


制造业常用英语词汇 篇1




总经理办公室General manager’s office 模具部Tooling department 项目部Project department 品质部Quality department 计划部 Plan department 制造部Manufacture department Keypad产品部Keypad department IMD 产品部 IMD department 五金部 Metal stamping department 设计科 Design section 冲压车间 Stamping workshop 电镀车间 Plating workshop 物控科 Production material control section 计划科 Plan section 仓务科 Warehouse section 商务科 Business section 品质规划科 quality plan section IQC科 IQC section IPQC科 IPQC section

OQC科 OQC section 检测中心 measurement center 项目规划科 Project plan section 项目XX科 Project section XX 试模科 Mold test section 成本科 Cost section 设备科 Facility section 采购科 Purchase section 综合办 General affairs office 编程科 Programming section 模具工程科 Tooling engineering section 模具装配车间Mold assembly workshop 文控中心 Document control center(DCC)注塑车间Injection workshop 喷涂车间 Spray painting workshop 装配车间Assembly workshop 总经理General manager(GM)经理manager XX部门经理Manager of XX department 原料库 Raw material warehouse 半成品库 Semi-finished product warehouse 成品库 Finished product warehouse

科长 section chief 主任 chief

部门主管 department head 主管, 线长supervisor 组长Foreman, forelady 秘书secretary 文员clerk 操作员operator 助理assistant 职员staff


超声波焊接ultrasonic welding 塑胶件 Plastic parts 塑材 Raw parts 喷涂件 Painted parts 装配件 Assembly parts 零件 Component 原料 Raw material 油漆 Paint

稀释剂 Thinner 油墨 Ink 物料编号part number


注塑模具injection mold 冲压模具Stamping tool 模架mold base 定模座板Fixed clamp plate A板A plate B板B plate 支承板 support plate 方铁 spacer plate 回位销 Return pin 导柱 Guide pin 动模座板Moving clamp plate 顶针ejector pin 单腔模具single cavity mold 多腔模具multi-cavity mold 浇口gate 合模力clamping force

锁模力locking force 开裂crack 循环时间cycle time 老化aging 螺杆screw 镶件 Insert 主流道 sprue 分流道runner 浇口gate 直浇口 direct gate 点浇口pin-point gate 测浇口edge gate 潜伏浇口submarine gate 浇口套sprue bush 流道板runner plate 排气槽vent 分型线(面)parting line 定模Fixed mold 动模movable mold 型腔cavity 凹模cavity plate,凸模core plate

斜销angle pin 滑块slide 拉料杆sprue puller 定位环locating ring 脱模斜度draft 滑动型芯slide core 螺纹型芯threaded core 热流道模具hot-runner mold 熔合纹weld line

三板式模具three plate mold 脱模ejection 脱模剂release agent 注射能力shot capacity 注射速率injection rate 注射压力injection pressure 保压时间holding time 闭模时间closing time 电加工设备Electron Discharge Machining 数控加工中心CNC machine center 万能铁床Universal milling machine平面磨床Surface grinding machine 万能摇臂钻床Universal radial movable driller

立式钻床Vertical driller 倒角chamfer 键Key 键槽keyway 间距pitch 快速成型模Rapid prototype tool(RPT)


SPC statistic process control 品质保证Quality Assurance(QA)品质控制Quality control(QC)来料检验IQC Incoming quality control 巡检IPQC In-process quality control 校对calibration 环境试验Environmental test 光泽gloss 拉伸强度tensile strength 盐雾实验salt spray test 翘曲warp 比重specific gravity 疲劳fatigue 撕裂强度tear strength 缩痕sink mark

耐久性durability 抽样sampling 样品数量sample size AQL Acceptable Quality level 批量lot size 抽样计划sampling plan 抗张强度 Tensile Strength 抗折强度 Flexural Strength 硬度 Rigidity 色差 Color Difference 涂镀层厚度 Coating Thickness 导电性能 Electric Conductivity 粘度 viscosity 附着力 adhesion 耐磨 Abrasion resistance 尺寸 Dimension(喷涂)外观问题 Cosmetic issue 不合格品 Non-conforming product 限度样板 Limit sample


注塑机injection machine

冲床Punch machine 嵌件注塑 Insert molding 双色注塑 Double injection molding 薄壁注塑 Thin wall molding 膜内注塑 IMD molding(In-mold decoration)移印 Tampo printing 丝印 Silk screen printing 热熔 Heat staking 超声熔接 Ultrasonic welding(USW)尼龙nylon 黄铜 brass 青铜 bronze 紫(纯)铜 copper 料斗hopper 麻点pit 配料compounding 涂层coating 飞边flash 缺料 Short mold 烧焦 Burn mark 缩水 Sink mark 气泡 Bubbles

破裂 Crack 熔合线 Welding line 流痕 Flow mark 银条 Silver streak 黑条 Black streak 表面光泽不良 Lusterless 表面剥离 Pelling 翘曲变形 Deformation 脏圬 Stain mark 油污 Oil mark 蓝黑点 Blue-black mark 顶白 Pin mark 拉伤 Scratch 限度样品 Limit sample 最佳样品 Golden sample 预热preheating 再生料recycle material 机械手 Robot 机器人 Servo robot 试生产 Trial run;Pilot run(PR)量产 mass production 切料头 Degate

产能 Capacity 能力 Capability 参数 Parameter 二次加工 Secondary process

六.物控 保质期shelf life ABC分类法ABC Classification 装配Assembly

平均库存Average Inventory 批号Batch Number 批量生产Mass Production 提货单Bill of Lading 物料清单Bill of Material 采购员Buyer 检查点Check Point 有效日期Date Available 修改日期Date Changed 结束日期Date Closed 截止日期Date Due 生产日期Date in Produced

库存调整日期Date Inventory Adjust

作废日期D ate Obsolete 收到日期Date Received 交付日期Date Released 需求日期Date Required 需求管理Demand Management 需求Demand

工程变更生效日期Engineering Change Effect Date 呆滞材料分析Excess Material Analysis 完全跟踪Full Pegging

在制品库存In Process Inventory 投入/产出控制Input/ Output Control 检验标识Inspection ID

库存周转率Inventory Carry Rate 准时制生产Just-in-time(JIT)看板Kanban 人工工时Labor Hour

最后运输日期Last Shipment Date 提前期Lead Time 负荷Loading

仓位代码Location Code 仓位状况Location Status 批量标识Lot ID

批量编号Lot Number 批量Lot Size

机器能力Machine Capacity 机器加载Machine Loading

制造周期时间Manufacturing Cycle Time

制造资源计划Manufacturing Resource Planning(MRP II)物料成本Material Cost

物料发送和接收Material Issues and Receipts 物料需求计划Material Requirements Planning(MRP)现有库存量On-hand Balance 订单输入Order Entry 零件批次Part Lot

零件编号Part Number(P/N)零件Part

领料单Picking List 领料/提货Picking 产品控制Product Control 产品线Production Line

采购订单跟踪Purchase Order Tracking 需求量Quantity Demand 毛需求量Quantity Gross 安全库存量Safety Stock

在制品Work in Process 零库存Zero Inventories


APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan,产品质量先期策划和控制计划

PPAP Production Part Approval Process,生产件批准程序

FMEA Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,潜在失效模式及后果分析

MSA Measure System Analysis,测量系统分析 SPC Statistical Process Control,统计过程控制 审核 Audit 能力 Capability 能力指数 Capability Indices 控制计划 Control Plans 纠正措施 Corrective Action 文件 Documentation 作业指导书 Standard operation procedure(SOP);Work instruction 不合格品 Nonconformance 不合格 Nonconformity 每百万零件不合格数 Defective Parts Per Million, DPPM 预防措施 Preventive Action


过程流程图 Process Flow Diagram, Process Flow Chart 质量手册Quality Manual 质量计划 Quality Plan 质量策划 Quality Planning 质量记录Quality Records 原始数据Raw Data 反应计划Reaction Plan 返修Repair 返工Rework 现场Site 分承包方Subcontractors 产品product 质量quality 质量要求quality requirement 顾客满意customer satisfaction 质量管理体系quality management system 质量方针quality policy 质量目标quality objective 质量管理quality management 质量控制quality control 质量保证quality assurance

组织organization 顾客customer 供方supplier 过程process 服务service 设计与开发design and development: 特性characteristic 可追溯性trace ability 合格conformity 缺陷defect 纠正correction 让步concession 放行release 报废scrap 规范specification 检验inspection 试验test 验证verification 评审review 测量measurement 普通原因Common Cause 均值Mean

极差Range 稳定性Stability 计量型数据Variables Data 变差Variation 重复性Repeatability 再现性Reproducibility 稳定性Stability 线性Linearity 分辨率Resolution 过程更改Process change 质量功能展开QFD 外观项目Appearance Item 初始过程能力Preliminary Process Capability 材料清单Bill of Material 设计确认Design Validation 设计验证Design Verification


OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer ANOVA 方差分析法 Analysis of Variance DFMEA 设计失效模式及后果分析 Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

DOE 试验设计 Design of Experiment GR&R 量具的重复性和再现性Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility PFMEA 过程失效模式及后果分析Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis QSR 质量体系要求Quality System Requirement QFD 质量功能展开 Quality Function Deployment BOM 物料清单 Bill of Material Cpk 稳定过程的能力指数 Capability for stable process LCL 下控制限 Lower Control Limit UCL 上控制限 Upper Control Limit LSL 工程规范下限 Lower Specification Limit X(—)--R图 均值一极差图 Average-Range Chart 防错(POKA-YOKE)Mistake Proofing ETA 预计到达 Estimate to be arrive PO 定单 Purchase order M/C 机器 machine RFQ 报价需求 Request for quotation MFI 熔融流动指数 Melt flow index FAI 全尺寸检测报告 First article inspection COC 材质证明 Certificate of compliance ALT 加速老化试验 Accelerated life test

CRR 承认书 Component review report OT 加班 Over time CAP 矫正计划 Corrective action plan R&D 研发 Research and Development ASAP 尽快 As soon as possible ECN工程更改通知Engineering change notice DCN 设计更改通知 Design change notice OTD 准时交货 On time delivery

九.通用词语 确保 ensure 构想 construct 会签 con-sign 功能 Function 机构 organization 外观 appearance 适用 apply to 作业流程 Operation flow 附件 attachment 商务人员 business personnel 汇总 summarize

指定相关人员 designated personnel

新产品开发说明会 new product development explanation meeting 拟定 Prepare 委托 entrust 认证 qualify 电子档 Soft copy 3D文件 3D database 移转 Transfer 执行 Conduct XXX申请单 XXX Application form 客户要求 Customer requirement 启动 Kick off 评估 Evaluation 作业员 Operator 批准, 承认 Approval 合同评审 Contract review 可靠性 Reliability 相关的 Relevant 程序 Procedure 制程 Process 流程图 Flow chart 产品 Product 生产 Production

资材 Logistics 责任 Responsibility 跟进 Follow-up 交付 Delivery 汇总 Summarize 外协加工 subcontract 指定相关人员 designated personnel 编号 number 附件 attachment 产品名称 Description 周期循环时间 Cycle time 模具号 Mold No, 数量 quantity(Qt’y)备注 remark SAP号 SAP No.客户 Customer 表单 Form 初步的 Preliminary 版本 Version 根本原因 Root cause(喷漆)夹具 Fixture(设备)小夹具 Jig

设备 Equipment 设施 Facility 送,提交(样品)Submit 责任部门,责任人 Responsible by(大的)目标 Objective(小的,具体的)目标 Target 格式 Format 上岗证 Qualification card 需求 Requirement 现场 On site 查检表 Checklist 试产 pilot 增值税 VAT---value-added tax

制造业常用英语词汇 篇2

An option contract backed by the shares underlying the option.The two types are covered call and covered put.

是指投资者售出的期权项下拥有其他证券, 或拥有相同条款的另一份期权, 则售出的这份期权称为抵补期权。

covered put有担保看跌期权

A put option position in which the option writer also is short the corresponding stock or has deposited, in a cash account, cash or cash equivalents equal to the exercise of the option.

看跌期权承销者已经同时将该基础证券卖空, 或者在现金账户存入相当于期权执行价的现金或现金等价物。


Commercial Paper.An unsecured obligation issued by a corporation or bank to finance its short-term credit needs, such as accounts receivable and inventory.

是指由公司发行的短期票据, 是短期信用的一种形式, 利率低于商业银行的贷款利率, 一般期限不超过90天。


See Certified Public Accountant.

美国注册公开会计师协会 (American Institute Of Certified Public Accountants) 颁发的专业称号, 应考生必须通过一次考试, 并符合工作经验要求


Consumer Price Index.The index measures the prices of consumer goods and services and is a measure of the pace of U.S.inflation.

测量消费品和服务价格的指数, 也是测量美国通货膨胀幅度的措施。是指政府有关机构每个月公布的、根据日常消费货物和服务组成的“购物篮”中价格的变动, 测量消费价格随时间变动的一种物价指数。其主要成分为住房、交通、食物、水电, 如果这些成分的成本上涨, 则意味着通货膨胀率的上升。


A term used in chapter 13 (wage earner restructuring debt) bankruptcy.A secured loan is reduced when the loan balance exceeds the reasonable value of the collateral security.The amount above that value becomes unsecured.Used mainly for personal property loans but now starting to be used for mortgage loans.A portion of the mortgage, if it exceeds the value of the property, can become an unsecured loan.

第13章 (职工更改债务结构) 破产法中的一个用语。担保贷款减少而贷款余额超出合理的抵押证券价值。在合理价值之上的数额成为无担保。主要用于个人财产贷款, 但是现在开始用于抵押贷款。抵押的部分, 如果超出物业的价值, 可能变成无担保贷款。

crash n.暴跌, 崩盘

A precipitous drop in market prices or economic conditions.


crawling peg蠕动固定汇率

An automatic system for revising the exchange rate.It involves establishing a par value around which the rate can vary up to a given percent.The par value is revised regularly according to a formula determined by the authorities.

是一种国际汇兑所使用的汇率, 允许汇率或汇率范围每天或每周小幅度地变化。


Commodity Research Bureau Index.An index that measures the overall direction of commodity sectors.The CRBwas designed to isolate and reveal the directional movement of prices in overall commodity trades.

衡量商品板块的整体方向的指标, 剥离和反映所有商品交易价格的运动方向。


Central registration depository.A computerized database with information on registered brokers.



Entry on the right side of a double-entry bookkeeping system that represents the reduction of an asset or expense or the addition to a liability or revenue. (See debit.)

会计用语, 指债务或净值, 在总账右边输入。

credit n.信贷、贷款

A contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now and agrees to repay the lender at some later date.The borrowing capacity of an individual or company.


credit agency信用调查机构

A company which collects information about the creditworthiness of individuals and corporations and provides it for a fee to interested parties.


credit agreement信贷协议

Arrangement in which one party borrows or takes possession in the present by promising to pay in the future.

货代常用英语词汇 篇3


Shipping agent 船舶代理

Handling Agent 操作代理

Booking Agent 订舱代理

Cargo Canvassing 揽货

FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金

Brokerage / Commission 佣金


Booking 订舱

Booking Note 订舱单

Booking Number 订舱号

Dock Receipt 场站收据

M/F(Manifest):a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单

Cable/Telex Release 电放

A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书

PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员

The said party 所涉及的一方

On Board B/L: On Board提单

A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C Cancellation 退关箱


BP Base Port 基本港

Prompt release 即时放行

Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间

Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地

Second Carrier(第)二程船

In transit 中转

Transportation hub 中转港


Tractor 牵引车/拖头

Low-bed 低平板车

Trailer 拖车

Transporter 拖车

Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)

Axle load 轴负荷

Tire-load 轮胎负荷

Toll Gate 收费口


Bonded Area 保税区 Bonded Goods(Goods in Bond)保税货物

Bonded Warehouse 保税库

Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管

Fork Lift 叉车

Loading Platform 装卸平台


A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班

A fortnight sailing 双周班

A bi-weekly sailing 周双班

A monthly sailing 每月班

On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离

ETA :Estimated(Expected)Time of Arrival 预计到达时间

ETB: Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间

ETD Estimated(Expected)Time of Departure 预计离泊时间

The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。船期/船舶如有变更将不作事先通知

Closing Date:截止申报时间

Cut-off time:截关日


Ocean Freight 海运费

Sea Freight 海运费

Freight Rate 海运价

Charge / Fee(收)费

Dead Freight 空舱费

Dead Space: Space in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized 亏舱

Surcharge / Additional Charge 附加费

Toll 桥/境费

Charges that are below a just and reasonable level 低于正当合理的收费

Market Price Level 市场价水平

Special Rate 特价

Rock Bottom Price 最低底价

Best Obtainable Price 市场最好价

CC Freight to Collect 到付运费

Freight Payable At Destination 到付运费

Back Freight 退货运费

Fixed Price 固定价格

Comm.Commission 佣金

Rebate 回扣/折扣

Drayage charge: made for local hauling by dray or truck 拖运费

GRI :General Rate Increase 运价上调

SGRI :Second General Rate Increase 第二次运价上调

GRD :General Rate Decrease 运价下调 TGRD :Temporary General Rate Decrease 临时运价下调

PSS :Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费

Wharfage: A charge assessed by a pier against freight handled over the pier 码头附加费

THC :Terminal Handling Charge 码头操作附加费

ORC :Origin Receiving Charge 始发接单费

CUC :Chassis Usage Charge 拖车运费

IAC :Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S.Inland Surcharge)内陆运输附加费

DDC :Destination Delivery Charge(目的地卸货费)

OAC: Origin Accessory Charge 始发港杂费

签证移民常用英语词汇 篇4

business visa 商务签证

apply for deferment 申请延期 arrival visa落地签 tourist visa旅游签family status 家庭地位,家属身份

family ties 家庭关系

federal a.联邦的

federal government 联邦政府

fee n.费用

fiancé(e)n.未婚夫(妻)file n.文件,档案;案卷;卷宗1.归档;2.提出(申请等),提起(诉讼)

file a petition 呈交诉状;提出请愿

file an action 起诉

file one’s tax return 报送纳税申请表

filing n.存档;文件(整理)汇集

finger prints 指印

form n.表格


grant n.同意,准许,许可


household n.家庭,家庭组合 I

illegal a.非法

illegal alien 非法移民

illegitimate a.不合法的illegitimate children 非婚生子女

immediate a.直接的;即刻的

immediate relatives近亲属

immigrant n.移民,侨民

immigrant a.移民的,侨民的

immigrant visa 移民签证

immigration n.移民;移居;移居入境

immigration law 移民法

immigration and

Naturalization Service 移民局(全称)

immigration Office 移民局 immigration Procedure 入境手续

indicate v.指示,指令

indict v.控告,指控

indictment n.控告(书),告发,检控

information n.通知;报告;资料;消息;信息;知识;情报

inspection n.检查;监察;视察

border inspection 入境检查

intent n.意图,目的,计划

interview n.会见,接见

intercompany n.公司内部 intercompany transferees 公司内部调整人员

in transit alien 过境外国人 itinerary n.旅程安排,旅程计划


job n.工作

jurisdiction n.司法权,管辖区


labor n.劳工,劳动,工作

labor certificate 劳工认可书

department of Labor(the)劳工部


marriage n.婚姻,结婚;婚姻生活,结合

sham marriage 假婚

marriage after divorce 再婚

marriage ceremony 结婚仪式

marriage certificate 结婚证书

marriage ties 结婚关系

married a.结了婚的,有配偶的,夫妇的

marital a.婚姻的

marital status 婚姻状况


naturalization n.入籍,规化 nonimmigrant n.非移民;a.非移民的

nonimmigrant worker n.非移民工人,非移民劳工

notice n.通知,声明,布告,告示

notify v.1.宣布,宣告;2.通知 nurse n.护士


oath n.誓言,誓约;宣誓

organization n.体制,编制;组织,团体,机构;设立,设置

origin n.缘由,起因,起源,血统出身

original n.原物,原文,来源,起因 a.最初的,最早的,原始的,独创的

original certificate 原始证书,原始凭证

original document 原本,原始文件

original domicile 本籍地,原籍,原住所

original nationality 原有国籍

original text原本;正本

orphan n.孤儿

orphan asylum孤儿院


parole n.假释,有条件的释放

passport n.护照;通告证

penalty n.惩罚,处罚,刑罚

permanent a.永久的,长期的

permanent resident 永久居民

petition n.1.请愿,请求,申请放2.诉状,上诉状,申请书 petition for Appeal 上诉状,起诉书

petition for Naturalization 入籍申请

petitioner n.诉愿人;上诉人;请诉人

position n.职位,工作

previous a.以前的,前述的,上面提及的

prior a.在先的,在前的,优先的,更重要的

priority n.优先顺序;优先,优先权

priority date 优先日

priority worker 优先劳工

prospective a.未来的,预期的,预料中的

public charge 受政府救济者


qualification n.资格,资历,合格


recent a.近来的,最近的rejection n.拒绝,抵制;驳回,否决

relation n.关系

relation by blood 血亲(关系)

relation by marriage 姻亲(关系)

relationship n.亲属关系

relationship by affinity 姻亲关系

relationship by

consanguinity 血亲关系

relative n.亲属,亲戚

request n.要求;请求;请求书 v.请求得到;要求

request for permission 请求批准

requirement n.1.需要,要求;2.命令,规定

requirement of law 法律的规定

register v.登记,注册,挂号

registered a.已注册的;已登记的;挂号的reside v.居住

residence n.1.住宅,居所;2.居住,居留;居住期

residence certificate 居留证件

residence permit 居住证,居留证

residence n.住处

resident n.居民,居住者

resident alien 外籍居民,外侨


signature n.签字,签名

social a.社会的,有关社会的

social security 社会保障

social security number 社会保障号码

spouse n.配偶

sponsor n.1.发起人;资助人;2.保证人,负责人

statement n.1.陈述,声明;2.供述

stepchildren n.继子女

street n.街道,马路

street name(/number)街道名称(/门牌号码)

status n.1.地位,身份;2.状况,情形;法律地位

successful a.成功的,有成就的 T

trader n.贸易者

trainee n.受培训者


undocumented a.没有记录的

undocumented alien 非法入境移民


visa n.签证

visitor n.访问者,旅游者

voluntary a.自愿的,自动的

voluntary departure 自动离境


wage n.工资,薪金;价

minimum wage(法定)最低工资

高考英语作文常用词汇 篇5

Waste is scattering here and there.(到处撒满了废弃物),

protect the environment(保护环境),

send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air(散发出烟和有毒气体),

cut down trees(砍伐树木),

pour waste water into the rivers(把废水注入河流),

It is a shame to throw rubbish around. (乱扔垃圾是可耻的),

form good habits to protect the surroundings(养成良好的习惯来保护环境),

take active measures to protect rare animals(采取积极措施保护稀有动物),

take good care of our forests(关心我们的森林),

plant more trees to improve the environment (多植来改善环境),

金融英语——常用词汇(八十二) 篇6

A period of general economic decline. Contractions areoften part of a business cycle, coming after an expansionaryphase and before a recession.

经济总体下滑的阶段。经济萎缩中商业循环的一部分, 在经济膨胀之后而在衰退之前。

contractual plan contributed capital实缴资本

Capital received from investors for stock, equal tocapital stock plus contributed capital. Also called contributedcapital. Also called paid-in capital.



An amount of money put into a savings / investmentplan.

是指企业对养老金账户的款项支付, 即养老金缴款。

contributory negligence导致意外的过失

Lack of care on the part of an injured individual,contributing to the injury.

是指由于受害人本身的疏忽而应负一定的责任, 其损失应由双方共同负担。

control account控制账户

An account held in a ledger which summarises the balance of all the accounts in the same or another ledger.Typically each subsidiary ledger will have a control account which will be mirrored by another control account in the nominal ledger (see'self-balancing ledgers') .

是指一个总括账户, 用来反映辅助分类账的分录总额和余额。统制账户的余额应和辅助分类账的余额之和相等。

controlling interest控股权

The ownership of more than 50% of a company's voting stock; or a significant fraction, even if less than 50%, if the rest of the shares are not actively voted.

大于50%公司投票权的所有权;当剩余股份不足以行使否决权时, 即使小于50%, 一重要份额也可成为控股权。是指持有比他人更多公司投票权的企业或个人。

controlling shareholder控制股东

An individual or corporation that owns the majority of shares in a corporation

拥有一个公司大部分股份的公司或个人。convention statement常规年度报表

An annual statement that must be filed by life insurancecompanies in each state where they do business.

公司的各种业务状态下, 均由寿险公司归档的年度报表。

conventional option常规期权

An option contract arranged off the trading floor andnot traded regularly.


conventional pass through常规转手证券

Also called private-label pass-throughs, any mortgage pass-through security not guaranteed by government agencies.

是指金融机构以抵押贷款为基础发行, 政府不担保其本金和利息的一种证券。

convergence n.趋同, 逼近现价

The coming together of futures prices and cash marketprices on the final trading day of a futures contract, as thebasis approaches zero.

是指在期货交易中, 随着合同到期日临近, 其价格将逐渐接近期货商品的现金价值。

conversion n.兑换

The process of converting a convertible security, suchas a bond or preferred stock, into common stock.


conversion arbitrage兑换套利

A risk-free transaction in which an investor buys a putand writes a call for shares of stock already held.


conversion factor转换因子

Factor which is designed to correct the fact that the deliverable security is not identical with the notional bond and which establishes a correspondence between futures contracts and bonds deliverable for these contracts.

是指对债券的到期年限与票面利率不同所做出的价格调整, 这个调整的比例就是转换因子。

护理专业常用英语词汇教学 篇7


Nursing processes Assessment Nursing diagnosis Planning

Intervention(implementation, management)Evaluation Daily care of the patient

Morning(evening)care, AM(HS)care Bedmaking

Oral hygiene(mouth care)Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care Bathing

Cleanliness and skin car

Perineal care Hair care Shaving

Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage

Bedsore care 褥疮护理

Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征 Taking oral(rectal, axillary)temperature Taking a radial pulse Counting respirations

Measuring(taking)blood pressure Catheterization Cardiac catheterization

Laryngeal catheterization;intubation


护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划


对病人的日常护理 晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙 洗澡

清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸

指甲修剪和洗脚 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Retro-urethral catheterization Urethral catheterization

Clean techniques(medical asepsis)Asepsis Integral asepsis Disinfection Concomitant(concurrent)Disinfection Steam Disinfection Terminal Disinfection Disinfection by ultraviolet light Sterilization

Chemical Sterilization Intermittent Sterilization Decompression Cardiac decompression Cerebral decompression Orbital decompression Decompression of pericardium Gastro-intestinal decompression Decompression of rectum Decompression of spinal cord Dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis Hemodialysis Drainage

Aspiration(suction)drainage Closed drainage Negative pressure drainage Open drainage Postural drainage Vaginal drainage Vesicocelomic drainage Enema Barium enema Blind enema

更换住院服装 按摩 褥疮护理 测量生命体征

测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度 测量桡动脉脉搏 计呼吸次数 测量血压 导管插入术 心导管插入术 喉插管术

逆行导尿管插入术 尿道导管插入术 消毒灭菌(医学无菌)无菌(法)完全无菌 消毒

随时消毒,即时消毒 蒸气消毒 终末消毒 紫外线消毒 灭菌,消毒

本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Contrast enema Glycerin enema High(low)enema Magnesium sulfate enema Retention(non-retention)enema Soapsuds enema Turpentine enema Feeding

Forced(forcible)feeding Intubation(tube)feeding Vassal feeding Rectal feeding

Heat and cold applications Applying hot compresses Applying hot soaks

Assisting the patient to take a sitz bath Applying hot water bottles Applying cold compresses

Giving a cold(an alcohol)sponge bath Infusion Glucose infusion Glucose-saline infusion Saline infusion Injection

Endermic(intracutaneous)injection Hypertonic saline injection Hypodermic injection Intramuscular injection Intrapleural injection Intraocular injection Intrauterine injection Nasal injection Peritoneal injection Rectal injection Subconjunctival injection

化学灭菌法 间歇灭菌法 减压(术)心脏减压术 脑减压术 眼眶减压术 心包减压术 胃肠减压术 直肠减压术 脊髓减压术 透析 腹膜透析 血液透析 引流、导液 吸引导液(引流)关闭引流法 负压吸引法 开放引流法 体位引流法 阴道引流法 膀胱腹腔引流 灌肠

本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Urethral injection Vaginal injection Irrigation Vaginal irrigation Bladder irrigation Continuous irrigation Mediate irrigation Isolation Strict isolation Contact isolation Respiratory isolation

Drainage(secretion)precautions Enteric precautions

Blood(body fluid)precautions Protective isolation Lavage Gastric lavage Intestinal lavage Peritoneal lavage Pleural lavage Medication

Endermic medication Epidermic medication Hypodermatic medication Ionic medication Nasal medication Oral medication Rectal medication Sublingual medication Transduodenal medication Vaginal medication Suctioning

Upper airway suctioning Nasogastric suctioning Wound suctionin

钡灌肠 肛管排气法 对比灌肠 甘油灌肠 高(低)位灌肠 硫酸镁灌肠

保留(无保留)灌肠 肥皂水灌肠 松节油灌肠 饲,喂养 强制喂养 管饲法 鼻饲法 直肠营养法 冷、热敷 热敷 湿热敷 帮病人坐浴 用热水瓶 冷敷

冷水(酒精)擦浴 输入,注入

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Direct(immediate)transfusion Drip transfusion Indirect transfusion Plasma transfusion Venous transfusion Diet nursing

Absolute diet(fasting)Balanced diet Bland diet Convalescent diet Diabetic diet Eucaloric diet Fat-free diet Salt-free diet Fever diet Full diet Half diet High caloric diet High-carbohydrate diet High-protein(protein-rich)diet Invalid diet Light diet Liquid diet High fat diet Low fat diet Low caloric diet Low-protein diet Low-residue diet Nourishing diet Obesity diet Prenatal diet Regimens diet

葡萄糖液输注 葡萄糖-盐水输注 盐水输注 注射 皮内注射 高渗盐水注射 皮下注射 肌肉注射 胸膜腔注射 眼球内注射 子宫内注射 鼻内注射 腹膜腔注射 直肠注射 结膜下注射 尿道注射 阴道注射 冲洗 阴道冲洗 膀胱冲洗 连续冲洗法 间接冲洗法

本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Smooth(soft)diet Emergency care(first aid)Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Mouth-to mouth(mouth-to-nose)resuscitation Emergency care used to control hemorrhage Emergency care given to help a patient who is vomiting

Emergency care for a patient during a seizure Hospice care Postmortem care

隔离、分离 严密隔离

接触隔离 呼吸道隔离 引流预防措施 肠道预防措施

血液(体液)预防措施 保护性隔离 灌洗,洗出法 洗胃 洗肠 腹膜腔灌洗 胸膜腔灌洗 药疗,投药,给药 皮内投药法 皮上投药法 皮下投药法 离子透药疗法 鼻内投药法 口服法 直肠投药法 舌下投药法

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十二指肠内投药法 阴道投药法 吸气,引液 上呼吸道抽吸 鼻胃抽吸 伤口吸引 输血,输液 动脉输血 输血 直接输血 滴注输血(液)间接输血 输血清

静脉输血,静脉输液 饮食护理 禁食 均衡饮食 清淡饮食 恢复期饮食 糖尿病饮食 适当热量饮食 无脂饮食

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无盐饮食 热病饮食 全食,普通饮食 半食 高热量饮食 高糖饮食 高蛋白饮食 病弱者饮食 易消化饮食 流质饮食 高脂饮食 低脂饮食 低热量饮食 低蛋白饮食 低渣饮食 滋补饮食 肥胖饮食 孕期饮食 规定食谱 细(软)饮食 急救护理 心肺复苏术

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口对口(口对鼻)复苏术 止血措施

呕吐患者急救 癫痫发作急救 临终护理 死亡后护理

Absorbent cotton 脱脂棉 Adhesive plaster Bandage 胶布 Bath towel Cotton wool balls 绷带 Wipes 浴巾 Dressing Elastic bandage 棉球 Gauze 棉球 Mask Mattress 敷料 Rubber sheet Swab 弹力绷带 Alcohol burner 纱布 Breast pump Curet(te)口罩 Dropper 垫子

Enema can Enema syringe 橡皮单 Finger stall Forceps




北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Hemostatic forceps Obstetric forceps Funnel Gastric tube Glass measure cup Hypodermic syringe Needle

Ampoule(ampute)Ice bag Incubator Kidney basin Measuring tape Medicine cup Murphy’s drip bulb Percussion hammer Rectal tube Rubber air ring Rubber gloves Sand bag Scalpel Scissors

Specimen container Sphygmomanometer Stethoscope Sucker Ribbon gut Test tube Thermometer Three-channel tube

Spatula(padded tongue blade)Tourniquet Tray

Ultraviolet lamp Vessel clamp Vial

酒精灯 吸奶器 刮器,刮匙 滴管 灌肠筒 灌肠注射器 指套 钳子 止血钳 产钳 漏斗 胃管 玻璃量杯 皮下注射器 针头 安瓿 冰袋 保温箱 弯盘 带尺 药杯 墨菲氏滴管

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Disposable collecting bag Emesis basin Patient pack Urinal Binder Sling Slint Scrotal support Cane(walking stick)Crutch Stretcher Walker Wheelchair Isolation unit, set-up Cannula(e)Perfusion cannula Wash-out cannula Catheter Cardiac catheter Indwelling catheter Double current catheter Flexible catheter Female catheter Prostatic catheter Tracheal catheter Dialyser Dialyzator Drainage-tube Enemator Intubator Irrigator Oxygen tank

叩诊锤 肛管 橡皮气圈 橡皮手套 沙袋 手术刀 剪刀 取样器皿 血压计 听诊器 吸管 肠线 试管 体温计 三腔管 压舌板 止血带 托盘 紫外线灯 止血钳,血管夹 药瓶


本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Rubber-topped hemostat Speculum Anal speculum Aural speculum Eye speculum Nasal speculum Speculum oris Rectal speculum Urethral speculum Vaginal speculum Suction

Sputum suction apparatu Mechanical suction Ventilator(respirator)Automatic ventilator Positive pressure ventilator Negative pressure ventilator Cabinet respirator

Autoclave sterilizer(disinfector)Bronchoscope Cystoscope Defibrillator Electrocardiograph Electroencephalograph Gastroscope

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber Pacemaker Spirometer

床栏 床上便盆 一次性集尿袋 盂盆

医院为病人提供的个人用具 男用尿壶,贮尿器 腹带,绷带 悬带 夹板 阴囊托 手杖 拐杖 担架 助行器 轮椅

消毒室,消毒病房 套管、插管 灌注套管 冲洗套管 导管 心导管 留置导尿管

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双腔导管 软导管 女导尿管 前列腺导尿管 气管吸引导管 透析膜 透析器 引流管 灌肠器

插关器、喉管插入器 冲洗器 氧气筒

带橡皮头的止血器 窥器,张口器 肛门张开器,扩肛器 耳窥器,耳镜 开睑器 鼻窥器,鼻镜 张口器

直肠窥器,直肠张开器 尿道窥器 阴道窥器

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吸吮器 吸痰器 机械吸吮器 呼吸机,呼吸器 自动呼吸机 正压呼吸机 负压呼吸机 箱式呼吸器 高压蒸汽灭菌器 支气管镜 膀胱镜 除颤器 心电图机 脑电图机 胃镜 高压氧仓 起搏器 肺活量计

Hospital superintendent / director/ administrator 医院院长

Medical director



北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Department head

Attending physician/ doctor in charge Resident doctor Physician‘s assistant Intern

Director of nursing Nursing education director Nursing supervisor Head nurse

Registered nurse(RN)Licensed practical nurse(LRN)Nursing assistant Orderly

General office of the hospital Out-patient department Out-patient In-patient department Out-patient

Emergency department(unit)Nursing department Registration/ registrar’s office Medical records division Admission office

Department of internal medicine Internist , physician

Department of general medicine General practitioner Department of cardiology Cardiologist ,heat specialist Department of respiratory medicine

Department of digestive medicine(G.I.department)Gastrologist Department of proctology Proctologist Department of hepatology

医务主任 科主任 主治医师 住院医师 医生助理,医士 实习医生


护理教育处长 总护士长 护士长 注册护士 持照护士,护士 助理护士,护理员

护理员,卫生员,男助理护士 院部办公室 门诊部 门诊病人 住院部 住院病人 急诊部

护理部 挂号室

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Department of endocrinology Endocrinologist Department of neurology Neurologist Department of psychiatry Psychiatrist Department of geriatrics Geriatrician Department of(general)surgery Surgeon

Department of neuro-surgery Department of thoracic/ chest surgery Department of cardiovascular surgery Department of esthetic surgery Department of abdominal surgery Department of orthopedics Orthopedist Department of plastic surgery Department of anesthesiology Anesthetist

Department of obstetrics and gynecology Obstetrician/ accoucheur(F.)Gynecologist Midwife/accoucheuse(F.)Department of pediatrics Pediatrician

Department of neonatology Neonatologist Department of ophthalmology Ophthalmologist


住院处 内科 内科医生 大内科

全科医生 心内科 心脏专家 呼吸科 消化科







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Department of stomatology Stomatologist Department of dentistry Dental department Dentist

Department of orthodontics Orthodontist Department of otorhinolaryngology/ ENT(ear,nose,throat)department Otorhinolaryngologist)Otolaryngologist ENT specialist Aurist/ otologist Rhinologist Laryngologist

Department of dermatology Dermatologist Department of traditional Chinese medicine TCM physician/ doctor Department of acupuncture Acupuncturist Department of massage Massagist Department of pathology Pathologist

Department of radiology Radiologist X-ray technologist X-ray technician Department of physical therapy Department of radioisotope Department of dietetics Dietitian/ dietician



老年病专家(医生)普通外科 外科医生 神经外科 胸外科 心血管外科 美容外科 腹外科


骨科医生 整形外科 麻醉科 麻醉师 妇产科 产科医生 妇科专家(医生)助产士 小儿科

本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Diet technician Cook Chef Pharmacy Dispensary Pharmacist Pharmaceutist(Br.)Druggist(Am.)Dispenser Clinical laboratory Laboratory technician Assayer

Pulmonary function lab Nursing station/desk Intensive Care Unit(ICU)Blood bank Mortuary Waiting room Consulting room Bronchoscop room E.C.G.room E.E.G.room Gastro-endoscopic room Disinfection room Dressing room Injection room Therapeutic room Operating room Recovery room Medical ward Surgical ward Maternity ward Isolation ward General ward Observation ward




眼科专家(医生)眼科医生 验光师 口腔科


牙科 牙医师 正牙科

正牙专家(医生)耳鼻喉科 耳鼻喉科

耳鼻喉科专家(医生)耳鼻喉科专家(医生)耳鼻喉科专家(医生)耳科医生 鼻科医生 喉科医生

本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站: Optical ward Children’s ward Male ward Private ward


皮肤科专家(医生)中医科 中医大夫 针灸科 针灸师 按摩科

按摩师 病理科 病理学家 放射科 放射科专家 X光技师 X光技术员 体疗科

放射性同位素科 营养科 营养师 营养技术人员 炊事员 厨师


本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站:

药房 制剂师 制剂师 药剂师 药剂士 临床化验室 化验室技术员 化验师


护理站 监护室 血库 太平间

接待室、会客室、候诊室 咨询室 支气管镜室 心电图室 脑电图室

胃镜室 消毒室 换药室 注射室

本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识 北京白癜风医院杂志期刊——第1期 北京白癜风医院网站:

治疗间 手术室 康复室 内科病房 外科病房 产科病房 隔离病房 普通病房 观察病房 眼科病房 儿童病房 男病房 特等病房 本文由北京白癜风医院网()分享的护理知识











