三年级unit 5英语教案


三年级unit 5英语教案(精选6篇)

三年级unit 5英语教案 篇1


单 元:Unit5课 题 : Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 1 教学内容:A Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s sing 教学目标 知识与技能:

1.Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange.2.Be able to understand and say: “Do you like peaches? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.”

3.Be able to sing the song “The more we get together”过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点:

New words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange.教学难点:

The pronunciation of “watermelon”.The pronunciation of peach and orange.教学准备:T’s word cards, VCD and tape.教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Greetings.2)Sing a song “ The more we get together” 3)Free talk T: Hello, S1.How are you? S: Very well, thanks.How are you?

T: Fine, thank you.Oh, I am hungry now.I like hamburgers.What do you like? S: I like„„ T: Here you are.S: Thank you.T: Can I have some„„? S: Sure, here you are.T: Thank you.Hmm„.It tastes good.T teaches this sentence.Step2.Presentation.1)T shows the picture of pear: What’s this?

S: It’s a pear.T: Do you like pears? S: Yes.T: Yes, I do.Ss: Yes, I do.T: You can say “I like pears.” S: I like pears.Run one train.2)T draws a peach : Guess!What’s this?

S: It’s a peach.T teaches the pronunciation of peach.T: Do you like peaches? S: Yes, I do.T: I like peaches very much.What about you? S: Me too./ I like pears„„ 3)T: What colour is it? S: It’s orange.T: What’s this?

S: It’s an orange.T: Yeah.Orange is orange.What’s the meaning of this sentence? S: 橘子是橘黄色的。T: Have some oranges.S: Thank you.It tastes good.4)T: I have a riddle.Listen carefully!It’s green.It’s round.It’s juicy.It’s sweet.What is it?

S: It’s watermelon.T teaches the pronunciation of watermelon.T: I like watermelon very much.What about you? S: Me too./ I like pears very much.T: Can I have some watermelons? S: Sure.Here you are.T: Thank you.It tastes good.Step 3.Practise.1)Make a dialogue in 4-person group.2)Let’s play.T: Take out your paper.Draw a peach.Colour it pink.„„

Practise in pairs.Step4.Assessment.1).T explains the meaning of the task.2)Ss do it after the class.Step5.Homework 1)Copy the new words: watermelon, peach, pear, orange.2)Listen Let’s learn and read the words fluently.板书设计: Unit 5 Do you like pears?

A: Do you like peaches? B: Yes, I do.No, I don’t.教学反思:


单 元:Unit5 课 题 :Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 2 教学内容:A Let’s talk Let’s say story time 教学目标 知识与技能:

1.Be able to understand and say “Do you like„„? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What about......?”

2.Be able to use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.3.Be able to sing the song “An Apple a Day”.过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点:

New words and the emotion education.教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them.教学准备:VCD and tape and a picture of fruit.教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Greetings.2)Sing a song “An Apple a Day” 3)Free talk T: Hello, S1.How are you? S: Very well, thanks.How are you? T: Fine, thank you.Oh, I’m so thirsty.I want to eat some

fruits.I like apples.What do you like? S: I like peaches.T: Here you are.S: Thank you.T: Oh, sweet peaches!Can I have some„„? S: Sure, here you are.T: Thank you.Hmm„.It tastes good.Step2.Presentation and practice.1)Continue to the free talk.T: Do you like „...?

S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.T writes it on the blackboard.a.Chain Game: T: Hello, S1.Do you like „„?

S1: Yes.I do./ No, I don’t.Hi, S2.Do you like......? S3:„„

b.Interview: Do you like „„?

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.2)T: What about „..? I like them very much.S: I like them very much./ I don’t like them.3)Conversation.a.Watch the VCD.b.Read after the tape.c.Read after the T.d.Act it.e.Make a similar dialogue.Step3.Homework 1)Recite the new words about fruit.2)Listen Let’s talk in Part A of unit5 and read the words

fluently.板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

A: Do you like peaches? B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What about......? I like them very much.课后反思:


单 元:Unit5 课 题 :Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 3

教学内容:B Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s do 教学目标 知识与技能:

1.Be able to understand and say ”Sorry, I don’t like bananas.” “Have some more? No, thank you.” “Certainly!” and use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.2.Be able to listen, say, recognize the main words: strawberry, grapes.过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点:

New words: strawberry, grapes 教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them.教学准备:T’s word cards and VCD 教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Greetings.2)Sing a song “An Apple a Day” 3)Free talk T: Hello, S1.How are you? S: Very well, thanks.How are you? T: Fine, thank you.I have so many fruits.Do you like bananas? S: Yes, I do.T: Here you are.S: Thank you.T: You’re welcome.T: Do you like strawberries? S„„

T teaches strawberry and grapes.Step2.Presentation and Practice.1)Continue to the free talk.T: Do you like „...?

S: No, I don’t.T: What do you like? S: I like „„

T leads to say: You can say “Can I have an apple, please?”

S: Can I have an apple, please? T: Certainly.T: Do you like„„?

S: No, I don’t.Can I have „„, please? T: Certainly.Here you are.S: Thank you.T: You’re welcome.T writes down “certainly” : What’s the meaning of certainly? S: 当然可以。T: Certainly= Sure.Run trains.Practise in pairs.2)T: Do you like bananas? S: No, I don’t.T: You also can say “ Sorry, I don’t like bananas./them.” It’s more polite.S: Sorry, I don’t like bananas.Can I have an apple, please? T: Certainly.3)Continue with above dialogue.T: Have some more? S: No, thank you.4)Conversation.a.Watch the VCD.b.Read after the tape.c.Read after the T.d.Act it.e.Make a similar dialogue.Step3.Homework 1)Copy the new words.2)Listen Let’s learn in Part B of unit5 and read the words fluently.3)Practice the target language with your partner.板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

Certainly= Sure

Sorry, I don’t like bananas.(more polite)Have some more?

No, thank you.课后反思:


单 元:Unit5 课 题 :Do you like pears? 课 时: Period 4 教学内容:B Let’s talk Start to read Let’s check 教学目标


1.Be able to understand and say "I want some„„” “I’m full.I’m hungry” “It’s cheap.” and use these sentence pattern to communicate with others.2.Be able to listen, say the words: peas, tomatoes.3.Be able to know the culture of “doggy bag”.过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class.情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity.教学重点: New words.教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them.教学准备:T’s word cards and VCD.教学过程: Step1.Warm –up 1)Free talk between Ss.S1: Hello, S1.How are you? S2: Fine, thank you.I have so many fruits.Do you like peaches? S1: Yes, I do./ Yeah, very much.No, I don’t./ Sorry, I don’t like peaches.Can I have some apples? S2: Certainly.Here you are.S1: Thank you.S2: Have some more? S1: No, thank you.Step2.Let’s talk

T: If you like apples, you can say to the salesman “ I want some „„s.”

a.Say by individual.b.Have a competition.S1: I want some apples.S2: I want some apples and bananas.S3: I want some apples, bananas and oranges.S4: I want some milk.Step3.Story time.a.Watch the VCD.T teaches the word “buffet”.T: Zoom and Zip are going to have dinner in a buffet.What happened? Let’s watch.b.Main words meaning.T: Do you know “What’s the meaning of ‘doggy bag’? Let’s watch the culture.c.Watch the culture.① Doggy bag.② I’m full.d.Watch the story again.e.Read after the tape.f.Act it.Step4.Let’s check T: listen to the tape then let’s tick or cross.Step5.Homework 1)Recite the new words in unit5.2)Listen Let’s talk and read the conversation fluently.板书设计:Unit 5 Do you like pears?

I want some „„s.课后反思:

三年级unit 5英语教案 篇2





(一) 教学内容分析

本堂课授课内容为Lao She Teahouse, 课型为阅读引领下的写作课。文章主要介绍了作家老舍的生平、作品、作品的影响以及人们对他的评价。学生在学习过程中能够掌握介绍作家或作品的词汇和表达。

(二) 学情分析

内蒙古第一中学八年级学生英语基础比较扎实, 英语水平较高。因此, 笔者在课堂上不必花费太多时间在基础知识的讲授上, 而可以将更多的时间和精力用于分析文章结构、引导学生构思如何介绍一部电影或话剧。

(三) 设计思路

第一步, 课堂以Free Talk开始, 通过师生之间的Free Talk自然地引入本课话题———北京和老舍茶馆。对老舍茶馆进行介绍, 让学生感受现实生活中老舍茶馆的魅力。

第二步, 笔者提问:“为什么不叫其他名字而偏偏叫‘老舍’?”从而引出作家———老舍, 进而介绍老舍及其生平。

第三步, 介绍老舍最著名的话剧作品——《茶馆》。

第四步, 带领学生分析《茶馆》的文章结构, 引导学生进行介绍电影或作品简介的写作。

本堂课笔者计划采取任务型教学模式进行教学, 教学辅助工具为互联网与多媒体。教学目的在于引导学生通过阅读文本理解进行描述电影、话剧的写作, 同时, 将英文与中国经典话剧相结合, 带给学生中西文化相结合的体验。


《新课程标准》规定基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力, 而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的整体发展基础上的, 根据本课教学内容和学生知识结构及认知特点, 本单元的教学目标确定为:

(一) 语言知识目标

立足语言实践活动, 在完成任务的过程中掌握谈论作者及作品的词汇和语言结构。通过讲解和举例使学生掌握重点词句的词法与句法, 从而促使学生学会正确使用词汇和句式结构介绍文学作品的主要内容及其作者生平。

(二) 语言技能目标

1. 通过适当的听力、阅读及写作活动获得谈论作者及其作品的词汇和相关表达。

2. 开展各种任务活动, 使学生具备较熟练地运用所学语言谈论作者及其作品的能力。

3. 通过提炼文章结构, 层层递进式地引导学生对一部文学作品或一部电影进行基本要素的介绍和深层次意义的剖析与表达。

(三) 情感目标

老舍的《茶馆》是我国话剧剧本的代表作之一, 本堂课意在让学生了解该部作品背后的深意, 让学生明白中国社会发展的过程, 让学生把握作品中主要人物的性格特点, 感受人性中的美好品格。同时利用写作结构过渡到美国电影《功夫熊猫》 (Kung Fu Panda) 的介绍, 从而通过中西方文化特点的结合引导学生注重中国传统文化的传承。


1.Pre-reading:Free talk

利用老舍茶馆门口的节目公告牌导入文章的第三段, 通过问答的形式, 促使学生找到当今茶馆里的活动和饮食文化。学生通过选择小标题确定本段的中心思想。


A.Listen to the life of Laoshe and match his experience with year.

听录音, 使学生了解老舍生平, 将其生平重大事件按照时间轴进行排序。通过复述文章, 了解作者的教育背景及其人生经历。导出老舍最著名作品——《茶馆》, 并设置问题:Who is Lao She?What kind of works did he write?What are his works about?What is he named for?将文本信息补充完整, 进一步为后文关于《茶馆》的教学做好铺垫。

B.Read the paragraph and play kahoot to answer the question.

学生精读第一段, 利用i Pad和互联网的kahoot软件设置问题。学生通过软件即时回答问题, 屏幕即时显示出正确答案和各组排名。

C.Read the paragraph about Teahouse and answer the question according to the underlined information.

根据文章中重点信息的画线标注, 回顾问题的设置, 罗列how many, whose, when, who, where, why等要点。

3.Post-reading (writing)

A.Presenting the three-paragraph structure of introducing a movie or play.



第二段———细节Details—who, when, where, what, how


播放电影《功夫熊猫》片段, 引导学生利用给出的作文结构介绍《功夫熊猫》。同时拓展语料:

Kung Fu Panda is an American action movie which takes Kung fu as the theme/with the subject/topic of Kung fu.

What:a movie about a panda who wants to be a Kung fu master/protect the valley/achieve his dream

Who:Po, a gaint panda

When:in the past, long time ago, once upon a time

Where:in Peace Valley in China

How:by keeping learning/practicing a lot/holding on to his dream

布置任务, 学生现场写作。

B.Giving students useful expressions

重点拓展对文学作品和影视作品的评论。影评从各个不同的角度, 如人物、情节、对白、画面和含义等给出充分的语料, 让学生现场写作。重点突出作品的意义在于表达和传承中国传统美德——勇敢、善良、坚持和付出。

Characters:easygoing, playful, active

Plots:exciting, attractive, full of ups and downs

Dialogues:funny, classic, interesting

Pictures:fantastic, amazing, fascinating

Meaning:It shows/spreads/carries forward bravery/kindness/perseverance/contribution

by combing Chinese and western cultures

C.Practice writing

将三段内容进行整合, 并与全班同学分享。教师及时给予指导和改正。


学生自选一部电影或根据教师提供的电影, 对其进行简要的文字介绍。同时教师给出作文的评价标准:结构、内容、语法和书写。


笔者的这堂课跳出了传统教学模式, 结合具体的学情, 大胆创新。其亮点主要体现在以下四个方面:

第一, 整篇课文采用倒叙的形式层层递进, 重点突出。

第二, 由“教学生学”转变为“引导学生学”。通过任务链的设置引导学生积极主动参与学习, 课堂层次分明, 氛围活跃, 学生参与度高。

第三, 紧跟时代步伐, 运用互联网技术, 丰富课堂形式, 激发了学生的学习兴趣。kahoot这一软件的应用既让阅读教学变得高效, 又将学生快速吸引到教学活动中来。

第四, 将输入与输出紧密结合, 成功地将由读到写的过渡做得自然流畅。学生在内化已学知识后进行输出展示, 其学习的主体性地位在课堂上得到了充分体现。

同时, 本堂课还存在一些不足, 例如, 作文拓展梯度高, 以至于基础相对较差的学生不能当堂消化, 需课后进一步梳理加工。改进措施:将作文结构清晰地印在作文纸上, 帮助部分学生完成写作。



孟中华老师以《茶馆》这篇课文为依托, 为我们呈现了一堂生动、形象的读写课, 可谓是我心中的理想课堂!

孟老师打破传统教学思路, 重新规划教材顺序, 采用倒叙的授课模式, 先讲在茶馆能做的事情, 再以为什么茶馆以“老舍”命名, 引出老舍及其生平, 运用音频进行引导与分析。最后以老舍的《茶馆》简介为范文, 运用“互联网+技术”Kahoot带领学生分析出课文结构, 总结写作框架, 并在每部分框架下给出基础以及进阶表达。以电影《功夫熊猫》为素材, 引导学生运用所学框架, 完成《功夫熊猫》影评并及时进行写作评价。

总体来说, 孟老师的课环节紧凑, 由浅入深, 把听力、阅读和写作近乎完美地结合在一起, 在兼顾学生英语基础知识之上又有所拔高, 有所深化, 有所创新!值得一提的是, 孟老师作为青年教师, 紧跟时代步伐, 把互联网技术巧妙地应用到课堂教学中, 不仅丰富了教学形态, 更激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。尽管此次教学大赛中孟老师第一次与学生配合, 但师生之间十分默契, 让我误以为学生和老师之前就认识或之前有所准备!作为年轻教师, 孟老师能够如此深入地剖析教材, 根据自己的见解巧妙地重置教材顺序, 在课堂上循序渐进, 一步步递进式引导学生, 最终完成影评的写作并给出中肯的评价, 实属难得!

三年级unit 5英语教案 篇3

一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:

1)能掌握以下单词:sitcom, news, soap, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect 能掌握以下句型:

① What do you want to watch? ② What do you think of talk shows? ③ I can’t stand them.④ I don’t mind them.⑤ I like/love them./ I don’t like them.2)能了解以下语法:



二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:





三年级unit 5英语教案 篇4



1.看;瞧look at2.T恤衫T-shirt3.它it

4.它是it’s = it is5.好看的;好的nice6.裙子skirt

7.真好看!How nice!8.便帽;帽子cap9.好极了;很好great

10.夹克衫jacket11.新的new12.……是什么颜色的?What colour…?




22.棕色的brown23.白色的white24.你想要……吗?Would you like…?

25.一个an26.蛋;鸡蛋egg27.好的,太感谢了。Yes, please.28.或;还是or29.一个a30.馅饼;派pie

31.很高兴认识你。Nice to meet you.32.不,谢谢你。No, thank you.33.……怎么样?What about…?

34.蛋糕;糕饼cake35.冰淇淋ice cream36.糖果sweet

37.热狗hot dog38.看;瞧look39.什么what

40.是什么What’s = what is41.新年快乐!Happy New Year!42.叔父;伯父;舅父;姑父;姨父uncle

43.这是给你的。This is for you.44.玩具娃娃doll45.那;那个that


49.小汽车;轿车car50.生日快乐!Happy Birthday!51.玩具toy



1.看我的T恤衫。Look at my T-shirt.2.看看我!Look at me!

3.我的新夹克衫是什么颜色的?What colour is my new jacket? 4.它们都看上去好极了!They all look great!

5.现在我的短裙是什么颜色的?What colour is my skirt now? 6.它是红黄相间的。It’s red and yellow.7.你想要个鸡蛋吗?Would you like an egg?8.橙色还是黄色的?Orange or yellow?

9.来个热狗怎么样?What about a hot dog?10.谢谢你,约翰叔叔!Thank you, Uncle John!

11.它是给Tim的。It’s for Tim.12.这是什么?What’s this?

13.它是一辆玩具小汽车。It’s a toy car.14.那是什么?What’s that?

15.它是一个机器人。It’s a robot.16.祝大家新年好!Happy New Year to you all!


1.—看我的新帽子。—真好看!—Look at my new cap.—How nice!

2.—你的玩具小汽车是什么颜色的?—它是黑白相间的。—What colour is your toy car? —It’s black and white.3.—你想要个冰淇淋吗?—好的,太感谢了。—Would you like an ice cream? —Yes, please.4.—那是什么?—它是一个玩具娃娃。—What’s that? —It’s a doll.5.—祝你生日快乐!这是给你的。—非常谢谢你。—Happy birthday to you!This is for you.—Thank you very much.四、把下列短语或句子翻译成中文:

1.Who is wearing red today?今天谁穿着红色(的衣服)? 2.For you and me.给你和我。

3.A cake, a pie I can see.我能看见一块蛋糕、一个派。4.We are singing.We are dancing.我们唱歌。我们跳舞。

5.colour song颜色歌6.a puppet show一场木偶表演

7.at home在家8.in a classroom 在教室里

9.on a picnic 在野餐10.at a New Year’s party 在新年聚会上


1.a或an 只用在可数名词的单数前,表示“一(个,只,…)”,a是用在辅音开始的词前,an是用在元音开始的词前,"这里的元音”指的是元音音素而不是元音字母。如: an elephant / an apple / an orange / an egg/ an ice cream等。

2.This is…指离自己较近的物品,这是…。That’s…指离自己较远的物品,那是…。This is没有缩写形式,That’s 是That is 的缩写。

3.对What is this?(较近的物品)和 What’s that?(较远的物品)回答均为It’s a/an…。

4.look后跟所看的人或物要加at, 如:look at my T-shirtLook at me!反之则不加,如:Look!。

5.用于征求别人意见时,可用What about …? 如:What about a cake?

6.问颜色的句型为What colour…? 如:What colour is it?

7询问某人需要某物时,常用句型Would you like…? 如:Would you like a hot dog?

三年级unit 5英语教案 篇5




小学人教版四年级上册Unit5 Dinner’s ready本单元共需六个课时,本节课是第五课时,本节课学习的主要内容是学习单词:knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, bowl.能够熟练运用句型 Would you like some …? Yes, please.Pass me the …在课堂教学中,教师要使教学内容生活化,结合学生的实际情境,使学生口语练习生活化、交际化,从而达到学以致用的目的。




1.知识目标.要求学生能够听,认读单词: knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, bowl.2.能力目标

能够熟练运用句型Would you like some …? Yes, please.Pass me the …




单词:butter, corn.句型:How do I eat this?




教学重点:单词knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks, bowl.熟练运用句型Would you like

some …? Yes, please.Pass me the …

教学难点: spoon的词的尾音;knife中字母I 发音;Chopsticks的读音。










一.Warm-up /Revision(5minutes)

1.sing a song.(2minutes)

教师播放歌曲《What would you like?》。



2.Free talk.(划线单词可以替换)

A: What would you like?

B: I’d like some …please.A: OK, Here you are.B: Thank you.A: You’re welcome.Practice in pairs.One or two group show us.【设计意图:老师示范,然后师生交际,最后生生交际。复习旧知识,起到温故知新的作用。】


1.教师出示beef一词的图片,说:Here is some beef.How can I eat it? Can you help me?

学生提醒教师使用刀叉,引出单词knife fork,教师拿出真实的刀叉边做边说:“Use fork..I

can use fork.Cut with the knife, I can cut with the knife.”鼓励学生一起做一做,说一说。用



3.对话练习(ModelPair workFeedback)

A: I’m hungry.B: Would you like some beef?

A: Yes, please.How can I eat it?

B: You can use knife and fork.A: Pass me the knife and fork please?

B: Sure.Here you are.4.教师出示noodles一词的图片,说:Here are some noodles.How can I eat them? 学生

示意使用筷子,从而引出单词chopsticks,教师边说边做,Use chopsticks, I can use chopsticks.教师紧接着又问:W here are the noodles?在PPT上展示一碗面,回答说:They are in the bowl.引出单词bowl.【设计意图:通过图片和PPT展示单词,可以降低学生学习的难度,也可以激发学生的学习兴趣。】

5. 教师播放Let’s do 部分的动画材料,先让学生整体感知,在让学生做动作。



6.Practice(modelpair workfeedback)

A: I’m hungry.B: Would you like some …?

A: Yes, please.B: Would you like a knife and fork?

A: No, thanks.I can use chopsticks.B: OK.Here you are.【设计意图:把学到的知识活用到言语交际中,让学生在练习中掌握新知。从而实现


三.Extending reading 10分


How does John eat the beef?

第二篇Reading 2 pass the pie please..听后让学生获取单词:butter, corn.第三篇reading1 How do I eat this? 听后让学生获取新句型 :How do I eat this?

【设计意图:让学生听读与课本内容相关的短文,大信息量输入,丰富学生的语言,在语境中体会、理解新知。培养学生自主听读的能力及语感。通过听 后反馈信息,在交


四. Cooperation and making dialogues8分


A: I’m hungry.B: Would you like some …?

A: Yes, please.How do I eat this?

B: You can use a knife and fork?

A: Pass me the …please.B: sure.Here you are.【设计意图:此环节是对学生听读情境对话的反馈和运用,同时也是在语言输入的基础


五. Summary1分

What did you learn?


六. Homework1分

Ask your parents or friends how are they eat foods? 问一下你的父母亲或朋友是怎样吃




Unit5 Dinner’s ready



三年级unit 5英语教案 篇6

Sections Links Steps Activities Time Evaluation

Let me know Review Warm up 1.Greeting

2.Enjoy a song

”This old hat” P54

Review Flash pictures of the school things on the PPT.

To review the singular and plural nouns.

Lead in Show the pictures of clothes quickly and say:

This is green/yellow....

These are white/blue....

Overview Task assignment The lost and found activity

Explisit objectives 1.Important words:yours,hat

2.Important sentences:

--Are these yours?

--Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.

--Is this John’s?

--Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.It’s Mike’s.

3. To guide students to correctly use the noun possessive.

Presentation Lead in and review 1.Show some pictures of clothes,Let Ss tell the names of these clothes.

2.Take out some the school things or clothes and ask (bag,pencil,book,shoes...)

--This is ....

--These/Those are....

Presentation 1.Show a picture of Chenjie’s shoes and ask:

T:These are ...shoes.

T:Are these yours,...?

S:No,they aren’t

2.Let Ss guess whos the owner of it, Guide the student to use the sentence:

T:Whose shoes are those?

S1:--Are they...’s?

S2: --Are they...’s?

T:They are Chenjie’s.

Let Ss pronunce the word yours according to the hint of phonics.


3. Presents several items of students,Let Ss make the new dialogue:

S1:Are these yours?

S2:No, they aren’t. They are..’s

4.Present a picture of a hat.

T:What’s this in English?

T:Whose hat is this?Is this ...’s

Ss:No,it isn’t.It’s Mike’s.

Let Ss pronunce the word yours according to the hint of phonics.


5. Presents several items of students,Let Ss make the new dialogue(schoolbag,storybook...)

S1:Is this yours?

S2:Yes,it is.

S1:Is this yours?

S2:No,it isn’t.It’s ...’s

Let me try Engagement Individual work 1.Show the picture of the dialogue,Just Listen .

T:Who are talking?

2.Listen again and answer

T:What are they talking?

Show the first picture of the dialogue

S1:It’s ....It’s time to go home.

Show the second picture of the dialogue

T: What did teacher and Amy say?

S2:Are these yours?

S3:No, they aren’t....They are...’

Show the secind picture of the dialogue

Show the third picture of the dialogue and talk.

Pair work 1.Read the dialogue in pairs

Group work The lost and found activity by using the following sentences:

Are these ..../yours?

Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.

Is this ....’s?

Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.It’s....’s.

Let me do Summary Task fulfillment Present the task to see how well we can fulfill the task

Feed back


After-school activities 1.Listen and recite let’s talk on page 48.

Period 2

教学内容:PEP4 Unit 5 My clothes A Let’s learn&Let’s do (Book4)


部分 Links

环节 Steps

步骤 Activities

活动 Time

时间 Reflection


Let me know

让我明白 Review复习Warm up

热身 1.Let’s sing “colour song”

2. Speak out the words you hear.

To review what we have learned about colours.

3. To produce color card, students read the words

4. Students introduce their item color.



Lead in

导入 Show some pictures and introduce with the colour.

This is a green/blue....

These are white/yellow....

Overview概述 Task assignment

布置任务 Hold a fashion show in groups.

Explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1.Important words:


2.Important sentences:

--I like this/that/these/those ....

3.Ss can describe the clothing with colours.Review the words of colors: red, green, yellow, blue, black, brown, white, orange, etc.

Presentation 呈现 Review

复习1.Present a picture and say:

T:Amy and Sarah are at a shop.What kind of shop is it? Is it a bookstore?

S:No, it isn’t. It’s a clothes shop.(引导学生回答)

Teach the word of clothes.(Say out the name of the clothes)

2.Show a picture of skirt. Ask

T:What colour isit?

S1:It’s ......

T:What’s this?

Teach the new word,

T: It’s a skirt. A green skirt.

Look at the picture and listen, Recognizing clothes by color. Let Ss pronounce the skirt according to the hint of phonics.


Do together with the students: Wash your skirt.

T:I like that green skirt, How about you?

S1:I like....

2. Show a picture of dress,

T:What colour isit?

S1:It’s ......

T:What’s this?

Teach the new word,

T: It’s red dress. A red dress.

Look at the picture and listen, Recognizing clothes by color. Let Ss pronounce the dress according to the hint of phonics.


Do together with the students: Hang up your dress.

T:I like this red dress, How about you?

S1:I like....

Teaching words in the same way:hat

3. Show a picture of dress,

T:What colour is it?


T:What are these?

Teach the new word,

T: These are pants. Do you like these pants?. (Show the different style of pants)

Look at the picture and listen, Recognizing clothes by color. Let Ss pronounce the pants according to the hint of phonics.


Do together with the students: put away your pants.

T:I like these purple pants, How about you?

S1:I like....

4. Learn to read the words:



dress :


How many letters in the word long? What are they? And how many sounds? What are they?

Lead in




Let me try


Engagement 操练 Individual work

个人活动 .1.listen and repeat.

2.Read these words



dress :


Pair work

双人活动 1. Ask the students as a model,and Ss can use the sentences to describ.

Her name is ....She is tall and thin.

Her skirt is yellow.

2. Bring the laundry in

It’s going to rain in 10seconds,please bring the laundry in!(将单词卡贴在黑板上,学生在10秒内快速说出卡片单词)

3. Let’s do

The students listen to the instructions and do the action.

Team relay to complete the let s do.

Group work

小组活动 Introduced their own clothes color. and introduce oneself to like the color of the clothes in groups.

Let me do

让我做 Summary 总结 Task fulfillment

完成任务 Present the task to see how well we can fulfill the task

After-school activities

课外活动 1. Do Let’s do on Page 49. First listen and do. Then say and do.

2. Listen and repeat Let’s learn on page 49 1’

Period 3

教学内容:PEP4 Unit 5 My clothes A Let’s Spell&Story time (Book4)


部分 Links

环节 Steps

步骤 Activities

活动 Time

时间 Reflection


Let me know

让我明白 Review复习Warm up

热身 1.Greeting

2. Let’s chant page 40

3.Free talk

A:Are these yours?

B:Yes,they are.No,they aren’t....



Lead in


Overview概述 Task assignment


Explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. Ss are able to perceive and induction of le in the word pronunciation rules.

2. Ss are able to listen,readand write the following words:apple,people,table.

3.Students can read the words conform to le pronunciation rules

Presentation 呈现 Review


2.Let’s chant

Or [?:][?:][?:] horse,fork,world,homework

Or [?:][?:][?:] door,more,floor,nor,order

3. Show some words with or:

Horse, fork, homework, world ,born

4.Draw an apple On the board and ask:

T:What do you see?

Ss: An apple. (Guide the student to spell)

/?/-/p/-/l/--/ ?pl/

5.Draw a table under the apple,ask:

T:Where is the aplle?

Ss:It’s on the table.


6.Show two apples,and say:

T:This is a big aplle. This ais a little apple.

Who is looking at the apple?present the word:people.

/p/-/i:/-/p/-/l/----/ pi:pl/

7.Let’s chant.

8.Guide the student to inductive le pronunciation rules

Lead in




Let me try


Engagement 操练 Individual work

个人活动 1. Read,listen and chant

2. Read,unserline and listen.

3. Look,listen and write.

Pair work

双人活动 1.Produce some words with le:


2.Ss find out more words with le.

Presents some of the words, both of which are located in le words, let Ss read.


Group work

小组活动 1.Making sounds:两组各派一名代表扮演-le,其他同学分别扮演一些辅音字母:d,t,b,p,v,s...任选一个,师范读,如:b,-ble.



After-school activities

课外活动 1. Write more words with le,then read them.

2. Listen to the story on page 55 1’

Period 4

教学内容:PEP4 Unit 5 My clothes B Let’s talk&Let’s find out (Book4)


部分 Links

环节 Steps

步骤 Activities

活动 Time

时间 Reflection


Let me know

让我明白 Review复习Warm up

热身 1. Greeting

2. Let’s sing:This old hat

Let’s do:P49

Let the Ss review the words of the clothes.



Lead in


Explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. The students can listen, read the following sentence patterns: Whose pants are those? They r e your father s Whose coat is this? It s mine.

2. Ss Can be used in the actual situation above sentence patterns to describe others or their own clothes.

Presentation 呈现 Review

复习1. Guessing game: the Ss are close your eyes, and a child to describe her own clothes, you guess who he is.

2. Show some clothes, to review the words and sentence patterns:

What are they?—They are...

1. Show a coat, let the Ss guess who is it.

T:“Whose coat is it?”

S:It’s ....’s.

Show me some clothes: skirt, hat,dress. Let Ss practice the sentence pattern.

2. Show a pair of shoes, let the Ss guess who are they.

T:“Whose shoes are they?”

S:They are...’s.

3. Show a picture of Sam wearing a coat and let Ss guess

T: Whose coat is it ?

S1:It’s father’s.

S2:It’s mother’s.

Present the word:coat, Let Ss pronounce the pants according to the hint of phonics.


Listen to the video,and answer.

Whose coat is it?

Whose pants are those?

Lead in




:Let me try


Engagement 操练 Individual work

个人活动 1. Teachers play the courseware, let the children watch the story, understand the content. Let the students imitate the tone of characters in the story by watching them say.

2. Role to the courseware dubbing,

group practice and performance

Pair work

双人活动 1. Lets find out: two people a group said Monday.

2. Put the children some of the clothes in the platform, let the child description, description can retrieve correctly.

3. Yes or no: Let children blindfolded, touch the table clothes guess, These are my ....

After-school activities

课外活动 1. Listen to page 51 Let s talk part of the tape

Period 5

教学内容:PEP4 Unit 5 My clothes B Let’s learn&Let’s find out (Book4)


部分 Links

环节 Steps

步骤 Activities

活动 Time

时间 Reflection


Let me know

让我明白 Review复习Warm up

热身 1. Greeting

2. Let’s sing:This old hat

3. Let’s do:P49



Lead in

导入 1. Review the words of the clothes

Overview概述 Task assignment

布置任务 We are going on a trip. What do you want to wear? Choose , colour and say.

Explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. Ss are able to read these words: pants socks,shirt,jacket,sweater.

2. Students are able to read the plural form of the word.

3. Learn to use words plural form description of clothes

4. Ss can connected to a plural noun with are

Presentation 呈现 Review

复习1. Revie the words of colours.

2. Talk about your clothes. Ss Introduce your own clothes color, style.

3. Show some clothes,ask and answer.

T:Whose hat is it?

S1:It’s ....’s

T:Whose pants are these?

S2:They are ...’s.

T:What colour is the hat?


T:What colour are they?

T:They are....

1. Show a picture of Let’s learn

Sarah are going on a trip. What does she want to wear?Guess!

S1:I think she wants to wear....

Let the students say some names of clothes.

2. Where is/are the skirts/hats/dress..?

Let the students point out on stage.

3. Present the words:jacket.

Where is the jacket? Let Ss pronounce the jacket according to the hint of phonics.


T:What colour are the jackets?

S:They are ....

Let the students pay attention to the end of the “s”

4. Where is the sweater?

Present the words:sweater. Where is the sweater? Let Ss pronounce the sweater according to the hint of phonics.

T:What colour are the sweaters?

S:They are ....

5. Teach the new words in the sam

e ways.(coat,shirt,socks,shorts)

Lead in




Let me try


Engagement 操练 Individual work

个人活动 1. Listen and read these new words.

2. What does Sarah want to wear?

I think she wants to wear....

3. Listen and say.

Pair work

双人活动 1. Listen and point.

S1:Where is the coat?

S2:Where are the pants?

One student say, another student point out .

Group work

小组活动 1. We are going on a trip,What do you want to wear?Choose and colour in groups.

Let me do

让我做 Summary 总结 Task fulfillment

完成任务 I want wear my blue pants....

After-school activities

课外活动 1、Read on page 52.

2、Introduce their own clothes to your parents.

Period 6教学内容:

PEP4 Unit 5 My clothes B Read and write &Let’s check(Book4)


部分 Links

环节 Steps

步骤 Activities

活动 Time

时间 Reflection


Let me know

让我明白 Review复习Warm up

热身 1. Greeting

2. Let’s sing:This old hat



Lead in

导入 1. The end of the trip,Sarah is packing her clothes.What kind of clothes is Sarah’s.

Overview概述 Task assignment

布置任务 Clothing display

Explicit objectives

明晰教学目标 1. Ss can use and write the following sentences:

This is... These are...

2. Ss can sing the songs in ‘Let s sing’.

Presentation 呈现 Review

复习1. Greeting

2. What’s missing

Review the words of clothes.

3. Clothing display

Talk about your clothes. Students show. Review the sentence pattern.

A: Look! These are my ....

B: What colour are they?


B: Are those your...?

A: Yes, they are.

4. Ss look at the picture,Listen and circle .

5. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Lead in




Let me try


Engagement 操练 Individual work

个人活动 1. Read the passage .

2. Write the sentences.

3. Draw your clothes and write a sentences.

4. Let’s check

Group work

小组活动 1. Look and match

Student shopping for clothes,and use the sentence pattern.

A:What are these?

B:These are yellow pants.

A:I like red pants.

B:Here you are.

Let me do

让我做 Summary 总结 Feed back


After-school activities 1. Sing the song for parents.”This old hat”

2. Tell a story for parents
