


英语口语教案英文 篇1

Teaching Plan


school: Grade: Class: Teacher:content of courses

Topic11.My Pet Turtle

Teaching aims

Listen to say familiar three sentence patterns and their

answer form——What is your favorite …?My favorite … is…

Teaching difficult points

first-person converting and reconverting

teaching media

1.Teacher preparation teaching material matching tapes

2.Prepare relevant part of the courseware

3.Teachers learned patterns card ready

Teaching steps

1.Warming-up/Revision.(1)Daily conversation display.(2)play“Let us sing together” songs the recording, the teachers

and students singing and do the action


(1)The tortoise knowledge introduction

T:Look and think.(2)Teachers fast.Pictures of animals show series:

daddy turtle,mommy turtle, brother turtle, baby turtle.Accordingto see pictures about students cultivate animal words observationand memory.(3)Listen to recording ,then practice in pairs.The next lead

“What is your favorite pet?”,First , take out to the whole , then askseveral students answer shows the correct answer form.“ My favorite pet is…”


(1)Let’s do a game!

I will ask two students to do it.one say “what’s your favorite pet?”,the other do a reply and express it with your body languag-e.(2)Exchange.4.Now read the text quickly and find out other sentence pa-erns :when and where did you get it?how often do you feed it?why do you like it?Is it a turtle?And so forth.5.Assignment

You should know “what is hisher favorite ….?”and their answer form.Next class teacher will check it ,oh

英语口语教案英文 篇2



In middle schools, how to arouse the learners’interests to learn English has been a big problem for the teachers as well as for the students.In order to deal with this problem, teachers have to explore ways to arouse the learners’interest in English teaching.In recent years, many educators do lots of experimental study on English songs Wherever on developing learners’ability or psychology, they realize the importance of English songs.Compared with past teaching methods, we can understand the value of the English songs.Songs may take up the whole class period instead of old ways.English songs can be used not only for purposeful language practice, but also for motivating students interest and enhancing students’involvement in learning English.

II.The Advantage of Using English Songs in English Teaching

Arousing Students’Interest in Learning English

Einstein once said:“Interest is the best teacher”.The students wil not feel that learning is a burden if they are interested in studying, and they will put their hearts into learning actively.Arousing the interest of the students is the key to learn English well.English songs have the meaningful lyrics and beautiful tunes, which can arouse the interests of middle school students easily.It can promote the students to throw themselves into studying enthusiastically.It also can enrich the students knowledge, open the students’mind and make up for a weakness of intelligent development.

B.Improving Students’Ability in Pronunciation and Listening

Firstly, it is useful for pronunciation.There are syllables, word stress, intonation, sentence focus, linking, rhythm in English songs.On one hand, if we emphasize the correct syllable, it is easier for the students to understand the meaning of the song.For one instance, consonants such as I and R are difficult for some of the middle school students to distinguish and pronounce.However, if the stress is placed correctly, the students will probably understand the meaning from the songs even if the consonants are unclear.On the other hand, the word stress tells us, in some case, a word is a part of speech.There are many words which are nouns when the stress is on the first syllable and verbs when the stress is on the second syllable.For example, RE-cord is a noun, while re-CORD is a verb.In addition, intonation gives us important information about sentences.It tells us a lot about a speaker’s feeling or state of mind.In every sentence, most important syllables get the most emphasis.What’s more, it is necessary for English learners to find linking in the songs.When non-native speaks’English songs seems choppy, it is because they are not linking their words.Native speakers sometimes carry the sound at the end of a word over to the beginning of the next words.By element of English songs–syllables and words intonation sentence focus, and linking can better evaluate their own English pronunciation.

Secondly, English songs also can improve listening.Listening is one of the most challenging skills for our students to develop.Songs is the excellent way for training listening.Our aim is to cultivate students all-round ability to use English, with the special attention paid to listening ability.Listening is traditional practice.As well known, the cultivation of listening in English is a slow, long-process, and anyone who wants to deal with the English language through the textbooks al the time, people cannot really learn English.Every day there is another exciting emergence of the music album, which makes the choice.We have a huge space, different styles, different rhythm, different singers songs in English so that we can be in the“Instruction in listening”.

Broadening Students’Knowledge of English Culture

English songs are an important part of foreign culture, but also daily lives are more exposed to one of the English language corpus Songs is a description of the media and cultural knowledge.English songs are integral part of foreign cultural and an important embodiment If the teachers make songs described as a medium of cultura knowledge, it’s sure that students can be refreshed.And such a vivid way of learning is more close to life and easier to arouse the enthusiasm of students, but also more acceptable.

Increasing Students’Memory of English

Now, more and more scientists find that benefit of songs, which can increase human’s memory.In a song, there are many sentences which contain many words, and those words form into some of images with a specific sentence, which will make people have a good memory Then we will bring attention to the memory of the above sentences, you will find that you can write it down naturally.It is proved by the fac that most people can still remember the lines to their favorite primary school even after 20 or 30 years.Newham (1995-1996) suggests that the patterns produced through rhyme are known to aid memory and enhance language learning.He states that, “the primarily righ hemisphere-oriented process of music making can enhance the process of language acquisition and memory which place demands upon the lef hemisphere”.Thus songs presumably enhance and stimulate memory because dual coding leads to deeper processing and better memory.

Waking up the Students’Aesthetic Ability As a teaching style, which resulted in the crossing of two

subjects, its content is myriad.As a new teaching viewpoint, it prefers to unite subject and object harmoniously.Feelings are bound them together and unite them to form one.The subjects are teachers and students.The subject’s sense of participation is a key factor in class.Therefore, the class is carefully prepared for every student and full of resource.Language Teaching Humanities are responsible for training the students to awaken students’sense of respect to humanity and the people’s own sense of dignity.Such as:Hallelujah at the beginning of the piano is very shocking, singer Rufus Wainwright clear, and mellow voice, and its high-bass kind of comfortable with the transformation to the students to make sense of the soul to be promoted.“It’s not a cry you can hear at night.It’s not somebody who’s seen the light.It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah”.What a stirring lyrics!Thus, education is not the people have become trivial, but should respect people’s feeling of a sense of people’s souls become more noble.

Reviewing Knowledge

In learning in general in the future tense, the teacher can choose Boyz II Men to sing I Will Get There very rhythm of the song to enable students to appreciate at the same time review the tenses studied.Learning subjunctive mood, we can allow students to appreciate the song If I Never Knew You.In introducing some American slang, such as:What’cha=What have you, what do you, what are you gonna=going to, etc, can allow students to appreciate the song:I’m Gonna Get You Good.The lyrics are getcha=get you, wantcha=want you, betcha=bet you or you bet, wanna=want to slang and so on.Understanding these informal English language learners is not without a benefit.


英语口语教案英文 篇3

关键词: 英文原声影视材料 英语口语 学习技巧














在英文影视材料的选择上,对于基础相对薄弱的非英语专业学生而言,教师可以选择一些没有专业术语、比较生活化和口语化的、剧集之间情节相对独立的情景剧作为学习素材。比如,《老友记》(Friends)、《老爸老妈浪漫史》(How I met your mother)、丑女贝蒂(Ugly Betty)等。这些剧集一般一集播放的时间在二十分钟左右,便于学生反复观看和操练。






小学英语四年级的英文教案 篇4

1.Teaching aims

Let the students master the new words:

Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.

2.Teaching aids

A tape recoder, a projector

3. Teaching steps

1) Greetings

Say “Hello” to all the students.


Ask several groups to come to the front to act out the text.

Ask several groups to come to the front to act the new story that

They’ve made up after class.

3) Read the words:

Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.

Let the students to fill in the blanks on page 75.

Read the sentence and ask them to make up a new paragraph about themselves. Ask several students to say sth about himself.

4) Review the chant they’ve learned last class.Choose several students to come to the front to act.


Choose 6 students to come to the front. Let them act as the Father, mother, sister, brother, uncle and aunt. Ask them to Introduce themselves first and then choose 3 students to introduce them .

Play a word game to review the words the students had learned.

6) Tell them sonething about the foreigners and the west countries.

7) Teach them a new song named “ She’ll be coming around the mountain”

4. Homework

Let the students master the new words and expressions. Ask them to make up a new dialogue after class.

英语口语教案英文 篇5























’’repink.monkeylikesthemverymuch..They’reyellow.They’rebig.Thesurfaceofthemarehard.Useshouldusetheknifetocutthemoff.Step4:Sentenceconsolidation1)Touch,smellandguesswhatarethese?whatarethosebehindthedoor/inthedesk? They’re…2)practiceinpairs.A:what’rethese?B:They’re…s.A:Doyoulike…s?B:yes.No,Idon’t.A:whatdoyoulike?B:Ilike…s3)Dotheexercise.A:what___


































































全英文教案 篇6

4.Present the new word: tea.T: I’m thirsty.I want to drink something.I like water.Do you like water? Do you like tea? 5.Game: a.Bomb.T: Look, it’s a bomb.When there is a bomb near the word, don’t read it.b.Yes or No.T: There are some word cards in my hand.If I say correctly, you should say “ Yes”.If I’m wrong, you should say “No”.6.Chant.a.Read the chant together.b.Make a new chant.Work in pairs.c.Show themselves.7.Practice the sentences:

Does…like…? Yes, she/he does./

英语口语教案英文 篇7


在传统英语口语教学中, 许多教材内容都是缺乏真实性的, 里面的课文对话都是提前写好, 没有语境的, 所以学生就不知道该在什么样的场景中用到哪些句子, 比较缺乏实用性。所以, 教师可以从以下几个方面将英文电影运用到口语教学中:

1.学习英语电影中的语音和语调。观看英语电影有助于提高学生的标准语音和语调。语音是英语口语的基础, 在英语口语教学中占据着非常重要的地位, 它不只是单单包括单词的发音, 还包括单词、习语的连读、缩读、重音、爆破、弱化、浊化等。正确的单词发音很重要也是基础, 但是如果忽略了音变形式和语调节奏, 就会让人听起来觉得不是地道的英语发音, 现在很多大学生在读文章或者口语表达时, 能够正确的发出每一个单词的发音, 但是往往让人听起来不舒服, 不地道, 主要的原因就是没有注意音变形式。但是通过对英语电影的学习, 可以很容易的攻克这个问题。

英文原版电影一般都是标准的语音, 语速也是他们日常生活中正常的速度, 不像传统口语教材中的课文录音, 往往语速比较慢, 所以英文电影的学习可以让学生身临其境的感受标准的英语发音。英语的那些连读、爆破、缩读等音变形式都可以通过电影学习时慢慢的学习到模仿到。当然, 任何一部英语电影因为演员、剧情的需要, 不可能每个角色的发音都是标准的英式或者美式发音, 有时会掺杂各种语音和口音。例如, “December Boys”里面的男主角生活在澳洲, 所以演员丹尼尔·雷德克里夫为了能确保自己在影片中的澳洲口音足够标准, 提前在影片开拍前六个月, 开始训练自己讲带澳洲口音的英语;再如大家都比较熟悉的《阿甘正传》中的阿甘说着浓厚的阿拉巴马口音。但是, 这些带有浓厚口音的电影也值得我们学习, 因为当我们把英语口语运用到实际工作和生活中时, 我们不可能遇到的都是一些说着标准英美口音的外国人, 所以, 在学好标准发音的同时, 了解并适应各种口音, 可以更好的提高学生的口语交际能力。

2.学习英语电影中的词汇和句型, 引导学生学习地道的口语表达方式。在学生上口语课或者用英语表达交流的时候, 很多学生往往会把要表达的词汇用中文思维的方式表达出来, 也就是我们经常说的Chinese English, 连学生自己都会觉得很别扭, 长此以往会对自己的口语越来越不自信, 所以这也是为什么我国大部分学生口语差的原因之一。但是, 通过对电影的学习, 学生可以学到很多地道的口语表达方式, 可以很好的提高他们的口语水平。不过, 教师在选取影片的时候, 应该选择口语表达丰富和实用的影片, 并在学生观看中, 或者之后对其进行总结和讲解。比如下面的句子

1) She didn't know, how should I know?

她都不知道, 我怎么会知道?

2) You are trained for nothing.


3) What’s with you?


4) You can't live off your parents your whole life.


在进行口语练习时, 老师应该让学生再仔细想想所要表达内容的真正含义, 尽量使用和自己想要表达意思相似的地道用法。另一方面, 可以引导学生用学到的口语表达方式改编情景对话, 启发他们运用所学的表达方式, 提高英语口语表达能力。此外, 教师还应引导学生充分利用课下的时间, 反复观看经典的电影或桥段, 使这些地道的表达方式烂熟于心, 这样就会游刃有余的运用到日常生活中。

3.引导学生根据电影内容进行角色扮演。电影欣赏完并充分理解电影内容和掌握主要句型后, 教师应该引导学生根据电影中的经典情节进行角色扮演。英语教学中的角色扮演, 能够很好的调动学生在课堂上的积极性、主动性和创造性, 是一种特别好的英语教学方法。然而, 由于学生的性格、语言表达和表演能力各不相同, 学生在进行角色扮演的效果会有很大的不同。再加上有的学生参与意识差, 上课不集中, 有时候会在表演的时候不用心, 这些都会使学到的知识没有办法充分运用和掌握。因此, 教师应多给学生时间, 让他们自行分组和练习, 让他们充分准备, 仔细分析剧本内容和人物性格和台词等。当然, 教师也应该给予学生适当的鼓励, 只有在教师的鼓励下, 学生们才能建立信心, 才能轻松的融入到课堂中。


原版英文电影是很好的英语口语的学习资料, 但是在进行电影口语教学中, 不能盲目地给学生放电影, 选择的影片要有助于英语口语教学。一般来说, 教师应注意以下两方面问题。

1.电影的选材。在口语教学中, 并不是所有的英文电影都适合, 教师电影选择上要多留心和多注意。用于口语教学的英文电影应满足以下的要求: (1) 语言含量大, 语言丰富, 因此不应该使用动作片、电影对白少的影片及俚语特别多的影片; (2) 内容贴近英美国家日常生活并含有丰富的口语表达方式;发音要清晰地道, 利于模仿。因此, 教师可以选用动画片、青春校园片或者美国电视剧, 如“The Lion King”, “High school musical”, “17 Again”等。动画片简单易懂, 又充满情节, 而校园青春片中的演员年龄与中国大学生相仿, 影片对白语速适当, 能够引起共鸣。在选择电影的主题时, 要与口语教学的单元主题相似, 这样能引导学生对话题进行更丰富、深入地讨论。 (3) 在片源上, 最好选择可以调整字幕形式的, 如, 英文字幕、中文和英文中文字幕。

2.先听后说。在观看电影片段的时候, 应遵循先听后说的顺序, 看第一遍时先不要字幕, 只利用画面和英文配音来了解电影内容, 然后再看两三遍英文字幕, 了解具体电影内容。最后不看字幕再重新看一遍, 检测一下效果。这样不仅有助于听力的提高, 也有助于口语水平的提高。


[1]万蕾, 傅珏, 张新军.英语电影在大学英语教学中的应用[J].医学教育探索, 2006 (6) :105-107.

[2]张龙峰.运用英文电影进行大学英语教学问题初探[J].安徽警官职业学院学报, 2006 (6) :40-42.

链接英文电影,教学生动英语 篇8

【关键词】初中英语 英文电影 生动英语

【中图分类号】G633.41【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)10-0111-02




创设情境,使得英语课堂更加生动有趣。如,在《牛津初中英语》(Fun with English)7B Unit 1“Dream Homes”的“Reading Homes around the World”教学中,结合“The different favorite home”,不妨建议学生欣赏电影《Wizards of Waverly Place少年魔法师》,在欣赏该电影之前,要求学生搜集该电影的有关海报,特别是影片中少年所变幻的各种美丽的房屋家园,让学生低着好奇主动欣赏电影。教师还可让学生从Alex,Justin,还有Max的魔法表演中就“What did you see from the movie?”和“How are you going to introduce their home?”等问题进行同桌交流,让他们在打开表达思维后可建议他们就“What is your dream home?”进行小组合作讨论,让他们结合阅读素材中内容予以对比和灵活运用,帮助他们深化识记。




聆听对白,让学生走出以本为本的英语学习模式,有更多自我实践运用机会。如,在7BUnit 3 Finding your way的“Reading A lucky escape”教学中,我带领学生观看了莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥主演电影《荒野猎人》,利用影片中皮草猎人被熊所伤并被其他猎人抢走财物抛弃荒野,经历痛苦奇迹存活后开始复仇的有趣情节,让学生有更多的兴趣学习和欣赏猎人中经典对白,像As long as you can still grab a breath,you fight.You breathe... keep breathing.(只要一息尚存,就不得不战。深呼吸,不要间断,深呼吸);You came all this way just for your revenge,huh? Did you enjoy it,Glass?...'Cause there ain'tnothin' gon' bring your boy back.(你一路走来,只是为了复仇?格拉斯,你乐在其中么?因为想换回你兄弟,已是于事无补)等,让学生通过模拟人物角色进行对话,帮助他们在反复识记运用的过程中获得思维灵感。




捕捉影片中文化元素,让学生在主动对比鉴析中获得相应思维灵感,能使得课堂教学更有浓浓的文化底蕴。如,在欣赏第88届奥斯卡获奖的《蛇之拥抱》的影片时,我从“寻找生态文明”文化的角度引导学生深入观察,围绕两个探险家于不同时期在亚马逊雨林中巫师的帮助下寻找失落文明,感受雨林中沉睡的记忆逐渐被唤醒,过往留下的疯狂与灾难亦如热带植物般滋长,蔓生成更扭曲的疮疤的特征,多给学生更多的思考余地:From the movie,what did you find让他们能够就其中的内容提出自己的认知,让他们从“与狼共舞,与蛇拥抱”的主题中获得“生态文明是人类语言文化发展进步的不可少的厚实基础”感触,给他们更多的自我实践和尝试探究机会。





上一篇:感恩父母,感恩老师,回报学校 国旗下演讲下一篇:民办幼儿园审批流程