


英文祝酒辞中文对照 篇1



我们为能在此设宴招待Smith先生以及各位来宾而深感荣幸和愉快。我愿借此机会向你们表示热烈的欢迎。我此时的心情可以用孔子在«论语»中的一句话表达 “有朋自远方来,不亦乐呼?”




A short speech with the toast

Your Honor Mr.Smith,Our distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It’s our honor and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Mr.Smith and other

distinguished guests.I would like to take this opportunity to extend our warm welcome to you all.A remark in The Analects of Confucius best express what I feel now.“It’s such a delight that we have friends visiting from afar.”

Evidently, Mr.Smith’s current visit has demonstrated his determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two companies.We greatly cherish this close relationship, and also greatly value the position we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.I sincerely wish that we could continue to work closely together to ensure a sustained growth in our cooperation of economy, finance and trade.On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Smith and all our guests present here tonight good health!

Thank you.尊敬的市长先生和夫人,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:


Your honor Mr.Mayor and Mrs.Mayor,Chinese friends,Ladies and gentlemen,I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr.Chen for such a sumptuous banquet on behalf of all the members of our mission.Thank you very much for your friendly welcome.Everyone in the world is looking forward to visit China, one of the greatest civilized ancient countries.Therefore, I feel very honor to visit here.Meanwhile, I am very pleased that this visit gave me an excellent opportunity to convey the warm salutation and earnest wishes of our government and people to Mr.Mayor and your people.Though we are so far away from each other, distance is not the key factor especially in today’s world that is getting smaller and smaller.A poem of farewell to friends that was written by a poet in Tang Dynasty of your country says: “Long distance separates no bosom friends.”


As the nation with the fastest growing economy in the world, China is appealing to more and more commercial and financial giants to invest.Just on the basis of this fact, we are looking for better ways where we can cooperate further in economy and finance.One purpose of my trip is to conclude our agreement of investment protection.We also wish that we can work closely together to establish consultancy service organizations for multi-national companies in Tanzhou.So another purpose is to find out the feasibility of this plan.最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向潭州市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请,希望市长阁下在方便的时候访问旧金山市,以便使我们能有机会来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。现在我提议:


The last but not the least, another important task of this trip is to extend in person our formal invitation to Mr.Mayor to visit to San Francisco at his earliest convenience so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoyed here.In closing, I would like to propose a toast:

To the health of Mr.Mayor and Mrs.Mayor,To the health of all our distinguished guests,To our cooperation and friendship,Cheer!

英文祝酒辞中文对照 篇2

作者:佚名 更新时间:2010-12-7











b:他们带来的节目是:…… a:Honorable teacher ,b.Schoolmates: Common: In the evening everybody be fine!

A: Be treading peaceful ding of the birthday of Jesus Christ, we welcome the night b safe and sound having come to a auspicious sum: The pig full of vigour is annual to come state of mind full of joy , our being gone to meet soon.A: Recollect 1 year in the past: Before teacher we unite under correct leader, of one mind, have got excellent achievement.Have accomplished our study about mission perfectly, this is our honour , this is our being proud.The teacher does the birthday of Jesus Christ greetings(everybody applauds)b underneath, first please X X: Thanks X X teacher.Ought to say 1 year in the past is no ordinary soon schoolmates have paid self industrious effort for 1 year.And have got excellent beneficial achievement.A: Look back upon for 1 year in the past, we have harvesting , also have lose;No metter how but, we had made great efforts to live with , struggled, we have no the resentment nothing regretting;

俄语 中文 对照 篇3

俄语:欺帕西巴 巴利绍伊 斯帕西巴 中文:不客气。

俄语:涅 扎什托 帕扎卢斯塔 中文:请。帕扎卢斯塔 中文:早上好。俄语:多布罗耶 乌特拉 中文:你好

俄语:多布雷伊 坚 兹德拉斯特武伊捷 中文:晚上好

俄语:多布雷伊 韦切尔 中文:晚安

俄语:斯帕科伊诺伊 诺奇 中文:很高兴认识您

俄语:奥琴 普利亚特纳 斯 瓦米 帕慈纳科米恰 中文:您近况如何? 俄语:卡克 巴日瓦耶捷 中文:谢谢,很好。那您呢? 俄语:斯帕西巴,赫拉绍。阿 维? 中文:再见。俄语:达 斯维达尼亚 弗谢沃 哈罗舍沃 帕卡 中文:我过得很愉快。

俄语:呀 普拉维奥尔(普拉维拉)普利亚特诺耶 弗列米亚 中文:旅途愉快。俄语:夏斯利沃沃 普季!中文:对不起,请……

俄语:普拉斯季捷,帕扎卢斯塔 布季捷 达勃雷。中文:对不起

俄语:伊慈维尼捷,帕扎卢斯塔 中文:没关系。俄语:尼切沃


俄语:什托?帕夫塔里捷,帕扎卢斯塔 中文:请说慢些。

俄语:嘎瓦里捷 米德连涅耶 中文:你懂英语吗?

俄语:维 帕尼马捷 帕安格利伊斯基 中文:不懂。

俄语:涅 波尼尔(帕尼拉)中文:不懂。

俄语:亚涅 帕尼马尤 涅 帕尼亚特纳 中文:我不太会俄语。俄语:亚涅 帕尼马尤 帕鲁斯基 中文:请写在这儿。

俄语:扎皮希捷,帕扎普斯塔,兹杰西 中文:是。明白了。

俄语:达。波尼尔。(帕尼拉)中文:好,可以。俄语:赫拉绍 中文:不。俄语:涅特 中文:不,谢谢。俄语:涅特,斯帕西巴 中文:从哪儿来?

俄语:阿特库达 维 普利耶哈里? 中文:我是中国人。俄语:亚 科依大叶茨。中文:我叫张玲。俄语:米尼亚 扎武特 张玲 中文:我22岁。

俄语:姆涅 德瓦擦季 德瓦 中文:我在旅行。

俄语:呀 西伊恰斯 布捷舍斯特武尤 中文:你叫什么名字? 俄语:卡克 瓦斯 扎武特 中文:请告诉我你的地址?

勉励勤奋的英语名人名言中文对照 篇4


● Smart is hard work, talent is the accumulation.-Hua Luogeng


● Should remember that our cause, need a hand rather than the mouth.-Tong Dizhou

【中文】:应该记住我们的事业,需要的是手而不是嘴。─童第周● Not excited bitter and demand quick, only to end up in few days, pompous, old embarrassed pass.-Zheng Banqiao


● Efficiency comes from diligence.in shortage in the play.Ground transportation into Si, destroyed with.-Han Yu


● Knowledge in the ground, Hotaru window of rolls of the book.The three winter this foot, who smiled and ventral empty?-Xin Zhijie


● Work with quiet hard application is the first, white is known for the wise old man.Is a good training, a hard one before.-Hua Luogeng
