


研究生复试自我介绍 篇1









研究生英语复试自我介绍 篇2


Good morning!My dear teachers,my dear professors!Thanks for offering the chance to present myself.I will try my best to answer whatever you my raise and I hope I can make a good performance today.My name is XXX, 23 years old.I was born in a small village of X province, and I am currently a senior student in Shangqiu Normal university.My major is Primary Education.In the past 4years, I spent most of my time on study.I have passed college English Test bang six in December 2011 and acquired basic knowledge of education in theory and practice.I think I have laid a solid foundation for the professional.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you.I am interested in every aspects of education, while most appreciate XX.I think the aspects of the understanding and research, not only~~~but also~~~

My character? I can`t describe it well, but I know I`m optimistic and confident.Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I`m not lonely.I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything.In the spare time, I persist running for half an hour every day to keep healthy.And most of my time, I would like to stay in library.Reading is

研究生复试英语自我介绍 篇3

Good morning/afternoon, my dear professors. I am very glad to behere for your interview. My name is ___, ___ years old. I come from _______, avery beautiful city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in _______universityin July, . And now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to ________University,

Generallyspeaking, I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it nomatter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design veryinteresting, so I learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself, Istayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage.Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparingfor the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather waslike. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded inthe end,

Well, in myspare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is myfavorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on everyThursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know myEnglish is not good enough, I will continue studying。

硕士研究生复试口语自我介绍 篇4






Good afternoon.I am very glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is ***.I’m 22 years old and I come from the Applied Physics College of Hefei University of Technology.我的性格随和,与同学朋友相处融洽,生活态度积极向上,能顺利地走出生活中的困境。我喜欢运动,比如篮球、跑步、足球等等,但是我不喜欢玩游戏,感觉枯燥无味,还浪费时间。我在本科阶段做过学习委员,这让我与同学间交往更多,并且从中学到了很多做人的道理以及与人相处的技巧。当然,最有收获的还是激励了我更加认真地学习。

I have a moderate disposition and I’m easy to get along with.With an optimistic attitude of life, I can manage to get myself out of trouble.I enjoy sports such as basketball, running and football but I’m not addicted to computer games.It’s boring to me and waste my precious time.During my college study I was a comrade in charge of studies and this adds much experience in relating with my classmates and I’ve learn some skills of relating with others.Certainly the most important is that it stimulated me to study very hard.虽然我是应用物理专业,但是我们的课程很多都是电子信息相关的,以至于让我有跨专业读研的基础,在此期间,我慢慢地对电信方面的知识有了兴趣,特别是微波,虽然很多微波知识没学全,但微波的基础知识学了不少。此外,大二期间我们做电子电路课程设计,课题是洗衣机的自动正反转原理,这个课题的设计期间,我感觉到了研究的愉快,当把整个电路图连接起来后,特别有成就感。我认为我有研究的智慧、潜力以及毅力。

Although I major in applied physics, many of my courses are related with electronics and this provides me a good foundation to further my study in electronics.During my study I gradually cultivate interest in the field of telecom especially the concerned knowledge of microwave.Although I’m not that proficient in this field but I’ve mastered some fundamental knowledge.Besides my task in our electronic circuit course design is the automatic positive and reverse rotation principle of the washing machine.During the process I feel really good to link the whole circuit successfully and I’m confident in my potential wisdom and perseverance of study.去年我放弃了保送本校微电子与固体电子学专业的机会,毅然选择考华科电信系的研究生,主要是我确实对通信特别是微波方面感兴趣,我个人的兴趣是微波无线通信、阵列天线等方向,我选择了***老师,***老师的方向我特别感兴趣。我相信如我有幸能在他的带领下做研究,我的能力会更加提高,知识储备更加丰富。

Last year I give up the opportunity to be recommended to be a graduate student in the study of micro-electronics and solid state electronics and I want to further my study in Huazhong University of Science and Technology because I’m really interested in microwave.So I choose Teacher Hu Fei to be my master.I believe I can enhance my capabilityand enrich my knowledge under his guidance.如果有幸成为你们的一员,我计划集中精力投入到相关项目的学习与研究中,我希望我能培养出自己完成课题的能力,我会从中创新,不断深化,以求更加完美的成果。为两年半后的工作打牢基础,更为电信系增添更多的光彩。

If I’m lucky enough to be part of you, I will focus myself on related studies and researches.I hope to finish my task and I will do my best to make

实用研究生复试英文自我介绍 篇5

First let me give a brief self-introduction.I’m XX ,born in XX, XX Province.I am an optimist, easy to adapt, compatible with my friends, and willing to help others.Moreover, I’m also practical,acute observation,willing to innovate and so on,which are crucial to the experimental research work.2.(Introduce your college)

In the year of 2008,I entered Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, majoring in Clinical Pharmacy.Although it is not well know, I still appreciate it, because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities.During those 5 years’ study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities,and I have made rapid and great progress in many areas.I obtained scholarship many timesand gain good comments from teachers and classmates.In a word, I learned a lot in my college life.3.(Introduce your family)

In my family, there are five members, my parents, two sisters, and I.My father is a XX.He works very hard, and he is always fully occupied, so most of the housework is done by my mother, of course, while I am at home, I would help her.Both of my sisters have married.When I make a success, my families are always more excited than me, and support me to do better.Even though I failed, instead of blaming, they always share sorrow with me, and encourage me not to give up.4.(Introduce your reason for preparing the postgraduate exam)

During the past four years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough.In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieve self-value,especially in the competitive modern society.Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education.5.(Why do you choose to study in our department?)

I am deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when connecting to the web site of your department.In addition,studying in this university has been one of my dreams since my middle school age.If I got a chance to study here, I would like to continue to accept professional training, in order to get ready for working in the future.I hope I can achieve my goal this time.6.(About your future plans)

There must be many things to learn if I were enrolled by your department.I will get more experience in practice.And what,s more, I expect to continue my study for doctorate degree, if it is possible.In a word, I am looking forward to making up a solid foundation for future profession which is based on three years of study here.7.(Do you have any hobbies?)

研究生复试的中文自我介绍 篇6






最新硕士研究生复试中文自我介绍 篇7








如果我荣幸地上了研究生,我想我是会这样子的:每天勤勤恳恳,用微笑的表情面对每一个人,面对每一个新生的太阳。在完成学习与实验外,还要用业余时间继续深造西班牙语,并且学习数据库建立,甚至质谱技术。自主创新技术更是被这个时代所呼唤,如果有机会,我想在这方面尝试一下?  子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫。”





我叫赵婉君,您可能会联想起琼瑶小说,字的确就是那两个字,差别就是人没有那么漂亮,呵呵。其实,我的同学更都喜欢称呼我的英文名字,叫June,六月的意思,是君的谐音。(点评: 寥寥数语,让面试官轻松地记住了申请人的名字。)

我来自广东的恩平市,可能您没有去过,是一个很小的县级市,这几年刚刚开发了温泉业,我想将来会有更多的人了解这个小城市。(点评: 提到温泉,面试官对恩平这个陌生的地方一定会产生一点亲切感。)

在2003年我以恩平市全市第一名的成绩考上了中山大学,学的是计算机科学专业。不过,在中大,我没法再像高中一样总是名列前茅了,到目前为止,我的综合学分排名是40%左右。在专业课程方面,我C++的编程能力比较强,一年以前就开始自学Java,在班级里是最早开始学Java的。(点评: 诚实可信地阐述了自己的学习能力。)

我参与过我们老师领导的一个项目,叫做LAN聊天室,我负责开发了其中的及时通信系统的编写。在我们班,老师只挑选了我一个女生参与这个项目,主要是我写程序的效率比较高,态度也非常认真。(点评: 如果你的编程能力不如男生强,至少你要告诉面试官,我比多数女生要强。如果贵公司考虑选择一名女生,那么,选择我吧!)

除了学习和项目实习以外,我在学生会工作了两年,第一年做干事,第二年被提升为秘书长。大家对我的评价是考虑问题很周全,令人放心。(点评: 稳重周全,是做技术支持工程师的一个完美形象。)

在我的求职清单上,IBM是我的首选单位,原因和您面试过的很多同学都一样,出于对大品牌的信赖。毕竟,大品牌公司意味着很多我们需要的东西,比如培训和薪资,能和优秀的高素质的人在一起工作等等。(点评: 对于IBM这种一流的企业,没有必要过多地解释自己为什么想来应聘,点到为止。)

技术支持工程师也刚好是我的首选职位,因为我有技术背景,也有作为女性和和客户沟通的天然优势。还有,我不担心频繁出差,因为我身体素质很好,我已经坚持晨跑两年多了。在IBM专业技术方面,我信赖公司的培训体系和我自己的快速学习能力!希望能有机会加入IBM团队!(点评: 除了强调自己的优点,也告诉面试官,不必把自己当作一个弱女子,而是要当作一个长跑健将!)




再次,我来介绍一下我的毕业之后的工作情况,我大致工作了两年的时间,第一年是在福建迪特工业设计公司,担任工业设计师,主要从事产品设计工作,曾在设计总监的带领下为参加多个设计项目-泉州佳乐集团开发的可视门铃设计和辉煌水暖08年的新产品开发设计.其中为辉煌水暖开发命名为龙的水龙头已投入生产并获得了好评.第二年是在福建文创太阳能有限公司工作,担任设计师,主要的工作为太阳能灯具和音响的产品设计,公司画册的设计;为公司的设计的多款太阳能灯具已投入生产,并受到了客户的好评,在工业设计小组共同努力下设计的太阳能音响已进入了产品的测试阶段, 在公司的期间曾多次到车间深入了解材料工艺 模具加工和产品生产过程, 多次到广交会顺德工业设计博览会了解市场的产品信息。








研究生复试英语口语面试自我介绍 篇8

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given a chance to study at your esteemed university, I will concentrate on my study and make great efforts to master my subjects. This is all for my self-introduction. Thank you.

I always believe that where there is a will,there is a way. If I am give a chance to study in Sichuan university,I will make great efforts to master my subjects. So that is all .Thank you for your attention.

研究生复试自我介绍 篇9

Good evening.It’s my great honor to be here for your interview.My name is XX, i am from xx, a beautiful county of xx.I am 22 years old now, and I will gratuate from the College of Foreign Languages of XX this June.In the past four years, I have spent my precious college life in the XX campus, in which i was intrigued by literature.So, i am here to try my best to get the opportunity to further my study of literature.Well,I am an industrious girl with great persistence.Whenever i start something i will stick to it until the last moment.When i was sophomore, i found french really interesting, so i studied it hard , i put aside some time to practice it everyday.At the end of my junior, i registered for CFT andkeep on preparing for it regardless of the heavy final exam.Fortunately, i did well in the exam and got the certificate of it.What’s more, my study of french make me a detail oriented girl, which i think is necessary for the study of literature.Besides, i have broad hobbies.In my spare time, i like watching films, listening to music and reading, which have broad my horizon.And I really cherish the time i have spent in the library in my campus.I prefer literature works.And my favorite novels are Jane Eyre and Tess of the D’Urvervilles.I found it really interesting that while Jane and Tess have so much in common with each other, such as both of them pursue true love, self-respect and self-reliance, they have the opposite ends of life.Jane have a happy ending, but Tess ends her life with a tragedy.So i did a detailed comparism, and found that these two heroines’ different circumstances such as the different men they meet, their different families and the different perception to the world have the joint influences on their endings.That’s all about me, thank you for your attention.Reasons for taking post-gratuate examination:

There are several reasons accounting for my taking post-gratuate examination.First of all, i love my major.English literature is the symbol of the english culture, it plays a great role in the civilization of England..During the past two years, i was luckily guided by my literature teacher Professor Lin into the fantastic world of literature, in which i have come across with pure Tess, who toughed me so much by her continuous pursuit of true love.I was also obsessed with the hermetic Emily Dickinson, Her “i am nobody, who are you” always provoke my thought to the fame.And there are so many author and characters in the world of literature.I hope that i can have a better understanding of them, so i took the post-gratuate examination.Next, i want to talk about a practical problem.I dream of being a teacher in high school.I want to realize my dream and make myself a qualified teacher.I think the postgraduate study can make enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future career.Finally, it’s because of my families’s expectation.They all agree that i should receive a higher education.Well that are my reasons for taking postgraduate examination.Plans for following three years:

Firstly, if i get the opportunity to further my study, i hope i can have a better
