科技雅思话题作文 篇1
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出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别
母题1:People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individuals and society as a whole? (050226, 070331)
母题2:Many employees may work at home with the modern technology. Some people claim that it can benefit only the workers, not the employers. Do you agree or disagree? (050716, 091212)
1: Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (080110)
母题2:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? (060114)
科技雅思话题作文 篇2
作为关注科技热点新闻的媒体应该注意人们的实际生活, 从最日常的生活入手, 在满足人民群众实际需求的同时贴近科学, 要在人们的日常生活中发掘一些与人们联系颇多的热点科技话题, 并从各类与读者生活息息相关的新闻事件中寻找科技话题。毕竟在实际的生活中还是有很多事情会涵盖一些社会热点问题, 而在这其中科技热点问题又是非常重要并且深得关注的。实际上, 热点话题就是科技新闻的“富矿”。围绕着人们密切关注的新闻才会使得科技的选题始终保持新颖性;同时人们也才会更加关注这些报道。
和平时所说的新闻不同的是, 科技新闻注重于科学领域最新发生的事情的报道。而所说的最新发生的事情往往是指当前科学技术领域研究出的一些新成果以及新理论指导下的一些新应用, 同时还可以是国家对于科学技术方面颁发的一些新的法规条例政策等, 或者是即将召开的一些大型的学术活动。这些事情经过如实的报道才能成为所谓的科技新闻。
科技新闻的种类繁多, 我们最常接触到的就是科技评论专刊、科学技术消息通知, 以及一些著名科技人物的专门介绍等。
科技新闻属于新闻范畴, 所以对于科技新闻来说新闻性也是必不可少的, 新闻的内容要最新的, 时间上来说是最接近现在时刻的。
科技新闻与一般新闻不同的是它涉及科学技术, 所以科技新闻必须具有科学性, 它所报道的内容必须是真实而且科学的, 还有更重要的一点就是在报道新闻的同时向广大人民群众宣传科学知识。科学性使科技新闻区别于其他新闻文体。
科学新闻具有通俗易懂的特点, 这就要求科技新闻既要包含专业知识又要使用一定的比喻等来解释说明所写内容, 也可以添加背景资料方便读者对科技文章的阅读和理解。
热点, 是公众的热切关注之点, 是公众议论的集中之点;热点话题, 是公众关心的话题, 是诸多矛盾的结合点;热点话题新闻即新闻传媒围绕新近发生的社会热点所展开的有一定力度、深度和持续性、有相当范围影响的报道。
在现实生活中, 热点话题涉及政治、经济、文化、科技、教育等诸多领域。热点话题是新闻舆论引导的难点, 也是新闻工作者的重点。因此, 新闻工作者有必要认真研究和探讨热点新闻引导的原则。
新闻媒体对于引领正确的社会舆论热点方向具有重要的作用, 同时还担负着通过正确的舆论引导并教育人们的职责。这就需要新闻媒体做到以下两点:第一, 对于重大的热点问题要积极发表正确的言论。第二, 发表言论的同时还要时刻关注社会动态以及人民群众的反应和看法, 对于他们不能理解的一些问题积极做出合理恰当的解释。
(一) 在话题性新闻中搜寻与科技相关的热点话题
选择人们关注度高并且具有实际探讨意义的、与科技相关的热点话题, 这是写好一组科技报道的前提。在新闻报道中, 话题性质的科技新闻并不是最多的, 但是同样少不了新闻性这一特点。
写好科技新闻, 首先要挑选人们最关注的与科技相关的新闻话题, 并能够从这个话题中找到具有意义的讨论点;然后就要针对选定的话题进行多角度分析找到最适合切入主题的点。
新闻报道的形式有很多, 话题性的科技栏目也是其中一种。科技栏目比较重要的一个问题就是如何找准话题切入点, 以便对话题进行更深入的讨论。因为它蕴含着“富矿”新闻资源, 好好利用, 便可收获果实。
2013年初, 反转基因运动标志性人物马克·林纳斯转变态度, 为反对转基因的行为道歉。笔者负责的《科技日报》《关注转基因》系列报道就从“马克·林纳斯为什么改变了态度?”为切入点, 通过《转基因和传统杂交是否“同根生”?》《转基因和有机农业哪个更“务实”?》《转基因食品安全究竟有无定论?》《中国转基因食品标识严在哪里?》《转基因发展不应徘徊》等六篇文章, 详细报道了马克·林纳斯道歉的原因、转基因技术与杂交技术的差异、转基因和有机农业的差异、转基因的安全性、转基因食品的标识以及为何要发展转基因技术等转基因热点话题。
《科技日报》作为新闻媒介, 所承载的社会责任是两方面的。它是富有科技特点的一种综合性质的报纸, 随时报道党和国家最前沿的科技领域的成果, 它的办报理念简短但有力:读者为本, 科技为源。它报道的目的是为了能更好地利用科技改变我们的生活。一方面, 它是党的“喉舌”, 需及时将党的指针政策法规向人们表达清楚;另一方面, 它也要时刻关注人民群众的想法, 反映读者心声。
《关注转基因》这种话题性系列报道, 是在科学家和读者之间建立比较直接的联系, 可以让两者之间有互相倾听的机会, 同时也可以让相关方面负责人聆听专家的意见。坚持公正的舆论导向, 对所选话题从多角度做分析, 以便更好地引导和教育读者。
(二) 话题性科技新闻要体现科学精神
新闻性比较强的热点科技话题往往会有很多人关注并发表意见, 在这其中就会出现很多不同的观点, “转基因”这个话题便是如此。报道是一种带有主观性的对客观存在的认识, 很多编辑虽然在努力地使报道能够准确真实地反映客观问题, 但是想抛开主观性还是不容易的。
在现实中的记者、编辑和读者, 由于他们的教育程度不同, 出发点不同, 所代表的利益阶层不同, 甚至生活环境的不同, 都使得他们对于转基因问题的看法不一样。具有科学性的认识论是这样表述的, 对于一个问题如果只说一个答案, 它是很难断定对错的, 如果对于同一问题有多种答案的同时进行比较就可能得到最接近正确的那个答案。这就需要不断地积累、学习和多维度采访。
为了使该系列报道更接近真理, 笔者先后采访了中国工程院院士陈君石、国务院发展研究中心农村经济研究部部长徐小青、中国农业科学院生物技术研究所所长林敏、联合国世界粮食计划署驻华代表黄安生、中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所副所长朱祯、北京市农林科学院副研究员黄丛林等多位研究转基因和生物技术的权威专家、学者和科技人员。
对话题性科技新闻的报道者来说, 体现科学精神, 还要在坚持对的舆论方向的条件下, 拓宽视野, 使人们比较关注的一些热点问题, 都能在报纸上看到科学、公正的报道, 都能受到正确的舆论引导, 发挥媒体应当承担的社会职责和应当具有的舆论影响力, 科技媒体需敢于和善于触碰那些被认为重大的乃至敏感的科技话题。
(三) 审时度势, 热点科技新闻要扬长避短
媒体间的不断竞争促使新闻报道的形式越来越广泛, 敏感话题的报道就是新增报道形式之一。不仅仅形式上发生了改变, 内容上也对各媒体的传统想法有了影响, 甚至影响了人们对于新闻潜在价值的估计, 而这些变化却是使人们更加关注新闻媒体的一种方式。
《科技日报》在科技话题报道上, 做了很多有益的尝试。这些话题有轻松的, 也有严肃的;有现象性的, 也有事件性的。写好话题性科技新闻, 关系到科技媒体在受众中的认可度、参与度以及话题自身价值、影响等问题。
社会生活的不断进步促使着人们的思想观念、行为、认知等方面的变化, 而在此过程中人们的一些想法表现出来的时候就会有多种说法。
就拿转基因问题来说, 很多关于转基因利弊的说法都只是读者的一些想法, 而记者和报纸的编辑由于经常面对这些说法就会形成和读者类似的想法。《关注转基因》最初的设立也是由于这个问题。在这个科技专栏开办之初便鼓励读者积极参与。
科技媒体往往给人严肃的印象, 生活方式的变化使得人们越来越希望对于科学技术的理解有比较容易并且轻松的方式。科技媒体和读者之间希望能有更贴近的了解。热点科技话题就成了两者沟通的桥梁。比如转基因、科技改变生活等话题, 就拉近了科技媒体与读者之间的距离。
巧妙地把这些热点科技话题表现出来, 有助于引起社会关注, 形成读者对报纸的认同感。科技话题需要就事论事, 不拖沓, 旨在推进一些问题的解决。《科技日报》借助多方力量集中探讨转基因问题, 会在一定程度上推动对转基因的认识和解决, 使《关注转基因》专栏可以发挥更大的作用, 这是非常有意义的。
科技媒体在长期的发展中形成的独特的权威性、指导性、号召力及认可度等, 都是其他的新闻媒体不具有的。建立此优势之上的热点科技新闻报道, 自然要扬其所长, 紧紧把栏目话题的选择着眼于科技媒体的实际长处, 比如是非道德等方面, 发挥正面积极作用。
在各式各样的科技报道中, 读者“点击率”是重要的衡量标准。各种科技新闻在成为人们的热点话题的同时, 还潜移默化地影响着人们的思维和行为。
雅思口语新话题卡解析 篇3
Describe a car or vehicle you would like to
have in the future. You should say:
•which you will choose
•what it will look like
•how much it will cost and explain why
you’d like to buy it.
Which will you choose? 你会选择什么代步工具?
要买代步工具的话,你会选择哪一种?针对这个问题,大家最容易想到、也最方便说的就是汽车了。考生可以从汽车的品牌说起,比如Alfa Romeo (阿尔法·罗密欧)、Aston Martin (阿斯顿·马丁)、Rolls-Royce (劳斯莱斯)等。这些牌子大家再熟悉不过了,可顺手拈来。然后再从性能等方面给出理由即可。
In the future I would like to have a BMW. I think BMW makes the slickest car on the road. First, I would choose a car rather than a motorbike or truck because cars are a nice mix between maneuverability and versatility. A big rig like a truck wastes a lot of gas. A motorcycle can get good mileage, but does not work well in snowstorms. (以后我要买一辆宝马汽车。我觉得宝马能制造出道路上最酷的汽车。首先,我选汽车而不是摩托车或卡车,是因为汽车是操控性和功能性的完美结合。像卡车那样的大型车太费油。摩托车省油,但是遇上暴风雪的天气就没法开了。)
slickest = coolest 最酷的
例句:That is a really slick boat. Where did you buy it? 这艘船真酷,你在哪儿买的?
nice mix = good combination 很好的结合
例句:Internet café is a nice mix between work and fun. 网吧是一个将工作和娱乐很好地结合在一起的地方。
mileage = fuel efficiency 油耗
例句:This car gets really poor mileage.
What will it look like? 这辆车会是什么样子呢?
针对这一点,大家可以选择的素材其实很多,无论是motorcycle (摩托车)、taxi (出租车)、coach (旅游大巴)、lorry (货车)、jeep (吉普车)还是van (厢式货车)都可以。请看下面的例文:
I would want to buy a red, mid-sized BMW. I would pick red because it is a color that stands out in a crowd. I would keep it washed and spruced-up all the time so that it would turn the girls’ heads. It is difficult to wow someone with your car if the inside looks like a pigsty. (我想要买一辆红色的中等大小的宝马车。我要选择红色的,因为红色很醒目。我会让它保持清洁干净,这样就可以引起所有女孩子的注意了。如果车里像个猪圈一样,就很难给人留下深刻的印象。)
stand out in a crowd = be noticeable
例句:The tall man really stood out in the crowd.
spruced-up = clean, looking nice 干净的,清洁的
例句:I always keep my room spruced-up.
turn people’s heads = capture people’s attention
例句:The fancy watch turned everyone’s heads.
wow = impress 给……留下深刻的印象
例句:Tom wowed his boss with his presentation. Tom的演讲让他的老板留下了深刻的印象。
pigsty = 猪圈,猪窝
例句:Wow, did you see Rob’s house? It was a pigsty! 喔,你看到Rob的房子了吗?简直是个猪窝!
How much will it cost? 这辆车会花费多少钱?
在这辆车上花多少钱取决于每个人的预算。有些人是汽车迷,买了车之后还会花费很多钱去改装,变成改装车(hot rod);有些人不会在汽车上花费太多,认为这仅仅是个交通工具(transportation tool)。
The car will cost a pretty penny. BMWs are not a poor man’s car. Most people who drive them are really loaded. In light of this, it will probably take some time before I can shell out the money to buy one. (这车会很贵。宝马不是便宜车。很多开宝马的人都很富有。考虑到这一点,要花钱买辆宝马车的话,我还得等一段时间呢。)
pretty penny = expensive〈口〉一大笔钱
例句:Buying a new house costs a pretty penny; it’s expensive.
poor man’s = inexpensive 便宜的,穷人的
例句:It’s a poor man’s beer, but it is my favorite beer. 这是穷人啤酒,但却是我的最爱。
loaded = wealthy 有钱的,富有的
例句:Kim is loaded; she is very rich.
in light of = acknowledging… 考虑到……
例句:In light of gas prices, I suggest we walk.
shell out = spend 花费
例句:I don’t want to shell out 10 dollars for a hamburger.
Explain why you’d like to buy it.
有些人买车是为了方便(convenience),有些人买车是为了配合自己现在的职位(position)或地位(status),多数是用作商业目的(business purpose)。当然,不排除一部分人买车纯粹是为了炫耀一番(show off)。
I would like to buy a BMW because a good car is a mark of pride in China. Not all cars are the same. I really like cars and tend to dote on them. I love the feeling of driving on the open road. I like driving with the pedal to the metal, going as fast as the car will go. I love to go joy riding at night without the lights. It is a heart-stopping experience. I guess I really want the car as a trophy to show off to my coworkers. If I owned a BMW I would be the envy of the whole office. (我要买宝马车是因为在中国,一辆好车是身份的象征。并不是所有车都是一样的。我真的非常喜欢车,愿意把热情倾注在车上面。我喜欢在大路上开车的感觉。我还喜欢把油门踩到最大,全速前进,能开多快就开多快。我喜欢在漆黑的晚上开车去兜风。那是非常刺激的感觉。我想我还希望把这辆车当做战利品去向同事们炫耀。如果能拥有一辆宝马汽车的话,我会是全办公室羡慕的对象。)
mark of pride = an important symbol or respect
例句:Having a good watch is a mark of pride in some European countries.
dote on… = give all attention to…
例句:Kyle loves his children—he is always doting on them and spoiling them.
pedal to the metal = go as fast as possible
例句:Sue puts the petal to the metal when she drives long distances.
joy ride = tool around 开车兜风
例句:Shall we go for a joy ride?
heart-stopping = thrilling, very frightening
例句:Watching the boy fall off the cliff was a heart-stopping experience.
envy of the whole… = the entire…would be envious
例句:He’s the envy of the whole street.
雅思作文话题及分析:多元文化 篇4
On the one hand, countries that have multicultural communities have some similar problems. Firstly, it is common that discrimination would have been the main issue. Some groups of people feel that their races are the most superior one; therefore they would underestimate certain kinds of races. Secondly, there is always a debate about religious activities, as some groups might have extreme faith in their religions and would annoyed other believes. One of the classic examples would be about the debate of religion in Israel between the Jewish and the Palestinian, which have caused so many casualties.
Despite of all the drawbacks, multiculturalisms will bring many advantages for the government and the people, if they are well managed. Multicultural societies makes the city become alive and fascinating, as some sides of city shown Asiatic cultures, while on the other side it show Western civilizations. This situation makes the city become unique, and would attract tourists from many parts of the world. As a result, it will boost the tourism industry, create a lot of employments and generate income tax for the governments. There are many multicultural cities that are well known, such as Sydney, Toronto and Singapore and they are considered as advanced cities, due to the proper management of its local government.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that multicultural environment has its own advantages and disadvantages. In my point of view, I do believe that multicultural societies have more benefits than its drawbacks, if they are managed properly by the government.
主体段2: 5句。论述了多元文化的benefits。组成上:主题句+观点1+观点2+观点3+例子。
It is not uncommon in the new era that people with different nationalities and cultural background mingle together, as the globalization of economy and culture continue to become mainstream. This is an inevitable trend and I deem that it should be embraced with more optimism.
The interaction between citizens of diverse cultural backgrounds is likely to add more spice to the modern life. People coming from various countries lead quite distinct lifestyles due to different living habits and cultural heritage. The diversity of culture can bring continuous feeling of freshness and a novel, exotic experience to those who have no former access to the other cultures. Take New York for example, it is a noted metropolis renowned for its multitude of cultural complex and a bunch of cultural genres, which are the fusion of different ethnic groups’ beliefs and cultural outlooks. The residents in New York can hardly feel bored with the monotonous life because they are more accessible to a cultural melted pot.
Besides, a multicultural society is more tolerant. It is true that the openness of one country is closely related to how diverse the culture is for the reason that mutual understanding and empathy are the foundation of peaceful co-existence. Thus, the dissent is inclined to be set aside in order to gain more consensus and the society will become more open to the less dominant cultures.
As for the dark sides of multicultural trend is rather limited but still worth mentioning. One most conspicuous drawback might be the threat to the local culture, especially when other foreign cultures are too aggressive and dominant. But this problem can still be handled if some precautious measures are carried out.
To conclude, the exchange of different cultures is the unavoidable tendency and both individuals and the society as a
whole can be beneficiaries.
雅思作文:关于多元文化 社会话题
Multi-cultural societies, which are a mixture of different ethnic people, bring more benefitsthan drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
科技雅思话题作文 篇5
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative development?
如今,许多人互相交流的方式因技术而改变。 技术在哪些方面影响了人们的关系类型? 这是一个积极或消极的发展吗?
It is true that new technologies have had an influence on communication between people. Technology has affected relationships in various ways, and in my opinion there are both positive and negative effects.
Technology has had an impact on relationships in business, education and social life. Firstly, telephones and the Internet allow business people in different countries to interact without ever meeting each other. Secondly, services like Skype create new possibilities for relationships between students and teachers. For example, a student can now take video lessons with a teacher in a different city or country. Finally, many people use social networks, like Facebook, to make new friends and find people who share common interests, and they interact through their computers rather than face to face.
On the one hand, these developments can be extremely positive. Cooperation between people in different countries was much more difficult when communication was limited to written letters or telegrams. Nowadays, interactions by email, phone or video are almost as good as face-to-face meetings, and many of us benefit from these interactions, either in work or social contexts. On the other hand, the availability of new communication technologies can also have the result of isolating people and discouraging real interaction. For example, many young
people choose to make friends online rather than mixing with their peers in the real world, and these ‘virtual’ relationships are a poor substitute for real friendships.
In conclusion, technology has certainly revolutionised communication between people, but not all of the outcomes of this revolution have been positive.
为大家带来媒体类类雅思写作话题预测,原题是:Some people think the developments of technology make people’s life more complex, so we should make the life simpler without using technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?一些人认为技术的发展使人们的生活变得更加复杂,所以我们应该不使用技术而让生活更简单。你在何种程度上同意或者不同意这个观点?
The way we live today is significantly different from the way our forefathers lived fifty or sixty years ago. Thanks to modern technology, today we have got just about every amenity we need to live a comfortable life. Some people believe that modern technology has made our lives more complicated. They are of the opinion that we should learn to do away with it. Is that possible? Let’s examine.
Modern technology might have made our lives more complicated, but one has got to admit that it has improved our lives in several other ways. For example, cars and buses have made commuting easier. Electricity has literally brightened our lives. Air conditioning has made summer months tolerable. Cell phones and internet make it possible to stay connected wherever we are. Home appliances are a boon for homemakers. Technology has also considerably improved our productivity.
On the flip side, technology has made our lives complicated too. There is no escaping from the always-on connectivity. Before the advent of cellphones and internet, taking a break was a whole lot easier. People just had to pack their bags and go to the place they like to unwind. Now that cellphone terminals are available in virtually every part of the world, people can never escape from their work or problems. Even when they are on a family vacation, few people can resist the temptation to check their work email. This need to stay constantly connected has only made our lives more stressful. Modern technology has also made us physically inactive and prone to develop several lifestyle diseases.
Does that mean that we should do without modern technology? Well, it is not as easy as it sounds. Technology is addictive. It is not easy to live without the technological innovations we are used to enjoying. Can anybody now think of a world where we don’t have access to electricity or telephone? The truth is that we can’t.
After analyzing the situation it is felt that though modern technology has made our lives more complicated, it is not something that we can do without. What we need to do is to use it responsibly.
Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative development?
翻译:现在许多人互相交流的方式已经因为技术而改变。 科技如何影响人们建立的关系类型? 这是一种积极还是消极的发展?
雅思口语高频话题 篇6
What’s your favorite vegetable and fruit?
词汇:a healthy diet, one apple a day, keep the doctor away
回答:my favourite fruit is apple, which is very popular with people who prefer to have a heathy diet. As the old saying goes, one apple a day, keep the doctor away
How often do you eat fruits?
词汇:a source of vitamins, improve health
回答:I do eat fruit every day, because it is a healthy habit. Fruit is an important sources of vitamins, which can improve my health.
高频口语题目:What’s your favorite color?
I love the color white because it’s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.
I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.
It’s the color of the sea and the sky. It’s also the color of jeans.
So I guess in a sense, it’s a young and free color.
Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.
And it’s the color of China.
The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.
It’s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.
So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.
Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?
Well, yeah.
I’m a kind of person that likes something and doesn’t change.
And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.
I’m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.
I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I’m a 20 years old young man, I’m more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.
What can you learn about a person from the color they like?
I think you can tell about a person’s personality by his or her favorite colors.
For example, if a person loves the color red, he’s very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.
Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?
I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,
because they’re the main colors of the national flag.
The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.
I know that the color white means wedding in the west.
Yet, the it means death in China.
Surprising, huh?
雅思口语话题:Describe a musical event you attended
Describe a musical event you attended
You should say
What kind of musical event it was
When and where you saw it
What you did there
and explain why you liked it
很多同学拿到题目的第一反应就是好难!没参加过Musical Event!其实音乐事件不需要交响,那样高大上,一些接地气的活动比如concert,music festival都是可以的~
Topic——伦敦爱乐乐团 London Philharmonic Orchestra, 伯明翰交响乐团City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra这种, musical event其实还可以是接地气的活动比如concert,music festival 潮一点的可以说草莓音乐节Strawberry Music Festival,山炮一点的也可以说学校里的唱歌比赛 singing competition嘛
展开一个musical event的时候考生往往觉得很难展开,一道一道题看:
What kind of musical event it was,可以使singing competition, live concert, symphony (交响乐)
When and where you saw it,在哪里,什么时候看的
What you did there,比如演唱会上,我跟着喜欢的歌手一起唱,观众一起尖叫
and explain why you liked it,可以用大篇幅展开
如果大家不太会表述musical event本身的内容,可以把内容更多描述这个musical event为什么对你很重要,讲一个故事,也许因为这个表演者是你的偶像,可以说说这个偶像对你的影响;也可以是因为跟你一起看表演的人对你来说有特殊的意义,于是这次musical event变得格外有sentimental value等等
concert/ live performance/ VIP ticket/ melody/ lyrics/die-heart fan/ vocal ability/ atmosphere/ sentimental value
Well I’ve been to various sorts of musical events, like concerts performed by LPO(London Philharmonic Orchestra) , CBSO(City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra) and piano concert conducted by LangLang who is the most renowned pianist in China. But today I’d like to talk about Beyoncé’s live performance, which stands out particularly.
I still vaguely remember that was around a couple of years ago, I was doing my bachelor degree at Shanghai. My bestie offered me a VIP ticket as my birthday gift, allowing me to watch the live show at the first row. I was like totally thrilled, not only coz that’s my first time to see those celebrities so closely, but the show was also performed by Beyoncé. Well actually, I am her die-hard fan, since I can feel her soul and energy lying in her melody and lyrics.
It was raining a little during that night, which was beautiful yet incomplete. The live concert turned out to be a starry affair. The spacious Shanghai Stadium was packed by the passionate music nuts who are obsessed by Beyoncé’s phenomenal live performance. Unlike some of the recording artists, Beyoncé could always ignite the night and her fans through her unique vocal abilities and strong dancing performance. Everyone was singing along with Beyoncé and the enthusiasm was contagious among the crowd, the attendance of the Eminem pushed the concert to the climax. I could still remember my heartbeats in my chest.