人类聚居模式可以被研究, 在可能的条件下被复制, 当然, 中国的具体情况是不同的。我相信意大利的模式将弓|起更多的关注, 我也确信意大利的城市模式对中国公民的福祉有借鉴意义。“在意大利, 保护文化遗产和环境的立法非常严厉。“记者:意大利的绿色建筑发展情况怎样?白达宁:在意大利, 保护文化遗产和环境的立法非常严厉。我可以在此举几个关于绿色和创新性建筑的例子。一个是建造于意大利北部, 靠近都灵的绿色建筑, 该建筑属于Olivetti公司。这个建筑项目被称为"西部联合住宅区“, 它涵盖了工作生活、社会生活和服务等满足开发商需要的多个方面, 该项目很多年以来都是国际上参考的对象。另外一个建筑位于米兰, 由建筑师Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni La Varra设计的森林双塔大楼, 每一层都种植可以产生氧气、控制温度和减少噪音的树木和植物。‘‘如果中国投资者愿意来意大利投资, 前景将会非常光明。”记者:在您看来, 如果中国的企业想去意大利投资, 什么领域会更欢迎他们呢?如何吸引更多的企业去意大利投资?白达宁:意大利正经历多领域的重要改革过程, 这一定会影响意大利与他国的经济贸易关系。例如在司
法、劳动市场、税收和财产地位领域, 这将会使投资和贸易的经济环境更加友好。另外, 我们还采取了特别针对中国市场和中国投资者的一些举措。比如说在意大利购买不动产的公民, 将有权取得永久居住许可, 过了特定年限后, 可取得意大利国籍。针对中国旅游者, 我们采取了创新的政策, 使他们可仅在36小时内取得签证。我们还启动了专门的中国团体旅游方案, 所有这些政策措施深受中国市场和投资者的欢迎。如果中国投资者愿意来意大利投资, 前景将会非常光明。因为如今欧洲的投资条件很便利, 我们希望中国的投资者不仅集中投资于股票领域, 尽管该领域对所有投资者都很有吸弓I力, 而且还能在其他方面特别是产业项目进行投资, 这将有利于促进中意两国的贸易平衡。“我相信中意两国采取贸易平衡共同政策的时刻已经到来, 这将有益于两国未来的发展”记者:2014年是中意建立全面战略伙伴关系十周年, 明年是中意建交45周年, 两国关系正站在新的起点上, 意中双边贸易与经济关系发展尤为迅速。您能否介绍下双边贸易发展的情况?对于未来意中双边关系发展有何期待?白达宁:可以说中意政治关系极好。在贸易方面, 虽然我个人认为也是非常好的, 但是还有很大的发展空间。我们想要更多的贸易、更多的互动、更多的联系, 更多的中国投资者去意大利投资, 更多的意大利投资者来中国投资, 这将有助于两国的经济体系。同时, 中意贸易局面需要平衡。我之前提到过, 在中意贸易关I!I:h
驻华大使 篇8
记者:据我了解, 您曾到访过哈尔滨、长沙等中国城市, 您认为中国的生态城市发展和城镇建设在可持续发展进程中还应在哪方面做更多努力?
吴思:谢谢你的问题, 我也想谈一谈我曾到访过的中国城市中所感受到的这些城市所面临的一些挑战。在这些城市的建设中, 大部分城市的规划都做得非常好。但是, 在真正把规划落实到建设的过程中, 确实遇到了很多问题, 很多规划在理念的具体实施中打了折扣。尤其是生态城市建立过程中需要经济体的支撑, 我们不仅要把生态城建好, 而且要确保生态城市建成后吸引商业进驻, 确保生态城有经济体的支撑。
瑞典在这方面有很多经验。首先, 我们建了一个生态城, 同时我们要使生态城的建设可以使投资者收回成本, 才能促进生态城可持续发展。在瑞典的城市可持续发展过程当中, 始终保持着二氧化碳排放量的不断降低。也就是说, 随着城市经济的不断发展, 二氧化碳的排放量并没有升高, 而是相应降低了。
记者:瑞典也是一个积极运用被动式住宅的国家, 对于被动式住宅, 瑞典根据本国的特点都进行过哪些探索?
吴思:在瑞典, 有很多关于生态城和被动式能源房的项目, 既有独栋, 也有街区式, 公寓式。由于瑞典地处的纬度相对较高, 与中国的哈尔滨所处的位置相似, 冬天很冷。瑞典的一些被动式能源房不需要外界的能源, 即使在冬天很冷的时候也可以不接入外来能源而实现自己的供热, 甚至有的能源房还能对外提供、输出能源。
在瑞典, 现在已经有了大规模全建制的生态城。但是中国与瑞典相比, 也有很多不一样的地方。比如瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩, 由于它所处纬度较高, 所以瑞典在被动式能源房的经验主要集中于对房子的供热、保温方面。在中国因为有不同的气候带, 所以也会有一些供热以及制冷的需求。但是通过现在的一些环境技术, 已经完全可以解决房子对制冷的要求。比如说通过区域供热和制冷的系统就能满足房子对供热和制冷的两种需求, 同时在被动式能源房方面, 也会大大降低对能耗的需求, 提高能源效率。
记者:瑞典是公认的全球环保领域先驱者, 在世界上工业化国家中使用生物能源比例最高。这些生物能源都被广泛运用于哪些领域?针对不同领域, 都提出过哪些环境战略?
吴思:瑞典的生物质能源确实分很多种, 这也取决于在瑞典的哪个部分。当然, 对于瑞典来说, 由于林业很发达, 所以这是它的一个优势。但是更值得介绍的是, 瑞典对于废弃物的处理。瑞典的废弃物有98%都用于可回收, 只有2%进行了填埋等处理。那么, 在这98%的废弃物里大部分用于燃烧。大家可能觉得对垃圾焚烧有点敏感, 因为会产生二恶英。但是, 在瑞典已经通过一些技术把二恶英的问题解决了, 垃圾焚烧是完全没有问题的。对于垃圾焚烧后会产生的一些能源, 我们将进一步把它跟一些其他的能源供需进行连接, 把产生的能源用于区域供热与制冷。
我必须谈一下生物沼气, 沼气是一种非常好的燃料。可能大家的传统观念里会觉得沼气可能像以前农村家里作为取暖或者做饭的一种方式。但是, 在瑞典, 它已经成为一种非常成熟的技术, 经过了现代技术的加工, 完全可以直接应用于汽车, 作为车载燃料来使用。沼气还可以直接用于供热方面, 燃烧提供热量。生物沼气经过提纯后, 它的质量非常高, 既可以直接加到燃气当中, 也可以与不同的能源系统来衔接。沼气的来源比较广泛, 第一个来源就是把污水处理过程中产生的污泥进行发酵产生沼气。还有一些日常废弃物、农业废弃物等, 都可以作为制沼气的来源。在中国, 玉米、水稻和小麦的秸秆都非常适合制沼气。我们有一个在海南的项目, 就是用当地的香蕉杆来发酵制沼气, 经过提纯为当地公交车和出租车提供燃料。
在瑞典, 生物质沼气和生物柴油是目前常用的可再生能源, 为交通工具提供可再生能源的燃料。但是我个人认为, 生物质沼气可能会有更多的发展前景。在斯德哥尔摩, 目前所有的公交车都是用生物沼气或生物柴油来提供燃料。由于政府鼓励使用生物质能源作为车载燃料, 所以在每个加油站都会设给生物质燃料加气的加气点, 这样也为新能源汽车的使用者加气提供方便。瑞典特别擅长整合不同的技术体系以及将不同的系统整合到一个完整的系统当中, 大家协同合作, 达到一个最好的经济性效果。
“瑞典的环保技术产业的发展, 主要的优势就是我们特别擅于与别人合作。”
记者:瑞典的环保产业发展已经非常成熟, 您认为瑞典在环保产业领域的发展具有怎样独特的优势?
吴思:首先, 我想从软件和硬件两方面来谈。在环保领域产业里, 并不仅仅是把一些产品, 一些硬件设施产品生产好, 系统也非常重要。瑞典有非常好的规划设计咨询公司团队, 无论是城市规划的公司, 还是能源规划的公司, 他们都有非常强的规划能力。
瑞典是一个非常小的国家, 只有不到一千万人口, 还不及北京人口的一半。瑞典的环保技术产业的发展, 主要的优势就是我们特别擅于与别人合作, 与其他国家或者公司之间都有非常好的合作精神。我们可以将不同的技术重新整合, 并且我们也非常愿意与不同的国家来分享这些技术成果。在合作中, 找到更多的机会。
瑞典的环保产业有着强有力的支撑。在城市规划和能源规划方面都有众多人才, 我们也在不断的合作中, 提升把系统不断整合, 不断优化的能力, 以此来降低排放, 减少污染。对于瑞典的环境技术, 我们也非常高兴分享在这些领域方面的知识。瑞典有这种重新整合系统的能力, 我们会把现有的技术, 通过一个非常完善的系统设计, 并最终实现非常低的能源排放。这样, 在城镇化进程当中也可以起到一个非常好的作用。
记者:斯德哥尔摩市哈马碧滨水新城, 可以说是共生城的范本。那么, 最初发展新城的初衷是什么?新城在建设中取得了哪些主要经验?
吴思:哈马碧生态城建设的初衷与首都斯德哥尔摩的整体建设乃至整个瑞典是息息相关的, 我们要把舒适宜居的首都城市建设得更好。具体来讲, 哈马碧地区曾经是个工业化相对集中的重污染地区, 通过改造将它变成生态城。我们想把城市变得更加精致, 这是一个趋势, 因为精致的城市更舒适, 更有可持续性。例如, 车辆减少, 公共交通被开发。这是我们在世界很多地方所看到的, 老港口和重工业地区被转换成为生态和方便的区域。
在这个特区里居住的居民都接受过可持续发展教育, 他们知道如何分类家里产生的垃圾、废弃物。同时, 他们也了解废弃物将会被制成沼气, 沼气经过提纯后会用于城市或者社区中的公交车, 他们对这些废弃物一系列的利用都非常了解, 也知道自己在这个社区生活就要形成可持续的一种生活方式。人们居住在生态城里, 也让居民在生活方式上有所转变。现在的哈马碧生态城在斯德哥尔摩是非常受欢迎的居住区, 大家都把它看作是一个高品质生活的居住社区, 而且它的价格不比瑞典斯德哥尔摩市的其他地区高很多。
记者:我们知道瑞典与多个国家都展开过国际间的合作, 尤其与中国在各个领域和各个层次的交流日益增多, 并取得显著成果。请您谈谈今后两国在生态环保、绿色建筑等领域的合作愿景。
吴思:瑞典在环境保护和气候变化方面与中国都有非常好的合作, 中瑞两国政府也在应对气候变化方面建立了一个对话机制。在今年年初, 我们召开了科学家研讨会, 中瑞科学家一起探讨了如何应对短期气候污染物的措施。我为我们建立的合作感到非常高兴。当然, 我们还举行了政策对话。在今年三月, 我们与北京市环保局一起召开了大气污染防治的研讨会。在这个研讨会中, 我们讨论了关于引导降低排放的一些具体政策、措施。与此同时, 我们也引入了瑞典一些公司的环保技术进行相结合。在可持续发展领域的合作, 一是政策方面的合作, 二是技术应用方面的合作。
2013年5月, 瑞典的环境大臣列娜·叶可女士来中国访问的时候也特别强调, 在环境领域, 两国之间在技术交流和引进方面的合作也是非常重要的。这样才能使政策方面的一些交流具体落实到一些产品技术中, 在政策和商业的两个模式合作下, 才会有更好的成效。
“We need to ensure that the construction of the eco-city enables the investors to recover the costs, which will facilitate the sustainable development of the eco-city.”
Reporter:As far as I know, you have ever visited many cities of China, such as Harbin, Changsha.In what aspects do you think should China do more efforts in the process of sustainable development of ecological city development and urban construction?
Anders Wollter:Thank you very much for that question.And I think, if I could talk about any challenges which I see, first let me say that in terms of planning in, the cities mentioned have been very successful.Generall, I still see challenges on the implementation scale, to implement eco-city solutions and find the right economies in actual deliveries of environmentally friendly and energy efficient systems.
One experience which we can bring from the Swedish side is that we have actually been able to get good economies, good and realistic payoff, for eco-city development.We have also achieved to, with our urban development, continued, strong growth, while keeping CO2 emissions down.
“Swedish experience in passive energy-saving houses lies primarily in the heating and heat preservation of the house.”
Reporter:Sweden has also actively adopted passive houses.What exploration has Sweden made in terms of passive house based on local characteristics?
Ola Ericson/imagebank.sweden.se Anders Wollter:Many developments are emerging in Sweden.For example, we have full scale developments with apartment blocks, which are passive houses and we have individual houses.It is a quite wonderful concept, because it works even far up to North, where Sweden is situated.We are more like Harbin than Beijing, really.And it is quite fantastic to see that you can run a house with almost no, or even no additional net energy.Some houses can even give energy to the outside.We have full scale examples where we have integrated passive houses in eco-city development.And this technology is adaptable to different conditions.I know for a fact that China has a lot of different climate zones.Our experience is mostly for heating, of course, but you can also combine with other technologies to cool houses.This can serve as a part of different systems working together in ecocities.Passive houses can be one of several components of an eco-city.There are other technologies relatively available which can dramatically reduce energy use or increase, I should say, energy efficiency in existing buildings.For example, modern district heating and cooling technologies can drastically improve the situation.
“Biogas is likely to have more prospects.”
Reporter:Sweden is universally recognized as a pioneer in the field of global environmental protection, applying the highest percentage of biological energies among the industrialized countries in the world.What fields have these biological energies been widely used in?What environmental strategies have been proposed in view of different fields?
Anders Wollter:The sources for biomass energy are diverse.An important one, depending on where you are in Sweden is waste from the extensive forest industry in some parts of the country.But that is very specific in Sweden.Then we use household waste, 98%of the waste in Sweden is recycled.What can be burned is burned, so we have waste incineration.I know it might be controversial because the emission of dioxins.But actually we have fixed that problem in Sweden, we don’t have that problem.So, we burn waste in modern incineration plants, which are connected to other energy systems, mainly modern district heating systems.
I must mention biogas.Which is a wonderful fuel, I must say.Biogas itself is a mature technology, certainly.And, sometimes some people consider it to be a little old-fashioned and rural, that is, very local.But actually we have implemented modern biogas systems in Sweden, which are very good to substitute mainly fuels for vehicles.You can also use biogas, to heat local district heating facilities.But the quality of biogas as fuel for vehicles is absolutely wonderful.The thing is that you can put the biogas, both production and use in different systems which are integrated in the urban and today also rural facilities.You can make biogas from a number of sources, from sludge, from waste water, agricultural waste, slaughter house waste, restaurant waste.In China, you can use it from rice, you can make it from rice, straw or sorgum.We have a project in Hainan, where the bananas’stalks will be used.
So we are using biogas and but also to some extent bio-ethanol a lot for city buses and taxis, but also for private cars it is easy to buy bio diesel, ethanol fuel and biogas.We have programs intended for both but I think biogas has even higher potential.Today, all city buses in Stockholm run on bioenergy, bio ethanol or biogas.On the national level we have distribution of biofuels in most petrol stations as alternatives to petrol.It’s really a question about integrating different systems, making it work together, anchoring it with the users, making it economically viable.
“In terms of the development of environmental protection technology industry in Sweden, the main advantage is that we are particularly good at cooperating with others.”
Reporter:Sweden has a very mature environmental protection industry.What unique advantages do you think Sweden has for the development of environmental protection industry?
Anders Wollter:Sweden has a number of specialties in technology.We can talk about hardware, that is“things”and components to put in the systems.In that sense, we have a number of specialized companies that make environmental technology products.I think that there is also an intellectual side to it.We have companies which are good at planning–city planning, energy planning and putting the systems together.
Then there is the Swedish way.We are a small country, less than ten million people, less than half of the population of Beijing.And our way is to be very international and very cooperative, so what we typically do when we do business is that we cooperate with other countries.And we integrate other countries’technologies.We are very much into incorporating it, and sharing the technology and know-how.
I think there certainly is a very bright future for our environmental technology industry.We are talking about everything from consulting companies, city planners, energy planners, to producing the hardware equipment for measuring emissions, handing waste, all of these things.It’s very diverse.And the way is really to combine systems, to make different systems work together.So it is not only a question of the technical know-how of the individual companies, but also the ability to integrate.And I know that a lot of Swedish companies see business opportunities in China, for the enormous mobilization which takes place now in terms of emissions reduction and urbanization which will require the implementation of many environmental technologies.And Swedish companies, cities and other public Swedish agencies re ready to be part of the process.It is in our own interest.Today, everybody needs to relate to the important development which is taking place in China.More and more and cooperation comes with the development of technology between Sweden and China, and the cooperation is maturing.
“The original inspiration of building Hammarby Eco-city was connected to the overall construction of our capital Stockholm and even the whole country.”
Reporter:Hammarby Sjöstad (Sea City) of Stockholm is arguably a symbiotic model for other cities.So, what is the original intention of developing the new town?What is the main experience in the construction of new town?
Anders Wollter:I think the original inspiration was connected to the development of Stockholm our Capital as city.where in fact, we wanted to make the city even more livable, although it’s always been a nice and livable city.And specifically, Hammarby is an area which used to be industrialized and it’s relatively central, so the idea was to make the city more compact.This is a trend, because compact city is easier to make energy efficient, it is more sustainable.For example, you can use fewer cars and you can develop public transportation.So this is what we see in many parts of the world, conversion of old port and heavy industry area into something ecological is very central.
People who live in Hammarby Sjöstad feel that they are a part of the ecological system.They know how their waste is used, sort their household waste, they know that part of the waste will make the biogas, which runs the city buses, they know about how to live a sustainable life and they are quite proud of it.The solutions are anchored with the users.The whole system is anchored from regional demand, from the population.And the solutions, which were presented already at the planning stage, were well anchored.The solutions are part of the lifestyle there.This is a key to success.It is a quite popular area to live in.The property prices have gone up, But they are not prohibitive.The prices are not enormously much higher than in other parts of Stockholm.
“Sweden has conducted quite good cooperation with China in the aspect of environmental protection and climate changes.”
Reporter:We know that Sweden have carried out international cooperation with many countries, and especially the exchanges with China in various fields and levels have been increasing and remarkable results have been achieved.Would you please talk about the cooperation prospects of the two countries in ecological and environmental protection and green building?
Anders Wollter:Very good prospects I think, not only in environmental technology, which is big and important, but also more and more in the environmental protection field, and in the field of climate changes, which is a very serious challenge.If I should talk about climate changes, I must mention that we have established a very good dialogue between Sweden and China.In January, we ran a seminar between Swedish and Chinese scientists, on how to measure and combat short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP’s or SLCF’s) .This is an important area in the climate changes.I am very happy for that cooperation which has been established.Then we have policy dialogues.For example, we organized, only two weeks ago, a seminar in Beijing, a city has impressed me a lot in the resolve to improve the environment and reduce the emissions.At the seminar we discussed both policies and practical solutions to reducing air pollution.So a lot of concrete things can be done, both on policy level and on the practical and commercial level.What we try to do is that we integrate the both because companies can bring solutions.The two fit together of course.
驻华大使 篇9
奥斯·科斯蒂斯大使:希腊是一个与众不同的国家, 它既有丰富的文化和历史遗产, 又有无与伦比的自然美景。此外, 希腊还是一个现代的且安全的国家, 拥有优质的基础设施和引人入胜的现代文化。
因其所具有的悠久历史和丰富文化, 由漫长海岸线、岛屿、山脉和溪谷组成的奇美自然风景, 温和的气候, 善良热情的人民以及优质的服务, 让所有来到我国的游客流连忘返, 都能享受一次无与伦比的希腊之旅。
记者:每个国家都有自己的地标性建筑物, 那么希腊的地标性建筑物是什么?
奥斯·科斯蒂斯大使:我觉得希腊的标志性建筑物当属巴特农神庙 (Parthenon) , 它是一座广为人知的民主遗址。神庙于公元前447至438年间建造在卫城山圣石之巅恩赐的位置, 供奉雅典的保护神——雅典娜。巴特农神庙融入并传播着希腊文明的核心价值观。
奥斯·科斯蒂斯大使:每栋建筑物都是时间和空间的创意互动成果。设计与施工遵循着所处时代的规则和规范, 同时试图打破规则并引入创新, 反映出所处社会的成熟度和知识水平。巴特农神庙便是如此。神庙虽然工程浩大, 但是仍然因其出色的结构、和谐的比例以及极高的象征价值而闻名于世。
奥斯·科斯蒂斯大使:希腊文化部和相关机构为古代遗址组织并协调实施了多项保护和恢复项目。此外, 雅典的多处古文化遗址聚集在城中心, 构成了一个娱乐中心。该中心凸显了这些遗址的重要性。它们不仅是过去历史的一部分, 而且也见证了雅典城的历史沿革。
记者:在保护古建筑的同时, 现代建筑仍在不断涌现。如何能够将古建筑与新建筑很好地融合在一起?希腊在这方面已经做出了什么样的努力?
记者:近年, 希腊在环保和节能减排方面取得了哪些成果?
奥斯·科斯蒂斯大使:按照欧盟的方针政策并考虑到解决环境问题的需要, 希腊已经制定了相关的法律框架, 并采取有效的政策措施保护环境。
在能源领域, 希腊正发展成为东南欧的一个战略能源中心以及投资区位。
近期, 即将启动的天然气管道项目协议TAP以希腊为起点, 在意大利南部登陆, 可将天然气直接从里海区域输送到欧洲市场, 进一步证明了希腊在可持续性能源政策方面的承诺。
奥斯·科斯蒂斯大使:希腊和中国在建立深厚的友谊、相互尊重和多个领域卓有成效的合作基础上形成了良好的关系。遵循着这些原则, 我们会扩大在贸易和投资领域、文化教育和旅游方面的双边合作, 并实现互惠互利。
希腊具有众多的比较优势, 包括位于三大洲交汇点的战略位置、丰富的可再生能源储备、高素质的人力资源以及无数的文化遗产。希腊可作为中国进入欧洲市场的窗口, 成为中国连接西方世界的新丝绸之路上的关键路口。这些优势有助于提高我们在多个领域中的广泛合作, 如贸易、投资、海上运输、旅游和文化。
奥斯·科斯蒂斯大使:希腊希望积极地加强两国之间现有的紧密联系, 进一步促进双方的合作。为此, 希腊总理安东尼斯·萨马拉斯先生 (Antonis Samaras) 近期到访中国表明希腊对进一步提高两国双边关系方面的极大关注。此外, 非常重要的是, 在此次访问期间还签署了涵盖多方面工作的重大合作协议。
驻华大使 篇10
记者:土耳其对于大多数的中国人来说是一个遥远而神秘的国家。从一些电视节目上我们可以看到土耳其拥有美轮美奂的建筑, 还有迷人的自然风光等等。那么, 先请大使先生为我们简单介绍一下土耳其这个国家。
埃森利大使:简单地说, 土耳其是一个融合了东西方文化及南北方文化的国家。由于这种文化的融合, 我们实施了全方位的政策方针。显然, 土耳其是一个在文化及历史方面非常多元化的国家, 这种多元化造就了非常有活力的社会, 因而土耳其整体上是一个具有活力的国家。所以, 我们可以说土耳其是一个具有活力、多元化且开放的国家。
记者:北京是一个历史非常悠久的城市, 有着很多不同时期留下的古建筑。那么, 您对于北京的古建筑和现代建筑的融合这一方面能不能给我们提一些好的建议呢?
埃森利大使:我认为这对北京而言确实是一个严峻的挑战。北京有着两千万人口, 因此需求巨大, 人们需要更宽阔的道路、更畅通的交通、更清洁的空气、更便利的建筑和更快捷的交通工具。这些需求都是合情合理的, 但是实施起来很难。如果想要满足这些需求, 就不得不进行再开发和重建。然而, 扩张、再开发和重建都会对现有的历史环境带来巨大压力。
我认为可以尝试在城市中打造已经很好地传承下来的历史性街区。例如, 后海就保留了原有的风貌。另外, 紫禁城四周的建筑也是如此。此外, 还有琉璃厂以及南锣鼓巷等。因此, 我觉得务必要保护好这些街区。据我所知, 北京计划在接下来的五年中吸引1000万的游客。这将是一个巨大的挑战。将这些历史建筑保护好, 方能实现此计划。同时, 位于北京城内和四周的许多其他的历史遗迹也需得到更多的保护。
另外, 我还想再提一点。这些工作不仅仅是为了保护建筑, 或保护街区, 更重要的是保护其中所包含的人文底蕴, 也就是邻里生活和人文元素。因此, 我觉得在保护胡同的同时, 对生活在胡同中的居民提供保护也是很重要的一方面。就是说, 需要保护好建筑所蕴含的邻里观念, 从而让外国游客可以看到过去的中国, 或者说传统的中国或老北京曾经的生活。
记者:的确如您所说, 历史建筑的保护很重要, 北京作为中国的首都应该起到一个良好的示范作用。我想对于中国观众来说, 土耳其的第一大城市——伊斯坦布尔, 是他们最为熟悉的一个城市。它是一个有着上千年文明历史, 横跨欧亚两个大陆的一个港口城市。上千年的文明给伊斯坦布尔留下了大量的古建筑, 至今都保存完好。那么, 我们想请问一下大使先生, 伊斯坦布尔或者说土耳其是怎样做到完善地保护古建筑的呢?
埃森利大使:没错, 伊斯坦布尔有着悠久的历史, 将近8000年之久。无数文明在伊斯坦布尔重叠存在。就在两天前的10月29日, 也就是土耳其共和国成立90周年纪念日, 我们刚刚为马尔马拉海底铁路隧道举行了通车典礼, 这条特殊的运输通道把土耳其伊斯坦布尔的亚洲和欧洲海岸连通了起来, 也是世界首条贯通两大洲的海底隧道。该项目历经近十年完工, 之所以耗费如此长的时间, 也是因为考虑到对当地悠久历史的保护。
显然, 在一个像伊斯坦布尔这样拥有悠久历史的城市开展建设工作, 难免会碰到各种历史遗迹, 就需要进行进一步地勘查和修复, 这是非常重要的。这也许会减缓现代化的进程。但是, 在某些方面必须平衡好居民对更好服务的需求与历史保护二者之间的关系, 当然, 这种平衡并非易事。可是, 保护历史却是非常重要的。一旦历史被破坏, 将无法恢复, 永久地失去。这也是为什么我觉得必须将历史保护放在第一位, 然后才去满足人们的需求。但是, 我并不是说可以忽略这些需求, 而是要考虑维持这种敏感的平衡。正如你所说的, 在一个像伊斯坦布尔这样的城市中, 有很多美丽的历史性建筑, 而这些建筑是很容易受到外界影响的, 如污染、噪音和振动, 所有这些对于建筑而言都是非常有害的。这也是为什么要开发地下交通, 无论是汽车、铁路或地铁, 这样一来, 就可以避免干扰城市的原有轮廓, 因为有时候城市通过其独有的轮廓和美丽的结构传达着讯息。
记者:土耳其政府是非常重视历史文化建筑的保护的。近几年, 随着中国社会的不断发展, 中国政府也越来越重视古建筑保护这一块。那么, 大使先生, 您认为中国在城市规划和保护历史建筑方面, 应该注意哪些问题呢?
埃森利大使:你说的没错。中国政府越来越强调历史遗迹的保护。历史遗迹是人类引以为豪的文化遗产。土耳其对历史非常重视, 中国亦是如此。我们如此重视历史, 不仅仅是从文化角度考虑, 而且也是出于旅游业的考虑。就土耳其而言, 去年我们接待了3100万游客。对许多游客而言, 来到一个新的国家, 他们希望看到一些具有历史性且独特的东西, 而不是到处都有的现代化的内容。因为多数情况下, 这些远道而来的游客来自现代化的发达国家。如果向他们展示现代建筑, 可能有特色, 但会令他们感到失望。
我们一直有一个概念, 不要把历史建筑修复得很完美、很现代。如果一座具有历史价值的宫殿或房屋已经破败不堪, 并且需要进行修复, 务必采用原始的建筑材料以及原始的设计进行修复。如果选择采用一种新型材料, 虽然该材料看上去差不多, 但是完工时就会发现, 我们得到的是一座新建筑, 根本就不是原来的历史建筑, 这又是令人失望的事情。因此, 土耳其通常在修复历史遗迹时, 一般都是根据原始的设计并采用原始的材料进行, 虽然这样做可能耗时又耗资, 但确保了古建的原汁原味。这就是我个人的建议。
另外, 还有一点我想补充。有时候在同一时间内人们对历史遗迹的参观需求巨大, 但是当一大批人一起涌入同一个历史遗迹时, 其实很难仔细欣赏建筑, 并且也会对建筑本身以及文保单位造成巨大压力。因此, 我觉得需要找到一种可以平衡这二者相互冲突的方法, 一方面既能提供保护, 另一方面也能接待游客展示古建筑。这种矛盾很难调和, 需要充分处理好。
此外, 我想说的是, 过去我们所犯下的错误与一些西方欧洲国家曾经犯下的错误相似。但是, 这些国家比我们犯错误的时间要早一点。大约在19世纪初时发现了这些错误。有很多这样的例子。欧洲国家拆掉了一些重要人物的历史遗址, 如英国的莎士比亚故居。很多这样的历史遗址已经不复存在。也就是说, 我们在对待丰富的历史时需格外小心并且要充满热忱, 这是非常重要的。为了保护重要的文化建筑和文化传承, 我们应让年轻的一代了解到它们。一旦年轻人对文化产生归属感和主人翁意识, 无论是建筑、社区生活, 抑或是手工技艺, 那么就不担心会再犯错误了。
我再举一个近期的例子。我刚去过一个叫做香巴拉长城的度假村, 就在北京近郊。度假村的主人也是我的好朋友劳伦斯·布拉亨在建造时, 依长城而建, 并与其完美地融合, 这些长城遗迹可追溯到中国早期的朝代——秦朝, 历经汉朝、明朝和清朝并保留下来。现在, 很多地方均按照这种更加先进的理念建造, 即, 在提供服务的同时注重保护历史。
“中土两国之间的文化联系缘来已久, 合作也非常有益”
记者:现在, 全世界各国都在开展广泛的文化交流与合作, 使不同文化背景的国家能够相互地学习借鉴, 这也是现代文化繁荣发展的一个最好途径。那么, 想请大使先生谈谈中国跟土耳其之间如何在文化交流方面展开进一步地合作, 前景如何?
埃森利大使:2010年, 两国文化部长签署了一份协议。根据该协议, 2012年在土耳其举办中国文化年, 2013年在中国举办土耳其文化年。同时, 土耳其曾是中国北部的邻居, 睦邻友好关系可追溯到公元前300年, 此后又通过丝绸之路, 商贸往来绵延不绝。因此, 我们今天看到的土耳其与中国之间的文化联系实际上缘来已久。
今年是土耳其在中国的文化年, 我们已经举办了二十多场活动, 包括音乐会、舞蹈演出、摄影展、电影周等。最近我们还尝试采用土耳其的传统乐器演奏中国民乐, 以及用中国的民族乐器演奏土耳其的传统音乐, 并专门举办了土中传统音乐演奏会。我们一直致力于加强人与人之间的交流, 因此这些文化交流活动在文化年结束之后还将继续推进。此外, 为了促进人文交流, 我们还于今年五月开始对中国人民开放网上电子签证, 实实在在地让签证申请变得更加便利。
土耳其与中国都是发展中国家, 两国之间存在着互补性, 合作是非常有益的。我们还可以继续加强两国在基础设施、空间技术、教育留学、经贸投资等方面的合作, 合作领域非常广泛。
“Turkey is a country that combines both eastern and western cultures”
Reporter:To many Chinese people, Turkey is a distant and mysterious country.On some TV programs, we have seen many beautiful buildings and amazing sceneries of Turkey.Mr.Ambassador, would you please give us a brief introduction of Turkey?
Ambassador Esenli:Well, it is not easy to describe Turkey briefly.But if I have to give it a shot, I would say that it is a country that combines both eastern culture with western culture, and northern culture as well as southern culture.It is a mixture of all.For that reason, we have 360-degree policy approach.
But, if I have to add to what I said earlier, I can easily say that it is a very diverse country in terms of its culture and history.We could describe it as a very dynamic, diverse and outward-looking country.
“Beijing’s historic blocks are well protected”
Reporter:Beijing is a city with a long history and accommodates a lot of different ancient buildings inherited from the past times.Would you please give us some advices about the combination of ancient and modern buildings in Beijing?
Ambassador Esenli:Well, I think the real challenge is, for a city like Beijing with almost 20 million people, there is a huge demand for wider roads, faster traffic, cleaner air, more convenient buildings, and easier commute.However, these expectations, which are undoubtedly legitimate expectations, are difficult to meet, because if one tries to meet these expectations, he or she has to start redeveloping and start reconstruction and expansion.Redevelopment and reconstruction inevitably puts pressure on the existing historic environment.So my humble suggestion would be, to create historic enclaves within the city, for instance, Houhai is kept as it is, and when we look at the establishments around Forbidden City, it is also kept in its almost original form, Liulichang and Nanluoguxiang are two other good examples.So I think these enclaves have to be preserved.It is said that Beijing is planning to attract 10 million tourists in the next five years.So this is a big challenge, and could only be achieved if these historic neighborhoods are protected.
And also, there is one other thing that I would like to add, that is, the whole purpose is not only protecting the buildings, but also preserving the human side of it, that is to say, the neighborly atmosphere, the human fabric should be upheld.So, I think it is very critical to have Hutongs kept along with the people living in it.So the neighborhood concept with the buildings and their residents will be maintained.This will allow foreign visitors to get to see how traditional Chinese or old Beijinger live.
“There has to be a balance between expectations for better services and preservation of history”
Reporter:As I know, Chinese audience is most familiar with Istanbul, the largest city of Turkey.It is also a port city with a prolonged history and a great civilization of thousands of years.We know that Istanbul also accommodates a lot of old buildings from its civilization of thousands of years.At present, these old buildings are still perfectly preserved.Mr.Ambassador, how could Istanbul or Turkey guarantee the perfect preservation of these old buildings?
Ambassador Esenli:Well, you are absolutely right.Istanbul has a very long history and it is almost8000 years old.So, there are layers of civilizations, which have been built on top of each other.And just two days ago, we inaugurated the Marmara rail, which is a special transportation connection, linking Asia and Europe.And this is the first tunnel that connects two continents.And it took almost ten years to complete this project.
So when you have a city like Istanbul with such a long history, at each stage of your construction, you may encounter historical sites, which need further exploration and restoration, then of course, it slows down your modernization.But there has to be a balance struke between expectations of the citizens for better services on one hand and the preservation of history on the other, and this is not easy.But it is essential to protect history, because once it is destroyed, you cannot go back to revive it, then it’s gone forever.That is why I think the priority has to be given to the preservation of history.But I’m not saying that people’s needs for better services should be ignored either.A balance needs to be kept.In a city like Istanbul, there are lots of historical buildings, and these buildings are also very susceptible to outside effects like pollution, noise and vibration, all of which are harmful to buildings.That is why it is much better to have traffic, car, railway or metro, go under ground, so that you would not disturb the contour of the city.Sometimes the cities speak with their contours, with their beautiful structures in the background.
“Don’t recreate the historical buildings too perfectly”
Reporter:It seems that Turkish Government has also attached much importance to the preservation of historical and cultural buildings.In recent years, Chinese Government has also paid more and more attention to the preservation of ancient buildings against the backdrop of the constant development of China.Mr.Ambassador, would you please give us some advices on what China should pay special attention to in urban planning and preservation of historical buildings?
Ambassador Esenli:Yes, Chinese Government is also putting a lot of emphasis on the preservation of historical sites, as it is the cultural heritage that constitutes the basis of a proud culture.Therefore, Turkey is very conscious of its history, and so is China.Preserving history is conducive for both cultural purposes as well as for tourism.Turkey received 31 million tourists last year.When tourists arrive in your country, they would like to see something old and unique, because a large proportion of tourists who travel from a long distance away are from developed countries with plenty of modern buildings.So if you show them a modern building, it might be interesting at one point, but later it would become disappointing.If you have a ran-down palace or a house of historical value, it is essential to do the restoration work according to the original plan with the original materials.Because if you use a new material that looks old, in the end it would look like a new building, instead of an old building.It will have a Disney like feel.So, in Turkey, what we normally do is that we try to restore historical sites according to the original plan with the original pieces, despite the fact that it is very time-consuming and extreamly expensive.
So I think this is going to be my only humble proposal.And another thing I would like to say is that, I know during certain days, there is the huge demand for various historical sites.Once you have a large group of people at a historical site during peak season, on one hand it is not easy to enjoy yourself, and on the other it puts a lot of pressure on the buildings.So that is why I think a formula needs to be found on how to balance these competing demands.
And we have made some mistakes in the past in Turkey, and those were very similar mistakes that had been made by some western European countries earlier.They have torn down some historical sites, such as, the House of Shakespeare in England.That is why, it is very important to look at our rich history with care and enthusiasm.And I believe, it is essential to make the youth more aware of the importance of preserving our cultural inheritance, whether it be architecture, community life or craftsmanship.Then, you don’t have to worry about making the same mistakes in the future.
Just to give you one recent example.I was at a Great Wall Shambhala resort in the suburbs of Beijing.This resort was built so carefully by its owner my good friend Lawrence Brahms that it melts with the rhythms of the Great Wall, dating back to very first dynasty, Qin, Han, Ming and Qing Dynasties.So I think that there are a lot of places now that are built with this more intelligent concept of providing services, while at the same time, preserving history.
“Cultural communications between the two countries have started thousands of years ago”
Reporter:At present, a lot of countries are extensively engaging in cultural exchange and cooperation.This is one of the best ways to the prosperous development of modern culture now.Mr.Ambassador, would you please tell us how Turkey and China cooperate in the cultural field?
Ambassador Esenli:Well, in 2010, there was a protocol signed between our two ministers of culture.Thanks to that protocol, we held the Chinese Culture Year in Turkey in 2012 and the Turkish Culture Year in China in 2013.
But of course, this is just more modern side of our bilateral relations.Our relations have its historical side as well, because Turkish people were Chinese people’s neighbor in the north, so our neighborly relationship can date back to 300BC.After that, thanks to the Silk Road, we maintained the cultural connection, so our cultural ties that you see today are not new actually.They are just the continuation of the precess we started thousands of years ago.
As I said, this year is the Turkish Culture Year in China, and we have held over 20 events, including concerts, dance performances, photo exhibitions, film week etc.And recently we just tried to have Chinese classical music performed by Turkish classical instruments, and also Turkish classical music performed by the classical Chinese instruments.So we have this fusion and that fusion is working out perfectly.And therefore, our field of cooperation is very wide, wider than you can imagine, and it is up to our creativity to take it further.
In addition, in order to promote cultural exchanges, this year in May, we simplified our visa application procedure by launching the online electronic visa for Chinese people.
驻华大使 篇11