


申请美国大学的文书素材选择 篇1














•300: 极为特殊的身份—黄黑混血儿

•250: 父母特殊情况—市级干部、上市公司高管

•150: 特殊的成长环境—父母过世、孤儿、家暴受害者、残疾、非中国籍(发展中国家)•100: 特殊的成长环境—逆境、人生变故、重大疾病、非中国籍(母语非英语的发达国家)•80: 坚持了五年以上的特殊习惯

•70: 父母影响—校友、大学教授、企业家、子承父业 •50: 自身特殊情况—不同的性取向、严重但不致命的错误 •45: 人生感悟及跨文化经历 •20: 坚持了一年以上的特殊习惯 •10: 丰富的日常生活—实习、乐团

•-5: 日常生活—参加SAT考试、学习物理

•-20: 无意义的日常生活—家务劳动、体育运动 •-50: 无意义的日常生活—吃饭、喝水



•200: 影响了数万人—少年作家

•100: 影响了万人—正规国际比赛奖项 •60: 影响了五千人—正规国家比赛奖项 •40: 影响了千人—三好学生、校报编辑

•30: 影响了百人—社团创始人、有成果的社区服务、网络意见领袖 •20: 影响了数十人—活动领导

•-5: 影响了十人—帮助同学解答问题、支教、募捐

•-20: 影响了至亲或死党—家务劳动、恋爱、疾病、体育运动 •-50: 私生活—吃饭、喝水


每一个经历的坐标在确定以后,将落在四个象限中的一个,按照逆时针顺序,我们有: 1.探索者(Adventurer):这是最优先出现在留学文书中的素材。在这样的经历里,学生既对周围的世界产生的巨大影响,自身也同时有了极大转变,因此会非常有话可说。一般的美国大学申请者均需要找出两三个落在此象限中的事例,并优先用在重要性较大的留学文书中(例如Common申请系统的主文书)。绝大部分的文书题目期待的也是这种类型经验的分享。2.领袖(Leader):在这一类型的素材里学生自身的存在感差了一些,但是他为身边人群所付出的努力已被证明是有充分回报的。一般多元化并强调政治正确的公立大校会希望通过专门的题目来了解申请者在这方面的情况。

3.凡人(Everybody):普通人在大多数时候的生存状态。无论是作者还是读者都很了解,所以一般没有必要再大肆渲染了。偶尔有留学文书题目会涉及到相关的情况,大多数情况照实回答即可。例外的是对自己留级、违纪或屡次转学等负面情况的解释,这是需要仔细考虑的。4.哲学家(Philosopher):对于非同寻常的状况,一定有必要解释清楚并体现在自身成长中发生的作用。但即便是私人独有想法和见解,仍不失为一种对核心申请文书的很好补充,能够更加立体的呈现学生形象。强调博雅教育(liberal arts education)精英名校很希望通过留学文书这一途径来考察申请者的思维深度和与学校文化的契合度。



•(170, 25):学生的父亲是一名救火队员,后英勇殉职。学生一开始不能理解这种选择,但在随后的数月里逐渐意识到了他父亲所代表的「责任感」的深刻意义,于是身体力行,在学业上、家庭上和社区服务上都有了一定的成就。横轴在150的基础上考虑到父亲的职业背景酌情增加。纵轴依据活动的客观影响力界定在20与30之间。

•(80, 60):学生组织兴趣社团翻译冷门的时政海外新闻,运营自己的公众号和网站。注意一般情况下纵坐标这块没有这么高,是因为切入点比较讨巧,美国学校会欣赏,无形中加大了活动在他们心中的分量。

•(20, 60):学生自小参加国家级合唱团,参与过数百场国内外演出,与老师和同学们结下了深厚友情。横轴考虑到是一个长期习惯,本应该在80左右,但合唱本身还是比较常规的活动,而且再加上仅仅是团体活动中的一分子,所以要减小到20。纵轴也是考虑到经历本身的性质也由国际性影响力的80基准值减小到60。

•(80, 40):学生随研究机构在西部志愿并义务发放药品,意外的发现药品的原材料即是产自当地。本身材料比较中规中矩,但横轴加了20分是因为这个研究机构刚出了中国第一个科研方面的诺贝尔奖。

•(80, 0):学生在国内上的大学,从计算机换到医学,然后发现不大喜欢就gap然后直接申请转到美国学校学数学。属于乖乖女的类型,唯一能说得上的领导力体现是在高中阶段竞选上了班长。在充分发挥这一点的基础上,我们利用了中美医学院性质的不同,凸显了学生的优秀,把本来可能被认为是负面影响的转专业经历处理成了学生的最大优势。

•(60, 10):因为家庭投资的缘故,学生要横跨半个美国安排一次搬家,也要代替语言不通的母亲和当地的房东一一沟通租一个满意的house。遇到的逆境在横轴上加分不少,也特别注意了强调对自己家庭责任感和沟通能力的培养,因此纵轴也有一些加成。•(40,-5):学生处在青春叛逆期,但在去美国首都参观的过程中被国父们的进取精神所感染,最终浪子回头并发奋图强。作为相对重要的人生感悟在横轴上可能有30左右,但是加上国际化视角有一点适当的加分。对他人的影响力基本上就可以忽略不计了。


申请美国大学入学文书范本 篇2

I guess it was inevitable that I’d be on hockey skates at some point in my life, but I did not expect that I’d become one of a rare group of female ice hockey officials before I even reached high school. Being born into a family of hockey players and figure skaters, it seemed that my destiny had already been decided.

Right from the beginning, my two older brothers and my father strapped me up and threw me onto the ice. I loved it and, in my mind, I was on my way to becoming a female Gretzky! But my mom had to think of something fast to drag her little girl away from this sport of ruffians. Enter my first hot pink figure skating dress! That was all it took to launch fifteen years of competitive figure skating. Even though figure skating soon became my passion, I always had an unsatisfied yearning for ice hockey. It took a great deal of convincing from my parents that competitive figure skating and ice hockey didn’t mix. My compromise became refereeing ice hockey; little did I know that I was beginning an activity that would influence my character and who I am today. When I began, I would only work with my dad and brothers. Everyone was friendly and accepting because I had just started. I soon realized though that to get better I needed to start refereeing with people I wasn’t related to, and that’s when my experience drastically changed. An apologetic smile and an “I’m sorry” wasn’t going to

get me through games now. As I began officiating higher-level games and dealing with more arrogant coaches, I suddenly entered a new male-dominated world, a world I had never experienced before. My confidence was shot, and all I wanted to do was get through each game and be able to leave. Sometimes I was even too scared to skate along the teams’ benches because I would get upset by what the coaches would yell to me. “Do you have a hot date tonight, ref?” was a ty///picment that coaches would spit at me during the course of a game. In their eyes, I did not belong on that ice, and they were going to do whatever they could do to make sure no women wanted to officiate their games. I was determined not to let them chase me off the ice.

I made the decision to stand up for myself. I never responded rudely to the coaches, but I did not let them walk all over me and destroy my confidence anymore. I started to act and feel more like the 4-year certified Atlantic District Official that I am. There were still a few situations that scared me. One time I called a penalty in a championship game during the third overtime and the team I penalized ended up losing because they got scored on. I knew I had made the right call, even though I was unnerved when I saw the losing teams’ parents waiting for me at my locker room; for the moment I wished I hadn’t called that penalty. Although it was scary at the time, I stood my ground and overcame my fears. That was an important

stepping-stone in my officiating career and in my life.

After four years of refereeing, I still can’t say it’s easy. Every game hands me something new and I never know what to expect. Now I have the confidence and preparation to deal with the unexpected, on and off the ice. I now also know to take everything with a grain of salt and not let it get to me. I have learned that life is just like being out on the ice; if I am prepared and act with confidence, I will be perceived as confident. These are the little lessons that I’m grateful to have learned as a woman referee.

Things to Notice About This Essay

1. The author tells an interesting story about her experiences as a referee.

2. A sense of her personality—determination, flexibility, good humor—comes through in the narration.

3. Details like “Do you have a hot date tonight, ref?” make the narration memorable (we’d love to hear more of these kinds of details).

4. The essay needs a faster start. The first paragraph (three sentences) says the same thing in both the first and third sentences—and gives away the essay’s surprise in the second! A good revision would all of paragraph one and start at paragraph two.

5. There’s too much frame here and not enough picture. The essay needs further development, especially about the difficulties of

becoming and being a ref, to keep it vivid.

6. The author should “dwell” in the meaning of the experience a little more at the end—“I wonder about…I also think…Sometimes I believe….” Significant experiences like this one, woven through many years of the author’s life, don’t mean just one thing—there are more insights and lessons to explore here.

yours Sincerely





从这两个主题介绍自身,描述你作为有竞争力候选者的潜能。因此,将个人生涯中涉及主题的主要成就,转折点和大事件必须相应地着重突出,将生涯中决定性事件单独拎出来。要尽量以简单容易常用的词汇来表达,写完后,自己先读一遍或者请别人看看,如果读完没什么感觉,继续改吧。 多检查英文的时态、性别及单多数等方面的错误。自己也可以用手机读一遍并录下来,回放听听是否有问题。




比如教育学的话是强调理论和实践结合的学科,因此文书里最好有1-2件教育实践的经历,不需要太高大 上,本科生写写家教等都是可以接受的。最重要的是自己通过这个实践对教育理念的感悟和反思。



相信类似APPLYNOW或APPLY ONLINE醒目字眼大家都能看到.点这些连接就是打开在线申请的。有的学校是在研究生院招生网页上,有的是学院招生网页上,比如College of Engineering;还有的是在各个系自己的网页上。

一般正式填表前要注册一个ID,填自己 的用户名和密码,确认成功后就可以用这个登陆了。注册了ID后可以使用其反复登陆填写系统需要的信息,只需要根据要求并在Deadline前提交即可。现 在的网申系统包括了个人基本信息,推荐,PS等内容。有的网申系统还包括了状态查询,可以查询到自己邮寄材料是否到达,是否被录取等信息。



在线填写个人资料和申请信息时,最好常 用文本内容准备好,放一边,填表时直接拷贝,方且易出错。如果遇到理解或确定地方,先空,搞清楚后,再登陆上去填写。灵活修改网申最大亮点一。一般说,填写完全部内容后,应当全面检查一至两遍后,再最终提交。最终提交提交后,能再作修改。





美国大学留学申请文书写作介绍 篇3
















美国本科留学申请文书怎样写 篇4

I was seven years old when I saw the ocean for the first time. My grandmother had invited me to visit her near Okinawa, Japan. I will never forget that encounter—the intense sun, the endless horizon, the infinite shades of blue that dissolved any boundary between sky and waves. And most of all, the secret of the water. Swimming in those waters was like diving into a kaleidoscope, deceptively plain on the outside, but a show of colors on the inside, waiting to dazzle me, mesmerize me. Those colors! Coral reefs—pink, green, red, purple—covered the seafloor; streaks of sunlight illuminated them, the swaying water creating a dance of hues. And weaving in and out of the contours of coral swam brilliant fish that synchronized every movement with the water, creating one body, one living entity. I longed to join and flow with them to the music of the waves; that’s where I felt I belonged. And leaving was like parting home, not going home.

Five years later, I returned. At first, all seemed to match my memory: the crystalline waters and that open horizon with the sun daring to come closer to Earth. But the second I dove in, I knew my home had vanished…white. That’s all I could see around me: bone-white death. I couldn’t accept it. I kept swimming farther out, hoping to catch even the smallest hint of color. But there was no sign of that brilliant garden I remembered, just fragments of bleached coral. It was like looking down onto the aftermath of a war: a bombed city, with only the crumbles of cement to testify for the great buildings that once stood. But who was the culprit behind this egregious attack?

Though at the age of twelve, I couldn’t even begin to guess, I now know the answer is us. Humans are an impressive species: we have traveled to every continent, adapted to countless environments, and innovated to create comfortable means of living. But in the process, we have stolen the colors from nature all around the globe, just as we did that coral reef. Our trail of white has penetrated the forests, the oceans, the grasslands, and spread like a wild disease. I, too, have left a white footprint, so I have a responsibility to right these wrongs, to repaint those colors, and to preserve the ones that remain. Some question why I should care. The answer is simple: this planet is my home, my birthplace. And that, in and of itself, is an inseparable bond and a timeless connection. Nature has allowed me my life, so I have no right to deny its life. As Jane Goodall once said, “If we kill off the wild, then we are killing a part of our souls.” This is my soul—our soul. I know that I alone cannot protect this soul, so I will not make a promise that I cannot fulfill. But this promise I will make: I will do what I can do.

yours Sincerely













(1)对在美国就读高中,且所在学校未有计分机制的国际学生而言,需递交2门SAT II考试成绩,其中一门为SAT数学,另外一门,如申请理科专业,应为SAT理科科目,如申请工程学院,另外一门应为SAT物理科目。





IB课程:高水准课程取得5分、6分或7分,标准水准课程不可抵学分(Further Mathematics除外)。



研究生美国留学申请文书 篇5

In the deepest recesses of my memories is the boulevard lined with Chinese parasol trees located outside my house. When I was just ten years old, my father put me at the back of his bicycle and rode me every weekend to attend English classes in the nearby community center (English was not part of elementary school education in China at that time). On this road of questing for my first western education, I, as a girl who loved to indulge in observations and meditations, kept an observant eye on the changing colors of the leaves all the year round. The rotation of seasons and the cyclical changes of the trees impressed me with the transitoriness of life and the urgency of making my life substantial within its transitory span. My present application for an advanced degree program at your esteemed university is by far the most important step in my relentless efforts to make my life substantial.

Dealing with figures has been our family tradition. As my mother is a statistician and my grandma a certified public account, as a teenager I had also commenced my observations and reflections on figures and calculations in the statements and reports that they had prepared with strong curiosity and interest. This interested strengthened my love for mathematics, often described as the “gymnastics of abstract thinking.” From elementary school to middle school, it was virtually a rule for me to achieve straight A’s in almost every course related to mathematics, a talent which has always made me feel proud of myself. Deep in my subconscious, I knew that a career related to mathematics would fit me most perfectly. Therefore, when I gained my undergraduate admission, I chose to specialize in Mathematics at Beijing Normal University. I believe that this specialty has provided me with a perfect arena to give vent to my passion for mathematics. My dedication to studies in mathematics and effective strategies of learning, plus voluminous readings of technical literature in various academic journals, have led to my top third ranking in my class and a number of major scholarships.

My greatest passion for learning mathematics was stimulated when I came to discover the foundational importance in social sciences, the essential function of mathematics behind its abstract concepts and number theories. When I first studied Advanced Mathematics, I was not clear about the real use of abstract mathematical theories. This kind of puzzlement lasted until I found that the genuine function of mathematics lied in its ability to solve problems in the real world objectively and scientifically, to develop human wisdom, to enable one to arrive at higher horizons and to examine problems with insights and discriminations. The courses that have particularly fascinated me most are Mathematical Analysis, Higher Geometry, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, and Matrix Construction in Mathematics. Those courses allowed me to experience the charm of mathematics’ symbolic language and that of mathematical thinking, in addition to its omnipresent utility.

As an undergraduate, I am most proud of my experience of constructing the Social and Economic Growth Model as a team member representing our university during a mathematical modeling contest in Beijing. As our three-person team lacked the experience of applying theoretical knowledge to practical problems, we felt at an impasse in the face of the challenging task. I took some time to examine in detail all the mathematical models we had learned in class and proposed the idea of dividing the entire modeling into individual modules and piecing them together to form a complete model. Eventually our team was awarded second prize at this provincial contest. In retrospect, it is precisely this experience that aroused my serious interest in the application of mathematics in the realms of economics and finance. To further develop myself in this direction, I studied a lot of optional courses including macroeconomics, microeconomics, e-commerce, etc. Thenceforward, I developed a new objective—to combine my knowledge of mathematics with economics and finance and to exploit the function of mathematics in social life.

My undergraduate thesis, entitled Vector Quantity and Geometry, though purely theoretical in appearance, is actually a vivid description of how mathematical theories can be applied to reality. It focuses on precise analysis of those potential yet absolute relationships between different entities and how we can uncover and examine those relationships from mathematical perspectives. Rated by the department academic council as “Class A”, the thesis has been accepted by the editorial board of our departmental journal for publication.

Apart from cultivating my rigorous attitude for scientific research and developing my analytical and problem-solving abilities, I have taken an active part in extracurricular activities. With my strengths in mathematics, I passed a number of certification tests with much facility, including Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Office-Use Specialist, and LOTUS 1-2-3. I have been correspondent and editor for our campus radio broadcasting station and campus website. My English proficiency qualified me as a volunteer working for the Beijing Worldwide Chinese Businessmen Meeting. In summer vacation, I worked part-time at a local accounting firm where I exercised my knowledge of mathematics and skills of electronic computation to establish for the firm a financial database. I also worked on preparing business accounting plans and digitalized financial management plans for the firm’s clients.

My experiences of social practices have permitted me to understand how mathematics can best be used. As far as I am concerned, my lack of advanced academic knowledge, especially my lack of in-depth understanding of economics and finance, and my lack of formal and systematic trainings in those fields, have constituted my “bottleneck” for further academic development. The overall situation in China is that there is an oversupply of theoretical mathematicians while applied mathematicians are sorely needed. Interdisciplinary subjects between mathematics and economics, such as financial mathematics, actuary science, economic engineering, and mathematical economics, are virtually nonexistent in China. The consequence is that China’s economic development will be seriously hampered for the lack of those important sciences. Great Britain plays a leading role in the world both in financial sciences and in education. Those two factors have motivated me to seek advanced studies there.

In this Personal Statement, I would like to indicate to you unequivocally my intention to specialize in financial mathematics, mathematical economics, or similar programs of an interdisciplinary nature. My choice is motivated by the consideration that in China virtually all financial professionals do not possess a strong background in mathematics, thus they rely heavily on foreign technical models and concepts. However, China’s economic conditions and models differ from those in Western countries and any unquestioning importation would be counterproductive. My plan is to probe into the possibility of developing some economic and financial models that best fit in with China’s circumstances based on a critical analysis of Western models and extensive practices. Projects in those areas will be what I am most concerned with and interested in.

London School of Economics and Politics is reputed for its time-honored history, respected for its distinctive status in economics and finance, along with its unparalleled research and pedagogical standards. Advanced educational concepts and methodologies there would undoubtedly broaden my vision and perspectives, enhance my fundamental skills in devising and launching large-scale cases. Most importantly, for a woman like me who has a penchant for English culture in general and English literature in particular, going to study in Britain will foster my spirit of independence the way Jane Eyre did. Nothing can delight me more than to observe and to experience, with heart and soul, the historical, cultural legacies of such a great country.





























大学生西班牙留学申请文书 篇6

Dear _,

Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics, I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be Economic Development and Public Economics.

In the process of preparing myself for advanced research, I obtained a solid academic background in mathematics, computer science and basic economic theory. In order to enhance my capabilities and further establish my background, I plan to take Probability and Econometrics as my electives during my last semester at Beijing University. During my undergraduate career I was fortunate to be able to audit several advanced graduate level courses taught by overseas professors such as Comparative Economic Systems and Advanced Macroeconomics. These classes not only introduced me to new economic concepts and theories, but also broadened my perspective and gave me new insights into the depth of my field.

After over three years of studying economics and extensive reading in related fields, I have developed my own understanding of the present Chinese economy with system. I feel, and it is an idea shared by many, that the Chinese government is presently struggling to adapt a policy which would peacefully integrate the advantages of a marked economy with the current Socialist system. to a certain extent, I feel that the government has been successful in implementing this aim. However, many problems have yet to be resolved. Chief among these is the problem of rejuvenating and restructuring the large, state-owned enterprises. As a result under the Chinese socialist system, these companies not only lack a spirit of competition, but are also hopelessly overstaffed. There is a definite need to cut back on workers, many of whom are unskilled and present an unnecessary burden on these companies.

The fundamental problem here is that China lacks unemployment and social security programs, which would be able to assist and re-train these workers should they be laid off. As there are no options for them, the companies are forced to retain these laborers, creating a stagnant state which limits both production levels and net profits. While foreign-imported goods and foreign companies were scare in China, this was not a major problem. However, the influx of foreign goods and corporations has forced China into a predicament where it can no longer afford to maintain useless employees for the benefit of the State. Should the situation here continue unchecked, China risks loosing its domestic marked to foreign companies.

These ideas were the result of my field research conducted during my junior year. During that time, I studied first-hand edly China’s system of public economics and found it lacking in many ways. I feel that if China is ever to be a serious competitor in the world market it needs first to develop a more progressive system of public policies. For this, China will have to look to other systems, which have struggled and successfully handled this same problem. My goal is to continue my education in the United States where I can not only witness the dynamics of an economic system different from ours, but also study the ways in which America’s public policy could be adapted and utilized by China.

In terms of global economics, China still has much to learn. The government is far from reconciling itself with many of the principles that underlie the modern market. I also feel that the Chinese situation is unique, and , that in order to be successful, policy makers must take into consideration regional characteristics, historical tradition and social psychology when defining the course of the future. However, it is also essential that the future generations of leaders, administrators and teachers learn from other countries in order to better understand the complexity of China’s role within the global economic situation.

The more China’s economy is prosperous, the more it needs its own economists. Therefore, at the end of my graduate study, I intend to return to my country and contribute to China’s economic progress. My ultimate goal is to teach introducing advanced Western research methods to my country and, if possible, tackle some of the economic problems faced by my country.

I am also applying for overseas graduate study because of the fact that the United States holds the leading position in the research of my chosen field. Your institution, known for its careful and exacting work ethic and nurturing academic atmosphere, is the university I have long admired. I am confident that with your distinguished faculty and recognized facilities, my potential will develop into knowledge and experience beneficial to both the United States and China.

Yours sincerely,

































