


环境英文作文 篇1


Ocean marine pollution is from domestic sewage and municipal refuses. When the pesticides went into the marine ecosystem, they quickly bee absorbed into marine food webs. Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause mutations, as well as diseases, which can be harmful to humans as well as the entire food web.

About 60 percent of cities are polluted in China. The rubbishes are everywhere. And the air pollution is also very serious. Exhaust fumes, household garbage and industrial refuse all can make our city dirty. So, don’t spitting ,don’t litter, don’t graffiti on the wall!Forest

The forests are being destroyed now. Acid rain, big fire and saws always break the forests unfeelingly, so, they are in danger . The number of forests are being less and less. Let’s plant trees and protect the forests together!River

There are many things in the river, like newspaper , oil, chemicals and heavy metal. If we drink the water that’s from the polluted river, we will get sick or die. And the plants which is near this river will die. So, don’t sewage effluent into the river!

环境英文作文 篇2

Emscher Park is the recovery of an industrial area among the most degraded sites in Europe. In a post-industrial economic decline, the Ruhr region has found a new solution on shrinking becoming an icon of urban, economic, social and environmental change (Brown, 2001).

In the 1950’s and 1960’s, the industries of the Ruhr Valley have held an important role in German economic development. The gradual loss of competitiveness has led to an inevitable abandonment of sites in the 1970’s, with a consequent increase of the unemployment rate (La Belle,2001). In 1989, a partnership between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, local municipalities and private companies promoted the IBA Emscher Park: an ambitious renewal program of an area of 115 square miles along the Emscher River. In ten years (1989-1999) IBA sponsored approximately one hundred projects that satisfy the criteria of architectural quality, public accessibility, energy and environmental conservation, social cooperation, self-organization and low maintenance costs (Kunzmann, 2004).

The IBA Initiative started with an ecological transformation of the territory through the re-naturalization of the river Emscher, the redevelopment of derelict industrial land and the reconstruction of the natural habitat. The ecological sensitivity of the design approach is exemplified by the Docklands Duisberg: a new urban waterfront that incorporates different activities and brings back the water within the city.

In the process of regeneration, the IBA also intends to preserve the industrial heritage, to enhance the value of local settlement systems and promote the cultural industries within the park to create new jobs (Arbeiten im Park). The monumental industrial structures, guardians of the memory of the work of the past, now have a new meaning thanks tothe creative reuse of their spaces. A flagship example of adaptive reconversion is Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord.It occupies the site of the former Thyssen steelworks in Duisburg-Meiderich that was shut down in 1985(Figure1).The designers Latz + Partners won the competition organized by IBA Emscher Park to transform the site into an industrial park of over 500 hectares. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the site, the project involves the conservation and reuse of most of the existing industrial structures. Through sensitive operations, a program with new uses has been introduced progressively in the area: a former furnace hosts an outdoor theater for concerts and shows, a gas tank has become a training camp for divers, a coal storage bunker is now used by the local mountaineering club. Other industrial spaces host performances characterized by international music(Figure2),a small experimental theater and a hard rock disco. The multicolored night lighting emphasizes the monumentality of the structures and it defines new landmarks within the landscape. The park is managed by a small partnership between the state, the local government and various local NGOs, and it has become an important tourist attraction for the region.

The experience of IBA Initiative represents a laboratory of ideas and approaches for the regeneration of brownfields.The long-term process of renewal adopts an experimental strategy of multi-purposed development and it is an example of top-down planning that crosses bottom-up initiatives.

Therefore, the approach is radical in the idea of sustainable and cultural development, in the selection and realization of the projects. The innovative aspect consists in considering ecology as a linchpin of the regeneration of the regional economy and in wanting to transform the brownfields in an infrastructure of open spaces and creative activities.The conservation of the industrial heritage is encouraged through temporary uses(Figure3). Events and art exhibitions take place in forgotten places becoming an opportunity for the community to meet, and then it all is consolidated in the cultural centrality (museums, theaters, cultural associations...).As a final result, these marginal spaces are transformed into new civic places.

Figure 1:Thyssen Steelworks manufacturing plant in the 1950s

Figure 2: Landschaftspark

The transformation of the Ruhr is an example of the balance between the ecological, cultural and social sustainability and the promotion of the innovation. The ecological recovery of soils, the restoration and the reuse of industrial heritage show how cultural, design and industrial capacities can work together.

The IBA Initiative is also significant because it involves various actors and especially as it pays attention to initiatives of local communities. Through the use of marketing and the media (light installations events, music festivals, art shows)and an intense work of branding, the area now has a new competitive image, strengthening the identity of the territory.

This case study proves how often these waiting sites need projects: soft operations with large-scale action are fundamental, rather than self-referential architecture.

2 Temporary use strategies in creating post-industrial identity: The case of Sulzer-Areal Site in Winterthur,Switzerland

Industrialization has always shaped sites and regions, and so does de-industrialization. Both processes involve structural transformations and conflicts between conservation and change (Oevermann, & Mieg, 2015). In the industrial heritage regeneration practice, temporary-use (Zwischennuztung) is a new model from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. When the developer's economic power is not enough to start the regeneration process or the property ownership is not clear,the temporary uses are encouraged, which could breed out the most suitable long-term adaptive reuse (Dong, & Hou,2012). Sulzer-Areal, as industrial heritage site has a tangible as well as an intangible dimension. The tangible dimension concerns the buildings, infrastructure, and technical equipment of a site; the intangible dimension concerns knowledge, practices, traditions, associations, and symbolic connotations. Furthermore, the intangible dimension includes the societal value given to the heritage site (Oevermann, &Mieg, 2015). Industrial success shapes the urban form and culture of Winterthur more than any other city in Switzerland.Historically, Wintherthur is known as a hard-working industrial city(Figure4). Due to the economic global crisis in the1930s, many industries experienced a severe drop in sales,and subsequent layoffs (Oevermann, & Mieg, 2014). However,after the Second World War, which Switzerland had survived without any damage, the country experienced a golden point for its export industries. During these years, industrial sites were hidden from the public eye by its gates. While photographs carefully documented the industrial products,there was no debate about the beauty of industrial sheds.In the 1970s, major changes happened in the industrial sector, which changed the perception of urban space and cultural values (Bartschi, 2011). In the 1980s, contrary to the decline of the productive industries, financial services sector triggered a change in social values: “American” principles of quick money replaced engineering virtues, which caused price rising in city centers (Hofer, 1999). The old Sulzer-Areal industrial sector is right by the historic center of Winterthur and its central station. Since 1834, when the Sulzer brothers built it as a foundry, this factory complex has spread out as far as the Zurich railway line, forming an exceptionally dense urban fabric, which occupies a surface area of over sixteen hectares. Even today its enormous industrial buildings and iron and steel production installations, with imposing bridge cranes on rails and gigantic diesel engines, remain intact and are an emblematic witness to the golden age of Swiss mechanical engineering (Bordas, 2006). From the 1980s,different solutions were proposed for its post-industrial future.In 1992, Sulzer invited eight international architecture offices to an architectural modification in the area of problematic existing buildings. Jean Nouvel and Emmanuel Catani won the competition from Paris, with a project called “Megalou”.Although, due to a delaying appeal by Switzerland’s traffic club against the high number of parking spaces granted by the Wintherthur administration in the 1996 planning consent,the project failed. After that, the Sulzer site was considered for temporary uses such as the following: the Architecture Department of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences(ZHAW) occupied Halle 180 since 1992, restaurants, studios,Company Offices, and recreational facilities. A rethinking of the strategy on the side of the property, which, in 2001,rejected the operation owing to the size of the investments,was required. Instead of intervening on the existing buildings,it was decided to turn them into public spaces, which had the twofold function of connecting the Sulzer-Areal sector with the rest of the city, while preserving its nature (Bordas, 2006).In the end the intervention focused on the far northeastern end of the complex, the one closest to the historic center of Winterthur and the station. Work was done on three free interstitial spaces that are clearly bounded by the presence of the industrial buildings around them. The most important part is Katharina Sulzer Platz, which connects the main road with the street that runs alongside the railway lines(Figure5). At the northern end of the central strip there are three-square pools with water that reflect the facades of the buildings. A number of chairs are scattered on the gravel(Figure6).Indeed, on the south side of Katharina Sulzer Platz the original rails are still conserved and along them a large crane, which has been restored, can move as well as a new platform that can serve as the setting for various events. Another action point is the Pionierpark; a courtyard surrounded by the oldest constructions and built on an old coal mine. Lastly, a metal drainage channel has been embedded in the paving to mark the route to the square.

Figure 3:Landschaftspark

Figure 4:The city of Winterthur,its railway network,and the Sulzer industrial sites

3 Amsterdam, NDSM shipyard hall, adaptive re-use through a bottom-up urban policy

In the late 1990 the city of Amsterdam underwent deep urban changes that contributed to the radical turn of the city’s urban policies. The northern bank of the Ij river was until the ’80s the inland harbor, and the ships construction industry site; as in the rest of Europe the sudden process of de-industrialization and industries dislocation (Arrighi,1996) led to the abandonment of these areas turning them into derelict brownfields. In the meanwhile the city center ran into processes of gentrification and real estate investments pushing out of the city center the former inhabitants, squatters and informal creative groups. In the late ‘90s there were many re-development processes that involved the devalued real estate assets of the city, and various different strategies of intervention for re-enhancing their value while trying to attract investments and wealth.

Under the pressure of the citizens, squatters, and alternative cultural scene, that claimed low rent and a more active role in the renewal of dismantled zones in general,the Amsterdam municipality decided to propose an unusual planning strategy, consisting in co-opting in the valorization processes non-institutional creative elements (i.e. those with the capacity to produce innovation) that until then had been relegated to the margins of the city. This strategy was adopted by the Amsterdam municipality to renew and boost the redevelopment of the northern Ij bank, choosing to reuse the existing building stock: this is the case of the NDSM,Nederlandse Droogdok en Scheepsbouw Mattschappij,docks area(Figure7).

Figure 5:Alongside the mobile platform there is another one,perforated at random by a series of round beds in which trees grow,forming a sculptural group

Figure 6:The central zone of the square is covered with pressed sand,square pools and a number of chairs,which recalls the rails of the cranes that crossed the space

The NDSM docks were property of the city municipality and were part of a wider neighborhood redevelopment project.The Municipality starting from the re-use of a single part, The NDSM shipyard hall, promoted the valorization of a bigger area(2sqkm) in the northern bank. The aim was to produce, through a relatively low investment, a space centered on cultural activities that would bring that forgotten part of Amsterdam back into people’s minds (Oswalt, 2013). This renewed popularity would “attract potential investors and renters and[…] allow a vibrant mixture of uses to develop”(Oswalt, 2013).

The process of reuse and redevelopment started when,in 1999, the municipality promoted a public ideas competition to support temporary uses in the NDSM shipyard hall. The competition was awarded to a group named Kinetisch Noord,a group coming from the former Amsterdam squatter scene;the building was entrusted for ten years. KN parceled the huge building to promote a multifunctional attitude toward artistic,cultural, leisure practices.

The building is a huge industrial shed (20.000sqm, 20 mt high), “generic” enough to be turned into a complex, flexible and jointed place. As in the Cedric Price utopias, the shed allows multipurpose use and a broad offer of commercial,creative and recreational services(Figure8).

Kinetisch Noord in 2000 and started to re-invent that space through the urban strategy named “Die stad als casco” (the city as a shell), the NDSM shipyard was the shell in which through open design workshops and the participation of designers, artists, activists and the civil society the whole city could take part in the renewal and regeneration of a city neighborhood. Inside the NDSM shipyard hall as concrete and iron shell, two were the main issues: one was the infrastructure, meaning water, electricity and heat supply,and the second was the partition of the shed into functional zones, small studio-boxes made out of containers with a DIY attitude, a skate park, a restaurant, actors studios and a theatre, an open space for a market (Inti, 2014).

The project could take place through the concurrence of three specific factors: the Broesplaatsfonds, a social security system to boost creative industries that sustained the people involved in the project, the availability of free/low budget space, and a support of 10 mln euros from the municipality.

The NDSM community, at first independently and maybe in opposition with the real estate market and investments produced what can be called a non-monetary value (Kiss, 2014), or better a symbolic value that in a short time generated positive externalities on the surrounding environment attracting new investments.

Metaphorically we could say that the NDSM regeneration process succeeded in producing an urban synecdoche(Augoyard, 1979), that is a part of a neighborhood becomes the symbol for the entire zone.

The NDSM shipyard hall was an abandoned space which embodied an economic potential energy (Fabian, 2012), that has been released through its productive and ecological renewal with a relatively low economic investment.

This is a case of a brownfield urban recycling, rescued from demolition and capable now of producing a low cost urban regeneration.

Figure 7:NDSM docks,2014

Figure 8:NDSM Shipyard hall,interior,2015

The production of innovations, micro-economies, creative milieu, subcultural communities and alternative lifestyles (Zukin,1989) within the NDSM shipyard hall marks the turn of a space,that was literally an empty box, into a place with new urban relevance and significance(Figure9).

The NDSM shipyard hall produced such positive externalities that the surrounding plots of the neighborhood increased their land value and became a bargain for real estate investors.

4 Conclusions

These three specific cases play a relevant role in the understanding of the renewed regeneration strategies for the European industrial heritage stock.

As we could see the issue is widespread all over Europe and elsewhere.

Nowadays, also due to the contemporary economic crisis,new strategies for the recycling and reuse are needed.

The three case studies show how challenging these adaptive reuse processes have been; their comparison highlights some common issues that are relevant for all those countries that own a devalued and abandoned post-industrial heritage stock.

One of the main issue is the evidence that when we talk about industrial heritage we are not talking just about the physical shape of the city, but instead the study of this item involves a lot of social and symbolical issues that must be taken into account.

To start with there are three main values to underline:a brownfield is portion of land that has temporarily lost its intrinsic significance but still preserves some historical and cultural values and some environmental values; thus a brownfield preserves a potential energy that can be released with the regeneration process that correctly enhances these values.

As we could observe the environmental issue was common to all three case studies, and for the Emscher site it was the trigger to start the regeneration of the site and to support the ecological awareness of the people. At the same time to preserve and enhance cultural and historical values it is fundamental to keep a social continuity, keeping low the conflict level and supporting integration. Moreover,as we could observe in the NDSM regeneration process, theemerging of new social groups, subcultural communities is the mean through which a space acquires new significance both from a spatial and a social point of view.

Figure 9:NDSM Events and installations,2010

This new significance is the first step toward the valorization, first symbolic and then economic, of the industrial heritage.

This shift from a sphere of meaning to another is reached progressively - see the long term program for the Sulzer Areal; it is achieved with the overlapping of temporary uses,flexible spaces, intensity of transformation, the empowerment of local communities, the management of a complexity of stakeholders and through participatory and inclusive processes. It is rarely the result of an architectural design,or a brief program, and generally seems not to suit the real estate investments time frame, but in the long run, as we could observe for all the three case studies, the positive externalities produced by this long time processes have a deeper impact on the economic valorization of the surrounding land.

Source of Figures

Figure 1:source from Thyssen Krupp Konzernarchiv,Duisburg

Figure 2:photo by Thomas Berns

Figure 3 :photo by Thomas Berns

Figure 4 :source from publication: Mieg, Harald A., & Oevermann,Heike. Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformation: Clash of Discourses.New York [M]. Routledge, 2014.

Figure 5 :source from website: Bordas, David B. Sulzerareal Winterthur(Switzerland), 2004. (2006)[2016-02-09], website: http://www.publicspace.org/en/works/d214-sulzerareal

Fig 6 :source from website: Vetschpartner. Landezine. (2010)[2016-02-09], website: http://www.landezine.com/index.php/2010/12/thesulzer-areal-by-vetschpartner-landscape-architecture/

Fig 7:photo by Vera de Kok(Creative Commons)

Fig 8:photo by Jip Bosch(Creative Commons)

环境英文作文 篇3



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保护环境初中英文作文 篇4

With the global warming getting worse, more people choose to live a low-carbon life for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases.

We’d better save much water and paper and electricity. We should use less carbon and oil. It’s important to turn off the lights and computers when you leave the room. We should take our own bags in shopping instead of using plastic bags from the supermarket. We can buy few clothes which are unnecessary. We shouldn’t buy or use one-off cups or chopsticks or bowls. It’s good for us to walk or take bikes to school instead of taking cars. We can also plant more trees to change air around us.

Let’s take action and be a low-carbon people!

环境污染的英文作文 篇5

1.There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.

2.We can’t live without water, but now the water was polluted. It is the biggest problem. It influences our daily life. So we should find a way to solve this problem. Water is important resources. In our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we often drop litter in the river. So the water was polluted by us. I think we could use a bottle of water two or three times. We have to turn off the tap after cleaning hands.

Let’s try to form a good habit and save things around us. Let’s do it from now on!

Fish can’t live without water. Plants can’t live without water. People can’t live without water, either. As you can see, the water is very important to us. But now drinking water is leand less. The water was polluted seriously.

So we would act quickly in order to save the water, But what must we do now? I think we can plant trees, clean the banks of the river, water the plants by using used water. Turn off the shower while we are washing hair. And we shouldn’t drop litter into the river and so on.

It’s our duty to try our best to protect and save water. And don’t forget that if we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be our tear

Water is very important to us. We can’t live without water. But the drinking water is leand less. Because we waste a lot of water in our daily life. And some of us often throw rubbish into the rivers. So the rivers are polluted seriously.

It’s our duty to save water, we must do something to save water. For example, we shouldn’t pour waste water into the rivers and we should pick up litter around us.

环境保护英文论文 篇6

I Abstract There is one of the most sensitive global climate issues for years, which is global warming.In general, we know that the origin of global warming is the emission of carbon dioxide.It was verified that the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature: when there is more carbon dioxide the temperature gets warmer.This topic should be discussed under current situation to advocate people concerning with this severe environmental issue.With the development of our living standard.Low carbon and environment protection are becoming a new lifestyle gradually.However, most of us haven’t known what low carbon and environment protection is.How to live a low-carbon life is also a problem to be settled.So it is necessary for us to make this view to be known by others and know more about green life

Key words: global warming low carbon environment protection green life


Introduction What mostly causes Climate change is burning fuel.Many years ago, burning fuel provides human warm, lighting and cooked food.It is a great process for human development.According to the speed of burning fossil fuels around the world, the service time of using fossil fuel is brief.Coal will be run out of in 200 years;natural gas can use 50 to 60 years and oil may only last another 45 years.Fossil fuel is the major part of primary energy at present.The quantity of exploiting and burning is large.Problems are coming.The process of exploiting coal is the most typical case of environmental impact that includes damage of land, countryside and water resources.Besides, burning fuels will produce carbon dioxide.Greenhouse effect and Thermal pollution threaten human’s living conditions.Our environment is of great importance for us human beings and we accelerate the development of the environment at the same time.But we have already produced a plenty of things which are bad for environment and ourselves.Such as carbon dioxide sulfur dioxide and so on.So we put forward the concept of environment protection and call on all of us to live a low-carbon life.However, lots of people didn’t do as they said.Because of this, we ought to take action right now, and everyone should do as much as he can.If we are able to make a contribution to our environment, it can make a big difference.This paper expounds the concept of low carbon and environment protection.What is more, it also involves the way to live a low-carbon life.In addition, it tells us what we should do to live a green life.It will help to improve our concept of low-carbon and environment protection.III 1.The concept of environment protection and low carbon

1.1 The concept of environment protection The life we live today should be leaded by environment protection, so it is necessary for everyone to establish the concept of environment protection.We human beings must protect the environment that we live today.What is more, we ought to realize that green life is always around us and we should peruse it all the time.Furthermore, the concept of environment protection should be seen from all sides.We must know the environment we live are pretty important and we need do as much as we can to protect it.The ways to improve the concept of environment protection are from two sides.1、To begin with, if we want to live a green life, we should restrict ourselves at first.Moreover, it is necessary for us to call on others to live a low-carbon life

2、The government ought to put forward a list of regulations to forbid others doing things that is not good for our environment.1.2The concept of low carbon

Low carbon, to us, is a lifestyle that we should try our best to make differences such as never wasting water, using less electricity, reducing the using of petroleum and any other way which can cut down the carbon dioxide content.With the increasing emission of carbon dioxin, the weather in the world gets warmer and warmer gradually.Some snow mountains are melting, and the sea level is rising.In order to stop it, everyone in the world needs to improve the concept of low carbon.Although many countries in the world have done a mass of things to make the concept be known by others, and lots of people have admitted it, the concept should also be strengthened.The concept is very important for our environment and future.In addition, we need to get together to protect our environment and strengthen the concept.So everyone should undertake the duty of environment protection and low-carbon.Only when we do what we said can we make a difference.IV 2.How to live a low-carbon life Low-carbon life, as we can see, is a life that we use less and less energy when we work and study in order to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.And it contributes to reducing the glob warming.It is a duty for all of us to live a low-carbon life.So it is of great necessity to know how to live a low-carbon life.1.When we study or doing something else, it is better for us to use energy-saving lamps not electric light.What is more, it is also a good choice to go to work by bike or by feet not by car.2.In order to save energy, we had better use low brightness when we use computers 3.If possible, we ought to watch TV occasionally and watch books when we have free time, for we can not only save the energy but also learn more things from books.4.It is better for us to use things that can be recycled, and we oughtn’t to throw battery randomly.It is easy to achieve the above requirements, but they play an important role in our low-carbon life.So we can do something which is considered unimportant at first and form a habit about it.And then we can live a green life.Air pollution is formed by many kinds of pollutant.Pollutant spread into the air all around.Primary source of air pollution is from factory emissions, automobile exhaust, burning reclamation and forest fire.The damage of air pollution involves industry damage, climate damage and disease.Atmosphere’s acidic pollutants and other chemical gases can corrode buildings and equipments.Besides, increasing floating dusts will product adverse effects during debugging and using equipments.Air pollution will increase the cost of industry production.On the other hand acid rain from air pollution influenced plants’ normal growth and result acidification.Serious acid rain will killed fish and decline forest.Transportation is convenient for human living, however, automobile exhaust pollution influence air condition.Air pollution also influences weather and climate.Rivers drying up and ozone depletion is derived from air pollution.Low-carbon life stands for a healthier, safer and simper lifestyle.Low carbon is not a behavior but a fashion today, and as students, we should take the responsibility at fist and call on others to live a low-carbon.We must make a contribution to the environment protection.V 3.The ways to achieve low carbon

From all these years, because of the dependence on carbon energy, the emission of carbon dioxin is increasing all these years, thus leading to the glob warming.It has great influence on the environment, economic and even the human beings.In order to settle the problem, low carbon is getting more and more necessary.So we can achieve low carbon from three sides.1.Low carbon of energy Low carbon of energy means that we can use some new energy which is not bad for the environment or have little influence on the weather.There are two kinds of energy that are able to meet our requirements.One is clean energy, such as nuclear and gas.the other is renewable energy, such as wind, solar and so on.2.Low carbon of transportation

The transport consumption today is thirty times higher than before, and the emission of greenhouse gas is so high that it has great influence on the weather.Faced with these difficulties, the change of transportation is necessary.Among all these ways to change the transportation, developing a new means of transportation is a good solution to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas.3.Low carbon of consumption Low carbon of consumption, as we can see, is a new way of consumption in life.It means green consumption, green packaging and recycling.Green consumption also means sustainable consumption;it is a new way of consumption that reduces the damage of environment and protects the ecological.Green packaging, which is a sort of packaging that can be cycled, is aim to reduce the damage to the environment, too.At last, cycling means that when we use something that can be used many times, we had better not throw it away right now and we ought to use it or give it to others, which is good for our environment.VI 4.The ways to achieve Environment protection In recent years, environment issues become more serious as speed development of region economic.It is an important measure of social development that protects the environment and maintains ecological balance.It is also the duty of every citizen.In the environmental science, it is stated that environment is the room around human and all kinds of natural factors that affects human life and development directly.In the millions of years of human history, environment played a big role in starting and developing the civilization of human being.Climate, water source, land and grasslands are material bases that make it possible for human to survive.Also, resources of forest and mineral provide human material to develop constantly.These environmental resources create the human civilization on the earth.However, when human being is making use of the material resources, our living environment has a series of environmental problems.―The publication of such literature as Our Common Future,‖ Zhu Zhongyuan wrote in his thesis in 2005 ―Care for the Earth, and 21st Century Agenda indicates that man’s awareness of water and natural ecological system has changed.‖

There are many lifestyles make more ecologically sound.Electrical energy saving is a way.The important environment protecting activity named ―My Earth Hour‖ is a typical example.Nowadays, we can try an activity named ―Unplugged on weekend‖.How can we unplug on weekend? Having a breakfast without microwave food and turning off mobile phones, computers, televisions, videos and washing machines.We can clean our rooms, write letters to our missing people, cooking a healthy food and read books.This beautiful unplugged weekend can let us turn to the healthy and environmental lifestyle.―Don’t hold things‖ is another environmental lifestyle.―Don’t hold things‖ has six points.Don’t take, don’t buy, don’t save, discarding, replacement and borrowing.Free things are usually not cherished and corner obliviously.Don’t use free plastic bags and free products without need.Don’t buy those things only if ―don’t need‖ products.If you buy many plastic products with cut price and feel satisfying, actually it is wasteful.Form a discarding habits and Learn to find other replacements before buying new products.We also can borrow rarely-used things from others.The third way is low-carbon lifestyle.Using traditional spring wound clock instead of electronic clock.Turn down computers especially displayers when you don’t need them as do any other appliances.Doing exercise without electronic machine and ride bikes rather than drive cars.A neoteric thought of environmental lifestyle is don’t divorce.Breaking a marriage aggravate global warming problem.After divorce it needs more rooms, electric power and water resource.These lifestyles can be more environmental for our earth.VII Public participation is a good way for resolving environmental conflict.Communication roles of public participation can give many thoughts to governments on the internet.Websites can increase environmental protection ways for general public.Media’s function cannot be ignoring.Participator can let public participation have chances to participate in environmental activities.But it has a big problem is that too many opinions so it is difficult to comply with each thought.Environmental issues should be reducing nowadays.We should protect environment while human is developed at the same time.People create ethics to remind environmental awareness.For each person, healthy and green lifestyle could help our life sustained.People also can devote themselves with their works.Resolving environmental conflict needs public participation.That is government’s responsibility.VIII 5.Conclusion

In conclusion, global warming has hazard to cause sea level rise and climate change: it leads to the extinction of plants and animals, while hinders people’s daily life and threatens human society.It also has few positive effects which leading people to focus on reuse, reduce, and recycle.It calls for global concentration that every country takes action to preserve the earth ecosystem.This essay consequently addressed people requiring nurturing the consciousness to conserve the sources, enlightening people to preserve the planet.If people can comprehend the details of Low carbon and environment protection well, they will realize the significance to protect the environment and what we should do in our daily life.If we want to make our environment more beautiful and make our life green.So we should do things even if they are considered to be unimportant and call on others to take part in the environment protection.We believe that environment protection and low carbon can be a part of our life, and we can set up a harmony, green and healthy life.We can make the life style become a fashion.The more attention we paid, the better world will be.IX 6.References Brown, Lester.Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization.New York: Carroll and Graf Publishers, 2005.Print.Keppler, Frank.―Global Warming: The Blame is not with the Plants.‖ Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg.18 Jan.2006.Lecture.Revkin, Andrew C..―Global Warming.‖ New York Times.20 May 2010.Web.10 June 2010.Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet.Boulder: EarthPress, 1993.[I.A] ―Are You A Green Consumer?‖ Consumer Reports 57, no.11(November 1992): 704–707.[III.C] Bernards, Neal, ed.The Environmental Crisis—Opposing Viewpoints.San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1991.[IV] Cebon, Peter.―Corporate Obstacles to Pollution Prevention.‖ EPA Journal 19, no.3(July 1993):20–22.[III.A] Cohen, Mark A.Management 5596: Management of Environmental Issues(syllabus).Vanderbilt University, Nashville, March 1993.[V.A] Mitsch, William J.―Ecological Engineering.‖ Environmental Science and Technology 27, no.3(1993): 438–445.[II.A]

环境英文作文 篇7

Philosophers have initiated a debate on the human nature since the mankind got to probe into itself.Views in the firs group see humans as inherently good.The most famous theory in this group is John Locke’s social contract theory.According to Locke,humans in the state of nature have absolute freedom to make their orders and take their actions,without having to ask permission from anyone else.People are born equal,and willing to treat each other as they would like to be treated.However the second group includes the view that see humans as inherently bad.According to original sin,humans in the state of nature are tarnished by the sin of Adam.Later the group had a more ratio nal speaker,Thomas Hobbes.Hobbes believed that humans in the state of nature would behave“badly”towards one another but he argued that people had every right to defend themselves by whatever means.

Lord of the Flies is the famous British writer,William Gold ing’s masterpiece.It tells us a story,set in the near future,a group of English boys are stranded on a deserted island when their plane is shot down during a nuclear war(an imaginary World WarⅢ).At first,the island seems to be absolutely idyllic and the boys also lead a happy life in the way of the civilized society.But it is not a long time before the boys become hostile,divided and even kill each other.At this time,the wonderful paradise has become a slaughter place.Undoubtedly,no one who has ever read this novel will regard it as a simple adventure story.

Since the publication of Lord of the Flies,reviewers,politicians,historians and psychologists etc.have given so many comments on symbolism,anti-feudalism,morality and human nature.Here,I’d like to represent my thought on Lord of the Flies from another fresh perspective:the influence of surroundings on human behaviors.

Many people hold the argument that Lord of the Flies is a novel that exposes the evil of human nature.But I think quite differently.Whether human nature is good or evil has been a controversial question for several thousand years.In my opinion,it is out considering the influence of the surroundings.There is no doubt that everything is relative,not absolute.In the novel,Lord of the Flies adults’world is just in the shadow of the Third World War,so it is filled with evil then.In that evil-filled world,suppose human nature was evil,we can’t see it clearly.Because,compared with the war(external surroundings),the evil of human nature is not distinct.And if we move our eyes from adults’world to the deserted island,that is another thing.The island is a peaceful,idyllic and purified place where even a little evil will stand out.But it is just on such an island that is the background of the story.On the other hand,from above--mentioned analysis we have noticed that the surroundings undoubtedly play an important role.That’s also the reason why I focus more attention on the study of“The Influence of Surroundings on Human Behavior”.

Considering the whole plot of the story,we admit the theme of the novel is to reveal the evil of human nature.But I think the evil results from external conditions,not is born with.In Chapter Six,Beast from air appears(a dead parachutist,who has been shot down in an air battle).If we are careful enough,we’ll find it is after children take the body for beast that Ralph,who stands for reason,loses his dominant position.Therefore,here,the body of the parachutist plays a vital role.We should pay more attention to this point.And meanwhile we can get an indication:war—body—Beast—evil.Perhaps the author didn’t want to emphasize that,but the story itself reveals that fact.Those who try to find reason in“evil of human nature”probably don’t notice the turning point at all.In fact,war(external conditions)has been behind the story.The cause of the story is the war and the ending is also connected with the war.

Another interesting phenomenon provides a further basis.In the story there are six assemblies and six trips to the mountains.Assemblies stand for reason because children elect Ralph as their leader and discuss on rescue through it.Beast appears on the mountain and it is also on the mountain that Piggy is killed and some other cruel incidents happen,so mountain is the symbol of savagery.Western reviewer Philip Ladderpass made an analysis of the order of“Assemblies”(A)and“Trips to the mountains”(M).The result is as follows:


Ladderpass point out that the first two“A”is ahead of“M”because reason is in the dominant position at the very beginning of the story.But later reason turns to be in an inferior position,so the last four“A”is behind“M”.It is worth mentioning that the change of the order happens just after the appearance of Beast from air.And thus we conclude that human nature becomes evil under the influence of external conditions.

An important reason why many people think Lord of the Flies exposes“evil of human nature”is the conversation between Lord of the flies and Simon.

“Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!”

“You knew,didn’t you?I’m part of you?”

Surely,Lord of the Flies is considered the symbol of evil.But this“internal Beast”appears in Chapter Eight,whereas,the dead parachutist—“external Beast”appears in Chapter Six.That’s,“external beast”is ahead of“internal Beast”.Judging from the order we can arrive at the same conclusion that human nature becomes evil after the external conditions have changed.

At the end of the story,an officer,who commands a British cruiser—a warship,steps on the island because he seeing the smoke on the island.Now the children are saved.Burst into tears,boys mourn their evil deeds on the island:

“And in the middle of them,with filthy body,matted hair,and unwiped nose,Ralph wept for the end of innocence,the darkness of man’s heart,and the fall through the air of the true,wise friend called Piggy.

Here,I’d like to raise a question:Are the boys really saved?The officer comes from the war—a crueler killing among adults,whose conditions are much worse than the boys’.Being“saved”,boys return to the adults’world again.And therefore,we relatively feel the boys’good nature again.

In conclusion,Lord of the Flies cannot be simply considered to be a story that exposes the evil of human nature,but one that reveals the evil of human nature in certain surroundings.In fact,Lord of the Flies is a thoroughly serious and modern novel,presenting a universal problem that is really worth our thinking.


[1]William Golding.Lord of the Flies[M].Beijing:The Commer cial Press,1987.








