


雅思教育类大作文话题总结并解析 篇1

福州朗阁雅思http://fuzhou.longre.com/ 雅思教育类大作文话题总结并解析





母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies.What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions?






1)大学应当教授理论知识(theoretical knowledge)还是实践技能(practical skills)?

2)大学是应当把学生培养成合格的公民(a good social member)还是让他们自己得益(benefit as an individual)?




母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university,while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer.Discuss the two views and give your opinion.翻译:有人认为政府应该决定学生在大学应该学什么科目,但是另外有人认为学生应该被允许自己申请他们喜欢的科目。讨论双方并且给出自己的观点。












母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes(study material post,TV,Internet,etc.)to study at home,but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?



远程教育好处:anybody,anywhere,any time;更少的学费;学习信息更新快。

远程教育缺点:缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction;缺乏教师的moral guidance;因为没有体育课且久坐电脑前,会引发健康问题。








母题:Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole.To what extent do you agree or disagree?







母题:Some school leavers travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university.What are the advantages and disadvantages?


提示:gap year好处就是各种能力的锻炼,例如增加实际操作经验、处理各种突发状况的能力;增长见闻。其缺点就是容易受到社会恶习的影响,误入歧途;尝到了不上学的甜头,不愿意或者是很难再重新适应学生环境。






母题:Some people say that children should obey the rules of their parents and teachers,while other people think children will not be well-prepared for their adult life if they are given too much control.Discuss both views and give your opinion.翻译:有人认为孩子应该遵守老师和家长制定的规矩,但是另外有人认为如果小孩从小被管得太多,长大之后会适应不了成年生活。讨论两方面并且给出自己的观点。





3)同龄人压力(peer pressure)的利弊?




雅思大作文话题解析之健康篇 篇2

托福培训http://toefl.longre.com 雅思大作文话题解析之健康篇

Ø Some people think smoking should be banned in public places.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2011.08.13)

这道题目是比较简单的,可以说是各位考生非常熟悉的话题。但是,在议论文写作中,越简单的题目往往越不好写,因为考生恐怕并没有很多话可以将文章有序的展开。其次,在观点的选择上,这里建议考生同意。虽然雅思大作文的观点,考生同意或者不同意都可以,但是如果写不同意的话,难度较大,恐怕论证起来考生会感到比较吃力。最后,这个题目有两个重点:除了smoking之外,还有public places, 考生不应该只把重点放在吸烟问题上,同时也应该谈论到在公共场所吸烟的问题。


ü 首先,在公共场所吸烟不仅会对吸烟者自己的健康造成伤害,而且还会对别人的健康造成巨大的威胁。吸烟对身体造成的危害不言而喻:目前已有证据证明吸烟会直接导致众多疾病,比如说长时间吸烟会导致肺癌。每年有数以百万的人因为肺癌而死去,其中有一大部分就是因为吸烟所引起的。而且,这个数字还有进一步增长的趋势。其次,吸烟还会导致很多其他与心脏相关的疾病出现,比如说高血压,心脏病,心脑血管疾病等等,这些都会对人们的健康造成巨大的伤害。如果说吸烟是个人选择和自由的话,那还可以理解和接受。但是,在公共场所吸烟,不仅危害到了自己的健康,而且也同时严重的伤害到了别人的健康。很多人非常注重自己的健康,不吸烟,不喝酒,注意饮食,但是因为被动的在公共场所吸烟反而受到了各种各样的伤害。更糟糕的是,有分析显示,二手烟的伤害比一手烟更加严重。当一个人的行为影响到别人的时候,这种行为自然而然就应该被禁止,公共场所吸烟就是如此。

ü 其次,公共场所吸烟会造成很多潜在的安全环境隐患。首先,在一些绿化非常好的城市或森林地带,很多人吸完烟后便直接将烟头乱扔到地上。如果烟头没有完全熄灭,碰到了草或者是树叶,极有可能引起大面积的燃烧。一旦发生火灾,后果是不堪设想的,有可能是大面积的公共设施被破坏和烧毁。在一些极端情况下,甚至可能会出现大面积的人员伤亡。其实,这样的报道在各个媒体上屡见不鲜。在室内公共场所吸烟,尤其是空间比较狭小的地方,如果通风不畅,还有可能导致窒息。在一些加油站附近或者是********场所,吸烟也有可能引起火灾等。


ü 在公共场所吸烟固然不对,但是全面禁止显然并不合理。首先,在一些场所,比如说酒吧,其实顾客来到这些地方消费的主要目的就是消遣,娱乐,吸烟是这种消遣活动的主要内容。如果禁止吸烟的话,那么顾客就不会光顾这些场所,对这个行业造成了巨大的冲击。其次,雅思培训 http://ielts.longre.com

托福培训http://toefl.longre.com 在一些开阔的地方,比如说街道,吸烟并不太可能影响到别人。而且,现在很多国家和城市都设立了公共烟缸,抽烟的人可以把烟扔到垃圾箱里,这样一来,既环保又同时大大的减少了烟头可能造成的安全隐患。


1.Second-hand smoke 二手烟 2.Code of conduct/ethics 行为准则

3.Moral standard and moral values 道德标准和价值观 4.Cause a great deal of harm 引起了巨大的伤害 5.the ever-changing society 不断变化的社会

6.Abide by/obey/comply with laws and regulations 遵纪守法 7.Exclusively 独家,纯粹的

8.A particular field of endeavor 某一领域

9.People are under increasing pressure 人们的压力越来越大 10.In particular/particularly/especially 特别是 11.Lung cancer 癌症

12.Boost public awareness of healthy living 提高公众的健康生活意识 13.Lack of legal awareness 缺乏法律意识

14.Be entirely ignorant of something 对某方面东西不了解,无知 15.Heart diseases 心脏病

16.Inculcate moral values in students 向学生灌输道德价值 17.Set a good example 树立一个良好的榜样

18.Run contrary to what education is intended 与教育最起初的目的相违背 19.Pose a dire threat to society 对社会构成了严重的威胁 20.Commit crimes 犯罪

21.Legal programs aired on TV 电视上播放的法制节目

雅思口语话题思路解析 篇3









雅思教育类大作文话题总结并解析 篇4

In my perfect holiday, the destination of this travel is somewhere near the sea but not the famous scenic spots. The famous scenic spots are always full of visitors, noisy and annoying. I want to go to some places quiet and peaceful, which allows me to admire the miracle of the nature. I don’t have a boyfriend yet, but I would like to come to this place with my lover in the next five or ten years. I think traveling with the one I love will add some unexpected fun to the holiday. The hotel I’m going to stay in must face the ocean, with the view of whole sea through the window.

The plan of this travel is also simple. In the morning, we will stay in bed, seeing the sun rise from the sea level. Then we are going to get out for some fresh air, lying on the beach or swimming in the sea at will. When the sunset comes, walking along the sea is a pretty good choice, where we can talk to each other about the hope of our future. At night, we might drink a little wine in the hotel, watching some soap operas or finishing some work, cozy and pleased.

雅思教育类大作文话题总结并解析 篇5

One of my roommates is from Guangdong. Every evening, he calls his mother and talks about what happens in the school in Cantonese. After two years, I unconsciously learned two or three words, but that is all. I still do not know what he says. There are many books and videos that teach people how to speak Cantonese. I may buy some in the future.

The best place to learn Cantonese is definitely Guangdong or Hongkong. Most people, especially the elders there, still speak this native language. In fact, I believe to truly master a language, you have to go to its origin and immerse into the local culture.

I want to learn this language because I am quite into Hongkong films. They used to be very popular in the 1990s and leave a deep impression on a generation. But so far, all the Hongkong films I have watched are dubbed with mandarin. They are not bad, but I believe something must have missed during the process. So I want to learn this language so that I can experience the original films.


A class/ lecture that left you a deep impression


Describe a class/lecture you ever had before

You should say:

When and where you took it?

What kind of things did you learn?

How was the atmosphere?

And describe your feeling about this class/lecture.


What are the good qualities do you think should a good class has?

雅思写作话题题库总结 篇6


母题:As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? (061028)




母题:Some people think the governments should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individual should decide their own lifestyle. What do you concern about? Discuss both views and give your opinion. (100417)


雅思写作话题之教育类 篇7




母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies.What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions?(050312)



子题例1:Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace.Others think that the true function of university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake.What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?(剑7 test 4;050528;070113)

解题:本题主要讨论的是大学教育的功能和作用,是应该帮助学生就业,还是教授知识本身。前者的理由:当今社会竞争激烈 fierce or intense social competition,大学教授日后工作所需的实用的知识和技能,能帮助学生获得更多工作机会 more job opportunities,有更好的就业前景better job prospects,提高职场中的竞争力等 gain a competitive advantage。后者理由:学习理论知识及不同课程theoretical knowledge & a wide range of curriculums,打下坚实的理论基础 lay a solid theoretical foundation,思维更开阔 broad-minded, have a broader view of life


雅思教育类大作文话题总结并解析 篇8


Since the foundation of the first university in Italy more than a millennium ago, university education has taken the irreplaceable role of conveying knowledge and cultivating talent. It is governments’ responsibility to support the operation and development of universities by providing ample funds. However, there are controversies on how universities raise and allocate funds.

To begin with, to offer financial supports to elite students is the most efficient way to spend the limited budgets from governments. To rank top among peers requires a student to be intellectually involved in study and even sacrifice some leisure time of entertainment. Obviously, academic performance is reliable indicator of one’s study ability and attitude. The financial support enables them to excel in their domain and in turn contribute their intelligence and strength to the long term development. Moreover, the scholarships motivate students to work hard and compete for the rewards, which serves to improve the overall education quality. In general, it is beneficial to generate an encouraging atmosphere on campus.

Secondly, given the huge expenditures, universities need more sources of funds. To guarantee education quality, universities need to build laboratories with cutting-edged equipment and tools, and libraries with numerous books and computers. Moreover, there are other essential campus facilities and activities that cost money, such as sports equipment, music instrument, and student government. To simply rely on governments’ education budgets, universities can hardly cover the daily expenses. All these justify the collection of funds from students’ tuition fees and private organizations’ donation.

To sum up, modern universities need to effectively raise funds from students’ tuition fees and private organization. The limited budgets from governments ought be spent on rewarding elite students.

Government funding for universities should only be provided for top students as scholarships. All other funding should be collected from tuition fees and private organizations. Do you agree or disagree?








雅思作文真题解析及 篇9


On one hand, two outstanding qualities could be learned in universities. The first one is to specialize in a certain field. One of aims of university education is to impart professional knowledge and principles to students. In other words, through learning systematic courses of their majors, students are expected to be proficient in understanding and applying theoretical knowledge, forming the basis of a promising career path in the future. Critical thinking ability is another significant quality. Universities are learning communities where knowledge is not disseminated but also advanced. As member of this community, college students are not information recipients; instead, they are encouraged to challenge and think critically to achieve their potential and skills. A case in the point is that, in a language teaching class, the professor may require those potential teachers to discuss the topic that whether situational teaching methodology (which is commonly deemed as a more effective method of language teaching) is better than rote memorization. It is the critical thinking that assists students in having comprehensive coverage of issues and overcoming obstacles efficiently.


On the flip side, other qualities successful persons have can not be gained in academic institutions, among which the essential one is the higher level of social skill. Generally, there is no relevant curricula set up by universities; in consequence, it is less likely for students to enhance such skill via knowledge learning. What’s more, self-study and independent learning, which serve as the backbone in university campus life, diminish the opportunities for learners to interact with peers and mentors. In addition, kindness, mercy, modesty, integrity and other noble characters are mostly formed by parents’ guidance and role models rather than university education.


In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, higher education cultivates students into specialized talents and develops their critical thinking, enabling them to obtain several but not all qualities that a person needs to become truly successful.



雅思教育类大作文话题总结并解析 篇10


The constant demand for knowledge and intelligence brings the significance of university education. As many students graduating from university will start to climb career ladders, some universities tend to shift their attention from theoretical subjects to practical subjects that can help students find a satisfied job. However, in my mind, this is far from a wise attempt.

Admittedly, it is university’s duty to equip students with necessary practical skills before graduation. Given the fact that the number of applicants usually outnumbers that of vacancies, graduates who lack certain work experiences are obviously at a disadvantage. Therefore, they need possess qualified or even outstanding skills to impress potential employers. Take a student majoring in computing as an instance. It is easy for him to find a well-paid job with IT companies. All these help him adapt to work quickly and make him more competitive in job market.

However, the function of universities should not be reduced to preparing employees for society, but include imparting knowledge and inculcating intelligence, which necessitates teaching of theoretical subjects. Those demanding courses require students to be more intellectually involved and constantly challenge themselves to understand and apply complicated concepts and terminologies. This education background enables them to have better understanding how this world operates and deal with tough problems. In addition, progress, be it huge or small, in any domain needs theoretical basis. People dedicating to theoretical researches are backbones for a nation to maintain vitality and innovation ability.

To sum up, it is unwise for universities to divert too much attention to practical subjects while ignoring the significance of theoretical subjects.

Some people believe theoretical subjects (mathematics, philosophy, economy) should not be taught in universities because they should focus on practical subjects (marketing, computing, programming, accounting). To what extent do you agree of disagree?



