


英文演讲稿,有中英文对照,有中文翻译,大学中学适用 篇1


Unit 1 text A Translation 1.这个小男孩最喜欢做的事就是搭积木

What the boy likes to do most is putting together building blocks.2.就先前的工作经验而言,约翰是这个职位的最佳候选人.In terms of previous working experience, John is the best choice for this position.3.我的物理老师经常使用类比来说明一些较难理解的概念

My physics teacher often uses analogy to explain some difficult concepts.4.在家人和朋友的帮助下,汤姆经营的出版企业逐渐兴旺起来

With the help of his family and friends, Tom built up his publishing business bit by bit.5.琳达没能进入那所著名的大学,但她打算重新开始,而不是逃避挑战

Linda was not able to go to that famous college, but she planned to start all over again rather than give up the challenge.6.这个公司有着很好的公众形象。人们总是将它的产品与高质量和优质服务联系在一起。This company has a very good public image.People always associate its product with high quality and good service.Unit 2 text A Translation 1.孩子们很苦恼,因为他们的家长不允许他们在铁路轨道旁玩耍

The children were pretty annoyed that their parents won’t allow them to play around the railway track.2.我打赌我只要速度快一点,肯定会比他们先到目的地

I bet if I pick up a little speed I will reach the destination sooner than they do.3.这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动

You don’t want to go out in such rotten weather.It’s better for you to stay home and stretch your legs and do some physical exercises.4.已经十点半了,你不应该还在睡觉!快赶到飞机场去接你弟弟!It’s half past ten, and you are not supposed to be sleeping!It’s time to head for the airport to pickup your cousin.5.是谁想到让麦克来接管这项工程的? Who came up with the idea to ask Mike to take over the Project.6.学校对不同种族背景的学生没有区别对待。

The school makes no distinction in treating students from different racial backgrounds.Unit 3 text A Translation 1.他是一个合格的机械师,但他后来却搞起了国际贸易。

He is a qualified mechanic, but he winds up with a job in international trade.2.他在业余时间报名参加计算机基础知识的培训,但没能坚持到底。

He enrolled in an elementary computer training program in his spare time, but he fails to get through.3.校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教学工作。

After the interviews, the principal chose several outstanding university graduates to work as teachers.4.这份合同对我们公司非常重要,所以写得越具体越好。我要和我的同事们好好谈谈。This contract is very important to our company.The more concrete it is, the better.I need to talk it over with my colleagues.5.那个小男孩患上了严重的白血病,必须转到大医院接受进一步治疗

The boy suffers from severe leukemia and has to be transferred to a big hospital for further treatment.6.当他得知父亲所在的学校已经倒闭后,泪水从他的脸颊上滚落下来。

When he heard that the school where his father worked had closed down , tears rolled down his cheeks.Unit 4 text A Translation 1.布鲁斯先生对他不尊重当地传统的行为表示了歉意。

Mr.Bruce made an apology for disrespect for the local traditions.2.在会议上,双方就两国关系方面交换了各自的观点。

At the meeting the two parties exchanged their opinions on the relationship between the two countries.3.他目前心情很糟糕,不适合在公共场合露面。

he is in such a bad mood that it is not appropriate for him to appear in public.4.你提水的时候至少应该做到不要把水泼出来呀!

You should at least try not to spill the water when carrying it.5.这位科学家的论点得到了学术界的极大支持。

the argument of this scientist received tremendous support from academic circles.。6.无论你遇到什么困难,大家都会帮你渡过难关的。

No matter what difficulties you may come across, we will pull you trough.Unit 5 text A Translation 1.移动通信会取代固定电话成为人们最常用的通讯方法吗? Will mobile communication edge out fixed lines as the most frequently used means of communication? 2.我指指墙上的钟。女儿心领神会,加快了穿衣服的速度。

I pointed at the clock on the wall.My daughter took the hint and sped up dressing herself.3.在会议期间,请各位关闭手机或将其调整至静音状态。

Please switch off your cell phone or set it in silent mode during the meeting.4.气象学家密切关注台风的发展,以便及时向公众发布警报。

Meteorologists are on the lookout for the progress of the typhoon so as to alert the public in time.5.小张说中国经济稳定增长,前景看好,所以他决定回国就业。

Xiao Zhang cited the steady economic growth in China and its bright future to explain his decision to return to work here.Unit 6 text A Translation 1.杰米冲到人行道上,捡起钱包,举得高高的,大声喊道:“妈妈,你的钱包掉了!”

Jimmy raced to the sidewalk, picked up the purse, which he held high up, and shouted, “Mom!You’ve dropped you purse.”


Father has been in a rather bad shape recently.I’ll return to Beijing to care for him as soon as I’m finished with writing this novel.3.我突然想起他让我帮他收拾行李,因为他明天要出差。

It suddenly came to me that he had asked me to pack up for him because he was leaving on a business trip tomorrow.4.她收拾好她的东西然后悄悄的离开了家。

She gathered up her belongs and left home quickly.5.他谁的话都不听。我不知道拿他怎么办。

He won’t listen to anyone.I don’t know what to do with him.Unit 7 text A Translation 1.在喝了三罐啤酒之后,玛丽连站都站不起来了。

After drinking three jars of beer, Mary could hardly get to her feet.2.由于担心房产价格可能会下跌,一些房产商开始急于出售房屋。

Some real estate developers are now eager to sell their houses for fear that the prices might drip.3.当琳达打开房门时,眼前的景象使她惊呆了。橱柜的门都敞开着,地上到处是衣服和书。When Linda opened the door, she was shocked by what she saw.All the cupboard doors were wide open, and there were clothes and books lying here and there on the floor.4.麦克早已经对老板每周一次的长篇报告感到厌倦,每次听着听着他总会打起盹来。

Mike has already got tired of long speech given by his boss every week.He always dozed off in the middle of it.5.芬兰是一个以湖泊众多而著称的国家,我曾经去过几次,非常喜欢那个地方。

Finland is remarkable for its large number of lakes.I have been there once or twice, and I like it very much.6.在贝蒂三岁生日的那天,爸爸送给她一只很有意思的盒子。只要你一打开它,一只可爱的兔子便会突然蹦出来。

At Betty’s third birthday, Dad gave her an interesting box.Once you opened it, a lovely rabbit would pop out.Unit 8 text A Translation 1.人类向往登上其他星球而不仅仅是用望远镜和卫星来观测它们。

Human beings long to go to other stars rather than just observe them with telescopes and satellites.2.一想到她与一位不同寻常的著名演员共进晚餐,玛丽感到十分高兴。

Many brightened(up)at the thought that she was going to have dinner with an extraordinary and famous actor.3.罗伯特原本打算在公园完成他的油画,但他却发现自己在漫无目的地闲逛。

Robert had planned to finish off his oil painting in the park, but he found himself wandering about.4.道路上积满了雪,很不好走。我走了一会儿就感到累坏了。

It was tough walking on the snow-covered roads.I was tired out after walking for a while.5.马克已经把自己关在办公室里拼命工作了三天。同事们都认为他必须立即停止工作,否则就会生病。

Mark shut himself up in his office and worked very hard for three days.All his colleagues thought that he must leave off work immediately, otherwise he would fall ill.6.在这所学校里,许多学生上课迟到,更糟糕的是,老师对此似乎已经习以为常。

In this school, students are often late for class.What’s worse, teachers seem to have got used to it.Unit 9 text A Translation


He hopes he can set a world record in the 100-meter race in the next Olympic Games and then retire with honor.2.他不幸换上了癌症,更糟的是他没有足够的钱去治疗。

Unfortunately he developed cancer.To make matters worse, he didn’t have enough money for treatment.3.我相信这些科学家对政府的很多决策有很大的影响力。

I believe these scientists have considerable influence over many government decisions.4.他因闯红灯而出了车祸,不幸致残。

He was crippled in a car accident, which was caused by his running a red light.5.那个搬运工在搬运货物时不小心扭伤了腿,医生建议他每天对褪做一次按摩以辅助治疗。That porter carelessly twisted his legs while carrying goods and the doctor suggested that he give himself a massage every day by rubbing his legs to assist the treatment.6.她们的教练虽然非常严厉却受到她们的尊敬。Although very strict, their coach is looked up to by them.Unit 10 text A Translation 1.在孩子个性形成时期,家长要特别关心并注意他们是否有心理问题的迹象。

Parents should pay special attention to their children during their formative years and watch for symptoms of psychological problems.2.天才往往对自己喜爱的事物充满着激情。

Geniuses usually have a great passion for things they’re interested in.3.他不知道简就是他的亲生姐姐,只是觉得她的名字听上去有一点点熟悉。

He has no idea that Jane is his biological sister;only her name sounds faintly familiar to him.4.看着稻谷在干燥的阳光下枯死,农民们毫无办法,只有叹息。

Seeing the rice crops dying in the dry sun, the peasants could do nothing but sigh.5.自从杰克的老板拒绝了他请长假的要求,他一直在考虑辞职。

Ever since his boss turned down his request for a long vacation, Jack has been thinking about quitting his job.6.我不喜欢足球,今天也不例外,我不想和你去看球赛。

I don’t care for soccer, and today’s no exception.So I don’t feel like going to watch the game with you.Unit 11 text A Translation 1,坐落于中国东部的上海是中国的商业中心。

Shanghai which is located in the east of china , is the business center of the country.2,我购物时一般付现金,避免使用信用卡。

When I shop , I usually pay by cash and avoid using credit card.3,卸货时要小心,别把这些电视机给砸了。

Be careful when discharging , don’t put these tv sets to hit.4,这天可真热。我几乎一整天都在出汗。

This day would be really hot.I almost all day in sweat.5这位拳击手朝小偷打了一拳,小偷应声倒地。

The boxer toward the thiefs face a punch down, the thief hit the floor.6,警察命令卡车司机靠边停车,因为从卡车上落下的甜瓜把路搞的一塌糊涂。

The policeman ordered the truck driver to pull over, because falling from a truck the melon a mess by road.Unit 12 text A Translation 1.他被捕后遭到毒打,但却没有向敌人透露任何有用的信息

He was brutally beaten after being arrested, but he revealed nothing useful to the enemy.2.他们面试了很多人,最后缍找到了令他们满意的候选人

They interviewed a lot of people before finally getting hold of a satisfactory candidate.3.他自愿捐助修建了一所学校以使那些穷孩子能读书

He made a voluntary construction to the cost of building a school so that poor children could get an education.4.为了你,我一定会努力训练以争取获得进入决赛的资格

For your sake I will train very hard to get the qualification for the finals.5.在那样的情况下他除了勇敢地面对挑战以外没有其他选择

Under those circumstances he had no choice but to face up to the challenge bravely.6.如果我们想确保及时到达那里就该早点动身

We should start early if we want to make sure of getting there in time.Unit 13 text A Translation 1.他鼓励儿子积极参加社会活动。

He encouraged his son to participate wholeheartedly in social activities.2.我们意识到了学生们对学习的厌倦情绪,决定进行改革。

We were aware of students,boredom with their studies and decided to reform.3.根据政府方面的声明,总统正在稳步康复中,但他的病情仍然严重。

According to the government statement,the President is recovering steadily,but his condition is still quite serious/his illness is still quite severe.4.我们在旅途中有没有什么可怕的事情发生? Was there any scary incident during your journey? 5.尽管大多数人对他的雄心壮志不予理睬,但他没有失去信心,仍然努力进行他的项目。Although most people ignored his ambition,he did not lose heart and still worked hard on his project.6.市长在他明年的经济发展纲要中指出,本市家庭年收入估计将突破2万元。In his program for economic development next year,the mayor pointed out that the annual household income was estimated to exceed RMB 20,000.Unit 14 text A Translation 1.一些著名的歌唱家将举办一场音乐会,为这家儿童图书馆筹款。但是,音乐会门票的销售情况一点都不让人满意。

Some famous singers were going to put on a concen to raise money for the children library.But the sale of the tickets was from sates factory.2.这篇新闻报道真实地展示了监狱中的生活,引起了公众的关注。一些记者决定继续追踪报道。

This news report showed prison life in the raw and gor a lot of attention from the public some reporters decided to follow it up.3.安妮独自一人出发去了那个小镇。她一点都没想过,她的父母会为她的安全而担心。Anny set out for the small town by herself.It never occurred to her that her parents might be worried about her safely.4.去年,我取得了做外科医生的资格。回想在医科大学度过的五年,我觉得那是我生命中最艰苦也是最快乐的一段日子。

Last year.I qualified as a surgeon.I looked back on the five years at medical university as the hardest as well as the happiest time of myself.5.布郎先生是一位十分杰出的实业家。他曾经说过。“想要在商业领域里取得成功,你必须得冒许多险。”

Mr brron is an eminent business man.He once said you have to take a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business.6.彼得靠在饭店里洗盘子维持生活。但是最近饭店准备裁员,彼得每天都生活在被解雇的恐惧之中。

Peter makes a living by washing dishes in a restaurant.But recently the restaurant has been planning to cut jobs and peter is living in daily of being fived.Unit 15 text A Translation 1.有一张名牌大学的文凭,即使在公司解雇人的时候他也不担心会丢工作。

With a diploma form a famous university, he felt secure in his job even when the company was laying off people.2.当鲍勃被指控撒谎时,他勃然大怒。

Bob flew into a rage when(he was)accused of lying.3.由于她的愚蠢,我们的项目彻底泡汤了。

Our project was totally ruined because of her stupidity.4.经理深受公司里同事们的尊敬。

The manager was held in high esteem by his colleagues in the company 5.小男孩子跑到他爸爸跟前,兴奋地猛拉他的袖子。

The little boy ran up to his father and tugged his sleeve excitedly.6.很显然,他对他的论文很有信心。

Apparently, he was quite confident about his essay.Unit 16 text A Translation 1.餐厅经理一看到百万富翁来用餐,就顾不得和我们讲话了,满脸放光地迎了上去。

The moment the restaurant manager set his eyes on the millionaire, he cut us short and heated for the latter, his face lighting up.2.欢迎乘坐我们的飞机。商务舱在楼上,经济舱就在这一层。

Welcome aboard our plane.The business class section is upstairs and the economy class is right on this floor.3.打喷嚏之后要说“对不起”。听到别人打喷嚏要说“保佑你”。

You must say “Excuse me “after sneezing and “Bless you” when someone else has sneezed.4.六号房间号码牌挂倒了,变成了九号,快去把它弄正!

1.The sign for Room “NO.6 ” has been turned upside down into “NO.9 ”, Fix it up immediately.5.大超市一来,许多小商店都应声关了门。

Many small stores have closed with the arrival of supermarkets.

英文演讲稿,有中英文对照,有中文翻译,大学中学适用 篇2

——美国加州前州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格在清华大学的演讲 It is wonderful to be here at this university.What a special place.I just looked around a little bit here, it’s a gorgeous, gorgeous place.I want to congratulate you for going to this magnificent university here.Now, the last time I was here in China was five years ago, and then I was promoting my movies.They had a movie festival here, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie Festival.I remember they showed all my movies for a week—which was a rarity, may I remind you—and they also showed the movies on television.But we also were here to promote Special Olympics, which is an organization that helps people with mental disabilities, so I was here for both reasons.But this time I’m here as the governor of the great state of California.I’m here representing the people of California, and we’re here on a trade mission to see how we can do more business with China and to help each other, because both California is a very fast growing state, and China is a very fast growing country, and there are a lot of things that we can do for one another.But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to come here today and to talk with the young people;as a matter of fact, to the brightest young people of China.And this is why it is so great to be here at the Tsinghua University, and I’m honored that I was invited here.Now, I read a little bit about the history of Tsinghua, and I learned that actually this school originally prepared students to attend universities in America.Now, I also know that since the attack on our World Trade Centers it has become more and more difficult to go to the universities in America because you need to fill out all kinds of paperwork now and you have to get visas, and it’s very complicated, and you have to wait a much longer period of time to go over there.But let me tell you, things are improving already.I’ve heard that it’s easing up, the restrictions, and it’s easier to get a visa.My young Chinese friends, I want to tell you that in case no one from America has ever invited you, let me do this right now personally.I want to warmly invite all of you here to come to the United States, and especially to come to California, because that’s the happening place.California is the best place.Please come and visit us, we will welcome you.I invite you all to come there and to travel, to meet the American people, and to come there and study in our universities, and some day hopefully you will come and do business over there, or maybe you’ll want to move over there.Whatever your goal is, you’re always welcome.America, after all, let’s not forget, is the land of opportunity.And it’s not only the land of opportunity for Austrians like me, but for Chinese people as well.Remember that.I know that beginning with this century, China is also becoming a land of opportunity.It’s a fast growing place, and as the students of this great university and the citizens of a rising China, I think that you have a great future also here in this country.And today I want to talk to you a little bit about the dreams, about the dreams of your future, and dreams for this country.I want to talk to you a little bit about dreams, because it seems to me that I’m somewhat of an expert in dreams, because I had a lot of my dreams become a reality.So let me just briefly tell you my story, and tell you a little bit about how I started with my career.I think that this story kind of relates a little bit also to you, and also to China.I started way back as a weightlifter.I always liked the idea of lifting weights and being a bodybuilder.From the first moment when I gripped a barbell and held it around the bar and lifted the steel up over my head, I felt this exhilaration, and I knew then that this is something that I’m going to do;that I was in love with that, and this is going to be something that I’m going to do.I’m going to pursue the sport of weightlifting and bodybuilding.Now, I remember the first real workout that I had.Eight miles away from my home village in Austria there was a gymnasium, and I rode to that gymnasium with a bicycle.And there I trained for half an hour, because they said that after half an hour you should stop because otherwise your body will get really sore.But after half an hour I looked at my body, and nothing had happened.So I said, “I’d better work out for another half hour.” So I lifted some more.My strength didn’t improve, I didn’t see the muscles pop out or anything like that, so I trained for another half an hour.And then after another half hour I trained another half hour, and all together I trained two and a half hours.Well, let me tell you something.After two and a half hours—even though they told me that I shouldn’t train that much or I would get really sore—I left the gymnasium, I rode my bicycle home.And after the first mile I got numb, and I couldn’t feel anymore the handle of the bicycle, and I fell off the bike and I fell into the ditch on the side of the road.So I got up again and I tried it again.Another few yards, I fell off the bicycle again.And I tried it three, four more times, and I just couldn’t ride my bicycle because my body was so numb and my legs felt like noodles.Well, let me tell you something.The next morning when I got up, my body was so sore that I couldn’t even lift my arms to comb my hair.I had to have my mother comb my hair, and you know how embarrassing that is.But you know something? I learned a very important lesson, that pain means progress.Pain is progress.Each time my muscles were sore from a workout I knew that they were growing and they were getting stronger.I think there is a real life lesson in that.After two or three years of discipline and determination and working out hard, I actually changed my body, and I changed my strength.And that told me something;that if I could change my body that much, and if I could change the strength of my body that much, then I could also change anything else.I could change my habits, I could change my intelligence, I could change my attitude, my mind, my future, my life.And this is exactly what I have done.I think that that lesson applies to people, and it also applies to countries.You can change, China can change, everyone in the world can change.My parents, of course, I have to tell you, didn’t understand my dreams at all.They were always wondering, they said, “What is he doing? When are you going to get a job, a real job? When are you going to make money?” And all of those questions I got.And they said, “I hope we didn’t raise a bum, someone that doesn’t make money and just wants to live in a gymnasium and think about their bodies.” Well, I endured all of this negative thinking, and the more negative the thinking got, and the more negative the questions got, the stronger and the more positive I became, the stronger I became inside.So of course some of your families maybe think the same way, and this is why I’m mentioning that.Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams.But let me tell you something, my young friends.Keep your dreams.No matter what, keep your dreams.Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied.Keep your dreams.I remember the first time I went to the United States and I was competing in a competition, the World Championships in Bodybuilding.I lost.I came in second, and I was devastated.I was crushed.I felt like a loser, a major loser, let me tell you.I cried, as a matter of fact, because I felt like I disappointed my friends and I disappointed myself.But the next day I got my act together, I shifted gears, and I said, “I’m going to learn from that lesson.I’m going to stay here in America.I’m not going to go back to Europe.I’m going to stay in America and I’m going to train with the American champions, I’m going to train the American way.I’m going to eat the American food, I’m going to train with the American machines and the principles.And a year later, in America, I became the World Champion in Bodybuilding.So I think this is a very, very important lesson.And from then on, I continued.My career took off, and everything that I wanted to do I accomplished.First it was to become a champion in bodybuilding.Later on I became a movie star, to do all the great movies, the Conan movies and the Terminator movies and all this.Then I became the governor of the great state of California, of the sixth largest economy in the world.All of this happened because of my dreams, even though other people told me that those dreams were bogus and they were crazy, but I held onto my dreams.And people would always say, no matter what, even in bodybuilding they said I would never make it.And later on in the movies, in Hollywood they said I would not make it.They said, ”You will never make it.You have a German accent.No one in Hollywood has ever made it with a German accent.Yeah, maybe you can play some Nazi roles or something like that, but you cannot become a leading star with an accent.Plus your body, you’re overdeveloped, you have all these muscles.They did Hercules movies 20 years ago, that’s outdated.Now it’s Woody Allen.Woody Allen is in, his body is in.“ And those were the messages.”And Al Pacino, the skinny guy, he is in.But not your body, it’s too big.And your name, Schwarzenegger, it will never fit on a movie poster.Forget it.Forget it, you will never make it.Go back to bodybuilding.“

Well, the rest is history.After Terminator 3, I became the highest paid movie star in Hollywood.And let me tell you something, it continued on.Even when I ran for governor people said, ”Arnold, you will never make it.You will never become governor of California.What do you know about government?“ Well, the fact is, I knew exactly as much about government as the rest of the people knew in California, which is that government is out of touch, and it’s out of sync with the people, and it needed a shakeup.So I didn’t listen to all those people that said I would never make it.I continued campaigning, I listened to my dreams, and the rest also is history.I became governor.So always it just carried me on, those dreams.So bodybuilding gave me the confidence, movies gave me the money, and pubic service and being a governor gave me a purpose larger than myself.And that is the brief story of my dreams and a brief story of my early life, and how my dreams made me successful.A person, of course, should not be stingy with their dreams.So I, of course, don’t just think and dream about myself, but I also have dreams for you, and dreams for China.So let me just talk a little bit about that.China’s economy has become an engine of human progress, lifting millions of people out of poverty.This is a moral and economic good for China and for the rest of the world.I often read that China’s economy is likely to become the largest in the world over the next 50 years, and I think this is terrific.This does not mean, of course, that America will get poorer;it just means that China will get richer, and the United States will benefit from China’s progress as much as the U.S.benefited from the rise of Western Europe after World War II.Some in my country fear that China’s research and development will overtake America’s, but I believe that America and the world will benefit from China’s scientific and technological advances.I think we will benefit from that.If China makes advances in stem cell research, the rest of the world will benefit from that.If China discovers an energy breakthrough, this is good for the rest of the world, such as the benefit of a free market.Some fear that China will buy up American companies, but that fear also existed in the ‘80s, when America feared that Japan was going to buy up American companies.So what? It was just good, and to the benefit of America.We should welcome China’s investment in American companies, just as we welcome the billions of dollars that China has invested in U.S.treasury bonds.This shows that China has faith in America, and American investment in China shows that we have faith in you.So I believe that China and U.S.economic relations will become even closer in the years ahead.Certainly I realize that we do not agree on everything, but who does? Certainly I realize that China has major hurdles to overcome, but it is not for me to say how China should overcome those hurdles and achieve its dreams.But I can tell you, however, what has given America such energy and strength over the last 200 years, and perhaps there are some insights in this for China.America is a nation that believes in the power of the individual, and what the individual can accomplish, no matter the color, no matter the religion, no matter the ethnic background of the individual.Recently, as you probably have read, Rosa Parks, a former seamstress married to a barber, married to a hairdresser, died, and she lay in honor in the Rotunda of the U.S.Capitol in Washington.People from around America came to say farewell to her and to thank her for changing our history and for changing our society.Now, what did this 92 year-old black woman do that deserved such great honor? What did she do? Well, in 1955, the days of racial segregation, she had refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man.She had refused.Her simple refusal to move to the back of the bus put into motion events that led to my country’s great civil rights movement.The small protest of a woman that maybe weighed less than 100 lbs.brought down a racist system.As you can see, the individual can make a difference.Let me tell you about another individual, Ken Behring, a millionaire California businessman who found his passion in giving wheelchairs to poor and physically disabled people all around the globe, including China.He says that he has met people who have spent years in rooms with no window, just lying there and staring up at the ceiling, never seeing the outside world unless someone was willing to pick up that person and take them outside to show them the world.He says that it’s no wonder so many of those physically disabled people dream about being a bird.Mr.Behring says that most of us think that a wheelchair would be a confinement, but to millions of people it is not a confinement, it is freedom, freedom to move and to go to school, freedom to vote, freedom to get a job, and freedom for hope for the future.He has given freedom and wheelchairs to 400,000 people around the world.The individual can make a difference.My mother-in-law, Eunice Kennedy Shriver—I always like to mention her, because it gets me on the good side of her—she, for instance, started an organization called Special Olympics.She stared Special Olympics which is for people with mental disabilities.And of course when she started that organization she was told by the experts, ”Don’t do it.You cannot take people with mental disabilities out of mental institutions and have them participate in sports events.They will drown in the swimming pools.They will kill each other out there, they will hurt each other.Don’t do it.“ But Eunice Kennedy Shriver had a dream and a passion, and today millions of people compete in Special Olympics around the world, including right here in China.This is why I was here five years ago.Five years ago you had 50,000 participants in the Special Olympics.Today, five years later, you have 500,000 participants in Special Olympics.500,000 people are getting a chance to participate in sports programs, getting a chance to have health care, have a chance to be treated equally, with respect and with tolerance.So Eunice Kennedy Shriver exemplifies that the individual can make a difference.And I think what I’m trying to say to you is that each and every one of you can make a difference.So as you study and as you become smarter, and as you become richer, think about that, that there are millions of people that need your help.Now, you maybe ask yourself the question, what can I do? Well, let me tell you.Even though you maybe have no money or anything, you can go out and help a child that has not yet learned yet how to read.You maybe can go out and help a person that is physically handicapped, to lift them up and to take them outside so they can see the world.There are so many different things that you can do.You maybe can take a person that is mentally disabled, to take them to a soccer game.There are all kinds of things that the individual can do to reach out and to help.Imagine what could be accomplished if the dreams of China’s 1.3 billion individuals could be unleashed.Imagine what could happen.Each of you here has the power of the individual within you, you have the power of your dreams within you, and these are tremendous powers.You’re young, you’re educated, and you are the very best China has to offer.My young Chinese friends, I believe in your dreams.I believe that you can achieve them, and I believe you can make a difference, a big difference.All you have to do is just make the commitment.All you have to do is create the action and commit, and say, ”Let’s do it." Go out and do it.I’m asking you.Do it for yourself, do it for China, and do it for the good of the world.Thank you very much for listening.Thank you.很高兴来到这所大学。这真是一个特别的地方。我刚才到处看了一下,这是一个很棒、很棒的地方。祝贺你们能到这么好的大学学习。


























中文菜单英文翻译 篇3





例:杏仁鸡丁chicken cubes with almond牛肉豆腐beef with beancurd

西红柿炒蛋Scrambled egg with tomato



例:芥末鸭掌duck webs with mustard sauce葱油鸡chicken in Scallion oil

米酒鱼卷fish rolls with rice wine




例:软炸里脊soft-fried pork fillet烤乳猪roast suckling pig

炒鳝片Stir-fried eel slices



仔姜烧鸡条braised chicken fillet with tender ginger



例:红烧牛肉braised beef with brown sauce清炖猪蹄stewed pig hoof in clean soup 鱼香肉丝fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce




例:芝麻酥鸡crisp chicken with sesame陈皮兔丁diced rabbit with orange peel 时蔬鸡片Sliced chicken with seasonal vegetables



例:香酥排骨crisp fried spareribs水煮嫩鱼tender stewed fish 香煎鸡块fragrant fried chicken



例:茄汁鱼片sliced fish with tomato sauce椒麻鸡块cutlets chicken with hot pepper 黄酒脆皮虾仁crisp shrimps with rice wine sauce




例:麻婆豆腐Ma Po beancurd四川水饺Sichuan boiled dumpling 2介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)、烹法和主料


例:东坡煨肘DongPo stewed pork joint北京烤鸭Roast Beijing Duck


1.sauteed chicken cubes with peanuts

2.Gongbao chicken cubes

中文地址如何翻译成英文? 篇4



Room X



X单元 Unit X

X号楼 Building No.X


X Street


X Road


X District


X County


X Town


X City


X Province




Room 403, No.37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District


Room 201, No.34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District

473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财

Li Youcai

Room 42


Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City

Henan Prov.China 473004

434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财

Li Youcai

Hongyuan Hotel

Jingzhou city

Hubei Prov.China 434000

473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财

Li Youcai

Special Steel Corp.No.272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City

Henan Prov.China 473000

528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财

Li Youcai

Room 702, 7th Building

Hengda Garden, East District

Zhongshan, China 528400

361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财

Li Youcai

Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li

Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012

361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财


Mr.Li Youcai

Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si

Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004

266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财

Mr.Li Youcai

NO.204, A, Building NO.1

The 2nd Dormitory of the NO.4 State-owned Textile Factory

Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China 266042
