英文会议演讲稿 篇1
1.Welcome speech
Mr.Chairman,Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests,It is my great honor to declare the commencement of Beijing International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights.On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, and in my own name, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all the delegates and guests.I would also like to express my congratulations on the successful opening of the conference in Beijing.I wish to thank all the members of the organizing committee for their hard work, which has made this conference possible.The violation of intellectual property rights has become a serious problem facing the world today.Every year, for example, the computer software industry throughout the world suffers a heavy financial loss from worldwide reckless piracy, a loss that consequently compels the programmers and the manufacturers of the published software to raise the retail prices, thus shifting part of their loss to honest users.The protection of intellectual property rights has become a growing concern among all the nations of the international community.The participating countries at this conference have expressed their hope for joint efforts to wage a war against the violation of the copyrighted property and stop the wicked spread of piracy.I am convinced that this conference will reach an agreement on the protection of intellectual property rights.I wish the conference a complete success!Thank you very much.2.Closing Speech
Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear Colleagues
Thanks to the joint efforts and contribution from all participants, the Second General Conference of EASTICA is going to be closed successfully.In the past two days, we discussed the future activities of EASTICA, elected new members of the Executive Board, adopted the Resolution and decided the dates and place of the Third General Conference of EASTICA.We have reached agreements on all of these issues, which will be of great significance to EASTICA and to the future archival work of East Asia.Just as Charles KECSKEMETI said in his opening speech that the old Asia is at the time of dynamic economic development.Archival work should keep pace with this new situation and to meet the challenge.Taking this opportunity, I would like also to express thanks to William Wallach from the Bentley Historical Library of Michigan University and Qiu Xiaowei from the Central Archives of China for their excellent presentation on computer application in archives.I believe, these lectures are of great reference to computerization of archives management in East Asia.Here, on behalf of the organizing Committee of the XIIIth International Congress on Archives, I would like to invite all of you to come to Beijing to attend this conference.I hope to see you all next September in Beijing.On behalf of EASTICA, once again, I would like to express our gratitude to Macao Cultural Institute, to Maria Helena Lima Evora, Director of Macao Historical Archives and her colleagues for their hospitality and very delicate arrangement of this meeting.Now, I declare the closing of the Second General Conference of EASTICA.Thank you.
英文会议演讲稿 篇2
The 2009 BSA conference,the theme of which was"Local/Global Shakespeares",attracted scholars,educators,publishers,theatre practitioners,and other members from 28 countries worldwide.It posed two main areas of interest for delegates to focus on—localization and globalization of Shakespeare and his works which were studied,performed,translated,published and taught in the context of globalization and multiculturalism.The two supposedly separate entities"Local"and"Global"were considered together and their interweaving and interpenetrating relationships were highlighted,as shown by the topics of plenaries and panels such as"Shakespeare and Intercultural Performance","Global and Loca Emotion","Intercultural Shakespeare and the Modern"and"Interventions:Shakespeare's Globe,the Local and the Global".Even though localization of Shakespeare was still a popular topic,it was transformed by globalization,so Shakespeare was not merely located in Britain and he became localized in foreign countries such as China,Japan and African countries,as seen from some topics of the conference,for example,"Asian Shakespeares in Europe","Localizing Shakespeare in Asia""‘Shakespeares'and‘Africa'","Arab Shakespeares"and"European Shakespeares:Transformations&Innovation".
One of the highlights which also embodied the spirit of the conference was the performance of Bond—a Chinese opera-style production of The Merchant of Venice by the Taiwan Bangzi Theatre Company.Traditional Chinese stage properties,including a huge Chinese kitchen knife and an abacus,and the linguistic gems o Shakespeare's language were harmoniously integrated,which demonstrated that not only local Shakespeare and global Shakespeare could co-exist in a performance,but also that local Shakespeare and a local theatrical form like Bangzi could help each other to stay vital and vibrant.
This performance,together with a number of well-known scholars and topics related to performance and theatre,more or less showed a trend of Shakespearean research.Directors such as Rustom Bharucha and Ed Hall gave talks on theatrical performance,and Rustom Bharucha pointed out the importance of inter-culture and that even from misunderstanding other cultures he could surprisingly and gracefully find inspiration.In the context of globalization and multiculturalism the performance of Shakespeare can keep its vibrancy by uniting other theatrical forms.The seminar leader of"Asian Shakespeares in Europe",Alexander C.Y.Huang,who is also an editor of the project"Shakespeare performance in Asia"and the writer of Chinese Shakespeares:Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange,expressed his optimism about the future of the performance of Shakespeare in Asia.Other scholars who were also working in the area of performance studies,including Pascale Aebischer,showed their enthusiasm.Theatrical performances and performance studies were also linked with education by some educators."Theatre for young people"and"Representing Shakespeare to modern students"were such engagements in theatre education.At the BritGrad Shakespeare conferences 2010 and 2011,theatre education was also considered by speakers and delegates.Revolving around"Adapting Shakespeare for Education"and"Shakespeare and Education",there were exciting arguments and discussions.Shakespeare's language was as usual a scintillating topic at the two conferences.The panels of"Words,Words,Words"and"‘Words,Words,Mere Words':Shakespeare and Linguistics"gave their interpretations of Shakespeare's words and pointed out Shakespeare's broad command of vocabulary.The Armenian scholar Annie Martirosyan,who regarded Professor David Crystal's works on Shakespeare's language as her bible,showed her passion for Shakespeare's words in her fluent and extremely speedy presentation.In the forthcoming 2012 BSA conference Shakespeare's language is also a scintillating topic.The panel of"Shakespeare and Language",the workshop"Feeling Shakespeare's language"and the seminar"Language and Style Seminar",which will last three hours,all focus on Shakespeare's language.
Shakespeare is on the page and on the stage,local and global,and yet Shakespeare is beyond these.Other topics covered at the conferences include"Shakespeare and Music","Shakespeare and Film","Shakespeare and Children","Shakespeare and Religion","Shakespeare and Domesticity","Shakespeare and Education","Shakespeare and National Identity","Shakespeare,Politics and Morals"and"Shakespeare and the Supernatural".It seems that Shakespeare is everywhere and that everything can be related to Shakespeare.Is Shakespeare really everywhere?Is he like the ghost of the old Hamlet who is,as Hamlet says,"Hic et ubique"?Or is what we have captured merely the shadow of his shadow?Does Shakespeare"have that within which passeth show"like Hamlet?If he does,how can we access his inside depth by watching,reading,teaching,directing,acting and editing?The forthcoming BSA10th Anniversary Conference"Shakespeare Inside-out"in February 2012 will address similar topics.Words and performances including books,costumes,objects,screens and even actors'faces are outside surfaces through which we approach the inside depth of Shakespeare and his works.This conference will ask how the relationship between surface and depth operates in Shakespeare's work.
From the questions the conference aims to address and the topics at the conference we can see the focuses of it:inside and outside,surface and depth,and language,feeling and meaning.If we say that the 2009 BSA conference focused on the width of Shakespeare,the 2012 BSA conference is an attempt to dig into the depth of Shakespeare.Topics such as"Water–Surface,Depth,Meaning","Inside-out Communities"and"Shakespeare–Human Surfaces and Depths"must be among those exciting topics that Shakespeare scholars are looking forward to discussing.
Having a look at the four conferences,I think that it is not difficult to see some similarities and interesting phenomena shared by them.Firstly,theatrical performance is a highlight,especially at the two BSA conferences.At each conference at least one Shakespearean play is performed:Bond and Antony and Cleopatra at the BSA2009 conference,King Lear at the BritGrad 2010 conference,The Merchant of Venice at the BritGrad 2011 conference,and Much Ado About Nothing and Love's Labour's Lost at the forthcoming BSA10th Anniversary conference in 2012.After each performance the director,adaptors and actors talked about their ideas and feelings about the performance and the roles the actors played.After the performance of Bond"The Queen of Bangzi Opera"Hai-ling Wang,who was versatile and talented,shared her feeling about playing the role of the male character Shylock,and the distinguished professor and the adaptor Ching-His Perng expressed his viewpoint about accessing authenticity in terms of a criterion for judging the adaptation.His usage of the Chinese gastronomic term yuan zhi yuan wei(原汁原味,literally,"original gravy and original flavour")added a flavour to his speech as Bond did to the conference.The combination of theatrical performance and interactive discussion between delegates and people involved in the performance enlivened the conference and it was a bridge connecting Shakespeare on the page and Shakespeare on the stage.It was also a good opportunity for delegates to expand their horizons and explore Shakespeare and his plays from different perspectives.
Secondly,some emeritus professors and trustees of well-known theatres,such as Stanley Wells,Paul Edmondson and Andrew Gurr,have been very active in these conferences.Professor Stanley Wells is Chairman of the Trustees of Shakespeare's Birthplace,Emeritus Professor of Shakespeare Studies of the University of Birmingham and Honorary Emeritus Governor of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.He has written numerous works on Shakespeare and the most recent one is Shakespeare,Sex–and Love.Some of his works,including Shakespeare's Sonnets and Coffee with Shakespeare,are co-authored with Paul Edmondson,who is Head of Learning at The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust,Honorary Fellow of The Shakespeare Institute,a Trustee of the Rose Theatre Trust and an Honorary Fellow of The Society for Teachers of Speech and Drama.At the BSA conference in 2009 they had an exciting and impressive dialogue on"The Plurality of Shakespeare's Sonnets"and in 2012 they will have a dialogue on"Shakespeare and Authorship".At the BritGrad 2011 conference Professor Stanley Wells also delivered a speech on his new book Shakespeare,Sex–and Love and his unique interpretation impressed the audience.Emeritus Professor Andrew Gurr,who talked about"Re-locating Early Modern Theatres:The Globe and the Rose"at the BSA conference in 2009,is also a plenary speaker at the forthcoming BSA conference.
Although theatrical performance and performance studies at the four conferences show the prosperity of Shakespeare on the stage,Shakespeare on the page is still evergreen.Shakespeare and authorship,love and passion,death and loss,memory and forgetting,poison and witchcraft are the topics many scholars pondered upon at the two BritGrad conferences.Shakespeare's plays were texts written for performance,so the page and the stage are both important.In terms of the themes and topics covered by the four conferences,Shakespeare on the page and Shakespeare on the stage,local Shakespeare and global Shakespeare,outside Shakespeare and inside Shakespeare are not regarded as separate entities any more The boundaries of bodies,cultures,time and space are crossed and their fluid and interwoven relationship are considered by more and more scholars and this perspective would help to access the truth and depth of Shakespeare as well as make the world of Shakespeare studies dynamic and rich.
英文演讲的语体特征 篇3
一篇好的演讲稿,通常要有很精彩的演讲词,以及很好的文体特征和篇章结构,同时还得考虑所演讲的对象。真正写好一篇演讲稿,拟稿人首先得了解演讲词的文体特征以及演讲词的篇章结构。本文旨在分析在正式英文演讲的特征, 故选了马丁﹒路德﹒金的著名演讲I Have a Dream(我有一个梦想)(以下称为第一篇)以及克林顿1993年就职演讲(以下称为第二篇),对英文演讲的语体特征作分析。
1.1 语音特征
语音是贯穿全部说话活动、人们进行交流思想,沟通情感和创作文艺等活动,一切都离不开语言的声音。语音是语言的基础,也是研究文体的要素。英文演讲的受众主要以听来接受信息,声音的感染力很重要。演讲者在重音、语调、节奏等这几方面来增强演讲效果。虽然演讲是以口头表达的形式表现,但与日常对话型的口语却不大一样。在演讲中,发音都十分清楚,极少用吞音、压缩音或者缩略词。如第二篇演讲中不用“we haven’t done so”而用上“ we have not done so”,这样显得该演讲更加的正式和严肃。
节奏,是指演讲内容在结构安排上表现出的张弛起伏。 演讲稿结构的节奏,主要是通过演讲内容的变换来实现的。演讲内容的变换,是在一个主题思想所统领的内容中,适当地插入幽默、诗文、轶事等内容,以便听众的注意力既保持高度集中而又不因为高度集中而产生兴奋性抑制。优秀的演说家几乎没有一个不擅长于使用这种方法。演讲稿结构的节奏既要鲜明,又要适度。平铺直叙,呆板沉滞,固然会使听众紧张疲劳,而内容变换过于频繁,也会造成听众注意力涣散。所以,插入的内容应该为实现演讲意图服务,而节奏的频率也应该根据听众的心理特征来确定。
1.2 词汇特征
其次,用第一人称代词也是英文演讲的词汇特征之一。在演讲中,使用最多的代词是第一人称代词,即I(me)和we (our), 其次是第二人称you, 第三人称则用得最少。这是因为演讲常常要提出自己的观点和看法,用I 是十分正常的。而we的使用又能拉近演讲者和听众之间的距离,让听众也融入演讲者的演讲中去。
1.3 句子特征
从句子类型上看,公众英文演讲中没有日常对话的不完整句,也没有广告或者解说文体中的小句;所有句子都是规范和完整的句子。这也是因为演讲都是事先写好演讲稿,所以也就不会有说到一半就断的现象。公众演讲的另外一个特点就是陈述句占绝大多数。它的目的是使语调平衡,给人以庄重感、严肃感。此外祈使句的使用也是演讲文体的特色之一。例如在第一篇演讲中就有这样的句子“Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania! Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California! But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee! Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. ”祈使句的作用是向听众进行直接的呼吁,激起大家的热情,祈使句有很大的煽动作用。
1.4 修辞特征
句法方面主要是排比、对偶和重复修辞格。比如马丁•路德•金的的演说,为了点明题旨以增强感染力,就反复“描述”了“我梦想有一天”的情景,每一个情景就是一个镜头,连续组成主观与客观相融为一体的连续不断的“画面群”,既强烈地渲染主题,实际上也是一种颇为艺术的点题方法。又比如在克林顿的演讲中的一段话“we rededicate ourselves to the very idea of America, an idea born in revolution, and renewed through two centuries of challenge, an idea tempered by the knowledge that but for fate, we, the fortunate and the unfortunate, might have been each other; an idea ennobled by the faith that our nation can summon from its myriad diversity, the deepest measure of unity; an idea infused with the conviction that America's journey long, heroic journey must go forever upward. ”这当中对idea的四个解释就构成了一种排比,让听众更加深刻的理解克林顿对这个词所赋予的深刻意义。
在语义方面最主要的修辞手段是比喻。比喻有明喻,也有暗喻。在克林顿的演讲一开始就巧妙的用了这样具有暗喻成分的句子来开场“This ceremony is held in the depth of winter, but by the words we speak and the faces we show the world, we force the spring.”这里的spring(春天)就暗示着美好的明天,和演讲的时间winter(冬天)形成了对比。比喻的使用使得语言更加生动形象,易于理解,也让听众有会心一笑的感觉。好的演讲自有一种激发听众情绪、赢得好感的鼓动性。要做到这一点,要依靠演讲稿思想内容的丰富、深刻,见解精辟,有独到之处,发人深思,而比喻能够把一些看起来平淡的事物与人们的期望联系起来,这样演讲就更加富有感染力。
1.5 语篇特征
1.秦秀白,《文体学概论》 【M】长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1987
英文会议资助申请 篇4
Dear conference organizer: I learned from the website that the International Conference on Prize Nitrides which will be held in next summer in San Francisco ,US.Since I have been undertaking research on GaN for many years, I am very interested in attending this conference.I noticed that you offer financial assistance to a limited number of attendants, I am phD candidate in Department of Electronic, ** University.To students, we have not enough funds for attending the international conferences.However I am very eager to attend the conference.Because I have do many years on this field and recently I got some good result to communicate with the experts and scholars from all countries.I would be very appreciate if I can get the assistance.I am looking forward to your favorable reply.Sincerely yours
英文会议通知 篇5
The Graduate Students Education Conference will be held on March 23-25, in Guilin University of Electronic Technology. Everyone t begin to register and report for duty on March 23 night, Friday. Activities on March 24, Saturday, include Keynote Speaker make a speech, theses economic exchanges and dinner.
It will be theses economic exchanges all day on March 25, Sunday, and we shall put the conference to an end at night. The Graduate school of Guilin University of Electronic Technology will host this special and significative conference and looking forward to the participants come to Guilin University of Electronic Technology to attend the conference.
Task 2: Translate the conference notice into Chinese.
International E-Education Conference
A Conference organized by the China Computer Association will be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, Friday 26 — Sunday 28 November .
会议记录英文 篇6
Project name: talk about the PowerPoint
Date of meeting: May 18,
Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan
Charge time to: 20 minutes
1. Purpose of the meeting
Make the PowerPoint for the topic of business results, and definite the role of the whole presentation
2. Attendance at meeting
Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu
3. Meeting agenda
(1) Talk about the member’s order of giving the presentation
(2) Definite the part of every member
(3) Rehearse the presentation and control the time and order of the whole presentation
4. Meeting notes, decision, issues
Everyone has her task.
Give the prefect logo of the company;
Zhang Huizhuan are the first spokeswoman,who is prepared for the first part of introduction,
Niu Pu will introduce the company;
Qiu Min and other three members give a small talk;
Li Yajun shows the product and Chen Na shows the sales chart.
英文会议演讲稿 篇7
According to Halliday, the adult’s language becomes much more complex and it has to serve many more functions, which are meta-functions, one of which is interpersonal function (Hu, 2007) .Barack Obama, in his addresses, uses the language to set up closer and deeper relationship with voters, create his own image, and influence votes’behavior.Voters are often deeply moved by his speeches.Thus, Obama’s speech can be seen in the full realization of the interpersonal function.His Weekly Radio Address can be analyzed to see the detailed realization in this paper.
2、Literature Review
2.1、Related Studies
Hewes, Roloff, Planalp and Reibold believe that in order to identify key areas of both agreement and controversy in the study of interpersonal communication, they propose such a hierarchy of skills.
Li Zhanzi (2002) points out that pronoun, tense, direct speech, indirect speech, reflective expression and appraisal methods can also show interpersonal function.She suggests that the interpersonal function of language should be studied from different perspectives in different theories.
Each of the theories mentioned above has its merits as well as demerits in dealing with the interaction in speech.This thesis will absorb the merits from these theories to explore the interpersonal function realized in the specific discourse of political public speech.
2.2、Features of Public Political Speech
Political speech here refers to those given by authorities with political purposes in order to influence a certain group of people.From the definition, we may easily infer the features of political speech.The first is the multiple aims, and the other is the power with which the aims are enforced upon the hearers.
In a political speech, power is a prominent feature that deserves our attention, speaking effectively in public is one of the oldest and most powerful weapons.Obvious examples from the last century include Lenin, Churchill, de Gaulle, Castro and Martin Luther King.As politicians, they represented a very wide range of opinions and beliefs.But one thing they all have in common is a quite extraordinary ability to captivate their audiences, inspire crowds and mobilize mass opinions (Atkinson, 1984) .
3、Case Study
Mood is made up of two parts:the“Subject”and the“Finite”element.The subject can be a noun, a noun phrase, or a clause.As subjects, the personal pronouns play an important part.The choice of personal pronouns can not only indicate their existence of the speaker and the listeners but also indicate the speaker’s attitudes and their relationship.In this article, there are 20“we”s, 6“I”s and 2“you”s as the subject.For example,
“That’s why we’re pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy.We’re producing more biofuels, more fuel-efficient cars, more solar power, more wind power.“
The frequent use“we”as subjects can make Obama and the public stand on the same position as if they have common goals, tasks and interests.Besides, “I”can highly identify the identity of Obama as the President of the USA.He, the President, is working hard for the new policy and a happier and more comfortable life of all Americans.Obama tells the public his great effort sincerely with“I”.The publics should be deeply touched.
However, in the sentences“Now, you wouldn’t know it by listening to some of the folks running for office today“, “you”is the subject.It can stress the exit of the audience and make the address more interactive and communicative.
3.2、Modality and Modulation
Halliday believes that modality the speaker’s judgment and prediction toward a statement.Modulation refers to the scale of obligation and inclination in proposals (offers and demands) , where the meaning of the positive and negative poles is prescribing and proscribing.Both obligation and inclination can be expressed in either of the two ways: (1) by finite modal operators; (2) by an expansion of (上接第176页)
the Predicator such as a passive verb or an adjective (Liu, 2007) .
In the article, there are 5“will”s, 3“would”s and 3“can”s.For example,
“You see, in a matter of days, funding will stop for all sorts of transportation projects.Construction sites will go idle.Workers will have to go home.And our economy will take a hit.”
Obama use modal auxiliaries such as“will”, “might”, “would”to express his blueprint and his confidence, determination and persistence to the new policy.He desires to get the support and trust from publics.
In order to promote the ruling ideology and seek public support, Obama use a lot of offers and statements in parallelism in this address, for example,
“Under my Administration, we’re producing more oil than at any other time in the last eight years.We’ve quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high.And we’ve added enough oil and gas pipeline to circle the entire Earth and then some.Those are the facts.”
Also, in the following sentence, Obama stimulate the public’s with the contrast power of a positive and a negative statement to emphasize his assumption,
“I don’t want to cede these clean energy industries to China or Germany or any other country.I want to see solar panels and wind turbines and fuel-efficient cars manufactured right here in America, by American workers.”
This kind of sentences can appeal to the audience directly, catch their attention and arouse their enthusiasm.In addition, these statements can also weaken the power relationship, so that the speaker and the audience to keep a relationship of equality and mutual trust.The publics believe that their President is working for them wholeheartedly.
This thesis uses Obama’s Weekly Radio Address as an example to demonstrate how interpersonal function is generally realized in a political speech.It is found that Obama makes good use of the complex references of personal pronouns, the ambiguity of the moda auxiliaries, and the various ways to convey imperativeness implicitly to achieve various purposes in his speech.His tactic uses of these linguistic elements have achieved the multiple aims in a speech and also showed his creativity in making a political speech.These factors determine and influence the interpersonal function of language and also meet the communicative function of the language.Thus, the speaker exploits the language to the utmost to achieve his aims.
[1]、Atkinson, M.Our Master’s Voices The Language and Body Language of Politics[M].London:Routledge.1984.
[2]、Bach, K.&Harnish, M.Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts[M].Cambridge/Massachusetts:MIT.1979.
[3]、Halliday, M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Reach Press.2000.
组织会议 英文范文10-04
会议纪要范文 英文11-11