雅思高分小作文写作步骤指导 篇1
可根据官方评分标准描述,有的放矢地选择重点任务突破。从雅思写作的官方评分描述看,每篇作文都将从“Task Achievement” “Coherence and Cohesion” “Lexical Resource” 和“Grammatical Range Accuracy”四方面给出评分,然后再算平均分。这四个方面,后两项完全是一个考生语言综合能力的体现,很难在短期内取得质的突破,当然也决不会因为怯场而语言能力明显下降一个级别。但前两项就和考生的备考及临场发挥有很大联系了,尤其是第一项的“Task Achievement”(任务完成情况)。而在官方评分描述中,5分和6分也有着本质的差别。
Address the requirements of the task
(Academic)presents an overview with information appropriately selected
Presents and adequately highlights key features/ bullet points but details may be irrelevant, inappropriate or inaccurate
Generally addresses the task;the format may be inappropriate in places
(Academic)recounts detail mechanically with no clear overview;there may be no data to support the description
Presents, but inadequately covers, key features/bullet points;there may be a tendency to focus on details
资料来源:教育优选 http:///
组别一:共同点(topic sentence)特点一:(描述+数据)特点二:(描述+数据)
组别二:共同点(topic sentence)特点一:(描述+数据)特点二:(描述+数据)
资料来源:教育优选 http:///
雅思高分小作文写作步骤指导 篇2
雅思学术类写作考试中的Task 1 考察考生解释、说明信息的能力, 这些信息通常体现在图解、表格和插图中。考生必须用自己的话说明这些信息, 不要用注释的形式进行写作。文章字数应该不少于规定的150 字。考生在作文中无需阐述自己的意见、做出假设对所给信息做出结论性的评价。与Task 2 相比, 这一部分的模式化程度更高些。因此, 图表作文的写作可以分为以下四个步骤:
学术类Task 1 的题目说明通常是要求考生向大学老师写一份报告, 并假定该老师没有见过图表材料, 因此, 考生作文即为提供图表数据的唯一来源。考生不能想当然地认为阅卷老师应该知道数据是如何变化的, 而应用相对专业的词汇将这些数据描述清楚。
通常, 题目会设定一个背景, 告诉考生数据的来源、内容或含义。题目往往说明该数据来自某个国家, 这只是出题者为了使数据显得真实、或者更有趣, 但考生完全无需对该国家情况进行描述。
审题后就要对文章进行大概构思, 其一, 分析图表的主要特征, 其二, 弄清写作重点及选用适当的分析方法。分析图表的主要特征是写作的基础内容。考生需要弄清楚图表所要表达的问题、主要规律等等, 对于多个图表的组合题目还需分析各图表间的关系。图表往往有很多数据, 但不是每个数据都需要描述。然后选择分析方法: 分类法、数据比较法、平铺直叙法和显著特征描述法。
在确定了题目要求和写作方向后就可以着手确定文章结构了, 主要包括文章分几段、每段描述哪些数据、各段间的顺序如何安排。图表作文一般可分为引言、正文和结尾三部分。
1. 开好引言段, 把握主题句的准确表达。引言段开头必须是主题句。主题句一般要开门见山、简洁明了地告诉读者你在图表中看到了什么。在引言部分应就图表的基本情况进行描述, 但无需详细说明。一般来说, 引言段中的主题句应告诉读者, 文章引用的信息出自表格还是示意图, 其内容指的是什么等等。此外, 该主题句还应说明图中数字代表什么、所指对象及相应的人和时间。这个句子信息量大, 为读者理解下文做了很好的铺垫。写作命题中可能已经提供合适的主题句。如果是这种情况, 千万不要原封不动地抄下来, 考生应重新组织一下语言, 使之与提供的命题语气稍有区别。
2. 描写图表。在描写图表时, 应着重描写体现图表主要特点或总体变化规律的数据或信息, 忽略无关紧要的变化状况或没有“特色”的数据。此外, 还应该注意使用衔接词和转承短语, 使文章显得紧凑, 逻辑性强。
3. 结尾段。与Task 2 不同, Task 1 末尾不需要加一段“单独”的结论, 因为Task 1 没有要求用一句话做出结论或评论。学术类写作Task 1 中要求考生描述图表, 作文中发表个人见解是不合适的, 反而可能导致扣分。
4. 检查。由于紧张, 考生在考场上常会犯一些写作错误。因此, 考生应尽量留出2 ~ 3 分钟时间对文章进行全面检查。以下问题需要特别注意:
( 1) 拼写错误。频繁和低级的拼写错误会使考生得高分的可能性大打折扣。因此, 考生应认真检查名词单复数、动词过去分词、过去式等形式。还应注意标点符号的使用。
( 2) 不规则书写。该大写的时候不大写, 不该大写的时候反而大写, 或者采用不正规的缩写形式。除此之外, 由于作文部分涉及大量的书写, 考生应尽量工整、清晰的完成答卷, 避免由于辨认不清而导致的扣分现象。
( 3) 语法错误。包括主谓一致、时态一致等问题。这里要提醒考生注意句子成分的完整性, 有些考生片面追求句式复杂多变, 却忽略了句子成分的完整性, 最常见的是长句子中缺少谓语、多谓语或没有连接词。考生应该明确, 高分作文句式多变是建立在准确的基础上的。
( 4) 数字表达不清。图表作文字数往往很多, 考生由于紧张, 在考场上易将数字混淆, 如抄错数字、看串行等。另外, 考生还易混淆一些有关数字的表达法, 如: “A是B的N倍”与“A比B多N倍”。
雅思高分小作文写作步骤指导 篇3
在《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集9》的引言部分,考生可以看到关于雅思小作文(Task 1)的介绍:“Task 1 requirescandidates to look at a diagram or some data(graph,table orchart)and to present the information in their own words,Theyare assessed on their ability to organize,present and possiblycompare data,describe the stages of a process,describe anobject or event,or explain how something works.”由此可见,小作文部分要求考生观察示意图或一些数据(曲线图、表格、图表),并用自己的语言来描述信息。这个部分考查的是考生组织、呈现和比较数据的能力,描述步骤的能力,描述一个物体或事件的能力,或是解释某事是如何运作的能力。
1 Task Achievement(任务完成)
根据雅思考试写作的评分标准,小作文9分(满分)对于任务完成的要求是“fully satisfies au the requirememsof the task;clearly presents a fully developed response”,即“完全满足题目的所有要求;对于题目的回应清晰而完整”。此外,由于7分是现在许多考生申请出国时要求达到的写作成绩,因此有必要再了解一下小作文7分的要求:“covers the requirements of the task;presents aclear overview of main trends,differences or stages;clearlypresents and highlights key features/bullet points but could bemore fully extended”,即“涵盖题目要求;清晰概括主要趋势、差别或阶段;清晰呈现并突出重点信息,但还可以进行更充分的扩展”。要达到这一要求,考生需要在文章开头或结尾提炼出图表中的重要信息,比如对明显特征的概括性描述或比较大小关系后得出的结论等。
2 Coherence and Cohesion(连贯与衔接)
根据雅思考试写作的评分标准,小作文9分对于连贯与衔接的要求是“uses cohesion in such a way that itattracts no attention;skilfully manages paragraphing”,即“不露痕迹地使用衔接手段;分段巧妙”。小作文7分的要求是“logically organizes information and ideas;thereis clear progression throughout;uses a range of cohesivedevices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use”,即“信息和观点组织有逻辑性;文章从头至尾有明显的推进;衔接手段使用合理,虽然可能有些使用不到位或过度”。要达到这个要求,建议考生在文章中注意使用清晰、明确、自然的衔接词(如on the other hand、while、by contrast等)和指示代词(如these、those、that、it、thefigure、thistrend、theformer、thelatter等)。其中,指示代词的使用可以减少描述时可能出现的词汇重复,也使文章的衔接更加自然,考生要学会灵活使用。
3 Lixical Resources(词汇资源)
根据雅思考试写作的评分标准,小作文9分对于词汇资源的要求是“uses a wide range of vocabulary with verynatural and sophisticated control of lexical features;rareminor errors occur only as‘slips’”,即“词汇使用广泛、自然而老到,极少出现的小错误仅仅是‘笔误’”。小作文7分的要求是“uses a sufficient range of vocabularyto allow some flexibility and precision;uses less commonlexical items with some awareness of style and collocation;may produce occasional errors in word choice,spelling and/or word formation”。也就是说,在词汇使用方面,考生要能使用丰富的词汇,还要使用得较为灵活、准确,能使用不太常见的词汇,允许在选词等方面偶尔出错。即便有些考生在拼写、词性改变和不太常用的词汇的使用方面存在些许问题,但是只要文章能够保持基本的正确率,没有影响读者的理解,对于考生的分数也影响不大;但如果由于词汇使用不恰当而导致读者对文章意思产生误解,可能就要被多扣分了。
4 Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法多样与准确)
雅思小作文9分对于语法的要求是“uses a widerange of structures with tull Ilexibility and accuracy;rare minor errors occur only as‘slips’”,即“语法结构的使用广泛、灵活且准确,极少出现的小错误仅仅是‘笔误’”。小作文7分的官方要求是“uses a varietyof complex structures:produces frequent error-freesentences;has good control of grammar and punctuationbut may make a few errors”。在语法方面,很多考生因为使用了较为常见的复杂句和简单句,所以即使出现错误也不会影响考官的理解。而考生要想得到7分,最需要改进的地方是增加句子结构的多样性。建议考生在平时做考前练习时就尽量使用多种句子结构,这样才能在考场上灵活使用从句、分词结构、存在句、形式主语及被动语态,从而使文章在语法上更具有多样性。当然,考生使用这些结构的前提是尽量保证多数语句无误,不要产生歧义。
1 信息选择太过细化
2 单纯描述信息而没有对比
1 看清任务,化繁为简
在雅思小作文的四项评分标准中,最亟须准备的是“任务完成”,因为单词和句型都可以提前储备,而如果“任务完成”不合格,用再丰富的词汇和句型也是徒劳的,分数必定会受到明显的影响。所以考生如果想做到简洁概括、清晰总结,就需要在看懂图表上下功夫。其实每一道小作文的题目下面都会有同样的一句话:“Summarise the information by selecting and reporting themain features,and make comparisons where relevant.”(通过选择和报告要点来总结信息,并在适当的时候进行比较。)这句话提醒考生,在“任务完成”中有三项必要的内容:总括大趋势、描述关键点和作对比。下面以《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集7》第2套练习中的小作文为例来说明考生应如何完成题目任务。
例:The graph below shows the consumption of fishand some different kinds of meat in a European countrybetween 1979 and 2004
2 保证时间和字数,及时修改完善
完整的雅思作文写作步骤介绍 篇4
雅思写作如何写好作文拿高分 篇5
切题属于写好文章的一个关键前提。有的考生抱怨,自己认为文章内容丰富以及语言生动流畅,得分却不高。其实,雅思作文跑题成为了分数偏低的重要因素。因此,审题,不但需要认真的研究题目,同时还要与给出的提示句结合加以分析。需要明确文章要写的内容,相当于文章需要围绕什么主题来写,此保证了整篇文章切题的关键;确定文章要求的主语人称,人称混乱成为了中国学生常犯的一个毛病,但是当审题阶段确定人称成为了避免文章人称 混乱的有效途径
Task:Some people believe that the increasing use of the computers and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
Some educators have warned that the prevalence of mobile phones and the internet has a negative effect on adolescents’ academic ability. I agree with this view.
Firstly, the wide use of “Internet English” is regarded as the culprit of the declining writing skills. One obvious reason is that young adults may make some grammatical mistakes unconsciously because of the frequent use of improper abbreviations and punctuation on mobile devices, and this might pose a threat to their future career where a professional writing ability is required in most companies. Therefore, many linguists have expressed their concerns that the instant messaging and chatting on mobile phones might harm the ability of using formal written English.
Secondly, the poor reading proficiency can be put down to the frequent use of technologies as well. Compared to the older generation, young people today are cluttered with different gadgets, like iPad and iPhone. For instance, with easy access to wifi, they can surf the internet anywhere and anytime to follow the latest information of their idols in another country. However, most social network deliver fragment and useless information, which not only steals time way from solitary reading but also undermine the ability to think independently. In my opinion, this phenomenon should be reversed as soon as possible because reading has a profound effect on a nation’s future.
In conclusion, while these electronic devices make the communication much more convenient, I am in the camp that they might affect young people’s academic performance negatively.
Task:Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Nowadays, there is an assertion that the freedom of citizens should be limited; otherwise it might harm the social laws and justice system, thus making our society unstable. Personally, this view is psychologically right, while it overlooks the importance of fighting against the unfair laws freely.
Firstly, there is no doubt that obeying social rules and laws is the fundamental obligation for all individuals, for the reason that they serve as a key function of ensuring our society running on the right track. Obviously, these regulations define the borders between the right and the wrong, the social ethics and day-to-day conduct standards, all of which can instruct and regulate citizens to act and think in a lawful, polite and safe way. Otherwise, the ignorance of these regulations, or so-called “an absolute freedom”, will trap our society into chaos and even malfunction. For example, if the traffic laws were disrespected, it is expected that all streets and highways will be full of congestions and car crashes caused by wrongdoings in driving like blind over speed or overtaking. Similarly, if the criminal law were absent, then there will be no concern of punishments for committing crimes. Consequently, illegal activities including thefts, robberies, arson, rapes, vandalism and murders will be overwhelming, which will not only place the poverties and lives of the public in the danger, but also destroy today’s civilization in a long term.
However, there is always a justification that people should be allowed to freely question and topple those unfair laws that are the barriers of democracy development. In history, the typical example is the slavery law in America that defined African-Americans as second-class citizens and deprived their rights of public education, health care and vote. If this evil law were just followed, instead of being eradicated through the pursuit of human freedom, we now can predict clearly that current the community of America would be still full of inequity, discrimination, and massive social disorder caused by conflicts between the black and white.
雅思高分小作文写作步骤指导 篇6
Overall, Meadowside village increased in size and has become Meadowside Suburb as it merged together with Fonton. Furthermore, there have been significant changes in infrastructure, housing and facilities over the period given.
In 1962, both Meadowside and Fonton were completely separate with no roads or rail connecting them. While Fonton had a railway line running through it to the north, Meadowside, located to the west of Fonton, only had a small road from the west.
By 1985, there was a considerable growth in the size of Meadowside village and Fonton. The small road in Meadowside village had been converted into a main road and was also extended to the east to connect with Fonton. Meadowside, moreover, had also developed a housing estate in the west, a leisure complex and a supermarket in the south.
雅思写作高分 篇7
第二段:Supportive Argument
第三段:Opposite Argument
雅思写作高分攻略 篇8
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings. How important is it for a country to construct impressive public buildings when houses are want is really required?
Model Answer:
A public building is a building that belongs in some way o the state. The number of public buildings in any town or village will depend on the size of that community and its needs. For example, you will usually find a town hall of some sort, a school and a place of worship at he least. In anger communities there will be a police station, law courts, a library and maybe a theatre funded by he state.
The desire to build impressive buildings is not new. The ancient cities of the Middle East and South America were designed with large public buildings to impress visitors and enemies and give a sense of pride. In modern times, outstanding public buildings still. create a great sense of local and national pride. They are what gives a city its character and they form asocial centre, a place where people like to meet.
However, some people argue that governments have constructed unnecessary, and sometimes ugly, buildings simply to make themselves feel important. I tend to feel that such buildings may be a waste of public money but I am not sure we can claim that they prevent houses from being built, because these governments have often ensured that adequate housing was also available. Houses and public buildings can exist side by side.
The answer lies in finding ape right balance. We want o feel pride in our town, but we also want our citizens to have comfortable homes. It is hard to please everyone.
朗阁雅思培训-雅思写作高分句型 篇9
1.对动词进行强调(dodoesdid + V)
Sitting in front of the screen the eye and physical posture of children.Some people that the overuse of chemicals(e.g.Fertilizers and
We cannot deny that receiving the distance education is drawbacks.3.比较状语可表强调 to develop the children’s ability of learning on their own.to deal with their academic life those who do not have the gap year spent in working or travelling.4.what引导的主从可表强调
is the failure of the government’s policies.5.强调句型可表强调, 所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但必须保证其结构完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语等,但不能是定语或谓语。
should shoulder the responsibility to protect the endangered species.(对主语强调)member.(对主语强调)
the young unemployed would have the opportunity to get jobs again.(对状语强调)(对宾语进行强调)
注:强调句中的时态要根据原句的时态而定。即原句为过去某种时态,则强调句中的be就用过去时;原句为现在的某种时态,强调句中就用be的现在时态。有时还可以用It might be/must have been/can’t be…that等句式。
they spend longer time in travelling.young people.强调句的判断:强调句型可以通过“还原法”来进行判断,若删除强调句型结构后,句子能还原为一个完整的句子,就是强调句。强调句可以看作是用固定的表达-It is/was…that(which, who, whom, where, when)…, 将句子的某个成分(除了谓语)进行重点强调。但是,去掉这个固定的句型部分,句子本身并无任何变化。
倒装共分两类:全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将全部谓语动词都放在主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词,系动词或情态动词放在主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did, 并将其放在主语之前。
1.there be句型(特殊的全部倒装句型)
There be…是一种较为常见的句子结构,通常用于表达“某地有某人或某物”,在使用此句型结构时,应注意下列问题:
There is little opportunity for children to stay at home until the age of 7 because their parents are both working.There are many reasons why we should not slaughter animals for their fur or leather.2)be动词可以是任何时间状态
There have been many government which invest a large sum of money in researching the space.There has been a discussion over whether children should be sent to school at a young age.3)在There be结构中除了运用动词be之外,还可以用seem, appear, happen, exist等。在这种句型中,谓语的单复数形式根据靠近谓语的主语而定。
There seemed to be no permanent solution to the disappearance of minority languages and cultures.2.there here now then放在句首时,句子进行全部倒装。
to realize the seriousness of this problem and take actions immediately.3.方位状语开头时,句子进行全部倒装。
On the internet are provided all kinds of entertainment activities.In books are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages.4.主语与表语互换位置(当主语过长而表语过短时,可以把主语与表语互换位置从而构成全部倒装)Important is that the government raises people’s awareness of the environmental protection.5.伴随状语开头(With或Along with放在句首时,句子应该全部倒装)With globalization have come many problems.B.部分倒装:只将情态动词、助动词或系动词放在主语前
1.only +单词、词组、状语从句位于句首,句子进行部分倒装。
3.neither nor开头,句子进行部分倒装。
The financial incentive is not the only factor in encouraging employees, neither Economic success is not the only factor in achieving happiness, neither is social status.4.so开头,句子进行部分倒装。
雅思写作高分句型讲解 篇10
句型框架:原因 is another by-product of … which poses threat to 主题词; 具体方面1,具体方面2 and 具体方面3 create … which are V+ed ….without…, V+ing …..to …
例句中,which are…的部分是定语从句,Ving…to…是非谓语用法。
Exercise: cyber crime
雅思写作高分句型之4. X(root cause), Y(cause), Z(result)式
Some people believe that global warming is a result of burning fossil fuels, as this causes increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
解析: 这里我们把造成global warming (result)的原因分为burning fossil fuels(root cause)和increased carbon dioxide(cause), 原因和根本原因,然后用适合的句式组织起来,使得逻辑论证层次更丰富。
句型框架: Some people believe that …(result) is a result of … (root cause), as this causes ….(cause).
具体的句式组织还可以是以下五种,R(result), C(cause), RC (root cause):
ü (R) has been directly affected by (RC), as this allows for (C).
ü As a result of (RC) leading to (C), (R) has been possible.
ü (RC), thus allowing for (C), has resulted in (R).
ü (RC) results in (C), which in turn leads to (R).
ü Given (RC), it follows that (C) would mean (R)
雅思写作高分和详解 篇11
第二段:优点:1. 公平:不是每个纳税人都要为博物馆做贡献。2. 补充运营经费。3. 不会威胁其他独立的竞争对手。
第三段:缺点:1. 导致减少参观者,影响文化和知识的传播。2. 剥夺贫穷孩子的受教育机会。
In many countries, museums used to be free for visitors to enter. But recently, admission fee is introduced due to a cut in funding from the government.
There are reasons for such proposal. Firstly, charging admission keeps a museum run healthily because it provides museums some funding for maintenance and expansion. As we generally know, building a museum with special characters and functions costs substantially more money than an ordinary residential building. Operation spending including security, staff salary and enriching the collections also need constant financial support. If all this cost has to come from taxation, that would be unfair to some taxpayers who do not visit museums at all. Also charging admission can compensate publicly funded museums for cuts in subsidy granted by the government and do not drop their service quality and security. Meanwhile this would not threaten other independent competitors which rely on their income from entry fees.
However, some people disagree with charging entry because they are convinced of some adverse impacts on the society. It is true that a museum is a venue about learning and enjoying as well. It is the access to vivid presentation of knowledge and local culture and history, and charging admission would decrease the number of visits, hence undermining the inspiration for knowledge and cultural heritage preservation and transmission. Another concern about charging admission of a museum is that a museum, as an important educational resource, may lose its educational function because some students in a disadvantaged position would be deprived of a museum tour.
In conclusion, although free access to a museum can promote culture and education, it leads to financial pressure on a museum. Accordingly students should be given a preference treatment and this can be effective with the government’s constant funding for student museum visit. Adults should be charged of admission to a museum. A virtual museum can be another promising option for those less well-off because it is much cheaper to build and run, and therefore can be provided free.
雅思写作科技类高分 篇12
Sample answer:
Since the first mobile phone was invented, this technology has already changed our lives. However, while it gains its popularity, a lot of criticism also follow. Personally, I believe that it should not be banned.
We cannot avoid the fact that the mobile phone brings much convenience to our lives. In the old times, if we want to contact with a friend in a distant place, we may write a letter, which will take more than half a month before he gets the letter. But with the help of the mobile phone, we can get the connection with our friends in less than 10 seconds. In addition, the mobile phone is able to achieve many features, such as shopping online, GPS, buying tickets and so on, which not only saves our time and spending, but also brings much more entertainment.
At the same time, mobile phone industry creates great quantity of business opportunities. In the past one decade, mobile phones are sold by hundreds, bu thousand, by million and provides unaccountable jobs in the modern world as well. For example, according to a survey, Samsung has made great contribution to Korean’s GDP. However, the mobile phone also has an effect on our physical and mental health. As we all know, if we insist to play digital games on our phones, we may suffer some eye diseases unless we realise its harmfulness. To make thins worse, nowadays many people would prefer to spend their time with some virtual friends rather than keep their families accompanied in reality.
In conclusion, I consider it has more benefits than drawbacks. If the mobile phone is used at a right place and right time, it still can be put into excellent usefulness.
(287 words)
Task:Some people believe that the increasing use of the computers and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
Some educators have warned that the prevalence of mobile phones and the internet has a negative effect on adolescents’ academic ability. I agree with this view.
Firstly, the wide use of “Internet English” is regarded as the culprit of the declining writing skills. One obvious reason is that young adults may make some grammatical mistakes unconsciously because of the frequent use of improper abbreviations and punctuation on mobile devices, and this might pose a threat to their future career where a professional writing ability is required in most companies. Therefore, many linguists have expressed their concerns that the instant messaging and chatting on mobile phones might harm the ability of using formal written English.
Secondly, the poor reading proficiency can be put down to the frequent use of technologies as well. Compared to the older generation, young people today are cluttered with different gadgets, like iPad and iPhone. For instance, with easy access to wifi, they can surf the internet anywhere and anytime to follow the latest information of their idols in another country. However, most social network deliver fragment and useless information, which not only steals time way from solitary reading but also undermine the ability to think independently. In my opinion, this phenomenon should be reversed as soon as possible because reading has a profound effect on a nation’s future.
In conclusion, while these electronic devices make the communication much more convenient, I am in the camp that they might affect young people’s academic performance negatively.
(248 words)
It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Sample answer:
When it comes to the issue about how to judge the use of technologies on food, some people may argue that it contributes to a wider range of available food with better quality for human beings, but others believe that such advances may bring detriments to people’s health.
On one hand, thanks to the modern technologies, human beings are potent to enjoy a wider range of food than before. In the past, people could only enjoy some specific food in specific seasons, such as watermelon in summer. However, with the development of modern technologies, such as the green house, it is also available for individuals to enjoy watermelon in any season they like. Thus, the range of food has been exactly enlarged a lot due to the technological progress.
On the other hand, some potential risks may also exist with the utilization of technologies. It is acknowledged that scientists are eager to explore the mystery of transgene technologies and have adopted some technologies on food. However, the public may be fearful of such new product and even parade to resist transgene food since they cannot know whether some ingredients, after being altered by scientists, would do harm to their health. Considering the short history of transgene food, it is also understandable that human beings are reluctant to accept this new technology.
From my own perspective, it may be inevitable for human beings to adopt some scientific technologies to improve the range and quality of food, especially with the hybrid rice largely alleviating the famine worldwide. However, the possibility of negative consequences caused by it may not be ignored, either. Governments and scientists should be more responsible for their behavior and more scientific researches should be carried out to guarantee that the side effect of new food should be minimal. After all, what human beings intend through technologies on food is a better life, but not death.
(316 words)
People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. What are the reasons? Are arts as important as science and technology?
The advanced technology and cutting-edge breakthrough of science usher in an age when the obsession with logic and rationality elbow its way to the spotlight of public. However, art or the artists, the relatively sentimental part of human mind, still deserves a place for its irreplaceable importance.
It is apparent that the intrinsic characteristics of human being’s mind make artists an indispensable role of mankind. The essence of arts is its natural outflow of human emotion and their perception to the world from a subjective and self-oriented perspective, which can arouse a mental echo of the thirst for beauty and the probation of the primitive state of mind. Although we have lived in a world beaming with the hustle and bustle brought by technology, we still need musicians to compose the melodious tunes and painters to depict the magnificence of landscape. Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night will not pale compared with the stunning Hubble telescope.
The importance of art cannot be underestimated for the simple reason that its benefits will make a difference to human, albeit the dominance of technology. The pace of modern life has been inevitably accelerated due to the penetration of technological devices such as new media and machines, whose tyranny drains energy and paralyses our sense to the beauty of world. This circumstance is likely to be eased because art can present the aesthetic bliss and therefore reduce the fatigue and tiresome. It seems that the exhaustive soul can be nourished in the company of a light-hearted classic music and a piece of oil painting. We need the soothing comfort of art, as the advancement of our logic is always entwined with the call of our nature.