雅思高分作文汇总 篇1
The increase of food production owns much to fertilizers and better machinery, but some people say it has a negative impact on human health and community.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write at least 250 words.It it evidentially true that advanced machinery and fertilizers, to a large degree, optimize food production.However, by giving it all negative comments, I believe it unreasonable and irrational since it merely represents only one single step rather than the entire processing procedure.It cannot be repudiated that side-effects fertilizers and machinerybring about are somehow obvious.For instance, the chemical substances detrimental to health seep into crops and vegetables along withfertilizers.Sometimes, overdose of any chemical may directly result in certain degrading of body organs.More seriously, the universal application of machinery may replace human labor force as a more efficient substitute, which may lead to the rise of unemployment.Besides, the waste gas generated by all those units will definitely contribute to local air quality or perhaps global warming.Nevertheless, is it true that we, as human beings, should leave all these inventions behind and pretend they have never made a great difference?
On the other side, it is a logical error to take one certain step as the whole process.Currently, along with scientific advancement, people rarely take raw food as in the past.Thanks to the perfection of food processing industry, there are more procedures, such as filtering, degerming, or low-temperature evaporating, to guarantee food quality harmless to human bodies.In addition, many trace elements and other nutrient vitamins are, through advanced operation, compoundedin the food in order to improve the nutrient composition of the food itself.Therefore, it is fairly assertive and parochial to claim fertilizers and machinery have a negative impact.And more ironically, if human beings did not apply them in food production today,there would be no way to feed growing world population.As was previously stated and well discussed, the role and function of fertilizers and machinery in food production is overgeneralized and misinterpreted.Personally, they both serve well in food production, and their flaws are avoidable most of time.
雅思高分作文汇总 篇2
[1]Diana Hopkins.Mark Nettle:Passport to IELTS[M].Edu-cational Press,London,U.K.1996.
雅思图表类作文写作分析 篇3
Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. (1) The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries for UK residents to visit. (2) Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. (3) Write at least 150 words. (4)
从上文可见,图表作文的内容要求在题目中都有体现,小作文的题目分成文字和图表两部分。文字部分每次考试都是类似的,四段话分别讲述时间要求(1)、图表信息概述(2)、内容要求(3)和文字量要求(4)。其中图表信息概述(2)是对图表内容的整体描述,是临场写作词句的极佳素材。内容要求(3)中的关键词汇:总结(summarize)、选择和报告(select and report),主要特征(main features)和相关比较(make comparisons where relevant)会在后面内容要求分析中逐个展开。
图表作文写作时间为20分钟左右,并未加以严格限制,熟练写作小作文的考生甚至还可以节省出一些时间用于Task 2。但是根据经验,考试时按照题目推荐的20分钟进行写作比较合理。对于小作文的长短,考虑到临场写作时间紧迫以及增加字数会提高考生语言错误的暴露率等客观因素,笔者建议大家把小作文字数控制在150~200之间为最佳,不必过于追求长度与细致度。纵观《剑桥雅思》系列中出自雅思考官笔下的满分范文,字数一般都是刚刚超过150。
判断一篇文章的表达是否多样化,其中之一就是看其用词是否多变准确而不单一。图表部分中,图名和图例是考生临场写作时重要的同义词来源,大家一定要学会加以利用。例如第一幅图中的visit就是图表信息概述中travel的可替换同义词。另外,大家还要注意坐标轴上单位的正确使用,因为图表描述的是数字规律,而数字离开单位将没有任何意义,例如第一幅图中纵坐标人数的单位是百万(表示单位时用复数 millions),写作中表达具体数字时,如5300万,应该是53 million,不能因为图表中单位的复数表达而误写成53 millions。
主要特征(main features)即图表反映的主要数字规律,最常见的规律有趋势和极值两种。具体到第一幅图上就是英国居民出境旅游人数和海外居民到英国旅游人数从1979年到1999年都在增加。无论是出境游还是入境游,1979年人次数最少,1999年最多。而第二张图中,描述的是5个独立数字,没有趋势,只有极值。从中不难发现,法国(France)和西班牙(Spain)在1999年作为最受欢迎的英国人旅游目的地得票数,明显超过其余国家。
比较(make comparisons where relevant)意为不同数据组之间规律的比较,既可以在同一幅图表内部比较,也可以在图表之间进行比较。例如在第一幅图中,英国居民出境旅游的人数比外国居民到英国旅游的人数多,而且增长速度更快。又如考虑两幅图之间信息相关的部分,比如第二幅图所描述的1999年,对应第一幅图中的数字约为53 million。联系两图发现到法国(France)和西班牙(Spain)两个国家的英国旅游者人数就占了当年英国旅游者总人数的20%左右。可见这些都是一些重要信息,需要在作文中表述出来。
最后需要补充的是细节(supporting details),因为如果文章仅仅是对主要特征的描述,则显然无法写出150字,而特征是必须有具体数字支持的。这时可以引用1979年和1999年英国居民出境旅游人次数大约12 million和大约53 million来支持英国居民出境旅游人数在1979年到1999年增加的这一现象(单调增加的曲线,趋势和极值可以写在一起)。另外还可以列举1999年最受英国旅游者欢迎的5个国家具体接待英国游客人数,来支持法国和西班牙是英国游客两大目的地国。
雅思高分作文汇总 篇4
To attract eyeballs, some newspaper and TV programs compete with each other to contain as much detailed description of crimes as possible. However, with close examination on the potential negative impacts on society, there ought to be strict regulation on the revelation of crimes by medias.
Admittedly, the exposure of criminals and their offense can to some extent deter crimes and warn the public. By revealing crimes with details, newspaper and TV programs clearly tell people what punishments one will face for certain crimes. Consequently, they encourage people with evil intention to think twice before jump. The educational function of publishing crimes in detail also includes reminding people potential dangers around them. For example, as more people fall prey to cyber crimes, such as privacy disclosure and phishing sites, medias should take the responsibility to teach people how to discern risks and protect themselves.
However, with too many details of various criminal behaviors revealed to the public, there emerges another risk: teaching people how to commit a crime. Inevitably, the description of crimes in details may arouse some people’s curiosity to imitate. In fact, there are people who have evil thoughts but no ideas how to make it come true. It is possible that they get inspiration and stimulation from the description and make their own illegal plans. As a result, with poor self control and judgment, more people are seduced and choose to take risks to break laws. In a word, it is necessary for responsible medias to be cautious while they report crimes.
To sum up, in consideration to social effects, responsible medias should not reveal crimes with too many details, in case that some readers or audiences will learn and imitate.
Detailed descriptions of crimes are often given in the newspaper or on TV. Some people think it has bad consequences on society and should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
雅思作文高分的技巧心得 篇5
雅思高分作文汇总 篇6
The charts below show the reasons why people left the UK and why people stayed in the UK.01.14
The table gives the information about different means of transportation people choose to take in the UK in 2002.01.23
The two maps below show the development of Huntingdon(now and future).01.30
The bar chart below gives information about the change of transportation tools for students in New Zealand in 1993 and 2003.02.06
The two pie charts below show the different ways people use in working days between 1980 and 2006.02.20
The pie charts below show the changes ofdifferent study methods of university students by course types in 1984, 1994 and 2004.02.27
The table below gives information about changes in UK population by age group in 1985 and 2005 and shows the figure predicted in 2015.03.06
The pie charts below show the proportion of time spent on different types of websites by male and female students.03.18
The table below gives information on the ratios of male to female workforce in different fields of work in New Zealand in 1993 and 2003.03.20
The two bar charts below show the percentages of male and female students in secondary education and higher education for four different regions of the world in 2000.03.27
The table below gives information about annual salaries of five different employment sectors in Australia in 2006.04.10
The bar chart below shows the number of the Internet users in different age groups in Queensland, Australia, in 2001.04.15
The table below shows the percentage of North American households with different marriage status in 1978 and 2000.04.17
The table below shows the proportion of females with different leader position levels in UK from 1990 to 2000.04.24
The table below gives information about the situation of marriage and age from 1960 to 2000 in Australia.05.08
The bar charts below show weekly working hours spent by people of different age groups in four European countries(France, Sweden, UK etc).05.15
The three planses below show changes in the use of reading room, meeting room and theatre in a particular public building.05.20
The two diagrams below show the structure of a balloon and how it woks.05.29
The maps below give information about a village in 1995 and the planning of the same village at present.06.05
The pie charts below show changes in the proportion of different kinds of consumer products and services consumed by people in European countries between 1958 and 2008.06.17
The maps below show the changes of the local museum from 1957 to 2007.06.19
The two tables below show the sales of coffees and bananas respectively in five countries in 1999 and 2004.06.26
The two maps below show the development of a centre from 1958 to 2015.07.10
The three maps below show the development of a village in 1800, 1900 and 2000.07.15
2The table blow shows the percentage of the tax in the whole GDP in five countries in the 30 years spanning from 1975 to 2005.07.17
The pie charts below show the result of a survey which is about how much students(graduates and postgraduates)like the facilities in a UK university in 2007.07.31
The bar chart below shows the proportion of urban population in China, Malaysia, Sweden, Uganda and the world in 1975, 2002 and 2015.08.05
The table compares the water use in four different countries.08.14
The bar chart below shows the global sales of different digital games between 2000 and 2006.08.21
The bar chart below shows the types of materials downloaded by UK Internet users of different ages in 2006.08.28
The bar chart below shows the types of materials downloaded by UK Internet users of different ages in 2006.09.04
The line graph below shows the proportion of a country’s past and projected spending on three areas(health, education, retirement pensions)between 2001and 2051.09.11
The bar chart below shows the proportion of males watching or participating in different kinds of sports.09.16
The pie charts below show the change in qualification of employees in an engineering company.09.25
The bar chart shows the frequency for people to go to a town due to various reasons.10.09
The line graph shows the percentage of females and males who continued their secondary education after the age of 18 in Norway, UK, Italy and Spain between 1996 and 2003.10.14
2The graphs below show the development of the cutting tools made by stone, one was made 1.4 million years ago, and the other was made 800 thousand years ago, viewing from back view, front view and side view.10.23
The pie charts below show different opinions about the service of the university library between full-time students and part-time students.10.30
The bar charts below show average time spent on two activities(reading and listening to music)by age groups in New Zealand.11.04
The graph below gives information about vehicle use of different types registered in European country in 1996 and in 2006.11.06
The line graph shows the number of sports players in a certain European country between 1985 and 2005.11.20
The table below gives information on the proportion of water use in three different sectors(Industrial, Agricultural and Domestic)in six countries in 2003.11.27
The graphs below show the percentage of boys and girls who took part in the organized cultural activities and sports in Australia in 2003.12.04
The graphs below show different postal charges by weight and satisfaction rates of postal service in four countries(UK, Germany, Italy, and Netherlands).12.11
The two maps below show the development of Pentland, a costal town, between 1950 and 2007.12.16
The graph below shows the percentage of workers taking five days or more sickness absence per year in five Europe countries from1991 to 2001.12.18
雅思高分作文汇总 篇7
What university has done to our society is of widespread concern, opinions will differ according to different people, while I tend to believe that positive effects have been imposed on our community.
From the moral perspective to the ability perspective, well-educated graduates have been contributing to the nourishment of one community. A person with morality and a sense of cooperation, for example, is unlikely to do anything detrimental to others. Subjects such as history, psychology give facilities to the enhancement of students’ quality. Teachers also teach students how to cooperate with peers, which lays a foundation for their future lives and thus build a more effective running system in society: cooperation makes things done more efficiently.
Academic caliber derived from school is also beneficial to the development of one country. Individuals are encouraged to acquire a wide range of knowledge and allowed to specialize in one certain subject at universities, this ensures the constant influxes of talents of different domains such as biochemistry, engineering, ele-technology and so forth into corresponding industries. Therefore, productivity and economy is dramatically improved.
However, there is, of course, one major issue that becomes a headache for many young graduates, unemployment. Every year, with numerous uni-graduates pouring into talents market, it is soon to be seen that having a decent job turn out to be a rare occurrence among these youngsters. This problem then is progressed into other ones including robbery, fraud and terrorism.
But connections between university education and unemployment have not been testified still. Reasons may lie in graduates themselves, as there are still many cities and industries desperate in need of labor force. It is a common situation that under-developed areas are the last choices for many job seekers. Besides, for those vacancies which require high capability of some fields, there is a usual shortage of people who are truly competent.
Therefore, higher education is overall conducive to our society by providing sorts of applicant talents and the low rate of employment should be taken into consideration by the government and educational authorities who are responsible to solve the problems identified above.
Some people think schools should teach students to form good behavior in addition to providing formal education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(有些人认为学校除了提供正规教育外,还应该教学生养成良好的行为习惯。你在多大程度上同意或反对?)
2013雅思大作文难题汇总分析 篇8
特点一:太空探索话题再次出现 2013.7.6 Space travel has been possible for some time.Some people think space tourism can be more developed in the future.Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
这是一道是有关于太空探索的题目。而上一次出现此类话题的时间需要追溯至7年前,2006年4月8日的雅思A类写作考试。当时的考题是: 2006.4.8 In the past century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon, he said, ‘It is a big step for mankind.’ But some people think it makes little difference to our daily life.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
space technology
astronomy 天文学
man-made satellite 人造卫星
aviation 航空
telecommunication 通信
weather forecast
military use 军事用途
risky investment 风险投资 public investment 公共投资 private investment 私人投资
以下关于一些有关太空探索的利与弊 Advantages:
general prestige for countries like China, Japan and India expanding our environment and saving humanity in case of global destruction Disadvantages:
the possible loss of life possibility of infection from alien viruses and bacteria yet comets spread these too high costs which could be used to help the needy or sponsor other experiments, yet money spent on all the space programs is paid to suppliers, services and personnel who again pay taxes.No cash is ever “lost” or “wasted” in space.There would be a high economic loss and some difficulty may appear.Ø 特点二:旧题新面貌
对比以下两道题: 2013.6.22(A类)
Some people think that the government should offer financial support and care to the elderly, while others think that people should save money for their future life.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.2007.8.25(A类)
Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ø 特点三:G类和A类考题互通 经常有考生问,“我是A类考生,需不需要看G类的写作机经?”同样地,也经常有G类考生问要不要看A类的写作机经。在这里,我们通过以下两道题的对比,来回答考生们的提问。
对比以下两道题: 2013.3.9(G类)The best way to protect the environment is to reduce the amount of air travel.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2006.2.18(A类)Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the world’s fuel resources.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ø 难题一:2013.1.19(A类)2013.1.19(A类)Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society.It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
文章的结构可以如下: 第一段:开头段。
Ø 雅思大作文难题二:2013.9.21(A类)2013.9.21(A类)
Through history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but people have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like.What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society? How can people work towards achieving an ideal society?
这道题中有一个细节,很多考生会忽略。那就是第一个问题中“the most important element”。很多考生在回答第一个问题的时候,关于如何成就一个完美社会,会给出两个甚至两个以上的因素,忽视了题目中所强调的“最重要的一个因素”的概念,从而产生审题不清的问题,最终导致写作分数的下降。因此,在这里,笔者强烈建议考生,在考场上要看清楚考题中每一个细节,而不是粗略地读一下而已。