


雅思图表作文 篇1




According to the data , the years from …to…saw/winess a rise/climb/drop in the number/rate/percentage/proportion of 对象 from数据to数据,which was followed by a rapid decrease/reduce/increase over the ** years.


Also it can be noticed that in ** year ,the number/percentage … reached the buttom . However/on the contrary,**year saw the peak during this period.

……时间点 ,when the number/percentage reached(amounted to)to a peak of… / a high point at …


The proportion/number of 对象 in the xx and xx are similar and follow the same trend.In ** the figures were xx% and xx% respectively,rising to xx% and xx% respectively in **,after dipping to xx% and xx% respectively in **.(总体的趋势介绍)Thereafter,分开介绍即可


…is projected to…… as to

…is expected to…… as for

…is forcasted to …… …is estimated to…

5. 对波动的描述

as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of…


……fluctuated dramatically between xx% and xx% during …period .

此外,在描述过程中还有很多的conjunctional words/sentences,最常用的固定搭配如下:

并列: as well as(句首/中), also, as well(句尾), either, neither, too, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, besides, what’s more, apart from …

举例: for example, for instance, to illustrate, as an illustration, in particular, particularly, especially

事实: as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, as long as, so long as …

雷同/近似:similarly, likewise(句首/尾), at the same time, equally …

转折: however, whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, although, even though, while, yet, on the contrary, contrarily, in contrast, conversely, on the other hand, unlikely, instead (of), in spite of, despite of …

雅思图表作文 篇2

雅思学术类写作考试中的Task 1 考察考生解释、说明信息的能力, 这些信息通常体现在图解、表格和插图中。考生必须用自己的话说明这些信息, 不要用注释的形式进行写作。文章字数应该不少于规定的150 字。考生在作文中无需阐述自己的意见、做出假设对所给信息做出结论性的评价。与Task 2 相比, 这一部分的模式化程度更高些。因此, 图表作文的写作可以分为以下四个步骤:


学术类Task 1 的题目说明通常是要求考生向大学老师写一份报告, 并假定该老师没有见过图表材料, 因此, 考生作文即为提供图表数据的唯一来源。考生不能想当然地认为阅卷老师应该知道数据是如何变化的, 而应用相对专业的词汇将这些数据描述清楚。

通常, 题目会设定一个背景, 告诉考生数据的来源、内容或含义。题目往往说明该数据来自某个国家, 这只是出题者为了使数据显得真实、或者更有趣, 但考生完全无需对该国家情况进行描述。


审题后就要对文章进行大概构思, 其一, 分析图表的主要特征, 其二, 弄清写作重点及选用适当的分析方法。分析图表的主要特征是写作的基础内容。考生需要弄清楚图表所要表达的问题、主要规律等等, 对于多个图表的组合题目还需分析各图表间的关系。图表往往有很多数据, 但不是每个数据都需要描述。然后选择分析方法: 分类法、数据比较法、平铺直叙法和显著特征描述法。


在确定了题目要求和写作方向后就可以着手确定文章结构了, 主要包括文章分几段、每段描述哪些数据、各段间的顺序如何安排。图表作文一般可分为引言、正文和结尾三部分。

1. 开好引言段, 把握主题句的准确表达。引言段开头必须是主题句。主题句一般要开门见山、简洁明了地告诉读者你在图表中看到了什么。在引言部分应就图表的基本情况进行描述, 但无需详细说明。一般来说, 引言段中的主题句应告诉读者, 文章引用的信息出自表格还是示意图, 其内容指的是什么等等。此外, 该主题句还应说明图中数字代表什么、所指对象及相应的人和时间。这个句子信息量大, 为读者理解下文做了很好的铺垫。写作命题中可能已经提供合适的主题句。如果是这种情况, 千万不要原封不动地抄下来, 考生应重新组织一下语言, 使之与提供的命题语气稍有区别。

2. 描写图表。在描写图表时, 应着重描写体现图表主要特点或总体变化规律的数据或信息, 忽略无关紧要的变化状况或没有“特色”的数据。此外, 还应该注意使用衔接词和转承短语, 使文章显得紧凑, 逻辑性强。

3. 结尾段。与Task 2 不同, Task 1 末尾不需要加一段“单独”的结论, 因为Task 1 没有要求用一句话做出结论或评论。学术类写作Task 1 中要求考生描述图表, 作文中发表个人见解是不合适的, 反而可能导致扣分。

4. 检查。由于紧张, 考生在考场上常会犯一些写作错误。因此, 考生应尽量留出2 ~ 3 分钟时间对文章进行全面检查。以下问题需要特别注意:

( 1) 拼写错误。频繁和低级的拼写错误会使考生得高分的可能性大打折扣。因此, 考生应认真检查名词单复数、动词过去分词、过去式等形式。还应注意标点符号的使用。

( 2) 不规则书写。该大写的时候不大写, 不该大写的时候反而大写, 或者采用不正规的缩写形式。除此之外, 由于作文部分涉及大量的书写, 考生应尽量工整、清晰的完成答卷, 避免由于辨认不清而导致的扣分现象。

( 3) 语法错误。包括主谓一致、时态一致等问题。这里要提醒考生注意句子成分的完整性, 有些考生片面追求句式复杂多变, 却忽略了句子成分的完整性, 最常见的是长句子中缺少谓语、多谓语或没有连接词。考生应该明确, 高分作文句式多变是建立在准确的基础上的。

( 4) 数字表达不清。图表作文字数往往很多, 考生由于紧张, 在考场上易将数字混淆, 如抄错数字、看串行等。另外, 考生还易混淆一些有关数字的表达法, 如: “A是B的N倍”与“A比B多N倍”。

雅思图表类作文写作分析 篇3

Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. (1) The charts below give information about travel to and from the UK, and about the most popular countries for UK residents to visit. (2) Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. (3) Write at least 150 words. (4)



从上文可见,图表作文的内容要求在题目中都有体现,小作文的题目分成文字和图表两部分。文字部分每次考试都是类似的,四段话分别讲述时间要求(1)、图表信息概述(2)、内容要求(3)和文字量要求(4)。其中图表信息概述(2)是对图表内容的整体描述,是临场写作词句的极佳素材。内容要求(3)中的关键词汇:总结(summarize)、选择和报告(select and report),主要特征(main features)和相关比较(make comparisons where relevant)会在后面内容要求分析中逐个展开。


图表作文写作时间为20分钟左右,并未加以严格限制,熟练写作小作文的考生甚至还可以节省出一些时间用于Task 2。但是根据经验,考试时按照题目推荐的20分钟进行写作比较合理。对于小作文的长短,考虑到临场写作时间紧迫以及增加字数会提高考生语言错误的暴露率等客观因素,笔者建议大家把小作文字数控制在150~200之间为最佳,不必过于追求长度与细致度。纵观《剑桥雅思》系列中出自雅思考官笔下的满分范文,字数一般都是刚刚超过150。


判断一篇文章的表达是否多样化,其中之一就是看其用词是否多变准确而不单一。图表部分中,图名和图例是考生临场写作时重要的同义词来源,大家一定要学会加以利用。例如第一幅图中的visit就是图表信息概述中travel的可替换同义词。另外,大家还要注意坐标轴上单位的正确使用,因为图表描述的是数字规律,而数字离开单位将没有任何意义,例如第一幅图中纵坐标人数的单位是百万(表示单位时用复数 millions),写作中表达具体数字时,如5300万,应该是53 million,不能因为图表中单位的复数表达而误写成53 millions。





主要特征(main features)即图表反映的主要数字规律,最常见的规律有趋势和极值两种。具体到第一幅图上就是英国居民出境旅游人数和海外居民到英国旅游人数从1979年到1999年都在增加。无论是出境游还是入境游,1979年人次数最少,1999年最多。而第二张图中,描述的是5个独立数字,没有趋势,只有极值。从中不难发现,法国(France)和西班牙(Spain)在1999年作为最受欢迎的英国人旅游目的地得票数,明显超过其余国家。


比较(make comparisons where relevant)意为不同数据组之间规律的比较,既可以在同一幅图表内部比较,也可以在图表之间进行比较。例如在第一幅图中,英国居民出境旅游的人数比外国居民到英国旅游的人数多,而且增长速度更快。又如考虑两幅图之间信息相关的部分,比如第二幅图所描述的1999年,对应第一幅图中的数字约为53 million。联系两图发现到法国(France)和西班牙(Spain)两个国家的英国旅游者人数就占了当年英国旅游者总人数的20%左右。可见这些都是一些重要信息,需要在作文中表述出来。

最后需要补充的是细节(supporting details),因为如果文章仅仅是对主要特征的描述,则显然无法写出150字,而特征是必须有具体数字支持的。这时可以引用1979年和1999年英国居民出境旅游人次数大约12 million和大约53 million来支持英国居民出境旅游人数在1979年到1999年增加的这一现象(单调增加的曲线,趋势和极值可以写在一起)。另外还可以列举1999年最受英国旅游者欢迎的5个国家具体接待英国游客人数,来支持法国和西班牙是英国游客两大目的地国。

雅思图表小作文混合图 篇4

Overall, it can be seen that there was a noticeable increase in the amount of passengers. Meanwhile, majority of them are people aged over 50.

In terms of the specific numbers, starting at 340,000 in 1995, it roared in the next 8 years, tripling to 1,050,000 in 2003.

雅思图表作文第一段改写方法 篇5

The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.再来看给出的6.5分范文

This chart gives information about the percentage change in average house prices in five different cities located in five

different countries over 12 year period between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average houses in 1989.出路倒是有一条,那就是“句型变化+词汇改变”,措辞改变大家很好理解,句型变化是大家以前很少想到去做的,其实句型变化很简单,一般题目The table shows后面给出的通常是一个名词性的词组,我们把它改成句子即可,句型和词汇双变化,改写就容易充分了:

The given diagram indicates that how the real estate market in five major cities around the world changed from 1989 to the period between 1990 and 2002.句型变化:名词性词组changes变为how…changed…词汇变化:this chart变为the given diagram

average house prices变为the real estate market

in five different cities后面添加around the world

between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989变为from 1989 to the period between 1990 and 2000同时我们也可以作另外一种改写:

一般的题目是The graph shows…,改为The information given by the graph is about…则很轻易的改换了句型表达。再看几个示例

示例 1


The table below shows the proportion of different categories of family living in poverty in Australia in 1999.改写一

The table illustrates what percentage of Australian families among various kinds lived in poverty in 1999.改写二

The information given by the table is about the percentage of poor families in Australia coming from various backgrounds in 1990.示例 2


The chart below shows the different levels of post-school

qualification in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999.改写一

The bar chart demonstrates how many males and females in Australia in 1999 held various post-school diplomas.改写二

The information provided by this bar chart is about the

percentage of Australian males and females holding the various post-school diplomas.示例 3


The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.改写

雅思图表题解答注意事项 篇6

它又分成三种类型,即统计表(Table),原理图(Diagram),流程图(Flow Chart).前几年的阅读考试图表题以Table居多,而近一两年Diagram 和Flow Chart出现次数较多.

图表题虽然不是阅读的主流题型,但也有可能在你参加的考试中“冷不丁”冒出来.如果没有经过对该题型的研究学习和心理准备,则会由于不熟悉或不能正确理解图表的结构而导致失分.相对而言,Diagram题由于不存在对结构理解的问题,所以是属于简单的题型.而Table和Flow Chart则有可能被命题者设计的较为复杂.解题的关键在于对图表结构的理解和定位词的选择.

浅谈雅思作文的写作方法 篇7

1. 思路原则

所谓“思路原则”是指在动笔写作之前, 学生应对文章的题目进行透彻的分析, 对整篇文章的框架要有一定的构思。相反, 很多学生一拿到作文题目, 没有经过审题或者构思提笔就写, 殊不知很可能离题万里, 或者写到一半无法进行下去, 这都是违背写作原则的后果。对于雅思大作文, 整个写作过程应该至少有以下三个步骤:第一步, 审题、列提纲。审题是有效完成任务的第一步, 也是最关键的一步。有效的审题方法应该是先通读题目, 了解大意, 然后再细读题目, 分析句子间的逻辑关系并找出关键词。题目读懂, 并且弄清楚题目要求后, 根据以上的题目解构信息及已有的素材列出写作提纲, 注意写作提纲不需要过于细致, 写出每段的主题句或者是零散的关键词都可以。第一步可以花3到5分钟来完成, 这短短的几分钟可以保证文章切题, 结构严密, 逻辑性强。第二步, 依照提纲动笔写作。由于雅思大作文通常要求写议论文, 而论点、论据和论证是议论文最重要的三要素, 所以在写作的过程中要注意论点要鲜明、论据要合理和论证要充分。至于结构, 文章通常有三个大的部分, 即开头、主体和结尾, 这三个部分可通过4、5个自然段来完成。由于文章字数要求较多, 且论据不能太单一, 所以雅思大作文很少有三段式。还要注意在写开头的时候, 避免直接照抄题目的信息, 这样不仅不算字数, 考官还会对学生留下不好的第一印象, 认为学生写作能力有限, 自己没能力对内容进行改写。第三步, 写完后花2、3分钟对文章进行检查。看是否使用了正确的语法结构, 拼写有没有错误等等。总之, 如果考生坚持了第一个原则, 起码文章能够顺利完成, 至于文章的好坏, 这条原则是远远不够的, 还需要坚持其它的原则。

2. 套路原则

“套路原则”就是在写作时可借鉴一些写作模式, 但并不是纯粹的死记硬背, 而是活学活用。机械地背诵范文对任何考生而言都无太大意义, 只有理解性的学习范文才会对很多考生有所帮助。有些考生一看到类似的话题, 不管三七二十一就去记忆中提取与之背过相似话题的句子, 甚至照写整篇文章, 结果考下来成绩并不理想, 那是因为考官并不欣赏整篇都是套用别人自己的东西, 而没有自己的想法, 也没能体现出自己的语言表达能力。所以这个时候需要活用, 就是可以借鉴或者由于需要改写一些好的句式或表达, 将模板的东西变成有自己特色的东西。有了模板的一定帮助, 这样比自己去创新想每句话甚至是每个单词节省了一定的时间。

3. 不走寻常路原则

所谓“不走寻常路原则”是指在满足了任务完成度 (达到字数要求且论点、论据和论证合理, 有逻辑性等) , 注意到篇章的连贯与衔接之后, 为了使文章上升一个层次, 在词汇及句子结构方面有一些不寻常的, 但又是闪光点的表达, 因为词汇和句子结构也是大作文的评分标准之一。通常5分或5分以下的作文用词常常不准确, 且语法错误较多。6分作文用词遣句基本准确。而7分及以上的作文用词丰富、句子结构复杂, 可见遣词造句也很重要。不走寻常路, 通常有以下两种方法。

3.1 用词丰富

词汇的多样性使用可以通过两个途径来完成:变化词性和使用同义词替换。比如“仔细考虑”既可以说成是“consider carefully”, 也可以说“careful consideration”。其中“考虑”这个词利用了动词转换成名词的方法。又例如“The fact of his plan surfaced.”其中“surface”这个词, 通常我们把它当成名词来看待, 其实它也可以用成动词, 这个例句就是如此。这就叫词性的多样性。其次, 有些同义词的适当选择也能使文章增色不少。例如, 一写“许多”, 大多数人会毫不思索的用“many”或者“a lot of”, 这两个表达已经普通的不能再普通了, 如果用“a considerable proportion of”或者“the overwhelming majority of”, 这两个表达肯定会使考官眼前一亮。所以, 考生们应该在平时多积累一些好的表达。

3.2 句子结构复杂

一篇好的作文, 不应该完全是短句或者长句。如果通篇是短句, 显得文章太过于简单且单调;如果通篇是长句, 这样不利于读者阅读。所以应该是长短句相结合, 它能使文章更有层次感和灵活性。基本的遣词造句如果加上几个闪光点句型, 这样文章会添色不少, 在雅思大作文写作当中常见的闪光点句型有以下几种。例如, 插入语可以使句子更有跳跃性, 也更地道。试比较As one of the most influential inventions in the 20th century, television is now penetrating into every family.和Television, as one of the most influential inventions in the20th century, is now penetrating into every family.显然, 第二个表达更甚一筹。还可以使用分词, 分词更能体现文章的精练和地道, 既能避免冗长的语言, 又能完美地连接不同的语意。例如, Compared with traditional letters, e-mails will be faster and more convenient.前半句省略了主语e-mails, 因为与后面的主语重复了, 这样显得更精练。另外也可使用从句, 虚拟语气, 倒装句, 强调句等句型, 这些句型如果能够准确使用, 都能成为加分句子。

总而言之, 雅思写作不仅考察学生的逻辑思维能力, 还重视学生的语言实际运用能力, 这种能力不是靠一天两天就能获得的, 需要平时奠定扎实的基础以及不断的训练并掌握一定的写作技巧, 这样才能拿到高分。


[1]吴建业.《雅思写作应试技法》[M].北京:外文出版社, 2008.

图表分析类作文写作技巧点拨 篇8


图表示作文有以下几种形式:①以坐标轴的形式出现的表示数据大小或数量差异或变化的柱状图(bar graph)或出现时间参照的曲线图(line graph);②以圆内扇形大小表示总体与内部结构变化的圆型或饼形图(pie graph);③以表格形式将统计的数据体现出来的统计表(statistical graph);④两图或多图组合的综合图形(compound / complex graph)。








As can be seen from the graph / table / chart ...; As is shown in the graph ...; The graph / table / chart tells / shows the changes in ... between ... and ... / from ... to ...; This is a line graph which describes the general trend of ...; The pie graph represents ...


在叙述数据间的变化及总体趋势特征时,为了使层次清楚,对比鲜明,常采用分类式或对比式表达以支持主题。常用的词汇及句型有:rise, drop, fall, reduce, decrease, increase, while, but, on the contrary, however, in contrast to, compared ... with / to, between ... and ..., from ... to ..., among, less than, more than, as ... as ..., the same as, similar ... to, equal ... to ...; be twice / three times more than ...; be half as ... as ...

The number / figure sharply went up to ... from ... to ...; The percentage of ... stays the same between ...; The figures have reached the peaks / bottom ...; There are a lot of similarities / differences between ... and ...; There are more A in ..., reaching ... %, compared with ... % of B; There are some reasons for that; The reasons are as follows; Here are some reasons which cause ...


常用的词汇及句型有:in a word, in short, to sum up, in all, altogether, generally speaking, in my opinion / view ...

Its clear from the chart that ...; From the graph we can learn / know ...; As is described above, we can draw a conclusion that ...; From the graph / date / results / information above, it can be seen / concluded / shown / estimated ...; There is no doubt that ...; It is clear that ...

所使用的承接词还有:besides, in addition (to), Whats more, moreover ...








1. 增长学识,提高素养,利于择业。

2. 成功的路不止一条。

3. 学费高,就业难。



2. 开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

3. 参考词汇: tuition n. 学费qualities n. 素养







One possible version:

Is It The Only Way Out To Go To College ?

We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. Views vary from person to person.

The majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college. They think it can widen their knowledge and improve their qualities.Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation. Very few students, who make up about ten percent of the students, think it no use going to university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford. Whats more, its rather hard for college graduates to find satisfactory jobs. Thirty percent of the students, however, believe “All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore, it doesnt make any difference whether they go to college or not.

In my opinion, we had better go to college because we can receive a better education at college so as to serve our motherland better.


1. 范文开宗明义,中心突出,就“上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗?”展开论述,最后得出结论“最好上大学接受更好的教育来报效祖国”。

2. 行文上采用了三段论,文字流畅,结构紧凑,短小凝练,体现了作者英语较强的写作基本功。

3. 语言亮点。

英语图表作文 篇9







Students Use of Computers



例文:Students Use of Computers 提纲: 1.上图所示为某校大学生平均每周使用计算机的时间: 1990年(2 hours), 1995年(4 hours), 2002年(14 hours),请



Student Use of Computers

As is clearly shown in the chart, the number of hours students spent on computers increased from two to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995.Especially, the number rose to about 14 hour per week in 2002.There are three factors leading to the change.To begin with, the price of computers is getting much lower than before so that many students can afford it.In addition, it is very convenient for us to study with the help of computers.For example, e-mails enable us to keep in touch with our teachers and friends.Last but not least, with fast development of the modern society, a computer has become a must for many people.To sum up, low price, convenience and wide use contribute to the increase in the use of computers.As for me, student use of computers is a double-edged sword.On the one hand, it is a good helper in searching for information, drawing pictures, etc.One the other hand, various computer games might distract students from their studies.In brief, computers can serve us well if they are used in the right way.参考范文(2)

Student Use of Computers

As is clearly shown in the chart, the average number of hours a student spent on computers increased from two to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995.Especially, the number reached approximately 14 hour per week in 2002.Why are there such great changes during these days?

There are three factors leading to this phenomenon.Firstly, because of the sharp decline in the price of computers, most college students can afford one.Secondly, the Internet provides access to various kinds of information students are interested in.Finally, playing computer games or surfing online is relaxing.To sum up, low price, easy access to information and wide use make students use computers a lot.As for me, computers do bring convenience to students;however, it is no good fro students to spend too much time chatting online or playing computer games.In brief, in spite of the problems concerning the use of computers, we can’t deny that computers are of more merits than defects.Sample

1Financial Sources of College Students

From the table, we can see clearly that Chinese college students and their American peers rely on different financial sources for their life and study.About 90% of Chinese students get money from their parents.In contrast, only 45% of American students resort to this way.About 40% of American students depend on part-time jobs for income, but only 5% of Chinese students do so.Scholarship is the financial source for 15% of American students, whereas only for 5% of Chinese students.There are several reasons leading to this difference.On the one hand, independence is greatly honored in American society, and students would be proud to depend on themselves.Besides, they have a more flexible schedule so they can have more time to do part-time jobs.On the other hand, some Chinese students take their parents’ financial support for granted.Similarly, parents believe it’s their duty to finance their children’s education

I think with the reform in college education, this tendency in China may be changed.The widespread adoption of credit-system will give Chinese students more time and flexibility to pursue part-time jobs and get more independence from their parents.Also, with the passage of time, both the students’ and the parents’ ideas will change greatly.Thus, more and more Chinese college students are sure to rely on themselves rather

than on their parents for finance.Sample

2Financial Sources of College Students

According to the table, the number of Chinese students who get money from their parents doubles that of American ones, 45% and 90% respectively.But the percentage of American students who depend on part-time jobs is much larger than that of Chinese ones.It can also be seen clearly that scholarship is the financial source for 15% of American students, while only for 5% of Chinese students.Several factors can account for the above difference.For one thing, independence is highly honored in American society and students take great pride in self-reliance.For another, American students have a more flexible schedule so they can have more time to do part-time jobs.Another contributing factor is that both Chinese students and their parents take parents’ financial support for granted.The tendency for Chinese college students to rely on their parents for finance may be changed.The widespread adoption of credit-system will give Chinese students more time and flexibility to pursue part-time jobs and get more independence from their parents.What’s more, great changes may take place not only in the students’ ideas but also in their parents’, which, in turn, will lead Chinese students to regard it as a pride to be self-reliant.如何用英语描述图表


图表类型:table(表格)、chart(图表)、diagram(图标)、graph(多指曲线图)、column chart(柱状图)、pie graph(饼图)、tree diagram(树形图)、饼图:pie chart、直方图或柱形图:bar chart/histogram、趋势曲线图:line

chart/curve diagram、表格图:table、流程图或过程图:flow chart/sequence diagram、程序图:processing/procedures diagram


1、描述:show、describe、illustrate、can be seen from、clear、apparent、reveal、represent2、内容:figure、statistic、number、percentage、proportion


The table/chart diagram/graph shows(that)

According to the table/chart diagram/graph

As(is)shown in the table/chart diagram/graph

As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,figures/statistics shows(that)……

It can be seen from the figures/statistics

We can see from the figures/statistics

It is clear from the figures/statistics

It is apparent from the figures/statistics

table/chart/diagram/graph figures(that)……

table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates



rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的sharp/sharply 锐利的,明显的,急剧的gradual/gradually 渐进的,逐渐的slight/slightly 稍微的、略微地

stable/stably 稳定的2、其它在描述中的常用到的词

significant changes 图中一些较大变化

noticeable trend 明显趋势

during the same period 在同一时期

in terms of/in respect of/regarding 在……方面

in contrast 相反,大不相同

government policy 政府政策

market forces 市场力量


1.the table shows the changes in the number of……over the period



2.the bar chart illustrates that……


3.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that……


4.as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in……从图中可以看出,……发生了巨大变化。
