


索要英文文献英语作文 篇1


找一个服务的网站:/)是英国并且是世界上存在时间最长的科学学术团体。始建于1660年,于1662年由国王查理二世授予皇家证书。皇家学会始终致力于科学发现与探索的最前沿。NSTL购买了英国皇家学会4种期刊从2006年9...The Times Digital Archive 1785-1985(Gale)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】报纸、全文/部分全文 【访问年限】1785-1985 【描述】《泰晤士报》是研究英国历史的重要参考资料,它也是研究过去两个世纪世界历史和中国历史的重要资料。由 Gale 出版公司制作的英国《泰晤士报》全文数据库——The Times Digital Archive,收录文献跨度为1785—1985年,这一期间所...Thieme英文期刊(药学/化学类)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】期刊、全文/部分全文 【访问年限】

【描述】Thieme是一家具有百年历史的国际性科学和医学出版社。从1886年开始,Thieme致力于为科研人员、临床医师、和学生等专业人士提供高品质的图书、期刊产品。作为德国最大的医学出版社之一,Thieme在德国斯图加特和美国纽约均设...Toxicology Abstracts(CSA)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】文摘/题录、期刊 【访问年限】1981-【描述】包含的内容从社会毒品和滥用物质到自然毒素,从立法或推荐的标准到环境相关出版物。通过调查工业和农业化学、家居用品,医药品以及其他无数物质的毒物学研究文献,这些出版物发行的信息主要涉及毒素物质的活效。当前...TOXLINE(CSA)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】文摘/题录、期刊 【访问年限】1996-【描述】该库涵盖了毒理学领域的期刊书目文摘资料,同时也收录了专著、技术报告、学位论文、通信、会议文摘等资料,内容包含化学、药理学、杀虫剂、环境污染等。

U.S.National Newspaper Abstracts(3)(Proquest)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】报纸、全文/部分全文 【访问年限】

【描述】该库是ProQuest平台上的数据库之一,收录了New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal三种报刊的文摘索引及全文信息。
New York Times: 1980-
USA TODAY: 1987-
Wall Street Journal: 1984-US & Canadian Law Reviews(Lexis Nexis)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】法律/法规、期刊、全文/部分全文 【访问年限】1982-【描述】收录LexisNexis公司提供的超过700种美国和加拿大法律评论与学刊。USPTO Patent Database 【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】全文/部分全文、专利 【访问年限】

所有专利从1976年1月以来提供全文,包括所有的书目数据,如发明人的姓名,该专利的所有权,以及受让人的姓名,摘要,发明的相...Virology and AIDS Abstracts(CSA)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】文摘/题录、期刊 【访问年限】1982-【描述】当全世界的科学家竞赛着去战胜艾滋病的致命挑战时,同时正在进行的项目仍继续回答着病毒学其他关键领域的问题,病毒学研究已变成比以往更加重要。现在病毒学和艾滋病文摘提供了在这个信息密集的研究竞赛中无数研究结...Vocational and Career Collection(EBSCO)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】期刊、全文/部分全文 【访问年限】


Water Resources Abstracts(CSA)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】文摘/题录、期刊、报告、会议论文、图书 【访问年限】1967-至今 【描述】Water Resources Abstracts涵盖了与水相关的科学和技术主题,涉及水的特点、保存、控制、污染、处理、应用及水资源管理。文献类型包括期刊论文、图书、会议录和技术报告等。覆盖的主题:地下水、湖泊、江河、侵蚀和沉积、水...Wiley InterScience电子期刊 【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】期刊、全文/部分全文 【访问年限】1997-【描述】John Wiley & Sons Inc.是有近200年历史的国际知名的专业出版机构,在化学、生命科学、医学以及工程技术等领域学术文献的出版方面颇具权威性。
目前Wiley InterScience平台上共有477种电子期刊,具体学科涉及:生命科学与医学、数...WilsonSelectPlus(OCLC)【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】期刊、全文/部分全文 【访问年限】1994-【描述】WilsonSelectPlus的每条记录都包括索引、摘要和联机全文,这些全文文章选自美国和国际上的专业出版物、学术期刊和商业杂志,其中很多全文与FirstSearch的其它数据库记录的引文相链接。它目前包括1,650多种期刊,110多万条记录,...World Bank e-library 【地址】原界面链接

【文献类型】事实/数据、多出版类型、报告、图书 【访问年限】

【描述】The World Bank e-library是世界银行发行的图书、报告、和其它文档的数据库。

World Bank Online Resources 【地址】原界面链接

毕业论文 英文文献翻译 篇2


原文名称: “Goldilocks” Liberalization: The Uneven Path Toward Interest Rate Reform in China








Shih and Victor



尽管推行这种市场化,但金融体系的基本逻辑任然保持了一样。在存款方面,存款利率上下限的去除主要是象征性的,因为银行没有理由去不必要地降低利率,使其低于他们的竞争对手所提供的利率。因此,很少数的银行利用市场化的优势来给出低于存款基准利率的利率(2006年绿色)。关于贷款利率市场化,央行的理由是,它将使银行“根据客户不同风险的状况给予不同的贷款和利率”(2005年中国人民银行货币政策研究小组)。虽然这听起来像一个显著的效率增益,但这是发出了现实的信号,即银行继续提供廉价融资,给予有更低的官僚风险状况的国家资助项目和国有企业。在此期间,通过存款利率上限和贷款利率的下限,银行之间的“毁灭性竞争”仍然受到严格的限制。因此,银行仍然不能通过提供更高的存款利率互相竞争。同样,银行无法通过提供给借款者更低的利率来相互竞争,因为银行能提供的最低利率为基准利率的90%。中国人民银行的一份报告显示,整个国有银行全部贷款的27%,被设臵于法定最低利率,这表明银行将会通过给出法定最低利率来竞争(中国人民银行货币政策的研究团队 2005)。为了给中国人民银行信贷,促使城市商业银行和农村信用社贷款利率的市场化,通过提供更多高利率的贷款给在私营部门的高风险的的借款人,提供融资给原先被冻结的正规银行系统分部(中国人民银行货币政策的研究团队 2005)。


除贷款利率的上限,银行通过贷款赚更多的钱。因此,当中央要求银行于2008年11月为4万亿人民币经济刺激方案提供融资,银行以极大的热情回应。导致2009年中国的贷款向上急速膨胀,比上年增长了惊人的30%。中国人民银行在2009年原本设臵信贷配额是5万亿人民币向上一点点。到今年年底,银行已经做出了历史上最大量的新增贷款,总额近10万亿人民币(潘克赫斯特,郑,和王 2009)。银行持有的存款利率低于基准利率而贷款利率高于基准利率,实际上可收获可观的利润,即使在经济衰退期间(汉2009)。因此,贷款利率上界的自由化得益于所有有关的政治人物。高层的技术专家保留为最大的反周期投资驱动凑集资金的能力,这在中国的历史上是相对容易的。银行仍然防止“毁灭性竞争”,并继续享有稳健的贷款利率传导。由于银行为经济刺激计划提供资金的意愿,财政部不需要发行很多的债务,从而限制财政赤字的规模。虽然一些大型国有企业由于释放出的贷款利率可能付出更高的借贷成本,银行急于提供大量的融资额给他们,使他们向其他实体转贷资金而赚取利润。随着世界逐步摆脱经济危机,由于前两年的快速信贷扩张,通货膨胀的压力在中国建立的非常迅速。2011年初,通货膨胀调转进入危险的境况。然而中国领导人在危机模式下,利率进一步自由化的任何谈话被搁臵。另一位金发的时刻必须在下一轮利率自由化之前提出,使其可以被理解。



劳动力转移英文文献推荐 篇3

1、Todaro, M.P.(1980), “Internal migration in developing countries: a survey”, in: R.A.Easterlin, ed., Population and economic change in developing countries(University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL)

2、Taylor and Martin(2001), “Human Capital: Migration and rural population change”, in: Gardner and Rausser, ed., Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Vol.1(Elsevier)

企业价值评估文献综述英文版 篇4


Business value measurement depends on expectations for the future earnings, there are many ways to assess earnings, and the mainly methods are DCF method, Residual Income valuation theory, Economic Value Added valuation method and Real Options Valuation method.This article bases on the development of domestic and foreign business value theory, and gives a brief summary of the latest research, then compares the different valuation theory at home and abroad.Finally, combining with practical features of Chinese enterprise value assessment concluded that assessments of the latest theories in Chinese enterprises.KEY WORDS :Business Value, Measurement Theory, Literature Review1、Introduction

Business value measurement theory rose in the United States in the early 1960th of the 20th century.With the 50 years’ development and application , Western developed countries have been greatly applied in practice.At present, the theory and method of enterprise value evaluation in Western developed countries have been more and more mature,and it has been used to assess in practice.In China, the application of business value measurement theory is later than western countries which is now relatively slowly.Therefore, arranging the present research results and analysis the theory structure have been an important aspects so as to form a tight,coherent theory system.On the guidance of the business valuation practice it can establish new

methods of business valuation in China, and it is essential to promote the development of theoretical study.2、Studies Abroad

Business value measurement have a history of hundreds of years as an industry in Western countries.During those hundreds of years, many scholars in Western countries on business valuation have done a large number of theoretical studies.Shiller(1981)used the discounted cash flow model to describe stock prices fluctuating boundaries, and the research shows that real stock prices change

significantly beyond this range.Because these uncertain information is estimated with hypothesis and data processing technology.Its disadvantage is that it required too many intuition for decision makers, but also achieving many possible distribution hypothesis [1]

In 1995,Ohlson use the conception of clean surplus

in residual income valuation model based on the use of clean-surplus(clean surplus)constructing and perfecting the concept of residual income valuation model

[2].Felthan and Ohlson(1995)further developed this theory, that extraordinary income sources are twofold: first, monopoly rents, second, accounting for sound doctrine.Their most prominent contribution is presented for the evaluation of linear information models(1inear information model)[3].Evaluation of applying the residual income model, relates to the extraordinary income is not included in the current period in the time series estimates of future earnings, more difficult.1995年,Ohlson在剩余收益定价模型的基础上利用干净盈余(clean surplus)的概念构建并完善了剩余收益估值模型[2]。Felthan和Ohlson(1995)进一步发展了这一理论,认为非常收益的来源有两个方面:其一,垄断租金;其二,会计的稳健主义。他们最突出的贡献在于提出了用以价值评估的线性信息模型(1inear information model)[3]。运用剩余收益模型进行价值评估,涉及到对没有包含在当期非常收益中的未来非常收益的时间序列估计,难度较大。


JohnA.Compbell(2002)应用实物期权分析方法讨论了IS(information System)的投资时机决策问题。


2003年,David Fryman和Jakob Tolleryd在合著的《公司价值评估》专著中,将价值评估方法分为四大类:①基于现金流量的估值——股利折现模型、折现现金流量模型与投资的现金流收益;②基于收益的估值——经济增加值(EVA);③基于资产的估值——净资产估值;④期权估值——实物期权法[7] [5]

3、Domestic Research










Through the analysis of business value measurement at home and abroad, we can find that the current research is mainly the combination of new and old value measurement methods according to the real situation.above on both at home and abroad enterprise value assessment theory of

analysis, can found, currently of research main is through new old value assessment method according to reality for combination, put enterprise value for classification, on different type of enterprise value respectively for value assessment, again put results added, formed comparison reasonable of strategy merger enterprise value assessment results, then put value assessment system using Yu actual case in the, validation its effectiveness.通过上述对国内外企业价值评估理论的分析,可以发现,目前的研究主要是通过新老价值评估方法根据实际情况进行组合,把企业价值进行分类,对不同类型的企业价值分别进行价值评估,再把结果相加,形成比较合理的战略并购企业价值评估结果,然后把价值评估体系运用于实际案例中,验证其有效性。


[1] Shiller,R.J.,1981,Do stock prices move too much to be justified

by subsequent change in dividends?[J]American Economic Review 71,PP.421~436.

[2] Ohlosn,J.A.Earnings,1995,Book Values,and Dividends in Equity

Valuation, Comemporary[J],Accounting Research 11,PP.661~687.

[3] Feltham,G.A.,Ohlson,J.A..,1995,Valuation and Clean Surplus

Accountingfor Operating and Financial Activities[J],Comemporary Accounting Research 11,PP.689~732.

[4] Jackson A.The How and Why of EVA at CS First Boston[J].Journal of Applied Corporate Finanee,1997(1):98-103.

[5] Campbell,J.A.,2002,Real options analysis of thetiming of IS

investment decisions[J],Informations & Managemem 39,PP.337~344.

[6] Copeland, Tom, Tim Koller, Jack Murrin.价值评估:公司价值的衡量

与管理(第三版)[M].郝绍伦等译.北京:电子工业出版社,2003: 2-10.[7] David Fryman, Jakob Tolleryd.Corporate Valuation[M].New York:

Prentice Hall,2003.[8] 李姚矿,童昱,科技型中小企业无形资产评估中的期权定价模型叨,合肥工业大学学报,2006,(12), 1493~1495.

[9] 肖留华.战略并购中目标企业的价值评估研究[D].武汉:武汉大学,2007.28-41.

[10] 白登顺,贺强.EVA估价法与FCFF估价法的比较[J].消费导刊,2009(10).[11] 黄朔,赵银川.剩余收益模型在上市公司价值评估中的应用研究[J].前


[12] 蒋大富,梅雨.高新技术企业价值评估的方法选择[J].财会月

刊,2011,(8):65-67.[13] 王静,齐彩云,张东.基于实物期权的创业板企业价值评估二叉树模型

索要英文文献英语作文 篇5

Engineering cost management Project cost control emphasis should be transferred to the project construction early days, is transferred to the project decision and design stage.Project cost control in construction projects throughout the entire process, the key lies in the pre construction investment decision-making with design phase, whereas in the investment decision is made, the key lies in designing.According to expert analysis: architectural design, in the preliminary design stage, design stage, construction design stage to the engineering effect were 75% ~ 95%, 35% ~ 75%, 5% ~ 35%;while in the construction phase, through the optimization of construction organization design, construction cost saving the possibility of only 5% to 10%.We should put the focus shifted to the design stage, in order to get twice the result with half the effort.Pay attention to the technical and economic optimization combination.The combination of technology with economy is most effective way to control engineering cost.China engineering fields for a long time did not do this.The lack of technical personnel economy idea, design thought is conservative, the design of the outcome of the economy are not fully reflect.Therefore, we should solve the problem is to improve economic efficiency as the goal, in the construction process, organization, technology and economy organic ground union rises.Through the economic analysis, comparative study and effect evaluation, correct processing of advanced technology and reasonable in economy between the relation of unity of opposites, strive to advanced technology under the conditions of economic rational, reasonable in economy based on advanced technology.Carry out “limitation is designed” method.To be consciously put the application of value engineering to the specific design, actively promote quota design in engineering design contract, by way of bidding.This has been proven in practice is an effective way, it is not only an economic problem, more precisely a technical and economic problems.This “limitation is designed” to effectively control the project cost.In order to make the “limitation is designed” to achieve the desired objectives, should be involved in the design personnel must be experienced skilled economic designer.Their design results must be practical, advanced and reasonable cost.Control of engineering cost on the other hand is the need for comparison, because the outcome is a process of gradual improvement, and not to decide, so the comparison is a measure of its practical, advanced and economical means.Do good project cost control in the process.(1)compilation of economic and feasible construction scheme.Before construction, construction enterprises should be combined with the construction drawings and the actual situation at the scene, their mechanical equipment, construction experience, the management level and technical specification acceptance criteria, a set of practical and feasible construction scheme.The construction scheme is engineering implementation of the programme of action.(2)to technical personnel, materials, machinery and personnel staff communication

and coordination.In the process of construction, construction technology, materials and mechanical personnel should cooperate closely, understand each other, to management as the core, to reduce costs for the purpose of.(3)to the project completion settlement.Strict supervision system.Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision(including cost management)system.Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output.Strict supervision system.Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision(including cost management)system.Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output.To establish and perfect the independent project cost advisory body, cultivate a Zhi De have both engineering team.To establish a real sense of independent engineering cost consulting agencies.Through improving the laws and regulations, normative behavior, separate government functions from enterprise management, the establishment of independent business partnership, share-holding system, the limited responsibility system and other forms of organization, an industry-based, diversified services integrated project consulting company, build and development and reform the engineering cost intermediary service institutions, make construction project management of a gradual transition by an independent specialized agency in charge of project cost whole process tracking management, truly between owner and contractor plays an intermediary role.To strengthen engineering cost consulting industry association construction, establish project cost consulting industry self-discipline mechanism, and constantly improve the Engineering Cost Association in engineering cost consulting industry status, to be truly representative of the interests of the majority of the industry practitioners, government and enterprises to become connection link and the bridge.At the same time to strengthen the project cost specialty in higher education and in service education.As a result of project cost management in construction projects and various economic interests are closely related, and the whole social economic activities play a very important role, it requires the cost engineering technical personnel should have different levels of knowledge, in addition to their professional knowledge and have a deep understanding, also deal with the design content, design process, construction technology, project management, economic laws and regulations have a comprehensive understanding of.Therefore, the project cost management, project cost per unit of society groups, has already obtained a cost engineer qualification personnel, in order to carry out plan, has the goal, multiple levels of continuing education and training, to understand and master Chinese bilateral agreements with countries project cost technology, regulations, management system and its development trend, to expand domestic and foreign exchanges, and actively participate in international or regional engineering activities, improve their professional quality, so that the current practitioners in intelligent

structure, theory and working experience three aspects can meet the needs of engineering cost management.Cost engineering professionals need to strengthen their own learning, in addition to the professional knowledge to upgrade, should also work in combination with a broad understanding and master the relevant engineering and technical expertise, educational organizations and industry regulatory bodies constitute a complete education system, so as to the field of engineering senior talent development to create good conditions.中文译文:








索要英文文献英语作文 篇6



Web of Knowledge中ISI proceedings(ISTP的网络版),可以检索国际著名会议、座谈会、研讨会及其他各种会议论文的综合性多学科的权威数据库

IEL(IEEE/IEE Electronic Library)全文库,收录美国电气与电子工程师(IEEE)学会和英国电气工程师学会(IEE)自1988年以来出版的会议出版物


Web of Knowledge中Derwent Innovations Index(德温特世界专利索引),检索专利的权威数据库,该库大部分有文摘,小部分有全文





SCI——Web of Science

EI——Engineering Village

英文英语感恩节作文 篇7

Mom and Dad brought me to the world and gave me life. I grew up like a flower under the care of my mom and dad. My parents taught me how to speak. My father and mother taught me to learn to walk. Its the truth that my parents taught me to be a man.

Father and mother bathe me in two different ways everyday, and let me grow happily in love. Though these love are different, no matter how severe or tolerant, it embodies the love of my parents.

Dad is very strict. He is very strict with my learning habits. He cant be less than a fist, a foot or an inch. When I have a failure, I will tell him when he is inert when I learn. Under his strict request, I didnt dare to be careless in learning and sitting posture. I also developed a serious, careful and steadfast habit, which made me benefit from my life and study.

Mother is very gentle and care for me. When I made the wrong time or have learning problems, she always sat down and stroked my head, he teaches me to make sincere words and earnest wishes, I realized his mistake in the mood, and correct. But when I get good grades, mother will praise me, encouraging words can be heard without end, often linger in my ear, let me feel warm, very comfortable.
