


商务报告常用词汇及表达方式 篇1



Informal report

Formal report Memorandum report

备忘录式报告 Letter report

书信式报告 Preliminary parts 前言部分 Title page 标题页 Table of contents 目录

Table of illustrations 插图目录 Synopsis



参考文献 Appendix 附录

Periodic report

定期报告 Investigation report 调查报告 Justification report

辩护报告 Progress report

进展报告 Staff report 参事报告

Feasibility report 可行性报告 Audit report



建议,劝告 By and large 总的来说

Present market trend 目前市场走向 A regular customer 老顾客 A regular meeting 例会 Proposal report



(一)导言(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)


· The report examines / explains…

· The purpose of this report is to… investigate / evaluate / study…

· The objective of this report is to… recommend / analyze / give…

· The aim of this report is to… feedback / estimate / assess…

· Enclosed is a report about… ·The report/proposal aims/set out to….·The report is based on….(二)材料收集方法(Methodology / Proceedings)


· A sample of workers was individually asked for their opinions.· A questionnaire was completed by those who were surveyed in this project.· The information was mainly achieved with a number of telephone calls to manufacturers.(三)调查结果(Findings)

以下就是该方面写作的一些典型句子结构: · The findings of the investigation indicate that…

· It was proposed / found / felt / discovered that…

· It was generally the case that…

· Most people thought / suggested that…

· A number of people mentioned that…

· Several changes were put forward.· Several staff members expressed the view that…

·The disparity clearly showed …

·The following points summarize our key findings.·The key findings are outlined below.(四)结论(Conclusions)


It was decided/agreed/felt that…

It is clear that….No conclusions were reached regarding….(五)建议(Recommendations)


It is suggested/proposed/recommended that ….We(strongly)recommend that…

It is essential to

It would be advisable to


· The table / chart / graph / diagram / figure / statistics shows / describes / illustrates that…

· As it can be seen from the table / chart / figure…

· It is clear / apparent from the table / chart / graph / diagram / figure / statistics that…

· The number of… increased / jumped / rose suddenly / rapidly / dramatically from…to…

· The number of…decreased / dropped / fell greatly / significantly sharply from…to…

· The number of…fluctuated slowly / slightly between…to…

· The number of… remained steady / stable(stayed the same)between…to…

· There was a(very)sudden / rapid / dramatic / significant increase / jump / rise in the number of…from…to…

· There was a(very)sharp / steep / steady / gradual / slow / slight decrease / drop / fall in the number of…from…to…

· The monthly profit / figures peaked in December at 10%.· The monthly profit / figures reached a peak / a high(point)in December at 10%.· The monthly profit / figures bottomed out in December at 10%.· Sales witnessed a great rise / increase / drop / fall between…to…




a.可以使用的动词或动词词组:to increase;to go up;to rise;to grow;to jump;to leap

to soar;to shoot;to pick up b.可以使用的名词:an increase;a growth;a jump;a soar;an upward trend 2.对于上升到某个位置的描述: a.1.a.中的动词+to+具体数据。

b.1.a.中的动词+to+the peak of+具体数据。c.1.a.中的动词+reaching the peak of +具体数据。d.1.a.中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。e.to peak at + 具体数据 f.to climb to + 具体数据 3.对于上升的程度的描述:

a.1.a.中的动词+by + 具体数据。b.1.a.中的动词+副词。(见 下降1.对于下降趋势的描述:

a.可以使用的动词或动词词组:to fall;to decrease;to go down;to slide;to collapse

to decline;to drop b.可以使用的名词:a collapse;a decrease;a fall;a decline;a drop 2.对于下降到某个位置的描述: a.1.a.中的动词+to+具体数据。

b.1.a.中的动词+to+the bottom of+具体数据。c.1.a.中的动词+reaching the bottom of +具体数据。d.1.a.中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。3.对于下降程度的描述:

a.1.a.中的动词+by + 具体数据。b.1.a.中的动词+副词。


to hardly change;to have little change;to keep steady;to level off;to remain constant to stay the same 表示程度的副词:

1.程度较大:considerably;dramatically;greatly;markedly;obviously;quickly;rapidly Sharply;significantly;suddenly 2.程度较小:slightly;gradually;slowly;steadily 时间的嵌入

嵌入时间时所使用的介词和介词词组:in;from……to……;between…….and…… during……and……;at the start of ……;by the end of ……;over ……;at the end of …… throughout …… 时间’s + 具体数据



......increased slowly during…… and …… but fell sharply in …….A steady fall in …… during …… and …… followed the sharp increase in …….2.先下降后上升的句型:

…… fell before …… began to make a recovery …… …… continue the recovery, climbing to ……

…… dropped during …… but increased again in …… …… fell and then pick up during ……

…… collapsed before rising to ……at the end of …… 3.起伏波动的句型:

…… fluctuated sharply all through …… 4.波动不大的句型:

…… hardly changed through the period between ……and ……




对于百分比进行描述所使用的句型: …… % the …… is/has/have/are …… …… accounts for ……% of the total …… takes up ……% in the whole chart



Both share prices rose sharply in January.Neither company has made a profit yet.Like X, Y fell in June.X rose just as sharply as Y.2.表示差异的句型(实例):

X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.X fell quickly compared to Y.Unlike Y, X rose by 10%.X rose far more dramatically than Y.3.表示倍数的句型:

the …… doubled/tripled in …… compared with those in …… 4.客观比较的句型:

…… is …… in contrast to ……


1.表示不足的词或词组:up to;below;under;almost;nearly 2.表示超过的词或词组:over;more than;just over 3.表示大约的词:about

商务报告常用词汇及表达方式 篇2

centralized ordering 统一订购

certificate n. 证书

chief executive n. 最高主管

clause n. 条款 penalty clause 罚款条款; cancellation clause (定单)取消条款

commission n. 佣金

commuting n. 通勤,往返上班

compensate v. 补偿,赔偿 compensation n.

complimentary adj. 免费赠送的

component n. 零部件 plastic/metal/optical component 塑料/金属/光学零件

consignment n. 托运物, 发货

consultant n. 顾问,咨询者 external consultant 外部顾问,外聘顾问

contractor n. 承包人,承包商

coordinator n. 协调人,调度员,负责人

corporate n. 企业: corporate register 企业注册

customer service n. 客户服务

database n. 资料库,数据库

delegate n. 代表 v. 委任, 委托

discount n. 折扣

dismissal n. 解雇

distributor n. 经销商

dividend n. 股息,红利

dock n. 码头,船坞

日语商务网站常用词汇 篇3

热门品目:ホットアイテム 热点问题:ホットイッシュー 五星好评:五つ星評価 主营:主な事業内容 所在地:現在地 所有地区:全地域 行业分类:業界カテゴリ 注册企业总数:登録企業総計 我要参加:参加する 我要登录:ログインする

热门商品推荐:おすすめの人気商品 店铺推荐:おすすめのショップ 国别商情:各国商況 热点问题:ホットイッシュー 您的位置:ご位置 确定:はい(依情况而定)到:へ

在结果中搜索:検索結果の中で絞込み 地址:アドレス 未开始:未開始 进行中:進行中 已结束: 終了

在线联系:オンラインお問い合わせ 上一页:前のページ 下一页:次のページ 更多(网站中):もっと見る 其他:その他

按省分(日本):都/道/府/県 注册:新規登録 注册免费:登録無料 网站导航:サイトガイド 我的服务:マイサービス 会员中心:会員センター 帮助:ヘルプ 收藏夹:お気に入り 批发: 卸売

检索排行:ランキング検索 关于我们:当社について 新手: はじめの方 常用工具:常用ツール 手机扫描:スキャン 关注我们:当社をフォロー 购物指南:買い物ナビ 购物流程: 買い物プロセス 团购:共同購入

常见问题:よくあるご質問 支付方式:お支払い方法 快捷支付:簡単お支払い 余额:残高

信用卡支付:クレジットカードでお支払い 货到付款:代金引換 邮局转账:郵便振替 配送方式:配達方式

上门自取:店舗受取;営業所止め置き 帮助中心:ヘルプセンター 买家入门:買い手ガイド 买家入门:売り手ガイド

24小时在线帮助:二十四時間オンラインヘルプ 交易安全:安全なお取引のために 交易问题:取引トラブル 投诉举报:クレームと通報 第三方担保交易:第三者保証取引 巨龙服务:巨龍サービス 合作服务:協力サービス 使用条款:使用規約 隐私条款:プライバシー条項 网站地图:サイトマップ VIP批发:VIP卸売 起批量:最低購入数 起订:最低注文数 服装:ファッション 库存:在庫 尾货:在庫処分品 购销全球:貿易グローバル 大洋洲:オセアニア 店铺关键字:店舗キーワード 招商:企業誘致

买家防骗:買い手安心ガイド 卖家防骗:売り手安心ガイド 放款最快:最速融資 最低利息:最低金利

商务英语中级常用专业词汇 篇4

分期付款: payment by instalment

现货: spot goods

付款交单; D/P documents against payment就是进口商付了货款以后银行才会把相关的单证给你

承兑交单 :D/A documents against acceptance

就是进口商做向银行保证在多少天内会付款,银行就会给你提单 了


提货单: B/L bill of lading

保险单:insurance policy

到岸价:CIF cost, insurance and freight成本、保险和运费价 到买方码头的价格

离岸价: FOB free on board 离开卖方码头的价格

信用等级差;to have a poor credit rating

装运单据:shipping documents

交货不足:short of delivery

守约:honor a contract

违约:dishonor the contract

毁约:break the contract

保险费:insurance premium

发、收货人:Consigner consignee

防震/水/潮: shock proof ,water proof , damp proof


定金:down payment

反倾销措施:antidumping measures

注册资金:registered funds

货币升值和贬值; the appreciation and depreciation of currency

拓宽投资方式:to diversify investment modes

继续保持良好的增长态势: to maintain the good growth momentum

统筹安排: overall arrangement

国家高新技术工业开发区:state high-tech and new-tech industrial development zones

下岗工人再就业; the Reemployment of Laid-off workers
