


求职信范文英语带翻译 篇1


I am a graduating undergraduate course graduate. I am honored to have the opportunity presented to you my personal information. In society, in order to better play to their talents, would like to make a few self-Leaders recommend.

Good university life, cultivate my rigorous scientific thinking method, I also created a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and pioneering spirit of innovation consciousness. Basic knowledge of both inside and outside the classroom to expand the vast social practice, a solid and broad perspective, so I understand the society; to develop a continuous learning and work. Excellent quality is rigorous, the steadfast work style and the unity cooperation, so I am sure they are completely in the positions in setting, dedication, more business! I believe that my skills and knowledge required by your organization is, I sincerely desire, I can sacrifice for the future of their own youth and blood!

I am cheerful and lively personality, interests and broad; open-minded, steady work; collective concern, a strong sense of responsibility; sincere, serious work of the initiative, with professionalism. In the four years of study and life, I have a very good professional knowledge, learning achievement has come out in front. In my spare time, I read a lot of professional and extra-curricular books, and mastery of a variety of design software written word is not advertising, not pass. But I know: a young man, can through continuous learning to improve themselves, to prove himself in practice. Dear sir / miss, if I can won your appreciation, I will dutifully take practical action to prove to you: your past, I too late to participate; but your future, I would like to sacrifice my life of hard work and sweat! Once again extend my most sincere thanks!







求职信范文英语带翻译 篇2


过去, 老师对英语书面表达有所关注, 但指导方法不佳, 时间投入带来的并不是学生高质量的书面表达。相反, 就连基础比较好的学生要写一篇内容较充实、结构较完整、可读性较强的书面表达都存在一定困难。究竟是学生不敢爱书面表达, 还是书面表达爱不起。只要解决这一问题, 就能提高学生的英语书面表达能力。在新课程背景下, 现今的英语教师已都认识到英语书面表达在英语教学中的重要性。在日常英语教学中, 他们对书面表达教学越来越重视。英语书面表达的教学新法不断涌现。我结合日常书面表达教学实践和研究, 旨在探究书面表达教学的有效途径。


1. 当前高中书面表达教学存在的问题

(1) 书面表达布置无的放矢

在日常英语教学过程中, 许多老师虽明白写作的重要性, 但在给学生布置书面表达任务时存在随意性和盲目性———往往拿到什么练习卷就布置什么书面表达, 缺乏系统性, 无的放矢, 事倍功半。

(2) 学生存在消极训练心理

听说读写译各项技能中, 写是高中学生最头疼的一项。所以, 一谈到书面表达, 学生总是表现出排斥和畏惧的心理, 但是为了完成老师布置的任务, 他们又不得不一次次消极地进行训练。反复训练的结果可想而知, 一些学生反而越写越糟。

(3) 书面表达批改后反馈不佳

书面表达批改任务繁重, 许多老师辛辛苦苦地将书面表达批改完, 可是分发下去, 学生只是简单地看看分数和评语, 对于错误不做任何修改就扔到一边。其实, 更多时候学生是不知道怎么修改, 更不用说知道自己到底哪些地方、哪些句子写得好。

(4) 错误“输入强化”

以上教学中存在的所有问题, 在一次次的作文训练中, 会形成错误的强化现象, 与Sharwood Smith提出的“输入强化理论” (1991) 相悖。

“输入强化理论” (Input Enhancement) 的核心是交际活动与改错活动的有机结合。Sharwood Smith指出, 通过“输入强化”, 学习者既可注意在交际过程中忽略的语言现象, 又可使交际过程中的错误输入得到纠正, 提高语言的准确性。然而, 在现实教学中, 许多学生不仅没有改正错误, 习得正确的表达法, 实现“输入强化”, 还使错误在一次又一次训练中强化, 最终出现负面的“输入强化”现象, 错误得到巩固。教师会抱怨学生老是犯同样的错误, 更别指望学生写出优美句子。

2. 当前高中书面表达常见有效的训练法

不同省份的英语书面表达字数要求在120至150个字不等, 似乎仅由十来个句子组成, 而要把这十来个句子写好, 却很有学问。冰冻三尺, 非一日之寒。日常的积累在英语书面表达训练方面有至关重要的作用。写作能力的培养不可能一蹴而就, 我们需要由浅入深、由易到难、由简到繁地进行训练。在英语教师的大家庭里, 所有成员为了学生, 都在积极探索高中书面表达训练的“秘籍”, 渴望我们的弟子能够在师傅这本“武功宝典”指引下练就一身绝世的英语书面表达功夫, 来日闯荡各种英语测试这一“江湖”。

首先, 教材是学生首先接触到的最主要的课程资源, 为学生提供了大量鲜活的语言。课文题材广泛, 体裁多样, 难易程度适中, 适合学生做缩写、仿写、改写、续写及写评论、读后感等练习。这些练习既能使学生巩固已学的课本知识, 加深学生对课文的理解, 又有助于提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。

其次, 美文背诵、句型操练、翻译等方法得到了运用, 发挥了作用。运用这些方法培养出了一大批技艺超群的英语书面表达高手。

3. 范文翻译法出现的背景

根据课标要求, 学生在高中阶段要不断地提高听说读写四项基本技能。整合当前有效的训练方法, 我对书面表达的训练进行了可控制性设计, 目的是让学生在一定的教学目标的指引下进行有效训练。


1. 范文的选择

在收集了近十年各省高考书面表达题目及其范文之后, 写出相应的中文版本范文, 按记叙文、议论文、说明文、应用文进行分类。针对文体的不同, 将高中英语写作常见的近百个句型分别用在4种文体的35篇范文中进行训练。当然, 选择的范文话题根据课标要求的话题进行整合。

2. 范文翻译实例介绍

某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”, 现对外征募会员。要求申请者提交一篇题为“I want to Smile”的英语短文。请你以申请者的身份, 根据提示用英语写一篇短文 (2009年福建高考) 。 (1) 根据思路图适当展开, 使行文连贯; (2) 词数:120左右。



微笑优点很多, 既可以愉悦自己又可以愉悦他人。如果对生活微笑, 生活也会对我们微笑。不论何时何地, 我们要对所有人微笑。

首先, 对父母微笑, 因为他们生我并含辛茹苦把我养大。他们几乎为我安排好了一切。在他们的帮助下, 我取得了巨大的进步。我想微笑地对他们说声“谢谢!”。然后, 我要对自己微笑, 因为只有通过这种方式我才能够笑走麻烦, 过更好的生活。

总之, 让我们笑迎每一天。明天又是崭新的一天。

(1) 翻译前

翻译之前, 我先介绍范文翻译当中会用到的句型供学生使用, 目的在于让学生在翻译中强化句型, 方便今后写作时信手拈来。如下:

句型1:not only...but also...



句型4:would like to do sth.


但是并不是简单将句型告之学生。对于每个句型的使用, 利用课堂时间进行事先操练, 提高使用的准确率。

(2) 翻译时

在上交作业之前, 要求小组成员之间用蓝色笔先互改。主要是修改句型、标点和单词拼写的错误。要求批改者签名。互改完后进行二次修改, 然后组长收起上交等待老师批改。

(3) 教师批改

为了解决教师包办而效率低的问题, 对于翻译进行“双改”制。一改老师将学生错误的地方用各种规范的作文批改符号标出。评分并写好评语分给学生进行二改。学生二改要找到互改的那位学生一同修改。之后, 老师利用课后时间进行二改。 (根据不同的学生, 有的进行面批, 有的用录音的方式减少对学生的干扰。) 第二次修改后, 老师与小组成员一起讨论, 进一步修改, 最终形成小组翻译成果。

(4) 成果展示


(5) 后翻译阶段

翻译结束后, 要求小组将成果收集汇总形成“专著”。在积累中成长, 在共同提高中体验学习的快乐。

3. 范文翻译法的辅助提高措施

单一的翻译可能会让学生烦, 特别是基础不好的学生。所以范文翻译还可以采用单句成段法、借用缩写、仿写、改写、续写及写评论、读后感、同声传译法等变换操练。

4. 范文翻译的优缺点

范文翻译法, 能够扎实基础, 稳步提高学生的书面表达能力, 效率高。但是, 由于工作量大、课时要求高, 要求授课教师做好充分的规划并充分调动学生的积极性。


范文翻译法还处于研究探索阶段, 但从教学实践的效果来看, 是相当有效的。怎样使该方法成熟并推广, 还有待进一步研究。所谓有心人天不负, 相信在不断深入的过程中能够不断完善该方法。所谓条条大路通罗马, 对于书面表达的教学也没有定法, 关键是一种方法运用好了, 可以让多人受益。


[1]Sharwood Smith, M.“Speaking to many minds:On the relevance of different types of language information for the L2 learner”.Second Language Research, 1991, 7 (2) :118-132.

[2]教育部.普通高中英语课程标准 (试验) [M].人民教育出版社, 2003.

[3]孙尧芳.浙江省东阳市中天高级中学.高中英语书面表达教学中存在的问题及对策.学英语, 2008.04.29 (44) .

[4]夏建清.输入强化理论与英语书面表达打草稿.考试周刊, 2008 (8) .

英文求职信带翻译 篇3


First of all, I sincerely thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my recommendation letter, which will be a great encouragement for a student who is about to leave school. This is a simple and unpretentious cover letter. Perhaps its ordinary does not deeply absorb your eyes, but it contains a sincere heart. For this reason, I sincerely beg you to read this common heart.

My name is XX, from xx city xx county, is xx city science and technology vocational technical school accounting major graduates. It is with calmness and excitement that I present this letter of recommendation today. The reason is calm, my knowledge and ability will not let you down, will be worthy of your choice; The reason why I am excited, I decided to go to you with no regrets of youth, to achieve common brilliance. Here, I cant show you any references from authoritative people to get me a career, nor can I present stacks of award certificates as mine. Chips, and can only rely on their own ten years of hard learning results and hard-working nature as my cornerstone, if I have any advantages, it is that I am young, young is my capital.

I am a farmers child, the blood vessels are the mellow soil and farmers simple and honest, but also taught me the ingritty rules and methods of doing things, the familys poverty, parents expectations, social competition is my motivation to learn. I cherish the two years of secondary school study very much. In the two years at school, I study hard, diligent, starting from the basic knowledge of each course, and strive to master its basic skills and skills, deep drilling and fine research, to seek its internal law a person only the wisdom applied to the actual work, serve the society, benefit the society, let the efficiency and efficiency to prove themselves, in order to truly reflect their own value! I firmly believe that the road is made step by step. Only down to earth, hard work, in order to make better results!

“The tool will try and the prophet its blunt, the horse will ride and then know its good.” I am convinced that as long as I find a fulcrum, I can pry up the whole earth, as long as I give a piece of soil, I will use the young cloud of life to cultivate, you can not only see my success, but also can harvest the whole autumn. This is the promise of my confidence and ability.

Sword singing in the Li, the period to sound. I sincerely hope that this boxing inch grass heart, thick sincere feelings can breathe with you, share fate, with development, and seek progress. Please give me a chance, I will use action to prove themselves.

Finally, I sincerely wish your company a prosperous and thriving business.




您好 !








英文求职简历带翻译 篇4


性别: 女

民族: 汉族

年龄: 26

婚姻状况: 未婚

专业名称: 工商管理

主修专业: 管理类

政治面貌: 团员

毕业院校: 福建师范大学协和学院

毕业时间: 7月

最高学历: 本科

电脑水平: 精通

工作经验: 三年以上

身高: 168cm


现所在地: 新罗区

户籍: 永定县


期望从事职业: 教务跟踪,文案,外贸,课程顾问

期望薪水: 3000-4000

期望工作地区: 福建厦门市

期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 1个月内

需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 福建师范大学(9月-207月)

专业名称: 工商管理

学历: 本科

所在地: 福州大学城

证书: 优秀学生三等奖学金

专业描述: 所学课程包括工商管理,市场营销,电子商务,会计学,物流管理等。

学校名称: 福建农林大学(9月-207月)

专业名称: 计算机办公应用

学历: 大专

所在地: 福州市仓山区

证书: 优秀学生三等奖学金

专业描述: 所学专业包含课程有编程C++,数据库管理,会计基础,PS,office办公软件的应用等

学校名称: 永定城关中学(9月-207月)

专业名称: 基础教育

学历: 高中

所在地: 福建省龙岩市永定区




公司名称: 福州东阳塑料制品有限公司(2014年3月-4月)

所属行业: 汽车·摩托车(制造·维护·配件·销售·服务) 公司性质: 外商独资.外企办事处

公司规模: 500~1000人 工作地点: 福州市闽侯县青口投资区

职位名称: 开发

工作描述: 负责项目日程的推进,品质的确认,BOM表的新建及管理,生产现场工作标准的制定。与客户沟通确认客户需求。在工作期间担任保杆、雾灯圈、前栏等部品的开发及导入量产。

离职原因: 想回龙岩发展


自我评价: 本人在福州东阳制品有限公司任职三年,在期间担任项目开发工作。负责本田汽车用品、吉利、新龙马等公司的产品。沟通能力强,能胜任经常出差及加班的工作。能与企业一同成长,把十分的热情投入到工作中。


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

英语谜语带翻译 篇5


1.what is the longest word in the world? key:smile.谜语解析:因为两个S隔了一里(mile)2.what letter is an animal? key--B(Bee)哪个字母是一个动物 答案:B 3.What letter stands for the ocean? key:C(sea)哪个字母坐落在海边?答案:C(sea)4.what letter is a question? key:Y 哪个字母是一个问题? 英语谜语答案:Y(why)5.what letter is your eye? key:I

哪个字母是你的眼睛? 答案:I(eye)

英语作文带翻译 篇6

I am weak in Chinese, so I don’t like Chinese class, but Miss Li can make the class very active and funny, all the students focus their minds.

Now my Chinese improves, I owe it to Miss Li.



英语日记带翻译 篇7


Mother told me that we will go to Guilin for a trip today。 I am very excited because the views there are beautiful。 But there is still one day to go and I feel impatient。 I think people there must be polite and so should I。 Otherwise, we couldnt get well along with each other。

英语作文带翻译 篇8

The market was very crowded and busy with nearly all kinds of goods on display. Some sellers were shouting at the top of their voice to attract the attention of the people. Housewives were picking out vegetables and bargaining with the sellers. A man was selling fresh fish, which were swimming in a big basin, and a lot of buyers crowded around it and chose what they wanted. One fruit seller, standing behind piles of fresh fruit, greeted me Warmly, trying to persuade me to buy some. He felt a little disappointed when I shook my head.

What a busy and noisy market!



英语作文带翻译 篇9

I have many friend,but my best friend is Lily.She is a beautiful girl.She has big eyes and the eyes are black. She is taller than me. She study is very well.Teacher and other students like her.She can go on well with everyone We often share happiness and sorrow.I like study and play with her. I think she is my real friend.



英语名言带翻译 篇10

literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art. (wiliam rplph lnge, birtish writer and churchman) 当文学一半成为贸易,一半成为艺术时,那是它最繁荣的时期。(英国作家和牧师 英奇. w.r.)

if you don’t learn to think when you are young , you may never learn.(thomas edison , american inventor) 如果你年轻时就没有学会思考,那么就永远学不会思考。(美国发明家 爱迪生 . t.)

better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune .(plato , ancient greek philosopher) 与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

genius17 without education is like silver in the mine. (benjamin franklin , american president) 未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 (美国总统 富兰克. b.)

the roots of education are bitter , but the fruit is sweet .(aristotle , ancient greek philosopher) 教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。(古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德)

did you ever expect a corporation to have a conscience, when it has no soul to damned, and no body to be kicked? (edward thurlow, british lawyer) 公司既没有灵魂可以被诅咒,又没有躯体可以被踢翻,难道你指望它有什么良心吗?(英国律师 瑟洛杉矶 .e.)

economy the poor man’s mints; extravagance the rich man’s pitfall.(martin tupper. american economist.) 节约是穷人的造币厂,浪费是富人的陷阱。(美国经济学家 塔珀 .m.)

a friendship founded on business is better than business founded on friendship. (john davision rockefeller, american businessman) 建立在商务基础上的友谊胜过建立在友谊基础上的商务。(美国实业家 洛克菲勒 j d.)

请假条英语带翻译 篇11


周莹霞 november 12, 2015 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,也是高考要求掌握的写作话题之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。

一、写作指南: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名,在高考中,时间、称呼和签名一般会给出。全文一般分为三段。2.请假条是一种简单的书信文体, 其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是简化的书信,要有合适的开头和结尾句,同时具备一般书信的人称和时态等特点。3.请假条要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂,口语化。


1.i’m writing to you to ask a sick leave.我在给你写信请病假。2.i ask you for sick leave of three days.我请3天病假。3.i’m sorry that i can’t go to school today, so i want to ask for two days of sick leave.很抱歉今天我无法上学了,所以我想请两天病假。4.i wonder if you could give me your permission.你是否同意我请假呢。5.i hope you can approve my leave.望准假!6.your kind permission will be greatly appreciated.承蒙惠准,感激不尽。7.i’ll go back to school as soon as i am well enough.and i’ll do my best to make up for the missing lessons during my absence 我病一好了就会尽快回校。并且我会尽我所能去补上所缺的课程。8.sick leave 病假 a casual /absence leave 事假 9.i am very/really/terribly/extremely sorry to tell you that i cannot attend your english classes today.很抱歉我今天不能上您的英语课。10.i have to go to see the doctor.我得看医生。11.i want to ask for four days’leave from tuesday to friday.我想请假4天,时间是从周二到周五。12.i enclose a doctor’s certificate.我附上了医生证明。(注意:有的请假条为了说明其请假事由是真实的,在正文之后另起一行,写上这句)


提出请假 + 阐述请假事由(并致歉)+ 希望获准






(一)sep.28 dear mr.peter, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on april 4th,this wednesday.(提出请假及时间)thanks.i will call you at 1:30 p.m.or you can call me at any time.(等候答复)(many thanks.im looking forward to your kind answer.)(希望获准)earnestly yours,li hua

(二)dear mr li i beg to apply for two days’ leave of absence from the 7th to 8th of this week.i’m sorry to tell you that because i was seriously ill--suffering severe headache, i want to return/go home to see the doctor.as regards the lesson to be missed during my absence, i will do my best to make them up as soon as i get back from leave.to support my application, here i herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate.? i should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application.yours respectfully, li hua


假定你是李华, 按如下提示给ms.riddle 写一张事假条。



2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。dear ms.riddle,_______________________________________________________________________________







_______________________________________________________________________________ earnestly yours,li hua 【参考范文】 dear ms.riddle,i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from your oral english class this wednesday morning.yesterday evening i got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small firm in suburbs of this city.he needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most reliable person, so he wants me to have a try.personally, i regard this as a golden opportunity to put what i have learned in your class into practice, but i need your permission of absence.if you think i may go and help him get over the difficulty, i am confident that i’ll do a good job and both of us will be grateful.thanks.your kind permission will be greatly appreciated.earnestly yours,li hua篇三:英语请假条的格式

英语请假条的格式 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。

英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2.一般而言,可认定请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是书信的大大简化。3.请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。


假如你是王立。昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民们摘苹果,不幸(unluckily)从梯子上摔下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天(ask for leave for two days)。(2002新疆乌鲁木齐中考题)【参考范文】 sep.28 dear miss gao, im sorry i can’t go to school today.i helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday.unluckily, i fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt.the doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest.so i ask for leave for two days.your student wang li 【范例2】请事假: dear ms.riddle,i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from your oral english class this wednesday morning.yesterday evening i got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small firm in suburbs of this city.he needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find the most reliable person,so he wants me to have a try.personally,i regard this as a golden opportunity to put what i have learned in your class into practice,but i need your permission of absence.if you think i may go and help him get over the difficulty,i am confident that i ll do a good job and both of us will grateful.earnestly yours,sam篇四:英语请假条的书写格式及范文





【格式】 1.居中写标题“请假条”。2.请假对象的称呼。要顶格写,并在后面加冒号。3.请假原由。要另起一行,空两格。主要写明请假的原因和请多长时间假。4.请假起止时间。5.祝颂语。6.请假人签名。










例如: 请假条

学校党支部: 因母亲突患急病,需住院治疗,我不能参加本周星期六的党课和其他活动,请批准. 张大明

2007.6.30 [范例参考]

请假条 xx培训中心: 因我行于1月10日晚举行员工大会,任何人不得缺席,所以本人1月10日晚不能回校参加












尊敬的老师: 您好!我是06级电子商务专业直属班的学生,因为,需要请假(时间)从到,去往地点,请假期间有效联系方式:。


班长(副班长)意见: 班主任意见:



英语版本 to: john smith, supervisor from: george chen, accounting department date: march 11, 2001 subject: casual leave of absence john, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from march 23 to 27.i will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at any time.to: peter stone, manager from: lynn chen, financial department date: april 2nd, 2004 subject: casual leave of absence peter, i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day on april 4th, this wednesday.concerning my workload: as wednesday is not as busy as the other weekdays, i think a one-day leave this wednesday may be the best solution.i apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause.thanks.i will call you at 1:30p.m.or you can call me at any time.假设你叫tom,你昨天在学校游泳池游泳患了感冒,今天早上觉得头疼,你母亲给你量了体温后,发现你发烧,便带你去看医生,医生说你需要卧床休息两天,特向老师请假。给老师写一张70—100字的请假条

时间:2005年6月8日。one possible version: june 8, 2005 dear sir, im sorry to tell you that i cant go to school today, ive caught a cold because i swam in the schools swimming pool yesterday.this morning i had a headache.after taking my temperature, my mother found that i had a high fever, immediately she took me to see a doctor, who advised me to stay in bed for 2 days.now i am writing to you to ask for 2 days sick leave.your students, tom(派乐多英语网站提供。)篇五:英文请假条格式 英文请假条格式

请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假(leave of absence)。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。

英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。



假如你是王立。昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民们摘苹果,不幸(unluckily)从梯子上摔下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天(ask for leave for two days)。(2002新疆乌鲁木齐中考题)【参考范文】 sep.28 dear miss gao, im sorry i cant go to school today.i helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday.unluckily, i fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but i wasnt badly hurt.the doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest.so i ask for leave for two days.wang li dear mr/ms xxx;today im writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for ive got cold last night with carelessness.this morning my mother took me to see the doctor, who told me to stay in bed for some days.so i am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons.ill be sure to make up for the missed lessons after i recover from the illness.yours ever, xxx.尊敬/亲爱的xxx;


