


作文万能句 篇1


1.In contemporary society, it has become a trend for a host of individuals to.....在当今社会,这已经成为一种趋势许多人去。。

2.Meanwhile, an increasing number of youngsters find it rather difficult/convenient/comfortable/necessary/ beneficial to..与此同时,许多年轻人发现...比...更 难/方便/舒服/必要/有意义

3.Taking a look around, we can notice a great many examples like this.举个例子

4.Apparently, this picture/saying/chart/phenomenon can be naturally associated with the significance of.../the negative influences of.../ close relation between...and....实际上,这个图

5.If people intend to...., it is advisable for them to....如果人们打算做....,他们应该去......6.It is....that(does/do not)enable...to build up adequate knowledge, ability, confidence, experience......能/不能 使.....增加知识/能力/信心/经验/ /对话/表格/现象/可以自然联系到的意义是.../消极影响是..../....和....之间的紧密联系

7.As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the significance of.../ negative impacts of...事实上,大多聪明人意识到。。的意义/负面影响

8.As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great/no necessity for youngsters to enhance/ strengthen our quality by.....作为一个大学生,我深信it的伟大/对青少年的提高没有必要/通过。。。加强我们的质量

9.Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acquaintances to cultivate this awareness/habit

10.If we try our utmost to do so, the future of our life, work and study will be hopeful and promising.11.Do bear in mind:...后加文章主旨



话题:On English Learning 内容要求(提纲): 1.英语很重要;

什么什么很重要 学习英语中的各种困难;





(主题句:现象+意义)In contemporary world, English learning has gained great popularity and it is of great significance for youngsters to learn English well.(调查法描述)Based on a survey, a majority of international organizations or firms acknowledge that they prefer recruiting employees who can speak English fluently.二段

However, English learners may have a variety of difficulties or troubles in learning.(主题句)For instance, a large number of students have difficulty memorizing words.Frequently, it is also difficult for them to understand the rules of grammar.In addition,though some are good at reading or writing, they cannot express themselves freely in oral English.尾段

Then, how to get a good command of(学好)this language? I am convinced that practice makes perfect.Only practice can help one to master the rules of grammar and remember words.And it is also through practice that one can speak and write fluently, and there is no other way.If we try our utmost to practice English every day, the future of our English learning will be promising and hopeful.(180words)


建议大家去了解 上了考虫



作文万能句 篇2


下面是某一已广泛应用的段落式模板:From my point of view, we should make every effort to_________ (立意高) .Measures should be taken to_________.Our government should pass new laws to ensure that________.What’s more, we as middle school students should do everything that we can to study hard and________ (联系主题) .In this way we have good reasons to believe that we’ll have a bright future in store for us.仔细分析该模板, 表明立场→措施建议→政府行为→意识升华→归纳总结, 层次清楚, 话题适用性强, 可用于环保、励志、尊老爱幼、科学发展等话题。笔者选用感恩父母的话题, 套用模板写作如下:From my point of view, we should make every effort to keep in mind some good traditions of our country.Measures should be taken to help share our parents’burden in our daily life.Our government should pass new laws to ensure that in our society, the old love the young and the young respect the old.What’s more, we as middle school students should do everything that we can to study hard, communicate with them often and have a good understanding of their happiness and sorrow.In this way, we have good reasons to believe that we’ll have a bright future in store for us.学生学习了此类模板, 在老师的要求下将模板用于考试作文。但这种模板是“放之四海而皆准”的吗?笔者对近5年江苏高考英语作文分析整理呈现如下:

笔者发现模板并不适用于江苏高考的这种半开放性的写作, 即使能套用也会很牵强附会, 滥竽充数, 说明模板不是万能的, 在严峻的考试面前很苍白无力。


1. 段落式模板是知识的负迁移, 是应试教育的产物。

负迁移通常表现为一种学习阻碍另一种学习的顺利进行以及知识的正确掌握。学生在教师指导下机械、重复使用段落式模板, 逐渐失去了知识积累的意识, 失去了逻辑思维能力, 与重视能力培养、个性发展的素质教育背道而驰, 也违背了高考考查学生语用能力的指导思想。

2. 更新理念, 用好教材, 重视输入和输出。

运用这种段落式模板写出的常常是外强中干的作文。要改变这种状况, 首先要改变教师的教育理念。要改变输出, 首先要重视输入。教师尤其要用好教材, 因为教材是知识的源头活水。牛津版高中英语每个单元由七个板块组成, 其中Reading板块的F部分的话题材料、Project板块B部分探究性学习等都能有效地提升学生语用能力。教师要采取有效教学策略, 用好教材, 而不能对教材内容熟视无睹或草草收兵。

3. 为学生营造历练语言的环境。

教师可以通过互动式教学营造使用高级词汇、复杂句式的语言环境, 训练学生的逻辑思维, 让学生接受知识于无形中。例如学生说:His suggestions helped me a lot.教师可以转述为:His suggestions made a great difference to you.高三学生会接触各类题材的阅读材料, 就各类题材教师可以引导学生讨论不同话题, 这样既延长了学生有意注意的时间, 又提高了效率。更重要的是平时养成良好思维习惯, 高考作文就会信手拈来, 见地深刻。

4. 重视写作的反馈, 有效组织写作教学。

教师可以采取分组学习的方式让学生在小组内对一些立意高的作文进行审题、解意、观点表达的讨论, 激发学生写作的兴趣和动机。教师可以指导学生如何进行批判性阅读, 组织小组内互评, 同时要求学生附上评价表, 评价表的内容有:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性和语言的得体性等。教师批阅作文应尽量详实注明出错原因, 并注重学生订正错误的反馈。学生的错误往往有共性, 对于共性的错误教师可以合成一篇文章, 以开展组内讨论、小组竞赛的方式组织学生订正纠错。

作文万能句 篇3


下面是某一已广泛应用的段落式模板:From my point of view, we should make every effort to (立意高). Measures should be taken to . Our government should pass new laws to ensure that .What’s more, we as middle school students should do everything that we can to study hard and (联系主题). In this way we have good reasons to believe that we’ll have a bright future in store for us.仔细分析该模板,表明立场→措施建议→政府行为→意识升华→归纳总结,层次清楚,话题适用性强,可用于环保、励志、尊老爱幼、科学发展等话题。笔者选用感恩父母的话题,套用模板写作如下:From my point of view, we should make every effort to keep in mind some good traditions of our country. Measures should be taken to help share our parents’burden in our daily life. Our government should pass new laws to ensure that in our society, the old love the young and the young respect the old. What’s more, we as middle school students should do everything that we can to study hard, communicate with them often and have a good understanding of their happiness and sorrow. In this way, we have good reasons to believe that we’ll have a bright future in store for us.学生学习了此类模板,在老师的要求下将模板用于考试作文。但这种模板是“放之四海而皆准”的吗?笔者对近5年江苏高考英语作文分析整理呈现如下:

年份1200912010120111201212013题材1人们使用鼠标的利与弊1英语学习1感恩1如何解决争执1行动胜于空谈形式1提纲式1表格式1图画1表格式1漫画末段1如果过分依赖鼠标…… (请考生结合自身感受,列举两到三点)1对学校英语教学的建议(请考生根据自己的经历与感想,提出两至三点建议)1结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想;举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么1谈谈避免冲突的做法(请考生根据自己的经历或感想,提出至少两种做法)1举例说明两幅图对你的启示笔者发现模板并不适用于江苏高考的这种半开放性的写作,即使能套用也会很牵强附会,滥竽充数,说明模板不是万能的,在严峻的考试面前很苍白无力。




3.为学生营造历练语言的环境。教师可以通过互动式教学营造使用高级词汇、复杂句式的语言环境,训练学生的逻辑思维,让学生接受知识于无形中。例如学生说:His suggestions helped me a lot.教师可以转述为:His suggestions made a great difference to you.高三学生会接触各类题材的阅读材料,就各类题材教师可以引导学生讨论不同话题,这样既延长了学生有意注意的时间,又提高了效率。更重要的是平时养成良好思维习惯,高考作文就会信手拈来,见地深刻。



专升本作文万能句 篇4


Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。

As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)

As society develops, people are attaching much importance to....随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting


As to whether it is worthwhile....., there is a long-running controversial debate.It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。

In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。


Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。

The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。

......plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?“


Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges,现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。

People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。

The controversial issue is often brought into public focus.People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问题的看法湖北专升本网(


When asked..., some people think.....while some prefer...说到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________。

Just as the saying goes: ”so many people, so many minds“.It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.俗话说,”“。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。

To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes.对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的观点。

There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that...万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,____________。

When it comes to..., most people believe that..., but other people regard...as....提到_________问题,很多人认为_________,不过,一些人则认为______是____.When faced with...., quite a few people claim that...., but other people think as...提到_________问题,仅少数人认为________,但另一些人则认为_________。

There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of....There who criticize...argue that...., they believe that...,but people 湖北专升本网(

who favor.., on the other hand, argue that...目前,_______问题争议较大。批判_______的人认为_______,他们认为_______,不过,另一方面,赞同_______的人则认为_________。

Some people are of the opinion that..有些人认为_____________。

Many people claim that...很多人认为_____________。

A majority of 绝大多数

A large number of 很多人

Some people contend that...has proved to bring many advantages(disadvantages)


Those who argue for...say that...economic development of the cities.觉得_____的人认为,______ 城市的经济发展。

Some people advocate that....有些人在坚持认为_________。

They hold that...他们认为_________。

People, who advocate that..., have their sound reasons(grounds)


Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.湖北专升本网(


Those who strongly approve of...have cogent reasons for it.强烈认同_______的人有很多原因。

Many people would claim that...有人会认为___________。

People who support...give some or all of the following reasons.那些支持_________观点的人列出了如下原因:________。

But others hold the view that...但是,另外一些人则认为_______。

观点的用词:Attitude, opinion, 与其搭配的动词以及词组:Take, have, come up with,set forth, put forward等。

But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that..,.不过,另一方面,也有少部分人坚持认为_______________。

But people who are..., on the other hand , maintain that...不过,另一方面,________的人认为__________。

However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.然而,很多人对此有不同的看法。

问题用词:Issue, phenomenon,后接介词, on, over等。

However, some others argue that...然而,另一些人则认为_________。

However, there are also some others who contend that...湖北专升本网(


But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.不过,对于此,另一些人则持完全不同的观点。

Some people examine this issue from another angle.有的人用另一角度来看这一问题。

On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly...另一方面,也有很多反对的人,他们认为_____________。

According to my personality and fondness, I would prefer...rather than...根据我的个性以及兴趣,我选择_______而不会选择__________。

Personally, I side with the latter(former)opinion...就我个人而言,我支持后者(前者)___________。

Personally, I am in favor of the former point of view.就我个人而言,我较同意前一种看法。

To my point of view 我认为

To my mind, the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks(disadvantages, shortcomings)


For my part, I stand on side of the latter opinion that..就我而言,我较赞同后一种观点________________。

As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the 湖北专升本网(

latter view.在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。

After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in favor of the latter view that...经过深思熟虑,我较支持后一种看法,亦即________________________。

If asked to make a decision, I would prefer...如果真的需要作出选择,我宁愿____________。


问题的常用词:question, problem, issue

Recently, the issue of......has been brought into public focus.近来,_______的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。

Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people’s attitude towards some traditional practice.现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改变。

Recently the issue of whether or not...has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.近来,是否_______的问题已经非常明确而且引起了社会的广泛关注。

The issue whether it is good or not to....has aroused a heated discussion all over the country.______的利与弊已在全国范围内引起热烈的讨论。


At present, some people think....while others claim...Both sides have their merits.目前,一些人认为_______而另一些人则认为_______。其实,两种观点都其可取之处。

People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.对于这种极具争议的话题,我们很难作出绝对的回答。

People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。

The controversial issue is often brought into public focus.People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。

When asked..., some people think.....while some prefer...说到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________。

Just as the saying goes: ”so many people, so many minds“.It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.俗话说,”"。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。

To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes.对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的观点。


There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that...万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,____________。

When it comes to..., most people believe that..., but other people regard...as....提到_________问题,很多人认为_________,不过,一些人则认为______是____.When faced with...., quite a few people claim that...., but other people think as...提到_________问题,仅少数人认为________,但另一些人则认为_________。

There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of....There who criticize...argue that...., they believe that...,but people who favor.., on the other hand, argue that...目前,_______问题争议较大。批判_______的人认为_______,他们认为_______,不过,另一方面,赞同_______的人则认为_________。

Some people are of the opinion that..有些人认为_____________。

Many people claim that...很多人认为_____________。

A majority of 绝大多数

A large number of 很多人


Some people contend that...has proved to bring many advantages(disadvantages)


Those who argue for...say that...economic development of the cities.觉得_____的人认为,______ 城市的经济发展。

Some people advocate that....有些人在坚持认为_________。

They hold that...他们认为_________。

People, who advocate that..., have their sound reasons(grounds)


Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.那些从中受益的人对此大家褒奖。

Those who strongly approve of...have cogent reasons for it.强烈认同_______的人有很多原因。

Many people would claim that...有人会认为___________。

People who support...give some or all of the following reasons.那些支持_________观点的人列出了如下原因:________。

But others hold the view that...但是,另外一些人则认为_______。

观点的用词:Attitude, opinion, 与其搭配的动词以及词组:Take, 湖北专升本网(

have, come up with,set forth, put forward等。

But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that..,.不过,另一方面,也有少部分人坚持认为_______________。

But people who are..., on the other hand , maintain that...不过,另一方面,________的人认为__________。

However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.然而,很多人对此有不同的看法。

问题用词:Issue, phenomenon,后接介词, on, over等。

However, some others argue that...然而,另一些人则认为_________。

However, there are also some others who contend that...然而,也有人认为__________。

But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.不过,对于此,另一些人则持完全不同的观点。

Some people examine this issue from another angle.有的人用另一角度来看这一问题。

On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly...另一方面,也有很多反对的人,他们认为_____________。

According to my personality and fondness, I would prefer...湖北专升本网(

rather than...根据我的个性以及兴趣,我选择_______而不会选择__________。

Personally, I side with the latter(former)opinion...就我个人而言,我支持后者(前者)___________。

Personally, I am in favor of the former point of view.就我个人而言,我较同意前一种看法。

To my point of view 我认为

To my mind, the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks(disadvantages, shortcomings)


For my part, I stand on side of the latter opinion that..就我而言,我较赞同后一种观点________________。

As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。

After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in favor of the latter view that...经过深思熟虑,我较支持后一种看法,亦即________________________。

If asked to make a decision, I would prefer...如果真的需要作出选择,我宁愿____________。

1.According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking。



2.The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework。


3.No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet。


4.People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation。

11.There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it。


12.An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement。


12a.A proper part-time job does not occupy students’ too much time.In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study.As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。



14.Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price。


15.Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin.Unfortunately, for most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus。


16.In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse。


17.The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets。


18.It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure。



19.Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place。


20.No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life。


5.An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation。


6.When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study。


7.Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness。


8.Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism。



9.An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city.However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution。


10.Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers。


21.People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer。


22.In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past。



23.In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself。


24.We should spare no effort to beautify our environment。


25.People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities。


26.The information I’ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think。


27.Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation。


28.This is a matter of life and death--a matter no country can afford to ignore。


29.For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons:



30.Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides。


31.This view is now being questioned by more and more people。


32.Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out.The information I’ve collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society。


33.Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet。


34.In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before。



35.Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams。


36.Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem。


37.Bicycle can’t be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort。


38.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society。


39.There is a general discussion these days over education in many colleges and institutes.One of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study。


40.This issue has caused wide public concern。



41.It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself。


42.A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling.Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a person’s education is a most important aspect of his life。


43.As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that education is not complete with graduation, for the following reasons:


44.It is commonly accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate。

人们普遍认为高校是不可能在毕业的时候教会他们的学生所有知识的。45.Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person。


46.It is commonly thought that our society had dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades。



47.Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities。


48.An investigation shows that many older people express a strong desire to continue studying in university or college。


49.For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment after their retirement。


50.For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge.Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn。


51.There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students’ doing a part-time job。



52.By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks。


53.Although people’s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that, shortage of funds is still the one of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books are soaring by the day。


54.Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job will strongly support students to continue to their study life。


55.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that part-time job can produce a far-reaching impact on students and they should be encouraged to take part-time job, which will benefit students and their family, even the society as a whole。



作文万能句 篇5



1: The picture.What is strikingly noticeable is , but it can be easily explained by shown in the picture.The discernable unhealthiness discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the China’s.One the one hand,.On the other hand,.As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us.The situation is rather depressing because , and it is largely owing to.To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend , and those who should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.2、职业道德类模板 1: We can see from the picture that , but.If , he would surely express.There are three reasons to explain why it happens to.Firstly, , which resulted from.Secondly, though ,.Consequently,.Thirdly,.I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon.Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate.Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society.Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely.3、人口增长类模板

1: The picture depicts a scene in which.The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner.Crowds of people are crammed in.Further examination reveals that.Apparently, the picture symbolizes that humans, with such a huge population, may one day suffer from the exhaustion of earth resources.Take for example.Given the fact that , we find that.To make it worse,.If the conflict between population boom and shortage of resources is not properly controlled, we have every reason to hold a pessimistic perspective towards human’s future on Earth.Perhaps eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture, that is,.Accordingly, I strongly recommend that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal contradiction.4、环境保护类模板

1: This is a very interesting piece of cartoon, in thanks to.Hence,.Though being a little exaggerating, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that , and for that matter,.A recent report also supported this view by.On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that.Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm.A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control.5、情感类模板

1: As is shown in the picture above,.Obviously from we can surmise that.It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of.As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature.For instance,.Additionally, we can also hear many stories about.Not to mention those moving cases of.All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a.By , people not only harvest , but also gain that can never be purchased via money.6、人生价值类模板

1: As the old Chinese saying goes,.It echoes with this picture in which.The title of the picture further points out that.The picture is meant to.As far as I am concerned, I think.This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of , where.A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of., for example,.The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from.7、文化交流类模板

1: It is a very eye-catching photo in which.What makes this picture extraordinary is , which clearly indicates.The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of , that is, , and therefore,.China, in particular,.The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by.While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary.is not only featured by , but more importantly, by.I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.对于英语这门学科来说,多背背总是没有坏处的,把每一种句型都牢记于心,就可以让我们在考试中柔韧自如。希望上述的金融学考研英语作文句子集锦可以帮到大家。



凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;

使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;






一、两个教师包到底的,是一批教师配合 的结果。还要深入了解教师的学术背景、资料著述成就、辅导成就等。凯程考研名师云集,李海洋、张鑫教授、方浩教授、卢营教授、孙浩教授等一大批名师在凯程授课。而有的机构只是很普通的老师授课,对知识点把握和命题方向,欠缺火候。



日语万能句翻译 篇6


2. 随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,现今社会的人们似乎没有以前那么注重赚钱的多少,而是把更多的花在了思考怎么样使社会变得更加的和谐/怎么样生活的更有意义。

経済の発展と人々の生活水準の向上に伴い、現在の人々は以前のようにお金の多くさに重んじず、どのように生活を豊かにさせることに注目をさせます。3. 有些人认为×××不好,他们觉得×××会导致。。。这样的结果。但有些人认为×××很好,他们认为×××可以。。。我觉得呢。。。所以我们要正确的看待这个问题,使×××发挥它好的一面,为我们为社会做贡献。



4. 就像一枚硬币有两面一样,世间的任何事物都是有好和不好两面的。×××也不例外。在人们生活水平提高的同时我们也面临着很多问题。×××就是其中受到世界关注的其中一个问题。


5. 为什么这个问题会受到世界的关注呢。////为什么会产生这种现象呢。


6. 产生这个问题的原因有很多。我认为以下几点是最重要的。


7. ×××在社会中起着越来越重要的作用。我们做什么事情都离不开×××

…が社会の中でますます重要な役割を立ちます。私たちは何をやっても…に欠かせないです。8. 第一,×××的增多/减少会影响人们生存的环境,不利于人们健康的生活。第二,不利于经济的可持续发展。最后但并非最不重要的是。。。


9. ×××的发展有很多好处,我认为以下几点是最重要的。第一,第二,第三。什么有利于节约资源啊,节约时间啊,使我们的生活更加的便利啦,促进经济全球化的发展啦 使我们更好的成长啦,更好的认识和了解这个社会啦。。


資源を節約する 時間を節約する 背活をより便利にさせる 経済をグローバル化にさせる 私たちをより成長させる 社会をより深く認識させる

10. 要想解决这个问题,我认为应该做到以下几点。首先,要认真贯彻国家制定的各项法律法规,其次,要从我做起,从小事做起,努力做好自己能够为之做好的每一件事。




11. 我们能做的事情有很多,但是最重要的是。。。


12. 我相信我们只有这样才能共同构建一个美好和谐的社会,才能生活的更加有意义和幸福

作文万能句 篇7

主题句是表达段落主题的句子。它用以概括段落大意, 要求段落中的其他各句都与它紧密相连并围绕它来展开。因此, 要想写好段落, 首先要写好主题句。


主题句在段落中可以在段首, 也可以在段中或者段尾。主题句所处的位置不一样, 所起的作用也不同。主题句通常放在段落的开端, 开门见山地点出主题, 使作者自始至终地紧扣主题, 也使读者一开始能抓住整个段落的主题思想。主题句也可以放在段中起到承上启下的作用, 或者放在段尾起到概括全段的作用。作文是主观题, 而且阅卷教师的时间很短。因而在高考作文中, 建议考生应尽量采用将主题句子放在段落的开头。

(1) 段首法

段首法指的是将主题句子放在段首, 即段落的第一句。有时段落的第一句要充当引句或者背景介绍, 这时主题句由第二、第三句充当。段首法的优点是开门见山、直接点题。写作者利用此方法较容易控制全段的写作, 达到开宗明义的效果。段首法是一种概括中心思想, 后细述、分述的写作方法, 近似于人们所熟悉的演绎法 (From general to specific) 。

例如在“The Difference Between American English and British English”一文中, 作者就英国英语和美国英语的语音、词汇、句法三个方面用三段作比较, 其中每一段都以段落主题句子开头。读者一读完每段的第一句, 就会知道该段的主要内容, 也就容易抓住重点。

(2) 段中法

段中法常用于比较或对比不同的事物。把主题句子放在段中, 其目的是要引出被强调的一方, 这时候的主题句子实际上起着类似分界线的作用, 把侧重点不同的两方分割开来。如:

Californians and New Englanders are both Americans.They speak the same language and abide by the same federal laws (背景介绍) .But they are very different in their ways of life (段落主题句子) .Mobility both physical and psychological, has mad a great impression on the culture of Californians;lack of mobility is the mark of the customs and morality of New Englanders (两者的主要不同) …

(3) 段尾法

段尾法把主题句子放在段落的末尾。写作者首先提供细节或事实, 或通过逐步的分析说理, 引出令人信服的结论。这种方法习惯上称为归纳法 (From specific to general) 。如下段的主题句子就放在段落的最后:

Our students’dining hall is spacious and bright.Its walls are painted a cheerful color.The ceiling is high, and so it is airy here.The floor is clean and tables and chairs are plentiful.Since there are many windows on either side of the hall for serving food, we can quickly get our meal.Food here has rich variety and dishes are delicious.The music from the speaker system is beautiful.No wonder it is an enjoyment to have meal here (段落主题) .


(1) 不会概括要点


A.学生受汉语习惯表达及思维模式的影响, 如在英语写作中仍使用汉语的“意合”模式, 或不熟悉英语的“先归纳后分述”的表达方式, 所以文章松散, 主题不明, 层次不清。

B.学生本身分析要点、归纳要点方面有欠缺, 分不清事物的主次关系, 不会区分整体与部分、主观和客观、现象和本质。因而即使想通过主题句来表达, 主题思想还是没有表达出来, 常把原本应该用作拓展句的句子当成主题句来用。


要学会要点概括, 就应该了解主题句具有高度概括性的特点。学生应该开阔自己的思路, 积极培养自己的逻辑思维能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。在写作中要善于抓住事物的本质特征, 分清事物的主次关系, 善于透过现象看本质。在英语说明文、议论文的写作中, 学会要点概括尤为重要。高度概括了的主题句可以使整个段落内容完整, 条理清晰。

(2) 结构句型呆板

主题句子通常用陈述句, 但这并不意味着用简单的“主—谓—宾”或是“主—系—表”结构。在学习的习作中, 主题句往往过于简单, 因此达不到体现主题意义的完整性、连贯性和具体性的效果。学生应学会写出含有多种修饰成分的、相互连贯的、富有逻辑力量的句子。

要想写好主题句, 首先要明确主题句的特点, 即它表达的是段落的中心思想, 通常位于句首, 适用于说明文或议论文。同时注意在拟定主题句子时要根据标题, 决定从什么方面或什么视角来解析、讨论这个主题。学会概括要点, 学会使用多样化的句型, 使主题句的结构完整、逻辑严密;多学范文, 留心阅读材料中各种文体, 并有针对性地进行模仿, 了解英语作者是如何提炼主题句、如何拓展主题的。


拓展句又称扩展句, 它是段落主题句的延伸和发展, 起着辅助主题句、推展段落中心的作用, 对主题句的中心思想或者举例说明或者详细解释和论证。拓展句应上承主题句, 下启结尾句, 在全段中应占有较大篇幅。拓展句的写作要领包括:

1、拓展句是用来体现段落的主题思想的, 因此不可以含糊其辞、言之无物, 而要清晰、详实;同时, 拓展句要有较强的说明力, 能清楚地表达思想, 绝不可只考虑篇幅、凑够字数了事。为了清楚地表达中心思想, 拓展句必须条理分明, 脉络清晰, 先说什么, 后说什么, 应有个合理的安排。即上一句要为下一句铺平道路, 下一句是上一句的自然延伸, 一步一步地论证或叙述主题。拓展句的写作应受主题句尤其是主题句中心思想的制约。因此, 不同的主题句子体现不同的制约思想。

例如:主题句“My choice of traveling by train is based on the following three reasons.”在一定程度上决定着拓展句的写法:

首先, 拓展句必须写“reasons”, 而且是“three reasons”, 而不是写成“two reasons”或“four reasons”;其次, 这些“reasons”是“my reasons”, 而不是“hisher reasons”;最后, 所有的拓展句还要集中在“by train”上, 而不是其他交通工具。因此, 这一段落可以这样写:

2、注意主题句与拓展句之间的过渡或衔接, 应适当地使用过渡句与转折句, 适当地使用连接词。

作文中缺少必要的连词, 或乱用连词, 不能正确地表达并列关系、因果关系、转折关系、递进关系, 使句子拉沓、令人费解。例如:

●The air in the countryside is fresh, many people like to live there.

第二个单句实际上表达的是第一个的结果, 因此上句应该改为:

“货币万能主义”不万能 篇8






