


中华人民共和国渔业法 篇1



第一章 总则 第二章 养殖和捕捞

第三章 渔业资源的保护和增殖 第四章 奖励和处罚 第五章 附则

第一章 总则

第一条 根据《中华人民共和国渔业法》和《中华人民共和国渔业法实施细则》,结合四川实际,制定本办法。

第二条 在我省行政区域内的水域从事养殖和采捕水生动物、水生植物等渔业活动,都必须遵守本办法。

第三条 各级人民政府应当把渔业生产纳入国民经济发展计划。以养殖为主,合理捕捞,保护、增殖和开发渔业资源,促进渔业生产的发展。


第四条 省水利电力厅是省人民政府渔业行政主管部门,主管全省的渔业工作。县级以上(含县级市、区,下同)人民政府渔业行政主管部门,主管本行政区域内的渔业工作。第五条 县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门及重要渔业水域,根据工作需要,可设置渔政监督管理机构或配备渔政检查人员。

第二章 养殖和捕捞

第六条 各级人民政府应鼓励和扶持全民所有制单位、集体所有制单位和个人,充分利用适于养殖的水面,发展养殖业。对可开发利用发展渔业生产的水域,应全面规划,合理开发,综合利用,协调发展。

第七条 使用全民所有的水面从事养殖生产的全民所有制单位和集体所有制单位,应当向县级以上渔业行政主管部门提出申请,由县级以上人民政府核准,发给养殖使用证,确认使用权。养殖使用证的管理办法,由省渔业行政主管部门制定。


第八条 养殖水面可由集体或个人承包经营,从事养殖生产。鼓励引进省内外或国外的资金、技术开发利用渔业水域。

第九条 承包经营养殖水面,双方应当签定合同。合同发生纠纷时,当事人应及时协商解决。协商不成时,任何一方均可向国家规定的合同管理机关申请调解或仲裁,也可以直接向人民法院起诉。

第十条 各级渔业行政主管部门应当加强渔业科学研究,鼓励、支持推广应用优良品种和养殖新技术。组织开展良种繁育、鱼病防治等技术指导和服务工作。第十一条 各级渔业行政主管部门应当配合标准计量管理部门和工商行政管理部门,加强对渔用配合饲料质量的监督管理,维护渔业生产经营者利益。

第十二条 生产鱼苗鱼种的单位或个人,经县级以上渔业行政主管部门审核批准,领取生产许可证。具体发放管理办法,由省渔业行政主管部门制定。


引进水生动物、水生植物苗种,必须按国家有关规定进行检疫。第十三条 鱼塘建设,应当符合农田水利基本建设规划和农业结构调整计划,严格控制占用耕地。

第十四条 因建设需要占用专用鱼塘的,对其审批、补偿和多余劳动力的安置,按土地管理法规的有关规定办理。

第十五条 以渔业为主兼有调蓄、灌溉等功能的水体,应当合理确定渔业生产所需要的最低水位线。属全民所有的,由有关主管部门协商确定;属集体所有的,由该集体管理机构确定。因特殊情况不能保证最低水位线,须经水体主管部门或集体管理机构同意,并及时通知该水域的养殖生产经营者,采取补救措施。造成渔业损失的,用水单位或个人应给予适当补偿。

第十六条 各级人民政府应当鼓励全民所有制单位、集体所有制单位或个人利用适宜种植水生经济植物的水面,发展莼菜、藕、芡实、菱、荸荠等水生植物。第十七条 在天然水域从事水生动物捕捞的单位或个人,经户籍所在地县级渔业行政主管部门所属的渔政监督管理机构进行船舶检验、船员考核合格,方可向县级渔业行政主管部门申请领取捕捞许可证,并按照捕捞许可证的规定进行作业。县级以上渔业行政主管部门发放的捕捞许可证,不得突破省下达的船网工具控制指标。


第十八条 专业渔民可以在本人户籍所在地设区的市、自治州和地区行政区域内的水域流动作业,需要出设区的市、自治州和地区行政区域作业的,经省渔业行政主管部门同意后,持捕捞许可证到作业地县级渔业行政主管部门所属的渔政监督管理机构登记。副业渔民不得跨县境作业。


第十九条 渔业生产经营者合法经营的水体及其设施、船网工具、水产品和渔获物受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。

第三章 渔业资源的保护和增殖

第二十条 省渔业行政主管部门确定公布天然水域的有重要经济价值的渔业资源名录、最低采捕标准和禁止使用的渔具与捕捞方法。设区的市、自治州和地区行政公署渔业行政主管部门根据本地资源情况,可确定公布本行政区域天然水域有重要经济价值的渔业资源名录和最低采捕标准。


第二十一条 禁止炸鱼、毒鱼。


禁止生产、销售禁用的渔具。不准宣传禁用的采捕方法。第二十二条 天然水域的禁渔期,为每年的2月1日至4月30日。阿坝州、甘孜州、凉山州和雅安地区行政公署渔业行政主管部门,可以根据本地气候、水温等情况,确定禁渔期。



第二十三条 因特殊需要采捞省规定的有重要经济价值的渔业资源的卵、幼体的,须经省渔业行政主管部门批准,在指定的区域和时间内按规定限额采捞。

第二十四条 使用捕捞小型成体鱼虾的小眼网具,必须按指定的水域和规定的时间作业。具体管理办法由县级渔业行政主管部门制定。

第二十五条 各级渔业行政主管部门应根据本地自然条件制定渔业资源的增殖和开发规划,组织开展向江河、湖泊等水域投放鱼种、修筑鱼巢等工作,保护和增殖渔业资源。

第二十六条 在鱼类洄游通道建闸、筑坝或者进行其他水工程作业,对渔业资源有严重影响的,建设单位必须建造过鱼设施或者建立渔业资源增殖站和采取其他补救措施。

第二十七条 各级渔业行政主管部门,应当对渔业水域的水质情况进行监测。重要渔业水域应设置渔业环境监测站。


因卫生防疫需要向渔业水域投放药物的,必须在投放药物前通知当地县级渔业行政主管部门和渔业生产经营者,采取措施,防止或减少对渔业资源的损害。第二十八条 在天然水域采捕水生动物、水生植物有收益的单位或个人,应当依法缴纳渔业资源增殖保护费。

第四章 奖励和处罚

第二十九条 符合下列条件之一的单位或个人,由各级人民政府给予表彰或奖励:





第三十条 违反本办法第十七条、第十九条、第二十一条、第二十二条规定的,按照《中华人民共和国渔业法》、《中华人民共和国渔业法实施细则》的规定处罚。

第三十一条 违反本办法规定,有下列行为之一的,由渔业行政主管部门或所属的渔政监督管理机构给予处罚:








第三十二条 违反本办法规定,有下列行为之一的,由工商行政管理部门责令其停业整顿,没收禁用渔具、渔获物和违法所得,可并处违法所得金额5倍以下罚款:




第三十三条 超过省规定的船网工具控制指标发放捕捞许可证或者超越职权发放捕捞许可证的,对直接责任人员和主要责任人由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分。第三十四条 拒绝、阻碍渔政检查人员依法执行公务,未使用暴力或威胁方法的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的规定处罚。

第三十五条 当事人对渔业行政处罚决定不服的,可以在接到处罚决定通知之日起15天内,向作出处罚决定机关的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定书之日起15天内向人民法院提起诉讼。也可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。当事人逾期不申请复议或者不向人民法院提起诉讼又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。


第三十六条 违反本办法规定,情节严重,触犯刑律的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第五章 附则

第三十七条 本办法具体应用中的问题,由四川省水利电力厅负责解释。

第三十八条 本办法自1990年4月1日起施行。

中华人民共和国渔业船员管理办法 篇2












































































































第五章 渔业船员职业管理与保障










































中华人民共和国渔业法 篇3

Article 1 With a view to regulate the activities of sole proprietorship enterprises, to protect the lawful rights and interests of sole proprietors and creditors of sole proprietorship enterprises, to safeguard the social and economic order, and to promote the development of socialist market economy, this Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution.Article 2 For purposes of this Law, a sole proprietorship enterprise means a business entity established within China with its capital contributed by one individual and its assets owned personally by the sole proprietor, who assumes unlimited liability to the extent of his personal assets.Article 3 A sole proprietorship enterprise‘s main place of business shall be its domicile.Article 4 In conducting business activities, a sole proprietorship enterprise shall abide by law and administrative regulations, as well as the principle of good faith and may not harm the public interests.A sole proprietorship enterprise shall fulfill its obligation to pay tax in accordance with the law.Article 5 The state shall protect the property and other lawful rights and interests of a sole proprietorship enterprise in accordance with the law.Article 6 A sole proprietorship enterprise shall hire workers in accordance with the law.The lawful rights and interests of its workers are protected by law.The workers of the sole proprietorship enterprise shall establish a labor union in accordance with the law, and the labor union shall conduct its activities in accordance with the law.Article 7 A member of the Chinese Communist Party in a sole proprietorship enterprise shall conduct his activities in accordance with the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party.Chapter Two: Establishment of Sole Proprietorship Enterprise

Article 8 For the establishment of a sole proprietorship enterprise, the following conditions shall be met:

(i)The sole proprietor is a natural person;

(ii)There is a lawful enterprise name;

(iii)There is capital contribution declared by the sole proprietor;

(iv)There is a permanent place and the necessary conditions for production and operation;(v)There are necessary personnel.Article 9 In establishing a sole proprietorship enterprise, the sole proprietor or the agent appointed thereby shall submit such documents as an application for the establishment of a sole proprietorship enterprise, proof of identity of the sole proprietor, proof of use of the place for production and operation, etc.to the registration authority of the place where the sole proprietorship enterprise will be located.Where an agent is appointed to apply for the establishment of the sole proprietorship enterprise, the power of attorney issued by the sole proprietor and the legal identity of the agent shall be presented.A sole proprietorship enterprise may not engage in any business prohibited by law or administrative regulations;where the sole proprietorship enterprise intends to engage in any business which requires approval by the relevant authority, the approval document issued by the relevant authority shall be presented at the time of applying for establishment registration.Article 10 The application form for the establishment of a sole proprietorship enterprise shall set forth the following:

(i)name and domicile of the enterprise;

(ii)name and residence of the sole proprietor;

(iii)the amount and form of capital contribution;

(iv)the scope of business.Article 11 The name of a sole proprietorship enterprise shall be consistent with its form of liability and its type of business.Article 12 Within fifteen days of its receipt of the application documents, the registration authority shall register the sole proprietorship enterprise and issue a business license thereto if the documents comply with the requirements set forth herein, or deny registration and issue a written response stating the reason for denial.Article 13 The date of issuance of the business license for a sole proprietorship enterprise shall be the date of its establishment.Prior to issuance of a business license for sole proprietorship enterprise, the sole proprietor may not engage in any business in the name of the sole proprietorship enterprise.Article 14 In establishing a branch of a sole proprietorship enterprise, the sole proprietor or an agent appointed thereby shall submit an application for registration to the registration authority of the place where the branch will be located, and the branch shall be issued a business license.Upon approval and registration of the branch, its registration certificate shall be filed with the registration authority having jurisdiction over the sole proprietorship enterprise to which such branch belongs.The civil liabilities of the branch shall be borne by the sole proprietorship enterprise establishing such branch.Article 15 Where during its existence, a sole proprietorship enterprise undergoes a change which affects a registered item, an application for registration amendment shall be submitted to the registration authority in accordance with the law within fifteen days of the decision to make such change.Chapter Three: Sole Proprietor and Management of the Sole Proprietor Enterprise‘s Affairs

Article 16 A person who is prohibited from engaging in any for-profit activity may not apply for the establishment of a sole proprietorship enterprise as a sole proprietor.[NextPage]

Article 17 A sole proprietor has lawful title to the assets of the sole proprietorship enterprise, and any related right may be assigned or inherited in accordance with the law.Article 18 Where at the time of application for establishment, the sole proprietor expressly declares any property jointly owned by his family as capital contribution, he shall assume unlimited liability to the extent of such joint property in accordance with the law.Article 19 A sole proprietor may manage the affairs of the sole proprietorship enterprise by himself, and may also appoint or hire another person with the capacity for civil act to manage the sole proprietorship enterprise.Where a sole proprietor appoints or hires another person to manage the affairs of the sole proprietorship enterprise, he shall conclude with the agent or employee a written contract prescribing the entrusted affairs and the scope of authority granted.The agent or employee shall perform the obligations of good faith and due care, and manage the affairs of the sole proprietorship enterprise in accordance with the contract with the sole proprietor.Any restriction by the sole proprietor on the authority of the agent or employee shall not constitutes a defense against a third person in good faith.Article 20 The person appointed or hired by the sole proprietor to manage the affairs of the sole proprietorship enterprise may not engage in any of the following conducts:

(i)demanding or accepting bribes by usurping his official position;

(ii)converting property of the sole proprietorship enterprise by usurping his official position or working relationship;

(iii)misappropriating funds of the sole proprietorship enterprise by using them for his own purpose or lending them to a third person.(iv)depositing funds of the sole proprietorship enterprise in his own name or in the name of any third person without authorization;

(v)pledging assets of the sole proprietorship enterprise as security without authorization;

(vi)engaging in any business in competition with the sole proprietorship enterprise without consent by the sole proprietor;

(vii)entering into any contract or conducting any transaction with the sole proprietorship enterprise without consent by the sole proprietor;

(viii)assigning any trademark or other intellectual property of the sole proprietorship enterprise to a third person for use without consent by the sole proprietor;

(ix)disclosing trade secrets of the sole proprietorship enterprise;

(x)any other act prohibited by law or administrative regulations.Article 21 A sole proprietorship enterprise shall set up accounting books and conduct accounting in accordance with the law.Article 22 Where a sole proprietorship enterprise employs workers, it shall enter into labor contracts with the workers, and ensure workplace safety and make full and timely payment of wages.Article 23 A sole proprietorship enterprise shall participate in the social insurance scheme in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the state, and shall pay social insurance premiums for its workers.Article 24 A sole proprietorship enterprise may apply for loan and acquire land-use-rights in accordance with the law, and shall enjoy other rights prescribed by law or administrative regulations.Article 25 No entity or individual may force a sole proprietorship enterprise to contribute funds, goods or labor in any manner in violation of law or administrative regulations;a sole proprietorship enterprise is entitled to reject any attempt forcing it to contribute funds, goods or labor in violation of law.Chapter Four: Dissolution and Liquidation of Sole Proprietorship Enterprise

Article 26 A sole proprietorship enterprise shall be dissolved in any of the following circumstances:

(i)The sole proprietor decides to dissolve the sole proprietorship enterprise;

(ii)The sole proprietor is deceased or is declared deceased, and there is no heir or the heir has renounced his inheritance;

(iii)Its business license is lawfully revoked;

(iv)Any other situation prescribed by law or administrative regulations has occurred.Article 27 Where a sole proprietorship enterprise is to be dissolved, the sole proprietor shall

conduct liquidation himself, or the creditors thereof may apply to the People‘s Court to designate a liquidator to conduct liquidation.Where the sole proprietor conducts liquidation himself, he shall notify the creditors fifteen days prior to liquidation, and where he is unable to give notice, he shall make a public announcement.A creditor who has received such notice shall file a claim with the sole proprietor within thirty days of notification, and a creditor who has not received such notice shall file a claim with the sole proprietor within sixty days of the public announcement.Article 28 Upon dissolution of a sole proprietorship enterprise, the former sole proprietor shall be liable to repay the debt incurred by the sole proprietorship enterprise during its existence, provided that any claim not made by the relevant creditor within five years shall be extinguished.Article 29 Upon dissolution of a sole proprietorship enterprise, its assets shall be paid out in the following order of priority:

(i)wages and social insurance premiums payable;

(ii)taxes payable;

(iii)other debts.Article 30 During liquidation, a sole proprietorship enterprise may not engage in any business activity unrelated to the liquidation.The sole proprietor may not transfer or conceal the property of the sole proprietorship enterprise prior to full payment of its debt.Article 31 Where the assets of a sole proprietorship enterprise are not sufficient to repay its debts in full, the sole proprietor shall contribute his other personal assets to cover the difference.Article 32 Upon completion of the liquidation of a sole proprietorship enterprise, the sole proprietor or the liquidator designated by the People‘s Court shall prepare a liquidation report, and shall conduct de-registration with the registration authority within fifteen days.Chapter Five: Legal Liabilities

Article 33 Where a sole proprietor, in violation of the provisions hereof, obtains registration for the sole proprietorship enterprise by submitting false documents or by other fraudulent means, he shall be ordered to rectify the situation, and shall be fined not more than five thousand Yuan;where the circumstance is serious, its business license shall be concurrently revoked.Article 34 Where the name of a sole proprietorship enterprise, in contravention to the provisions hereof, is not consistent with the name registered with the registration authority, the sole proprietorship enterprise shall be ordered to rectify the situation within a prescribed time limit, and shall be fined not more than two thousand Yuan.Article 35 Where a sole proprietorship enterprise alters, rents or assigns its business license to any other person, it shall be ordered to rectify the situation, and any resulting illegal income shall be confiscated, and the sole proprietorship enterprise shall be fined not more than three thousand Yuan;where the circumstance is serious, its business license shall be revoked.Where a person falsifies the business license of a sole proprietorship enterprise, he shall be ordered to cease his business, and any illegal income shall be confiscated, and he shall be fined not more than five thousand Yuan.Where such act constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be imposed in accordance with the law.[NextPage]

Article 36 If a sole proprietorship enterprise fails to commence business within six months from the time of its establishment, or it ceases to carry out its business for more than six consecutive months, its business license shall be revoked.Article 37 Where a person, in violation of the provisions hereof, engages in any business activity in the name of a sole proprietorship enterprise while no business license has been issued, he shall be ordered to cease such business activity, and he shall be fined not more than three thousand Yuan.Where a registered item of a sole proprietorship enterprise has changed, if amendment registration is not carried out in accordance herewith, the sole proprietorship enterprise shall be ordered to carry out such registration within a prescribed time limit;where amendment registration is not carried out within the prescribed time limit, the sole proprietorship enterprise shall be fined not more than two thousand Yuan.Article 38 If while conducting the affairs of the sole proprietorship enterprise, the person appointed or hired by a sole proprietor breaches the contract between them, thereby causing harm to the sole proprietor, such person shall be liable for civil damages.Article 39 Where a sole proprietorship enterprise, in violation hereof, violates the lawful rights and interests of its workers, fails to ensure the safety of its workers or fails to pay their social insurance premiums, it shall be sanctioned in accordance with the relevant laws or administrative regulations, and liability shall be imposed on the relevant person.Article 40 Where the person appointed or hired by a sole proprietor infringes on the property interests of the sole proprietorship enterprise, he shall be ordered to make restitution, and where the sole proprietorship enterprise sustains any loss as a result, he shall be liable for damages in accordance with the law;where he has made any illegal gain, such illegal gain shall be confiscated;where a crime is committed, criminal liability shall be imposed.Article 41 Where a sole proprietorship enterprise is forced to contribute resources in the form of labor, goods, or funds in violation of law or administrative regulations, the responsible party shall be sanctioned in accordance with the relevant law or administrative regulation, and liability shall be imposed on the relevant person.Article 42 Where before or during the liquidation of a sole proprietorship enterprise, the sole proprietorship enterprise or the sole proprietor conceals or transfers its/his assets in order to evade debts, such assets shall be reclaimed in accordance with the law and sanction shall be imposed in accordance with the law;where such act constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be imposed in accordance with the law.Article 43 Where the sole proprietor violates the provisions hereof, thereby incurring civil liability for damages as well as administrative or criminal fine, if his assets are not sufficient to pay the above amounts in full, or his assets are to be confiscated, satisfaction of the relevant civil liability shall have priority.Article 44 Where the registration authority grants registration to an application for the registration of sole proprietorship enterprise which fails to meet the conditions prescribed herein, or fails to grant registration to an application for registration of sole proprietorship enterprise which meets the conditions prescribed herein, the person direct responsible shall be assessed administrative penalties in accordance with the law.Where such act constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be imposed in accordance with the law.Article 45 Where the department in charge of the registration authority compels it to grant registration to an application which fails to meet the conditions prescribed herein, or engages in cover up for an illegal registration, the person with directly responsible shall be assessed administrative penalties in accordance with the law.Where such act constitutes a crime, criminal

liability shall be imposed in accordance with the law.Article 46 Where the registration authority fails to grant registration to an application which meets the conditions prescribed herein, or fails to issue any response after the legally prescribed time limit has expired, the party may apply for administrative review or bring an administrative suit.Chapter Six: Supplementary Provisions

中华人民共和国渔业法 篇4

















(三)农产品质量安全保障。主要为:优质农产品研发推2、4月中旬~5月中旬,各镇(街道)人大组织人大代表开展执法检查; 3、5月下旬,各镇(街道)人大报送执法检查情况书面材料; 4、5月中旬,组织人员对执法案卷进行抽查; 5、6月上、中旬,检查组分组对相关部门及各镇(街道)进行检查,召开各类座谈会; 6、7月中旬,检查组起草执法检查报告。

(三)审议阶段(8月至9月)1、8月中旬,市人大常委会主任会议听取执法检查报告; 2、8月下旬,市人大常委会听取和审议市政府的自查报告和执法检查小组的执法检查报告,提出审议意见; 3、9月上旬,市人大常委会向社会公布执法检查报告及审议意见。

(四)整改阶段(8月至11月)1、8~11月,市人大常委会跟踪监督执法检查报告及审议意见落实; 2、8~10月,向省人大常委会或台州市人大常委会报告执法检查情况; 3、11月底,市人民政府向市人大常委会提交对执法检查报告及审议意见研究处理情况的报告。

