如何在雅思口语考试中应对口语考官及考试? 篇1
考官会问你叫什么名字,注意这里的回答,My name’s…要连读哦,因为这是老外的习惯,而将其分开,老外会觉得你说话不流利。
在口语考试中,能连读就选择连读,除非是要强调一些句子才分开。最好给自己起一个英文名字,因为考官还会问你怎样称呼你比较合适,你可以说 Please call me John,这样的回答老外会觉得比较的亲切和自然。
还有在比如,问你从哪来,也要注意连读,I’m from China。
雅思口语part 1 准备
Part 1的问题相对简单,所以回答起来比较地轻松。值得注意的是,我建议大家在平时准备Part 1的时候不要去背别人的内容,重要的是,结合自身的情况去准备,这样在考场你也可以回答的比较的自如。
Part 1的回答遵循一定的回答方式,反应-答案-详细内容,这样可以让自己的回答比较的丰富,而且也不会冷场,没有话说。
所谓反应,就是当考官问问题的时候给出最为直接的反应,这里带入一些口语化得东西比较好,比如,well,look,you know, let me think之类的话,因为老外说话基本都这样。
所谓答案,就是给出一个简单的句子来回答,比如考官问,Do you like swimming, 你可以说,well, you know, absolutely, I’m really into swimming.
所谓详细内容,就是利用一些连接词使自己的内容更完整,更有趣,更丰富。比如,有on top of that, for the simple reason, having said that, for example或者加入一个从句也可以。
雅思口语Part 2 准备
Part 2是大家最为头疼的部分,对于我也是。在之前我准备一张话题卡要一天,但是后来学会了一些方法后,就觉得其实没有那么难了。
雅思口语Part 3 准备
Part 3 在我的考试经验看来是最为提分的部分,尤其是大家心中想要的分数。前两个部分主要是一个自我表现的部分,让考官了解到你的实力和你有实力向高分冲刺。
在这里跟大家分享一个口语考试的「 潜规则 」,这是一般规则,不适合考试非常灵活的考官。
Part 3在考官的手上实际上是分为三个分数档的,每个档有三个问题,第一个分数档5分,第二个分数档6分,第三个分数档7分。
Part 3考官一般会问4个问题。如果被问的问题比较多,那么很可能是拿了高分。如果被问的问题少于4个,很可能是因为你回答的可能不是很好。
Part 3部分的回答方式和上述Part 2很像,不过大家要学会将话题的范围缩小,narrow down topic,然后充实话题,采用举例子,举原因,对比等方式。
雅思口语考官经验之如何现场发挥 篇2
雅思口语考试形式内容及时间 篇3
1简介以及问答 在进行自我介绍和考生身份核对后,考官将就考生所熟悉的话题进行提问。4——5分钟
2个人陈述 考官将给考生一个答题任务卡,卡上有一个相关的话题。考生有一分钟的准备时间(如笔记),然后需就此话题进行1到2分钟的陈述。3——4分钟
雅思口语Part 1
雅思口语Part 2
雅思口语Part 3
如何在雅思口语考试中应对口语考官及考试? 篇4
◆What is your favorite season?
◆What is special about this season?
◆What do people usually do in this season?
◆Why do you like this season?
◆What is the worst weather you have experienced?
◆When did you experience it?
◆What did you see?
◆How did you feel under the worst condition?
Describe a Season Describe your favorite season.You should say: What your favorite season is.What is special about it.What people usually do in this season.And explain why you like this season.文都国际教育官方网站:http:///
{原创范例}My favorite season is summer.I can’t wait till it starts.Yes, it sometimes gets very hot and sultry.But I don’t care.At least I don’t have to fight with bulky overcoats or down coats.这篇的开头以非常简洁的方式引出主题,是较为传统的方式。在论述的过程中用了欲扬先抑的手法,先提了一下夏天令人不快的地方,但是注意只能一两句带过,千万不能论述太多而导致偏题。其次,也用了对比反衬的策略,提到冬天的不便之处。以论述对冬天的厌恶来反衬对夏天的热爱。其实也就是将夏天和冬天做了一个对比。
{原创范例}Summer means life, blue skies, gentle breeze, white beaches, and green trees.I love the warmth, the plenty of sunshine it brings and the way people look in tan.In summer, girls wear cute skirts and lovely sunbonnets.All the beautiful colors go around in this season.And you can feel the longing to go outdoors and experience an adventure.这段也是以非常通俗的语言以细化的方式描述了夏天的气候特征、景物、人们的穿着打扮等。在雅思考场里一定要拓宽自己的思路,千万不能一说到季节就局限于气候特征上,要学会从多方面着手,这就要求大家在入考场前做好思路的整理,将已知题目熟悉掌握,做到雅思考场上心中有数!
如何在雅思口语考试中应对口语考官及考试? 篇5
雅思考试 (IELTS - International English Language Testing System, 国际英语语言测试系统)是一种较全面地针对听说读写四项能力的、为打算到英语国家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考试。
1. Do you often give gifts to people?
2. Do you and your friends or family members give each other gifts?
3. Do you think it’s easy to choose what to give other people?
4. Do you think it’s important to give expensive gifts?
5. In China, is it necessary to bring a gift when you visit someone?
1. Do you like reading?
2. What types of things (books) do you like reading?
3. What types of things (books) do you dislike reading?
4. Do you think it’s important for children to read?
5. Would you like to write a book?
6. Do you think it’s important to have public libraries?
★ 雅思口语范文
★ 雅思口语题库
★ 雅思口语一个人怎么练
★ 雅思口语:尊敬的人
★ 雅思口语新题
雅思口语考试策略 篇6
雅思口语考试常用谚语 篇7
1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。
3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。
4. A fall into the pit, a gain in you r wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。
6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。
7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。
8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。
9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。
10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。
11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。
13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。
14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。
15. Business is business. 公事公办。
16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。
雅思口语考试技巧 篇8
1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:foreign country you would like to work
Topic:Describe a foreign country you would like to work for short time.
You should say:
Where you would like to go
What kind of work you would like to have
When you would like to go
And explain why you want to work in that place.
Sample answer:
The country that I have always wanted to go but have not visited yet is Italy. I’ve been dreaming to visit Italy for more than 2-3 years. I’ll definitely visit the country as soon as my graduation is complete. Italy is in Southern Europe.
Rome, the largest city and the Capital of Italy has been the leading political and religious centre of the western civilization, serving as the capital of the both Roman Empire and the Christianity. I’d like to go there to see the museums, arts, streets, cultural and other attractions. Another reason I want to go there is to visit the Vatican City. I have read and heard about numerous stories and history about this country and witnessing them would be a great joy for me. There are plenty of things to see: arts, museums, Colosseum, Leaning Tower of Pissa, Roman Forum, Florence Cathedral, St. Peter’s Basilica, Milan Cathedral, Sistine Chapel, Piazza SanMarco, Circus Maximux and lots of other places I’d love to visit.
Italy was one of the most advanced territories once and had lots of historically significant places to visit. I’ve read about those places so many times and heard stories from many of my friends that visiting this country has become a major wish for me. And I’m pretty positive about visiting this country in next year.
1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:a gift you gave to others
Topic:Describe a gift that you recently gave to others
You should say:
When it happened
Who you gave it to
What gift you gave to the person
And explain why you gave this gift to others
The gift I gave to my younger sister recently is the one I would like to talk about. I gave her a cell phone recently. The model of the cell phone is Sony Experia Z and it has Android Operating System. This is a water resistant cell phone manufactured by Sony Mobile and is a hot one in the market. The cells phone cost me around 40 K and I had to save the money for the last 6-7 moths to present her the gift.
I knew that she had been wishing to buy a smart phone for a year but could not do so. I thought to buy her one in her next birthday and started saving the money. I saved almost 7-8 k each month and just before 3-4 days of her birthday, I bought the phone.
I felt really great after I gave the gift to my sister. That was an unexplainable pleasure, amusement, satisfaction that I felt after I saw her bewildering face after she opened the gift. She was so happy that I felt like that was a perfect gift for her. I am sure I would not have felt the same pleasure as I felt giving her the gift doing something else. She had been longing to own a smart phone and after receiving it from me she hugged me.
As I already told, from her conversation I knew that she wished to own a smart phone that she would be able to use internet and take quality photographs. From that day, I promised to myself that I would buy her one. And I wished to buy her a really good one. I could have bought her a phone for 10k but seriously I wanted to give her the best one that I can accommodate.
Tips for answering this Cue Card topic:
While talking about this cue card, keep in mind that you are to talk about a gift/ present you have recently gave to someone recently. So do not talk about a gift that you actually gave someone few years back.
Remember a gift you gave to someone recently and describe that event based on the questions asked in the supporting questions of this cue card topic. The gift can be merely a post card to an expensive one like house/ flat. Following are some gifts we usually give to others to help you plan for this cue card topic:
Mobile Phone
Story book
Fountain pen
Music player
Tabloid PC
Post card
Photo album
Laptop etc.
You can actually think about any gift item which you usually give to others on occasions like birthday, marriage anniversary etc.
For this cue card topic, first mention what was the gift. Then mention whom you gave it (can be a family member, friend, relative, classmate, teacher, neighbor or a colleague). Then mention what was the occasion for that person who received that gift. Was it a birthday or simply a social visiting party, marriage day, celebration of promotion etc.? Also mention how long ago you gave it. You should mention that the occasion was only couple of months ago and this is the latest gift you gave to someone.
Whatever the gift was, you should be very fluent describing the event, gift and occasion of the gift. First mention what was the gift item and then mention to who you gave it to. Also mention if you were planning to give it for a long time or did you instantly bought this gift. After that give an approximate cost idea that you had to spend to buy this gift. Also mention the occasion for the gift. That can be a birthday gift or so or can be a surprise gift.
The final 2 questions require your elaborate discussion on the topic and expect you to talk about how you felt after giving this present. Simply mention that you were very much pleased to be able to give this present to that person and the excitement grew even more when you noticed the happiness about it. For the final question ‘and explain why you chose this gift’ say that you knew that s/he was in need of that/ was eagerly waiting to have one of these items/ would be very excited and happy to receive it. You can also mention, you had no previous preparation for buying a gift and you roamed in a gift shop and chose this one all of a sudden.
Your fluency and coherency in speaking is the most important parts of your speaking exam. Being able to cover the questions asked with the cue card topic in a real life conversational way would ensure a good score in your cue card section.
Since this cue card asks you to talk about a gift you gave to someone recently, you should relate the event to a recent occasion. Mention that you gave this gift only few weeks/ months ago and that you make your speaking exactly what is expected in the cue card topic.
If the gift is for a family member like younger sister, mother or father, mention how eagerly you were expecting to give this gift to him/her. After that mention how you managed to purchase the gift and from where you bought it. For the question “How you felt about it?” Mention that you bought this gift to make this person happy. This might not be an expensive gift but you bought it with good wished and cordial love. Finally say that, the recipient of this gift was very happy to have it and that made you feel really good. A gift is always a souvenir of good wishes and a mark for better relationship and you felt just happy to be able to give it to this person.
The final question “and explain why you choose this gift?” is a tricky one and you are expected give a convincing answer for this question. You have your own reasons and following are some of the helpful hints for you to answer this question:
1. I knew that s/he had a great desire for this and I thought this would be perfect opportunity to give it to him/her.
2. I was suddenly informed about this occasion and I had to pick a gift quickly. I went to the nearby gift shop and this particular gift caught my eyes.
3.This was a gift I was long longing to give her/ him. I knew s/he would be very happy to receive it and that’s why I bought it.
4.The gift was a shared one and three of our friends / colleagues decided that it was a good gift within our budget.
5. I knew that s/he loves this sort of gift and that’s why I decided to give it to her/ him.
1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:sth you shared with others
Topic:Describe something you have shared with others
-what it is
-when you shared
-how you shared it with others
And explain why you shared it with others
Sample answer:
Well, something I have shared with a couple is my SUV, I bought it last yeas, and it has been my handy commuting tool since I got the hang of it. But several months ago, I saw a PSA on telly saying that the air quality has been deteriorating and the pernicious effect on us would be the serious engulfing smog and devastating respiratory diseases and that was horrible. At the same time I knew the couple living next door who were also my colleagues would want to have a car because of peer pressure, you know, demonstration of one’s social wealth and hierarchy is also a social malaise, but they were worried about the financial constraint after that. So I decided to share my car with them and they just took responsibility of part of gas bill. Every morning they met me at the designated spot and I would drive them to workplace together.
With the reference to why shared my car with them, there are 2 points that I want to make, first, helping others to the best of one’s ability is a kind of Chinese traditional virtue to all strata of society. And luckily, I solved their problems effectively without compromising my quality of life; at most I lost some reins of that car. But it didn’t bother me. And it also saved the husband James from the wife’s nagging. He said he owed me a huge favor. Second, this car-pooling thing might be kind of my effort to protect the environment of the city, because I really got shocked about the levels of pollution in the vehicle-choked cities of China. And this has been exacerbated by people’s ignorance, which is just like the thin end of the wedge. So I take the initiative to reduce the use of my car and call on my colleagues to follow the trend. And I hope this trend would influence a larger population.
雅思考试口语扣分原因 篇9
(2) 虽然看着考官,但有关表情和雅思口语答案一点不配套。比如当大说了”I like animals, especially dogs。”时,你的脸上,根本就没有任何灿烂的“爱狗”表情露出来,又或是起码是一丝温馨的“狗狗挺可爱”的表情也没有,如此你可能会被扣除的分数在0.1。
(3) 因为考官都是没有表情的,你原先勉强保持的微笑会慢慢的僵硬,到了如同考官一样面无表情,这样,此也许会被扣0.05分。
(1) 在雅思口语备考阶段,必须要注意“表情和语言配套”!
(2) 到了真正考时,不管你紧张与否,也不管考官是否面无表情,请你脸上保持微笑,哪怕很生硬。(除非你说到自己I really hate X.X.X.X)
若当大在this, that, think, thank的发音中,不伸舌头,你肯定会被扣分,更甚扣分可以高达0.5!比如说,你不停地说I sink X.X.X.X I sink X.X.X. 但若大原来想说的却是I think X.X.X. I think X.X.X。
雅思口语P2新题范文:historic event
开玩笑的!考官不是真的要听中国历史!雅思考试是完全不需要考生具备specialist knowledge的!考官在意的就是你能不能装模作样的来段两分钟的“瞎说历史”,用词如何,语法如何,流利度连贯性如何以及发音咋样。
所以这道题,认真你就输了。如果大家小心翼翼的开始准备“开国大典”之类的话题,恐怕要碰到好多political terms. 所以建议大家讲一些故事性比较强的,如果你把“甄嬛传”在规定时间讲出来,考官也是不会介意的。所以回忆一下我们看过的跟历史有关的电影吧!把这道题目跟movie合并也是个不错的选择。
I’d like to share with you an interesting historical event that happened in Xia Dynasty. It’s a story in our history textbook about a stupid king whose name I couldn’t remember exactly. Anyway, this king married a queen who was drop-dead gorgeous, however, there’s one thing that really bugged him, and that is, his queen hardly ever smiled, and that’s how she got the nickname ‘ice queen’.The King racked his brains trying to find a way to make her smile, but failed every time. He even promised that anyone who could put a smile on the queen’s face would get a thousand boxes of gold. One day, someone at the court suggested that the king could light the warning beacons that are normally used to summon armies from surrounding states in times of danger. He explained, the queen must find it hilarious when the nobles arrived and realized they got played. The king thought he had a point, so he took the advice. And the guy was right. The queen did burst out laughing when she saw the nobles hurry to the court only to find that it was a false alarm. If you ask me, the king was so out of line, and the worst part is, he did the same thing several times to please his queen, and finally lost the trust of the nobles. When he was actually in danger, no one came to his rescue.
So you see, it’s kind of a funny and sad history story, and somehow it’s usually told as a cautionary tale of how one beauty can topple a country, which I think is so not fair.
对了,回忆是说“重要的历史事件”,我们可以再解释一下它为啥重要(其实所有让我们知道了的历史事件都是有historic significance的啊,不然为什么会被记录下来啊对不对!):This event serves as a warning for rulers in the following dynasties that national affairs are no laughing matter. I don’t think any national leader would be so stupid as this king, but this story is still a reminder of how silly decisions can destroy a country.
如果说有时候两个辅音的互换不会产生太大理解方面的问题,但长时间不加以区分,考官听着也会不自觉地产生一种压迫感。下面是一位考生在第二部分描述自己的一位家庭成员时的话,说到她的姐姐像个假小子:… I guess you can imagine that she really looks like a boy. When she was in middle school, she cut down her long hair, started to wear large shirt and became a boyish girl… 如果就这两句话中出现的”l”,发音都换成”n”的音,考官或许能明白,但听起来却比较难受。
[θ]和[e]两个音标都是”th”的发音,汉语中此种发音方式的缺乏直接导致很多考生从练习口语一开始就发不出这个音。就像很多English native speakers说汉语的“谢谢[xiexie]”会发[?e?e],是因为其中不卷舌的[x]也不存在于他们语言的发音方式中。由此许多单词也会产生意义上的区别如最常提到的”think”和”sink”,造成理解上的障碍。也有的如“with”等不阻碍大意的词,但对两个音的长期忽略同样会造成考官听觉上的不适。
多考生在平时学习词汇的过程中很容易忽视一些细节,而重音的错置就是其中之一。有的考生在习惯了单词重音为第二个音节之后,对一些重音在单词第一个音节上的细节便视而不见了。例如雅思口语中经常谈论到的”television”, “newspaper”,对于这样熟悉且简单的单词很多考生发出的重音仍然在tele’vision和news’paper上。如此重音错置的例子屡见不鲜,而重音的错误往往会导致整个语句的不顺畅,听起来很别扭。
雅思口语考试对语音的包容性让很多考生选择了自己喜欢的美式英语,但这也意味着很多考生开始了对“儿化音”的情有独钟。”because”和“of course”并不一样,后者有”r”可以“儿化”;前者却没有,可很多考生都喜欢把它读成[bi’k?rz]。事实上,无论英式还是美式,它都发 [bi’k?z]。”China”, “Christmas”, “August”, ” idea”都是很典型的例子,单词的拼写中红色标记的部分后面并没有”r”,但是考生读出来时却无端产生了”r”的音。
有的考生习惯了”nation”, “promotion”,看到”precision”, “decision”的时候觉得也应该发[??n],但事实上这两个单词中”-sion”应该发[??n];”address”这个词大家都很熟悉了,有的考生一直读的是[?d’dres],因为觉得里面有两个”d”,但其实正确的读音当然是[?’dres]。这只是两个简单的例子,说明自己根据经验来判断和学习新的单词的发音本身是一种不太可取的习惯。当然,事先可以做猜测,但一定要根据字典来确认自己的猜测是否正确,以便一开始学到的就是正确的发音。须知有的单词或音节看起来长得很像,但实际发音却可能有区别,所以千万不能主观臆断。错误的发音如果先入为主,到后面发现自己错了,再纠正也会相对困难了。
Young vs. Old / Children vs. Adult
很眼熟对不对?没错,这就是套到任何一个话题都能用的神百搭问题。并且可以幻化出无数个类似但不相同的问题来,比如:Do young people and old people have different attitudes towards X? What do you think young/old people should do X? Do you do X the same way when you were a child?等等等等,总而言之就是想问随着年龄的增长,对某一个事物或者行为的看法或者做法有什么样的改变。
Chinese people
大概是因为外国人自然就对中国感兴趣,很多话题里会出现What do Chinese people think of ? How do most Chinese people do X?等等冠冕堂皇的问题,这种问题宏观又抽象,情急之下非常难回答的圆满,其实不论问题是什么,都可以这么回答——There is no way for me to know each Chinese’s opinion, but personally speaking, ..., 后接自己对这个话题的观点,很巧妙地就能避开宏观,从自己的观点出发,也不怕他后续接着提问了。
Modern vs. Traditional
Pros vs. Cons
俗而烂的题目,让你议论某个行为或者物件的利弊。可以首先谈利,X certainly brings lots of benefits into the world, ...,然后一转语气谈弊, but on theother hand, X also has its drawbacks, ..., 只要体现出一个转折即可。至于内容,能简单说出一两个即可,也不需要多全面。
Past vs. Present vs. Future
这个问题其实和1和3都是能够交叉重叠反复出现的,可见出题人有多懒。应对策略也一样,有就有没有就没有,如果有就鲜明对比出来,如果没有就简单说两句为什么不会有。过去和现在都好说,对于未来就要靠大家发挥自己的想象力了,我个人觉得与其绞尽脑汁想细节,还不如直接走极端到底让考官问不出后续问题。比如我遇到过一个问题是What do you think this classroom will be in the future?与其去回答究竟会变成什么样子,我干脆就准备的是I think there will be no more classrooms of this kind, since all the exams will be taken online. 直接把教室就变没了,他自然也就不会再追问细节了。
Male vs. Female
Beneficial for children?
接下来不是对比,但也是万能问题。雅思除了纠结对比,还很喜欢纠结于祖国的花朵,也就是儿童,任何话题都要和儿童扯上关系来问,顺便还会问父母老师的教育方法,整个教育体制,甚至和前面的老人对比,总之就是以儿童为中心发散开去。当然我们的答案也要以牙还牙,就抓住儿童的特点。一个关键词susceptible. 这个词既点明了儿童的特点,又为你下面的阐述做铺垫,更关键的是这个词儿的高级程度基本上能让考官眼前一亮!所以可以回答:Children are the most susceptible group in our society, they are constantly curious about everything around them and by nature want to learn stuff from their surroundings.So...接下来谈X对儿童的影响,或者父母老师的教育,都是手到擒来的事儿啦。
Governmental support?
这个话题虽然有些敏感,但出现频率也不小,主要是问一些社会问题应不应该得到政府的资助,比如图书馆的修建啦,教育啦,等等等等,回答一般都是yes,当然啦你答No也不会因此扣分的,自圆其说即可。这个问题看似高级,很容易让烤鸭乱了阵脚,回答起来也很简单: Yes, X is extremely important to A,B, and C.Government should take the responsibility to help X develop andprogress, best by supporting it financially.
How do A affect B?
Will A replace B in the future? Will B disappear in the future?
这个也是关于technology的,又要遥想未来了。遇到此类问题可以按照自己的想法去回答,但回答No可能会更好展开:Idon’t think so, for B is still crucial in ...,and people still have the need to use B for various functions that A can not compete with.