教师考试英语作文 篇1
一般而言,教学设计方面会涉及到的问题多与试讲的环节相关,如 Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning?(为什么在上课开始就要跟学生讲我们这一节课是写作课?),What’s your teaching difficult point?(你这节课的教学难点是什么?)在回答教学设计相关问题时考生需快速回忆试讲内容,一定要思考两三秒钟组织好语言再进行回答。
例:Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning? At the beginning of the class, I announced the lesson type and the main purpose.Students can better understand the main task of this lesson in this way.And this is an application of task-based-teaching-method.Students can finish those following tasks consciously.That benefits for their learning while finishing the tasks.英语专业知识的相关问题多与试讲知识点或在试讲过程中出现的语法错误相关,如Please talk about your understanding of sense group。(请谈谈什么是意群。)Please make a sentence with the phrase ‘grow up’.(请用grow up造句。)在回答专业知识问题,考生没有捷径可循,考前要多复习英语专业知识。
例:Please talk about your understanding of sense group。
According to the meanings and grammatical structure, a sentence can be divided into several small pieces, each a small section is called a sense group.Sense group can be a word, a phrase, also can be some short sentences or the clause in a complex sentence.江苏中公教师考试网
教师考试英语作文 篇2
实用性英语写作在高等学校英语应用能力考试中, 是测试学生们英语主观性能力的一道题目。主旨是考查学生是否能够灵活运用所学的英语语言和语法知识与技能来正确传递信息和有效地与他人沟通交流。实用英语应用能力考试对写作的目的、对象、格式、表达和语言等都有明确的要求, 提高给学生们的材料和形式主要是文字、图表与表格等等。通常会在题目中给出一段汉语说明, 要求根据说明写一篇符合某种应用文体或实用性段落或短文的写作。对英语语言技能的基本要求是:要求学生做到能够正确使用所学的词、词组和句型;语法和标点符号要求能够正确使用, 句子结构完整表达;句子意思表达清楚, 符合逻辑顺序;注意语言的连贯性, 正确使用连接词等;正确套用或使用常见的应用文格式, 如:简历、留言、明信片、电子邮件、调查问卷等等。
其中实用性英语写作题材包括:英文的书信 (包括普通信件、正式公文、表扬信、感谢信、道歉信、索赔信、邀请信、推荐信、投诉信、求职信、祝贺信等等) ;英文通知 (包括口头通知、书面通知等) ;便条 (包括请假条、欠条、留言条等) ;留言 (包括:电话留言及评价留言等) ;卡片 (包括名片、明信片、贺年卡、礼物卡、祝贺卡等等) ;信封;以及其他题材 (如:简历, 问卷调查, 海报等等。)
要很好的完成该部分题目的话, 需要学生们在备考过程中做到:掌握基本的英语知识, 明确实用性英语写作原则, 清楚地表达自己的意思才能真正做到考出好成绩来。首先学生们在写作部分的考试过程中, 应该尽量避免出现重大的语法错误, 尤其是基本语法错误, 比如说, 单复数的变化、时态和语态的错误, 用词不当等方面的错误等;另外, 单词的拼写以及词汇量是否丰富以及标点符号等等都会对写作成绩的好坏有很大的影响。所以, 我们要想提高英语应用性作文的成绩的话, 就要准备充分。
1、必须掌握基本英语知识。这需要学生们在平时大量的积累, 同时要能熟练地掌握英语语法知识, 并在实际运用中得到巩固。写作时应该使用通俗易懂的简单明了的句子和词汇, 不要写生僻的词汇和没有把握的从句、长句等等。应该使用自己熟悉的单词或短语, 更需要注意时态和语态上不要犯错误。
2、熟悉各种英语应用文写作的格式或框架, 明白各种体裁的写作技巧, 正确的套用常见的应用文格式和语句。这也需要学生们在平时多进行英语阅读, 积极培养英文思维能力, 制定系统的写作计划, 平时反复练习, 考前要做到强化训练。
3、明确应用文写作的原则, 做到条理清晰。写作部分的要求是内容上要保持一致, 句与句、段与段之间要连贯, 条理清晰。
英文信函, 信函是应用文中最常见的一种文体。用以交涉事物、传递信息等。英文信函不同于其他类型的写作, 它不要求辞藻华丽, 只要注重表意准确即可。英文书信的格式通常有六个部分:信头、收信人的姓名与地址、称呼、正文、结束语、署名等六部分。如有附言则附于信后。
英文通知, 英文通知的格式与汉语的格式大体相同, 包括:标题、正文、落款等三部分。标题写在正文上方正中位置, 落款写出发出通知的单位、或人名、时间。
英文简历, 英文简历是求职者生活经历的简述, 通常包括个人资料, 受教育程度, 学历经历和工作经历, 个人爱好, 求职目标等等。
英文便条, 英文便条是最简短的通讯形式, 格式一般包括日期、称呼、正文和署名等。终上所述, 这一部分的考试注意是考查学生们的英语应用能力对应用文的掌握情况。如果考生们能做到把握好题目, 格式运用得当, 叙述条理清晰, 语言表达准确的话, 那么获得高分是不难的。本文通过对英语三级考试中作文考试部分的题型和试题进行分析和总结, 希望能够为参加这一级别的广大考生提供理论上的指导意见, 同时为考生提供如何更好地完成作文部分的任务提供相应的应试策略, 以便使参考学生能更好地应对大学英语三级考试作文题目, 并在考试中获得好成绩。
[1]高等学校英语应用能力考试真题汇编 (B级) 高等教育出版社, 2007.11。
教师考试英语作文 篇3
小学英语教师招聘考试经验 篇4
(2)然后,我把教材里面的真题全部都整理了一遍,比如把里面觉得好的过渡词句、好的活动设计,好的用语之类的,分门别类的整理出来,在初期写说课稿时,比如我写到warming up的时候,我就会去翻看,都可以怎样设计,怎样表达,怎样说。这一遍下来,看了几十篇说课稿,首先是在头脑中形成了印象,知道了说课稿大体是什么样子,有了概念。其次是自己整理了一个工具档案,可以随时翻阅,帮助我前期写说课稿,可以写的多样化,而且像分析学情啊之类的都是套路,找一个万能的背过就好了。
板书我没有花很多的时间去设计,能画点简笔画当然是好,最后我没有用,一是因为我的时间不是太允许,二是一位当过很多次评委的跟我说,板书还是认真写字比较重要,很复杂的也没有太大的必要,就把简笔画和复杂的板书设计放弃了。我当时设计的两个卡通动物当成男生组合女生组的标志,他说这个不现实,单纯为了展示简笔画而展示,就不太有必要了,所以我就设计了别的分组方式。板书还有一点小经验,是那位老评委跟我说,比如你要把重点单词写上,时间关系没有必要都写,可以写几个展示你的字,然后点点点,说and so on就行了。还有一个小经验,千万别忘了写题号,字要认真写还有一个小经验,在设计说课稿时,一定要设计上回头写板书的节点,我前期就是说课稿不知道哪里回头写板书。
教师考试英语作文 篇5
《学科专业素质》(100分)它会给你一篇课文,我考的是英语,是高中英语课本里的两页,直接复印教科书的感觉,从prereading,text 到 postreading。让你写一篇一个课时的教案。内容包括课时、教学目的 等等。注意,要全英文。写完教案,还有两个问题需要回答。其中有一问是在你的教案中,你是如何体现启发式教学原则的。
请不要准备自我介绍!因为你一进去老师就会说,“谈一下为什么要当老师,注意不要透露姓名和学校。”so,自我介绍用不上。本人就傻傻的背诵了一篇英语自我介绍,还没出来见公婆就被退回去了,包办婚姻吃人呐~~ 再注意,英语教师回答这个问题时得in English。
中学英语教师招聘考试试题卷一 篇6
1、本考试时量为 120 分钟,满分为 100 分。
I、单项选择题(选择正确答案)(每小题 1分,共计 5 分)
A、强调形成性评价 B、实现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化
C、考试方式的改革 D、让学生自主学习
II、多项选择题。(凡多选、少选、不选或错选均不给分)(每小题 1分,共计 5分)
A、语言知识 B、情感态度 C、学习策略 D、文化意识
A、学习兴趣和动机 B、尊师爱友 C、自信与意志力 D、合作学习
8、听、说、读、写的训练内容与形式应尽可能________。A、贴近学生的实际生活 B、贴近真实的交际行为
C、贴近英语国家的文化 D、贴近有目的地综合运用英语的活动
第三部分 专业基础知识
从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 30 小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 15 分)
11.Peter______ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.A.picked up B.took up C.made up D.turned up 12.-Did you tell Julia about the result? -Oh, no, I forgot.I ________ her now.A.will be calling B.will call C.call D.am to call
13.John, look at the time.___________ you play the piano at such a late hour? A.Must B.Can C.May D.Need
14.—Did Jack come back early last night?
—Yes.It was not yet eight o‟clock ______he arrived home.A.before B.when C.that D.until
15.—Can the project be finished as planned?
—Sure, it ______completed in time, we‟ll work two more hours a day.A.having got B.to get C.getting D.gets
16.______, Carolina couldn‟t get the door open.A.Try as she might B.As she might try C.She might try as D.Might as she try
17.What a table!I‟ve never seen such a thing before.It is ______ it is long.A.half not as wide as B.wide not as half as C.not half as wide as D.as wide as not half
18.—How about putting some pictures into the report? —________A picture is worth a thousand words.A.No way.B.Why not? C.All right? D.No matter.19.They _______ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _______ on it as no good results have come out so far.A.had been working;are still working B.had worked;were still working C.have been working;have worked D.have worked;are still working 20.The place _______ the bridge is supposed to be built should be ________the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.A.which;where B.at which;which C.at which;where D.which;in which 21.—Don‟t you think it necessary that he _______ to Miami but to New York? —I agree, but the problem is ________ he has refused to.A.will not be sent;that B.not be sent;that
C.should not be sent;what D.should not send;what
22.Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _______ the Pacific, and we met no storms.A.was called B.is called C.had been called D.has been called
23.—______ that he managed to get the information? —Oh, a friend of his helped him.A.Where was it B.Who was it C.How was it D.Why was it
24.There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we ________ gave up.A.eventually B.unfortunately C.generously D.purposefully
25.Word comes that free souvenirs will be given to _______ comes first.A.no matter whom B.whomever C.no matter who D.whoever
26.____for the terrible accident, as the public thought, the mayor felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.A.Having blamed B.To blame C.Being to be blamedD.Being to blame 27.—How did the plan strike you?
—It _____, so we can‟t think too highly of it.A.all depends B.makes no sense C.is so practical D.is just so so
28.The new tax would force companies to _____ energy-saving measures.A.adopt B.adjust C.adapt D.accept
29.I think ________ knowledge of the Internet is ________ must in our work today.A.a;a B.the;an C.the;不填 D.不填;a
30._______ center has been set up to give ________ on scientific farming for the nearby farmers.A.Information;advice B.An information;advice C.An information;advices D.Information;advices 31.—Carl, go to wash the dishes.—Why_______? Jack is doing nothing over there.A.me B.I C.he D.him
32.—What did Mr Black do in the middle of the night? —Well, I‟m not sure, but he was often heard ___________.A.singing the same song B.to sing the same song C.sing a same song D.to be playing same song
33.The computers made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they ________.A.were playing B.were to play C.have played D.played
34.The novel “The Da Vinci Code” ______ a great success and was translated into 44 languages in 2004.A.appreciated B.enjoyed C.won D.seized
35.—I haven‟t seen you for ages.Haven‟t you graduated from college? —Yes.I _____ English for four years in Nanjing.A.study B.have studied C.am studying D.studied 36.—What made him so happy?
—_____ as the model student in school.A.He being elected B.His electing C.His being elected D.His been elected
37.—You don‟t like this oil painting, do you? —______.I like it better _____ I look at it.A.Yes;the moment B.No;as C.No;when D.Yes;the more
38.Nobody but the twins ________ some interest in the project till now.A.shows B.show C.have shown D.has shown
39.—According to the weather report, the temperature tomorrow will rise up _______22 degrees centigrade.—Oh, it‟s quite hot ________ December.A.to;for B.at;in C./;in D.by;for
40.Mary spent the whole weekend _______ in her room, _______for the coming examinations.A.locked…prepared B.being locked…preparing
C.locked…preparing D.locking…preparing IV.完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 中,选出最 佳选项。
In the days of Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, life on a steamboat on the Mississippi River was 41.One of the most exciting 42 of that period was a race 43
two of the fastest river boats.The Natchez had steamed up the river from New Orleans to St.Louis in three days, twenty-one hours, and fifty-eight minutes.John Cannon, 44 of the Robert E.Lee felt sure that he could 45
this time and challenged the captain of the Natchez.46
his boat light, Captain Cannon 47 no passengers 48;he did not 49 the
usual goods.Moreover, he had crews with supplies of coal waiting on floats along the river so that the boat would not have to put it to shore for 50.The race began on June 30, 1870.Being lighter than the Natchez, the Lee jumped into an early lead.For three days the race continued, 51 the boats travelling at full steam.They were 52
each other the whole time, 53 short spaces when bends in the river hid one or the other from view.Then only a few hours from its goal, the Natchez 54 a rock and ran aground(搁浅).The Lee steamed proudly into St.Louis in exactly three days, eighteen hours, and thirty minutes after she had left New Orleans.Bell rang, and people called 55 the boat
named after the general 56
as an army engineer had prevented the river from changing its course and St.Louis 57 becoming an inland town.The Lee 58
a good record---one that brought honor to all rivermen.However, the great day of the river steamers was drawing to 59.The 60
won the passenger and
goods business from the river boats.There are boats on the river today.But they are not the white birds that attracted young Samuel Clemens.41.A.an adventure B.a story C.an experience D.a creation 42.A.incidents B.events C.accidents D.affairs 43.A.between B.among C.in D.within
44.A.shopkeeper B.postmaster C.headmaster D.captain 45.A.beat B.won C.fall D.hit
46.A.Making B.To make C.Made D.So as to make 47.A.rode B.drove C.took D.brought
48.A.on the board B.in board C.on board D.in the board 49.A.carry B.lift C.support D return 50.A.oil B.coal C.gas D.water 51.A.with B.and C.having D.for
52.A.at sight of B.in sight C.out of sight D.in sight of 53.A.besides B.beside C.but D.except for 54.A.hit B.knocked C.beat D.struck 55.A.with a joy B.with joy C.in joy D.in excitement 56.A.which B.whom C.who D.what 57.A.from B.in C.not D.to
58.A.has made B.had made C.made D.had done 59.A.a close B.stop C.a pause D.a rest 60.A.traffic B.railroads C.planes D.airlines V.阅读理解(共 25小题,计 25 分)
1.Driver Wanted
(1)Clean driving license.(2)Must be of smart appearance.(3)Aged over 25.Apply to: Capes Taxis, 17 Palace Road, Boston.61.What prevents Jack, an experienced taxi driver, working for Capes Taxis? A.Fond of beer and wine.B.Punished for speeding and wrong parking.2.Air Hostesses for International Flights Wanted(1)Applicants must be between 20 and 33 years old.(2)Height 1.6m to 1.75m.(3)Education to GCSE standard.(4)Two languages.Must be able to swim.Apply to: Recruitment office, Southern Airline, Heathrow Airport West.HR37KK 3.Teacher Needed
For private language school.Teaching experience unnecessary.Apply to: The Director of Studies, Instant Language Ltd, 279 Canal Street, Boston.C.Unable to speak a foreign language.D.Not having college education.62.Ben, aged 22, fond of swimming and driving, has just graduated from a college.Which job might be given to him?
A.Driving for Capes Taxis.B.Working for Southern Airlines.C.Teaching at Instant Language Ltd.D.None of the three.63.What prevents Mary, aged 25, becoming an air hostess for international flights? A.She once broke a traffic law and was fined.B.She can‟t speak Japanese very well.C.She has never worked as an air hostess before.D.She doesn‟t feel like working long hours flying abroad.64.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the three advertisements? A.Marriage.B.Male or female.C.Education.D.Working experience.(B)
A new period is coming.Call it what you will: the service industry, the information age, the knowledge society.It all translates to a great change in the way we work.Already we‟re partly there, the percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen sharply in the Western World.Today the majority of jobs in America, Europe and Japan(two thirds or more are in many of these countries)are in the service industry, and the number is on the rise.More women are in the work force than ever before.There are more part-time jobs.More people are self-employed.But the breath of the great change can‟t be measured by numbers alone, because it also is giving rise to new way of thinking about the nature of work itself.Long-held opinions about jobs and careers, the skills needed to succeed, even the relation between workers and employers—all these are being doubted.We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead.No one
looking ahead 20 years possibly could have seen the ways in which a single invention, the chip(芯片), would change our world thanks to its uses in personal computers, and factory equipment.Tomorrow‟s achievements in biotechnology or even some still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of great changes.But one thing is certain:
information and knowledge will become even more important, and the people who own it, whether they work in factories or services, will have the advantage and produce the wealth.Computer knowledge will become as basic a requirement as the ability to read and write.The ability to deal with problems by making use of information instead of performing regular tasks will be valued above all else.If you look ahead 10 years, information service will be leading the way.It will be the way you do your job.65.Information age means _____________.A.the service industry is depending more and more on women workers B.heavy industries are rapidly increasing
C.people find it harder and harder to earn a living by working in factories D.most of the job chances can now be found in the service industry.66.Knowledge society brings about a great change that __________ A.the difference between the workers and employers has become smaller B.people‟s old ideas about work no longer exist
C.most people have to take part-time jobs
D.people have to change their jobs from time to time
67.The future will probably belong to those who _________.A.own and know how to make use of information B.can read and write well
C.devote themselves to service industries D.look ahead instead of looking back(C)
Among various programmes, TV talk shows have covered every inch of space on daytime television.And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one is
different in style(风格).But no two shows are more opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “rubbish talk”.The contents on his show are as surprising as can be.For example, the show takes the ever-common talk show titles of love, sex, cheating, and hate, to a different level.Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is about the dark side of society, yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other people’s lives.Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its top, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction.The show is mainly about the improvement of society and different
quality of life.Contents are from teaching your children lessons, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being poured
into society.Jerry ends every show with a “final word”.He makes a small speech about the entire idea of the show.Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone.The show‟s main viewers are
middleclass Americans.Most of these people have the time, money, and ability to deal with life‟s tougher problems.Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of a connection with the young adults of society.These are 18-to-21-year-olds whose main troubles in life include love, relationship, sex, money and drug.They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned through the show’s exploitation.68.Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey are_____.A.more interesting B.unusually popular C.more detailed D.more formal
69.Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear unpleasant, people who watch the shows_____.A.remain interested in them B.are ready to face up to them
C.remain cold to them D.are willing to get away from them
70.Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show? A.A new type of robot.B.Nation hatred.C.Family income planning.D.Street accident.71.We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows_______.A.have become the only ones of its kind B.exploit the weaknesses in human nature
C.appear at different times of the day D.attract different people(D)
Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why they‟re always coming in for criticism.Their critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion and because they have so much money to throw around.“It‟s iniquitous,” they say, “that this entirely unproductive industry(if we can call it that)should absorb millions of pounds each year.It only goes to show how much profit the big companies are making.Why don‟t they stop advertising and reduce the price of their goods? After all, it‟s the consumer who pays…”
The poor old consumer!He‟d have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn‟t create mass markets for products.It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap.But we get the wrong idea if we think the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods.Another equally important function is to inform.A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read.Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about.Supposing you wanted to buy a washing machine, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc., from an advertisement.Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted.It is hardly possible not to read advertisements these days.And what fun they often are, too!Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be like without advertisements.Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway byelaws while waiting for a train? Would you like to read only closely printed columns of news in your daily paper? A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a newspaper full of the daily ration of calamities.We must not forget, either, that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets.Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not subsist without this source of revenue.The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programmes is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price!
Another thing we mustn‟t forget is the “small ads.” which are in virtually every newspaper and magazine.What a tremendously useful service they perform for the community!Just about anything can be accomplished through these columns.For instance, you can find a job, buy or sell a house, announce a birth, marriage or death in what used to be called the „hatch, match and dispatch‟ column but by far the most fascinating section is the personal or “agony” column.No other item in a newspaper provides such entertaining reading or offers such a deep insight into human nature.It‟s the best advertisement for advertising there is!
72.What is the main idea of this passage? A.Advertisement.B.The benefits of advertisement.C.Advertisers perform a useful service to communities.D.The costs of advertisement.73.The attitude of the author toward advertisers is_______.A.appreciative B.trustworthy C.critical D.dissatisfactory 74.Why do the critics criticize advertisers? A.Because advertisers often brag.B.Because critics think advertisement is a “waste of money”.C.Because customers are encouraged to buy more than necessary.D.Because customers pay more.75.Which of the following is NOTtrue?
A.Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything.B.We can buy what we want.C.Good quality products don‟t need to be advertised.D.Advertisement makes our life colorful.76.The passage is_______.A.Narration B.Description C.Criticism D.Argumentation(E)
Police fired tear gas and arrested more than 5,000 passively resisting protestors
Friday in an attempt to break up the largest antinuclear demonstration ever staged in the United States.More than 135,000 demonstrators confronted police on the construction site of a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant scheduled to provide power to most of southern New Hampshire.Organizers of the huge demonstration said, the protest was continuing despite the police actions.More demonstrators were arriving to keep up the pressure on state authorities to cancel the project.The demonstrator had charged that the project was unsafe in the densely populated area, would create thermal pollution in the bay, and had no acceptable means for disposing of its radioactive wasters.The demonstrations would go on until the jails and the courts were so overloaded that the state judicial system would collapse.Governor Stanforth Thumper insisted that there would be no reconsideration of the power project and no delay in its construction set for completion in three years.“This project will begin on time and the people of this state will begin to receive its benefits on schedule.Those who break the law in misguided attempts to sabotage the project will be dealt with according to the law,” he said.And police called in reinforcements from all over the state to handle the disturbances.The protests began before dawn Friday when several thousand demonstrators broke
through police lines around the cordoned-off construction site.They carried placards that read “No Nukes is Good Nukes,” “Sunpower, Not Nuclear Power,” and “Stop Private Profits from Public Peril.” They defied police order to move from the area.Tear gas canisters fired by police failed to dislodge the protestors who had come prepared with their own gas masks or facecloths.Finally gas-masked and helmeted police charged into the crowd to drag off the demonstrators one by one.The protestors did not resist police, but refused to walk away under their own power.Those arrested would be charged with unlawful assembly, trespassing, and disturbing the peace.本帖隐藏的内容
77.What were the demonstrators protesting about? A.Private profits.B.Nuclear Power Station.C.The project of nuclear power construction.D.Public peril.78.Who had gas-masks?
A.Everybody.B.A part of the protestors.C.Policemen.D.Both B and C.79.Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a reason for the demonstration? A.Public transportation.B.Public peril.C.Pollution.D.Disposal of wastes.80.With whom were the jails and courts overloaded? A.With prisoners.B.With arrested demonstrators.C.With criminals.D.With protestors.81.What is the attitude of Governor Stanforth Thumper toward the power project and the demonstration?
We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a person‟s knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were.It really is extraordinary that after all these years, educationists have still failed to device anything more efficient and reliable than examinations.For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite.They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person‟s true ability and aptitude.As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none.That is because so much
depends on them.They are the mark of success or failure in our society.Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day.It doesn‟t matter that you weren‟t feeling very well, or that your mother died.Little things like that don‟t count: the exam goes on.No one can give off his best when he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do.The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of vicious competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured.Can we wonder at the increasing number of „drop-outs‟: young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?
A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself.The
examination system does anything but that.What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memorize.Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to restrict his reading;they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming.They lower the standards of teaching, for they deprive the teacher of all freedoms.Teachers themselves are often judged by examination results and instead of teaching their subjects, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise.The most successful candidates are not always the best educated;they are the best trained in the technique of working under duress.The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective
assessment by some anonymous examiner.Examiners are only human.They get tired and hungry;they make mistakes.Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time.They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates.And their word carries weight.After a judge‟s decision you have the right of appeal, but not after an examiner‟s.There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person‟s true abilities.Is it cynical to suggest that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them? This is what it boils down to in the last analysis.The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: „I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.‟ 82.The main idea of this passage is______.A.examinations exert a pernicious influence on education B.examinations are ineffective
C.examinations are profitable for institutions
D.examinations are a burden on students.83.The author‟s attitude toward examinations is_______.A.detest B.approval C.critical D.indifferent 84.The fate of students is decided by_______.A.education B.institutions C.examinations D.students themselves
85.According to the author, the most important of a good education is_______.A.to encourage students to read widely B.to train students to think on their own C.to teach students how to tackle exams D.to master his fate VI.短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)
Our lunch break from 11:50 AM to 1:40 PM.We are 86._______________ like bird that are set free from our cage.The first thing 87._______________ we do is rush to the field to have the lunch.Students bring 88._______________ out what they prepare in the morning for lunch, things 89._______________ such as bread, carrots, drinks, etc.At lunch students who get 90.______________ into three groups according to their liking, every doing their 91.______________ own things.The first group of students like to sit in the field, 92._____________ having lunch and talking.They eat very slow and talk about 93._____________ the news, homework, etc.I don‟t find it excited at all.94._______________ That is because I don‟t usually eat lunch with them.95._____________ VII.书面表达(5 分)
I.& II.单项与多项选择题(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
1—5 CBDAD 6.ABCD 7.ACD 8.ABD 9.ABC 10.BCD III.语法和词汇知识(共 30 小题,每小题 0.5 分,计 15 分)11—15 ABABB 16—20 ACBAC 21—25 BBCAD 26—30 DCAAB 31—35 AABBD 36—40 CDDAC IV.完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分)41—45 ABADA 46—50 BCCAB 51—55 ADDAB 56—60 CABAB V.阅读理解(共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,计 25 分)
61—65 BCDAD 66—70AABAC 71—75 DCAAC 76—80 CCDAB 81—85 AACCB
VI.短文改错(共 10 小题,计 5 分)
birds 88.去掉 lunch 前的 theà86.from 前加 is 87.bird eachà prepared 90.去掉 who 91.everyà89.prepare à92.right 93.slow excitingàslowly 94.excited whyà95.because
教师考试英语作文 篇7
笔者在教学过程中对学生做过问卷调查并结合多次试卷分析, 发现学生考试存在如下问题与现象:①时间不够用, 常常有1至2道题没时间做;②忽视细节, 失分严重;③计算马虎与计算能力不强;④重难点突破不到位, 最后两道大题得分很少.笔者仔细分析了这些现象与背后的原因, 并提出自己的教学建议, 希望对老师们有所帮助.
绝大多数学生在考试时都感觉时间似乎太短, 常常在做到第20题时考试结束铃声就响起, 而那最后一道题也只能无缘相识了.但我们知道一般考试最后一题的第1问是比较简单的, 大多数学生只需要作简要分析便可得出答案, 而学生们不能正确的把握时间, 只能眼睁睁的看着分数从他们的指间流过.
主要原因 ①选择题与填空题没有遵循“小题小解, 小题巧解”的原则, 许多针对选择题、填空题的特殊解题方法 (如特值法、排除法等) 没有灵活运用, 导致浪费了大量时间;
②计算能力较弱, 解题速度太慢, 耗费了时间;
③不懂得适当的放弃, 在选择, 填空题中往往会有一二道题比较难, 而学生不敢大胆的放弃, 时间没有得到合理分配, 导致后面的大题没有时间做.
教学建议 加强应试指导, 提高学生的应试能力;加强选择题、填空题训练, 培养学生“小题小解, 小题巧解”的意识与能力.
例1 (2009年武汉调研题) 过双曲线C:
解 依题知无论直线l的倾斜角为多少, 以AB为直径的圆被右准线截得的劣弧数为
点评 如果不采用特值法, 那就要求出弦长AB, 计算量不知大了多少, 费时费力.
只要考细节, 总有很多学生逃不过.一张试卷, 学生们因为在细节上的疏忽而失掉的分数一般十分左右, 作为老师的我们不可轻视.
主要原因 ①学生思维不够严密, 考虑问题不够周全, 没有养成良好的做题习惯;
②许多知识点都有细节注意点, 教师在讲解时强调不够, 学生没有引起重视.
教学建议 ①深化认识.严谨是教学的本质与魅力之一, 命题者当然会通过考查细节来检测学生是否养成了严谨的数学思维能力.
②教师要归纳整理各种细节, 并提出有效的措施细节包括四方面:审题, 计算, 知识与思维.有效措施如:
a.审题方面的细节:审题要慢, 在审题过程中要读出题干中的每一个信息.尤其是函数应用题, 要注意单位是否统一, 概念应用题中是否有隐含意思.
b.计算方面的细节:正确处理速度与准确率之间的辨证关系, 准确第一, 速度第二, 不能盲目追求速度.
c.知识方面的细节:教师在教学过程中多多强调, 并要求学生重视.
d.思维方面的细节:加强专项训练, 培养学生考虑问题的周全性与严密性.
例2 (2009年湖北) 设集合
错解A={x|x<2}, B={x|-2<x<1}, A∩B={x|-2<x<1}.
错因 忽视了对数真数大于0, 也有学生没有将最终结果写成集合形式.
例3 (2009年湖北) 已知{an}是一个公差大于0的等差数列, 且满足a3a6=55, a2+a7=16.若数列{an}和数列{bn}满足等式:
错解 因为
(1) - (2) 得
又an=2n-1, 所以bn=2n+1, 即{bn}为首项为4, 公比为2的等比数列, 所以
错因 忽视了 (2) 式中的限制条件n≥2.
例4 (2009年湖北) 已知关于x的函数
错解 因为f (x) 在x=1处有极值
错因 学生忽视了极值存在的充要条件:①f′ (x) =0的根;②两侧的正负符号不同.也可以说是学生对多组解处理不严密, 没有检验要不要舍一组解.
2009年湖北省高考数学试卷学生由于细节处理不到位, 一般都失去了10到15分不等.
湖北省高考数学试卷总有较大的运算量与运算技巧.不少学生畏惧庞大的计算, 对复杂的化简与计算总是无能为力, 不得不半途放弃, 这在解析几何体现的最为明显.
主要原因 ①长期以来, 学生重思维轻计算, 对计算不够重视;
②计算中也蕴涵着技巧思维, 常规运算技巧训练力度不够.
教学建议 ①加强常规运算训练, 改变学生重思维轻计算的观点;
②提高教师认识, 计算能力是解题的力量所在, 是解题的武器, 计算能力不强, 注定在考试中会失败.
例5 (2009年湖北) 古希腊人常用小石子在沙滩上摆成各种形状来研究数, 例如:
他们研究过图1中1, 3, 6, 10, …, 由于这些数能够表示成三角形, 将其称为三角形数;类似地, 称图2中的1, 4, 9, 16, …, 这样的数称为正方形数.下列数中既是三角形数又是正方形数的是 ( ) .
(A) 289 (B) 1024
(C) 1225 (D) 1378
解 记图1中的数构成数列{an}, 图2中的数构成数列{bn}.依题知:
a2-a1=2, a3-a2=3, a4-a3=4, …
因为b1=1, b2=4, b3=9, b4=16, …故
点评 许多学生都是令an, bn等于选项中的数据, 根据方和解是否是正整数排除, 因为选项数据较大, 计算量宠大, 学生耗时过多.没有根据数据因式分解来排除.
分析学生试卷, 总能发现大多学生最后两道大题得分甚少, 这两题一般都是数列和解析几何, 这是高中教材的难点, 也是考试的重点与热点.
主要原因 ①压轴题是区分选拔人才的重要内容, 试题本身有一定的难度;
②由于最后一题一般得分情况不好, 许多教师常常告诉学生最后的大题只需做一问, 造成不良的心理影响;
③教师在重难点、热点上下的功夫不深, 钻研不够, 突破不到位.
教学建议 ①教师应加强学习与研究, 在重难点内容上多总结解题经验, 归纳出一般步骤, 让学生“有法可依”;
②教师加强学情研究, 弄清学生到底哪儿是难点, 一般来说, 绝对值问题, 数列中的恒成立与奇偶讨论, 解析几何大题, 恒成立与有解问题等等;
③加强重难点的专项训练, 并要求学生自己总结经验.
如解析几何面积最值问题复习方案, 笔者是这样设计的:
1) 求解几面积最值的难点:
2) 解决方法与思路:
①第一步尤为关键, 面积的表示简洁与否直接决定着计算量的大小.许多学生正是不能用最简形式表示所求的面积, 人为的增加了宠大的计算量, 最终都被巨大的计算量所难倒, 不得不被迫放弃.
②灵活求弦长能大大减少化简与计算的难度, 为后面求最值打下良好的基础.
③解几中的面积最值往往是利用均值不等式来求得的.这个过程需要学生有较强的变形, 配凑能力, 才能利用均值不等式.学生这方面的能力较为缺乏.
3) 典型例题选讲:略.
此外, 学生的化归能力不强, 不能将陌生的问题与新颖的表述转化为熟悉的问题来解决, 也是失分的一个重要因素.
教师的考试焦虑症 篇8
关键词: 考试焦虑 教师成长 危害 解决策略
2015教师资格考试初中英语说课:A charity walk07-05
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