


王磊超级中考英语词汇句型篇 篇1



1.I can’t stand and accept the people who are cruel and unkind to the creatures.我无法忍受和接受那些对生物残酷和不友好的人。

2.That is the proper and perfect method to master grammar and recite the words.那是一个正确和完美的掌握语法和背诵单词的正确的和完美的方法。

3.Education is not a private and personal incident but a social event.教育不是私人的和个人的小事而是一件社会大事。

4.Can you describe and introduce the Chinese present educational situation to me ?


5.Please explain your detail of plan, or I will complain your general explanation on it.请解释一下您的计划的细节部分,否则我会抱怨您的大体的关于这件事的解释。

6.I suppose you will support my thought about the project now that I am your close colleague and workmate.我认为您将会支持关于这个项目的想法,因为我是您的亲密同事和伙伴。

7.China is a developing country not a developed country ,so development is our main purpose.中国是一个发展中国家而不是一个发达国家,所以发展是我们的主要目的。

8.The road is so narrow that the trucks get through narrowly.这条路是如此的狭窄,以至于卡车勉强通过。

9.If you can communicate with Americans in English ,it proves that you have absolutely mastered the English.如果您能够用英语与美国人交流,这表明您完全掌握了英语。

10.He has collected many sorts of books , he is sorting them according to various kinds.他已经收集了很多种类的书,他正在根据不同种类给他们分类。

11.His project is running successfully ,therefore he has made great progress with the project.他的项目进展得很成功,所以他在这个项目方面已经取得了很大的成功!

12.It is hard for the average intelligent students to attend the composition competition and achieve the victory.对于一般智商的学生参加作文比赛并取得成功是困难的!

13.He can’t influence my decision, although his influence is extremely forcefull and powerful.他不能影响我的决定,即使他的影响力很强大和有力!

14.The factory is producing too many products and giving industrial pollution.工厂正在生产很多产品并且给出很多污染!

15.Please save the electricity in the enormous city since the energy is extremely limited and essential.在大城市里请节约电,因为能量是非常有限和重要的!

16.Don’t disturb others or you will destroy and damage your relations and friendships.不要打扰别人,否则你将会破坏和毁坏您们的关系和友谊!

17.Heavy industry is causing the pollution of air and influencing our daily lives.重工业正在引起空气污染和影响我们的日常生活!

18.His blood pressure is extremely low as he has lost plenty of blood in the accident accidently.他的血压很低,因为他在一次偶然的交通事故中失去很多血!

19.If you desert the grass land ,it will change into the desert immediately.如果您抛弃这块草地,它很快就会变成沙漠!

20.Knowing how to operate the operation on the patient patiently is very important and essential for doctors.知道如何有耐心的给病人做手术对于医生来说是非常重要的!

21.Nothing can prevent and stop him from discovering and exploring the proper method to create the new energy to service the society.没有任何东西可以去阻止他发现和探索一种正确的方法用来创造一种新的能源去服务这个社会。

22.Please use the correct expression to express the impression that the teacher presents to you ,for it is the best value of the teacher’s teaching level.请用正确的表达方式来表达老师给您留下的印象,因为这是对教师教学水平的最好价值(肯定)。

23.Please regard the challenges as your opportunities not difficulties and hardness.请把挑战看作机遇而不应该看做困难!

24.It is extremely convenient to master the English for it can offer us some conveniences.掌握英语是非常方便的,因为他可以给我们提供便捷。

25.If your dream is realistic ,it is absolutely possible that you can really realize it.如果您的梦想是符合实际的,您真正的实现它是完全可能的。

26.It is incorrect for the lawyers to refuse to master the knowledge of the law.对于律师来说,拒绝学习法律知识是不正确的。

27.The days that can be used to study is numbering.被用来学习英语的时间指日可待。

28.Altough his mother is faulty ,he follows what his mother says, for he pleases his mother and doesn’t attempt to make his mother angry.虽然他的妈妈是错误的,但是他还是遵守妈妈所说的,因为他取悦于妈妈,并不想让他妈妈生气。

29.He has raised some money in order to raise several sheep to raise the children that doesn’t much money to make a living.为了供养那些没钱生活的孩子她攒钱养了很多绵羊。

30.She received his flowers yesterday ,while she was not willing to accept them ,for she loves nobody except her cat.昨天他收到一些花,但是她不愿意接受他们,因为他只爱她的猫。

31.I happened to meet the boy that offered me a congratulation, I was too grateful and nervous to say a word at that moment.我偶然遇见一位给我提供祝贺的男孩,我感动和紧张的在当时说不出话来。

32.Though he has earned some money , he can’t afford the high price of the house that he is facing unless his father that is working for the government provides his with the help.虽然他挣了很多钱,但是他不能支付他正在面临的高房价,除非他的正在为政府工作的爸爸给他提供帮助。

33.In life ,it doesn’t matter who you are ,but whether someone appreciates you for what you are ,accept you and loves you unconditionally.在生活中,你是谁并不重要,但是关键是否有人因为您是谁而欣赏您,无条件的接纳您。

34.You don’t have to be great to get started , but you have to get started to be great and lasting.您不要在开始时一致高昂,但是,您必须让高昂的起点持续下去。

35.My mother is satisfied with my present situation of my achievement.我的妈妈对于我目前的成就情况很满意。

36.What pleases me is that you have put your idea into practice.让我开心的是您已经把您的想法付诸于实践了。

37.After having a good rest ,they continued to finish the rest of the task.在短暂的休息之后,他们继续完成工作的剩余部分。

38.There was no point asking his parents for some money to buy a new PSP ,for they had no money to spare.要求他的爸爸给他买一个新的psp没戏,因为他们没有多余的钱来分享。

39.While we are crossing the heavy traffic when the traffic light is red ,the driver is very cross.当交通灯是红灯时我们穿越繁忙的马路时,司机是很生气的。

40.While we are having a trip , we can meet many trips ,but we have to manage to get over them ,or they can be our trips on the way to the successful path.当我们在旅行时,我们会遇到很多障碍,但是我们必须设法的去搞定它,否则他们一定会成为我们通向成功的绊脚石。


1.Your attitude of the health and wealth will influence and affect your style to your


2.Taking care of the patients needs not only the patience but the effort as well.照看病人不仅需要耐心而且需要努力。

3.Before operating the machine ,you must instruct the instructions patiently on your


4.Please treasure and honor the glory that the teacher offers for you.情真爱和珍惜老师给您的荣誉。

5.If you attempt me to trust you ,you ought to keep your promise ,once you make a

promise to me.如果您想让我相信您,您应该坚守诺言,一旦您对我承诺了。

6.The fiction and novel that you provided with me yesterday is well worth


7.The situation of exam frustrated her ,now that she failed to get across it.考试的情景让她沮丧,因为她失败的通过了。

8.He expected his enemy to present him a flower of the silver as his birthday gift.他期望他的敌人赠给他一朵银子做的花给他作为他的生日礼物。

9.There is no doubt I am doubtful for the incidents that you mentioned to me that


10.When she was a volunteer ,she regularly volunteered to provide the patients with

the assist.当她是一名志愿者时,她经常主动地给病人提供帮助。

11.After long running,he was breathless ,therefore he only nodded his head to

indicate :yes.在长跑之后,他气喘吁吁,所以他只能点头表示“是”。

12.She was confused when her close workmate refused to accept her invitation to her

speech conference ,even though he received her invitation.当她亲密的同事拒绝接受她的演讲会议的邀请时,她很沮丧,即使他收到了她的邀请。

13.She regretted that she was absent at her best relation’s party , for this relation is

her friend that she falls in love with all the time


14.When she was refused to attend the music competition she couldn’t control her

emotion and mood.当她被拒绝参加作文比赛时,她无法控制她的心情和心情。

15.When the doctor heals you , you ought to appreciate him and prize him.当医生把您治愈时,您应该感激和加奖他。

16.The customer is used to shopping when the goods are discount and on sale.当物品打折和促销时,顾客习惯于购物。

17.The general manager managed to run the firm by directing clerks’ direction of

doing the incidents directly.总经理设法的通过直接管理员工的做事细节来管理这个公司。

18.The parents shouldn’t directly direct their children’s future educational directions.家长不应该直接的知道孩子的未来教育方向。

19.He considered to convince his father to buy a new psp for him ,but his father

didn’t consider buying it at present because it might destroy and influence his study.他想说服他的爸爸给他买一个新的psp,但是他的爸爸不考虑目前给他买它,因为它可能会破坏和影响他的学习。

20.You can’t imagine that the person can predict the future of a person’s education

and happiness.您无法想象一个人可以预测一个的未来教育和幸福。

21.He secretly stepped into his study for fear that his father punished him because of

his fault that he has just had.他偷偷的走进他的书房,因为她害怕他的爸爸会惩罚他,因为刚刚犯下错误。

22.We are doing the business with the firm that runs and produce plastic material which can bear and stand the high temperature and keep off the fire and has the most grand honor status in the district.我们正在于一家成产一种耐高温、防火、并且在当地有最高荣誉的塑料产品的工厂做生意。

23.His father urgedand forced him to give up the aggressive games ,yet he turned

down his father’s remarks ,as he treated the games as a great source of inspiration to life.他的爸爸强迫和命令他放弃一种格斗游戏,但是他拒绝他的爸爸的命令,24.He was disgusted the disgusting homework that his coach offered for him.他对教练给他的令人呕吐的家庭作业很呕吐。

25.She impressed the impressiontothe attractive manthat appeared on the perform conference.她对表演会上出现的、有魅力的男人的印象留下很深刻的印象。

26.The ancient ancestor came here to avoid the wars which affected their bread and windows.古老的祖先为了逃避影响他们衣食住行的战争而来到这儿。

27.The misleading standpoint aimed at misleading the citizens to lose themselves in controlling their behavior.令人走入歧途的观点的目的是误导市民失去控制自己的行为(能力)。

28.Talking of the happiness and wealth ,I think only the peace of mind counts.谈到幸福和财富,我认为和平的心态最重要。

29.After all ,the first event we ought to do is to seek the support from the authority and the government ,therefore we must drop by the local officeholders.毕竟,我们应该做的第一件事是寻找来自政府和当局的支持,所以我们必须亲自拜访当地的政府领导。

30.The people who are waiting to fill in the application form have formed a long queue ,while no one is willing to jumps the queue.等待填写申请表格的人已经形成了一个长队伍,但是没有一个人愿意插队。

31.I have missed the live NBAprogram, therefore I am so disappointed.我已经错过了一场现场直播的NBA 节目,所以我很失望。

32.The secret is between you and me,I don’t attempt you to break it to others.这个秘密只有您我知道,我不想让您告知别人。

33.Unfortunately on his way to school , his bike was broken therefore he had to walk the bike to the school instead of riding it.不幸的是,在他回家的路上,他的自行车坏了,所以他不得不推着自行车而不是骑着回家。
