


新启航2014暑假初一升初二特训班 篇1

新启航教育2014年暑假初一升初二特训班 Name________



—It’s an apartment building.A.What’s your home? B.Where’s your house?

C.What kind of house do you live in? D.Where’s the home?

()2.—_______ much water in the glass?

—No, only a little!

A.Are there B.There are C.Is there D.There is

()3.—Would you like me to help you?


A.Sorry, I don’t know.B.No problem.C.This way, please.D.Yes, thanks.()4.Kangkang’s home is not _____ the school.He usually goes to school on foot.A.far from B.away from C.far away D.far

()5.Look!There are so many students _______ in the pool.A.swimB.are swimming C.swims D.swimming

()6.—Do you like living in this community?

—Yes, of course.I ________ here!

A.had a colorful life B.having a colorful life

C.have colorful life D.have a colorful life

()7.The old woman lives _____ a house _____ a garden.A.in;and B.on;with C.in;with D.with;in

()8.We can buy many school things, ________ pens, pencils and rulers in the shop.A.each other B.such asC.at all D.and so on

()9.—How about playing soccer after school?

—I’d love to, but I have _____ homework to do.A.a lot of B.a lot C.many D.a few

()10.—Excuse me, this bag is too heavy.________

—Of course.A.Can I help you? B.Could you help me?

C.Let’s help him.D.Let me help you.二.(A)根据句意及首字母提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。

41.Mr.Green lives just next to me.He is my n_____.42.The second m_____ of the year is February.43.At the e_____ of the road, there is a bookstore.44.Please be quiet.The baby is s_____ now.xK b1.Com

45.China is a great c______.All of us love it very much.
