商务会议常用英语2 篇1
9、Asking for Repetition 请求重复
I’m afraid I didn’t understand that.Could you repeat what you just said?
I didn’t catch that.Could you repeat that, please?
I missed that.Could you say it again, please?
Could you run that by me one more time?
10、Asking for Clarification 要求澄清
I don’t quite follow you.What exactly do you mean?
I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what your are getting at.Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
I don’t see what you mean.Could we have some more details, please?
11、Asking for Verification 请求确认
You did say next week, didn’t you?(’did’ is stressed)
Do you mean that...?
Is it true that...?
12、Asking for Spelling 请求拼写
Could you spell that, please?
Would you mind spelling that for me, please?
13、Asking for Contributions 请求赐教
We haven’t heard from you yet,(name of participant).What do you think about this proposal?
Would you like to add anything,(name of participant)?
Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
Are there any more comments?
14、Correcting Information 更正
Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said.Sorry, that’s not quite right.I’m afraid you don’t understand what I’m saying.That’s not quite what I had in mind.That’s not what I meant.15、Keeping the Meeting On Target(time, relevance, decisions)转入正题
We’re running short of time.Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.Please be brief.I’m afraid we’ve run out of time.I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of this meeting.Let’s get back on track, why don’t we?
竭诚为您服务 每天前20名注册可获免费名师辅导
That’s not really why we’re here today.Why don’t we return to the main focus of today’s meeting.We’ll have to leave that to another time.We’re beginning to lose sight of the main point.Keep to the point, please.I think we’d better leave that for another meeting.Are we ready to make a decision? “成千上万人疯狂下载。。。
请在 网上 申请报名”
商务会议常用英语2 篇2
1 商务英语的含义
商务英语并非一种需要运用特定语法的特殊语言, 而是一种在商务环境中, 人们用于交流的语言工具。学术上, 商务英语属于专门商务用途英语的一个分支, 是为了适应不同经贸需要而逐渐衍变完善的一种学术语言。它最大的特点在于实用性。
商务英语服务于国际经贸领域。而且, 商务英语是在建立在一般的英文语法, 句法结构的基础之上的, 但是, 商务英语仍有其自身的特点及表达方式。由于商务英语服务于经贸活动, 所以商务英语词汇的选择和使用应当准确到位, 清晰, 具体和简要。在使用商务英语词汇的时候, 应该尽量贴近母语和情境的原意, 不得擅自窜改以免引起语义差异和接收人理解失真。具体来说, “准确到位”是指用词精准贴切, 一针见血, 因为商务活动讲求时效性, 因而用词得避免语焉不详。“清晰”是指词语及句法意思明确, 尽量避免意思重叠或多重理解, 尤其在法律、会计、合同等方面注意此点。“具体和简要”是指用词言之有物但又需要简洁明了, 做到字字珠玑。
为了更直观地让大家了解商务英语中一些专用词汇的应用及其特殊含义, 以下选择了一些实用且较常出现在商务英语中的词语, 供大家学习参考:
Document:一般意义为“文件, 公文, 文献”, 而在贸易术语中, Document的意思则是“单据, 电子记录”。Documentary Credit的意思则是一套完整的信用证单据。如果读者理解为“文件, 公文”甚至“文献”的话, 则容易引起词义失真。
Negotiation:是商务英语中比较常用的一个词语, 表示合作双方的“磋商, 谈判”。而在银行术语中, Negotiation则表示为“议付”:指指定银行在相符交单下, 在其应获偿付的银行工作日当天或之前向受益人预付或者同意预付款项, 从而购买汇票 (其付款人为指定银行以外的其他银行) 及/或单据的行为。
Presentation:一般意义为“呈现, 表达”等, 而在法律及银行术语中, 它的意思则是“交单”:指向开证行或指定银行提交信用证项下单据的行为, 或者按此方式提交的单据。
2 缩略词在商务英语中的应用
一些自学者把“基础建设”写成“Basic Construction”, 而专业的用法则是“infrastructure”.
此外, “合资企业”容易被写成“Incorporated Company”, 而专业的用法则是“Joint Venture”或“Joint Capital”, “Joint Stock”等。“私营企业”容易写成“Personal Company”, 而专业的用法则是“Private-owned Company”。
在商务英语中, 使用普遍认可的缩略词能提高工作效率, 方便书信函电来往。比如:用“Ltd”代替“Limited” (有限) , 用“Int”代替“International” (国际) , 用“Co.”代替“Company” (公司) , 用“Kgs”或“Kos”代替“Kilos” (千克) , 用“Ind”代替“Industry” (工业) , 用“mfr”代替“manufacturer” (制造商) , 用“mt”代替“metric tons” (公吨) 等等。
另外, 有一些贸易术语也是缩略词, 应用非常广泛和频繁。比如:DDP是delivered duty paid的缩写, 是指目的地约定地点交货 (完税后) 价。DDU是delivered duty unpaid的缩写, 是指目的地约定地点交货 (未完税) 价。FOB是Freight on Board的缩写, 是指装运港船上交货。CIF是Cost, Insurance and Freight的缩写, 是指卖方需支付成本, 货物保险和船运费用的意思。类似的贸易术语还有很多, 会在国际贸易的工作中比较经常地使用, 如果没有足够实际经验的话, 我们只能平时注意积累, 才能对缩略词有更深的印象。
3 近义词的比较及使用
有些词看起来意思相近, 但是如果细究, 就会发现使用范围和修饰对象不一定相同, 如果用词不审, 甚至会让人误解。下面举一些例子, 来说明一些近义词的不同用法。
Package and Packing:两者都有打包的意思。但是Package主要是指用盒子, 箱子, 纸张等直接打包一个裸装物品。而Packing是指将小物品“package”了之后, 再用一个大箱子或容器把所有东西一次性打包, 比如大纸箱等等。
Rest room and toilet:两者都是厕所的意思。但是前者更加得体, 更适合商务用语。Rest room不是休息室, 而是洗手间。也可以用Men's room/Women's room代替。而toilet是比较粗俗的讲法, 类似茅厕的含义, 外国人听起来会比较不舒服。
商务英语常用句型浅析 篇3
中图分类号:H314 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-864X(2016)11-0156-01
1、In view of the unusually big size of our order, we hope you will offer us more favorable terms.
2、In order to expand mutual business, well accept usance L/C this time.
3、Its our usual practice to require payment by sight L/C, so we cant set a precedent(先例) for this transaction.
4、In view of the large amount involved in this transaction, we hope youll agree to our request for installment payment.
5、Wed like to make a down payment first, and then after the delivery, we pay off the rest of them in four payments.
6、As you usually clear your accounts promptly, we wondered why the July account for US $5,400 was not paid last month when it was due.
7、With an eye to future business, well adopt payment by equal installments within three months.
8、We enclose our check (money order) for US$28,000 in settlement of your Invoice No. 324 of 10th July.
9、In terms of payment, we could only accept confirmed, irrevocable L/C.
10、In compliance with your request, we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.
译文:Business opportunity is rather remote unless you can see your way to reduce your prices.
译文:The relative L/C should be issued through a third country bank acceptable to the seller.
译文:Its necessary for us to discuss the terms of payment before concluding this transaction.
译文:In order to guarantee your continuous production and punctual shipment stipulated under this contract, we agree to excute the obligations specified in the following payment terms.
译文:We very much regret that on account of your rigid payment terms, there is no room for negotiation.
常用法律英语词汇注解2 篇4
诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:the plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the defendant’s breach of contract,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。allegation是名词。
♦assault 殴打,侵犯
以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为assault,一般性质的殴打,称为“common assault”;严重者称为aggravated assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为indecent assault。
♦as is 现状
“as is”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。“the property is and will be sold on an “as is” basis …”即物业将会以其现状出售
♦bail 保释
♦balance of probabilities 可能性较高者
常用商务英语口语 篇5
标题: 常用商务英语口语的学习要点是什么
关键词: 常用商务英语口语
导读: 常用商务英语口语是许多的朋友一直想要了解到的一类内容,为了更好的学好这些内容,我们就要从下面的文章中进行更多的认识,请看下文中对于常用商务英语口语的学习要点有哪些解读。
对你的常用商务英语口语最有帮助的事情之一,就是尝试着让你自己浸泡在英语环境当中。你可以给自己制定一套计划,比如 “24-hour English”,为自己挑选一个日子,每周的某一天,全天进入英文模式,避免说中文,尽量用英语来表达自己的意思。不仅嘴上说英文,还要用英语思考,比如清晨在脑海里用英语对自己说一遍一天的计划。如果能做到全身心进入英文模式并加以坚持,那就是给自己营造了一个好的英文环境。英语口语:是一场持久战
商务英语的英语信函常用句 篇6
1. We can’t give you exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover.
2. Before we know your sales volume, your plan for promotion and import license’s conditions, it is rather difficult for us to consider your proposal.
3.We have noted your quest to act as our agent in your district, but before going further into the matter, we should like to know more about your market.
4.To enable us to make further study of your proposal, would you please let us know as early as possible the sales prospects of the item in your market ,your program in detail, your business organizations in various districts and their activities.
5.Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly point you as our sole agent.
6.If you can push the sales successfully for the next 6 month we may appoint you as our agent.
7.We feel it would be better to consider the matter of agency after you done more business with us.
8.To be our agent you need to increase your annual turnover.
9.To be our agent you are requested to push your sales of our product effectively.
10.We hope you will do your best to push the sale of our products.
商务会议常用英语2 篇7
1 迈瑞PM-8000监护仪故障1例
1.1 故障现象
无创血压无数据显示, 提示“空气压力出错”报警信息。
1.2 分析检修
开机后自检可以通过, 显示正常监护界面, 并且ECG、血氧饱和度、体温在工作中均可使用正常。但在测量无创血压时, 无数据显示, 屏幕上提示“空气压力出错”报警信息。
该监护仪无创血压检测部分由主机血压控制板、打气泵、充气阀、慢放阀、导管、轴带等组成。当选择手动模式时, 将袖带捆扎在手臂后, 按下测量键可以听到打气泵正常工作的打气声音, 袖带也有明显充气感觉, 充气时间也正常;但是慢放阀工作异常, 放气太快, 瞬间完成放气, 并无数据显示、报警提示出现。检测导管和轴带是否破裂漏气, 然后重做试验, 连续测量3次, 结果故障显示同上, 可排除导管、轴带、打气泵损坏的可能性;故障应该出现在慢放阀上。于是开机检修, 用万用表测量慢放阀的输入电压为12 V, 正常。试测中, 仔细观察和试听慢放阀工作情况时, 发现慢放阀吸合不畅;卸下慢放阀, 发现慢放阀中弹簧断裂, 不能自动复位导致慢放阀吸合不畅。用一台也无维修价值的同型号的监护仪作为配件来源, 用卸下的慢放阀当配件进行更换, 上述故障排除, 机器运行正常。
2 医用超声器电机故障1例
2.1 故障现象
电源指示灯亮, 运行后能听到起振的水滴声, 但波纹管无雾喷出。
2.2 分析检修
分析无雾喷出或者雾量微小, 原因有4种:药杯里没有药液;药杯膜破裂, 药液浸入水槽内, 而使雾量减少;振芯片老化使性能下降;风道、电动机、风扇等故障。以上原因都可使波纹管无雾或雾量微小。于是在开机检修之前, 向水槽内加入清水至水位下限以上, 然后再向药杯里倒入20 mL纯水代替药液, 用吸水纸将药杯膜底部水滴擦干, 仔细观察数分钟, 看是否有水浸出, 结果无水渗出, 证明药杯膜完好。将药杯不加盖放入水槽中, 通电开机观察, 发现药杯中起振雾量大, 与正常使用时一样, 可以排除振芯片老化和药杯里无药液的故障可能。进一步将药杯盖上, 插上波纹管, 故障复又出现, 判断故障部位应该在风道、电动机或风扇上。
打开机壳分析检修, 认真检查风道口后, 无阻塞现象;风扇叶也没有损坏, 故障应该出现在电动机上。断开主机控制板上的振芯片连接线后, 通电试验, 电动机转动较慢。卸下电动机, 用万用表电阻挡测电动机线圈电阻为12Ω, 输入电压为220 V交流电压。仔细观察电动机标签上为AC220 V, 7 W, 根据P=UI可以得知电动机的工作电流约为0.05 A。用手轻轻转动风扇叶无阻碍, 触摸也没有烫手的感觉, 但电动机性能下降, 转动机轴, 发现轴与磁铁之间有很大的空隙, 产生的力矩不够大而使其性能下降。更换同型号电动机后使用正常, 故障排除。
[1]周洪军.ECG—6511心电图机常风故障分析[J].医疗卫生装备, 2005, 26 (7) :83.
[2]阮兴云, 吴殿源.医学工程实践与探索[M].昆明:云南科技出版社, 2005:293.
商务英语信函常用句型 篇8
Opening Phrases & Sentences Generally Used In Business Letters
1. I will write you particulars in my next.
2. Particulars will be related in the following.
3. I will relate further details in the following.
4. I will inform you more fully in my next.
5. I will go (enter) into further details in my next.
1. As stated below,
2. Annexed hereto,
3. Attached you will find...
4. As shown on the next page
5. As indicated overleaf(下页,背面)
6. As at foot hereof,
7. Sent with this,
8. As the drawings attached,
9. As shown in the enclosed documents,
10. As already mentioned,
11. As particularized on the attached sheet,
12. As detailed in the previous letter,
1. We hope to receive your favour at an early date.
2. We hope to be favoured with a reply with the least delay.
3. We await a good news with patience.
4. We hope to receive a favourable reply per return mail.
5. We await the pleasure of receiving a favourable reply at an early date.
6. We await the favour of your early (prompt) reply.
7. A prompt reply would greatly oblige us.
8. We trust you will favour us with an early (prompt) reply.
9. We trust that you will reply us immediately.
10. We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply.
11. Will your please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?
12. Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do.
13. We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post.
14. We are awaiting (anxious to receive) your early reply.
15. We thank you for the anticipated favour of your early reply.
16. We should appreciate an early reply.
17. We thank you in anticipation of your usual courteous prompt attention.
18. We thank you now for the courtesy of your early attention.
19. We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay.
20. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience.
21. Please send your reply by the earliest delivery.
22. Please send your reply by messenger.
23. Please reply immediately.
24. Please favour us with your reply as early as possible.
25. Please write to us by tonight’s mail, without fail.
26. May we remind you that we are still awaiting your early reply.
27. May we request the favour of your early reply?
28. A prompt reply would help us greatly.
29. A prompt reply will greatly oblige us.
30. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
31. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.
32. We look forward to receiving your early reply.
33. We thank you now for this anticipated courtesy.
34. As the matter is urgent, an early reply will oblige.
35. We reply on receiving your reply by return of post.
1. Please excuse my late reply to your very friendly letter of March 1.
2. I hope you will forgive me for not having written you for so long.
3. I hope you will excuse me for not having replied to you until today.
4. I humbly apologize you for my delay in answering to your kind letter of May 5.
5. I have to (must) apologize you for not answering your letter in time.
6. I must ask you to kindly accept our excuses, late as they are.
To inform one of; To say; To state; To communicate; To advise one of;
To bring to one’s notice (knowledge); To lay before one;
To point out; To indicate; To mention; To apprise one of;
To announce; To remark; To call one’s attention to; To remind one of; etc.
1. We are pleased to inform you that
2. We have pleasure in informing you that
3. We have the pleasure to apprise you of
4. We have the honour to inform you that (of)
5. We take the liberty of announcing to you that
6. We have to inform you that (of)
7. We have to advise you of (that)
8. We wish to inform you that (of)
9. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)
10. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)
11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice
12. Please allow us to call your attention to
13. Permit us to remind you that (of)
14. May we ask your attention to
商务会议常用英语2 篇9
R: How about 15% the first six months, and the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units?
D: That’s a lot to sell, with very low profit margins.
R: It’s about the best we can do, Dan. (pause) We need to hammer something out (敲定)today. If I go back empty-handed, I may be coming back to you soon to ask for a job. (smiles)
D: (smiles) O.K., 17% the first six months, 14% for the second?!
R: Good. Let’s iron out(解决)the remaining details. When do you want to take delivery(取货)?
D: We’d like you to execute the first order by the 31st.
R: Let me run through this again: the first shipment for 1500 units, to be delivered in 27 days, by the 31st.
D: Right. We couldn’t handle much larger shipments.
R: Fine. But I’d prefer the first shipment to be 1000 units, the next . The 31st is quite soon ---- I can’t guarantee 1500.
D: I can agree to that. Well, if there’s nothing else, I think we’ve settled everything.
开会常用的商务英语口语 篇10
第一句:This is our reception area, and ourconference room is right over
A: Is this the conference room?
B: No, this is our reception area, and our conference room is right over there.不,这是我们的接待室,我们的会议室在那边。
第二句:Daily meeting will be hold at 11 a.m.every morning.每天上午11:00开例会。
A: Do we have regular meeting?
B: Yes.Daily meeting will be hold at 11 a.m.every morning.有。每天上午11:00开例会。
copy room is the second room on the right.福音室是靠右第二个房间。
Have you seen the exhibition hall?
人力资源部 Human Resources Department
财务部 General Accounting Department
销售部 Sales Department
公共关系部 Public Relations Department
广告部 Advertising Department
企划部 Planning Department
产品开发部 Product Development Department
研发部 Research and Development Department
Usually, the company have a regular meeting every two weeks.公司通常是每两个星期开一次例会。
We hold a regular meeting every month.我们每个月都要开例会。
超好用常用商务英语句子 篇11
2.You will get a % increase in production upon using this machine and also it allows one person to perform the tasks of three people 一旦使用该机器,你们将会增产%,而且一个人可以顶个人使用。
3.This product will pay its own way in a year 该产品一年就可收回成本。
4.This machine will pay back your investment in six months 该机器半年就可收回投资。
5.The new type of suitcase car designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical 我方工程师设计的新款行李车非常精巧实用。
6.This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams 这种自行车可以折迭,携带方便,在旅行中或交通堵塞时特别有用。
7.The maximum speed of this kind of variable-speed bicycle is km per hour 这种变速车每小时的最大速度是km
8.These machines have few breakdowns and are easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure 这些机器由于机械的构造简单,所以很少故障,易于保养。
9.Compared with the other brands, this kind of type costs less per mile and wears much longer due to its topnotch rubber 与其它牌子相比,这种轮胎每公司损耗较少,也耐磨一些,因为它是用一种流橡胶做成的。
10.This kind of type is characteristic of nonskid stops on wet roads 这种轮胎的特点是在潮湿的路面上不打滑。
11.This material has a durable and easy to clean surface 这种材料的表面耐用并易一地清洗。
12.This kind of air conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your company 这种空调系统实用经济能满足贵公司的需要。
13.Our products are of superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up 我方产品,质量优良,具有典型的东方特色。
14.Our silk garments are made of super pre silk materials and by traditional silks 我们的丝绸服装是用传统工艺做成的,采用的是高档真丝面料。
15.The garments are magnificent and tasteful and have a long enjoyed great fame both at home and abroad 这些服装华丽高雅驰名中外,久享盛誉。
16.As our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy, they are both portable and durable 我们的手提式打字机是用轻质硬合金制造的,故携带方便,经久耐用。
17.The hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and of various kinds of styles and colors in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country 我们所提的手提包均用最好的皮革制造,式样颜色齐全,以适合贵国各阶层人士的需求。
18.As our product has all the features you need and is % cheaper compared with that of Japanese make, I strongly recommend it to you 我们的产品具备了您所需要的各项特色,而且比日本产品便宜%,所以我们向您极力推荐。
19.Vacuum cleaners of this brand are competitive in the international market and are the best-selling products of their Kind 这种牌子的吸尘器在国际市场上颇具竞争力,是同类产品中最畅销的。
20.“Forever”multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be salable in your market 永久牌变速跑车在你们的市场上一定很畅销。
21.Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our silk has met with a warm reception and quick sale in most European countries 我们的丝绸质量优良,价格公道,深受大多数欧洲国家的欢迎,非常畅销。
22.We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price 我们认为我们的产品在亚洲是最好的,在价格上完全可以与日本竞争。
23.Our goods are greatly appreciated in other markets similar to your own 我们的产品在其它市场同在贵方市场一样受到欢迎。
24.By virtue of this superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas 我们的产品因其优秀的质量,在很多地区经常脱销。
25.Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be saleable in your market 我们的产品质量优秀,价格适中,在贵方市场上一定很畅销。
26.These items are most salable in our market 在我方市场上,这些产品是最畅销的。
27.There has been a steady demand in our market for this kind of toy 在我们的市场上,这种玩具的需求一直很稳定。
28.We have the pleasure in recommending you the goods similar to the samples you sent 我们很高兴地向你们推荐类同于贵方所提供之样品的样品。
29.This model of typewriter is efficient and durable, economical and practical for middle school students 这个型号的打字机对中学生来说,高效耐用经济实惠。
30.The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size, energy saving and is also easy to learn and easy to operate 我们生产的计算机其特点是质量好,体积小,节能,而且易学好用。
31.They are not only as low-priced as the goods of other markers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects 它们不但和其它厂家的产品一样低廉,而且在以下几个方面有其独特的优越性。
32.You will get a % increase in production upon using this machine and also it allows one person to perform the tasks of three people 一旦使用该机器,你们将会增产%,而且一个人可以顶个人使用。
33.This product will pay its own way in a year 该产品一年就可收回成本。
34.This machine will pay back your investment in six months 该机器半年就可收回投资。
35.The new type of suitcase car designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical 我方工程师设计的新款行李车非常精巧实用。
36.This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams 这种自行车可以折迭,携带方便,在旅行中或交通堵塞时特别有用。
37.The maximum speed of this kind of variable-speed bicycle is km per hour 这种变速车每小时的最大速度是km
38.These machines have few breakdowns and are easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure 这些机器由于机械的构造简单,所以很少故障,易于保养。
39.Compared with the other brands, this kind of type costs less per mile and wears much longer due to its topnotch rubber 与其它牌子相比,这种轮胎每公司损耗较少,也耐磨一些,因为它是用一种流橡胶做成的。
40.This kind of type is characteristic of nonskid stops on wet roads 这种轮胎的特点是在潮湿的路面上不打滑。
41.This material has a durable and easy to clean surface 这种材料的表面耐用并易一地清洗。
42.This kind of air conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your company 这种空调系统实用经济能满足贵公司的需要。
43.Our products are of superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up 我方产品,质量优良,具有典型的东方特色。
44.Our silk garments are made of super pre silk materials and by traditional silks 我们的丝绸服装是用传统工艺做成的,采用的是高档真丝面料。
45.The garments are magnificent and tasteful and have a long enjoyed great fame both at home and abroad 这些服装华丽高雅驰名中外,久享盛誉。
46.As our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy, they are both portable and durable 我们的手提式打字机是用轻质硬合金制造的,故携带方便,经久耐用。
47.The hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and of various kinds of styles and colors in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country 我们所提的手提包均用最好的皮革制造,式样颜色齐全,以适合贵国各阶层人士的需求。
48.As our product has all the features you need and is % cheaper compared with that of Japanese make, I strongly recommend it to you 我们的产品具备了您所需要的各项特色,而且比日本产品便宜%,所以我们向您极力推荐。
49.Vacuum cleaners of this brand are competitive in the international market and are the best-selling products of their Kind 这种牌子的吸尘器在国际市场上颇具竞争力,是同类产品中最畅销的。