环境保护调查报告 英文版


环境保护调查报告 英文版(通用8篇)

环境保护调查报告 英文版 篇1

The Survey Report about Environmental Protection

I’ve made a survey and find that the environmental problems around us are becoming more and more serious with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.There is no denying the fact that environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today.Wherever we go today, we can find the phenomenon of environmental pollution.The whole ecological balance of the earth is chancing.Massive destruction of environment has brought negative and even poses a great treat to human’s existence.Guilin is a beautiful tourism city.“The landscape of Guilin is the best of haven” is the best summarization.Though Guilin is beautiful, but it hidden a kind of “peculiar color “.Because there are some people pay no attention to the hygiene of environment, leading some disharmony “spot”.Under my teacher’s guidance, I’ve made a survey about the environment around us.White Pollution The invention of paper has been made the civilization of mankind developing rapidly.However, the white and clean papers have made terrific pollution to the surrounding environment.First, there are a mess of white, yellow, green……paper in our class and school’s landfill every day, making us dazzling which piled up there.Second, the disposable goods are convenient to use in our modern life, but there are many problems should not be ignored have appeared.The

disposable goods not only waste the resources, but also pollute the environment.For example, we go the canteen to have meals, a lot of students are used to using disposable lunch-box and chopsticks in order to convenient to use.As a result, there will be more disposable goods discarded, thereby resulting in more environmental pollution.Water Pollution The water is one of the most important resources that mankind rely for existence.With the fast development of industry and agriculture, the waste water is being poured continuously into rivers and seas.The water resource was polluted more and more serious, the edible water to human beings is becoming less and less.Air Pollution If there is no air, human can’t live in this planet.Just like fish can’t live without water.In order to pursue the development of economy, the environment has paid the heavy price.The cars give off poisonous gas and the smoke from factory chimney pollutes the air.The badly polluted air can cause illness, and even death.After all, what is the point of economic growth if mankind’s lives are adversely affected by worsening environmental pollutions?

There is no short run other than protecting environment absolutely tanking.All of us should join in.The environment is everything around us, it concerns everyone, our gestures and expressions can’t leave it.Protecting the environment should start from myself, from now on.There are many little things we can do for the environmental protection in many aspects in our daily life.For example, taking public transportations, going on foot, riding on a bicycle, using less disposable, don’t dropping litter carelessly, saving water and electricity gas energy, food and water.If everyone can act on doing something to protect our common homeland, we shall have a cleaner and nicer planet in the future.

环境保护调查报告 英文版 篇2

Emscher Park is the recovery of an industrial area among the most degraded sites in Europe. In a post-industrial economic decline, the Ruhr region has found a new solution on shrinking becoming an icon of urban, economic, social and environmental change (Brown, 2001).

In the 1950’s and 1960’s, the industries of the Ruhr Valley have held an important role in German economic development. The gradual loss of competitiveness has led to an inevitable abandonment of sites in the 1970’s, with a consequent increase of the unemployment rate (La Belle,2001). In 1989, a partnership between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, local municipalities and private companies promoted the IBA Emscher Park: an ambitious renewal program of an area of 115 square miles along the Emscher River. In ten years (1989-1999) IBA sponsored approximately one hundred projects that satisfy the criteria of architectural quality, public accessibility, energy and environmental conservation, social cooperation, self-organization and low maintenance costs (Kunzmann, 2004).

The IBA Initiative started with an ecological transformation of the territory through the re-naturalization of the river Emscher, the redevelopment of derelict industrial land and the reconstruction of the natural habitat. The ecological sensitivity of the design approach is exemplified by the Docklands Duisberg: a new urban waterfront that incorporates different activities and brings back the water within the city.

In the process of regeneration, the IBA also intends to preserve the industrial heritage, to enhance the value of local settlement systems and promote the cultural industries within the park to create new jobs (Arbeiten im Park). The monumental industrial structures, guardians of the memory of the work of the past, now have a new meaning thanks tothe creative reuse of their spaces. A flagship example of adaptive reconversion is Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord.It occupies the site of the former Thyssen steelworks in Duisburg-Meiderich that was shut down in 1985(Figure1).The designers Latz + Partners won the competition organized by IBA Emscher Park to transform the site into an industrial park of over 500 hectares. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the site, the project involves the conservation and reuse of most of the existing industrial structures. Through sensitive operations, a program with new uses has been introduced progressively in the area: a former furnace hosts an outdoor theater for concerts and shows, a gas tank has become a training camp for divers, a coal storage bunker is now used by the local mountaineering club. Other industrial spaces host performances characterized by international music(Figure2),a small experimental theater and a hard rock disco. The multicolored night lighting emphasizes the monumentality of the structures and it defines new landmarks within the landscape. The park is managed by a small partnership between the state, the local government and various local NGOs, and it has become an important tourist attraction for the region.

The experience of IBA Initiative represents a laboratory of ideas and approaches for the regeneration of brownfields.The long-term process of renewal adopts an experimental strategy of multi-purposed development and it is an example of top-down planning that crosses bottom-up initiatives.

Therefore, the approach is radical in the idea of sustainable and cultural development, in the selection and realization of the projects. The innovative aspect consists in considering ecology as a linchpin of the regeneration of the regional economy and in wanting to transform the brownfields in an infrastructure of open spaces and creative activities.The conservation of the industrial heritage is encouraged through temporary uses(Figure3). Events and art exhibitions take place in forgotten places becoming an opportunity for the community to meet, and then it all is consolidated in the cultural centrality (museums, theaters, cultural associations...).As a final result, these marginal spaces are transformed into new civic places.

Figure 1:Thyssen Steelworks manufacturing plant in the 1950s

Figure 2: Landschaftspark

The transformation of the Ruhr is an example of the balance between the ecological, cultural and social sustainability and the promotion of the innovation. The ecological recovery of soils, the restoration and the reuse of industrial heritage show how cultural, design and industrial capacities can work together.

The IBA Initiative is also significant because it involves various actors and especially as it pays attention to initiatives of local communities. Through the use of marketing and the media (light installations events, music festivals, art shows)and an intense work of branding, the area now has a new competitive image, strengthening the identity of the territory.

This case study proves how often these waiting sites need projects: soft operations with large-scale action are fundamental, rather than self-referential architecture.

2 Temporary use strategies in creating post-industrial identity: The case of Sulzer-Areal Site in Winterthur,Switzerland

Industrialization has always shaped sites and regions, and so does de-industrialization. Both processes involve structural transformations and conflicts between conservation and change (Oevermann, & Mieg, 2015). In the industrial heritage regeneration practice, temporary-use (Zwischennuztung) is a new model from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. When the developer's economic power is not enough to start the regeneration process or the property ownership is not clear,the temporary uses are encouraged, which could breed out the most suitable long-term adaptive reuse (Dong, & Hou,2012). Sulzer-Areal, as industrial heritage site has a tangible as well as an intangible dimension. The tangible dimension concerns the buildings, infrastructure, and technical equipment of a site; the intangible dimension concerns knowledge, practices, traditions, associations, and symbolic connotations. Furthermore, the intangible dimension includes the societal value given to the heritage site (Oevermann, &Mieg, 2015). Industrial success shapes the urban form and culture of Winterthur more than any other city in Switzerland.Historically, Wintherthur is known as a hard-working industrial city(Figure4). Due to the economic global crisis in the1930s, many industries experienced a severe drop in sales,and subsequent layoffs (Oevermann, & Mieg, 2014). However,after the Second World War, which Switzerland had survived without any damage, the country experienced a golden point for its export industries. During these years, industrial sites were hidden from the public eye by its gates. While photographs carefully documented the industrial products,there was no debate about the beauty of industrial sheds.In the 1970s, major changes happened in the industrial sector, which changed the perception of urban space and cultural values (Bartschi, 2011). In the 1980s, contrary to the decline of the productive industries, financial services sector triggered a change in social values: “American” principles of quick money replaced engineering virtues, which caused price rising in city centers (Hofer, 1999). The old Sulzer-Areal industrial sector is right by the historic center of Winterthur and its central station. Since 1834, when the Sulzer brothers built it as a foundry, this factory complex has spread out as far as the Zurich railway line, forming an exceptionally dense urban fabric, which occupies a surface area of over sixteen hectares. Even today its enormous industrial buildings and iron and steel production installations, with imposing bridge cranes on rails and gigantic diesel engines, remain intact and are an emblematic witness to the golden age of Swiss mechanical engineering (Bordas, 2006). From the 1980s,different solutions were proposed for its post-industrial future.In 1992, Sulzer invited eight international architecture offices to an architectural modification in the area of problematic existing buildings. Jean Nouvel and Emmanuel Catani won the competition from Paris, with a project called “Megalou”.Although, due to a delaying appeal by Switzerland’s traffic club against the high number of parking spaces granted by the Wintherthur administration in the 1996 planning consent,the project failed. After that, the Sulzer site was considered for temporary uses such as the following: the Architecture Department of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences(ZHAW) occupied Halle 180 since 1992, restaurants, studios,Company Offices, and recreational facilities. A rethinking of the strategy on the side of the property, which, in 2001,rejected the operation owing to the size of the investments,was required. Instead of intervening on the existing buildings,it was decided to turn them into public spaces, which had the twofold function of connecting the Sulzer-Areal sector with the rest of the city, while preserving its nature (Bordas, 2006).In the end the intervention focused on the far northeastern end of the complex, the one closest to the historic center of Winterthur and the station. Work was done on three free interstitial spaces that are clearly bounded by the presence of the industrial buildings around them. The most important part is Katharina Sulzer Platz, which connects the main road with the street that runs alongside the railway lines(Figure5). At the northern end of the central strip there are three-square pools with water that reflect the facades of the buildings. A number of chairs are scattered on the gravel(Figure6).Indeed, on the south side of Katharina Sulzer Platz the original rails are still conserved and along them a large crane, which has been restored, can move as well as a new platform that can serve as the setting for various events. Another action point is the Pionierpark; a courtyard surrounded by the oldest constructions and built on an old coal mine. Lastly, a metal drainage channel has been embedded in the paving to mark the route to the square.

Figure 3:Landschaftspark

Figure 4:The city of Winterthur,its railway network,and the Sulzer industrial sites

3 Amsterdam, NDSM shipyard hall, adaptive re-use through a bottom-up urban policy

In the late 1990 the city of Amsterdam underwent deep urban changes that contributed to the radical turn of the city’s urban policies. The northern bank of the Ij river was until the ’80s the inland harbor, and the ships construction industry site; as in the rest of Europe the sudden process of de-industrialization and industries dislocation (Arrighi,1996) led to the abandonment of these areas turning them into derelict brownfields. In the meanwhile the city center ran into processes of gentrification and real estate investments pushing out of the city center the former inhabitants, squatters and informal creative groups. In the late ‘90s there were many re-development processes that involved the devalued real estate assets of the city, and various different strategies of intervention for re-enhancing their value while trying to attract investments and wealth.

Under the pressure of the citizens, squatters, and alternative cultural scene, that claimed low rent and a more active role in the renewal of dismantled zones in general,the Amsterdam municipality decided to propose an unusual planning strategy, consisting in co-opting in the valorization processes non-institutional creative elements (i.e. those with the capacity to produce innovation) that until then had been relegated to the margins of the city. This strategy was adopted by the Amsterdam municipality to renew and boost the redevelopment of the northern Ij bank, choosing to reuse the existing building stock: this is the case of the NDSM,Nederlandse Droogdok en Scheepsbouw Mattschappij,docks area(Figure7).

Figure 5:Alongside the mobile platform there is another one,perforated at random by a series of round beds in which trees grow,forming a sculptural group

Figure 6:The central zone of the square is covered with pressed sand,square pools and a number of chairs,which recalls the rails of the cranes that crossed the space

The NDSM docks were property of the city municipality and were part of a wider neighborhood redevelopment project.The Municipality starting from the re-use of a single part, The NDSM shipyard hall, promoted the valorization of a bigger area(2sqkm) in the northern bank. The aim was to produce, through a relatively low investment, a space centered on cultural activities that would bring that forgotten part of Amsterdam back into people’s minds (Oswalt, 2013). This renewed popularity would “attract potential investors and renters and[…] allow a vibrant mixture of uses to develop”(Oswalt, 2013).

The process of reuse and redevelopment started when,in 1999, the municipality promoted a public ideas competition to support temporary uses in the NDSM shipyard hall. The competition was awarded to a group named Kinetisch Noord,a group coming from the former Amsterdam squatter scene;the building was entrusted for ten years. KN parceled the huge building to promote a multifunctional attitude toward artistic,cultural, leisure practices.

The building is a huge industrial shed (20.000sqm, 20 mt high), “generic” enough to be turned into a complex, flexible and jointed place. As in the Cedric Price utopias, the shed allows multipurpose use and a broad offer of commercial,creative and recreational services(Figure8).

Kinetisch Noord in 2000 and started to re-invent that space through the urban strategy named “Die stad als casco” (the city as a shell), the NDSM shipyard was the shell in which through open design workshops and the participation of designers, artists, activists and the civil society the whole city could take part in the renewal and regeneration of a city neighborhood. Inside the NDSM shipyard hall as concrete and iron shell, two were the main issues: one was the infrastructure, meaning water, electricity and heat supply,and the second was the partition of the shed into functional zones, small studio-boxes made out of containers with a DIY attitude, a skate park, a restaurant, actors studios and a theatre, an open space for a market (Inti, 2014).

The project could take place through the concurrence of three specific factors: the Broesplaatsfonds, a social security system to boost creative industries that sustained the people involved in the project, the availability of free/low budget space, and a support of 10 mln euros from the municipality.

The NDSM community, at first independently and maybe in opposition with the real estate market and investments produced what can be called a non-monetary value (Kiss, 2014), or better a symbolic value that in a short time generated positive externalities on the surrounding environment attracting new investments.

Metaphorically we could say that the NDSM regeneration process succeeded in producing an urban synecdoche(Augoyard, 1979), that is a part of a neighborhood becomes the symbol for the entire zone.

The NDSM shipyard hall was an abandoned space which embodied an economic potential energy (Fabian, 2012), that has been released through its productive and ecological renewal with a relatively low economic investment.

This is a case of a brownfield urban recycling, rescued from demolition and capable now of producing a low cost urban regeneration.

Figure 7:NDSM docks,2014

Figure 8:NDSM Shipyard hall,interior,2015

The production of innovations, micro-economies, creative milieu, subcultural communities and alternative lifestyles (Zukin,1989) within the NDSM shipyard hall marks the turn of a space,that was literally an empty box, into a place with new urban relevance and significance(Figure9).

The NDSM shipyard hall produced such positive externalities that the surrounding plots of the neighborhood increased their land value and became a bargain for real estate investors.

4 Conclusions

These three specific cases play a relevant role in the understanding of the renewed regeneration strategies for the European industrial heritage stock.

As we could see the issue is widespread all over Europe and elsewhere.

Nowadays, also due to the contemporary economic crisis,new strategies for the recycling and reuse are needed.

The three case studies show how challenging these adaptive reuse processes have been; their comparison highlights some common issues that are relevant for all those countries that own a devalued and abandoned post-industrial heritage stock.

One of the main issue is the evidence that when we talk about industrial heritage we are not talking just about the physical shape of the city, but instead the study of this item involves a lot of social and symbolical issues that must be taken into account.

To start with there are three main values to underline:a brownfield is portion of land that has temporarily lost its intrinsic significance but still preserves some historical and cultural values and some environmental values; thus a brownfield preserves a potential energy that can be released with the regeneration process that correctly enhances these values.

As we could observe the environmental issue was common to all three case studies, and for the Emscher site it was the trigger to start the regeneration of the site and to support the ecological awareness of the people. At the same time to preserve and enhance cultural and historical values it is fundamental to keep a social continuity, keeping low the conflict level and supporting integration. Moreover,as we could observe in the NDSM regeneration process, theemerging of new social groups, subcultural communities is the mean through which a space acquires new significance both from a spatial and a social point of view.

Figure 9:NDSM Events and installations,2010

This new significance is the first step toward the valorization, first symbolic and then economic, of the industrial heritage.

This shift from a sphere of meaning to another is reached progressively - see the long term program for the Sulzer Areal; it is achieved with the overlapping of temporary uses,flexible spaces, intensity of transformation, the empowerment of local communities, the management of a complexity of stakeholders and through participatory and inclusive processes. It is rarely the result of an architectural design,or a brief program, and generally seems not to suit the real estate investments time frame, but in the long run, as we could observe for all the three case studies, the positive externalities produced by this long time processes have a deeper impact on the economic valorization of the surrounding land.

Source of Figures

Figure 1:source from Thyssen Krupp Konzernarchiv,Duisburg

Figure 2:photo by Thomas Berns

Figure 3 :photo by Thomas Berns

Figure 4 :source from publication: Mieg, Harald A., & Oevermann,Heike. Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformation: Clash of Discourses.New York [M]. Routledge, 2014.

Figure 5 :source from website: Bordas, David B. Sulzerareal Winterthur(Switzerland), 2004. (2006)[2016-02-09], website: http://www.publicspace.org/en/works/d214-sulzerareal

Fig 6 :source from website: Vetschpartner. Landezine. (2010)[2016-02-09], website: http://www.landezine.com/index.php/2010/12/thesulzer-areal-by-vetschpartner-landscape-architecture/

Fig 7:photo by Vera de Kok(Creative Commons)

Fig 8:photo by Jip Bosch(Creative Commons)

调查报告:用英文如何写 篇3


















调查报告的撰写 :







I recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook…






①…surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook.

②…80% of the students were quite satisfied with it. …15% disliked it and 5% had no opinion.

③…the pictures with the texts were very attractive, … aroused their interests in learning.

④…some students complained more new words and difficult sentences.

⑤ …the new English textbook has helped most students improve their English enormously.



One possible version:

I recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook.

According to the survey, 80% of the students were quite satisfied with it, while 15% disliked it and 5% had no opinion. Students who liked it said the pictures with the texts were very attractive, which greatly aroused their interests in learning. Moreover, the book was very interesting, covering many hot topics and providing lots of cultural knowledge of the world. However, students who disliked it complained there were too many new words and difficult sentences, making the texts difficult to understand.

In conclusion, the new English textbook has helped most students improve their English enormously.

Group 1 leader Li Ming




高级词汇:satisfy, attractive, arouse, provide, complain…

复杂句式: …while 15% disliked it and 5% had no opinion.

…which greatly aroused their interests in learning.

…making the texts difficult to understand.

恰当的过渡:while, moreover, however,…

3. 第二段的时态也可用现在时;


(1)下面的饼状图(pie chart)显示了你对你校学生兴趣爱好的调查结果。请你用英语给English Weekly写一篇短文,报道你的调查结果,并对此结果发表你的看法或建议。字数120词左右。首句已给出(不计入词数)。

A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time.

One possible version:

A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time.

From the pie chart, we can see 53% of the students like sports, so doing sports is the most popular activity in our school. The second popular activity for students is surfing the internet and 36% of the students have interest in it. Only a few students, about 8 percent of them, take reading as a hobby. And even fewer are fond of playing musical instruments.

In my point of view, our school should have more sports facilities built to satisfy the need of the students. Guidance should be given to students on surfing the Internet and ways must be found to arouse students’ interests in reading and music.


注意:1.词数120左右。2. 可适当增加细节,使短文内容完整。

One possible version:

A survey based on 1000 students finds nearly half of pupils and 80% of middle school students sleep fewer than eight hours every night. And too much homework is the main reason. Some homework is given by school teachers, and some by parents. Another reason lies in students’ bad habits. Some students, for example, are absent-minded while doing homework. Or some do not make good use of their after-class time. All this can be a great waste of time, the study said. The third reason is also worth mentioning. Some students have to get up early on weekends to get to school far away from home on time by bus or by bike.

Educational experts are calling on schools and parents to cut down the amount of homework, and students to use their time constructively, so that the children can enjoy at least 8 hours of sleep for their healthy growth. And it would be best if they could choose to study in a nearby school.

保护环境初中英文作文 篇4

With the global warming getting worse, more people choose to live a low-carbon life for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases.

We’d better save much water and paper and electricity. We should use less carbon and oil. It’s important to turn off the lights and computers when you leave the room. We should take our own bags in shopping instead of using plastic bags from the supermarket. We can buy few clothes which are unnecessary. We shouldn’t buy or use one-off cups or chopsticks or bowls. It’s good for us to walk or take bikes to school instead of taking cars. We can also plant more trees to change air around us.

Let’s take action and be a low-carbon people!

保护环境的英文演讲稿 篇5

My name is zhang guotao.Today I am very excited to stand here to tell you about environment.

When I was youngI always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country. There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing. The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment. Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment. Taking care of our environment is very important.wherever you liveyou can do something around your neighbourhood.

Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are “No”it means that you have already helped protect our environment.

It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself“Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?”If your answers are“Yes”it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.

英文版辞职报告 篇6


①Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am leaving my position with XXX company on August 7.


②I have allowed 3days prior to my departure for assisting in the transition process.


③Although I have enjoyed my job, I have received an offer for another company that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.


④Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.

⑤I regret having to resign from my position. I wish you and XXX the best of luck and future success.


⑥If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.




(your full name)

环境保护调查报告 英文版 篇7

Nowadays, English has become an international language and it has been used widely in international community. In China, from elementary education to tertiary education, English has always been set as a required course and occupied a considerable amount of time in teaching. So it is obvious for us to realize the importance of English teaching.

In the meanwhile, the rapid development of network technique and its extensive use in elementary and secondary school offer wide spaces and chances for the reform of teaching methods and models. Network teaching and related research have become an important part of educational reform in our country in the 21st century. Therefore, it is significant for us to pay more attention to study how to use network resources to make the combination of network teaching and classroom teaching, so as to enhance the quality and effect of teaching and learning.

2. Middle School English Teaching in the Network Environment

From listening, speaking, reading and writing to the specific use of language and actual communication, this is a necessary and effective process for grasping a foreign language. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic skills of learning English, and they are four main segments for middle school English teaching under the network environment. The following section will state how to explore the four skills and use their characteristics to serve for the English teaching and learning in middle school under the network environment, which will optimize teaching design and improve the level of middle school English teaching.

2.1 Middle School English Listening Teaching in the Network Environment

Listening as the entry of English learning, we can’t truly grasp a foreign language without listening and its practice. We should take some measures to improve English listening by making full use of network function and its resources. First, improve English listening in virtue of internet radio. English radios in the internet have more clear tone quality and students can hear the current news and anecdotes around the world timely. Through the fresh information, students could feel the animated attraction of language. So it is easy to stimulate students’ interests in listening. In addition, we can make full use of English songs. Singing English songs is also a good way to improve the level of English listening. Some studies show that singing English songs is an ideal method to create English teaching environment. Because of English songs’ lively melody and dulcet voice, we may get unexpected teaching effects through listening and singing them.

2.2 Middle School Spoken English Teaching in the Network Environment

Language learning is a bilateral or multilateral communicative activity, which requires students to use the language they have learnt to exchange information with others. It is important for them to communicate feelings and maintain interpersonal relationship. We think the following network teaching strategies will offer great help to improve students’ English speaking ability. First, use English to organize teaching, and make a well atmosphere for English communication. As for any language, only students get enough input information can they have good output ability. Therefore, in daily teaching, it is quite significant to organize students by using English. Moreover, positive dialogue and promote speaking through talking. The popularization and maturity of network technique provides a communication platform for teachers, students, and some people from English-speaking countries. Students could find language communicators through on-line chat tools, such as QQ, MSN, and Micro blog. In the network environment, everyone can boldly choose their interlocutors, and this kind of practice will unconsciously improve students’ verbal ability.

2.3 Middle School English Reading Teaching in the Network Environment

Utilizing network resources to teach English reading is a new way to cultivate students’ reading ability. English reading in the network environment has the characteristics of wideness, sharing and immediacy. But it doesn’t mean that students could browse the websites aimlessly. The premise of English reading is to build a network resource library to meet students’ needs. The build process can be divided into three steps: First, confirm the theme. English reading in middle school should stick to the textbooks, pay more attention to students’ knowledge structure, and properly supply extracurricular knowledge. Second, search and download. As for the narrow topic, students can use search engine, but for the wide theme, students should search from classified websites. This way can avoid the trouble of the second choice. Third, integrate related materials. Not all materials in the internet are beneficial, and they have different degrees of difficulty. Materials after scientific combination could deepen students’ understanding for the textbooks. And in the course of supplying knowledge, students’ reading initiative can be stimulated and their reading ability can be improved.

2.4 Middle School English Writing Teaching in the Network Environment

Middle school English writing teaching in the network environment means to carry out English writing teaching in middle school by virtue of network technology. There are many new characteristics about English writing teaching in the network environment. And we may sufficiently use these new traits in practical teaching. First, introduce more reading materials from internet to weaken writing rules and back to the essence of communication. With the development and openness of information technology, we can use the network platform, such as BBS, to enlarge reading materials. Through this way, students can experience the sense of achievement, and their writing interests may be motivated. In addition, promote students’ writing skills by writing E-mails for E-pals. Through writing E-mails, Chinese students can make friends with middle school students in English-spoken countries. And through communicating with foreign friends, Chinese students can promote their own national awareness and global consciousness.

3. The Development Strategies of Middle School English Teaching in the Network Environment

Through surveying, a large number of teachers in middle school have paid more attention to multimedia network teaching, however, there is little substantial change in their teaching mode. At most, multimedia network replaces the blackboard, the courseware downloaded from internet and the existing English teaching software substitute for the previous teachers’ lesson preparation. Though, teachers put more contents in their teaching, but their teaching means, students’ study methods and the interaction between teachers and students are not improved. Therefore, in order to make full use of network resources, we should take some measures to solve the problems mentioned above. For example, to make a reasonable combination between multimedia network teaching courseware and teachers’ teaching style, to create a multimedia network teaching environment to improve middle school English teaching and to cultivate a new relationship between teachers and students in the network environment.

4. Conclusion

The combination of information technology and English teaching is the development tendency of new era. Web-based teaching is different from traditional face to face teaching, which constructs an ideal learning environment through effectively integrating information technology and English teaching. In this environment, teacher and students can quickly gain information and communicate with each other without limitations, which is benefit for cultivating students’ creativity and promoting students’ all-round development.

As a novel teaching mode, middle school English teaching in the network environment should adequately achieve the goal of openness, autonomy, creating the most suitable study environment for students and providing a more convenient communication mode for the interaction of teacher and students. With the deepen of English teaching reform and the improvement of English teaching mode, there is on doubt that the combination of information technology and English teaching will foster more excellent students with autonomous learning ability and comprehensive English ability, and finally it will make a great contribution to the development of our country in the future.


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环境保护调查报告 英文版 篇8

《TEFAF 2016 全球艺术市场报告》中文版由上海文化艺术品研究院编译,上海自贸区国际艺术品交易中心联合发布。此次《TEFAF报告》撰写人克莱尔·麦克安德鲁(Clare McAndrew)首次亲临现场,对《TEFAF报告》作深入的解读。TEFAF艺术市场报告于每年3月初在欧洲艺术古董博览会(TEFAF)期间发布。作者麦克安德鲁是经济学博士,自2008年开始从经纪人、拍卖行以及研究机构收集数据,跟踪全球艺术市场的逐年变化,进行全面调研分析,目前这份报告已确立了国际权威性。

今年的TEFAF艺术市场报告显示,2015年全球艺术品市场销售额达到了 640亿欧元,较 2014 年略有回调,是持续三年强劲增长后的首次轻度下滑。2015年全球艺术品市场由三大艺术品市场主导:美国(43%)、英国(21%)、中国(19%)。销售额同比下降7%,低于2014年的682亿美元的历史最高纪录。销售量(交易数量)也同比下降了 2%,总量为3810 万件。《TEFAF报告》指出 2015 年全球艺术品市场呈现出两极化的发展趋势,并探讨了各细分市场、全球财富和艺術品收藏的模式变化、艺术品博览会和网络销售的增长,以及艺术品市场对经济的影响。



